Home Grape Guiding questions about love. Questions for the guy. Questions regarding correspondence

Guiding questions about love. Questions for the guy. Questions regarding correspondence

New acquaintances are an opportunity to get away from routine! They always bring an element of surprise into our lives. You shouldn’t languish in anticipation or be afraid of doing something wrong. Modesty and isolation are inherently different concepts. Society is accustomed to communicating with unfamiliar people on the Internet. If you like a person, don’t hesitate, write to him first.

Give the guy you like the page a few likes. Psychologists claim that any encouragement acts as a “stroking.”

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Try to find out the topics that interest him in order to inspire trust on his part.

  • I'm having a good day today, how was yours?
  • I’m in a great mood, can you please me with the same answer?
  • What are your plans for tomorrow?
  • Judging by the photos on the page, you love the group (fishing, museum, film). I'm crazy about it too. Shall we exchange impressions?
  • Please send me the track... I don’t want to search on the Internet.
  • I love this time of year, and what emotions does it evoke in you?
  • How do you spend your evenings after work (study)?
  • Are you easily surprised or shocked, does this not require global changes?
  • The mood is terrible! I want new emotions! Do you have such conditions?
  • Would you like to chat with an interesting person?
  • What will you do if aliens suddenly arrive?
  • Have you ever turned friends into enemies, or turned enemies into friends?
  • Do you consider yourself an adult? Will you take custody of me?
  • Have you ever been in deadly situations?
  • If men rule the world, then what do women rule?

Interesting to get a guy interested

List of vulgar questions

About love and relationships

  • Do you want to change something in our relationship?
  • Do you consider me the closest person?
  • If your friends don't like me, will it affect our relationship?
  • Can you sacrifice yourself for me?
  • How do you feel about cheating? Can you forgive this fact?
  • What's the stupidest thing you'll do for me?
  • If we lived in the 19th century, would you defend your girlfriend's honor in a duel?
  • Is our acquaintance the best event in your life?
  • Let me make you fall in love with me?
  • They say I am a passionate person, are you convinced of this?
  • If I get offended and remain silent, will you try to find out the reason?
  • Do you see me as the mother of your children?
  • Don't you see any flaws in me or do you close your eyes to them?
  • Are you worth all my advantages?

On an intimate topic

Tricky ones to understand him better

Questions to get to know him better

  • Is a man required to be able to cook?
  • Which of your actions are you proud of?
  • Did your ancestors perceive you as a problem child or a good boy?
  • Are you afraid of old age, infirmity, loss of male potential?
  • How do you feel about your family?
  • What did you dream about as a child, did your dreams come true?
  • What character traits in girls irritate you?
  • How and with whom do you prefer to spend your free time?
  • Who is the main person in your life?
  • Do you find it easy to get into relationships with girls?
  • What emotions do memories of your ex-passion evoke in you?
  • What action, in your opinion, cannot be understood and forgiven?
  • What can you forgive your loved one?
  • Do self-sufficient women making careers for themselves irritate you?
  • Do you know how to smooth out conflict situations?
  • How much are you willing to spend on a gift for me?
  • Whose fault is it if a woman leaves for someone else?
  • How do you feel about guys who badmouth their exes?

Questions for your boyfriend

  • Do you enjoy talking about love?
  • What are you willing to do for your beloved?
  • How can I prove my love for you?
  • A reason that could push you to end our relationship?
  • How strong are your feelings for me?
  • Can you prove your love to me every day?
  • How do you feel about monogamy? Can you love me throughout your life?
  • If you and I have a fight, who should apologize first?
  • Are you considering me as a potential wife?
  • Do your plans include a large family? How many children would you like to be the father of?
  • A loving person does not have enough life to show his love fully, don’t you agree?
  • We will never become old for each other if we love deeply, don’t you agree?
  • Is it a tragedy when a person stops loving?
  • Is your love for me genuine?
  • Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your loved one?
  • Are you afraid of losing me?
  • Do you consider me your happiness, created only for you?
  • If an opponent comes your way, will you fight for me?

What to ask your ex-boyfriend?

100 more questions for the guy on any topic

  1. What do you want to get from life in a global sense?
  2. How do you feel about pets?
  3. Has the best day of your life already happened?
  4. Do you have a friend for whom you would do anything?
  5. Can you call yourself an altruist, ready for self-sacrifice?
  6. What style of clothing do you prefer?
  7. Do you like to sleep or do you regret wasting your time sleeping?
  8. Are you scared of marriage, family life, new responsibilities?
  9. Will you love your wife when she becomes fat and ugly?
  10. Define the word "vulgarity"?
  11. What, in your understanding, do the words “honor”, ​​“dignity” mean?
  12. Do you like eccentric, proud girls who live by the “I want” principle?
  13. Share your innermost secret with me?
  14. How do you feel about the homeless? Are they themselves to blame for this situation?
  15. Is housework acceptable to you: laundry, ironing, washing floors and dishes?
  16. If we quarrel, who will console you?
  17. Will you give up your beloved for career growth and big money?
  18. What do you prefer: lie on the couch, go to the theater, relax actively?
  19. If you have a child, who will choose his name?
  20. Do you consider yourself to be a “mama’s boy”?
  21. Who is more important to you - father or mother?
  22. What or who can lift your mood if it is terribly spoiled?
  23. What do you like more: spending time with friends, paying attention to your beloved?
  24. What irritates you? Why?
  25. If a person asks for help, how do you react?
  26. Will you accept my complete transformation, or maybe you’ve been dreaming about this for a long time?
  27. Do you practice healthy eating or satisfy your hunger with whatever you have to?
  28. Who should play the leading role in the family?
  29. Can you give in to a person, realizing that he is wrong?
  30. Do you easily express your opinion or do you close yourself off?
  31. Are you jealous of other people's success?
  32. What is a car for you: a luxury or a means of transportation?
  33. Can you celebrate a special occasion without drinking alcohol?
  34. How much and how often do you drink alcohol?
  35. Have you tried drugs?
  36. Can you hit a girl if she provokes you?
  37. What's your worst deed? Is he connected to crime?
  38. Have you set a goal for yourself? What are you doing to realize it?
  39. Do you believe in extrasensory perception, occult sciences, predictions?
  40. Signs have existed since ancient times, but how do you feel about them?
  41. Do you believe in the transmigration of souls? If yes, who were you in a past life?
  42. Are you afraid of pain? Can you cry?
  43. Which country would you choose for permanent residence?
  44. Are you glad you were born in this country?
  45. Do you have a favorite holiday?
  46. Do you prefer noisy crowded companies or quiet home gatherings during the holidays?
  47. What are your favorite film genres?
  48. Is your life strategy a pattern of habits?
  49. Who do you think children should stay with after their parents divorce?
  50. How do your family treat you?
  51. Do you take a leading position among your friends or do you more often agree with their opinions?
  52. Are you inherently narcissistic and narcissistic?
  53. Which famous person do you consider your idol?
  54. How do you feel about the manifestation of narcissism in people?
  55. Have you made decisions that negatively affected your life in the future?
  56. Do you have an addiction that you want to get rid of?
  57. What is your view on the latest political events happening in the world (country)?
  58. If, as in a fairy tale, three wishes are granted, what will you make?
  59. What can you do without much effort for a long time?
  60. Do you often visit nightclubs? Are you completely relaxed in them?
  61. If you had a time machine, what events would you like to witness?
  62. Will you understand a girl if she still has some feelings for her ex-boyfriend?
  63. What steps will you take to make an unforgettable impression on your first date?
  64. How do you feel about virgins? Do they deserve respect or criticism?
  65. Do you consider people with non-traditional sexual orientation as friends?
  66. What lengths are you willing to go to for sexual contact?
  67. Capable of offending someone for no reason?
  68. Can you communicate with your ex-wife's husband without any problems?
  69. Will you fall madly in love with a person at first sight?
  70. How can you prove the seriousness of your intentions to a girl?
  71. What age women attract your interest?
  72. Do you approve of unequal marriages?
  73. Once you get married, will you allow your parents to interfere in your family relationships?
  74. Are you subject to outbursts of jealousy that can lead to physical violence?
  75. How long can you abstain from sexual gratification?
  76. Do you wear underwear or does this item of clothing bother you?
  77. Do you like women who neglect to wear underwear? Do you think that this is how they provoke men?
  78. Are your parents not looking for a good daughter-in-law? Let them rejoice! They found her!
  79. A good kiss is an art! Mastered it? Will you teach me?
  80. Will you love a woman if she has children from a previous marriage? Can you give a piece of love to the kids?
  81. Do you attend church services? Do you believe in a guardian angel?
  82. Do you like to shock others? How do you feel about people whose behavior has become the norm?
  83. Did your parents give you sisters and brothers?
  84. What is your attitude towards the “House 2” project? Do you imagine yourself as a participant in a reality show?
  85. Doesn't serving in the Army scare you? Do you consider it an immediate responsibility, have you chosen an alternative, will you avoid it?
  86. Having problems in your relationship with your parents?
  87. How do the people at work (at school) perceive you?
  88. Will you insist on a strict diet, realizing that the girl is two steps away from anorexia?
  89. You are completely satisfied with your life, didn’t you want to start over?
  90. Do you let women pay for themselves?
  91. Do you have talents that other people lack?
  92. Is registration of a marriage contract an obligatory stage in the relationship between spouses?
  93. Do you easily admit your feelings?
  94. Do you think it’s easier to live without love?
  95. Has there been unrequited love in your life?
  96. Should a deceived lover be respected or despised?
  97. Do you know what to do with a woman in the bedroom?
  98. Do you like to spank girls on the butt?
  99. Are you struggling with circumstances, or are you going with the flow?
  100. Is a woman capable of ruining a man's life?

Don't expect to get 100% truthful answers! But, your good and tricky questions will do the trick. They will help you get to know a guy better when you meet him and understand whether he is worth continuing further communication with.

We continue our series of articles in questions and answers about Love.

If you want to know whether it is worth fighting for your Love, when to understand that the time has come for separation, whether you should be jealous and how to stop being jealous, and also if you are interested in many other wise answers to interesting and philosophical, rhetorical and funny, beautiful and complex questions about Love, then you are welcome to the world of Questions and Answers about Love.

Interesting question about Love: Is it worth fighting for your Love? Or silently leave the battlefield without a fight? Many women, and men too, often make the same mistake - at some point they begin to fight for their love with other women and men, with friends and relatives of their loved one. But what is the meaning of such a struggle for love? Is love a casting of beauty, strength, cunning, dexterity and opportunity? Love is not a podium, and feelings are valuable when they are not for show. Very often, people who fight fiercely for love resemble little children playing a child's game. Remember this game from childhood, when children have to run around chairs in order to be the first to sit on them, and there are always fewer chairs than children, and it is known that someone will lose, and therefore a fight for the chair will inevitably begin between several children? So, fighting for love is as stupid and pointless as playing this children’s game: take a step to the side, take a break from the rules of the game you invented, and sit on any chair you like on the side, near the wall where there are empty ones, There are a great many beautiful, comfortable and unoccupied ones. Stop playing, stop playing childish games, I said. If your beloved man allows you to fight for him, your beloved, then this is too much. A man who truly loves and is worthy of your Love will never allow you to humiliate yourself like that, stooping to the level of fighting for his love with other female competitors for his love. Love does not tolerate competition - it either exists, or, excuse me, it’s time to look around and sit on the neck of a free man standing quietly on the sidelines and dreaming that someone will finally notice and appreciate him. Love is not a casting or a fighting ring.

A difficult question about Love: How to understand that the time has come for Separation? When you no longer want to pamper your loved one, do pleasant things for him, delight him with small unexpected surprises, then it’s time for Separation...

Philosophical question about falling in love and Love: How to understand what kind of feeling this is - Love or infatuation? To understand yourself and understand what you are experiencing - true Love or another crush, take a mini-test and honestly answer two questions “Yes” or “No”.

1 question from the test about Love and being in love. Remember your first acquaintance, your first date. Do you remember what you were wearing when you met? Do you remember what you said when he approached you? Do you remember what you told him about, what jokes you laughed at? Do you remember it very well?

Question 2 from the test about Love and being in love. Do you remember in detail what he was wearing on the first date, during your first acquaintance? Do you remember well what he said and what he laughed at? So, if you remember better the details of what you were wearing, what you did and said, then this is falling in love. And if you remember what he was wearing, what he looked like, what he said and what he did, this is Love. Draw your own conclusions. But the test is 500% accurate.

An interesting and beautiful, philosophical and rhetorical, but very complex question about Love: How to forget the past, former Love?

How to get Love out of your head if it is in your heart? To forget former Love, you need to compare it with last year’s snow: this Love will not happen again, it has actually already melted in your soul, like last year’s snow, but its melted waters still stir your heart. If you are in pain, if you feel bad, then just repeat to yourself “Last year’s snow, last year’s snow.” Treat your Love like last year’s snow: the seasons, like human life, change, and the snow melts in the summer, and nothing can be done about it, probably the time has come for you to let go of your Love and let it calmly melt away - true Love, just like You can't hide real snow in the refrigerator. Of course, now, when you feel very bad, when you suffer from your former Love, it is very difficult for you to believe this, and yet, very soon new, fresh, fluffy snow will fall, which will envelop your soul with its snow-white blanket and let a new one into it. , a fresh stream of new Love... You just wait for the first new snowfall... And while you wait and while you are still suffering, just sing to yourself - “This is last year's snow, last year's snow, and all my feelings are just laughter...” If you are jealous of a man for every first woman’s skirt you meet, this does not mean at all that you love this man until you lose your pulse. You're just afraid of losing him. Therefore, there is no point in being jealous of the man who is faithful to you - so you can only eventually push him away from you and he will simply meet your worst expectations in order to begin to live up to your worst ideas about him. And there is no point in jealousy if a man is unfaithful to you: with your jealousy you will not change the situation, but will only tear your soul, your hair will turn gray from worries, wrinkles will appear on your face. If a man is unfaithful to you, and you know about it, then be jealous, don’t be jealous, but you cannot cancel the fact of his betrayal. Here you have to either leave silently and with your head held high if you cannot put up with his infidelity, or, gritting your teeth, continue to endure this state of affairs, since it suits you because of money, power, children or other considerations. In general, jealousy is such a seasoning for love relationships, which is good when a little and in moderation. And if there is too much jealousy, then such a seasoning already turns into poison. And another wise truth about Love: a loving person will try never to give you a reason to be jealous.

A complex and interesting question about Love: How to tell a man that you are not interested in him as a man, and you just want to “remain friends”? Even if this guy doesn’t bother you as a man now, this doesn’t mean that in a few years the situation won’t change dramatically. This time. Second - if you really want to keep a friend, having refused him as a lover, invite him to remain friends in a very soft, delicate form, in no case mentioning that you are not interested in him as a man (preserve and pity his sense of dignity), but by doing the emphasis is on the fact that you respect him too much as a friend to risk your friendship for the sake of a love affair. After all, it is unknown what kind of lovers and lovers you will turn out to be. Love is always a game of roulette, but you are the best friends. So why risk true friendship for the sake of who knows what love adventures? It’s not for nothing that they say that true Love is rare, and true friendship is even rarer.

An interesting and philosophical question about Love: How to part with your ex-beloved man as friends without offending him or offending his dignity?

A philosophical, interesting and beautiful, not at all rhetorical question about Love: What to do if He doesn’t call, doesn’t write, doesn’t come, doesn’t come? Naturally, more important than you. Therefore, don’t ask a man why he doesn’t call you, don’t call him yourself, don’t come to his house, don’t impose yourself on a man, don’t hang on his neck, if you don’t want to hear the truth, why he doesn’t call you, doesn’t write and doesn’t look for meetings with you. You know this answer: if a man doesn’t do something, it means he doesn’t want to. It's simple. But this can be difficult to believe.

How to save a relationship after you have had Love and Separation? The most important rule when breaking up amicably with a once-beloved man is not to sort things out, not to climb on the wall, not to blame or swear. Thank your ex-man for being in your life, tell him thank you for all the good things (list these events) that you had in your life and Love together. When parting, during separation, simply tell him: “Now I am able to love you from a distance” or “I no longer need your presence in order to continue to love you.” After such a farewell, after such a soft separation, a man will not be offended by you, will not hate your past Love. And then - it will be easier for him to come to terms with the idea that you are no longer together, then you will be able to communicate normally, like real friends, without holding in your hearts a black, lurking nasty snake, resentment and bitterness from an ugly separation.

When asking a girl questions about love and relationships, you can make a lot of mistakes: most of these questions put you in the position of being needy, and the girl will quickly lose interest in the guy.

What questions should you not ask?

You shouldn't ask a girl about herself. And also give a girl a strong inappropriate compliment. This shows your uncertainty and at the same time great interest in her. There are many questions that will immediately lower your status in the eyes of a girl.

#1 Examples of such questions:

#2 Am I sexy?

#3 How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in town?

What rating would you give me on a scale of ten?

You need to ask a girl for some purpose. For example, get to know her better. Understand how she feels about certain things. Or bring the conversation to a specific topic.

  1. 30 interesting questions about love and relationships
  2. Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Tell us about them
  3. What would you choose: career or love?
  4. If I cheated on you, would you forgive me?
  5. Would you be able to date a guy if you knew you'd never be able to sleep with him?
  6. What is love from your point of view?
  7. Do you believe in true love?
  8. What will you give me on February 23?
  9. What do you usually think about before going to bed?
  10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  11. When was your first kiss?
  12. Have you fallen in love many times in your life?
  13. What was the best compliment you've ever received in your life?
  14. How many children do you want?
  15. Have you taken the initiative to meet a guy?
  16. Do you believe in friendship between a guy and a girl?
  17. What would you do if you turned into a guy for one day?
  18. What do you mean by the concept of “ideal man”?
  19. Who cheats more often: guys or girls?
  20. Do you think having sex in zero gravity is cool?
  21. Have you suffered from unrequited love?
  22. Ever cheated on your boyfriend?
  23. Do you like romantics? And what is most?
  24. Did you go on a date last night?
  25. Relationships can be bought with money: what do you think about this?
  26. Do you prefer to give gifts or receive?
  27. What qualities would you like to see in a loved one?
  28. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  29. How do you behave if you like a guy?
  30. Can you easily compromise after a quarrel with a young man?

These are 30 questions you can ask a girl about love and relationships. After reading them, you can also come up with your own original ones, which better relate to the situation in communication. Good luck!

What topic should you talk about with your guy? Of course, about love! After all, when you like a man, that’s what worries you the most, right? I'll tell you what questions you can ask a guy about relationships and love that won't seem banal and boring.

Not all questions can be asked to a man on the first or even subsequent dates. Some may scare off a potential life partner. Let's figure out what questions to ask a guy about love, and what not to talk about.

Cool questions will be below.

On the first date:

  • Do you think it is possible to fall in love in an instant?
  • Are you an amorous person?
  • Does love inspire you to create?
  • Do you think it is possible to live your whole life without love?
  • Does love inspire or bring suffering?

Under no circumstances ask on the first date about his attitude towards children, weddings and mothers-in-law. You might scare me away. And ask questions casually, otherwise the guy may think that your only goal is to get married and immediately give birth to 10 children. I wouldn’t call back after such a date either.

On the second and subsequent dates, you can already diversify the range of questions. Don't forget to flirt!

Here's what you can ask:

  • Are love and passion the same thing?
  • What does “loyalty” mean to you? Could you keep it for one person's entire life?
  • Do you think all couples in love are stupid and reckless?
  • Could you, in the name of love, pay off the mortgage for me? (joke, of course)
  • Relationships without obligations: yes or no?
  • What's the craziest thing you can do for your loved one?
  • Why do you think Snow White left the seven dwarves for the prince?
  • Tell me the names of two people you love besides me!
  • If the most beautiful part of a girl is her eyes, why do guys always look at her breasts?
  • Do you think there is heaven in a hut with your loved one, an iPhone and Louboutins?
  • Do you agree with the statement: love is love, and lunch should always be on schedule?

Just don't ask a bunch of questions in a row! Give the guy a break. Maybe he also has his own list, and the interlocutor is eager to know your opinion about love.

The list of love questions for a guy expands every day after we meet. If you already feel the magic of attraction, then it would be useful to ask a man about the intimate sphere. Just don’t put pressure on your interlocutor! Not everyone likes to talk openly about this.


  • Do you like erotic games?
  • Have you ever played spin the bottle?
  • Have you made love in unusual places?
  • What phrases make you excited? My favorite: this month you are entitled to a bonus.
  • Do you like experiments in bed? For example, I like to sleep with my feet on a pillow.
  • Would you like to become the hero of the book “50 Shades of Gray”?
  • Do you have erotic dreams? Am I present in them?
  • How would you characterize yourself: gentle, passionate or a theorist in love?
  • Do you like role-playing games? I still have a snowflake and gnome costume from kindergarten.

Don't forget that there are shy guys who may find your questions confusing. Well, be prepared that your chosen one is also interested in your opinion on this topic.

That's all. I told you about what questions you can ask a guy about love. I hope you were able to select options for your conversation. More sincerity, smiles and honesty, and then the date will go with a bang!

If you are thinking about what questions you can ask a guy about love and relationships, then you are in the right place. However, first, let's look at a few rules about which questions are appropriate to ask and which are not.

What questions should you not ask?

Don't ask the guy about himself. You should also avoid including strong, inappropriate compliments in your questions. Thus, instead of effectively developing a conversation with a guy, you will lower your importance in his eyes.

Examples of such inappropriate questions:

#1 Am I beautiful?

#2 How does it feel to be the most attractive guy in town?

#3 How would you rate my appearance from one to ten?

Questions should be asked purposefully. For example, to get necessary and useful information from a guy. Or so that your communication turns to a burning topic.

Now you know what questions you can ask a guy about love and relationships. You can also come up with your own, original questions. Think about what exactly you want to know from your interlocutor. Good luck!

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