Home Grape Relieve itching from mosquitoes. How to relieve itching from mosquito bites in adults and children? Good advice. Bites in babies can fester

Relieve itching from mosquitoes. How to relieve itching from mosquito bites in adults and children? Good advice. Bites in babies can fester

Adults do not always pay attention to insect bites - as a rule, a small pimple quickly disappears without causing any trouble. The child reacts completely differently. Often, a banal mosquito bite on a leg or arm develops into a serious problem - the affected area of ​​the skin turns red, inflamed and acquires a threatening size. The situation gets worse if there are several such bites on the body.

How can mosquito bites be dangerous for a child?

The mosquito is not a harmless insect, as it is a carrier of dangerous diseases. There are known cases of infection with malaria, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, and yellow fever through the bite of this flying bloodsucker. However, most often mosquito bites in children cause itching and redness of the skin. The baby scratches the itchy area, infecting it, which causes further suppuration.

Symptoms of a mosquito bite

Sometimes a mother who sees her child’s skin bitten by mosquitoes in the morning suspects a childhood infectious disease accompanied by a rash. Some bites resemble the symptoms of chickenpox - during the process of scratching, the nodule is injured and covered with a dried crust of blood. You can distinguish marks left by mosquitoes from infectious rashes by the following signs:

  • bites usually appear on open areas of the body where it is easier for a mosquito to reach - legs, arms, head, ear, etc.;
  • the baby’s general well-being does not change - he behaves as usual;
  • a pink or red spot appears around the convex point, which can be quite large (see photo);
  • the child may periodically scratch the affected areas, or may not notice them;
  • Often bites do not go away for long; they can bother you for 2 to 14 days.

Allergic reaction to a mosquito bite, manifested by swelling of the eye

Redness of the skin

Sometimes the baby becomes red and inflamed not only at the bite site, but also at the skin around it. In the case of an allergic reaction, inflammation of the skin increases, and after a couple of days the affected area doubles in size. The photo shows that the epicenter is a small point (1-2 mm in diameter), rising above the surrounding tissues, which looks like a tubercle. Hyperemia of the skin covers a large area.

Swelling of the bitten area

Redness of the skin at the site of the bite is not the only possible reaction of the child’s body. Sometimes nearby tissues swell, causing a thickening that can spread to an area of ​​skin the size of an adult's palm. Such consequences are usually caused by an allergy to insect saliva, which contains a number of substances - coagulants, digestive enzymes, microorganisms.

However, most of all, the baby’s skin suffers from histamine. This is a substance that provokes tissue inflammation to facilitate the work of immune cells. At the site where histamine enters, the capillaries dilate, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow and increased vascular permeability. Macrophages and lymphocytes are able to freely attack enemy organisms. The coagulants that the mosquito injects with histamine prevent blood clotting and, as a result, the insect drinks liquefied blood from dilated blood vessels.

Severe itching

The mosquito bite area usually itches even in an adult. Histamine, as one of the components of a foreign protein, causes not only inflammation, but also itching, which is stronger in a child than in an adult due to the fact that the baby’s skin is thinner. In addition, the wound becomes inflamed if microorganisms enter it, which also cause itching. When scratching the bitten area, the skin is injured, which can lead to infection of the sore.

Other signs

Apart from redness, swelling and itching at the site of the mosquito bite, there are usually no other symptoms. Sometimes the inflamed area hurts when pressed. If the itching and pain are quite severe, this may cause sleep disturbance. In addition, an allergy often occurs to an insect bite, which is manifested not only by redness of the skin. Possible urticaria, suffocation, anaphylactic shock.

First aid for children

Most often, a mother discovers that her son or daughter has been bitten by mosquitoes only in the morning. At first, the bite sites are not very noticeable, then the symptoms increase - hyperemia of the skin around the epicenter appears, swelling and itching occur.

If the body reacts like this, you should act immediately, without waiting for the problem to worsen:

  • If the affected area is swollen and a lump appears, you can apply ice wrapped in a handkerchief or towel.
  • After this, it is necessary to give the baby an antihistamine in an age-appropriate dosage.
  • Bite areas should be lubricated with a soda solution or external antihistamine (Fenistil gel). This will reduce itching and prevent scratching of the wound.
  • It happens that a child manages to scratch the skin and injures it. Then the sore should be lubricated with an antiseptic (brilliant or Fukortsin).

When is an urgent need to see a doctor?

Mosquito bites are not a reason to immediately visit a doctor, even if the victim is a newborn. Some children have an atypical reaction to a mosquito bite. Very rarely, the child’s immune system mobilizes all its strength, and the following symptoms arise that require immediate doctor intervention:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the face, lips, and larynx swell;
  • hives with blisters all over the body, accompanied by unbearable itching (we recommend reading:).

Treatment of the consequences of mosquito bites in a child

Treatment for mosquito bites is symptomatic. If the body's reaction is moderate, a small bump of reddened skin does not require treatment. However, children are often allergic to the bite, so a course of therapy will be required. In order not to harm the child, drugs should be used according to the age-specific dosage. When treating with folk remedies, it is also worth remembering that some recipes are intended for adults, and their use can cause an allergic reaction in an infant.


Insect bites should be treated in two ways: relieve general symptoms with oral antihistamines and act directly on the affected area. Antiallergic drugs are given for several days until the little patient’s condition improves. Children under one year of age are prescribed Fenistil, Zodak, Zyrtek, Suprastin. Medicines for adults should not be given to avoid worsening the condition.

You should also lubricate the bite sites regularly until complete recovery. For local exposure the following agents are used:

  • Fenistil gel – relieves itching, reduces hyperemia. The drug contains antiallergic and anti-inflammatory components.
  • Psilo balm is an antihistamine for external use with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.
  • Spray balm Moskitol - for quick effect.
  • Balm Rescuer – relieves pain, reduces swelling and itching.
  • Sudocrem is a zinc-based drug. Relieves irritation and gets rid of blisters in a short time.

For serious inflammatory processes accompanied by significant swelling, glucocorticoid-based agents are indicated. Such drugs quickly penetrate through the superficial stratum corneum of the skin into the epidermis and suppress inflammatory processes. They can be used no more than once a day, unless the doctor has prescribed an individual dosage:

  • Advantan cream 1%. The drug can be applied from 6 months.
  • Hydrocorizone ointment - used from 2 years.

Folk remedies

Plantain leaf relieves itching and burning from insect bites

If a mosquito has bitten a child away from home and you need to relieve the itching in the field, you can use folk recipes. Among the most popular:

  • Apply a washed plantain leaf to the affected area, secure and leave for half an hour. After this, you can glue a new sheet.
  • Mint leaves will cool skin that is red and itchy.
  • Toothpaste relieves itching well, preferably mint. You need to anoint the bite with it, wait for the product to dry and rinse off.
  • You can use Zvezdochka balm against itching - lubricate the bite areas every two hours.
  • Place a couple of drops of aloe juice on the inflamed tubercle.
  • 1 tsp. Dilute soda with water to a paste. Apply to skin and rinse after drying.

What to do if a child scratches the bite down to the wound and gets infected?

However, while adults are able to control themselves and not scratch the bite, it is more difficult for children to do this. A baby who has brought an infection into the wound will soon feel unwell, and a purulent abscess often appears in the inflammatory focus. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary, since the treatment of such phenomena in children is more complex. As a rule, the doctor prescribes:

  • An ointment based on antibiotics, to which microorganisms such as streptococcus are sensitive (Levomekol, Levomycin, Syntomycin). The use of such drugs in infants is possible only after consultation with a doctor.
  • Sometimes the doctor recommends making applications with Vishnevsky ointment, which draws out pus well.
  • In difficult cases, an antibiotic is also prescribed for oral administration.

Inflammation and irritation of the skin. That is why many are looking for the most effective means of getting rid of these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, mosquitoes are also carriers of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to choose means of protection against these insects.

Why do mosquitoes bite?

For female mosquitoes, human blood is nutrition that allows them to increase the number of eggs they lay. Males simply feed on flower pollen. Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay larvae, but also to satisfy their hunger. Not only people, but also animals are exposed to bites. There are certain categories of people who attract these insects, namely:

  • in good health;
  • taking medications;
  • while intoxicated.

Young children are more susceptible to bites than adults because they have delicate, thin skin that attracts insects. A greater risk of being bitten exists in people with good health, a high degree of sweating, and an accelerated metabolism.

First aid for a mosquito bite

What happens when a mosquito bites? The insect pierces human skin with its proboscis and injects saliva containing anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens. Therefore, the bite site itches and turns red.

It is very important to choose the right first aid remedy for mosquito bites. First of all, the bite site should be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably antibacterial, to eliminate the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering. People prone to allergies should take antihistamines, e.g.

After using first aid, you can use medications and folk remedies to eliminate itching and inflammation.


Among the medications, it is necessary to highlight "Tavegil", which helps to quickly and effectively cope with itching and alleviate the general symptoms of allergic manifestations. This is a fairly effective remedy after a mosquito bite, as it acts comprehensively on the entire body. The effect of the drug is up to 12 hours. After its use, capillary permeability decreases and swelling is eliminated.

However, it is worth considering that this remedy has certain contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for use during pregnancy, as well as for children under 6 years of age. For children from 6 to 12 years old, half a tablet is recommended.

How to choose the right ointment

The remedy for mosquito and midge bites is produced in a variety of forms. They differ in their composition, packaging and consistency. Among the drugs used are the following:

  • gels;
  • creams;
  • balms.

Gels are water-based products containing various additives and medicinal components. Creams are made on a synthetic basis or also contain some medicinal additives. The balms are based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances. Such products promote rapid tissue restoration.

Medicinal ointments

It is necessary to use the medicine immediately after a mosquito bite, because the wound can become inflamed very quickly. This is especially true for people with hypersensitive skin. Among the fixed assets are the following:

  • "Vietnamese star";
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • "Bamipin";
  • "Soventol";
  • "Bepanten."

Such a remedy for mosquito bites as “Vietnamese star” has long been very popular. It is characterized by good antiseptic qualities. It can be used by both adults and children. This ointment is also used to prevent bites, as it repels insects.

A very good remedy for mosquito and midge bites is hydrocortisone ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its versatility, it is used to treat various skin diseases that occur in a chronic form.

Bamipin ointment, which is an antihistamine, helps to cope with itching well. However, before using this remedy, you should definitely consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.

Soventol ointment helps reduce swelling and itching after a mosquito bite. Due to the fact that this product is practically not absorbed into the skin, it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Bepanten ointment is suitable for use in children over 2 years of age, as well as pregnant women. This medicine has the following qualities:

  • skin hydration;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • preventing itching;
  • rapid elimination of inflammation.

This ointment should be applied directly to the affected area of ​​the skin, which promotes faster healing. Contraindications may only apply to those who have individual intolerance to certain components of this drug.

"Fenistil gel"

"Fenistil" (gel) is considered a universal drug against insect bites, as it can very quickly relieve itching and burning. This remedy quickly relieves swelling and helps relieve allergic reactions, as it is classified as an anti-allergic drug.

"Fenistil gel" helps to quickly minimize the unpleasant sensations that arise. Another feature of this drug is that it can be used even by children almost from birth.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies help well after mosquito bites, as they help reduce itching, redness, and swelling. To quickly eliminate itching, you need to cut an onion in half and press it to the bite site. In addition, you can lubricate the affected area with aloe juice or salt water. Fish oil is also considered a good remedy. In addition to the fact that it has great benefits for the body, it is also capable of treating insect bites well. It is necessary to generously lubricate the affected area with it.

To eliminate skin itching and blisters, you can use medicinal mixtures consisting of St. John's wort, mint, and oak bark. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, add water and boil over low heat. Cool the finished broth, strain and make lotions. Vinegar also helps against mosquito bites. It is enough just to make a compress and apply it to the affected area for half an hour. Another good remedy is toothpaste.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites involve the use of wheatgrass decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over the wheatgrass, boil for several minutes, and then add a little lavender oil. Infuse the broth, wrapping it in a towel. Strain, cool and wipe the affected area with the prepared product. You can freeze it and wipe the affected areas with ice.

Folk remedies after a mosquito bite involve using a fresh banana. To prepare the medicine, you need to peel the banana and apply the banana peel to the bite site, securing it securely with a bandage or plaster. In a few minutes the itching will go away.

Simple ice cubes may be ideal. Immediately after the bite, rub the itchy area with ice cubes. You can also freeze decoctions of chamomile, viburnum or linden flowers. These products perfectly disinfect the skin and help eliminate swelling and itching.

Soda against mosquito bites

The best remedy for mosquito bites is baking soda. This is the best way to eliminate discomfort after a mosquito bite. You can use soda in the form of a cake or lotions. To prepare the cake, you need to add a little water to the soda to make a thick paste. From the resulting mass you need to make a cake and apply it to the inflamed and itchy area. Place a wet cloth on top. After 3 hours you need to replace the cake with a fresh one.

Soda lotion helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to pour a little soda into a bowl, soak a bandage or cotton pad in it and wipe the bite area. Repeat the procedure several times.

Pharmacy products for children

It is very important to choose a good remedy for mosquito bites for children to eliminate severe itching, swelling and inflammation. Usually, children are lubricated with special ointments that contain natural ingredients and help eliminate the main signs of allergies.

Hormonal ointments are used only in cases of severe allergies and swelling. In this case, you need to use hydrocortisone ointment. "Psilo-balm" will help eliminate unpleasant sensations. This remedy helps relieve allergic reactions, as well as itching after bites. It is characterized by antiallergic, antipruritic and analgesic effects. Literally a few minutes after treating the bite site, the itching disappears.

It is very difficult for a child not to scratch the bites. Therefore, means to eliminate inflammation are required. The product "Boro+" helps a lot, as it helps eliminate swelling, itching and redness as much as possible. You just need to lubricate the affected area with cream. All unpleasant sensations will go away literally immediately.

Folk remedies against mosquito bites for children

When choosing the best remedy for mosquito bites for children, it is worth using medicinal herbs and plants. You can use an alcohol tincture of white lily petals and after this the itching goes away almost immediately. Herbal compresses help a lot. To do this, you need to chop the leaves of plantain, mint or bird cherry and apply it to the bite site.

If children are seriously affected by mosquitoes, you need to fill the bathtub with warm water and add sea salt to it. The child needs to lie in this water for 15 minutes. There are many folk remedies and techniques that help eliminate discomfort after mosquito bites, however, not all of them are suitable for a child.

What is strictly forbidden to do

It is strictly forbidden to scratch or rub itchy skin. A wound forms at the site of the bite, into which bacteria and microbes can penetrate. Some people have quite sensitive skin. Therefore, after a wound, scars may remain that spoil the appearance of the skin.

It is imperative to choose the right means to eliminate itching and swelling, so as not to further harm the body.

Each of us has been bitten by an insect at least once in our lives. For some, bites go away quickly and do not cause any discomfort. Others, on the contrary, experience severe itching, burning, and swelling appears on the skin. Before you start fighting unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out what insect bit you.

The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms depends on the body’s immune response to the irritant. Some people experience slight redness, swelling and itching on the skin when an insect bites them. And others may experience an allergic reaction, fever and severe burning.

Lump or swelling from an insect bite

Sometimes a lump forms at or around the site of the bite. It indicates that the human body cannot quickly remove harmful substances that have entered the blood. This happens with reduced immunity. Swelling can appear due to bites from mosquitoes, some types of flies, hornets and other blood-sucking insects.

Bitten by a stinging or biting insect: what to do

Bites from stinging and biting insects can be life-threatening. The affected area is swollen and slightly itchy. There is no redness or other symptoms. Also, at the time of the bite, a person experiences pain. Stinging insects include:

  • hornet;
  • bee;
  • bumblebee.

If the bitten person develops other symptoms and the swelling does not subside, then medical intervention is required.

Symptoms of a poisonous insect bite

Toxic substances are usually released into human blood by wasps, bees and hornets. Components that enter the body cause toxic reactions. First, a person’s nerve tissue is affected, and then the blood itself.

It is quite difficult not to notice their bite. Symptoms indicating damage to the body by toxic substances:

  1. Sharp burning pain at the moment of the bite.
  2. Swelling forms on the skin, which quickly spreads to large areas of the epidermis.
  3. Bright red inflammation appears around the affected area.
  4. The bitten person's health deteriorates sharply. Weakness and dizziness appear.
  5. The limb that was bitten becomes numb.
  6. Blood pressure decreases.

If you find the above symptoms in yourself or another person, you need to give him first aid and then send him to the hospital. Timely removal of toxic substances from the body prevents the development of complications.

How to behave correctly at the pre-hospital stage? First aid

The biggest mistake people make when bitten by poisonous insects is panic. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to calm down. Calmness and confidence will help you provide first aid correctly.

To help a person who has been bitten, you must do the following:

  1. Place it on a flat surface.
  2. In case of skin damage by stinging insects (hornet, wasp, bumblebee, bee), remove the sting from the epidermis. It is advisable to use tweezers for these purposes. Then you need to suck out the poison from the wound (toxic substances will not harm the oral cavity).
  3. An ice compress should be applied to the bite site. Keep it for 10 minutes.
  4. Not everyone knows what to apply to poisonous insect bites. For these purposes, it is advisable to use alcohol, antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide or the drug Menovazin.
  5. Using a bandage or any other cloth, the skin above the bitten area is bandaged. There is no need to tie it very tightly.
  6. If you feel unwell, a person should adhere to bed rest and take plenty of hot drinks.

The above methods allow you to stop the spread of toxic substances in the body as much as possible.

It is recommended to call an ambulance before performing pre-hospital procedures. This will help the victim receive qualified help faster.

How to relieve itching from insect bites

To do this you need to follow certain steps. These include:

  1. Treating the affected area with an antiseptic. For these purposes, you can use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Regular rinsing with water will not be enough.
  2. Use of hygienic baths. You should also wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, use a compress or lotions based on diluted alcohol.
  4. Compress using hormonal ointments for insect bites.
  5. For more severe damage, the person is prescribed antihistamines.

You should not expect instant results from these products. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms only 2-3 days after regular use of medications.

Folk remedies

How to relieve itching using folk remedies? If you have slight redness and itching, apply a piece of ice wrapped in gauze to the epidermis. You can repeat this procedure every 2-3 hours.

For moderate damage, it is advisable to use homemade anti-itch remedies.

Recipe 1 . Aloe vera based compress. The plant is finely ground (almost to a liquid state). A small piece of gauze is moistened in the resulting mass and then applied to the bite. This treatment method is used twice a day. The compress will help relieve itching and soothe the skin.

Recipe 2 . Baking soda is diluted with water to form a paste mixture. Apply this product to the affected area. You can put gauze or stick a bandage on top. After the paste has dried, it must be washed off and then lubricated with a chamomile-based moisturizer. Therapy is carried out depending on the severity of the itching (2-4 times a day).

Recipe 3 . You can relieve itching after an insect bite with lemon. Lubricate the affected epidermis with lemon juice (3 times a day). This natural remedy helps prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.

Recipe 4 . Few people know how to relieve itching from insect bites. You can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms using herbal lotions. An equal amount of St. John's wort, peppermint and oak bark is poured into a glass of cool water and put on fire. Prepare the decoction for 30 minutes, then cool. To get rid of itching, soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Recipe 5 . A lotion based on table vinegar. To prepare the solution, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1. Then a cotton pad or small piece of gauze is moistened in diluted vinegar and applied to the bitten area. After 20-30 minutes, the lotion is removed from the skin and washed with water. Therapy must be carried out twice a day.

Gels and ointments for insect bites and itching

In order to relieve itching after bites, doctors recommend using antihistamine ointments. It is advisable for children to use drops, as they do not cause drowsiness. The products “Zyrtec” and “Fenistil” do not have a negative effect on the child’s body.

They help fight itching, reduce swelling and redness in just 1-2 days.

After insect bites, the following medications help well:

  • Levomekol. Used for wound disinfection, antimicrobial and antiviral therapy. For insect bites it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Advantan. An excellent antiallergic ointment that helps localize inflammation and reduce swelling. But the drug has a drawback - hormonal effects, so it is not recommended to treat large areas with the gel.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The product has a hormonal effect. The ointment blocks the production of histamine in the body, thereby reducing the spread of the allergic reaction. Used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock when bitten by poisonous insects.

  • Akriderm. The ointment is used to apply to the sites of bedbug and mosquito bites. Akriderm reduces itching and gets rid of rashes.

  • Mosquitall gel-balm and Gardex gel. They have a delicate effect, so there are product forms for children. Quickly relieve itching and also help prevent insect attacks.

  • Menovazin. The drug has an analgesic effect, since the main active ingredient in the composition is menthol. Menovazine can be used to treat bites of stinging insects and bedbugs. The product will reduce pain, itching and provide a local feeling of coolness.

Adults can use antihistamines with the names: "Tavegil", "Claritin" or "Suprastin".

They are available in several forms: tablets, injections, syrup. Medicines help with allergic reactions caused by insect bites. There are side effects: they can cause decreased performance, weakness and drowsiness; they are not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Allergic reaction to an insect bite

The occurrence of allergies is directly related to the human immune system. All people react differently to stimuli. Unfavorable environmental conditions, poor diet and bad habits increase the risk of developing an allergy to insect bites.

It usually appears after damage to the epidermis by wasps, bumblebees or bees. Moreover, repeated bites can cause death. Some people also experience allergies after exposure to mosquitoes, but they are less life-threatening.

Symptoms of local and systemic allergies

It is quite difficult to independently distinguish an allergic reaction from other diseases, so to establish a diagnosis you need to see a doctor.

The main symptom of local and systemic allergies is a skin rash. It is located not only near the bitten area, but also on more distant areas of the skin. Usually the rashes are small in size and have a reddish tint. An equally common symptom is swelling. It covers large areas of the body. A person may also develop anaphylactic shock. It is the most dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment for local and systemic allergies: how to anoint a bite

Antihistamines are widely used to combat the symptoms of an allergic reaction. They can be taken both in tablet form and externally (balms, lotions, gels, etc.).

Oral medication is used for local manifestations of allergies caused by multiple bites. In this case, doctors prescribe antimicrobial and antihistamine drugs to patients. These include “Hydrocortisone”, “D-panthenol” and “Bepanthen”.

They help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms (relieve swelling and itching) and prevent the spread of the rash. The fastest-acting ointment for insect bites and itching is Fenistil. It is applied to the affected areas up to four times a day. Side effects are extremely rare.

You can also use folk remedies as an additional treatment method. The most effective treatment for itching after bites is baking soda or vinegar compresses. A teaspoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. Then soak the bandage in the resulting solution. The compress must be applied to the affected areas for 15 minutes.

In case of anaphylactic shock with loss of consciousness, the patient is prescribed resuscitation therapy. He is undergoing artificial ventilation and cardiac massage. The person must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. There he will be given adrenaline, glucocorticoids and antihistamines.

You should not use traditional methods of treatment as a separate medicine. It is also advisable to give up bad habits and eat right during therapy. This will speed up the healing process.

With the onset of warm weather, nature wakes up, and with it blood-sucking insects. One of the most annoying and unpleasant ones are. Increased activity of pests, their restless buzzing and attacks often become the reason for ruining your holiday in the forest. For most people it is not particularly dangerous. But the appearance of unbearable itching causes almost every victim great discomfort. This article will tell you how to relieve itching from mosquito bites at home.

Why does the bite site itch?

Mosquitoes' bloodsuckers are exclusively female. They need the iron and protein it contains. Contact of a blood-sucking insect with human skin is accompanied by mild pain. After which, for several hours, and possibly days, unbearably severe itching is felt. This is especially common for children and people with thin, sensitive skin.

By piercing the surface of the skin, the female lets saliva containing anticoagulants into the wound. It is its composition, in combination with the microbes present on the insect’s legs, that provokes itching. In some people, this reaction contributes to the deterioration of blood clotting and narrowing of capillary vessels, which causes various infections and inflammations. In most cases, throughout the day.

On a note!

There are also frequent manifestations of more severe consequences in the form of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

How to soothe itching

Various medications can help an adult get rid of itching from a mosquito bite. You just need to purchase an antihistamine ointment or gel from the pharmacy chain.

However, not all anti-itch medications may be safe. Thus, hormonal-based medications have various side effects and limitations, which is why they are contraindicated for children.

On a note!

Folk remedies are considered safer. In addition, they are accessible and low cost.


For external use they are available in the form of gel, ointment and cream.

  • The gel has a light structure and rapid absorption into the skin. In addition, when applied, it does not leave a greasy residue on clothes.
  • Anti-itch ointment is characterized by a more viscous composition, longer absorption and effect.
  • The cream has moisturizing properties. In comparison with ointment and gel, the structure of its composition occupies an intermediate position.

Fenistil gel

A well-known antihistamine against itching, it is intended for the treatment of sunburn and household burns. The active ingredient is dimethindene maleate. The gel, which has a rapid onset of action, is applied with light massage movements to the affected area no more than 4 times a day.

On a note!

The product should not be applied to large areas of skin, as well as to scratches and bleeding wounds.

The composition is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 1 month. The gel may have side effects such as skin rash and itching. The price of the drug is within 350-400 rubles.

– our universal savior at the dacha. It helps eliminate the consequences not only of mosquito bites, it is also effective against attacks by stinging insects. It is also convenient that the drug is suitable for both children and adults. I recommend.

Ekaterina, Saratov

Rescuer ointment (balm)

Rescue balm can also quickly remove itching after a bite. It has analgesic, soothing and regenerating effects thanks to the natural components it contains (sea buckthorn and olive oils, milk lipids, beeswax, calendula, vitamins A and E). Therefore, the ointment can be used by children, as well as women during lactation and breastfeeding. The universal remedy is intended for the treatment of thermal and sunburn, dermatitis, diaper rash, and acne.

On a note!

The balm is applied to the bite site, covering the entire irritated area. Itching and swelling begin to subside within 5 minutes from the moment of application.

Rescuer ointment should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to its constituent components, as well as those with purulent wounds and extensive tissue damage. The cost of the product is within 150-180 rubles.

When planning a picnic in nature or a trip to the village, we always take Rescue Balm with us. Efficiency, safety, fast availability and reasonable cost are the main advantages of the product.

Olesya, Tula


Another effective remedy against itching after insect bites. The basis of the antiallergic gel is diphenhydramine, a component that blocks H1-histamine receptors. This reduces itching, swelling and redness. The composition is applied with light massage movements to the affected area no more than 4 times a day.

When using the gel, allergic reactions may develop in patients who are hypersensitive to the components of the product. The use of the composition by pregnant and lactating women is permitted only after consulting a doctor. The price of the gel varies between 250-300 rubles.

Zinc ointment

An anti-inflammatory agent such as zinc ointment will also help stop itching. The composition has an antiseptic, astringent, drying and adsorbing effect due to zinc oxide; the auxiliary substance in it is white paraffin.

Another advantage of the product is its low cost. To relieve pain and itching after mosquito bites, the drug is applied to adults and children no more than 3 times a day. The price of the ointment is within 20 rubles.

It is not recommended to treat with zinc ointment for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as those with purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of hyperemia, skin itching and rash.

Zinc ointment is a unique thing! We use it when a child has heat rash, to relieve itching after a mosquito bite, and even as a wound healing agent. Cheap and cheerful. I recommend.

Yana, Taganrog


You can also remove itching from a mosquito bite by using Gistan cream, which is based mainly on natural ingredients: extracts of immortelle, birch buds, string, chamomile, lily of the valley, violet and calendula. The active ingredient of the drug is dimethicone. The cream is applied in a thin layer at the site of the mosquito bite once a day.

The composition is recommended for use by children over 2 years of age. However, it should not be used by pregnant women or during breastfeeding. Side effects may occur in the form of allergic contact dermatitis, prickly heat, and acne. The cost of the cream is around 170 rubles.

Gistan is a very good remedy that can simultaneously suppress itching, swelling and redness. As soon as I see marks and blisters on my son’s skin, I don’t even think about it – Gistan is always in my first aid kit.

Yulia, Moscow

Vitaon Baby, which contains essential oils and baby oil on a natural basis, is also especially popular among consumers today. No less effective are those based on D-panthenol and, which are intended for children from 3 and 1.5 years old, respectively.

When choosing a method of relief, or rather a medicine to relieve itching, it is important to follow the recommendations and dosages prescribed by the manufacturer.

Recipes from the people

If a child or adult itches from mosquito bites, in order to alleviate the condition of the victim, you must use any of the folk methods presented below:

  • Honey. Honey, available in almost every home, can reduce itching. It is enough to smear the bite site with it several times during the day and very soon there will be no trace left of the unpleasant sensations.
  • Vinegar. Vinegar can relieve itching and redness caused by a mosquito bite. It is necessary to dilute it with water in equal proportions and apply a cotton pad soaked in the solution to the affected area. In case of a massive attack of insects, a bath with the addition of vinegar (2-3 glasses) will help. Can also be used.
  • Lemon juice. You can also treat mosquito bites with lemon juice, known for its antibacterial properties. It is enough to drop a drop of juice on the affected area and the itching will quickly go away. However, this procedure cannot be carried out in the open rays of the sun. Skin contact with acid can cause severe burns.
  • Toothpaste. If you have been bitten by mosquitoes, and you do not have the above-described remedies at hand, you can relieve the itching and burning sensation by using toothpaste. The mint-menthol components included in its composition have a cooling effect and will help stop the manifestation of puffiness.
  • Basil. The bite site will not itch if you use basil. It is necessary to apply the juice of the plant to the wound and very soon the itching and redness will go away.

Each organism reacts to insect attack in its own way. For some, after mosquito bites, only red spots remain on the skin, while others experience an indescribable feeling of discomfort. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of your body, you need the most appropriate means to prevent negative consequences in a timely manner.

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