Home Grape Presentation on the topic “Profession – “Social worker””. Presentation on the topic "Topic: Social worker and client" Presentation for the competition for the best social worker

Presentation on the topic “Profession – “Social worker””. Presentation on the topic "Topic: Social worker and client" Presentation for the competition for the best social worker

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    Profession – “Social worker” Authors: Natalya Beldy, 9th grade student. (VIII type); Galochkin Alexey, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Svetlana Voronina, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Kuzminskaya Victoria, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Shvets Anastasia, 6th grade student. (VIII type).

    Head: educational psychologist Victoria Viktorovna Pascal.

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    A social worker must: participate in protecting the rights of people in need;

    promote employment of people with problems;

    prevent domestic violence;

    support people in difficult life situations.

    The social worker must provide the ward with food, take out the garbage, pay for utilities, go to the clinic to write out prescriptions, take tests and get results, buy medications at the pharmacy, help in collecting documents, medical documents for inpatient care. treatment, visit the ward in the hospital, keep records of all purchases and orders, submit a work report, have the telephone numbers of the ward’s close friends or relatives, register (at the ward’s choice) to attend free lunches for one month in year or deliver food packages for a fixed amount once a year, bring monetary material assistance to wards who have a minimum pension and carry out regular raids to identify those in need of service.

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    For this profession, it is necessary to have responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, since lonely elderly and sick people who are forced to seek help from the social protection service are not happy and often experience physical suffering, in this regard, a social worker must have the ability to empathize. Social workers must be able to communicate, be polite and friendly, since their work involves contact with a large circle of people. They must have a penchant for order and accuracy, as well as unconditional honesty, because they constantly deal with a large number of people and affairs, as well as with other people's money. A social worker must have good health, since he is obliged to visit his clients in any weather, regardless of heat, rain or cold.

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    A social worker must have a good memory to keep large lists of groceries and errands in his head and not waste time frequently referring to his notes. In addition, a good memory is needed in order to remember the names, faces and circumstances of the life of one’s wards in order to show attention and participation.

    People who are tactless, irritable, squeamish, impatient, hot-tempered, careless and dishonest are not suitable for the profession of social worker; undesirable - slurred speech and poor hearing, because this interferes with communication with people, especially the elderly.

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    Name the cause of the phenomena:

flood (example answer: snow melting, river flood); the buds have blossomed;

Profession - social worker Romanova Aleftina Anatolyevna Technology teacher of the highest qualification category, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan MBOU "Secondary comprehensive school 78 of the Volga region of Kazan (correctional classes at the State Autonomous Educational Institution Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities "Solnechny")

We look at life now in a new way, But the sacred cannot be taken away from us; There is a special profession in the world - to take care of defenseless people. Good deeds have always taken care of the age-old tradition in social protection. They are greeted with happy faces by everyone who is overwhelmed by trouble. How much do those forgotten by fate need? Calm, warm, feed. Killed hope comes to life, And the torn thread mends itself. Social security is not an easy job. They know how to rush slowly. Listen, the stories of destinies are not easy, Not everyone’s soul can. Share the loneliness between two. Trying on pain with resentment. From such communication I want, Sometimes, to run to the ends of the world

But momentary weaknesses pass. The heart will beat more evenly. Again, tomorrow, the Social Defender will be greeted with great joy. They know he will show up with bags full of food, medicine, flowers. He will look with bottomless eyes, not sparing the warmth of his soul. Everyone looks at difficulties differently, But the sacred cannot be taken away from us - There is a wonderful profession in the world - To take care of defenseless people.

The system of state charity developed in Russia under Catherine II, who issued a decree in 1763 on the opening of the Moscow Orphanage, which even accepted orphans under 3 years of age. In 1776, orders of public contempt were created in all provinces of Russia, which dealt with issues of helping those in need - analogues of modern social protection services

Social Worker Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 8 according to the Presidential Decree of October 27, 2000 June October 27, 2000

Professional skills: knowledge of the legal framework, acts and regulations governing social relations knowledge of a complex of sciences (psychology, medicine, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, etc.) availability of information about current problems in the social and humanitarian sphere ability to provide assistance in matters of career guidance and employment ability to work with documentation

Places of work: social service and welfare centers; rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; social protection committees; veterans' councils; nursing home; orphanages; guardianship and trusteeship authorities; colonies; branches of the pension fund; psychological services

Peculiarities of career growth After a year of work and acquisition of the necessary experience, a social worker is assigned a rank with a corresponding increase in salary. After another three years, the salary increase is 10%, and after 5 years of work – 30%.

Pedagogical College 1 (Kazan) Kazan Social and Humanitarian College Kazan State Vocational and Pedagogical College. International College of Service TISBI Academy (college and university) Specialized secondary and higher educational institutions in Kazan that train social workers

Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (college and university) Institute of Economics, Management and Law Institute of Economics, Management and Law (college and university) Academy of State and Municipal Administration under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Social Education Higher School of Management Kazan (Privolzhsky) ) Federal University Kazan State Technological University Kazan State Technological University Kazan Medical University Kazan Social and Legal Institute

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Authors: Beldy Natalya, 9th grade student. (VIII type); Galochkin Alexey, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Svetlana Voronina, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Kuzminskaya Victoria, 6th grade student. (VIII type); Shvets Anastasia, 6th grade student. (VIII type). Head: educational psychologist Victoria Viktorovna Pascal.

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A social worker must: participate in protecting the rights of people in need; promote employment of people with problems; prevent domestic violence; support people in difficult life situations.

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Social worker Provides material and everyday assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, single elderly people, mothers of large families, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, poor citizens who are in a state of mental depression due to environmental disasters, international conflicts and wars, loss of loved ones, family, housing, etc. Identifies citizens in need of such assistance, determines the nature and volume of necessary assistance.

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The social worker must provide the ward with food, take out the garbage, pay for utilities, go to the clinic to write out prescriptions, take tests and get results, buy medications at the pharmacy, help in collecting documents, medical documents for inpatient care. treatment, visit the ward in the hospital, keep records of all purchases and orders, submit a work report, have the telephone numbers of the ward’s close friends or relatives, register (at the ward’s choice) to attend free lunches for one month in year or deliver food packages for a fixed amount once a year, bring monetary material assistance to wards who have a minimum pension and carry out regular raids to identify those in need of service.

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For this profession, it is necessary to have responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, since lonely elderly and sick people who are forced to seek help from the social protection service are not happy and often experience physical suffering, in this regard, a social worker must have the ability to empathize. Social workers must be able to communicate, be polite and friendly, since their work involves contact with a large circle of people. They must have a penchant for order and accuracy, as well as unconditional honesty, because they constantly deal with a large number of people and affairs, as well as with other people's money. A social worker must have good health, since he is obliged to visit his clients in any weather, regardless of heat, rain or cold.

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A social worker must have a good memory to keep large lists of groceries and errands in his head and not waste time frequently referring to his notes. In addition, a good memory is needed in order to remember the names, faces and circumstances of the life of one’s wards in order to show attention and participation. People who are tactless, irritable, squeamish, impatient, hot-tempered, careless and dishonest are not suitable for the profession of social worker; undesirable - slurred speech and poor hearing, because this interferes with communication with people, especially the elderly.

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flood (example answer: snow melting, river flood); the buds have blossomed; the birds began to sing; deuce; mom is angry; the vacuum cleaner is working.

Head: educational psychologist Victoria Viktorovna Pascal.

The concept of “Social worker”

A social worker is a “servant of two masters.” On the one hand, he serves people - helping to cope with a specific problem, and this is the helping side of social work; on the other hand, he serves the state by providing assistance to its citizens.

A social worker must: participate in protecting the rights of people in need;

A necessary component of professionalism in the activities of social workers.

1. The ability to establish the optimal level of identification of social workers with clients 2. Identification is the unity of three components and interrelated components - cognitive, emotional and behavioral; 3. Identification is a unit of consciousness and refers to the dynamic characteristics of a person. 4. The personal qualities of future social workers influence the level of identification with clients. Students who establish an optimal level of identification with clients are characterized by personality qualities: awareness of their individual characteristics, different from the individual characteristics of other people; respect for oneself and recognition of the value of others; accepting responsibility for what is happening; the ability to control one’s emotional state and the emotional state of others, establishing interaction relationships. 5. Students with a high level of identification are characterized by qualities that prevent the establishment of an optimal level of identification with clients: poor knowledge of their psychological characteristics and their clients, low self-esteem; inability to control your emotional state; external locus of control; divergence of the main components of the functional state (well-being, activity, mood), strong psycho-emotional reaction to stress, low performance. 6. Students with a low level of identification are characterized by qualities that interfere with establishing an optimal level of identification with clients: lack of reflection skills; negative attitude towards clients, inability to control one’s emotional state, external locus of control, low activity in the process of professional activity.

promote employment of people with problems;

Types of social services

  • support people in difficult life situations.

    Types of social service institutions:

    1) stationary social service institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, special boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities); 2) social shelters for children and adolescents; 3) social rehabilitation institutions for disabled adults; 4) comprehensive centers for social services for the population; 5) rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities; 6) social adaptation centers for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation; 7) territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; 8) social rehabilitation centers for minors; 9) gerontological centers; 10) centers for social and psychological assistance to the population

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    Clients of social workers

    Clients of social workers can be: an individual; family; group; community of people or organization.

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    Ethical Principles of Social Work

    1) a strong belief in the value, dignity and creativity of each individual; 2) belief in the undoubted right of everyone to have their own opinion and beliefs, to freely express them and put them into practice to the extent that this does not infringe on the rights of other people; 3) an unshakable conviction in the inalienable and inalienable right of every person to make his own choices and act on them within the framework of a changing and developing, but at the same time stable society. Of particular importance in social work is the process of mutual influence of value systems.

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