Home Mushrooms What does vitamin D contribute to. Important information about vitamin D: why women need it, the differences between it and D3. Vitamin D for women

What does vitamin D contribute to. Important information about vitamin D: why women need it, the differences between it and D3. Vitamin D for women

How important is vitamin D for adults? The data of numerous studies prove that a deficiency of a substance leads to a disorder of bone and mineral metabolism, increases the risk of oncology and chronic diseases, and worsens overall well-being. Well, since the inhabitants of modern cities are not able to maintain calciferol levels naturally, it is necessary to replenish it with a balanced diet and intake of nutritional supplements.

Vitamin D is a common name that combines five biologically active substances. Of these, ergocalciferol (D2) and cholecalciferol (D3) are recognized as the most important for human health.

It is interesting. Calciferol is able to manifest itself in the body of an adult at the same time as a vitamin and a hormone. In the latter role, it affects the functioning of the kidneys, intestines and muscles.

Vitamin D2 is obtained from ergosterol and is used as a food additive. They are enriched with bread, milk, infant formula. Cholecalciferol is a natural vitamin D3 and is synthesized in the skin by exposure to sunlight or ingested with food. You can read about which foods contain vitamin D.

The main function of calciferols is to maintain the phosphorus-calcium balance in the body, improve the absorption of these microelements in the intestine and further distribution over the musculoskeletal structure.

What else is vitamin D responsible for:

  • cell growth and reproduction;
  • blood sugar levels;
  • transmission of nerve impulses;
  • synthesis of a number of hormones;
  • metabolic processes.
The role of calciferols in the human body can hardly be overestimated. Deficiency of vitamin D, which you can read about in, leads to increased fragility of the skeleton, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, age-related dementia, and weakness of muscle tissues.

Calciferols are an essential part of the diet. The daily requirement of an adult is 600 IU or 15 mg of the active substance.

Vitamin D, like other fat-soluble compounds, is able to accumulate in tissues and gradually be used up. It is quite resistant to high temperatures and long-term storage of food.

What is vitamin D good for for adults?

What does calciferol affect in the body? Its role is not limited to the maintenance of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and the protection of bone structure. The active substance has many other useful properties:

  • enhances immunity;
  • improves the composition and clotting of blood;
  • corrects the work of the thyroid gland;
  • prevents the development of myasthenia gravis;
  • restores the patency of nerve impulses;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • eliminates dry skin and hair;
  • regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • supports blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of neoplasms.

The benefits of vitamin D for adults don't end there. Of particular interest is the ability of calciferol to counteract chronic autoimmune diseases: diabetes mellitus and arthritis.

The antitumor properties of the substance are of great importance for the body. Vitamin is able to prevent or slow down the development of such terrible ailments as brain, breast, ovarian, prostate cancer. It is also used to combat leukemia.

The ability of calciferol to restore the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. For the treatment of skin ailments in adults, vitamin D is taken orally or used externally in the form of ointments. For example, with psoriasis, patients are prescribed drugs such as Daivonex, Silkis, Psorkutan, Kuratoderm.

How else does calciferol help adults? It is known that in conditions of a pronounced lack of vitamin D, a person assimilates calcium worse. This is very bad for the teeth. In areas where the sun is a rare visitor, many suffer from tooth decay and other substance-related problems.

However, calciferol can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Keep this in mind and don't get carried away with your vitamin D intake.

Why do women need vitamin D3?

The increased need of the female body for cholecalciferol is associated, first of all, with the peculiarities of physiology. Stress at home and at work, pregnancy, breastfeeding, blood loss during menstruation - all this greatly increases the consumption of vitamin D3. This deficit becomes especially pronounced after 40 years. According to statistics, it develops in 8 out of 10 of the fairer sex.

The incipient menopause aggravates the situation even more. The female body during this period is especially susceptible to the development of such painful conditions as diabetes mellitus, oncology, obesity, hypertension, depression. Not the least role in the formation of these ailments is played by the lack of vitamin D3.

Attention. Cholecalciferol normalizes blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of diabetes by 30-40%.

Osteoporosis, which almost 30% of women suffer after 50 years, is manifested by fragility and fragility of bones, osteopenia. With a lack of cholecalciferol, calcium residues are washed out of the skeleton, fractures and cracks become frequent guests.

A sufficient amount of cholecalciferol prevents or slows down the development of these ailments, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and ensures the normal psychological state of the fair sex.

What else is vitamin D useful for women over 40? A drop in the level of sex hormones inevitably causes changes in appearance: dry skin and hair, the appearance of deep wrinkles, sagging tissues. In this case, you should not immediately resort to hormone replacement therapy. You may be able to get by with easier means - the same cholecalciferol.

How to make up for vitamin D3 deficiency?

How to increase the level of a nutrient in the body? Of course, you can reconsider your diet and be in the sun more often. It is very beneficial for the skin and hair. But in the autumn-winter period, this is not enough. Food additives, which are oil or water solutions of cholecalciferol, will save the situation.

However, with excessive enthusiasm, drugs will bring not only benefits, but also harm to a woman. An overdose will cause a lot of unpleasant consequences and negatively affect health.

It is preferable to start using vitamin-mineral complexes that combine D3 and calcium.

For example, such:

  • Natekal D3;
  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Multi-tabs vitamin D3;
  • Calcium-D3 Nycomed.

Taking complex drugs is useful not only for the bones, but also for the face. A properly selected combination of vitamins and microelements will eliminate dryness and flaking, reduce the severity of wrinkles, and make the skin young and fresh.

How to take cholecalciferol with menopause? Adult women require a daily intake of 400-600 IU of vitamin. You will get some from food and during walks, and the rest should be made up with D3-containing supplements.

The course of prophylactic admission should not exceed 30 days. After that, take a month break and resume using.

Vitamin D: benefits for men

Cholecalciferol is necessary not only for adult women, but also for the stronger sex. Let's see why men need him.

First, vitamin D is actively involved in the formation of sperm, which means it directly affects the ability to fertilize. It has been proven that the quality of ejaculate in men suffering from calciferol deficiency is much lower than in those in whose body there is enough substance.

Second, vitamin D levels are directly linked to prostate disease. Its lack leads to prostate adenoma, contributes to the occurrence of inflammation and cancerous tumors.

Another reason vitamin D is important for men is because it is associated with muscle growth and fat storage. Adequate amounts are known to accelerate muscle building and promote the burning of carbohydrates. This ability of calciferol is especially pronounced after exercise in the gym.

In addition, vitamin D is known to link with testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire. Its deficiency leads to abdominal obesity and feminization of the figure, reduces the libido and physical activity of an adult man, and impairs vascular conductivity. Because of this, there is a loss of performance, weakness and drowsiness.

Advice. All men over 40 need to take additional vitamin D, but do not get carried away with it. The drug can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Vitamin D for hair

As we already know, cholecalciferol is responsible for the absorption and metabolism of calcium. Its deficiency in the body causes dryness and fragility of hair, slows down their growth. A sufficient amount of the substance stimulates the maturation of follicles, protects the roots from depletion, makes the curls smooth and shiny.

Moreover, the vitamin improves the condition of the scalp, relieves dandruff and irritation, and normalizes sebum secretion.

If the appearance of the hair has noticeably deteriorated, and you associate this with vitamin deficiency D3, you can not only use the substance internally, but also apply it externally, adding it to masks, balms or conditioners.

Advice. Cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble compound and should only be mixed with oils.

For hair loss, a nutritional mixture of eggs, hot pepper tincture, castor oil and an ampoule of oil calciferol will help. For the preparation of the mask, only the yolks are needed.

For oily hair, a composition of kefir and vitamin D is suitable. The mixture is applied warm to the head and left for half an hour. The mask nourishes and strengthens curls, normalizes greasiness and shine. To grow hair and reduce split ends, you can prepare a composition of yolk, honey, burdock oil and calciferol.

Vitamin D for immunity

Vitamin D is necessary for the full course of immune responses, both adaptive and genetically inherited. Prophylactic intake of the substance reduces susceptibility to infections, relieves colds and other diseases of the ENT organs, and reduces the risk of developing allergic reactions, including asthma.

It is interesting. Not so long ago, scientists have identified another property of cholecalciferol - the ability to influence the information recorded in the genes.

It is especially important to start supplementing vitamin D during the epidemic season. The substance is used for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. When it interacts with the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, a protein is synthesized, which prevents the introduction of pathogenic microbes into the tissues.

In addition, calciferol reduces the severity of inflammatory processes and facilitates the course of the disease. According to the observation of doctors, additional intake of vitamin D for colds and acute respiratory viral infections noticeably accelerates recovery and reduces the risk of complications, as well as eliminates resistance to certain antibiotics.

Vitamin D in bodybuilding

The additional intake of vitamin D in bodybuilding is especially relevant. This is due to the ability of calciferol to influence the synthesis of testosterone. Sports physicians have long noticed this pattern and are successfully using it to improve the effectiveness of training.

This way of achieving results is much more effective and safer than taking steroid supplements or artificial testosterone. Today, enough is known about the risks associated with the use of synthetic sports nutrition for building muscle mass. By taking calciferol, you completely eliminate the dangers associated with artificial drugs and gain many benefits.

The daily intake of vitamin D in sports is much higher than the norm of an ordinary person. The maximum allowable dosage for adult bodybuilders is 50 mcg per day.

Such an amount of a substance often causes allergic reactions: swelling of the face and chest, skin rash, shortness of breath. If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since an excess of vitamin can lead to negative health consequences.

Rules for the use of supplements in sports:

  • taking medications should be in an orderly manner and be carried out under the supervision of a specialist;
  • it is necessary to regularly determine the level of calciferol in the blood;
  • the use of supplements should be supplemented with the normalization of hormonal levels and a sufficient intake of micronutrients;

Athletes with impaired gastrointestinal tract activity, chaotic diet or diseases of the digestive system require dietary correction with the participation of a specialist.

Vitamin D for weight loss

To this day, there is debate about whether calciferol affects weight loss. There have been many studies involving different groups of the population, as a result of which it has been proved that people with sufficient vitamin D3 content lose excess pounds faster and gain them more slowly.

Having found out that vitamin deficiency and obesity are related to each other, scientists cannot yet determine what is the root cause. Despite this, obese people should carefully monitor the level of cholecalciferol in the body.

Interestingly, in those who are overweight, vitamin D3 accumulates in the fatty deposits on the abdomen. Accompanying sports activities with an additional intake of the substance, you will bring closer the acquisition of a thin waist. At the same time, in the process of burning fat, the release of the vitamin hidden there will begin, which will further accelerate weight loss.

In a special group are people with abdominal obesity. They should increase the preventive intake of cholecalciferol by 40%, since at first the process of getting rid of extra pounds will be very slow. But as soon as the accumulation of fat on the belly is saturated with the vitamin, rapid weight loss will begin.

Advice. If you want to lose weight, increase the daily dose of cholecalciferol to 800-1000 IU.

Vitamin D for the elderly

With age, the human body gradually loses its ability to produce vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet rays. On the recommendation of doctors, the daily dosage of this substance is increased by 25% for women and men after 65 years.

Elderly people may need calciferol more than pregnant women. Vitamin not only protects against hip fractures, but also performs other, equally important functions:

  • reduces the risk of developing senile dementia;
  • fights Parkinson's disease;
  • prevents atherosclerosis;
  • prevents the occurrence of glaucoma, retinopathy;
  • slows down degenerative changes in the retina.

Often, older people experience short-term, unexplained weakness and muscle pain. One of the reasons for these unpleasant phenomena may be the D-deficiency state.

The elderly living in the northern regions, where the sun is not a frequent visitor, cannot be dispensed with without taking additional vitamin supplements.

How to take vitamin D correctly

How to take calciferol correctly? Experts recommend using the substance in combination with B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol. These elements mutually reinforce each other and increase absorption.

When is it better to take calciferol, at what time of day? Vitamin D, like all medicines, is recommended to be consumed in the morning. If you are using any other medications, it is better not to drink them all at once, but take them one by one at intervals of 10 minutes.

You can take vitamin D before or after meals. If you experience nausea, burning sensation and discomfort in the stomach, drink the drug after breakfast. If it is in drops, dilute the prescribed amount of medicine in a liquid or apply to a slice of brown bread.

What is vitamin D absorbed with? When composing your morning diet, pay attention to the fat content in it. For better absorption of calciferol, it should be consumed with oils - butter or vegetable, so prepare porridge or salad for breakfast and season them with butter.

Advice. Do not drink the vitamin with coffee or tea. The best option is a glass of warm milk or plain water.

Dose calculation for adults: prophylactic and curative

Before you start taking vitamin D, you need to determine the optimal daily intake of the substance. This will allow you to avoid excesses and not harm your health.

The prophylactic dose of vitamin D for an adult is:

  • pregnant and lactating women - 500-700 IU;
  • postmenopausal women - 600-1000 IU;
  • men from 18 to 60 years old - 500-700 IU. To improve sperm quality, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 1000 IU;
  • adults over 60 years old - 800 IU.

How to drink vitamin D? The instructions for use say that a prophylactic reception can be carried out for many years, alternating monthly courses of treatment with 4-week breaks.

If there are diseases of the skeletal system or other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, the prophylactic dosage must be replaced with a therapeutic one. Determines it, like the regimen, only a doctor. But the patient also needs to navigate in the permissible portions of the vitamin.

The maximum safe dose of calciferol for adults is:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers - 2000-4000 IU;
  • adults over 18 years old - 2000-5000 IU.

Vitamin in such dosages should not be taken longer than 4 weeks. After 2 months, the course of therapy can be continued. A contraindication to the appointment of prophylactic and therapeutic portions can be renal osteodystrophy with developed hyperphosphatemia and calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Interestingly, in Western European countries, supplements containing 5,000 IU per daily serving are the most popular. Such doses are taken by millions of people without any harm to their health. From this it can be concluded that overdose in adults occurs when calciferol is consumed from 10,000 IU and above daily for several weeks in a row.

Attention. The assimilation of vitamin D largely depends on the presence of chronic diseases, the age and physiological characteristics of an adult. In some, the substance is quickly and completely converted into an active form, while in others it is not.

How many units is 10 mcg of vitamin D3?

This question often arises for those who take drugs from different manufacturers. Moreover, Russian brands indicate the dosage of vitamin D, as a rule, in micrograms (μg), and foreign ones prefer international units (IU).

Therefore, everyone will need information on the rules for converting μg to units: 10 μg of vitamin D3 is 400 IU.

Lack of vitamin D: symptoms in adults

Calciferol deficiency is rare in people who live in southern latitudes or spend long periods in the sun.

Attention. From November to March, the entire territory above 42 parallel northern latitude is at risk of developing diseases associated with a lack of vitamin D.

Elderly people who spend a lot of time indoors are more prone to substance deficiency. For various reasons, they rarely go outside, which means that they do not receive additional sunlight and do not synthesize vitamin D3 in the required amounts.

Almost 60% of elderly patients with fractures in hospitals suffer from osteoporosis to one degree or another.

At risk are residents of northern latitudes, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers. In adults, vitamin deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • burning sensation in the mouth and throat;
  • decreased performance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • development of osteomalacia:
  • frequent fractures with difficult healing;
  • insomnia;
  • depression.

In men and women, the clinical picture of vitamin deficiency proceeds in different ways. This is due to physiological differences between the sexes.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in women

How is calciferol deficiency manifested in women? Beautiful ladies are more prone to mood swings and depression. They often panic, worry, cry, start tantrums. Lack of vitamin D significantly aggravates these conditions, leading to a nervous breakdown.

The most striking symptoms of calciferol deficiency in the body of an adult woman are:

  • mental disorders;
  • Bad mood;
  • loss of interest in life, work, family;
  • lack of desire to do anything;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • poor condition of the dermis and hair;
  • infertility.

Often there are nocturnal cramps in the calf muscles, tooth decay, caries, and slow fracture healing.

Signs of Calciferol Deficiency in Men

How vitamin deficiency manifests itself in men. Many still not old representatives of the stronger sex are faced with abdominal obesity, which is one of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Other signs of a lack of calciferol in adult men:

  • muscle weakness;
  • night cramps;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of performance;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • insomnia;
  • male infertility.

Most of the stronger sex with vitamin D deficiency have a violation of the heart and blood vessels, an increase in blood pressure, jumps in sugar.

A reliable way to establish a lack of calciferol is a blood test for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH). How to prepare for the test and pass it, is described.

What does the lack of vitamin D lead to?

The consequences of calciferol deficiency in adults are not immediately apparent. Many weeks pass before the first diseases associated with vitamin deficiency occur.

A severe deficiency of the substance causes frequent colds, the development of myopia, curvature of posture. Over time, vascular patency is impaired, hypertension occurs, and cancerous tumors may appear. Bones weaken noticeably, fractures occur even after a simple fall, and fusion is long and difficult.

Lack of vitamin D also causes other serious diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis;
  • cocigodynia;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis.

As a rule, a lack of even one vitamin leads to a breakdown in the functionality of all organs and systems. The work of the heart and pancreas is disrupted, the skin begins to peel and dry, hair falls out, the risk of developing hepatitis and non-alcoholic obesity of the liver increases.

In severe cases, secondary hyperparathyroidism occurs - damage to the parathyroid gland.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the adult body. The substance has a wide range of useful properties and is involved in the regulation of most physiological processes. Its deficiency often leads to a number of common diseases. Timely and competent correction of D-deficiency states will help to avoid them.

Vitamin D (D), the so-called vitamin of the sun, what is so special about it? What role does it play in the human body and where do we get vitamin D?

As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when the ideal diet was considered: 12% protein, 5% minerals, 30% fat, and everything else is carbohydrates! Fortunately, now they no longer use such a diet based only on meat and potatoes.

Today everyone already knows that our body needs to get many different nutrients. The ideal diet for our body, or it is also called "cellular nutrition", is:

All this is necessary to maintain health in our body!

However, there is one interesting exception to this rule. Unlike other vital vitamins that we get from food, our bodies can also make vitamin D on its own using sunlight.

So, let's look at how our body gets vitamin D and why it is so important for our health.

How is vitamin D formed in the body?

In fact, vitamin D is not just one vitamin, as we used to think. There are many different chemicals that are collectively called “cholecalciferol”. Cholecalciferol is inert in the body, which is why many people know about the "inactive" form of vitamin D. Our body must convert this cholecalciferol to the active form of vitamin D, known as "calcitriol".

Basically, our body receives cholecalciferol (inactive vitamin D) from two different sources:

  • sunlight
  • and a small amount comes from food.

How do we get vitamin D from sunlight?

Our skin contains a substance called 7-dehydrocholesterol. When the skin is exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, this substance is converted to vitamin D3.

In other words, after vitamin D has entered the body, it is converted to the active form of calcitriol.

Why is vitamin D so essential for our body?

From now on, I will be talking about the activated form of vitamin D (D) - calcitriol. In fact, vitamin D is both a hormone and a fat-soluble vitamin, which is why it is so important for our body!

Vitamin D was originally noted as one of the essential vitamins for maintaining skeletal health. For the first time, scientists discovered that dogs that were raised indoors and deprived of sunlight were sick with rickets, a bone disease that was cured with vitamin D through sunlight and fish oil.

Since then, it has been proven that vitamin D is involved in many processes in the body:

  • Intestinal absorption

Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium from the intestines.

  • Stabilizes Calcium and Phosphorus Levels

The body requires a certain level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. When levels drop, vitamin D helps our bodies keep the correct levels of calcium and phosphorus.

  • Supports Immunity

Vitamin D has several functions that support a healthy immune system.

  • Affects our mood and brain development

Low vitamin D levels have been linked to mood disorders and depression.

  • Autoimmune Disorders

Several studies have confirmed the link between multiple sclerosis and vitamin D deficiency.

  • Bone health

Because vitamin D helps maintain blood calcium levels and increases the absorption of dietary calcium, which is very important for a strong skeleton!

  • Cancer prevention

Some research suggests that vitamin D may help prevent certain forms of cancer.

The benefits of vitamin D:

As you can see, vitamin D plays an important role in our body ...

How to saturate the body with vitamin D?

In general, most of the vitamin D we can get from sunlight, because the body produces this hormone itself. But most people work indoors, where there is little direct sunlight, and in some countries there are long so-called seasons of darkness, when the sun rises for a maximum of two hours.

Fortunately, there are other options now to saturate your body with vitamin D!

This option is great for those who have a high risk of skin cancer, or who live in a part of the world where there is little sunlight or who don't get enough vitamin D from their diet.

These are biologically active forms of vitamin D (vitamin D3) in vitamin and mineral complexes.

Are you sure you have enough Vitamin D?

Today we will talk about vitamin D, its health and longevity benefits, according to Ray Kurzweil, CTO google and the famous immortalist and futurologist - this is one of the top 3 main anti aging drugs available today. In this article, I will detail the scientific research supporting this claim and practical uses for vitamin D.

Lack of vitamin D

Many have heard of vitamin D and know that it is produced in human skin when exposed to sunlight. It is the only vitamin that is produced in the human body in this way. Vitamin D can be consumed externally with food or drugs. According to statistics, its shortage is observed in a very large percentage of the population of the entire planet - most of all in the inhabitants of the northern countries; in the world, more than a billion people have a shortage of this vitamin! Even in countries with sufficient intensity of the sun - India, and Pakistan, China, there is a shortage of it. The territory of Russia is located so that it is poorly trained by solar radiation - therefore, the Russians have a very high risk of getting a deficiency vitamin D.

The need for vitamin D increases in people who consume a lot of tea and coffee.

Diseases with vitamin D deficiency

Deficiency of vitamin D seriously affects health - in children with a lack of this vitamin, diseases can develop: rickets, and vitamin deficiency, in which hair falls out, skin peels off, growth can be greatly slowed down. In adults, a deficiency can lead to even more serious health problems, and cause the following diseases:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension and disruption of the cardiovascular system
  • Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
  • Depression and frequent headaches
  • Breast and ovarian cancer in women

Why vitamin D is good for you

Ray Kurzweil

If you increase vitamin D in the blood, firstly, you will not get all these diseases, and secondly, you will be able to feel better, due to the slowing down of the aging process with this vitamin. Ray Kurzweil famous person - google CTO, one of the most famous proponents of the ideas of life extension, transhumanism and immortalism recommends it as the most important for slowing aging, standing in the top 3 that he himself accepts.

Vitamin D - slows down aging

Vitamin D helps activate autophagy processes in the cells of your body, for research into the processes of autophagy in the body has been given.

  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3679232/
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3285235/
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20557314
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20488750

Vitamin D contributes to the activation of telomerase, which in turn can repair the telomere DNA ends - thereby slowing down aging.

Delays the development of senile diseases:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • The whole complex of cardiovascular diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Prevents age-related dementia
  • Fights cancer
  • Helps in the restoration of immunity

Vitamin D formation in the skin

As I have already noted, the main amount of vitamin D is formed in the human skin, from provitamins, the components for the formation of vitamin D are produced in the body from cholesterol, and also come from food. If a person spends enough time in the sun, then most likely he does not have a lack of vitamin D, although there are exceptions - if a person is elderly - his skin converts ultraviolet radiation into vitamin D worse.

What foods contain vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in fatty fish and fish oil, with about 400 IU per teaspoon. To get enough vitamin D from food - at least 500 me you need to eat 200 grams of salmon per day, or more than a kilogram of cod - few people consume this amount of fish per day.

A small content of vitamin D is also found in butter, cheese, liver, cream and fat milk, in the yolks of eggs, fish roe, some mushrooms, in all these products the content of vitamin D is so minimal that they cannot compensate for the body's need, for example, 100 grams of butter contains 35 IU, 100 grams of egg yolk contains 25, and the liver contains 50 IU.

There is one product quite rich in vitamin D - this is cod liver (mostly available in canned form), it contains a very large amount, if you constantly eat cod liver, you can easily get an overdose of this vitamin, cod liver cannot be stored for a long time, and eat in large quantities - to get the daily intake of vitamin D, it is enough to eat a small piece - 20-30 grams. You can recommend purchasing 1 can of cod liver for a family of 3-4 people, and eating it for a maximum of 2-3 days, then you will not have to worry about the lack of vitamin D in the body. The main thing: do not leave an open jar of liver in the refrigerator for a long time, this product deteriorates very quickly and can ultimately harm you.

How to take vitamin D to slow down aging?

To slow down aging, it is necessary to consume from 500 to 1000 IU (the bioavailability of vitamin D is 60-90%), depending on the season and time of exposure to the sun, as well as age. In the summer, it is necessary to cut back on vitamin D intake if you spend a lot of time outside the house, exposing your skin to sunlight - although it is also not recommended to be zealous with this, since solar radiation causes accelerated aging of the skin - as I wrote about in the article.

My vitamin D supplementation: I will give an example of my own course of intake: during the summer period I do not take vitamin D at all, I start taking vitamin D in September, in a dosage of 1000 IU to 5000 IU (I eat few foods rich in vitamin D) and take about 3-4 months ( until December), after that I take a month's break and then resume the reception until that time until I start to be outdoors more often, in the sun more often (I take a monthly break just in case, as the analysis is expensive and often cannot be done).

A cheap anti-aging drug is sold in Russian pharmacies - aquadetrim(cholecalciferol), its price is about 200 rubles, and the package will last for several months of use. V aquadetrim contains vitamin D in liquid form, 1 drop contains 500 me of vitamin D, it is recommended to take it with a little water in a tablespoon, preferably on an empty stomach. In appearance, it is just a clear liquid.

Minimum and Acceptable Vitamin D Dosages

Vitamin D dosage table (intake throughout the day) based on Wikipedia data. Different countries consider different values ​​for the acceptable dosage, but more and more studies show that there should be as much vitamin D in the blood as possible.

As you can see from the table, with age, our body needs more and more vitamin D - this happens on the one hand due to the deterioration of its absorption in the intestine, which occurs due to age-related deterioration in the composition of the microflora, but also because people become less active with age - they walk less and are less exposed to the sun. It is necessary to take into account these facts when determining the dosages required for the application.

Overdose Harm - Too Much Vitamin D

The main thing with vitamin D is not to overdo it, because if you take too much it can negatively affect your health. With an excess, calcification of the arteries can develop, their stiffness can increase, which can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, and can provoke the formation of kidney stones. An overdose of vitamin D does not happen overnight, most often it can occur with excessive use of the vitamin for a long time - a month or more.

This study describes the risks of overdosing on the vitamin:


There is evidence that dosages that are too low and too high can affect male fertility. http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26991835

The optimal level of vitamin D in the blood is considered to be from 30 ng / ml to 60-70 ng / ml, which can be determined by doing an analysis (the analysis is called 25-OH vitamin D) - unfortunately, vitamin D tests are not included in the list of free medicine, therefore all that remains is to use the services of paid laboratories, where such an analysis costs from 1 thousand rubles.

Symptoms of a vitamin D overdose:

  • Digestive disorders: nausea, diarrhea, or reverse symptoms such as lack of appetite, constipation.
  • Sometimes it becomes harder to breathe, shortness of breath appears on exertion
  • Muscle pains, headaches, joint soreness
  • Convulsive states
  • Fever
  • Pressure surges

If an overdose is suspected, it is necessary to immediately cancel the drug, and monitor whether the symptoms disappear, and if they do not disappear, then an analysis of the vitamin content in the blood should be done. An overdose of this vitamin is very rare.

Contraindications for the use of vitamin D:

  • Hyperkalemia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Organic heart disease
  • Acute and chronic liver and kidney diseases

Vitamin D and K combination and IHERB product review

A very good and inexpensive vitamin D that can help raise blood levels quickly can be bought from IHERB here. A dosage of 5000ME will suit you if you have it in your blood in a value of up to 20 ng / ml, as the practice of my clients shows - this happens very often.

The combination of these two vitamins can provide significant health benefits and are synergistic. controls the calcium balance in the body: it counteracts the deposition of calcium in the walls of the arteries, directing it to its intended purpose - in bones, teeth and nails, also has many beneficial properties against aging, and even preventing cancer, but its consideration requires a separate article.

On IHERB, the life extension fund sells a complex preparation containing vitamins D and K, as well as sea iodine - a good combination, it can

Everyone knows that vitamin D is necessary for the body to strengthen bones. But not everyone knows about its other properties. So, in recent years, it turned out that he takes an active part in the formation of immunity, the incidence of viral and bacterial infections depends on him, as well as the development of autoimmune and oncological processes. Experts believe that not all properties and functions of vitamin D have been studied yet, and almost half of the population has a deficiency.

What is vitamin D

Under the general name "Vitamin D", or "calciferol" (ergocalciferol - Latin name), several fat-soluble organic substances are known. The most important for the human body are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). In fact, these are provitamins that must be activated to become steroid hormones.

There are interesting facts in the history of the discovery of vitamin D: it is associated with vitamin A (retinl). The latter was isolated from fish oil in the early 20th century. It was soon discovered by chance that dogs fed fish oil did not get rickets. In those days, this disease was one of the main problems in pediatrics.

This led to the idea that the disease rickets is associated with a deficiency of retinol. But the American scientist Elmer McCollum, who made the discovery of retinol, refuted this hypothesis. He conducted an experiment with dogs sick with rickets, and discovered that it is possible to cure rickets with some new substance, since the dogs received a remedy with neutralized retinol. So, in 1922, a new vitamin was discovered, which was named vitamin D from the 4th letter of the Latin alphabet.

A year later, it was found that if food is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, the amount of vitamin D increases, that is, UFO is its source. Here's a story.

Varieties of calciferols

Vitamins of group D (C 27 H 44 O 3) are sterols in structure.

The following vitamers or forms of vitamin D are distinguished:

Formula: C 56 H 88 O 2
Contains 2 components: lumisterol and ergocalciferol, it is not contained in the human body. Obtained only by artificial means. It does not play a big role in medicine.
D 2(ergocalciferol)
Chemical formula: C 28 H 44 O
It enters the body with plant food, is included in a number of dietary supplements, has a slight effect on the calciferol content in the blood.

D3(cholecalciferol or cholecalciferol)
Formula: C 27 H 44 O
Most active form. Sources: Food of animal origin and sunlight (produced in the skin by exposure to ultraviolet radiation - UVR).

Chemical formula:C 28 H 46 O
It is located in the epidermis, under the action of UVR it turns into D3.

Formula:C 29H 48O
Characteristics: belongs to the synthetic analogs of vitamin D3, the least toxic form. Interesting facts: vitamin D5 is used to fight cancer. It is found naturally in wheat oil. It was first synthesized in Chicago.
Chemical formula:C 29 H 46 O
Isolated from plants. Vitamin D 6 is at the stage of studying the structure and characteristics.

How does it work in the body

You can understand how vitamin D is useful through studying its action. Below is a description of the main functions of vitamin D:

  • the main thing for which vitamin D is responsible is the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the duodenum and reabsorption in the kidneys; promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel in children;
  • participates in the activation of the immune system by stimulating protein synthesis; deficiency of vitamins of group D leads to frequent colds and chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the lungs, kidneys, etc.; Immunity disorders lead to the development of autoimmune (with allergy to their own tissues) inflammatory processes (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
  • suppresses the mechanism of development of demyelinating diseases of the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, most often of autoimmune origin; myelin is a sheath that covers nerves and prevents disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • prevents the development of oncological diseases by suppressing the growth of tumor cells; this effect of vitamin D was noted in a 2008 WHO report; prevents the development of diabetes and obesity - has a metabolic effect;
  • regulates blood clotting;
  • normalizes blood pressure (BP), inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, which is the prevention of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis of the peripheral arteries of the extremities with the possible development of gangrene;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis, strengthens bones and teeth, keeps skin epidermis young; the role of vitamin D in this process is irreplaceable;
  • promotes the formation of insulin, lowering blood sugar; regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates;
  • normalizes fat metabolism, reduces body weight.
  • stimulates the mechanism of synthesis of male sex hormones, eliminates the phenomenon of impotence;
  • participates in the maturation of the egg in women;
  • improves vision;
  • inhibits aging processes - the role of vitamin D in this process has not yet been fully understood.

Vitamin D is especially necessary for infants and the elderly. Since babies (especially newborns) rarely sunbathe in the sun and receive very little calciferol from food during breastfeeding, they are prescribed additional intake in the form of medications. Baby food is also almost always fortified with calciferol.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of vitamin D for the elderly, whose ability to absorb this biologically active compound is often impaired, therefore, its additional intake is required.

Important: it is necessary to accurately calculate the dose of the drug, since only a deficiency is dangerous, but also an overdose. This must be done by a doctor, otherwise irreparable harm may be caused to the body.

Metabolism of calciferols in the human body (metabolism)

Vitamin D metabolism is complex. Vitamin D2 is not synthesized in the human body. It comes with plant food in insignificant amounts. Also produced are food supplements (dietary supplements) with synthetic ergocalciferol, which also slightly increase its level in the body.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin when exposed to sunlight. It also enters the body with animal food. Cholecalciferol contained in dietary supplements is of animal origin.

In order for provitamins to be included in biological processes, they must undergo double activation in the human body. Briefly it looks like this:

  • in the liver, provitamins are affected by enzymes and are converted into calcidiol (25 (OH) D); This substance is used to judge the amount of vitamin D in the body;
  • the second stage of activation takes place in the kidneys, the active form of vitamin D is formed, the steroid hormone calcitriol (1.25 (OH) 2D);
  • the effect of calcitriol on the intestine is the stimulation of protein production for the transport of calcium; it also acts on the smooth muscle of the urinary tract, enhancing the reabsorption of calcium.

The regulation of the production of activating enzymes occurs mainly under the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The concentration of PTH depends on the content of calcitriol, phosphorus and calcium in the body: the more of these substances, the less PTH and enzymes the body needs to replenish the content of vitamin D.

The normalization of enzyme synthesis also affects the production of hormones: female and male reproductive hormones, the thyroid gland of the pituitary gland, etc. The synthesis of enzymes is suppressed when they are in excess in the body.

Vitamin D in its active form (calcitriol) inhibits the formation of tumors.

Subsequently, the active form of vitamin D, under the action of enzymes, turns into an inactive (metabolite of calcitric acid) and is excreted from the body with bile. The question of what else vitamin D is involved in is under study.

Vitamin balance

The value of vitamin D for humans can hardly be overestimated, so you should constantly replenish its supply in the body. Daily allowance for different age groups (measured in μg or IU units: 1 μg = 40 IU):


Cholecalciferol (D3) / Ergocalciferol (D2)

Substance form

IU mg μg g

Decimal places in the result


Conversion of IU ⇄ g / mg / μg (developed by pharmacists and doctors based on reliable data)

An increased daily amount of vitamin D will be required mainly by persons:

  • living in the North, where there is little sun;
  • living in ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • working at night;
  • bedridden patients who rarely stay in the sun;
  • patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines - with these diseases (vitamin D is poorly absorbed;
  • elderly people prone to colds;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

The maximum daily dose is 15 μg (600 IU). Some experts believe that the human body requires much higher doses of vitamin D, increasing the maximum daily dose to 4,000 IU or more. But so far the World Health Organization (WHO) has not given such recommendations: calciferols are under study.

Lack of vitamin (hypovitominosis)

In recent years, experts have been actively discussing the question of why the body needs vitamin D. Special attention is paid to hypovitaminosis, since it is believed that half of the world has it. In northern latitudes, this is due to a lack of sunlight, and in southern latitudes, due to the fact that the production of vitamin D is disrupted in dark skin.This becomes a serious problem, the effect of calciferols on the body is so significant. And if earlier its deficiency in children was considered the main problem, today the deficit in adults is of no less importance.

Vitamin deficiency can be caused by:

  • constant wearing of clothing covering the body;
  • long-term use of sunscreen (it is not always useful);
  • malabsorption in the small intestine against the background of inflammatory processes - duodenitis, enteritis;
  • violation of bile formation (primary activation of provitamin suffers) against the background of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract - hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis;
  • malnutrition - vegetarianism (some people believe that plant foods are enough for them), any defects that lead to digestive disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle, overweight;
  • hormonal disorders.

Deficiency signs and possible consequences in adults

Vitamin D is very important for humans, with its deficiency in the body, children develop rickets, and adults develop osteoporosis and various diseases of internal organs and systems.

The first symptoms of a deficiency may be weakness, sweating, irritability, decreased performance, and sleep disturbances (sleeplessness at night and drowsiness during the day). Decreased appetite, dryness and burning sensation in the mouth.

Due to impaired immunity, people with a deficiency often suffer colds, complicated by chronic infectious and inflammatory processes. Immunity disorders can cause the development of autoimmune and oncological diseases.

Often, with this condition, pains in the joints and spine occur, since the deficiency of calciferols is associated with a violation of the synthesis of connective tissue in the body. Ligaments of joints, cartilage that cover the articular surfaces and form the basis of the intervertebral discs suffer. Lack of collagen affects the skin - it ages quickly. This moment is well reflected in the video of the program “Life is great!”.

Bones become fragile and the risk of fractures increases. The calcium content in the blood increases. Teeth are destroyed - calcium is not absorbed enough.

Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses leads to paresis of the smooth muscles of the intestine and its obstruction. This can also cause damage to skeletal muscles, the development of multiple sclerosis, visual impairment.

Deficiency of vitamin D is reflected in the state of the reproductive system. In women, the process of maturation of eggs is disrupted, and in men, testosterone synthesis decreases, which affects the state of spermatogenesis and potency.

Correcting vitamin D deficiency in a timely manner will prevent all of these disorders. If this is not done, then the consequences will affect not only the state of the skeletal system, but also the state of many other organs and systems of the body.

Watch the video of the program "Life is great!" with Elena Malysheva:

Deficiency signs and possible consequences in children

In children, a low level of blood calciferols manifests itself in the form of diseases such as rickets and spasmophilia, therefore the vitamin is called antirachitic.

Knowing what vitamin D affects, it is easy to understand the results of vitamin D deficiency. Lack of calciferols plays a role in disrupting the metabolism of minerals and their assimilation by tissues.

The first signs of rickets most often appear in a child at the age of 3 to 4 months. The disease proceeds in four stages:

  1. The initial stage - lasts from several weeks to 2-3 months. The first signs of the disease are associated with the nervous system: the baby becomes too excitable, shudders from strong sounds, Sleep and appetite are disturbed. The main signs of the initial stage of rickets include baldness of the back of the head: with increased sweating, the baby feels itching and constantly twists his head, rubs it on the pillow, which causes a bald spot. Immunity suffers, colds develop more often. The initial stage of rickets, to one degree or another, occurs in most children. But all are prescribed on time treatment in the form of ingestion of vitamin D.
  2. High stage. Symptoms associated with damage to the musculoskeletal system appear. At first, this can be seen on the head: the cranial bones become soft, this is especially noticeable at the edges of the large and small fontanelles. The head often changes its shape. The sternum protrudes forward and the breast takes on the shape of a chicken. Ribs thicken, rickety beads appear. They are easy to feel, and you can even see them in a thin baby. If he does not receive treatment, after six months his legs are bent and take on an O- or X-shape. Rickety bracelets appear on the arms and legs, the description of which was made by pediatricians back in the century before last. The kid is lagging behind in physical development.
  3. Recovery stage. All symptoms disappear gradually against the background of treatment or with the onset of the warm season, when the baby spends a lot of time in the sun.
  4. The stage of residual effects. It can last up to 2 - 3 years. After severe rickets, some bone changes may last for life.

Against the background of rickets, sometimes there is a sharp decrease in the calcium content in the blood plasma, which leads to the development of seizures. This complication is called spasmophilia. It is rare today, but a few decades ago it was quite common in formula-fed babies. A description of spasmophilia can be seen in the writings of pediatricians of the 19th - 20th centuries. Children's food products fortified with vitamins and minerals helped to change the situation.

Watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky, where he briefly talks about rickets and its treatment:

How to fill a vitamin deficiency

  • sunbathing (possible in the solarium);
  • introducing foods rich in vitamin D into your diet; this is the safest type of correction, since it is never accompanied by overdose and is well absorbed by the body;
  • folk remedies; infusions of parsley and dill will help; not all experts recognize the effectiveness of folk remedies;
  • taking medications and dietary supplements with calciferols; it is better to do it as directed and under the supervision of a physician, since overdose and the development of hypervitaminosis are possible.

Hypervitaminosis (excess)

Hypervitaminosis D is even more dangerous than hypovitaminosis, as it can cause serious harm to the body. Old doctors thought it was better to have mild rickets than to overdose on vitamin D.

Signs of excess vitamin D in the body

Distinguish between acute and chronic intoxication with calciferol.

Acute intoxication can develop in children if vitamin D is used in high dosages for several weeks or with hypersensitivity to it. The following symptoms appear:

  • lethargy, lack of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting; this means that fluid loss can be accompanied by such a dangerous condition as dehydration (exsicosis);
  • headaches, muscle and joint pains, sometimes cramps;
  • increased body temperature, blood pressure (BP), rare pulse, shortness of breath.

Chronic intoxication occurs against the background of prolonged (at least six months) use of the vitamin in therapeutic doses. Symptoms:

  • decreased appetite, slowly increasing lethargy and a decrease or no increase in body weight;
  • increased content of calcium in bones and changes in bone tissue: early infection of the large fontanelle, ossification of the seams of the skull bones, partial ossification of the growth zone of long bones;
  • an increased content of calcium in the blood and its deposition in the walls of blood vessels, in the kidneys, heart, lungs and other organs, which means that their functions will suffer.

There are 3 degrees of severity of intoxication, when vitamin D is in excess: mild (without toxicosis), medium (with moderate toxicosis) and severe (with severe toxicosis).

Possible consequences of excess

Mild degrees of intoxication pass without consequences, but after severe consequences they can remain for life. The deposition of calcium in the walls of blood vessels and internal organs plays a role, which leads to disruption of their work. Children often develop chronic pyelonephritis and teething problems. In adults, hypervitaminosis causes an increase in blood pressure (BP), contributes to the development of cardiosclerosis, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm.

Overdose treatment

If you suspect an overdose of calciferol, it is better to hospitalize the baby. In the hospital, depending on the severity of intoxication, he is prescribed intravenous administration of medicinal solutions with the simultaneous administration of diuretics (forced diuresis) in order to remove excess calcium.

In severe cases, hormonal therapy is prescribed: glucocorticoid hormones inhibit the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys.

Indications for use

Medicines and dietary supplements, which include vitamin D, should be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will also tell you what vitamin D is and how to choose the most appropriate dosage form.

When prescribing a correction, it is taken into account what vitamin D is responsible for and whether it really needs to be increased. Taking calciferols helps with the following diseases and conditions:

  • for the prevention and treatment of rickets;
  • spasmophilia;
  • softening of bones (osteomalacia) of various origins;
  • diseases of the osteoarticular system against the background of a violation of mineral metabolism;
  • insufficient calcium (hypokalemia) in the blood;
  • convulsions against the background of hypokalemia;
  • osteoporosis (calcium depletion of bones), including during menopause; vitamin D for a person after 60 years is especially important precisely because of the risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • with slow bone healing after a fracture;
  • with massive caries against the background of demineralization (loss of calcium) by the enamel of the teeth;
  • with frequent colds due to vitamin deficiency.

Contraindications for taking vitamin D for each drug are different.

Whether to give to a newborn

Why give vitamin D to a newborn? Pediatricians and neonatologists (doctors who treat babies in the first month of life) all over the world recommend that all newborns take vitamin D in aqueous solution. It helps:

  • the formation of the skeleton;
  • correct teething;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • development of the organs of vision;
  • the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • the formation of strong immunity and the prevention of infections;
  • prevention of rickets.

How to give to children

Newborns are advised to give vitamin D in the form of cholecalciferol. Usually, a prophylactic dose of 400 - 500 IU per day in the form of an aqueous solution is sufficient. For premature babies, the dosage may be increased. For children who are bottle-fed, the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the content of calciferols in the formula for feeding.

Sometimes higher dosages of up to 600 IU are useful, for example, in northern regions or in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. Taking a high dose of vitamin is prescribed to a nursing mother, in which case the baby receives calciferol with her milk.

In the summer, vitamin D can be omitted or given at a lower dosage. It should also be borne in mind that dark-skinned children need a higher dosage of the vitamin, since it is produced worse in their skin.

Therapeutic dosages are selected by doctors individually in IU (regardless of the name of the drug).

Summer time influence (active sun)

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is formed in the skin. Regular exposure to the fresh air during the summer increases the supply of vitamin D. You just need to know that clothes and sunblock prevent this process.

To replenish stocks of cholecalciferol in the body, you need to stay in the daytime sun for 30 minutes daily. But in the very hot sun, you can get burned, so you need to start from 5 to 7 minutes, gradually reaching the right time.

Is vitamin allergy possible?

Allergic reactions develop to any medication. Vitamin D (calciferol) in oil solution is more likely to cause allergic reactions. Aqueous solutions rarely cause allergies and are better tolerated by adults and children.

The best natural sources (table)

The best sources of vitamin A are oily sea fish and fish oil. Here is how its content in various products looks in the table:

In smaller amounts, vitamin D calciferol is found in plant foods. Most of them are in various types of mushrooms: 100 g of forest mushrooms contains 10 IU. It is also present in cereals (for example, oatmeal), parsley, dill, yeast, and oranges. A varied diet will benefit.

Preparations and dietary supplements

At present, various types of vitamin D are produced in the form of drugs and biologically active food additives (dietary supplements) with different names to compensate for the deficiency of calciferols.

They include vitamin D and its metabolites. The active ingredients in these products can be provitamins ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), as well as metabolic products calcidiol (Alpha D3 Teva) and calcitriol (Osteotriol, Rocaltrol) and their synthetic analogs (Psorkutan). These medicines have their own indications, contraindications and side effects, so the doctor prescribes them. In the pharmacy, you can also buy natural fish oil, 5 ml of which contains 924 IU of calciferols.

Vitamin D for humans is produced in different dosage forms: in the form of capsules and tablets for oral administration, oral solution, chewable tablets and even ointments. In addition, such types are produced as combined products containing vitamin D and calcium.

Preparations in capsules

Vitamin D for adults is available in capsules for oral administration. Such funds include Alpha D3 Teva, Osteotriol, Rocaltrol. On the iHerb website, you can purchase quality American-made dietary supplements with vitamin D. A feature of these dietary supplements is high dosages, therefore, before taking them, you should consult a doctor, take an analysis for the content of calciferols in the blood plasma and adhere to the dosages given in the recommendations.

Preparations in the form of a solution

In the form of an oil solution, vitamins D2 and D3 are produced (Ergocalciferol, Vigantol, Videhol), and in the form of an aqueous solution - only vitamin D3 (Aquadetrim, Complivit Aqua D3). These dosage forms are more often prescribed to children. Most experts prescribe water solutions of cholecalciferol to children. California Gold Nutrition's Vitamin D3 Aqueous Supplement for Babies is available on Ayherb's website. Above in the text, we have already described why babies need vitamin D: to prevent rickets. Doses of the vitamin are selected by the doctor, who also treats rickets under the supervision of laboratory tests.

Chewable preparations

Vitamin D for adults and schoolchildren is also available in chewable tablets. They can be purchased from your local pharmacy (Ultra-D Chewable) or Ayherb's website (Vitamin D3, Chewable, Orange Flavored, 400 IU, 110 21st Century Tablets). Like all other drugs, they are best used as directed by a doctor.

Calcium with vitamin D

The most famous combination drug (vitamin D for adults with calcium) is Calcium D3 Nycomed, which is available in chewable tablets. Analogs are drugs with the following names: Complivit Calcium D3, Vitrum Calcium with vitamin D3, Alphadol-Ca, Natekal D3, Calcemin Advance. Supplements with these active ingredients can also be purchased on the iHerb website.

Why vitamin D with calcium is needed: combined preparations improve phosphorus-calcium metabolism, normalize mineralization of bones and teeth, immunity, conductivity of neuromuscular impulses.

Ointment / cream with vitamin D

The composition of ointments and creams includes calcipotriol - a synthetic analogue of cholecalciferol metabolites (Calcipotriol, Daivonex, Psorkutan, Glenriaz, Daivobet). Silkis ointment contains calciferol metabolite calcitriol.

These funds have a pronounced antipsoriatic effect. They successfully treat psoriasis, the drug effect develops gradually within 1 - 3 weeks of use. Contributes to the normalization of the condition of the epidermis. But psoriasis patients sometimes do not understand what vitamin D affects, what benefits it brings. For specialists, the question of what vitamin D gives for the treatment of psoriasis is not worth it today: most dermatologists in practice are convinced of the high effectiveness of these drugs.

How to choose a drug

It is best to entrust the choice of a drug and its dosage to a doctor, since different drugs are suitable for patients of different ages with different concomitant diseases.

Where to buy vitamins cheap and discounted

Now that we have figured out what vitamin D is needed for, it's time to start buying it. It is convenient to buy vitamins from the Ayherb online store (iHerb.com). One has only to pre-agree with the doctor the dosage and dosage form of the drug. Ayherb has a wide range of quality dietary supplements at a price 1.5-2 times lower than in a pharmacy. Why overpay?

Instructions for the use of drugs for prevention and treatment

Vitamin intake in any dosage form for internal use is performed immediately after or during a meal once a day. The cream or ointment is applied twice a day. For this, a cream is taken, squeezed onto cleanly washed hands and applied to the affected skin.

To the question of what prophylactic doses of vitamin D give, the doctor gives an individual answer, since everything depends on the patient's condition and his age. Therefore, preventive doses do not always coincide with the daily requirement of a particular age:

Prophylactic intake of calciferols is carried out in intermittent courses: a month of admission - two weeks off.

Therapeutic dosages of calciferols are prescribed by the doctor individually. With long-term (more than 6 months) taking the drug every three months, it is necessary to carry out a blood test for vitamin D. The World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet given clear recommendations on the dosage of calciferols.

Vitamin D goes well with vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2 and, B5 and B6, as well as calcium and magnesium.

How to check vitamin levels in an adult and a child

The level of vitamin D in the human body is determined by the content of calcidiol (25 (OH) D) in the blood plasma, a product that is formed during the primary activation of provitamins D2 and D3. Measurements are carried out in ng / ml. This is the most stable indicator that reflects the true state of affairs. Analysis of the results:

To confirm the diagnosis of hypo- or hypervitaminosis, it is recommended to simultaneously check the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood plasma.

The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. A high level of performance can be:

  • with an overdose of vitamin D;
  • with prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium;
  • when taking bisphosphonates - medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis.

A low level of indicators is observed under the following conditions:

  • impaired absorption of the vitamin in the intestine;
  • violation of the processes of bile formation;
  • taking certain medications (antiepileptic drugs, antacids, hormonal drugs, rifampicin);
  • some kidney diseases;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • decreased function of the parathyroid glands;
  • rickets;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins. It enters the body and is formed in the skin in the form of provitamins, which then undergo a two-stage activation. The lack of calciferols causes numerous disorders in the body. To correct such violations, drugs and dietary supplements are produced, which should be taken as directed and under the supervision of a physician. With prolonged use as directed by a doctor, laboratory monitoring of the content of vitamin D in blood plasma is done.

Thanks for your feedback!

Vitamin D is important for the nervous system, regulates the concentration of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, controls the production of insulin by the pancreas, increases immunity and positively affects the production of immune cells, reduces the risk of cancer, treats psoriasis, promotes normal absorption of calcium and magnesium, strengthens bones and teeth. This post is devoted to the properties and uses of vitamin D, such information is useful to everyone.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is usually called special biologically active substances. This group includes ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) - the body is saturated with it exclusively through food. And ergocalciferol (vitamin D3) - a person gets it from food, and the substance can also be produced spontaneously in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

What is vitamin D for?

Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol fulfill a number of tasks in the body. The main activity of these substances, similar in structure and action, is the regulation of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium at the time of the movement of food through the small intestine. Most of these trace elements are absorbed in the duodenum.

Scientists have found that vitamin D is involved in the production of certain hormones, regulation of metabolism, and the process of cell renewal. Valuable D vitamins are an important part of our diet. Every day, the human body at the age of 1-70 years needs cholecalciferol in a volume of 15 μg. In terms of international units, this is 600 IU. The same need for pregnancy and hepatitis B.

Studies have shown that vitamin D is an effective prophylactic agent for the prevention of oncological processes in the mammary glands, prostate gland, and large intestine. When used correctly, the substance helps to avoid dangerous conditions such as depression, obesity and heart disease, and also reduces the likelihood of respiratory diseases.

The fat-soluble substance calciferol is optimally absorbed together with fats in the intestine. All fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in adipose tissue. Vitamin D in the human body over the summer can accumulate in such a volume that these reserves will be systematically spent during all cold months of the year.

It is also known that vitamin D promotes the absorption of the important trace element magnesium and vitamin A.

Blood test for vitamin D

To determine the amount of vitamin D in the blood, venous blood is taken for analysis. Thus, you can quickly diagnose hypovitaminosis or hypervitaminosis. Such an analysis is mandatory for patients with serious bone problems - osteopenia, osteoporosis. Based on the results, doctors will adjust the treatment.

The doctor may prescribe a vitamin D test if there are complaints of bone deformity and rickets, stunted growth, repeated fractures, or bone tenderness. Also, a blood test may be required in case of digestive disorders, inaccessibility of sunlight, before bone surgery and dental implantation.

Let's give an approximate explanation of the results of a blood test for vitamin D:

  • a normal test result is 30-100 ng / ml or 75-250 nmol / l;
  • a small shortage is indicated by a result of 10-30 ng / ml or 25-75 nmol / l;
  • a critical deficit can be judged when the result is below 10 ng / ml or below 25 nmol / L.

The results of tests for vitamin D are evaluated by an endocrinologist and a surgeon. Along with this, a number of other examinations can be assigned to clarify the picture. Usually, vitamin D reserves in the analysis are reduced against the background of a lack of vitamin E in the body, renal and hepatic failure, little contact with sunlight, consumption of food poor in vitamin D, and taking certain medications.

Vitamin D in foods

Let's list the foods that contain the most D vitamins - vitamin D2 and D3. Values ​​are given per 100 g of product:

  • fish oil made from cod liver - 250 mcg (1667% of the average daily requirement);
  • canned cod liver - 100 mcg (667%);
  • high fat herring fish - 30 μg (200%);
  • canned oil sprats - 20.5 mcg (137%);
  • chum fish - 16.3 μg (109%);
  • mackerel fish - 16.1 μg (107%);
  • salmon (salmon from the Atlantic) - 11 μg (73%);
  • pink salmon fish - 10.9 μg (73%);
  • black granular caviar - 8 μg (53%);
  • chicken egg yolks - 7.7 mcg (51%);
  • tuna fish - 5.7 μg (38%);
  • chanterelle mushrooms - 5.3 μg (35%);
  • morel mushrooms - 5.1 μg (34%);
  • perch fish (river fish) - 3 μg (20%);
  • red granular caviar - 2.9 μg (19%);
  • flounder fish - 2.8 μg (19%);
  • pike fish - 2.5 μg (17%);
  • fish perch (sea fish) - 2.3 μg (15%);
  • chicken eggs - 2.2 mcg (15%);
  • ghee - 1.8 mcg (12%);
  • unsalted sweet butter - 1.5 mcg (10%);
  • quail eggs, goat milk, butter - 1.3-1.4 mcg (10%);
  • pollock fish and 50% cheeses (Swiss and cheddar) - 1 mcg (7%);
  • cod fish, 50% cheeses (Roquefort and Russian), 45% cheeses (Poshekhonsky and Dutch), Camembert cheese - 0.8-0.9 μg (6%);
  • oyster mushrooms, suluguni and Russian processed cheese - 0.7 μg (5%);
  • processed sausage and Adyghe cheese, fatty 18% cottage cheese - 0.6 μg (4%);
  • feta cheeses, gouda, parmesan, shiitake mushrooms - 0.4-0.5 mcg (3%);
  • medium-fat cottage cheese 9%, milk powder with a fat content of 25% - 0.2-0.3 μg (2%);
  • 10-35% cream, 2-5% cottage cheese, 20-30% sour cream, champignons and porcini mushrooms - 0.1-0.2 (1% of the daily requirement).

For convenience, the products in the list are arranged in descending order of vitamin D content in 100 g (and in descending order as a percentage of the daily requirement). At the top of the list are the richest food sources that are recommended to be consumed in case of vitamin deficiency or to prevent it. The foods at the end of the list contain the minimum concentration of vitamin D, but they are still good for health.

Vitamin D norm

It is important to know not only what vitamin D contains, but also what are the daily calciferol requirements for different people. These data are shown in the table.
table: daily intake of vitamin D for different people

It is believed that taking a 20-minute sunbath can partially cover the need for vitamin D. It is necessary to be outdoors in open, sleeveless clothing. In this case, you need to get only half of the daily allowance from the products.

Who Needs Vitamin D Most?

The body requires increased doses of vitamin D in the following cases:

  • period of active growth of children;
  • the period of menopause in women;
  • carrying and breastfeeding a baby;
  • rare walks in the sun;
  • elderly age.

As you can see, vitamin D for adults and children is necessary for the body to work properly. Deficiency and excess are extremely dangerous.

What can cause vitamin D deficiency?

In the following conditions, vitamin D reserves are usually depleted, therefore additional doses are required:

  • improper food system, poor in fish and dairy products;
  • taking antacids;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age from 50 years;
  • renal and hepatic disorders;
  • vegetarian food system.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

If the body is sorely lacking vitamin D, ailments develop:

  • osteomalacia (against the background of calcium leaching, bone tissue liquefies);
  • sleep disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • low efficiency;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor appetite;
  • feeling unwell in general;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • burning sensation in the larynx;
  • sluggish healing and recovery from fractures.

How does an excess of vitamin D manifest?

Note that the overflow of the body with vitamin D is a rare phenomenon, it can develop against the background of drug abuse:

  • breathing complication;
  • loss of appetite;
  • convulsions;
  • itchy skin;
  • surges in pulse and pressure;
  • headache and weakness in the body;
  • abnormal stools, vomiting, nausea.

Popular vitamin D preparations

Medicines are used as directed by a doctor and in strict observance of the instructions. The following drugs are in demand today:

  • preparations based on colecalciferol - Aquadetrim drops and Vigantol oil solution;
  • preparations based on alfacalcidol - Alpha-D3-Teva capsules, intravenous solution, Etalf capsules and drops, Alphadol capsules, Oxydevit oil solution, Van-Alpha tablets;
  • preparations based on paricalcitol - intravenous solution and Zemplar capsules;
  • a drug based on colecalciferol, calcium carbonate and alendronic acid - Ostalon-Calcium-D tablets;
  • preparations based on calcitriol - capsules Rocaltrol and Osteotriol;
  • a drug based on alendronic acid and alfacalcidol - Tevabon capsules and tablets;
  • a natural source of vitamin D is an oil solution of fish oil.

Vitamin D tablets and other forms of release should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

Vitamin D is important for athletes

People with increased physical activity should take care of themselves, provide their body with trace elements and vitamins in a timely manner.

Why vitamin D is necessary for any sport:

  • a factor of strengthening bones - if there is not enough vitamin D, then the body cannot absorb enough calcium, and the bones become fragile, which is detrimental to the athlete;
  • muscles work much better - a deficiency threatens muscle weakness and the development of muscle atrophy;
  • vitamin D saves from cardiovascular pathologies, unexpected heart attack, hypertension, which, of course, is good with heavy physical exertion;
  • reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Effective sources of vitamin D for athletes include moderate sun exposure, good nutrition, and healthy dietary supplements.

The value of vitamin D for women

Women's health depends on lifestyle and nutrition. Vitamin D is of great importance for women. This fact is confirmed by the following observations:

  • with a deficiency of vitamin D, women develop severe depression and apathy to everything, a breakdown is felt;
  • against the background of a lack of vitamin D, there are problems with procreation - it is not possible to conceive a child;
  • vitamin deficiency is one of the risk factors for the development of obesity and diabetes mellitus;
  • with a lack of vitamin D, muscle weakness is worried;
  • Vitamin D deficiency is inextricably linked to a high likelihood of colds and virus infection.

Vitamin D for babies

  • promotes the accumulation of reserves of phosphorus and calcium in bone and dental tissue;
  • supports the normal development of muscle tissue and proper bone growth;
  • strengthens the immune system, which means it helps to protect against a huge number of diseases;
  • prevents rickets.

Vitamin D supplements for children:

  • Aquadetrim;
  • Osteotriol;
  • Alpha-D3;
  • Vigantol;
  • Fish fat;
  • Colecalciferol;
  • D3-Davisol-Drops.

The dosage is selected by the doctor on an individual basis, depending on the state of health.

It is important that environmental factors influence the percentage of vitamin D in the diet. This vitamin breaks down under the influence of air and light. At the same time, it is interesting that vitamin D does not disappear during heat treatment, since it does not change when heated. It is believed that vitamin D reserves can be replenished by being outdoors in sunny weather. However, it should be noted that sunscreens make it 90% more difficult for the skin to produce vitamin D. And yet it is dangerous to sunbathe without a cream with SPF, it threatens early aging and skin cancer. Therefore, the issue of sunbathing must be dealt with wisely.

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