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Pressing pain in the perineum after childbirth. Pain after childbirth. Back pain after childbirth

Beauty does not always return to women immediately after childbirth. There are often problems that cause young mothers a lot of grief: excess weight, sagging belly, age spots, stretch marks or varicose veins, pain.

What diseases cause pain after childbirth:

How much does it hurt after childbirth? after childbirth
Pain in the perineum and the discomfort associated with it - and this feeling is also normal, because it is unrealistic to expect that a 3-3.5 kg child will pass through the perineum without any consequences. Even if during childbirth you avoided ruptures and did not have an episiotomy (an incision in the perineum), this area was still stretched, compressed, i.e. was injured. The pain will go away in a few days.
In the case of an episiotomy, the pain may increase, especially when laughing, coughing, sneezing, or defecating. Like any wound, the episiotomy site will not heal immediately - it usually takes 7 to 10 days. At this time, the woman is forbidden to sit so that the stitches do not come apart. At the same time, they are allowed to sit on the toilet and sit on a hard chair on the 5th day on the buttock where there is no stitch.

Possible causes of pain in a woman’s musculoskeletal system after childbirth
1. After childbirth, due to stretching of the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments of the pubic joint, and spine, pain in the lower back appears, spreading to the legs, weakness in the legs.
2. The muscular efforts exerted during childbirth can lead to feelings of stiffness, pain in the cervical, lumbosacral spine, and shoulder girdle, since childbirth is work similar to that performed when playing sports. An untrained body can hardly tolerate increased stress.
3. After childbirth, the muscles and ligaments of the spine, weakened by the influence of pregnancy hormones, have not yet acquired the necessary tone, which is why the vertebrae put more pressure on each other and on the nerve roots. The need to lift something heavy and often pick up the baby in your arms leads to pain in the joints, arm muscles, and various parts of the spine. Possible aggravation of existing spinal diseases.
4. After childbirth, a woman may also experience muscle pain in different parts of the body. Which muscles hurt the most depends on which group you strained the most during childbirth: the pain can be concentrated in the chest, back, legs and even shoulders. If the pain is indeed muscular in nature, it should gradually subside over the next few days.
5. Dizziness, palpitations, headaches, staggering when walking, nausea can occur due to changes in the curvature of the neck due to an uncomfortable position during sleep and when doing housework, which results in pinching of blood vessels and a circulatory deficiency.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth
Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth can be cramping or pulling. This is a common occurrence during the postpartum period. The uterus contracts, returning to its previous state (smaller than a fist), this is accompanied by pain. The pain intensifies during breastfeeding, as the production of oxytocin increases, which promotes uterine contractions.
Usually the pain goes away by 4-7 days after birth. If you find this pain difficult to bear, painkillers may be used. But consult your doctor.

Pelvic pain after childbirth
Many women begin to complain of pain in the pelvic area some time after childbirth. This is the so-called syndrome known as symphysiolysis. The syndrome consists of symphysiolysis proper, rupture of the symphysis and pain in the pelvis or symphysis. Symphysiolysis is characterized by separation between the two pubic bones and instability. An acute rupture of the symphysis is very painful. Pelvic pain after childbirth is characterized by tenderness of the symphysis and sacroiliac joints. Complaints usually recur after the next pregnancy.

Back pain in the lumbar region after childbirth
Young mothers often complain of back pain. According to statistics, every second woman in labor experiences discomfort in the lower back, neck and shoulders. The sad thing is that this condition can last from several weeks to 1 year. There are many reasons that cause back pain. These include heavy loads (carrying a baby in your arms every day), displacement of the spinal axis during pregnancy, stretching of the muscles of the back and abdomen, and childbirth itself, which is a great stress for the lower back and sacrum.

Back pain is associated with the condition of the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, these muscles stretch and lengthen, moving apart, causing the psoas muscles to shorten. Modification of the lumbar muscles leads to the formation of a “depression” in the lumbar region, and the abdomen protrudes. This causes pain in the lower back, which is especially noticeable when bending forward, lifting weights and squats.

Another cause of back pain is stretching of the pelvic muscles during childbirth, because the passage of the fetus through the narrow birth canal is a lot of stress. Those who suffer most from discomfort in the back are women whose physical fitness at the time of childbirth left much to be desired. Those women in labor who also did special gymnastics during pregnancy report much less pain. However, not only the lack of training is fraught with overstretching of the pelvic muscles. A major role here is played by changes in hormonal levels, which cause metamorphoses in the structure of ligaments and joints. In addition, orthopedic doctors have identified the following pattern: if a woman had a curvature of the spine before pregnancy, then after childbirth she will be more likely to experience back pain than women with normal posture.

If we talk about the causes of back pain in women in labor, it is worth mentioning birth injuries. Birth trauma usually refers to displacement of the hip joints and vertebrae of the sacrolumbar spine. This problem most often worries women in labor who have a large body weight, as well as those women who entered labor unprepared (did not master proper breathing techniques, did not take gentle positions during contractions, etc.).

Some experts believe that anesthesia during childbirth does not allow a woman to focus on her feelings. For this reason, it is best not to use strong painkillers during labor (unless directed by your doctor). In the future, precisely because of the displacement of the joints, for a long time after childbirth, a woman may be bothered by debilitating pain in the hips and lower back. Sometimes the pain spreads along the entire leg. If the birth injury was serious, then surgical intervention is required, but most often it is possible to manage with conservative therapy methods (osteopathy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercise therapy will help). Drug treatment is prescribed much less frequently, because For women during lactation, many drugs to relieve inflammation and pain are contraindicated. If you experience back pain after childbirth, do not tolerate it under any circumstances, be sure to consult a doctor and tell him about your symptoms.

Women in the postpartum period should strictly dose physical activity and not engage in heavy labor, because... for another 5 months after childbirth, the muscles of the back and abdomen remain very vulnerable.

Good afternoon, dear mothers. It happens that the perineum hurts after childbirth. A woman’s body after childbirth is exhausted and needs to be restored. The birth process itself is quite traumatic for a woman.

After childbirth, almost everything hurts, and especially if there are ruptures or there were any complications. Almost all women have pain in the perineum after childbirth.

Depending on various factors, this pain can be tolerable, mild, or unbearable. What causes pain in the perineum after childbirth, and what to do? Let's look at this topic in this article.

Why does the perineum hurt after childbirth?

Every woman who has given birth has a number of problems, the elimination of which only requires time and appropriate care. Pain in the perineum is the most common symptom during the postpartum period.

There are several reasons for this. Let's look at the four most common causes of postpartum pain in the perineum.

  1. The first and most common cause of pain in the perineum during the postpartum period is completely natural. During childbirth, the tissues of the perineum are stretched, multiple micro tears and damage occur. This causes pain. Such an injury does not require any special treatment - everything will be restored over time, provided hygiene procedures are followed.
  2. The second cause of pain during the postpartum period is ruptures. During childbirth, most women have several tears, both internal and external. This occurs due to the inelasticity of the tissues of the perineum, individual characteristics of the body structure, and a too narrow pelvis. Also, perineal ruptures during childbirth more often occur in women who decide to give birth in adulthood. How long the perineum hurts after childbirth in case of ruptures depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Perineal ruptures can be caused by the large size of the fetus. Tears, in most cases, need to be sutured. In some cases, the suture material is absorbable, in which case removal of the sutures is not necessary.
  3. The third reason for pain in the perineal area after childbirth is an episiotomy. In some cases, to ensure the safety of the baby during childbirth, it is recommended to make an incision in the perineum. This will protect the baby from head injuries and ensure a faster and less painful birth. After childbirth, the incision that was made along the perineum is sutured. Naturally, while the wound from the incision heals, the perineum will hurt.
  4. The fourth cause of pain in the perineal area may be complications after applying sutures. In this case, additional treatment will be required. can become inflamed, and as a result, the pain intensifies and the healing period extends for a longer time.

How to relieve pain in the perineal area?

Having found out why the perineum hurts after childbirth, it is important to know what to do if pain occurs. Most women have to endure pain during the postpartum period.

The difficulty of this period is that due to breastfeeding, a woman after childbirth cannot take painkillers.

But, there are ways to relieve pain in the perineal area, let's look at them.

  1. Cold can be very effective in relieving pain after childbirth. Thanks to the cold, swelling can be relieved, and the blood vessels narrow, as a result of which the sensitivity of the damaged tissues is weakened. To relieve pain in the perineum after childbirth using cold, you can purchase special pads with gel, which are alternately cooled in the refrigerator and applied to the sore spot. But this method of pain relief has a significant drawback - cold weakens the immune system and can cause the onset of an inflammatory process. You should also remember that you should never use ice to relieve pain. Ice is used only immediately after childbirth to avoid heavy bleeding and speed up uterine contractions.
  2. To speed up the healing process, relieve swelling and prevent inflammation, you can use chamomile decoction for hygienic purposes. Chamomile decoction will not only help maintain hygiene, but also has an aseptic effect, relieves swelling, thereby reducing pain.
  3. Today, preparations with anesthesin for topical use are available in the pharmacy, which can be used for application to sutures during the healing period. Such drugs are used topically, due to which a large amount of the active substance does not penetrate the blood of the young mother. You cannot use this drug for as long as the perineum hurts after childbirth, but in the first days, when the pain is especially severe, it is precisely because of this that they can be used during breastfeeding. But, in any case, when choosing a drug for local anesthesia, you should consult your doctor.
  4. As the sutures on the perineum heal, you can consult a doctor and start practicing gymnastics for the muscles - this will speed up healing and tissue restoration. In addition, such exercises can relieve pain.
  5. It is very important to pay attention to proper nutrition during the postpartum recovery period. For rapid healing of wounds, restoration of tissues and the whole body, you need a varied diet, a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Every woman who has given birth to a child needs a certain period of time to restore the body. After all, the fact that the perineum hurts after childbirth is far from the only symptom.

It is advisable that her loved ones support her during this time and take on part of the daily loads themselves - this will contribute to a speedy recovery.

You should also understand that self-medication in some cases leads to very serious consequences, so when deciding to use any medications, it is important to know your doctor’s opinion on this matter and try to follow his recommendations.

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The birth of a child is the most powerful test that women have to experience. The birth of a new person radically changes a mother’s life, and therefore is never easy. However, the joy of the birth of a baby is so great that this alone makes up for all the torment experienced.

Unfortunately, the trials don't end there. Often a woman also has to endure a variety of pains after childbirth. And here you need to understand what is a physiological process and what should be alarming. After all, sometimes pain is a signal that foretells not entirely pleasant consequences...

Normal postpartum condition

The first thing a woman in labor should understand is that immediately after the baby arrives, she does not immediately become the same. Childbirth is a physiological process, but it is associated with enormous risks. The body undergoes the greatest stress. Even the birth process, which took place classically without any complications, injures many organs.

For example, the inner surface of the uterus. After the baby is born, it is a bleeding wound. After all, the placenta was attached to it for a long time by many vessels, which were damaged during childbirth. Therefore, it is quite natural that all women have a stomach ache after childbirth. And this is accompanied by bleeding in the first three to four days.

Secondly, the uterus begins to contract and recover, cleansing itself of everything unnecessary. And this process also cannot be completely painless. Often, a nursing mother has to endure sharp spasms similar to contractions. Often they intensify precisely at the time when the baby begins to suckle at the breast or she has to express milk. This is quite normal and even useful. In this case, the recovery of the mother’s body occurs faster than that of those who do not have the opportunity or desire to breastfeed the child.

Often pain prevents a woman from moving because it is associated with postpartum trauma. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, discomfort in the lower back occurs periodically during physical activity. The pain can “radiate” to the lower back, to the tailbone. Sometimes she seems to be “pulling” her leg, her crotch. Gradually these unpleasant painful sensations pass. Due to the fact that the hip joints are greatly separated during childbirth, pain in the lower abdomen and back can cause anxiety for a woman for quite a long time. Sometimes the recovery process takes up to six months. But this is also quite natural.

A chair is not only a piece of furniture...

The uterus is very close to the rectum. Feces, especially their accumulation in large quantities, put pressure on her. This interferes with her normal recovery. In order for the uterus to contract faster, you need to regularly empty the intestines. And doing this after childbirth can be quite difficult. And very often, instead of answering the woman in labor’s question: “Why does the uterus hurt?”, the doctor asks when the last stool was and how hard it was.

It is very important to restore normal bowel function as soon as possible. This determines not only how quickly the belly will disappear and the figure will become the same, but also how long the painful sensations in the uterus will go away. And normal stool of a woman in labor often guarantees the health of the baby. This is especially important for a nursing mother. Since the use of medications and products with a laxative effect can affect the baby’s condition, it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Constipation and hard stools can cause hemorrhoids. Although this disease often manifests itself in some women immediately after childbirth - from severe overexertion. In both cases, the symptoms of this disease cannot be called pleasant and painless. In addition to a balanced diet, women can benefit from cool baths, cooling lotions, and antihemorrhoidal creams.

Important! You should not take hot baths during inflammation of the anus. This may make the condition worse.

Poor nutrition can cause more than just constipation. Causing increased gas formation, provoking fermentation in the intestines, it causes discomfort, puts pressure on the uterus, interfering with its normal recovery. Because of this, pain and an unpleasant feeling of bloating occur in the abdomen. Typically, eliminating certain foods (dairy, fiber, yeast-containing foods) from the diet will help relieve these symptoms.

Just like constipation, frequent loose stools are harmful for a young mother. It can cause dehydration, weakness, and anemia. And, of course, this is also accompanied by increased pain.

That is why every woman in labor should be very attentive to her feelings and remember that a chair is not just a piece of furniture. The health of a woman and her baby depends on its qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen is associated with urination. It is accompanied by rawness and burning. This is also a physiological process. Usually after a few days this all goes away without a trace.

When is abdominal pain dangerous?

It is clear that usually the physiological process of recovery of the body in the postpartum period is accompanied by pain. And this is a completely tolerable condition. It is caused by contraction of the uterus and cleansing of its cavity. If the pain is strong enough and does not stop a month after the birth of the baby, you should sound the alarm. This can be a very dangerous symptom.

One of the causes of pathology is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. Particles of the baby's place sometimes stick (grow) to the uterine cavity. After childbirth, such dead pieces of flesh cannot come out spontaneously; they begin to rot inside. This is fraught with infection.

Usually the process is accompanied by bloating, pain, fever, nausea, and malaise. In addition to these symptoms, you should pay attention to the discharge. They may contain blood clots and pus. There is also a specific smell.

If the doctor diagnoses placenta remains inside the uterus, a decision is usually made to perform a “cleansing.” Although modern medicine already has the ability in some cases to correct the situation with medication.

Important! If particles of dead tissue are observed in the uterine cavity, this is a very serious violation of the postpartum process. You cannot correct the situation on your own at home; you can only significantly worsen the situation.

With this pathology, you cannot take medications that open the cervix, use alcohol, or use a hot bath. These procedures can cause bleeding so severe that even doctors cannot stop it. You shouldn't risk your health and life.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterine mucosa. This disease is called endometritis. Most often it is observed in women who were forced to undergo surgery - a “caesarean section”. During the operation, germs and infection enter the wound. In addition to pain, patients also have a high temperature, the discharge is heavily stained with blood and there is the presence of pus in it.

Peritonitis is a very serious pathology. This infectious disease is also accompanied by unbearable pain and fever.

Tears during childbirth

They are especially often observed in firstborns and when a large child appears. Tears, cracks and cuts can be on the labia, on the cervix. Sometimes obstetricians apply stitches. In any case, these are additional injuries, which, naturally, are not felt by the woman in the most pleasant way. The wounds sting and sometimes cause nagging pain.

The most unpleasant thing is that they can become infected. Therefore, the first rule: keep it clean!

  • After each urination, you should wash the perineum with warm water, possibly with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • During the first days, it is recommended to use baby soap for regular washing after visiting the toilet.
  • Twice a day it is recommended to lubricate external seams and tears with a strong (brown) solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If your stitches hurt after childbirth, it is recommended to apply cool compresses to the area.
  • You should not sit down at first, especially if you feel pain. If necessary, you can use a special pad.
  • You cannot lift weights, run, walk a lot, or make sudden movements.
  • It is recommended to change the pad after each urination.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after childbirth until the onset of your first menstruation!

Correct discharge guarantees normal recovery

The first week after childbirth is associated with the greatest discomfort for a woman. When the uterus contracts, blood and lochia are released. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Rather, you need to worry if they are absent. This pathological condition is called lochiometra. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and often its enlargement, a feeling of fullness.

Important! If you notice that the pad remains completely clean already in the first week, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

Discharge accompanies uterine contractions for 42-56 days. Their color gradually changes. Lochia by the end of this period is less abundant, similar to “daub” in the last days of menstruation, lighter and more transparent than what was at the very beginning. And if, a month after giving birth, a woman is still leaking copious amounts of bloody discharge, which is accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, this should not be left to chance. Surely this condition is associated with pathology. Therefore, a visit to the doctor in this case is mandatory.

The recovery process should be gradual. Every day the stomach should shrink, lochia should become less abundant, and the pain should subside.

Important! If you notice that the process is going in the opposite direction (the abdomen increases, additional pain appears, unpleasant sensations of fullness inside, foreign odors), you should not try to get rid of the symptoms on your own.

This may be an infectious disease that cannot be cured at home. Is it worth repeating that the later the patient goes to a medical facility, the more severe the consequences?

Just like too scanty lochia, excessively abundant discharge is dangerous. Usually they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of infections, the onset of an inflammatory process, or increased physical activity, stress, or injury. A woman must understand that her body is very vulnerable after childbirth. What goes unnoticed before pregnancy, without consequences, can now become the cause of a serious illness. And not only herself, but also the person most dear to her - her child.

Symphysiopathy – what is it and how to treat it?

When talking about the kind of pain a woman has to endure after childbirth, we cannot fail to mention the pubic joint. It is the pubic bone that often begins to hurt for many people during pregnancy. And these painful sensations do not leave some even after childbirth.

The symphysis is the connection of the pelvic bones in front. It consists of cartilage and ligaments. During pregnancy, the pubic joint withstands enormous loads. Sometimes the joint is very stretched. The process of childbirth itself contributes to this. Women with a narrow pelvis and a large fetus are especially susceptible to this. The ligaments of the symphysis are not very elastic, so the recovery process is extremely slow.

It is impossible to cure symphysiopathy. Recovery usually occurs over time. A doctor can only help reduce symptoms and relieve severe pain syndromes. Sometimes symptoms of symphysiopathy appear after several years, for example, with increased physical activity. Sometimes pain in the pubic joint occurs as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable positions (for example, during yoga), injuries, or cycling. This can be quite unpleasant and painful, but it has virtually no effect on your overall health.

If a woman continues to have pain in her pubic bone after childbirth, she is recommended:

  • regularly taking medications with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D;
  • consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium;
  • daily sunbathing or walking outdoors;
  • change body position every half hour;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • wearing special bandages (prenatal and postnatal);
  • taking acupuncture courses;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;

For very severe pain, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with medications. Sometimes, in particularly severe cases, surgical intervention is required.

Back pain

Very often, after the birth of a child, a woman is tormented by pain that does not seem to be directly related to the process of the birth of the baby. Well, how can we explain that now that there is no fetus inside and the load has decreased significantly, the lower back continues to hurt? It turns out that this is not a pathology at all, but a natural process.

The stomach and back hurt for a long period after childbirth. This happens because during pregnancy the abdominal muscles diverge and become deformed. These changes resulted in the formation of a “hollow” in the lower back. Incorrect body position resulted in pinching of the intervertebral nerves. Gradually these symptoms will pass, but at first it is quite normal for a woman to experience some discomfort.

Since the spine ends at the tailbone, it can also bring suffering to a woman. Women who had spinal curvature before pregnancy are especially often asked why their tailbone hurts. Usually, during pregnancy, although pain in this area is felt, it is perceived as something inevitable. And it goes without saying that after giving birth everything will go away by itself. However, the birth of a child does not reduce the pain, but even increases it.

The reason for this may also be stretching of the pelvic muscles. A large fruit will provoke these symptoms. This situation is especially clear in women giving birth with a narrow pelvis. Many complaints also come from those who were not physically prepared for these tests. That’s why it’s so important to do gymnastics and physical education long before deciding to become a mother.

Birth injuries are often a problem. As a result, there is a displacement of the vertebrae in the area of ​​the sacrolumbar region and hip joints. And if you also take into account the changes in hormonal levels, then it becomes completely clear why the joints hurt. During pregnancy, cartilage becomes softer and more mobile, otherwise the woman would not be able to withstand such a load. After childbirth, a redistribution of the center of gravity occurs. All this cannot but affect the general condition of a woman. Gradually the organs will take their places. But the process is long and, alas, far from painless.

Even internal organs often change their places during gestation, for example, kidneys. They can go down or turn around. And after childbirth, you will feel dull pain in the lower back for a long time, which can radiate below, for example, in the perineum and leg.

But it should be noted: overweight ladies and those who did little physical training before pregnancy suffer the most.

Why does my chest hurt?

After childbirth, lactation occurs - the formation of milk in the glands. And often women begin to suffer from unpleasant sensations associated with this process. An interesting fact is that chest pain can also occur in women whose lactation is very weak. Yes, the baby does not have enough milk for nutrition, and it feels like the breast is simply bursting!

In any case, the woman must determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. What exactly causes discomfort?

There may be several reasons:

  • stagnation of milk in the glands (lactostasis);
  • inflammation (mastitis);
  • stretching of the skin and deformation of the pectoral muscles;
  • cracked nipples.


This pathology is observed in most women, especially in primigravidas. The causes of this pathology are:

  • improper attachment of the baby;
  • incomplete expression of remaining milk from the breasts;
  • tight bra;
  • hypothermia;
  • bruises;
  • sleeping on your stomach;
  • hyperlactation;
  • narrow channels;
  • dehydration;
  • woman's lack of sleep;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • abrupt cessation of feeding the baby.

Symptoms of lactostasis are:

  • severe tingling pain in the chest;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees and above;
  • severe engorgement of the mammary glands, heaviness;
  • redness of the nipples;
  • formation of compactions.

Important! A nursing woman should measure her temperature not in the armpit, but in the elbow. Otherwise, an incorrect result is guaranteed due to milk flow.


Inflammation (mastitis) occurs against the background of lactostasis or due to microbes (streptococci, staphylococci) entering the cracks.

Symptoms of mastitis are:

  • very high breast density;
  • purple skin tone;
  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • severe pain in the chest area;
  • distension in the mammary gland;
  • There is pus in the nipple discharge.

Important! It is better not to treat lactostasis and mastitis on your own, but to consult a doctor at the first signs. With timely and correct diagnosis, these diseases can be treated with medication. With advanced processes, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

Stretched skin and cracked nipples

These are simpler pathologies that can often be corrected at home. Usually their symptoms are not associated with elevated temperature and are local in nature. But if a crack in the nipple, for example, is deep enough and it is not possible to deal with it, contacting a specialist will be the best way out in this situation.

Usually, when damage occurs on the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the wound with brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide. Wound healing ointments help well. But here you should be careful: these should not be medications that can harm the baby if they get into his mouth. And they should not taste bitter or have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Today, the industry produces special latex covers that protect nipples from damage during feeding. If the wounds are so painful that it is impossible to do without them, it is worth considering this option.

In order to avoid chest pain, a woman must understand that the most important thing during this period is healthy sleep, good nutrition, walks in the air, calmness and a good mood. Of course, proper expression of the remaining milk, underwear that does not tighten or squeeze the breasts are the basic rules of a nursing mother.

Important! Don't neglect bras at all. Swollen breasts become quite heavy. Without the support of the bodice, she will not only quickly lose her shape, which then cannot be restored, but also stretch marks, pain, and diaper rash will appear under the breasts.

And every woman should start preparing her breasts for the birth of a baby even during pregnancy. This usually involves massaging the nipples with a terry towel. The skin should roughen a little. But here there is a rule: do no harm! You should act carefully so as not to injure the delicate epithelium; massage rather than tear off the skin.

A woman’s body goes through a recovery stage after childbirth. This period, according to most doctors, is equal to the period of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to be patient, calm, and not get nervous over trifles. But, at the same time, one cannot be carefree and imprudent. Only wise attention to your feelings, knowledge of the functional features of the postpartum process will help you stay healthy, beautiful and, in addition, become happy, raising a beloved and healthy child.

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Pain in the body after childbirth is a normal physiological phenomenon caused by the excessive stress that the body experiences during labor.

In a normal state of health, if it passed without complications, and the mother does not have severe chronic diseases, the pain will be moderate and short-lived.

After delivery, the mother develops pain in different parts of the body:

  • in the perineum;
  • in back;
  • in the chest;
  • in the lower abdomen;
  • in the pelvis;
  • in the lower back.

If the pain, regardless of its location, is severe and prolonged, while the woman experiences an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being, this is not the norm and indicates ongoing pathological processes.

In this case, immediate diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the painful symptoms is required.

If a woman is postpartum, this is absolutely normal. The vaginal muscles have been subjected to excessive physical stress, and now they need a little time to restore their original condition. The pain is usually minor and goes away quickly.

If during obstetrics the doctors made an incision in the perineum or a rupture occurred and stitches were placed, the pain will last at least 1 week, but it cannot be called severe.

To reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary not to touch the sore spot and regularly change sanitary pads.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Caused by contraction of the uterine walls. It is often observed to intensify with the arrival of milk in the breast, which is associated with the active production of the hormone prolactin in the body. In the absence of pathological processes, already 5-7 days after birth, the unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen will go away on their own.

The stomach hurts especially in women whose obstetrics were performed by cesarean section, but in this case the origin of the unpleasant symptoms is anatomically explainable - cesarean is a serious abdominal surgical operation.

After 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman. Throughout the gestational period, the woman’s body was preparing for the birth of the baby. The pelvic bones diverged slightly to help the child pass more easily through the birth canal; the spine was under constant tension, which intensified as the child grew in the womb. During childbirth, every cell of the body experiences an incredible, incomparable load.

After childbirth, the pelvic bones gradually return to their previous position. This natural process is accompanied by discomfort and aches, which are not intense, but intensify during sleep.

Gynecologists consider performing a stretching routine to be the only measure to help a mother cope with pain.

Since milk begins to be actively produced and flows to the mammary glands. The pain is stabbing and shooting. Its intensity is observed for 1-3 days, until the process of breast milk production normalizes.

A woman’s body temperature may rise, her general condition may worsen, and headaches may occur.

There is no treatment, this is the absolute norm, just wait a few days and the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

How can I help you?

Body pain after childbirth does not have a pronounced intensity, but causes visible discomfort to the woman. There are no therapeutic measures, since this is a normal physiological process that just needs to be waited out.

Painkillers, due to their negative effect on pain, are prescribed in extreme cases. In order for pain symptoms to go away faster, it is necessary to massage the painful area of ​​the body (with the exception of the perineum, touching it is strictly prohibited), and perform physical therapy exercises.

This is the norm, the main thing is that there is no elevated body temperature or deterioration in general condition. After a few days, the unpleasant signs will begin to gradually decrease, and minor discomfort will not overshadow the joy of long-awaited motherhood.

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