Home Mushrooms Sand icon of the Mother of God. Icon of the Mother of God “Peschanskaya. The meaning of the Peschanskaya icon

Sand icon of the Mother of God. Icon of the Mother of God “Peschanskaya. The meaning of the Peschanskaya icon

Orthodox Rus' was often raided and devastated by enemy forces. But she always rose from the ashes and blossomed with even greater strength. It is no coincidence that many miraculous icons appeared on these lands. Among the images of the Mother of God, the Peschanskaya Icon, which became famous among the people for its miracles, is of particular importance.

The history of the painting of the holy face

The holy image of the Virgin Mary was copied from the Kazan icon. According to legend, Saint Joseph, who was the bishop of Belgorod at that time, and was quite ill, saw in a dream an icon lying on a garbage heap in the vestibule of one of the churches. A special radiance emanated from it and the voice of the Mother of God said that this icon was intended for the whole country, as exuding divine grace. And the church ministers violated the holy face in such a way.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Peschanskaya”

Having traveled from Kursk to Mariupol, shortly before his death, the bishop was surprised to find exactly such an icon in the Resurrection Church in the city of Izyum. The holy image was used as a vestibule, behind which burnt incense coals were thrown. The saint strictly reprimanded the priests of the local parish for their disdainful attitude towards the image of the Mother of God and ordered them to find a more worthy place for the icon. The face was immediately placed in the icon case. Joseph spent three days in the city and every day - morning and evening - he came to church and prayed fervently before the image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

In 1792, the church was moved from the suburbs to Peski. Rumor spread among the people about the appearance of the miraculous icon and crowds of pilgrims began to flock to it.

On a note! Religious processions were held with the Peschansky icon more than once during the raging cholera epidemic, after which the disease subsided. At the prayers of believers, numerous miracles of healing were performed in front of the image.

After the 1917 revolution, the icon was sent abroad and its trace was lost. But the miraculous image was found again, and they also found a list donated to the church by Emperor Nicholas II.

Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God and the fate of the Russian Empire

The small Ukrainian town of Izyum, located in the settlement of Peski, became home to the icon of the Mother of God, which was once brought to these parts. Forgotten by everyone, by providence from above she was found again with the help of St. Joseph of Belgorod.

Tsar Nicholas II glorified the saint, but for the first time a message of gratitude to Joseph of Belgorod was expressed by Emperor Alexander III, who believed that only thanks to the prayers and intercession of Saint Joseph the royal family survived after the railway accident in Borki in 1888.

All members of the imperial family actively contributed to the preparation of the canonization of Joseph of Belgorod. In 1911, the Tsar and his entire family were going to attend this event. But at this time, Prime Minister P. A. Stolypin was killed. Tsar Nicholas decided to stay at the funeral, which coincided with the canonization celebration in Belgorod.

A year later, according to the testimony of one military doctor with the rank of colonel, Saint Joseph appeared to him in a dream, where, taking him by the hand, he led him to a mountain from which the entire Russian land, drowned in blood, could be seen. According to the doctor, he heard the roar of military guns and human screams. The blood ran cold from horror. He began to frantically pray at the feet of the elder, after which Saint Joseph said that this was not yet, but it would soon be and everyone needed to repent.

Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God

In 1912 Russia was in a state of prosperity. Guards parades were noisy, fairs were fun. No signs of trouble. But only a few years passed and many tsarist officers were killed on the battlefields.

In 1914, at the height of the armed confrontation, the saint again appeared to the same military doctor, in response to his prayers for the salvation of his homeland. He gave parting instructions in which he ordered to go around the front line with the icons of the Mother of God of Vladimir and Peschanskaya. But when the colonel tried to convey this to the public, no one believed him. Moreover, the doctor was considered to have lost his mind and was almost sent to a mental hospital. Only Father Alexander Malyarevsky, a respected St. Petersburg archpriest, assisted in this matter and himself went to Prince Zhevakhov. Nikolai Davydovich was entrusted with a responsible mission - to go to Peschanskaya Sloboda and deliver the icon of the Mother of God to the front line.

Alexandra Fedorovna herself took part in the process of searching for and delivering the ancient icon to the Headquarters of the Tsarist Army. But the religious procession with the holy image along the line of hostilities never took place. This is due to the actions of people who were subsequently involved in a conspiracy against the Tsar. The icon returned to Izyum. On December 15, 1915, Zhevakhov took her away from the Emperor’s Headquarters.

As is known, subversive activities according to Parvus’s plan were in an unstable state for a whole year. But in the second half of December 1915, Parvus received funding in Berlin for further actions.

A massive campaign to overthrow the tsarist government began in Russia. What is this? A fatal coincidence or a direct consequence of the failure to fulfill the Lord’s will, expressed through the appearance of St. Joseph to a military doctor? One thing is clear: after the icon left Headquarters, the fate of Russia was predetermined. The Empire has fallen.

Description of the icon

The Peschanskaya icon has similarities with the Kazan Mother of God. It is executed according to the “Guide” type. In the image, the child sits on the Virgin's left hand, holding a book, which is a source of knowledge. The Virgin Mary extends her palm to her Son.

The Son of God sits on Mary's left hand. This symbolizes the support that Jesus found in the person of his Mother in earthly life. The Mother of God points her palm at her Son. He raised his right hand in a blessing gesture, while his left hand rests on his knees and holds a closed book. The soles of the feet are visible from under the clothes, and the head is bowed towards the Virgin Mary.

Location of the icon

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the icon was in the Holy Ascension Cathedral. The image remained in the Izyum monastery for a long time, but the events of the October Revolution caused the disappearance of the ancient icon. Believers could only contemplate copies copied from the original.

The miraculous Peschansky image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Izium

But, many years later, the original returned to its place within the walls of its native church, and every parishioner now has the opportunity to pray before the Peschanskaya Mother of God.

On a note! The Day of Remembrance of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on July 21, by reading akathists to the shrine in a solemn atmosphere.

The meaning of the icon, what it helps with

The image is of great importance for Russians and Orthodox Christians in general. During hard times, the icon more than once saved people from epidemics and death during wars.

The image of the Virgin Mary “Peschanskaya” patronizes the wives of soldiers, protecting husbands participating in armed conflicts. She heals serious illnesses. To those who sincerely pray, the Mother of God will always give a helping hand and guide them on the right path in difficult situations, and deliver them from troubles, needs and disasters.

People suffering from addictions turn to her.

Important! In Orthodox culture, the icon is recognized as miraculous, and the owners of its copies claim that a powerful stream of divine grace emanates from the holy image, which works miracles at the requests of believers.

Miracles of the Holy Face

The image of the Virgin Mary “Peschanskaya” was very revered in the Orthodox world. The royal family specially came to Ukraine to pray before the icon of the Mother of God in Izyum. It is believed that this particular shrine patronizes Russia and is capable of protecting it from terrible bad weather.

During the Great Patriotic War, after walking around the front line with the icon, human losses decreased sharply. Old-timers claim that the Germans even retreated and Soviet troops successfully recaptured their native lands.

Father Nikolai Guryanov, a very revered elder, called for a procession of the cross within the borders of all of Russia. This was done on a special plane flight, and in 1999 the devastation in the country ceased and a period of gradual restoration began.

During the Chechen war, the list of the Peschanskaya Icon was taken to the combat zone 8 times by a minister of one of the Moscow churches.

For the miracles that occurred after prayers in front of the icon, believers left numerous decorations as gifts. From them a golden robe was cast for the shrine.

Important! Many amazing events related to the veneration of the shrine have occurred and continue to occur in the Orthodox world. It is for this reason that she is especially loved by believers in Russia.

Film about the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God

One of the options for depicting the Most Holy Theotokos is the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God. It is directly interconnected with the history of Russia and is valued by both believers and saints as an example of high iconography. The Peschanskaya icon belongs to the same type of icons along with the Kazan icon, which emphasizes their celebration on the same day. However, they should not be confused, because each can boast of a unique history.

History of the icon

This happened somewhere in the middle of the 18th century. Shortly before his death, the ruling Bishop of Belgorod, Joasaph, saw in a dream the image of the Virgin Mary, who was among all kinds of garbage and in her own words expressed a feeling of strong resentment for the disregard. Later, when the saint of the Russian Orthodox Church was looking around the diocese of the Church of the Resurrection in Kharkov, he found an abandoned, decaying image of the Most Holy Theotokos, which appeared to him in a dream. He reproached the clergy for such careless handling of the shrine and ordered the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God to be placed in the appropriate place. The bishop prayed before the icon for three days and soon the Virgin began to grant healing to those in need of help.

Since then, the sand icon of the Mother of God has more than once helped those who were sick during periods of various epidemics. And during the First World War, the number of deaths began to decline altogether after the arrival of the icon of the Mother of God.

Location of the icon

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the monastery of the icon was the Holy Ascension Cathedral. The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God remained in Izyum for a long time, but after that the real shrine disappeared without a trace. Believers saw only copies - lists made from the image of the Mother of God, depicting the Blessed Virgin, so many began to be interested in the question of where the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is now located. And it is not surprising, but to this day the original has returned again and is located within the walls of the temple in the city of Izyum, where everyone who prays can turn for help.

The meaning of the Peschanskaya icon

The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God was of no small importance not only for the entire Russian country, but also for each individual individual. In its image, this icon of the Virgin Mary is similar to the image of the Guide and the Kazan icon. It, like the mentioned icons, means a lot to believers and is a truly miraculous image. In the icon, the Mother of God is represented together with the Child on her left hand. The Mother raises her palm to the Child, while the Son of God holds the book, which contains all knowledge.

How does the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God help?

The Peschanskaya Icon is not inferior to other images of the Mother of God in the matter of miraculousness. The icon helps military wives and protects men from all the negativity that befalls a person during times of armed conflicts and wars.

The Peschanskaya icon helps to overcome difficulties in life and various troubles, promotes mental and physical healing, curing believers with serious illnesses.

In addition, the icon is not powerless before those who sincerely pray, facilitating the overcoming of harmful habits, needs and troubles.

Akathist and prayer to the icon

Every week, in the chapel of the Leningrad hospital, which was erected to venerate Bishop Joasaph, services are held, where the akathist to the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is read. In other cases, it is customary to read the akathist to coincide with festive events, the most important of which is the day of remembrance of the Peschanskaya Shrine. It is celebrated on July 21st.

In addition to akathists, prayers before the icon are valid on this day. It is believed that the icon gains special power and then people who asked for healing and protection from bad weather receive a helping hand. The prayer that should be said when asking is presented below:

Oh, Most Merciful and Most Merciful Mother of God, Patroness of our city of Izyum and our country, and also of the whole world to the Prayer Book, accept the kneeling of our minds and hearts, and hear the prayers sent to You in tenderness of our souls: as from ancient times you received the prayers of loving souls here, before lifted up by Your icon.

Help us in defeating the charms and temptations of this world, do not allow us to be rejected by eternal heavenly bliss. You are our only joy and consolation in this temporary life; You are our only hope in eternal life. We believe that You, with Your Motherly love and condescension, have worthy us with You of the longed-for kingdom of Your Son. We therefore ask you: do not retreat from us, O All-Good One, protect us from all the snares of the enemy, do not allow us to lose God’s mercy through our sins; remove from us laziness in prayer and visiting the temple of God; deliver us from cowardice, despondency, enmity, anger, suspicion, envy, slander, hatred and demonic pride.

Give understanding to those who have trampled the commandments of the Church of Christ. Grant peace and love to our families, may parents and children live in harmony. May the truth of God be in our country, may pious customs be preserved among our people. Offer, O All-Blessed One, fervent prayers before God for the pacification of the whole world, so that the human race will not perish in the flames of worldwide devastation; may all people know their Heavenly Father and you, the Mother of God, the intercessor of the Christian race.

Bring all nations to true repentance and correction of sinful lives, so that the day of the Last Judgment of God will not be terrible for us, but the Lord will vouchsafe us with You the eternal joy of heaven, and to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous copy of the famous Kazan image of the Virgin Mary and Child. The history of its appearance is unusual and mysterious.

By the will of God, this image was found by Saint Josaaf of Belgorod. Shortly before finishing his earthly journey, he heard the Mother of God herself in a dream and saw himself in the vestibule of one of the churches. On a pile of unnecessary things and garbage in front of him lay the image of the Queen of Heaven, shining in all its glory. The Mother of God said that this icon was given to Russia as grace from the Lord, but people turned it into trash.

After what he saw, the bishop (at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) went to the Church of the Resurrection, where, to his surprise, he discovered the image in the Church of the Resurrection in the city of Izyum (Ukraine). The Kazan icon was then used as a partition behind which coal for censers was stored. Josaaf of Belgorod fell in tears before the image and prayed to the Most Holy Virgin to forgive people for their negligence. After this, he went to the rector of the temple and openly reproached him for such blasphemy towards the true shrine. By order of Bishop Josaaf of Belgorod, the icon was removed from the vestibule and placed in a beautiful frame. And they determined its place in the temple itself. Josaaf of Bogorodsky lived at the church for several more days, praying in the morning and evening before the found image and asking the Mother of God for forgiveness for the fact that people treated the shrine so blasphemously.

Miracles, and that's all

After the mysterious discovery of the icon, the temple, along with the image, was transferred to another area - Sands. Here the Queen of Heaven showed her first miracle through her newfound image.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there lived a man in Izium, named Stefan, whose children were dying. After his last son fell ill, he and his wife decided to take their child to the temple on Peski to the miraculous icon. On the way to church the boy died. The grief-stricken mother tried to persuade her husband to return home, but he firmly insisted on serving a prayer service in front of the icon. Despite the death of the child, somewhere inside Stefan there was hope for God's help and for an unprecedented miracle. Entering the temple, he and his wife approached the Peschanskaya Icon and, without telling the priest about the dead boy, asked him to serve a prayer service. Kneeling and silently crying, they prayed for the resurrection of their only son. Having said the words of the prayer “Oh, glorified Mother” three times, the parents heard a terrible cry. It was their son who was resurrected through prayers. Stefan and his wife fainted. After they came to their senses, the parents were able to tell the priest about what a great miracle happened before this image. The revived child was given communion, and the whole family went home. The boy lived in good health until old age. This is the great miracle performed by the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

People, having learned about the appearance of this image of the Mother of God, wanted to pray in front of it. There were so many people in those days that many waited their turn not only in the temple, but also in the surrounding area.

Heavenly punishment

The rector of the temple did not like the fact that the church was constantly overcrowded. Therefore, he decided to ban prayers in front of the image, for which he was punished by heaven. He fell ill with a painful illness, writhing with convulsions. Soon the abbot realized that he had no right to prohibit people from turning to the miraculous image, and therefore again allowed prayer services. After this, the sick priest was brought to the icon to ask for healing from the Queen of Heaven. By the grace of God, within a few days he overcame his illness.

The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God worked unprecedented miracles after a religious procession around the temple. This was the case in the mid-19th century, when after such a service the surrounding areas of the city were miraculously saved from a cholera epidemic and other misfortunes. But the miracles of the icon of the Mother of God did not end there. Many continued to receive healing and consolation from the image of the Blessed Virgin.

Where is the list now?

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the Peschanskaya miraculous icon of the Mother of God remained in the Resurrection Church. During the First World War, the image was sent abroad. At the moment, the whereabouts of the miraculous icon are unknown.

Miracle Lists

Despite the fact that the original of the icon was lost, copies made from the image have been preserved in different parts of Russia. One of them is located in the Leningrad hospital, in a chapel built in honor of St. Josaph. Every week services are held here and an akathist to the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is read.

Captured for centuries

The Peschanskaya (Kazan) Icon of the Mother of God played a great role in the life of our country during the First World War. Thus, in 1915, Saint Josaaf of Bogorodsky appeared to one of the deeply religious Russian people in a dream. He warned that only the Mother of God is capable of saving Russia. Having learned about the prophetic vision, ordinary people decided to make a religious procession with the Peschanskaya Icon, passing along all the front lines. While the icon was in Mogilev, the Russian land did not know a single defeat. Unfortunately, the religious procession did not take place, since the ruling elite did not attach much importance to it.

It was possible to carry out a great religious procession across Russia only in 1999. Images of the Mother of God, including Peschanskaya, were loaded onto the plane reserved for the service. The ship flew around all the borders of Russia within 2 days. At this time, the laity and clergy continually read the akathist to the Queen of Heaven, closing the great service with a prayer to the Sandy Icon.

What does the Peschanskaya icon look like?

This image of the Mother of God is written according to the Hodegetria type, which translated from Greek means “Guide”. The description of the icon of the Mother of God is similar to the image of Kazan (half-length image, the Child sits on his left hand). The only difference is that on the Peschanskaya icon Jesus Christ holds a book with his left hand, and the Mother of God extends her palm to him.

What do they pray for in front of the image?

It is believed that the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God heals mental and physical ailments. Also, those who experience any needs in everyday affairs can turn to the image. The Kazan (Peschanskaya) icon of the Mother of God protects the Russian state from enemies (similar to the Vladimir image). July 21 is the Day of Remembrance of this icon. Believers who have received healing from her and hope for her help should read a prayer in front of the Peschansky icon.

For Your Holy Name

The Church of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow was opened quite recently - in 2001. This event is preceded by small miracles. They testify that Our Lord was pleased with the construction of this temple. After all, back in the early 90s, the territory where this Orthodox complex is located was a ruined kindergarten. A lot of land was then sold off for secular institutions - shops and restaurants. And only the territory in Izmailovo was not sold. When they decided to build a church of the icon of the Mother of God (Peschanskaya), the capital gave this land completely free of charge. The laity helped raise money for the improvement of the temple and church utensils. It is truly a miracle that it was built in just 20 days, in time for Easter. Thanks to God's help and the efforts of the people, the clergy, together with the parishioners, have already served the All-Night Vigil before the Great Resurrection. At the moment, this Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya is one of the few built in honor of this image.

Great shrines of Russia

4 icons of the Mother of God (Vladimir, Kazan, Iverskaya and Smolensk) are the most revered among all other images, as they played a great role in the formation of our state and the life of the Russian people. That is why in Josaaph’s dream the Queen of Heaven said that through the Kazan image She brings grace and prosperity to people.

History of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

For many Russian people, November 4 is not only a holiday of National Unity. For an Orthodox person, this is primarily the Day of the Kazan Virgin Mary. The description of the icon of the Mother of God, as mentioned earlier, is very similar to the Peschansky image, which is its list.

Finding this icon is a true miracle. One day the Blessed Virgin appeared in a dream to Matrona, the daughter of an archer who served during the time of Ivan the Terrible. The Queen of Heaven ordered her to find Her Holy Image on the ashes. Previously, this place was the Kazan Kremlin, which burned to the ground. Sagittarius set out to build a house on the ashes and, not believing the words of his child, began construction. Three times the Mother of God visited Matrona in a dream, the last time warning that if she did not go to look for the image, she would die. Only the girl’s mother believed her child’s words and, taking with her several more assistants, she and her daughter went in search. The girl pointed to the place she saw in her dream. Having dug up the ground a little, she discovered a cloth sleeve in which the image was hidden. The icon had such a clean face, as if it had been painted quite recently. In honor of such a great find, the feast of the icon of the Mother of God was established, celebrated on July 21 in the new style.

And at the site of the appearance of the image, it was decided to build a convent, the first novices of which were Matrona and her mother.

The first miracles of the icon were immediately witnessed after the acquisition of the image. For example, during the transfer of the icon, one old man, who had been blind for several years, was able to see, and in the temple itself a young man, who also did not see the white light, was cured.

Why is November 4th celebrated by the church as an Orthodox holiday?

The Kazan image has always accompanied the Russian people in decisive battles with the enemy. November 4 is the feast of the icon of the Mother of God , called Kazan. On this day, a great event occurred: one bishop, captured by the Poles and imprisoned in the Kremlin, was given a vision from the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh himself. He assured the clergyman that the Queen of Heaven herself is the intercessor of the Russian Land. The bishop was able to secretly transfer this note to the Russian militia. Inspired, they were able to expel the Polish enemy from China Town. The Kremlin was surrendered without a fight. The liberated clergy came out to meet the militia with the image of the Kazan Mother of God, thanks to which the Russian people defeated the treacherous enemy. Since then, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has been celebrated twice a year - on July 21 and November 4.

The fate of the image

Basically, many shrines of the Russian Land disappeared after the revolutionary years of 1917. Some of them were sent abroad for preservation, while others were sold to collectors in Europe for next to nothing. The same story happened with the image of the Kazan Mother of God. It was miraculously managed to be transported abroad, where it was presented to the Pope. For a long time the icon was in his residence. And only at the beginning of the 20th century they were able to return the image back to Russia. It is interesting that the icon came to its homeland during the most difficult period of relations between Russia and Rome. The head of the Catholic Church transferred the shrine through his cardinal into the hands of Patriarch Alexy II. Many regard this as a benevolent gesture on the part of the Pope. Although in fact the return of the image is God’s providence. The Catholic Church also put forward the hypothesis that the donated icon is only a copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. To clarify this issue, a special commission was created in Rome, which was supposed to determine the authenticity of the icon. Experts have confirmed the Pope's guesses. It is quite possible that Catholics passed on the image to the Orthodox Church for precisely this reason. But this does not in any way detract from the value of the Kazan Icon.

The Peschansky image of the Queen of Heaven is a shrine that saved the Russian people in the same way as other miraculous lists. That is why individual temples and churches are recreated in honor of this icon and patronal feasts are celebrated.

The sand image of the Mother of God with the Child Jesus is revered by Orthodox Christians all over the world. This icon can become an indestructible protection for your home from all troubles and misfortunes.

The history of the appearance of the miraculous icon

The image of the Mother of God was miraculously revealed to Saint Josaph of Belgorod. The elder saw in a dream the Mother of God, who showed him her image lying in a pile of rubbish. The Mother of God said that the icon was given as a manifestation of the grace of the Lord, but people turned it into trash.

The next morning, the bishop went in horror to the Church of the Resurrection in the city of Izyum: it was him who he recognized in a dream. Arriving at the place, Josaaf was led to the basement by the instigation of the Lord, where he discovered the shrine. The icon was used as a partition for a coal cellar. The bishop went to the rector of the temple and reproached him for his unacceptable treatment of the holy image. The icon was removed from the basement and placed in the church.

Where is the icon

Before the First World War, the Peschansky image of the Mother of God was in the Resurrection Church. At the beginning of the world conflict, the icon was sent abroad. At the moment, the icon is lost, nothing is known about its whereabouts.

Description of the icon

In the Peschansky image, the Virgin Mary holds the Baby Jesus in her arms, pointing at Him with her right hand. With this gesture, the Mother of God points to the only true path for every Orthodox person, because only through the person of Jesus can all believers be saved.

How does the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God help?

The Mother of God is considered the patroness and protector of all unjustly offended, humble and righteous servants of God. It is customary to pray before the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God:

  • about healing diseases;
  • about the bestowal of earthly and heavenly blessings;
  • about instructing children on the true path;
  • about strengthening faith.

Prayers to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God

“Oh, Mother of God, Most Holy Protector and Helper! We pray to You, have mercy on us and forgive us all sins committed voluntarily or unwittingly. Have mercy on us, protect us with your veil from all evil and grant healing to physical and mental wounds. Amen".

“Oh, Mother of God, who works miracles, gives hope to believers and delivers from all evil! I humbly run to You and pray to You: have mercy on me, O Virgin, ask Your Son and our God to forgive all my sins, committed voluntarily or involuntarily, in word or thought. Let me touch the grace of God and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Prayers before the Peschansky image of the Mother of God can completely transform the fate of everyone who sincerely asks for it. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.05.2017 06:06

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It is a miraculous copy of the famous Kazan image of the Virgin Mary and Child. The history of its appearance is unusual and mysterious.

Source of grace cast into rubbish

By the will of God, this image was found by Saint Josaaf of Belgorod. Shortly before finishing his earthly journey, he heard the Mother of God herself in a dream and saw himself in the vestibule of one of the churches. On a pile of unnecessary things and garbage in front of him lay the image of the Queen of Heaven, shining in all its glory. The Mother of God said that this icon was given to Russia as grace from the Lord, but people turned it into trash.

After what he saw, the bishop (at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) went to the Church of the Resurrection, where, to his surprise, he discovered the image in the Church of the Resurrection in the city of Izyum (Ukraine). The Kazan icon was then used as a partition behind which coal for censers was stored. Josaaf of Belgorod fell in tears before the image and prayed to the Most Holy Virgin to forgive people for their negligence. After this, he went to the rector of the temple and openly reproached him for such blasphemy towards the true shrine. By order of Bishop Josaaf of Belgorod, the icon was removed from the vestibule and placed in a beautiful frame. And they determined its place in the temple itself. Josaaf of Bogorodsky lived at the church for several more days, praying in the morning and evening before the found image and asking the Mother of God for forgiveness for the fact that people treated the shrine so blasphemously.

Miracles, and that's all

After the mysterious discovery of the icon, the temple, along with the image, was transferred to another area - Sands. Here the Queen of Heaven showed her first miracle through her newfound image.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there lived a man in Izium, named Stefan, whose children were dying. After his last son fell ill, he and his wife decided to take their child to the temple on Peski to the miraculous icon. On the way to church the boy died. The grief-stricken mother tried to persuade her husband to return home, but he firmly insisted on serving a prayer service in front of the icon. Despite the death of the child, somewhere inside Stefan there was hope for God's help and for an unprecedented miracle. Entering the temple, he and his wife approached the Peschanskaya Icon and, without telling the priest about the dead boy, asked him to serve a prayer service. Kneeling and silently crying, they prayed for the resurrection of their only son. Having said the words of the prayer “Oh, glorified Mother” three times, the parents heard a terrible cry. It was their son who was resurrected through prayers. Stefan and his wife fainted. After they came to their senses, the parents were able to tell the priest about what a great miracle happened before this image. The revived child was given communion, and the whole family went home. The boy lived in good health until old age. This is the great miracle performed by the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

People, having learned about the appearance of this image of the Mother of God, wanted to pray in front of it. There were so many people in those days that many waited their turn not only in the temple, but also in the surrounding area.

Heavenly punishment

The rector of the temple did not like the fact that the church was constantly overcrowded. Therefore, he decided to ban prayers in front of the image, for which he was punished by heaven. He fell ill with a painful illness, writhing with convulsions. Soon the abbot realized that he had no right to prohibit people from turning to the miraculous image, and therefore again allowed prayer services. After this, the sick priest was brought to the icon to ask for healing from the Queen of Heaven. By the grace of God, within a few days he overcame his illness.

The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God worked unprecedented miracles after a religious procession around the temple. This was the case in the mid-19th century, when after such a service the surrounding areas of the city were miraculously saved from a cholera epidemic and other misfortunes. But the miracles of the icon of the Mother of God did not end there. Many continued to receive healing and consolation from the image of the Blessed Virgin.

Where is the list now?

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the Peschanskaya miraculous icon of the Mother of God remained in the Resurrection Church. During the First World War, the image was sent abroad. At the moment, the whereabouts of the miraculous icon are unknown.

Miracle Lists

Despite the fact that the original of the icon was lost, copies made from the image have been preserved in different parts of Russia. One of them is located in the Leningrad hospital, in a chapel built in honor of St. Josaph. Every week services are held here and an akathist to the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is read.

Captured for centuries

The Peschanskaya (Kazan) Icon of the Mother of God played a great role in the life of our country during the First World War. Thus, in 1915, Saint Josaaf of Bogorodsky appeared to one of the deeply religious Russian people in a dream. He warned that only the Mother of God is capable of saving Russia. Having learned about the prophetic vision, ordinary people decided to make a religious procession with the Peschanskaya Icon, passing along all the front lines. While the icon was in Mogilev, the Russian land did not know a single defeat. Unfortunately, the religious procession did not take place, since the ruling elite did not attach much importance to it.

It was possible to carry out a great religious procession across Russia only in 1999. Images of the Mother of God, including Peschanskaya, were loaded onto the plane reserved for the service. The ship flew around all the borders of Russia within 2 days. At this time, the laity and clergy continually read the akathist to the Queen of Heaven, closing the great service with a prayer to the Sandy Icon.

What does the Peschanskaya icon look like?

This image of the Mother of God is written according to the Hodegetria type, which translated from Greek means “Guide”. The description of the icon of the Mother of God is similar to the image of Kazan (half-length image, the Child sits on his left hand). The only difference is that on Peschanskaya he holds a book with his left hand, and the Mother of God extends her palm to him.

What do they pray for in front of the image?

It is believed that the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God heals mental and physical ailments. Also, those who experience any needs in everyday affairs can turn to the image. The Kazan (Peschanskaya) icon of the Mother of God protects the Russian state from enemies (similar to the Vladimir image). July 21 is the Day of Remembrance of this icon. Believers who have received healing from her and hope for her help should read a prayer in front of the Peschansky icon.

For Your Holy Name

The Church of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow was opened quite recently - in 2001. This event is preceded by small miracles. They testify that Our Lord was pleased with the construction of this temple. After all, back in the early 90s, the territory where this Orthodox complex is located was a ruined kindergarten. A lot of land was then sold off for secular institutions - shops and restaurants. And only the territory in Izmailovo was not sold. When they decided to build a church of the icon of the Mother of God (Peschanskaya), the capital gave this land completely free of charge. The laity helped raise money for the construction of the temple and it is truly a miracle that it was built in just 20 days, in time for Easter. Thanks to God's help and the efforts of the people, the clergy, together with the parishioners, have already served the All-Night Vigil before the Great Resurrection. At the moment, this church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya is one of the few built in honor of this image.

Great shrines of Russia

4 icons of the Mother of God (Vladimir, Kazan, Iverskaya and Smolensk) are the most revered among all other images, as they played a great role in the formation of our state and the life of the Russian people. That is why in Josaaph’s dream the Queen of Heaven said that through the Kazan image She brings grace and prosperity to people.

History of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

For many Russian people, November 4 is not only a holiday of National Unity. For an Orthodox person, this is primarily the Day of the Kazan Virgin Mary. The description of the icon of the Mother of God, as mentioned earlier, is very similar to the Peschansky image, which is its list.

Finding this icon is a true miracle. One day the Blessed Virgin appeared in a dream to Matrona, the daughter of an archer who served during the time of Ivan the Terrible. The Queen of Heaven ordered her to find Her Holy Image on the ashes. Previously, this place was the Kazan Kremlin, which burned to the ground. Sagittarius set out to build a house on the ashes and, not believing the words of his child, began construction. Three times the Mother of God visited Matrona in a dream, the last time warning that if she did not go to look for the image, she would die. Only the girl’s mother believed her child’s words and, taking with her several more assistants, she and her daughter went in search. The girl pointed to the place she saw in her dream. Having dug up the ground a little, she discovered a cloth sleeve in which the image was hidden. The icon had such a clean face, as if it had been painted quite recently. In honor of such a great find, the feast of the icon of the Mother of God was established, celebrated on July 21 in the new style.

And at the site of the appearance of the image, it was decided to build a convent, the first novices of which were Matrona and her mother.

The first miracles of the icon were immediately witnessed after the acquisition of the image. For example, during the transfer of the icon, one old man, who had been blind for several years, was able to see, and in the temple itself a young man, who also did not see the white light, was cured.

Why is November 4th celebrated by the church as an Orthodox holiday?

The Kazan image has always accompanied the Russian people in decisive battles with the enemy. November 4 is the feast of the icon of the Mother of God , called Kazan. On this day, a great event occurred: one bishop, captured by the Poles and imprisoned in the Kremlin, was given a vision from the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh himself. He assured the clergyman that the Queen of Heaven herself is the intercessor of the Russian Land. The bishop was able to secretly transfer this note to the Russian militia. Inspired, they were able to expel the Polish enemy from China Town. The Kremlin was surrendered without a fight. The liberated clergy came out to meet the militia with the image of the Kazan Mother of God, thanks to which the Russian people defeated the treacherous enemy. Since then, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has been celebrated twice a year - on July 21 and November 4.

The fate of the image

Basically, many shrines of the Russian Land disappeared after the revolutionary years of 1917. Some of them were sent abroad for preservation, while others were sold to collectors in Europe for next to nothing. The same story happened with the image. She was miraculously transported abroad, where she was presented to the Pope. For a long time the icon was in his residence. And only at the beginning of the 20th century they were able to return the image back to Russia. It is interesting that the icon came to its homeland during the most difficult period of relations between Russia and Rome. The head of the Catholic Church transferred the shrine through his cardinal into the hands of Patriarch Alexy II. Many regard this as a benevolent gesture on the part of the Pope. Although in fact the return of the image is God’s providence. She also put forward the hypothesis that the donated icon is only a copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. To clarify this issue, a special commission was created in Rome, which was supposed to determine the authenticity of the icon. Experts have confirmed the Pope's guesses. It is quite possible that Catholics passed on the image to the Orthodox Church for precisely this reason. But this does not in any way detract from the value of the Kazan Icon.

The Peschansky image of the Queen of Heaven is a shrine that saved the Russian people in the same way as other miraculous lists. That is why individual temples and churches are recreated in honor of this icon and patronal feasts are celebrated.

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