Home Natural farming What can you apply for the new year. New Year. Wellington beef is a classic English dish

What can you apply for the new year. New Year. Wellington beef is a classic English dish

Today, among the entrepreneurs of our country, it has gained great popularity as a business. A mini-workshop for the manufacture of this product does not require an investment of tens of millions of rubles. Cheese itself is present in the diet of almost all families, which confirms the considerable demand for it.

That is why opening your own business for the production of this dairy product is a very promising and profitable business.

Who can go into the cheese making business?

It is most profitable for farmers to open their own mini-workshop. In this case, the production of cheese can be carried out from our own raw materials. This will make the final product cheaper and, therefore, in demand.

But is it only the farmer who has access to cheese production as a business? Any entrepreneur can open a mini-workshop. Of course, he will have to negotiate the purchase of milk from farmers, but in this case, it will be possible to make a significant profit. The main thing is to plan your actions correctly and rationally.

Preparatory stage

Where to start your own cheese making business? First of all, you will need to think over a business strategy. It will be needed not only for beginners, but also for experienced entrepreneurs. A business plan will help you analyze all the initial costs, give a correct assessment of supply and demand in the market, and plan the future profitability and profitability of the event. In addition, a pre-developed strategy will allow you to select the desired product range, determine its prices and find buyers.

Sales market

Before organizing a mini-workshop for the production of cheese as a business, you need to look for buyers. To do this, you will need to outline in advance the ways of selling future finished products. They can be different. So, the implementation of cheeses is possible by:

Sales in your own store;
- sales in the food market in their area;
- conclusion of contracts with wholesalers;
- supply of the product to the retail trade network;
- supplies of cheese to cafes and restaurants of your city and region.

It is advisable to choose more than one option from the list. This will make it possible to quickly implement the product and get a fairly large profit.

Assortment selection

Natural cheese is presented in a large number of varieties. They differ from each other in their appearance, taste and other characteristics. So, according to the manufacturing process, cheeses are classified into rennet and sour milk. The first of them are made using the second method, cheeses are made by fermenting milk with sourdough.

The preparation of each of the available varieties involves the use of our own technology and special equipment. It is this moment that determines the importance of choosing a business direction. Also, a novice entrepreneur will need to take into account the level of his own qualifications. For those who are interested in cheese production as a business (mini-workshop), the technology for their first product should be chosen, most likely, the most uncomplicated one. Such a process does not require significant time expenditures and special art of its implementation.

The easiest way to prepare cheeses is soft. For them, you only need to curd the milk, and then drain and compress the portions needed for sale. The main advantage of soft varieties is their short production time. Such cheese does not require ripening and is ready to eat in a couple of days or within a week. According to a long-term maturing technology, it will take a month and a half to manufacture them. However, it should be borne in mind that such a product must be sold within 14 days.

It is possible to organize the production of hard cheese as a business. In this case, the mini-workshop will produce products in a longer time frame, but its cost is much higher.

Company registration

If you decide to organize the production of cheese as a business, the mini-workshop in which this product will be made can be opened only after the appropriate paperwork. You will also need to obtain a permit to conduct activities.

What is the best organizational form to choose when starting cheese production as a business? A mini-workshop is recommended to be opened by a limited liability company. The fact is that the bulk of retail chains and large stores prefer to work with legal entities. This makes it possible to make tax deductions, thereby reducing taxes. Working with individual entrepreneurs does not provide such an opportunity. Indeed, according to its status, an individual entrepreneur is an individual.

Payment of obligatory payments to the budget

When choosing a taxation system, a novice businessman should pay attention to the simplified tax system. In this case, two payment options are acceptable:
- 6% of the proceeds;
- 15% of income.

The second taxation system becomes profitable at high production costs.


What other documents will be required to organize the production of cheese as a business? A mini-workshop producing a dairy product cannot be opened without appropriate certification. The issuance of this document is carried out by Rostest in accordance with the current technical regulations. The obtained certificate makes it possible to label products in accordance with the law. Without this, cheeses simply won't hit store shelves.

To obtain a certificate, you will need to collect a package of documents. It should include:
- certificates for raw materials provided by suppliers of milk and starter cultures;
- expert opinion issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

You need to worry about the availability of all these documents even before the production of cheese is established as a business. In this case, the mini-workshop will work without interruption, and the entrepreneur will not have any difficulties with the guardians of the law.

Room selection

Cheese production as a business (mini-workshop) is very profitable and attractive. How to open this case? For this, in addition to the registration of the relevant papers, you will need to find a comfortable room. Its area should not be large. For example, if up to 100 kilograms of cheese will be produced per day, then a workshop of 20 sq. meters. On such an area, the necessary technological equipment will be located quite compactly.

Communications and arrangement

What else needs to be considered in the premises where cheese production will start as a business? A mini-workshop, the plan of which should contain several zones, must be equipped with utilities. After all, the product is impossible without water supply, sewerage, ventilation and heating. Division into zones will make it possible to sequentially arrange technological equipment in the workshop and perform each of the stages of the cheese making process in a separate area.

When choosing a room for rent, the size of which will be 30-50 thousand rubles per month, you need to pay attention to the presence of natural light. Also, a fire safety system must be installed in the workshop. It should be borne in mind that the production of cheese must be organized in a room whose walls are tiled. In the absence of this finish, you will have to allocate money for construction work.

Workshop equipment

An aspiring entrepreneur should know that he will need to purchase a special processing line in order to start producing cheese as a business.

A mini-workshop, the equipment of which is needed for the production of a quality product, is completed with:

A cheesemaker, that is, a place where raw materials are cooled and pasteurized, and a curd is also formed;
- a bathtub necessary for the formation of cheese heads;
- a ripening chamber, in which the required temperature and humidity are set, allowing to obtain the product;
- a dosing device, with the help of which liquid products are filled into individual packaging.

Who is involved in the production of technological lines?

The choice of equipment for a mini-workshop for the production of cheese is not so great. As a rule, entrepreneurs purchase such lines abroad. Domestic manufacturer is the company PC Molekspert, located in Barnaul.

However, entrepreneurs who open cheese production as a business (mini-workshop) buy Italian equipment more often. These are small volume lines offered by Sfoggia. This company, which is the most famous in Europe, itself develops and manufactures high-quality equipment for the production of small quantities of hard and fresh varieties of cheese. In addition, Sfoggia's lines allow the production of butter and yoghurts, pasteurized milk, etc.

What is the peculiarity of these installations? In them, milk is pasteurized, cooled, and then fermented and the cheese mass is cut. Further, on special tables with their own heating, the product is formed and goes through the self-pressing stage.

Why is this line attractive for those who open the production of cheese as a business (mini-workshop)? Italian equipment greatly simplifies the process of preparing a product due to automation and its subsequent cooling. In addition, the line is equipped with a special recording tool that allows you to print out data on operations already performed, which makes the operator's work easier.

The company produces various models of cheese dairies for 120 and 360 liters. At the same time, the equipment is capable of operating on electricity, gas, hot water, steam, as well as on diesel fuel.

Italian mini-cheese dairies allow you to get 12 kg of the finished product from 100 liters of cow's milk. And if the raw material is goat or sheep, then all 20 kg. The attractive thing is that the remaining whey from the cheese can be turned into ricotta curd. Moreover, from cow's milk it will turn out to be 5 kg, and from goat's or sheep's milk - 8 kg.

The Italian line is chosen by businessmen and according to the available technical characteristics. For example, a model with a capacity of 360 liters can process up to 1400 liters of milk in 16 hours. This is a reliable and durable equipment that has proven itself both in Europe and in the vastness of our country.

Personnel issues

When opening a mini-workshop for the production of cheese, it will be necessary to hire one to three people to maintain the line and one technologist who knows all the features of the technological process. The service of a manager in charge of the supply of raw materials and the sale of the finished product will not be superfluous. But this function can be taken over by the owner of the cheese production.

It should be borne in mind that the success of the business started will depend on the personnel hired. That is why this issue deserves the most serious approach.

Raw material quality

To be successful in the market, you will need to produce a high quality product. And this will require the fulfillment of certain conditions, which relate, first of all, to the purchased milk. Raw materials must be taken only from farmers who have healthy animals that have passed veterinary control. Even a small percentage of antibiotics should not be present in it. In addition, good raw materials have a 3% fat content, and their acidity should not be less than 6.8. It is better to fix all requirements for milk when signing a supply contract.

Production costs

When opening a mini-workshop for the production of cheese, you will need to make certain financial investments. They will be approximately (thousand rubles):

For the purchase of a production line - 300;
- workshop repair - 200;
- employee training - 30;
- other expenses, including registration - 100.

As a result, the total amount of preliminary investments will be 630 thousand rubles.

Monthly production costs (thousand rubles):

Income received

How profitable is cheese production as a business (mini-workshop)? Reviews of entrepreneurs say that by releasing one hundred kilograms of product every day, you can sell up to 2200 kg of hard and soft cheeses every month. With an average selling price equal to 200 rubles. per kg, revenue will be 440 thousand rubles.

The amount received is enough to cover production costs and tax. The entrepreneur's net profit will be about 65 thousand rubles. Thus, with the sale of all manufactured products, the payback of production can be achieved within ten months after the start of work.

Experts note that cheese is one of the most demanded products today. The demand for it is growing steadily, and there are not so many small farms on the market. Therefore, a mini-factory for the production of cheese can be a highly profitable enterprise.

First step

It is necessary to start any business, cheese-making in particular, with a clear definition of a development strategy. To do this, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for the production of cheese. This will help avoid unnecessary costs in the future.

Your business plan should address the following questions:

  • Registration and other documentation.
  • Determination of assortment and market needs.
  • Equipment selection.
  • Selection of suppliers of raw materials.
  • Staff recruitment.
  • Formation of financial calculations.
  • Sales and advertising.

Registration and other documentation

First of all, you need to officially register your company. Since the production is small, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. But all the same, manufacturing enterprises more often stop at the organizational form of an LLC, since they are more willing to cooperate with legal entities, they trust more. For taxation, a simplified system is taken, when 6% of the proceeds or 15% of the net income are paid.

To open a mini-workshop, you will have to issue a number of permits. Therefore, it is better to leave this question in the hands of a competent lawyer.

Market research

While all the necessary documents are being prepared, it is necessary to study the market, its needs, and its potential customers. Analyze the work of competitors, their product range, what is the average price in the market. Determine the level of paying capacity of the population in the sales region. This will help you shape your pricing policy and product range.

The most popular are hard cheeses, but the technology of their preparation requires a lot of time. Unlike cream and tea cheeses, the production of hard cheeses requires pre-aging. At the same time, the production of premium hard cheeses will require at least a year for maturation. Cheese dairies of this level are usually opened by experienced producers.

It is also important to decide on the assortment because the equipment for the production of cheese also depends on the type of cheese.

There are several types of cheeses:

  • rennet;
  • solid;
  • soft;
  • brine;
  • fermented milk;
  • whey;
  • smoked
  • with Penicillium mold.


A mini-workshop for the production of cheese with a capacity of about 100 kg per day should be located in a room of 20 sq. m. For rent, you need to find about 30-50 thousand rubles. But as a rule, any farm can allocate such an area on its territory. The equipment for the production of cheese is quite compact, approximately 70 cm in diameter and 90 cm in height.

It is important that the room has cold and hot water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating. In general, the dairy must meet the typical requirements for a food production facility. These include:

  • daylight;
  • metal or plastic furniture;
  • the walls are tiled;
  • fire safety equipment.

Equipment for the production of cheese

During the preparation of cheeses, the equipment allows you to automate the curdling of milk, the formation of curd grains, the molding of the mass, its pressing and salting. Refrigerating chambers are purchased separately for storage and maturation.

It is necessary to determine in advance what the production technology will be, because any changes in it require changes in the production process and may require the purchase of new equipment for the workshop.

Basic and auxiliary equipment is purchased for the cheese dairy. The main one includes a capacity of 50 liters. made of stainless steel. Auxiliary:

  • racks;
  • milk filters;
  • coolers;
  • ripening chambers;
  • press tables;
  • molds for cheese;
  • several brine pools, etc.

Usually, a ready-made production line of various capacities is offered. For example, in a mini-workshop of a small farm, you can put a line with a capacity of 120 liters, which will process 500 liters of milk per day.

The choice of equipment must be approached carefully and not save on it, because the quality depends on it, and accordingly the demand for your product and the success of your business. Most often, cheese dairies are equipped with Italian equipment. They have not only an optimal price-quality ratio, but also versatility and the use of high technologies. Such a line will cost about 50 thousand euros. In any case, it is important that the supplier of the equipment provides further service.

The domestic line will cost less - from 150 thousand rubles. with a productivity of 70-1000 liters of milk per day. At least you can make on it:

  • 5 kg of sour cream (fat content 20%);
  • 13 kg of soft cheese;
  • 7 kg of hard cheese;
  • 100 liters of drinkable products.

Choosing raw materials

Cheese making technology allows the use of cow, goat, sheep and other types of milk. You can get it in several ways:

  • purchase from private households;
  • purchase from farms;
  • keeping your own herd.

The first option is the most risky, since it is difficult to trace the quality of the milk being donated. But this is the cheapest way. The villagers will gladly take the opportunity to earn extra money on milk, especially if you organize its transportation.

It is safer to buy milk for a cheese dairy in farms, which are forced to sell its surplus to factories at low prices. But the best option is your own herd. Then the milk comes at cost, and you yourself can monitor its quality.

The technology for making cheeses is special in that it has no production waste. Everything can be used for sale. You can sell not only hard, soft, rennet cheese, but also the whey that remains after cooking.

Cooking technology

For production, a typical technology for the production of hard and soft cheeses is used. It includes the following processes:

  • preparation of milk for curdling by adding special substances and heating;
  • shaping and ripening of cheese;
  • packaging and sales.

The manufacturing technology implies that the mini-workshop will be divided into production zones, storage rooms and premises for dispatch.

Cooking suluguni

For example, let's talk about a simplified technology for the production of suluguni cheese. This is one of the most popular pickled Georgian cheese varieties. Classic suluguni is made from cow's milk or buffalo milk. A combination of two types of milk in different proportions is also permissible.

To prepare suluguni, fermentation enzymes and several rennet are added to the raw materials. At the same time, the dishes should not be enameled, otherwise you will not get suluguni. Then, at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, the mixture is boiled for half an hour. Stir gently and very slowly every 10 minutes until a clot forms. Suluguni is prepared in one cooking. During the cooking process, the curd is periodically gently turned over so that it boils well from all sides. At the end of boiling, the whey is pumped out, and the suluguni is pressed so that some of the whey remains in it. Under the press, the cheese ripens for 2-5 hours, while it must be periodically turned over. The ripe suluguni is cut into pieces and sent to the splinter. This process takes place in brine baths. The salting time of suluguni depends on the size of the pieces.

Processed cheese making

An integral part of the production is processed cheese, which are prepared from the remains of raw materials. For this, the raw material is cleaned, filtered, ground and mixed in a tank. In the same place, with constant stirring under the influence of high temperature, melting occurs with the addition of melting salts. Such cheese is packaged hot, and then put into cooling chambers.

Cooking soft cheeses

The easiest way to prepare cheeses is soft varieties. In this case, it is important to curd the milk, drain and compress the cheese into portions for sale. The main advantage of soft varieties is a short production time. Such cheeses are prepared without ripening in a couple of days, within a week, or using a long-term ripening technology (up to 45 days). They should be implemented within two weeks. At the same time, the best taste appears in the first week.

Production of elite varieties

As a rule, it takes a long time for the product to ripen. For example, for the production of Brie cheese after fermentation, the raw materials are kept for 18 hours, and after the addition of the mold, they are kept for about two more months. "Mozzarela" belongs to the elite varieties, but it is prepared relatively quickly and without the use of various additives. It takes no more than two days to make it. It retains all the beneficial properties and is rich in calcium content.

Elite varieties also include goat cheese, Feta cheese, and semi-hard cheeses. The latter are prepared using the hard cheese technology. But they are formed independently, without using a mechanical press.


A mini-cheese dairy will require a little staff. The line will require 1-3 people for service, depending on its performance. It is also difficult to open a mini-production without the help of a technologist. He knows all the intricacies of making a product and will help you develop your own varieties of cheese.

The work will require the services of a manager for the supply of raw materials and sales of finished products. These functions can be taken over by the owner of the mini-production. In general, the success of the business largely depends on the personnel. Not surprisingly, in Italy, the Mecca of cheese making, most of these businesses are small family farming complexes. They have a herd of 100 heads, a cheese making shop and a small shop selling them.

Sales options

It doesn't matter what kind of cheese you decide to specialize in: soft, hard or rennet, first of all, you need to decide on the distribution channels. Ideal if there is a more or less large city nearby. Then the product can be implemented in several ways:

  • delivery to catering establishments;
  • to small retail chains within the city;
  • wholesale deliveries to retail stores;
  • sales to wholesale resellers;
  • trade from a car shop on the road;
  • marketing in the markets;
  • sale through a branded small store.

Through your store you can sell not only suluguni, hard, rennet and soft cheese, but also surplus milk, whey. This will increase the profitability of your production. It's a good idea to arrange supplies to various eco-food stores. In restaurants and cafes, you can sell elite varieties of cheese or even cook it to order.

The only thing that needs to be clearly understood is that cheese production will not give a quick result. The production line alone costs a lot of money, which won't pay off in one year. Not to mention the fact that the production cycle for some types of cheese takes more than one month.

Production calculations

The opening of production will require the following capital expenditures (thousand rubles):

  • production line with delivery and installation - 300;
  • renovation of the premises - 200;
  • employee training - 30;
  • registration and other expenses - 100.

In total, approximately 630 thousand rubles will be required.

In addition to these funds, every month it will be spent on production (thousand rubles):

  • advertising - 20;
  • utility costs - 30;
  • salary for 4 people - 80;
  • rent - 30;
  • other expenses - 50.

In total, you will need to spend about 210 thousand rubles every month.

2200 kg of hard and soft cheeses can be produced per month with 22 days of work and a productivity of 100 kg of product per day. On average, their selling price will be about 200 rubles / kg. If you deduct the cost of raw materials, then the monthly proceeds will amount to 286 thousand rubles. From this amount, you must deduct fixed costs, the amount of tax, and then the profit will be about 64 thousand rubles. per month. This means that if you sell all the cooked products in full, you can reach a payback in 10 months.

You can download a detailed business plan for opening a cheese dairy by

The development of cheese production in Russia is due to the lack of competition between goods from the EU and the USA. It led to an increase in investment in private cheese-making enterprises. Due to these two factors, cheese making in Russia is becoming a profitable business.


Provided goods

The cheese factory produces from one to several dozen types of cheese. It depends on the scale of production. It's better to start a small business with one type.

Cheeses are:

  • hard varieties;
  • semi-hard varieties;
  • soft varieties;
  • pickled cheese;
  • cottage cheese.

Assortment of hard and semi-hard cheeses:

  • Dutch cheese;
  • Russian cheese;
  • Swiss cheese;
  • cheese "Latvian";
  • cheese "Piquant";
  • Edam cheese;
  • Gouda cheese;
  • cheese "Maasdam";
  • Tilsiter cheese;
  • Cheddar cheese;
  • cheese "Red Cheddar".

Assortment of soft cheeses:

  • Slavyansky cheese;
  • cheese "Amateur".

Assortment of curd cheeses:

  • curd cheese Profi Cheese;
  • cream cheese;
  • curd cream with milk fat substitute.

Assortment of pickled cheeses:

  • suluguni;
  • Imeretian;
  • Adyghe;
  • feta cheese.

Types and relevance

Mini-cheese dairies are divided into types depending on the volume of products produced. Accordingly, the appearance of the cheese dairy depends on this. It can be a modular mini cheese dairy or an entire factory.

Types of dairies depending on the product:

  • cheese dairy for 20 kg per shift;
  • cheese dairy for 50 kg per shift;
  • cheese dairy for 300 kg per shift;
  • cheese dairy for 1,000 kg per shift;
  • cheese dairy for 1,500 kg per shift;
  • cheese dairy with more than 1,500 kg per shift.

Experts predict a 20% growth in the Russian cheese market in 2020. This is due to the fact that the demand for cheese is growing, outstripping the growth of the assortment. At the same time, it is recommended to invest in the extensive development of this business. Namely - to increase the number of types of cheese produced, instead of increasing the volume of one type.

The period from 2020 to 2020 will be favorable for market participants and will give them a chance to accelerate the increase in profits by increasing the efficiency of business management.

Production technology

Cheese production technology consists of several stages and requires high precision in their execution. The process of converting milk into cheese occurs under the influence of enzymes and microflora. During the entire process, a low temperature is maintained in the storage chambers for ingredients and finished products.This ensures high-quality ripening of the cheese.

Regardless of the class of cheese and the volume of processed milk, cheese production consists of several main stages:

  1. Receiving and preparing milk for clotting.
  2. Production of curd grains.
  3. Molding.
  4. Pressing or self-pressing.
  5. Ambassador.
  6. Maturation and storage.

Instructions for making hard cheese

Before becoming cheese, milk goes through several stages. Compliance with production technologies allows you to make high quality cheeses.

Stages of production of hard cheese:

  1. Milk preparation.
  2. Getting a homogeneous mass.
  3. Ambassador.
  4. Ripening cheese.

Milk preparation

Milk preparation is an important technological process. The quality of the finished product depends on it.

Milk preparation steps:

  1. Before the start of production, the milk quality is analyzed in the laboratory of the cheese dairy.
  2. After evaluating the quality, the milk is checked for the absence of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. The milk is cooled down to 4 ° C.
  4. Then the milk is pasteurized. This allows you to preserve its taste and useful properties. It also increases milk clotting by 20%.
  5. Before adding the starter culture and enzymes, the milk is cooled to 38 ° C and slightly defended. This improves the functioning of enzymes. For this, cooling equipment is used.

In this case, milk is used only of the highest or first grade.

Properties of premium milk:

  • homogeneous, without sediment;
  • acidity 16-18;
  • density is not less than 1027 kg / m3;
  • bacterial contamination up to 300 thousand / cm3;
  • the content of somatic cells is not more than 300 thousand / cm3.

First grade milk properties:

  • homogeneous, without sediment;
  • color from white to slightly cream;
  • taste typical for milk, without foreign odors and aftertaste;
  • acidity 16-18;
  • density not less than 1,027 kg / m3;
  • the degree of purity according to the standard is not less than 1;
  • bacterial contamination from 300 to 500 thousand / cm3;
  • the content of somatic cells is not more than 1,000 thousand / cm3.

Quality is assessed according to several parameters:

  • Colour;
  • taste;
  • smell;
  • mass fraction of fat;
  • mass fraction of protein.

Pasteurization takes place under the following conditions:

  • temperature 4–65 ° C;
  • time: 45 minutes.

The cheese yield is 10% of the original weight of milk used.

Types of popular hard cheese made from cow's milk:

  • Aceda;
  • Beaufort;
  • Knight;
  • Gouda;
  • Dutch;
  • Cantal;
  • Kostroma;
  • Lambert;
  • Latvian;
  • Maasdam.

Getting a homogeneous mass

A homogeneous mass is a combination of raw materials and obtaining a curd - a prototype of the future cheese. From the cut curd, cheese grains with a size of 5 mm are obtained.

Used as raw materials:

  • natural cow's milk;
  • bacterial starters (for example, propionic acid bacteria) or rennet;
  • lactic acid bacteria.

Rennet is an enzyme produced by ruminants. Along with it, manufacturers use its artificially obtained analogue.

The cheese mass goes through several stages of processing:

  1. Straining takes place first.
  2. After that, the mass is heated.
  3. At the end, the cheese mass is thoroughly mixed.
  4. After that, the cheese mass is cut and laid out on the table.
  5. Then the cheese is placed in special molds and pressed. This is how the traditional rounded shape of the cheese head is obtained.

Cheese forming methods:

  • using molding machines from a layer of cheese mass;
  • with the help of special equipment and a mound of curd.

Cheese is pressed in order to remove residual whey and thicken its consistency. This is also done in various ways:

  • self-pressing with a hand press;
  • external influence using a machine press.


Salting is of great importance for the taste and technological qualities of the cheese. The required flavor of each type of cheese is achieved with the help of salting and maturation. There are 500 types and 2 thousand varieties of cheese in the world.

The salting takes place in three stages:

  1. Cheese heads are kept in brine in special pools for 30 to 50 hours. The temperature is from 8 to 12 ° C. The salting mode is controlled by sensors and directly by the staff of the cheese dairy.
  2. After salting, the cheese is dried.
  3. Then they are sent for maturation.

Ripening cheese

After salting, the cheese is placed in a cheese storage. This is a room that maintains certain conditions necessary for cheese ripening.

Conditions in the dairy:

  • air temperature 10-14 ° C;
  • air humidity 80–90%;
  • ripening time of cheese from 30 days.

Dependence of the ripening period on the type of cheese:

  • soft cheese - up to 10 days;
  • hard - up to several months.

Periodically, the cheese heads are removed. This is done in order to dry and rinse the cheese, preventing the appearance of fungus.

After the cheese has matured, experts assess its quality according to the following indicators:

  • taste;
  • uniformity;
  • density;
  • Colour;
  • weight.

Photo gallery

Stages of cheese making in the photo.

Stage 1. Milk pasteurization Stage 2. Obtaining cheese mass Stage 3. Salting cheese Stage 4. Cheese maturation

Market description and analysis

Today there are only 150 large cheese factories in the country. But cheese making is not equally developed in all regions.

Cheese making is best developed:

  • in Altai;
  • in the Voronezh region;
  • in the Moscow region.

Experts believe that the Russian cheese production niche will have to expand over the next couple of years to meet the demand of the entire population. This is due to the import substitution policy. It is assumed that the demand for high quality homemade cheeses will grow by 5-7% every year.

Market capacity in Russian cities.

Cheese production is beneficial in terms of low competition and demand for a wide range of products.

Average cost of buying cheese in Russia.

The target audience

Cheese is a product of mass consumption. It is used by people of all ages and social groups.

Results of the survey.

Sales channels

Sales markets are where to start planning a cheese dairy. With a small volume of production, one channel may be enough.

The main sales market channels for a private cheese dairy:

  • own shop at the cheese dairy;
  • food markets;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • retail trade networks;
  • contracts with catering establishments.

The more channels are used, the easier it will be to sell products.

Competitive advantages

According to statistics, over the past five years, Russian buyers have been paying more and more attention to the composition of the product. Tasty and environmentally friendly cheeses are preferred.

The advantages of the provided product over competitors:

  • naturalness of the product (based on 100% cottage cheese);
  • consistency stability (retains its shape due to the minimum release of serum);
  • versatility (the range is suitable for all types of dishes);
  • heat resistance (does not lose taste in hot and cold dishes);
  • convenient packing (sale in the form of a circle and cut);
  • tightness of packaging (ensures safety during storage and transportation).

Advertising campaign

  • the first is aimed at attracting wholesale buyers;
  • the second - to increase the recognition of the product among the population.

Both directions are needed for the business to be profitable.

  • banners and billboards;
  • radio mentions;
  • mailing of product catalogs to supermarkets and catering establishments;
  • videos on television;
  • advertising on search sites;
  • promotion on social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram;
  • holding competitions.

Step-by-step opening instructions

Step-by-step planning of opening a cheese production includes:

  1. Preparation of documents.
  2. Selection of the scale of the production workshop.
  3. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  4. Purchase of raw materials.
  5. Product advertising.
  6. Opening of a cheese dairy.

The documents

When choosing the type of registration, you need to take into account the sales markets. If you plan to enter into contracts with retail chains and catering establishments, it is better to register an LLC. If an entrepreneur sells his products in a shop at a cheese dairy or on the market, an individual entrepreneur will be enough.

To issue an IP you will need:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • registration application;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

To register an LLC you will need:

  • a photocopy of the passport of each of the founders of the cheese dairy, as well as the director and chief accountant (if any);
  • the decision to create an LLC, if the organization has one founder;
  • minutes of the general meeting, if there are several founders;
  • the company's charter in two copies;
  • company foundation agreement (if there are several founders);
  • an application for registration of a company, certified by a notary, if there are several founders;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles;
  • statement of the report on the simplified tax system, if you selected this form.

To sell the goods, you will need to collect a package of documents:

  • certificates for raw materials from suppliers of milk and starter cultures;
  • certificates from Rospotrebnadzor.


You can open a mini-cheese dairy in a room with an area of ​​30 m2. Of these, 15 m2 will be spent on installing equipment, and the rest - as a warehouse for finished products and raw materials.

The requirements for the premises are determined by the standards for food production:

  • surface finishing: tiles or non-toxic paint;
  • the presence of natural light is required;
  • the presence of emergency lighting;
  • central heating: hot water, steam or air;
  • water supply for employees and room cleaning;
  • laying cables at a certain height, depending on the room;
  • protection of cables from mechanical stress;
  • protection of cables from temperature damage;
  • the presence of a switch;
  • the presence of fire extinguishers;
  • the presence of fire shields;
  • established evacuation plans;
  • a buffer zone between the industrial zone and the visitors' zone.

Equipment and inventory

It is most profitable to buy equipment from a Russian supplier. It is better to choose turnkey solutions, in which the full cycle of cheese making has already been worked out.

What the modular cheese dairy includes:

  • equipment for cooling and pasteurization of raw materials;
  • equipment for the formation of a cheese curd;
  • a bath for the formation of cheese heads;
  • maturation chamber;
  • packaging device.

A modular dairy suitable for a mini dairy has the following characteristics:

  • 100 liters per cycle;
  • cycle time 3.5 hours;
  • cheese yield - 10 kg;
  • per shift - 20 kg of cheese;
  • refrigerating chamber for 20 m3.

The supplier's services include:

  • installation services;
  • customization;
  • training.

The work of the modular cheese dairy is presented on the video of the channel "Dmitry Dmitriev LLC Generators of ice water".


Private mini cheese factories produce approximately 20 kg of cheese per day. One employee is enough to service equipment in such a production. It may even be an entrepreneur himself, since no special education and skills are required for this.

Accounting is outsourced. If an entrepreneur works as an individual entrepreneur with one employee in the state, the cost of servicing the accounting department is insignificantly small. But at the same time it helps to avoid mistakes and problems with calculations.

Everything else is done by the entrepreneur himself in order to reduce costs and increase the profitability of the business.

Entrepreneur functions:

  • analysis of the supplier market;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • marketing and promotion;
  • delivery of goods;
  • customer feedback;
  • maintaining the company's website;
  • taking orders.

Financial plan

The cheese dairy business plan includes a financial plan for the project. This is primarily the calculation of the initial investment and the ratio of monthly costs and income. Based on these indicators, the payback period is calculated.

How much does it cost to open a cheese dairy

The cost of opening a cheese dairy is relatively low. The total amount varies depending on how much the equipment costs. The cost of equipment depends on the expected volume of products and the manufacturer.

Regular costs

The regular costs include the purchase of raw materials and the salaries of employees. Recurring costs are calculated monthly and analyzed for adjustment.


In order to increase the target audience and occupy a niche in the market, you can set prices slightly lower than those of competitors. The average price for 1 kg of hard cheese in Russia is 450–500 rubles.

Income item per monthAmount, rub
Sale of hard cheeses (400 kg)160 000
Total160 000

Calendar plan

Compliance with the terms of the calendar plan will allow you to start your own business as soon as possible. The longest stage will be the preparation of documents and repair work.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months
Market analysis+ +
Business plan preparation +
Registration of a package of documents + +
Obtaining additional permissions + +
Construction / rental of premises + +
Renovation work +
Purchase and stocking + +
Preparation of an advertising campaign +
Staff recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The profitability of a cheese dairy is determined by product quality and distribution channels. The better the distribution channels are developed, the more cheese you will be able to sell. But this only works if the cheese is of good quality and there were no mistakes in the manufacturing technology.

For a cheese dairy, risks can be of several types:

  • sales problems;
  • storage of goods;
  • reliability of the supplier of raw materials.

These risks are eliminated.

First of all, before starting production, you must:

  • conduct market analysis;
  • evaluate alternatives among suppliers;
  • assess the demand for cheese that is planned to be produced in the region;
  • assess the presence of competition.

You cannot save on the premises for ripening and storing cheese. Temperature and humidity are very important for this product. When choosing vehicles for transportation, preference should be given to trucks equipped with a refrigerator.

When choosing a milk supplier, quality should be given priority, even if the price for suitable milk is higher than for analogues. The quality of the products and the reputation of the cheese dairy depend on the quality of milk.

The self-sufficiency of the cheese dairy is achieved in about 10 months.

Consumer interest in such a healthy nutritional ingredient as cheese never diminishes. Therefore, cheese making brings a stable income. If an entrepreneur decided to master the production of cheese as a business, there is an opportunity to create his own cheese dairy without fabulous investments.

How to open a cheese dairy from scratch - business plan, technologies, permits

To formalize the legal side of production and resolve all issues related to the organization of processes is the main thing from which to start running your business. Do not forget that there are always increased requirements for the food industry, so an entrepreneur should treat them with full responsibility and formalize his activities in accordance with the law.

Stable production growth, the creation of new budget equipment and marketing moves calculated to the smallest detail should stimulate businessmen to the successful development of the industry. Cheese making can be called a progressive idea of ​​home production.

Sales market analysis

If you are planning to make homemade cheese for further sale, then you should not rely on your own shelf in large-scale retail chains. Home-made production refers to small-scale wholesale production, which has competitors in the form of large manufacturers specializing in the production of similar products.

Network merchants operate under tough conditions on delivery times. And this is not always an acceptable condition for an individual entrepreneur. Due to the small production volumes and the lack of a place of our own in supermarkets, it is impossible to count on sales through network sellers.

At the beginning of starting his own business, an entrepreneur should make a complete analysis of the market and its competitiveness. Weigh all the alternatives, calculate the possibilities and, on the basis of this, draw significant conclusions.

Pay special attention to the price of these products in your city or region, compare the volumes of a specific base. Your products should be sold on time, and only then the losses from force majeure will be minimal.

Cheese dairy business plan

If we take as a basis the production volume of up to 100 kg of cheese per day, then three types of costs will be required - constant, one-time and monthly. And if you are interested in how much it costs to open a cheese dairy, then pay attention to these indicators.

Fixed costs for each month:

  1. Rent of premises for cheese production - 45,000 rubles (area up to 60 square meters).
  2. Utility payments within the limits of 30,000 rubles per month.
  3. The monthly salary for employees, taking into account insurance deductions for 4 people, is 90,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising of your products - up to 15,000 rubles.
  5. Unforeseen expenses - 40,000 rubles.

Total: 220,000 rubles.

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of the necessary equipment with its delivery and installation - 350,000 rubles.
  2. Registration of your business and organization of work - 50,000 rubles.
  3. Hiring and training employees - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Indoor repairs and cleaning - 250,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total approximate expense is: 710,000 rubles.

Estimated income:

  1. Production of cheese in 23 working days - 2300 kg.
  2. The cost of cheese products for sale is 210 rubles per kg.
  3. The price of raw materials for manufacturing is 60 rubles per kg.
  4. The price for all raw materials per month is 160,000 rubles.
  5. Monthly income of 500,000 rubles.
  6. Profit per month minus the purchase of raw materials - 300,000 rubles.

From the total revenue, you need to subtract the amount for constant spending, and in the end you get the expected result.

Important: when counting, you should take into account the possibility of fluctuations in numbers, both in the smaller and in the larger direction. From the amount received, deduct 15% for tax payments and get the amount of net income for the month. The entrepreneur will see the expected payback not earlier than in 6 months.

Registration of a cheese dairy in Russia

For the full-fledged conduct of his business, an entrepreneur needs to go through legal registration of his enterprise. You can register your business:

  • as a farm with a mandatory taxation of 6%;
  • joint stock company (JSC) with a simplified taxation system of 15%.

Important: when registering, an entrepreneur should contact the branch of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of residence.

The entrepreneur should collect the following documents:

  • copy of the passport of a citizen of the country;
  • application form for the opening of production;
  • application for the transition to a simplified taxation system;
  • TIN certificate;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

The registration time will take at least three working days. Upon submission of documents, the applicant is given a receipt.

Product certification is the main component for its possible implementation in the future. To do this, you need a list of documents:

  • application for product certification;
  • legal entity documents;
  • certification of raw materials.

After all the documents have been submitted, the newly opened enterprise is entered into the database of the State Register of Objects of the GOST RF Certification System.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a cheese production

For the production of cheese products, a sequence of actions must be clearly developed. We should not forget about the requirements for the premises, the purchase of raw materials and equipment, the recruitment of personnel for work. For a better understanding, we will consider each point separately.

Step 1. Premises

The owner of the cheese production must take into account all technical standards and regulatory requirements that apply to the premises. Otherwise, he faces an administrative penalty.

Room requirements:

  • high-quality lighting, heating and water supply;
  • the presence of a working sewer system;
  • indoor renovation and wall decoration with antibacterial tiles;
  • working ventilation system and fire safety equipment.

Step 2. Purchase of raw materials

An important stage is the purchase and preparation of raw materials for production. The main ingredient for cheese is milk.

The technological process makes it possible to use cow, goat and sheep milk. You can get it in the following ways:

  • purchase of raw materials from individuals;
  • on farms;
  • keeping your own herd.

The first method is not suitable due to the unreliability of product quality. It is best to purchase raw materials from farms. In order to avoid the purchase of low-quality raw materials from distributors, it is necessary to require documentary confirmation of the certification of the products sold.

Growing your herd is considered the best option. Then the entrepreneur will be confident in the quality of the main raw material.

This also applies to the processing and cultivation of special additives, for example, spices to create new varieties of cheese products.

Milk can be transported on your own transport. This is beneficial because the employee will be responsible for compliance with the rules for the transportation and delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Store milk for further processing in clean, closed containers in refrigeration equipment.

Conditions for purchasing milk:

  1. The veterinary certificate must confirm the quality of the milk.
  2. The temperature of the purchased milk should not exceed 12 units of the norm.
  3. The fat content of the product is up to 3%.
  4. No antibiotics.

Step 3. Equipment

Without special equipment and accessories, the technology will not be sustained at any stage of cheese production. You will need:

  1. Forming equipment.
  2. Closed storage tanks for raw materials.
  3. Filters for milk processing.
  4. Baths or pools for long-term pasteurization.
  5. Cheese ripening chambers.
  6. Milk coolers.
  7. Racks for sorting and ripening of finished products.
  8. Paraffiners for long-term storage of cheese.
  9. Containers for moving products.
  10. Press tables.

For mini-shops, you can purchase a ready-made line with the desired performance ratio. An automatic line of 120 meters is sufficient for processing 600 liters of milk.

The quality of products depends on the operation of the equipment, so it is better to buy your own than to rent for a while.

For the production of cheese at home, Italian-made lines are most suitable. The optimal ratio of price and quality, as well as the use of high technologies will help to make the products excellent in taste.

It is best to purchase equipment from direct suppliers, agreeing on its further maintenance.

The cost of domestic equipment starts from 180,000 rubles, but it does not differ in high productivity. Although, in the conditions of small production, it is quite possible to obtain soft, hard cheese and sour cream in minimal volumes.

Step 4. Employees

To maintain the line in a small production, up to 3 personnel will be required. Also, in your business you cannot do without the help of a cheese-making technologist. His knowledge will help to develop new types of cheeses and will be required in many technological moments of cheese making.

Also, you cannot do without a sales and supply manager. If it is not possible to take such a unit into the state, then the owner will have to take over its functions.

The personnel must be officially registered for work, in accordance with the legislative acts of the country.

Documents for admission to work:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Employment history.
  3. Diploma of education in the food industry or a certificate of completion of similar courses.
  4. Military ID.
  5. Sanitary book.

Very important: it is not allowed to demand from citizens applying for work documents prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Technology for the production of sour milk cheese at home

Knowledge of the technological process makes it possible to correctly develop a business plan for a cheese dairy. The choice of equipment is based on the type of cheese you come up with to make - fermented milk or rennet.

Fermented milk cheese production includes the following processes:

  • curdling milk with heat and additional spices;
  • the formation of the curd mass;
  • packing in special containers and transportation for sale.

Sour milk cheese recipe at home "Skir":

  1. Boil 1 liter of fresh milk.
  2. Pour 1 liter of yogurt into boiling milk.
  3. Boil the mixture for 4 minutes (watch carefully when the foam rises).
  4. Remove container from heat and strain the whey.
  5. Gently squeeze the resulting cheese so that the excess liquid glass.

As a result of cooking, you will get a product with a delicate creamy taste. The cheese can be tasted right away.

Recipe for sour milk cheese "Lithuanian" at home:

  1. Sprinkle the finished cottage cheese with salt and mix.
  2. The resulting mass is twisted twice in a meat grinder.
  3. Add spices to taste and mix well.
  4. Cheese is formed in canvas or linen bags.
  5. The bags are pressed down with a load or a press and kept for 12 hours.

The cheese obtained according to this recipe has a pleasant aroma and light taste.

Rennet cheese production technology at home

Rennet cheese is made using a special rennet enzyme. Thanks to such a ferment, the production of this product is very fast. In addition to rennet, various spices, dried fruits, nuts and herbs are added to cheese. For the production of this type of cheese, a certain technology is needed. But at home it is quite possible to make a tasty and healthy dish.

The recipe for mozzarella rennet cheese at home.

To make cheese you need:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • rennet - 10 grams;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 liter.


  1. Heat the milk, add lemon juice and rennet.
  2. Stir and prevent boiling.
  3. Squeeze the resulting mass and drain the whey.
  4. Boil water with salt and gently lower the cheese there.
  5. The viscous mass must be kneaded with gloves, dipping it several times in water. The cheese should be smooth and whole.
  6. Roll the cheese on cling film into a ball, shape and leave to cool.

The cheese prepared according to the recipe provided tastes very much like a purchased product. The famous Parmesan can be made in the same way.

Homemade rennet cheese recipe.

Ingredients you need:

  • milk - 3 liters;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • rennet - a quarter teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon;
  • a slice of soft brie cheese.


  1. Stir lemon juice with water.
  2. Heat the milk until hot and pour in the lemon mixture.
  3. Whisk the mixture and dissolve the rennet in it.
  4. Cut the resulting thickened mass with a slotted spoon and leave for 10 minutes until whey appears.
  5. Put the container with the mass on the fire and stir thoroughly until the cheese begins to settle to the bottom.
  6. Drain the whey and salt the cheese.
  7. Divide the resulting product into forms.
  8. Let the cheese stand for several days in the refrigerator, wrap it in a cloth before cooling.
  9. After a few days, cut a piece of brie cheese and rub the resulting product with the moldy side. This is necessary in order for the spores to penetrate inside.
  10. Transfer the cheese to a container and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days.
  11. After 10 days, turn the cheese in the container upside down.
  12. When the cheese is ripe (this takes 1 month), it can be served.

This type of homemade cheese will come out with a spicy aroma and mushroom flavor.

What else can you produce in a cheese dairy?

In conditions of stable operation of the cheese dairy, it is also possible to produce:

  • processed cheese;
  • soft cheeses;
  • elite varieties of cheeses;
  • suluguni;
  • tofu;
  • Adyghe cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • cream with a high percentage of fat and fat-free;
  • kefir;
  • bioyogurt;
  • glazed curds;
  • cheese mass;
  • butter;
  • cheese dessert;
  • soft cheese cream;
  • drinking yoghurt with fruit additives.

Greek Yogurt Recipe

This delicious dessert differs from the classic version with its soft texture and a similarity to butter cream.

To prepare it you need ingredients:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • 250 ml. plain yogurt.


  1. Boil the milk and leave to cool until warm.
  2. Dissolve yogurt with a little milk.
  3. Combine liquid yogurt with chilled milk.
  4. Cover the container and leave in a warm place for 8 hours.
  5. After aging, gently put the yogurt in the refrigerator for a day. No need to stir and shake it.
  6. After a day, strain it through two layers of gauze and let the excess liquid drain.
  7. Put the resulting Greek yoghurt in the refrigerator to solidify for 3 hours.
  8. After the time has elapsed, you can serve.

Glazed cheese recipe

This delicate dessert has long gained popularity among consumers. An uncomplicated recipe makes it possible to make your favorite delicacy in any quantity.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 g of fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of high fat cream;
  • 200 g icing sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • 200 g of dark chocolate;
  • 200 g milk chocolate;
  • nuts, dried apricots, raisins or jam as desired.


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add cream to it and beat.
  2. Add the selected additional ingredients - nuts or dried apricots to the resulting curd mass.
  3. Roll the mass into a bar, arrange in special forms and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour to solidify.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the curd bar in it.
  5. Spread the resulting dessert on a wire rack and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours to solidify.

In the recipe, you can change the ingredients or apply other technologies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Making Cheese as a Business

When the question is how to profitably open a cheese dairy, they always start to consider the advantages of this idea. These include:

  1. Demand for a cheese product among the population.
  2. Reasonable price for raw materials for the manufacture of products.
  3. A ban on the import of imported products, which makes it possible to promote goods from local manufacturers.

Each business has its own pitfalls and risks, so you need to be prepared for them.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Short shelf life of some cheese products.
  2. High competition.
  3. The unsatisfactory quality of raw materials entails the manufacture of low-quality products.
  4. Lack of distribution channels.

Sales of cheese products

The sale of cheese needs to be adjusted in gradual steps, focusing on consumer demand. Any legal means can be used to sell the product. First you need to take a closer look at the price of goods in city markets, shops and trade pavilions. Constant advertising of your product allows you to form a circle of regular customers.

The main task is to orient the assortment of goods to consumer demand. For example, if many clients value soft cheese varieties, then it is necessary to work on the development of new technologies in this direction.

Important: the ability to listen to the wishes of customers, follow useful tips and hear information will depend on the production of cheese at home as a business.

Also, the constant sale of cheese to remote regions can be provided by an exit car shop. A good channel for selling goods is catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, fast food enterprises, pizzerias.

Opening in a crowded place your brand store with a "cheesy" name will attract a certain stream of customers.

Try to establish contact with resellers who can sell your products.

Calculating the profitability of cheese making

When working in the food industry, don't expect quick profits. But a properly organized production with a thoroughly drawn up business plan will be a guarantee of good income in the future. A cheese factory cannot exist without the necessary raw materials, and farmers will be interested in your business developing and bringing benefits. As soon as the cheese dairy returns the initial investment, then only we can talk about its profitability.

The main criteria for the profitability of the cheese business.

  1. The purchasing power of the population.
  2. The variety and quality of the assortment.
  3. Equipment with high production capacity.
  4. Qualified specialists.
  5. Established points of sale.
  6. A room with special climatic conditions and refrigeration equipment.

Payback can be expected for each activity at different times. For example:

  • for home production - up to 2 years;
  • farms - up to 3 years;
  • mini cheese dairies - up to 1.5 years;
  • large-scale enterprise - up to 4 years.

The importance of promotions

Can be used:

  • distribution of booklets, business cards, advertising leaflets;
  • badges, mugs and pencils with your company logo;
  • announcement in the media;
  • website on the Internet;
  • colorful signboards with pointers;
  • promotions with free tasting of products;
  • prizes for bulk purchase.

Organizing a business from scratch, subject to a competent approach, will allow you to have constant profit. A large assortment of goods is a confirmation of the company's reliability and an opportunity to increase its income. There is no need to rush and hope for special luck. Your best bet is to write a thoughtful business plan, calculate your investment, and reap the rewards of your success, rather than being in the dark and jealous of your competitors. And don't forget that successful people always attract money.

In this article:

Russian businessmen appreciated the attractiveness of the cheese market a few years ago, when domestic production began to grow. Modern trends continue to this day: the product is in demand on the market.

For the production of high-quality cheese, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, to keep the product at the optimum temperature in the room.

We draw up documents for a cheese manufacturing enterprise

Before starting production activities and purchasing equipment, you should take care of obtaining the necessary permits, draw up the appropriate documentation.

This cost estimate will include:

  • obtaining the right to purchase (lease) land and construction;
  • company registration;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • licensing and certification of products.

All this should be taken care of in advance, otherwise unforeseen circumstances may arise already in the process of making hard cheese.

As for the choice of organizational and legal form, it would be preferable to carry out activities through an LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or an individual entrepreneur. Both options will significantly reduce taxes on taxes.

Since cheese is a product of the dairy industry, its certification is a mandatory procedure.

For example, on Russian cheese it is necessary to obtain a declaration of conformity of the code OKP 92 2511... It is issued for the manufacturer or for a contract, indicating the exact quantity of the batch.

The following documents must be provided:

  • application;
  • the constituent documents of the applicant;
  • the contract;
  • phytosanitary registration certificate;
  • mock-ups of labels;
  • veterinary certificate.

We acquire a mini workshop for the production of hard cheese

To establish the production process, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, which will consist of:

  • long-term pasteurization baths with a volume of 100 liters;
  • paraffiner, with a volume of 75 liters;
  • bathtubs IPKS, with a volume of 200 liters;
  • cheese press;
  • two forms for cheese;
  • 2 refrigerating chambers;
  • desktop.

Long-term pasteurization bath


IPKS bath

Basic requirements for feedstock

The taste of hard cheese depends on the quality of the main components.

Compliance with the following conditions is mandatory:

  • milk must come exclusively from healthy cows;
  • the level of active acidity on a pH meter should not be lower than 6.8;
  • lack of antibiotics in the composition;
  • basic fat content, within 3.5 - protein content not less than 3.0% - acceptance temperature not higher than 12 ° С

Contracts should be concluded with milk suppliers, in which the above requirements for the quality of milk, its quantity, payment terms, postponement (if necessary), delivery methods should be prescribed.

Russian cheese production technology

Cheese production technology is a complex biochemical process that occurs under the influence of microflora and enzymes and requires a strict sequence in the production process.

Stages of cheese production:

  • preparation of milk;
  • coagulation of milk and obtaining a homogeneous mass;
  • ripening of cheese;
  • salting cheese.

Hardware technological scheme

The hardware technological scheme of cheese production is shown in the following photo:

In cheese making, special requirements are imposed on the quality of raw materials.

Milk preparation

It must contain a sufficient amount of protein, thus increasing the yield of the product and reducing the consumption of raw materials. First of all, milk must be cleaned and cooled to prevent the development of microflora and subsequent spoilage. This process uses milk filters or separators.

Milk is cooled to a temperature of 7-8 ° C on plate coolers of the required capacity.

Milk maturation

Milk ripens from 12 to 24 hours, during this period it gains acidity.

Excerpt necessary for both raw refined milk and pasteurized milk. In pasteurized milk, you should add a lactic acid bacteria starter (or rennet component).

It is allowed to use fresh milk with the addition of matured milk (2 to 1 ratio).

After that, the milk should be cooled to the curdling temperature. Its normalization is carried out in separators-cream separators, and pasteurization - in pasteurization and cooling units at temperatures of 74-76 ° C for about 20 seconds. With the help of heat treatment, vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated and milk is prepared for coagulation (up to a temperature of 32 ° C). The acidity of milk before the clotting process should be at least 20-22 Turner degrees.

Rennet clotting

In a cheese-making bath, it is prepared for rennet coagulation, namely, a bacterial leaven is introduced; a solution of chloride and calcium. If necessary, add rennet. For the manufacture of Russian cheese, a sourdough from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci is often used (in an amount of 0.8-1.1%).

Quite often, mature milk (one fifth of the total) is used in the production process in order to increase the calcium content and the quality of the curd. The addition of rennet guarantees the formation of a firm clot in a short time.

The process of milk coagulation occurs at a temperature of 32 ° C for half an hour. The resulting curd is cut and dried for 45 minutes, and a third of the whey is removed. In order to accelerate dehydration, it is recommended to carry out a second heating of the curd (t 40 ° C - 30 min.).

The curd mass is dried after the second heating for 50 minutes.

Thus, the duration of the entire treatment is about 2-3 hours. The grain size should be 5-6 mm.

The cheese salting process and product formation

Salting hard cheese is carried out at the very end of the drying of the curd, after removing 70% of the whey. Concentrated salted brine is added to the grain, stirring for 30 minutes. Now you can move on to shaping the product.

With the help of a pump, the curd is fed to the whey separator, from where it is poured into molds.

Self-pressing should occur within an hour, subject to a single inversion. After that, on specialized equipment (press), the curd mass is pressed for another 4 hours, where its active acidity significantly increases.

The cheese is dried for 10 days, after which it is covered with a paraffin polymer alloy.

It is also necessary to carry out technochemical control of cheese production for compliance with generally accepted standards.

Cheese production business plan

Costs for raw materials, premises and equipment for a mini-cheese factory

To start production activities, the mini-plant needs a production facility with an area of ​​300 square meters with engineering and technical communications. It will house a cheese production workshop, a warehouse for finished products and a utility room for employees. It can be purchased or rented.

Let's assume a monthly rental price of 5,000 rubles.

The cost of the production line will be 207,880 rubles (capital costs).

Working capital will consist of:

  • procurement of raw materials;
  • monthly payroll.

For cooking 1 kg. hard cheese (containing 45% water) requires 9 liters of milk. The average cost of 1 liter is 16 rubles. Starter culture from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci: 1 dose for every 1000 liters.

Based on the monthly output - 5,000 kg. hard cheese, the costs will be:

  • Milk - 35,000 liters x 13 rubles = 455,000 rubles;
  • Starter cultures - 45 pieces, 30 rubles each = 1350 rubles;
  • Payment for utilities for the month will be 10,000 rubles.

Thus, the cost of the finished product will be equal to 466,350 rubles per month. (5 596 200 rubles per year).

We recruit staff:

  • director - 30,000 rubles;
  • technologist - 22,000 rubles;
  • cheese maker - 18,000 rubles;
  • storekeeper - 15,000 rubles;
  • 3 workers - 30,000 rubles.

Total payroll: 115,000 rubles per month (1,380,000 rubles per year).

Revenue and profits from the sale of cheese

Calculation of annual revenue: monthly production x cost of 1 kg. cheese = 5,000 x 250 rubles x 12 months. = 15 million rubles.

Gross annual profit(revenue-cost price) = 9 403 800 rubles.

Total expenses, taking into account the initial investment in equipment - 7,184,080 rubles.

Profit before tax (gross profit - total costs) = 2 219 720 rubles. Profit after tax (15%) - 1 886 762 rubles. This will be the amount of net profit.

Profitability ratio(net profit / revenue) will be 20.06%.

It should be noted that in the case of purchasing a functioning mini-shop, it becomes possible to save up to several million rubles.

Main directions of cheese marketing

It is necessary to determine the pricing policy and the expected sales markets for the produced hard cheese at the initial stage of developing a business plan for a mini-factory.

In the first months, you can sell products in the region where the production facilities are located. And only then, as the volume of production increases, it will be possible to increase the sales market in other areas.

Enterprises that mainly produce hard cheeses subsequently expand their assortment by making cottage cheese, sour cream, glazed curds, etc.

The main advantage of such products is the short production time (one to two days). Thus, the profitability of the enterprise is increased.

According to sales statistics, hard cheeses with an average cost are in the lead. Elite varieties of high fat content cannot overcome even 10% of the total consumption. It turns out that the target audience will be a buyer with an average income level.

Therefore, it will be more profitable to produce hard cheese of the middle price segment.

Of course, the main consumers will be shops and supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, with which long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation should be established. Later, after overcoming the payback period, it may even conquer the international market, selling products for export.

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