Home Natural farming Owl in one line. How to draw an owl bird. How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil

Owl in one line. How to draw an owl bird. How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil

Who is considered the wisest and most mysterious in the world of birds? A bird that lives a nocturnal life and keeps many secrets? Of course, this is an owl - beautiful, with rich plumage and incredibly large intelligent eyes. She has always aroused the interest of artists. Today we invite everyone who is curious to learn how to draw an owl.

If previously we associated only the heroine of the famous cartoon about Winnie the Pooh with her image, now the forest beauty can be seen as decoration on clothes, notebooks, and in the form of gift figurines. Therefore, learning to portray a popular bird will be a fascinating activity for both experts and beginners.

In order to get beautiful drawings that are exactly the same as the original, you don’t need to be a professional. It is enough to stock up on a sheet of white paper, simple pencils and a good mood. After all, it is known that everything that is done with joy and desire comes easily and turns out doubly wonderful.

In the first lesson, “how to draw an owl step by step,” we suggest practicing on a diagram of a small bright chick sitting on a green tree branch. First and second step- draw two circles and a beak in a triangle with a pencil.

Third and fourth step— Mark the body as an oval and add small semicircular wings on both sides. These will be the head, wings and eyes.

In the final stages We designate a mask around the eyes, and on the sides of the body at the bottom we draw paws in the form of four stripes. We finish drawing small ears and feathers for him. We trace the lines, draw the last missing details, and then color the picture. It turned out to be a cute little gentle owlet.

The following diagram quite fully reveals the secrets of how to draw an owl with a pencil. It looks as if it were alive, and it seems that the branch will now sway and the bird will flap its large wings to fly into the sky.

You should start by drawing thin ovals - a large one and a slightly smaller one, then finish drawing the wing.

Now we need to give the owl expressive eyes, a long beak, legs and add plumage.

Using only simple pencils of varying degrees of softness, draw lines on the head, down on the chest and feathers on the wings.

Pictures of such an owl do not need paint; it looks great even in gray - so important, thoughtful with a deep, penetrating gaze.

Everyone will understand how to draw the next owlet. This pattern will be especially interesting for children, since Along with drawing, you can learn a poem about a little chick.

With an unusual description, the child does the work much more fun and easier, the image turns out brighter, more fun, and more beautiful.

Let's try to draw with a pencil step by step another image of a wise bird. Its main distinguishing features can be considered a small beak and huge tail, smart and very deep. Their expressiveness should be emphasized in the owl in the picture.

Her neck is small, but at the same time it rotates almost 180 degrees. The bird has powerful claws on its paws, its tail resembles a fan, and its wings are always covered with unusual plumage patterns.

Here is another interesting diagram for sketching. It shows a cute little owl, but a little sad. By adding a small smile to its beak, you can turn it into a cheerful and cheerful bird. This will in no way spoil his wise and mysterious appearance; on the contrary, it will give him even more attractiveness.

Complexity:(4 out of 5).

Age: from the age of four.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolors, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through or consolidate knowledge about the shape - a circle (owl's body, eyes).

We take a simple pencil and do the entire drawing with it. Draw a large circle (the body of an owl), two large eyes. Let's draw the ears, beak, wings and paws.

The second step is to draw the branch on which the owl is sitting and learn how to draw beautiful leaves. Drawing a leaf is very easy if you know how.

Make a small dot with a pencil. From it we draw two arcs.

We decorate the resulting drawing with colored wax crayons. We try to ensure that the color is bright, there are no gaps where the white sheet is visible.

Take a large brush. We dilute the blue paint in the palette with plenty of water. And we tint the entire sheet from left to right and from top to bottom. Where there are small details, feel free to brush over them. Where a large design can be painted around.

To make the work neat, we take a napkin and remove all droplets of paint, applying it in such a way as not to smudge the drawing.

Larisa Borisova

By the light of the stars in the silence of the night

An owl sits on an old tree.

Everyone fell asleep, not a soul was visible.

The owl decided: It's time to fly!

Draw a large, long oval in the center of the sheet with a simple pencil.

At the top of the large oval, draw a second smaller oval, placing it across the first.

Draw two touching circles, inscribing them in the second oval - these are the eyes of the owl. Draw two lines at the bottom - this is the future branch.

Draw a triangle - a beak. Draw the owl's tummy inside the large oval, and outline the wings behind the oval line. Draw ears, pupils, claws on a branch, and a tail.

Erase the extra lines with an eraser. Color the owl's eyes and belly with a yellow pencil (We painted with wax crayons) .Use a brown pencil to paint over the tail, wings, head and ears, draw feathers on the belly, paint a rainbow mesh on the eyes. Use a dark brown pencil to fill in the branch and the pupils of the eye. Color the claws and beak, leaving their centers light - so they look voluminous. And then you can start decorating the background. Here are the works of the children of our senior group.

Drawing using geometric shapes - it's fun and accessible! We will be glad if our Master Class someone will need it!

Thank you for your attention!

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Good afternoon, we are back in touch and ready to draw again! We hope you are ready too. The last thing you and I drew was tulips, it was a couple of weeks ago, just on March 8th. Today we will show you how to draw an owl step by step with a pencil. Let's look ahead a little and warn you that the most difficult part of today's lesson will be working with color. To color the owl that you draw, you will need a lot of nerves and time!

Let's talk about owls! Are you a night owl or a lark? Do you understand what we mean? When are you most comfortable working? Day or night? It's different here. The author of our drawing, Dasha, is also a morning person (although she loves to sleep), she works during the day, or in the evening. But many, on the contrary, cannot or do not like to work during the day. They prefer to work at night: there is no one to distract them, there are no temptations to scroll through the VKontakte news feed or watch funny videos on Youtube.

Here we are casually asking you about your bird affiliation! So, are you a night owl or a lark? If you are an owl, then you simply must complete our lesson today and draw this owl (fortunately, everything is laid out step by step). There can't even be any questions here. But if you are a morning person, then... let me think... you should also cope with the task and draw this owl. If you can handle it, we will definitely make a special step-by-step drawing lesson especially for you. Guess who we'll draw? That's right, lark!!! But that will come a little later.

By the way, if you are not yet our regular reader, then press CTRL+D on your keyboard now, this will allow you to add our site to your browser bookmarks. By adding a site, you definitely won’t miss our article with a lesson on how to draw a lark step by step.

Step 1:
First we need to draw two circles, this is the basis of our owl. Two circles in the shape of a figure eight, the upper part is slightly smaller for the head, the lower circle is for the owl’s body, slightly larger. From below we will immediately draw the paws, or rather the claws of an owl, because our owl is sitting on a tree branch.

Draw the base, outline, of our owl

Step 2:
At this stage of the lesson Let's draw the outline of the wing of our bird, as well as the branch of the tree on which it sits.

We draw a tree branch on which the owl sits and its wing

At this stage, draw two lines on the owl's face, one vertical, the other horizontal, at the intersection of the lines there will be a point where you need to draw the beak.

Drawing a beak

Step 4:
We begin to draw the eyes, they are large and bulging. You need to draw two circles, one is the outline of the eyes, the other is the pupils.

Drawing the eyes

Step 5:
We continue to draw the face of our owl, draw circles around the eyes.

We continue to draw the face

Step 6:
We draw the plumage of our owl, on the wings, on the head.

Draw feathers on the wings

Step 7:
Our owl is looking at a round object that looks like a soap bubble. This object was invented by the artist to capture the gaze of an owl. This is an abstract object, you can draw it or not. The owl's gaze follows this bubble, its pupils are riveted to it.

Drawing the pupils of an owl

Step 8:
We begin to decorate the owl.

Let's start decorating our owl

Step 9:
We continue to decorate our owl.

Coloring the owl

Step 10:
We decorate the owl. The owl's chest is slightly darker.

Painting the owl's chest

Now paint the owl’s eyes and the branch of the tree on which the owl is sitting. Well, that's it! Happy drawing! Now you know, !

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