Home natural farming Tomato juice without sterilization for the winter. Tomato juice for the winter. Traditional recipe without sterilization

Tomato juice without sterilization for the winter. Tomato juice for the winter. Traditional recipe without sterilization

Dry wines, which are so deliciously fragrant in the summer and the sun, can be made at home. There are several ways to do this, as well as a number of certain rules, following which you will make white or red wine yourself, without the risk of “enriching” your body with harmful dyes and preservatives.

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Grape preparation

For the preparation of dry wine, unripe, overripe or rotten grapes should not be used. The right amount of sugar will be contained only in fully ripened berries - if the weather is quite sunny, you can take your time picking the grapes from the bush, but let it soak in the sun. After collecting the berries, push them in an enameled bucket, wait for the maximum release of juice and cover the bucket with clean gauze. The grapes will ferment in it for the first five days - do not forget to stir it once a day with a wooden spatula.

When making dry wine, remember that it should be almost free of sugar (or a maximum of 0.3%). With its high content, the drink will lose all its lightness and part of the taste.

In rainy weather, it is advisable to collect the berries as quickly as possible, since homemade grapes do not like an excess of moisture. It may develop gray rot, which will make it unsuitable for making homemade dry wine.

Wort fermentation

Dry wine is obtained by complete fermentation of grape must with crushed grapes. During the fermentation process, alcohol increases the amount of wine yeast in the must. When 7-8% alcohol of the total volume of wort accumulates in the tanks, fermentation stops and after-fermentation begins, which lasts from two to three weeks. As the fermentation subsides, you need to add wine from the same grapes to the containers - this will reduce the amount of air above the surface of the must.

Be sure to install water seals on the bottles so that oxygen does not enter the wort, which promotes the growth of acetic bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

After the fermentation finally ends, and the wine brightens, you need to carefully drain the sediment and pour the resulting liquid into another clean container (smaller), filling it up to the cork and placing it in a cool room. There the wine should be at least a month.

Preparing dry white wine

Having collected ripe grapes of white varieties, dry and crush it. Place the resulting wort in containers, then add diluted wine yeast (10% of the total must volume) into it. The must will begin to ferment vigorously for four to five days, during which it must be stirred periodically, making sure that the thick does not come into contact with air, which destroys its dyes and wine yeast is formed in it.

After the rapid fermentation subsides, top up the containers with fresh wort every two days.

Now the stage of quiet fermentation begins, which will last from three to four weeks. After the final cessation of fermentation (gas bubbles cease to be released through the water lock), try the wine for sugar - it should not be felt. Close the container with an airtight stopper and place it in a dark, cool room to settle for two weeks. When the wine is clarified, and sediment falls to the bottom, strain the liquid and store it at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees.

Preparing dry red wine

To make dry red wine at home, gather ripe grapes, separate them from the branches, crush them and place them in containers along with the berry thick. Before this, in no case do not wash the berries, so as not to wash off the yeast bacteria. The duration of the must fermentation in containers will be from seven to ten days, the temperature should be 18-24 degrees.

After the rapid fermentation has subsided, the color of the wine should be intense - if it is still inexpressive, leave the wine to steep for a few more days. Then drain the wine from the container by compressing the grounds and pouring the resulting wort into bottles (fill 70% of the container). Don't forget to install water seals. Red wine will be fermented in the same way as white wine, but it needs to be aged a little longer - about two to three months, so that the quality and grape taste improve significantly.

If the wine seems sour during the preparation of the must, it can be diluted with pure spring water.

Borscht, salads and sauces require tomato dressing. Therefore, tomato juice should be closed for the winter, a recipe through a juicer will help keep the provisions made in the proper form with the intended taste. Dishes with the use of tomato will be saturated with useful vitamins just when it is so necessary in the winter. And even a glass of tomato juice will fill your body with energy without any food.

Importance of tomato in the diet

The medicinal properties of tomatoes help to normalize the metabolism in the body. Smokers simply need to eat tomatoes, as the splitting substances in them contribute to the removal of nicotine from the lungs. To stabilize blood pressure, you need to drink tomato juice every day.

Tomatoes in the daily diet are a healthy heart, healthy bones, cancer prevention. Regular consumption of tomato is beneficial for obese people. With Alzheimer's disease, it is also recommended to eat this red fruit.

Canned tomatoes

This red fruit is the most popular in all preservations, both in its entirety in a single genus, and together with other vegetables and fruits. Tomato juice in a juicer can also be rolled up, like whole tomatoes. In the future, the resulting workpiece is used as an addition to side dishes or as an ingredient in other dishes. In winter, it can be used as a component of borscht, kharcho, added to stews or used as a base for sauce. A tomato can be preserved with pulp through a meat grinder or a clean liquid, it all depends on where this juice will be used in the future.

The resulting cake after the juicer can be processed into ketchup.

Choosing a tomato for tomato juice

For this dish, it is better to choose tomatoes from the garden. They are healthy and do not contain GMOs. With proper observance of all stages of canning, swelling and explosion of provisions are excluded. To make tomato juice at home through a juicer, tomatoes should be selected soft and juicy, since in this case it is necessary to get as much juice as possible, the pulp with the skin will go into the trash.

To make a tomato, you can use vegetables that are slightly spoiled, this will not affect the taste and quality of the provisions. Successfully fit those that have burned out in the sun and are no longer suitable for conservation entirely. Tomatoes that have begun to rot slightly after lying at home for several days can also be used. Of course, spoiled places should be cut out and thrown away.

tomato juice recipes

The preparation of such juice is the cheapest, it does not require either vinegar or vegetable oil. Below you will find some options on how to make tomato juice in a juicer.

Freshly squeezed tomato juice through a juicer without canning

Ingredients for 1 glass of juice:

  • medium tomato - 200 g (about 2 pieces);
  • salt / sugar - to taste.


Recipe for standard tomato juice through a juicer for the winter


  • juicy tomatoes - 10 kg (you get 8.5 liters of liquid),
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking steps:

It is better to choose smaller jars, because a 3-liter jar of tomato cannot be used immediately, and it is undesirable to store it in the refrigerator for weeks.

If you want to make homemade tomato juice, a recipe using a juicer will be the most rational way to prepare it. For those who want to add an unusual piquancy to the standard taste of a tomato, different products can be added to the ingredients. Recipes for such juice are presented below.

Tomato juice with celery


  • tomato - 1 kg;
  • celery stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp.

Cooking steps:

Tomato juice with sweet pepper


  • tomato - 9 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

In 1 bucket about 9 kg of tomato.

Tomato juice with spices and vinegar


  • tomato - 11 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • salt - 170 g;
  • vinegar - 270 g;
  • allspice - 30 peas;
  • red pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • carnation - 10 buds;
  • cinnamon - 3.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • nutmeg - to taste.

Cooking process:

To process a large amount of tomatoes, it is better to use an electric juicer, it will significantly reduce your time and effort.

The recipes for tomato juice for the winter through a juicer are almost the same, they differ only a little when additional ingredients are added.

Every real housewife should know the secrets of how to cook a tomato for the winter, because for such a preparation you need to choose special tomatoes, and in addition spices and other vegetables. The cooking process can last from several minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the ingredients and consistency, and also on what you want to get as a result. Consider the principles of choosing tomatoes for juice, recommendations for their preparation and the best proven sauce recipes for the winter.

How to choose tomatoes for cooking

There are few selection rules. they are simple, but the result depends on their observance. So, let's begin:

  • Depending on what consistency of juice is desired, it is worth choosing varieties of tomatoes. If you take the Bull's Heart variety, then the drink for the winter will turn out to be very thick, rich. And the variety of tomatoes "Tsar Bell" will give a lot of water, so the juice will be liquid, like apple juice.
  • Even the most ripe vegetables are suitable for cooking tomatoes. Slightly soft, flattened, overripe will also be ideal for sauces.
  • Green fruits of tomatoes should not be taken for juice, as they will spoil the color of the workpiece, its taste. Unripe vegetables do not provide much water, so their use is also not advisable.
  • The format of the tomatoes for juicing does not matter. It can be small cherry tomatoes, medium cream or large fruits. Anyway, when cooking, they will be cut into pieces.
  • Tomatoes grown under the open sun in the beds are considered ideal for making tomato juice. Fruits that ripen in greenhouses do not have a large volume of water for such a preparation and have a noticeable sourness.

In what bowl to cook a tomato

A caring hostess will definitely ask herself the question: is it possible to cook a tomato in an aluminum pan? There is no unequivocal answer here: if dishes made of such material are used for 1-3 hours, then oxidation will not occur, but if the juice is infused and then only boiled, then it is better to choose other types of utensils. In an iron pan, enameled, cast iron, no chemical processes occur, therefore they are recommended for cooking tomatoes. Here is a list of utensils that may be needed for cooking tomatoes:

  • Juicer for quickly detaching the pulp and veins of tomatoes from the juice.
  • Saucepan or large deep bowl for boiling juice.
  • Colander or sieve (for straining the sauce after cooking, if the juicer was not used before).
  • Storage containers (jars with twists or tin lids).
  • A scoop or a large mug for pouring tomato juice into jars.
  • Seaming key (if classic tin can lids are used).

How long to cook the sauce for the winter

To understand how many minutes you need to boil the juice until ready, it is worth analyzing the entire cooking process. If the heat treatment will be carried out with vegetables for the first time, then it can last up to 1 hour, but in the classic versions, after boiling, you must wait 5-15 minutes and pour the juice into jars. If cooking takes place a second time (in the first stage, pieces of tomatoes were boiled, then they were rubbed through a sieve and put on the stove again), then 2-5 minutes will be enough to boil the dish and arrange it in containers.

Recipes for making tomato paste at home with photos

To understand how to cook tomatoes for the winter, you should consider several recipe options and choose the most suitable one for yourself. The difference lies not only in the process of obtaining juice, but also in the additives that are put into the drink or sauce. Consider a few classic recipes and unusual ways to cook a tomato for the winter. All the options considered are proven, so they are easy to use on their own even for beginners.

Pasta from tomatoes on the stove

If you do not use a juicer to prepare tomato juice, the process will take a little time, but you will not have to wash a lot of dishes and waste electricity. The task is to cut the vegetables into large pieces, boil a little and rub through a sieve. This method helps to get a thick tomato with a small amount of grains and pulp. Consider a simple proven recipe for a dish.


  • Ripe red tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Sweet red pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, sugar - according to the varieties of tomatoes and taste preferences.
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaf.


  1. Rinse all tomatoes under running water, remove excess water from them.
  2. Do the same with pepper.
  3. In a large (preferably cast-iron) container, cut the fruits of tomatoes into large pieces, while cutting out the roots and veins.
  4. Together with tomatoes, it is worth cutting sweet peppers of fleshy varieties into small pieces.
  5. Put the dishes with chopped vegetables on the stove on a small fire, and when a little liquid appears at the bottom, the power of the burner needs to be increased.
  6. After the fruits boil for up to 5 minutes, they must be set aside, cooled to room temperature.
  7. Rub the boiled tomatoes and peppers through a sieve or colander, crushing them with a spoon or silicone spatula. Excess skins, veins should be removed.
  8. The resulting paste must be salted, add sugar, spices and be sure to have a few sheets of bay pepper. Put it all on the stove, boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour into jars, roll up the lids.
  9. Such tomato paste is stored from 1 to 5 years in a cool dark place.

Homemade tomato for the winter as fresh

There is nothing better in winter than homemade tomato juice. This dish is allowed to be consumed as an independent unit or added to borscht, cabbage, soups or other types of food. To make homemade tomato juice as fresh as possible, you need to add a minimum of spices and additional vegetables to it, but to increase the shelf life, it is worth doing a good heat treatment. Consider a quick recipe for such a workpiece.


  • Red tomatoes of fleshy varieties - 3 kg.
  • Parsley, dill - a few fresh sprigs.
  • Salt, pepper, white sugar - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Dry them in a colander or with paper towels.
  3. Cut out the inner stem of the tomatoes and run the vegetables through a juicer.
  4. Drain all the juice obtained into a large enameled container.
  5. Put the liquid on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Add sugar, salt, ground pepper, constantly tasting the future dish. You should not put a lot of spices, this will enhance the taste, but it will lose its naturalness.
  7. Put the parsley leaves, dill into the boiling liquid.
  8. Boil the juice until the sugar finishes melting. The total amount of time the tomato boils should be about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Pour the liquid into sterilized jars, roll up the tin lids very tightly.

Pepper bulgarian tomato without sterilization

Sweet bell peppers are often added to tomato juice. This addition gives an unusual taste and makes the consistency thicker. Peppers are allowed to be cut into pieces, whole or grated through a grater, blender. Consider a simple recipe for tomato juice with other vegetables and fruits, which all households and guests will certainly appreciate.


  • Red, yellow tomatoes - a total of 3 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg.
  • Plum with a well-separated stone - 0.5 kg.
  • Sour apples - 300 g.
  • Sugar, salt - according to tastes.


  1. Rinse all vegetables and fruits under clean water. Leave them for a few minutes to drain excess water.
  2. Peel the pepper from the core, cut into quarters, put in a large cauldron, where the whole dish will be prepared.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into the bell pepper.
  4. Peel plums and apples, pass through a juicer, add this liquid to the main tomato juice.
  5. Immediately put a little salt, sugar, if you want - spices in the cauldron.
  6. Bring the tomato juice to a boil, stir it, try it.
  7. Adjust the dish according to your own taste sensations (add salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar).
  8. Boil the tomato for 5-10 minutes and pour into glass jars. Bon appetit in winter!

tomato juice recipe

A good hostess knows that it takes a long time to make juice from tomatoes. But how to cook tomatoes for the winter using new kitchen appliances? Such devices allow you to simplify the cooking process and even reduce the time to create an excellent dish. Consider step-by-step recipes for tomato juice in a slow cooker and pressure cooker for harvesting for the winter.

In a slow cooker

To quickly prepare delicious tomato juice at home, you should use a slow cooker. This popular device will help you by offering not to stand at the stove for a long time, but to start the technique and go somewhere on your own questions. In addition, there is no risk that the contents of the saucepan will leak out, boil away or burn. Here is an excellent recipe for rich tomato juice in a slow cooker.


  • Cherry tomatoes or other small varieties of tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Ripe pear - 300 g.
  • Sour apple - 300 g.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, black, allspice, salt, sugar - according to taste.

Preparation of tomato juice in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash all fruits and vegetables.
  2. Separate the extra parts from them: ponytails, veins, bones, core.
  3. Using a juicer, chop tomatoes, pears, apples.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl, add spices.
  5. Turn on the "Cooking" mode for 30 minutes and wait for cooking.
  6. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars in a water bath and prepare the lids.
  7. When the slow cooker announces the end of the program, tomato juice should be poured into containers and tightly closed.

In a double boiler

The main plus of a double boiler is that it allows you not only to quickly cook food, but to do it, while preserving all possible vitamins and minerals. Tomato juice, adjika, sauce or another product cooked in a double boiler has the best taste, it is most useful for the body. Let's talk about the perfect tomato recipe.


  • Red tomatoes - 2.5 kg.
  • Yellow tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes "Black Prince" - 0.5 kg.
  • Parsley, dill, basil.
  • Salt, sugar and pepper - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash and dry all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Remove the ends from the tomatoes, cut each of them into 2 parts.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer, setting the appropriate mode to obtain juice with the maximum amount of pulp.
  4. Add greens to the liquid.
  5. Put everything in a double boiler and bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from heat, open the lid, put the spices.
  7. Boil the juice in a double boiler for another 5 minutes and pour into jars.

Video recipe: how to spin a tomato for the winter

So that beginners have no questions about creating the perfect tomato dish, they should watch the training videos. In such materials, famous and popular chefs advise how to choose the right vegetables, how to process them and what to add to the juice. Here is a short video that demonstrates the correct approaches to spinning tomatoes for the winter.

Tomato juice is a storehouse of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and other minerals and trace elements that are favorable for the cardiovascular system. This juice contains a lot of dietary fiber and fiber needed to stabilize the body's metabolism.

It is tomato juice that is the most useful for all those who lose weight, because even despite its low calorie content and low carbohydrate content, this drink perfectly satisfies hunger.

The most delicious and healthy tomato juice, of course, is natural. Today we will tell you how to make this drink yourself from fresh, ripe tomatoes, and share the coolest recipes.

How to make delicious tomato juice at home

Love homemade tomato juice and want to make it fast and right? There is nothing easier, because for its preparation you will need only 2 ingredients: ripe red tomatoes without damage and salt. Also make sure that clean jars scalded with boiling water are ready.

For 1 liter of homemade tomato juice you will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 20 g

Wash the tomatoes, peel the stalks and cut into pieces, then chop in a meat grinder or with a juicer. Bring the tomato mass to a boil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, wipe through a colander to get rid of the seeds and skins. Pour the juice into an enamel bowl and boil for about 10 minutes until the foam disappears. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Pour the prepared juice into heated jars, cover with lids and roll up.

Subtleties of cooking

Despite the very simple recipe for homemade tomato juice, the process of making it still has some subtleties that must be taken into account in order to achieve the perfect result. For example, you should think in advance what kind of juice you want to get - sweeter or more sour. To make tomato juice less acidic, be sure to use very ripe, fleshy, large tomatoes: small ones produce juice with sourness, which is more suitable for preparing various second courses or borscht.

You can make your own original yellow tomato juice using a special variety of yellow tomatoes: they are, by the way, richer in antioxidants and some vitamins than red ones. The cooking method remains the same.

If you want to get a spicy, original taste, add bay leaves, allspice, spices, garlic, celery, bell pepper to jars - it all depends on your preferences and desire to experiment.

How to make homemade ketchup from tomato juice

It is hardly worth mentioning that for the most part, ketchups, which you today find in a wide range on supermarket shelves, instead of useful substances contain a lot of sugar, starch and monosodium glutamate, increase the calorie content of dishes, lead to unhealthy weight gain and negatively affect digestion. But self-made tomato juice makes an excellent homemade ketchup - tasty, healthy and easy to prepare.

For homemade tomato ketchup you will need:

  • Homemade tomato juice - 4 l
  • Vinegar - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground coriander - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

    Boil the juice until it becomes thick, then add salt, sugar and vinegar. The thickening process can take an hour and a half. When the juice is similar in consistency to ketchup, add the necessary spices. When hot, lay out in sterile jars, cork them and set to cool, turning the neck down.

    This is not the only recipe for homemade ketchup. Also try making your own flavorful onion and garlic sauce.

How to make your own tomato paste for the winter

Homemade tomato paste is easy to prepare and always turns out much tastier (not to mention the benefits) purchased. The entire laboriousness of the process consists in thickening not due to artificial preservatives, but with the help of long-term digestion of the liquid.

To prepare homemade tomato paste (1.5 liters) for the winter, you will need:

  • Fresh tomatoes - 8 kg.
  • Sterile jars

Wash ripe, red, soft tomatoes, cut into 4-6 parts, then put in a saucepan and put on fire. Tomatoes are cooked over medium heat for about 40 minutes after boiling. Then, when the pulp has turned out with a consistency similar to porridge, wipe the boiled mass through a fine sieve to remove unnecessary skins and seeds.

The resulting tomato juice will need to be boiled over low heat for about 2 hours, checking it at least once every 20 minutes and stirring - the paste will begin to thicken from the bottom, so you will need to constantly stir it until you reach the desired degree of density. Arrange the pasta in prepared jars, twist and leave to cool upside down, covered with a towel. After they have completely cooled down, move them to a cool, dry place to wait for winter.

When a lot of tomatoes have ripened in the garden and you urgently need to do something with them, do not hesitate to boil tomato juice. It can be the basis for various sauces, used for cooking first courses and just be a healthy drink. But the most interesting thing is that after a fifteen-minute heat treatment, the amount of lycopene in these red vegetables increases one and a half times (compared to fresh fruits).

No preservatives, such as vinegar or citric acid, are added to tomato juice. Ripe tomatoes have enough of their organic acids. But for a good preservation of the product all winter, pay close attention to the good sterilization of jars and lids. Also, for the preparation of this preservation, choose only ripe fruits, not rotten.

From fleshy varieties you get a thicker drink, from juicy - more liquid. So choose for yourself which option you prefer. Now let's start cooking.

Tomato juice can be made without extraneous additives at all, and already when used, put salt and other spices to taste. Below are similar recipes. Now I offer a very tasty version of the preparation of this drink, not standard, with the addition of bell pepper. Having made such a yummy once, you will return to this recipe again and again.


  • tomatoes - 6 kg
  • red bell pepper - 100 gr.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into arbitrary pieces and pass through the juicer.

Be sure to take sweet peppers that are fleshy and ripe. Only such a vegetable can give maximum flavor to the finished juice. Tomatoes, if possible, take thin-skinned and juicy ones, from these you get more liquid, less waste.

2. Cut the Bulgarian pepper in half and dip into the squeezed juice. As an option, scroll the pepper along with the tomatoes or take sweet ground paprika instead. Cover the pot with the workpiece and put on a strong fire to boil. Keep an eye on the process, because the boiling liquid can foam a lot and “escape” onto the stove.

3.Sometimes stir the juice with a wooden spoon or spatula so that the settling pulp does not stick to the bottom. After boiling, make medium heat and cook for 30 minutes under a closed lid (you need to cover so that moisture does not evaporate into the ceiling). You need to cook such canned food in enameled or stainless steel dishes. Do not use aluminum pans, they oxidize when in contact with acids.

For a pleasant aroma, you can add a few stalks of parsley to the boiling juice, for spiciness - half a chili pepper. Remove these ingredients before pouring into glass.

4. You can not remove the foam, it will boil down and disappear. After 10 minutes of cooking, add salt, sugar, parsley and peppercorns, stir, let dissolve and try. If you do not have enough salt or sweetness, add the necessary component. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes.

5. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, remove the bay leaf and pepper from the pan (if you used it cut). At this point, the jars should be sterilized in your favorite way.

6. Pour the finished hot juice into sterile jars and roll up with boiled lids. Turn the blanks upside down and let them cool. You can store this preservation in the apartment, in a dark place.

Tomato juice through a juicer: a simple recipe without sterilization

The fastest way to make tomato juice is with a special tool - a juicer. It can be either mechanical or electrical. The latter option, of course, will work faster. When there are a lot of red fruits, this recipe will help them process them quickly enough. The essence is simple: squeezed juice, cooked, flavored, closed and wait for winter. In addition, it is not necessary to sterilize the finished preservation, it is enough to do this with empty jars.


  • tomatoes - 12 kg

For 1 liter of juice:

  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp

How to cook:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into pieces that will fit into the filling hole. Cut out the place where the stem was attached. Run all the pieces through the juicer. Twist the cake that will remain 2-3 more times to get more nutrient moisture. To extract even more liquid from the waste, warm it up and squeeze it through cheesecloth.

2. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan of a suitable volume (or divide into two bowls). Add sugar and salt as needed.

How much sugar and salt should be put in 1 liter of tomato? The classic norm is 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

3. While stirring, bring the workpiece to a boil, then reduce the heat. Boil your red drink from now on for 15 minutes. At the same time, sterilize the jars and lids.

4. A lot of foam will form during the cooking process. To make it go away - vigorously stir the juice, at the end of cooking there will be no foam.

5. It remains to pour the juice into carefully sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the preservation over onto the lids, wrap it in a warm blanket or towel and wait until it cools completely. After that, remove the tasty tomato to a permanent storage place. A glass of such a drink will be very useful for both adults and children. After all, it is of the highest quality, natural, without unnecessary and harmful additives.

Juice with pulp from fresh tomatoes through a meat grinder - lick your fingers

If you do not have a juicer, then you can use a conventional meat grinder, the simplest one, without any attachments. Now there are many modern kitchen appliances, there are also meat grinders with nozzles for squeezing juice. If you have one on the farm, then use it using the recipe above. The same option is suitable for those who have the most ordinary meat grinder.

Such a tomato turns out to be thick, with pulp and seeds. It can be used to make gravies, dressings, sauces. Or you can just drink and get healthy substances.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp.


1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces, remove the stalks. Pass all prepared fruits through a meat grinder and pour the resulting rather thick mass into a saucepan.

If you want a more delicate consistency of the finished juice, remove the skin from the tomatoes first.

To make this quick and easy, make a cross cut on the top of each tomato. Dip vegetables in parts in boiling water for 30-60 seconds. Then immediately transfer them with a skimmer to prepared cold water (the steps are the same as when boiling eggs). Then the skin can be easily removed.

2. Bring the puree mass to a boil over high heat, while stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat and cook the workpiece for 30 minutes. Add salt 3 minutes before cooking.

3. You need to pour the juice into well-sterilized jars. It is convenient to use a funnel for more accurate work. Pour the tomato up to the edge of the jar and roll up. Well, then everything is according to the standard scheme: turn it over, wrap it up, cool it and put it in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall.

How to make tomato juice without a juicer (recipe without salt and sugar)

This is a very good recipe for those who do not use either a meat grinder or a juicer. It does not need any devices at all, except for a sieve, which can be found in any kitchen. The finished product is thick and rich, with a bright taste. At the same time, you do not need to add either salt or sugar, complete naturalness is preserved.


  • tomatoes

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut into slices. Medium-sized fruits can be cut into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Cut out the stalk during processing.

2. Place the chopped tomatoes in a heavy bottomed saucepan and place over low heat. Stir the pieces with a wooden spoon or spatula so that they do not burn. After a short time, juice will begin to stand out. After 10 minutes, the tomatoes will sink and become covered with liquid. After a few more minutes, the mass will boil. Do not forget to be around and mix all this time.

3. After boiling, cook the workpiece for 3 minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool completely. It is convenient to cook tomatoes in the evening, and in the morning continue cooking the tomato.

4. Pour the cooled mass into another pan through a sieve or colander. Grind the pulp with a spoon so that only seeds and skins remain in the sieve, pressing in one word.

5. Put the squeezed tomato on the stove and bring it to a boil. Salt and other seasonings you can add immediately before use to your liking.

In order for the juice to be well stored, you need to try and conscientiously sterilize the jars and lids, before washing them with soda or mustard powder.

6. Boil the juice for 10 minutes and you can pour it into jars while hot. To prevent the glass from bursting, pour gradually, allowing the jar to warm up. You can also put a thin knife blade under it or put it on a metal grill.

7. Screw the caps on immediately or roll them under the machine. Turn over, check for leaks (nothing should seep through the lid) and wrap under a fur coat. When the tomato juice has cooled, put it in a dark, cool place, preferably in the basement or cellar. As you can see, everything is ingenious - simple! And from myself I will add that it is also delicious.

Homemade tomato juice with a blender. Video recipe on how to properly boil tomato juice

A blender is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. With its help, sauces are made (for example,), and blanks (for example,), and pastries (for example,), and. In general, a lot of things can be done, including tomato juice.

This is a quick recipe. It will come in handy when there are a lot of tomatoes, there is little time, everything needs to be processed quickly. And you don’t have to grind through a sieve, a blender will help make thick and tasty juice. How to do this, see the video.

This is how you can quickly and easily close tomato juice for the winter. Choose any recipe, cook with pleasure and in a good mood and everything will turn out delicious. And in this particular case, it is also useful. Bookmark the recipe and visit my blog more often, there are many great recipes.

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