Home On the windowsill Balloon chicken. Chicken made from threads and balls: master class with photos and videos. The process of making crafts from threads and balls

Balloon chicken. Chicken made from threads and balls: master class with photos and videos. The process of making crafts from threads and balls

For every holiday, the housewife wants to decorate her home in the best possible way. Conventional decorations are not always enough, so many people resort to topiary, handicrafts, fruit or flower baskets. In order to decorate your table for Easter or Christmas in an original way, you can make a beautiful yellow chicken. It will complement the festive table and will be a wonderful entertainment for children, since such a decoration from threads can be made by the child himself.

Before starting work

The chicken will be made from threads, but not from ordinary threads, but from knitting threads. Therefore, before you start creating a small yellow creature, you need to decide what size it will be and whether there will be enough thread. You can use different elements for decoration, for example, a chicken in a shell will look very unusual, and you can put a bow, ribbon or hat on it. You can also come up with a beautiful decoration for its stand, make an imitation of grass or earth.

There are several ways to create a chicken from threads. You can choose the one that will be more convenient. For example, you can make a chicken in the form of several fluffy pompoms, or you can make it using a balloon. All these methods are very simple. Therefore, before you start making chicken, you need to read about each method in more detail and make your choice towards the one you like. The master class can present several options for creating a chicken, so don’t be afraid of difficulties.

DIY thread chicken

So, a chicken in the form of pompoms is made using knitting threads; glue, scissors, and CDs are also useful. If desired, you can take an egg shell and other decoration elements. As the process progresses you will have to add some items. First you need to work with the egg, since you only need the shell, the egg must be poured out (to be eaten later), and the shell must be thoroughly washed and dried. While the shell is drying, and it must be immediately divided into two parts, you can make the chicken itself. To do this, you need to take strong cardboard, cut two circles out of it, and there should be a central hole in the middle.

Cardboard circles must be placed on top of each other and tied with threads; using the central hole, threads must be wrapped around these circles until they are completely covered with them. After the circles are wrapped, you will have to cut the threads in the middle. To do this, the circles need to be slightly protruded from each other, and using scissors, cut the threads along the edges of the circles.

After this, you need to tie the pompom with threads at the top and bottom. The knots must be strong so that the threads do not unravel, and the ends of the threads must be long, since they will later be used to tie two pom-poms.

Once the cardboard circles are removed, you will have two pom poms, one larger and one smaller. Next, you need to tie these two pompoms together so that the small one is on top and the large one is on the bottom. This is how the body and head of the chicken turned out.

How to make chicken weed

If you want to make grass for your chicken, you can take a disk, trace its circumference on green cardstock or felt, and cut out that shape. The circle can be glued to the disk, and on the green meadow you can make artificial flowers and glue the shells.

In order to show that the chicken has just hatched, you need to glue one half of the shell to the green area, and place the second on the chicken's head. The yellow chicken made from knitting threads is ready and can be placed on the table.

How to make a chicken from threads and a ball

A chicken made from threads and a ball will look more original, as it will be voluminous. For such a creative process you will need threads, glue and a small ball. In this case, you can use a round ball, but the chicken will turn out round, or you can find special small inflatable balls that can change their shape. In order to make a chicken out of a ball, it must be made in the shape of an oval or, better yet, in the shape of an egg.

When the ball is ready, you need to wrap threads around it, and the movements can be varied, the more intricate the better. In this case, each skein must then be treated with glue so that the next layer of thread will stick. For convenience, the threads can be immediately coated with glue, so as not to waste time applying it to each skein of threads. You need to try to ensure that there are as few empty spaces on the ball as possible.

After the entire ball is wrapped with threads, they need to be dried. As soon as the threads are dry, the ball is pierced and removed from the threads. Then all that remains is to decorate the chicken: you can cut out eyes, a beak and a crest from paper or cardboard. You can add other decorative elements if you wish.

Video on the topic of the article

Crafts made from threads and balls are just a godsend for activities with children! There are quite a few options for such crafts, and having mastered the basic subtleties of the manufacturing process, you will be able to create amazing figures. Today's example of a thread craft - “chicken” is perfect for Easter compositions and decorations.


  • Cotton threads, thick
  • PVA glue
  • Ball (small)
  • Colored paper
  • Petrolatum
  • Satin ribbon

The main secrets of successful crafts from threads and balls:

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, however, many people have difficulties making crafts. Most often, trivial mistakes are made, due to which the product does not hold its shape and falls apart before our eyes. To avoid this, read all the secrets and subtleties:

    1. The choice of thread is the most important! Cotton knitting threads are best suited.
      The threads must absorb glue well, which means that nylon, silk or too thick thread is not suitable for these purposes.
    1. Glue. PVA is undoubtedly the best option, but it needs to be diluted with water (1:1). In principle, you can use office glue. But personally, I recommend PVA.
  1. Impregnation of threads with glue. There are several options here and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. You can soak the threads in glue and water and then wrap them around the ball.
    Personally, I use this option, although it has a drawback - the threads can get tangled with each other.
    Another way: make a hole in a jar of glue. We thread the thread into the eye of the needle and pass it through the glue using the needle. We place the ball itself with threads in a jar or bowl (so that it does not run away).

The process of making crafts from threads and balls:

We have sorted out the basic subtleties and can begin making crafts.

We inflate the balloon, coat it with Vaseline and wrap threads soaked in glue around it.

It is better to cover the surface on which you are working with oilcloth, because glue may drip.

We dry the ball with threads (you can hang it, it’s more convenient). Then we pierce the ball and pull it out.

Glue on the eyes, beak, paws, thread tuft and bow and the thread chicken is ready.

As you can see, making a craft from threads and a ball is not a difficult task and I’m sure you liked the process. Using the same principle, you can make a snowman, fish, Christmas tree, bunny and other figures. And using modeling balls you will get a very delicate heart.

Have you been looking for something to decorate your kitchen for a long time, but are you still looking through the options? Believe me, a thread chicken is a great way to add newness to a boring interior design. Even if you are not an expert in this matter, you will still succeed, because the main thing is patience and diligence.

Fast and easy

We will need:

  • ball. It can be any color. Anyway, we will remove it later and will no longer need it;
  • glue. You can take simple PVA glue;
  • water;
  • needle;
  • petrolatum;
  • ribbon. With its help we will give the chicken a bow.

Some tips:

  1. It is best to use cotton threads. They will quickly absorb the glue, which is what we need. Do not use nylon or silk threads!
  2. Water. With its help we can dilute the glue. The ratio should be 1:1. If there is no PVA glue, then you can use regular stationery glue. It will fit perfectly too.
  3. Glue.

You can glue the threads with glue in different ways. The first method: first we impregnate the fibers with glue, and then we wind them on a ball. It is this rule that we will be guided by when inventing crafts. The second method: we make a hole in the container with a needle and thread it through. The disadvantage of this method is that the glue will seep through this hole.

First, inflate the balloon to the size you want your bird to be. Now twist it well and smear it with Vaseline.

Please note that you do not need to leave a dry place on the ball, otherwise the chicken will not turn out.

Then we tie the ball with threads. We are waiting for a certain time. The threads must dry. After the fibers have dried, we pierce the ball or untie it. We take out the ball. Decorate the chicken's body.

The chicken's eyes and wings can be made from paper, and the eyelashes can be made from black thread. The beak can be made from yellow paper, and the legs from orange.

We decorate the head of our chicken with yellow threads. For this we can use yellow yarn. We simply cut the threads into several equal parts. We can make 12 parts. We gather the yarn into a bundle and tie it in the middle with thread. Let's fluff it up and glue it to the head of the craft.

Bow. It can be done not separately with the chicken hair, but together. To do this, you just need to tie it in the middle of the yarn not with a thread, but with a bow. Our craft is ready!

This craft in this master class can be done in half an hour, or even longer. Now, knowing the basics, you can easily make a snowman, a hare, a bun, and an owl. Everything depends on your imagination, as well as patience.

Pom pom chickens

But you can make a chicken not only from threads. Many people make this craft from pompoms.

Here are the templates for making the desired craft:

Let's get started. Let's prepare two pom-poms. One should be slightly larger than the other. We can use these templates to make the body and head.

Let's take a larger template and a pompom. Let's put the warps together and wrap them with threads. We twist the thread equally around the entire circle in several layers.

Cut the threads between the rings.

We tie the center of the pompom between two circles.

Remove the circles and straighten the pompom.

To make the chicken head, follow the above principle.

It turns out like this:

We attach the pompoms to each other using the threads that remained after the bases.

Now the bird's body is ready!

Now the last thing left is to design the craft. To do this, cut out the paws, scallop, beak and eyes.

We attach a bow to the girl's chicken, and you can attach a tie to the boy's chicken.

Very beautiful and simple!

Video on the topic of the article

In the following videos you can see how craftswomen make chickens from pompoms and more.

Hello, friends! On Easter, like on any other holiday, you want to beautifully decorate your home and give it a festive look. So my daughter and I started preparing for Easter in advance and made our own Easter chickens. In this article you will find three options for making chickens.

Necessary materials:

- yellow ball;

- beans, beans or peas;

- colored paper;


Take a balloon and, without inflating it, place it inside the bean grain. Inflate the balloon a little and tie it with thread. Cut out a beak and eyes from colored paper and glue it to the ball with glue.

Use strips of paper to make chicken legs. How to make them is clear from the diagram below, but in our case the strips should be the same width along the entire length.

Glue the legs so that the Easter chick sits. Decorate it with a ribbon bow.

The chicken from the ball is ready!

These are the Easter chicks you can make with your kids! Will you be making Easter chickens for Easter?

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