Home On the windowsill The richest young people in Belarus. The richest people in Belarus. Lukashenka's oligarchs or what the richest people of Belarus earn on

The richest young people in Belarus. The richest people in Belarus. Lukashenka's oligarchs or what the richest people of Belarus earn on

Fresh top 200 successful and influential businessmen in Belarus. In 2018, the owner of "Santa Bremor" and "Savushkina product" Alexander Moshensky was on the first line. He removed from the top of the founder and main owner of Wargaming Viktor Kisly, who led the rating for the past two years.

On June 28, 2013 Alexander Lukashenko presented the Order of the Fatherland III degree to Alexander Moshensky / Photo by the presidential press service

Earlier, 47-year-old Alexander Moshensky headed the top 25 most prominent businessmen of modern Belarus (1992-2017), compiled according to a survey of business representatives, heads of b2b companies, public business associations and business media. In 2017, the businessman became one of 26 representatives of business and public structures included in the updated Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship.

According to the calculations of the Russian edition of RBC, Savushkin Product ranks third in the post-Soviet space in the processing of raw milk. With an annual processing capacity of 600 thousand tons, the Brest company is second only to Danone (1.6 million tons in 2015) and PepsiCo (1.5 million tons). According to RBC magazine, the Russian subsidiary of Savushkin Produkt ranked first among the 15 fastest growing foreign companies in the Russian market. For the period 2014-2016, the average annual revenue growth of Savushkin Product-Moscow amounted to 52%, in 2016 the company's turnover approached $140 million.

In third place is Pavel Topuzidis, a major retailer and manufacturer of tobacco products.

The aforementioned Wargaming founder Viktor Kisly is in fourth place. The fall due to economic problems in purchasing power in the key market for Wargaming in the CIS led to a sharp reduction in revenue and profit. In 2015, while the business was still growing, Viktor Kisly diverted serious resources to buy out a 17% stake from his former partner Ivan Mikhnevich. Ivan Mikhnevich, who invests in personal projects and is engaged in political activities in Cyprus, ranked seventh in the ranking in 2018.

Another representative of the IT sector, Viktor Prokopenya, is in the 12th position in the new rating.

Oil trader Alexey Oleksin took 6th place. The founder and owner of the group of companies "A-100" Alexander Center on the 8th line. The owners of the Euroopt network, Sergey Litvin and Vladimir Vasilko, are in 9th and 10th places, respectively.

The full version of the top 200 of 2018 can be viewed.

Many people are interested in who is the richest and most successful person in Belarus. In this article, we will tell you who the richest people in Belarus are, how much they earn and what fortune they own. We recently gave a rating of the richest people in Russia, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with it.

The richest people in Belarus still fall short of their world counterparts. The fortunes of the Belarusian oligarchs are relatively small.

It is not customary to advertise one's solvency in Belarus. This is due to the fact that rich people, the so-called elite, are not very fond of in this country. It just so happened.

Belarusian oligarchs have a very large number of assets outside their country: in Russia, Ukraine, and even in some European countries.

Top 5. Vyacheslav Zarenkov.

Vyacheslav Zarenkov was born in the Vetebsk region of the Republic of Belarus. He studied at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, back in the days of the USSR.

He began his career at Glavzapstroy. He began his work as a fitter, and ended up as the head of the department. After that, he took part in the construction of residential and industrial properties.

In 1987, Vyacheslav Zarenkov organized CJSC LenSpetsSMU. Today, this company is considered very large, accounting for 20% of the housing construction market.

Vyacheslav very often uses non-standard solutions to implement his projects.

State: 500,000,000 USD.

Top 4. Mikhail Abyzov.

Mikhail Abyzov was born in Minsk. Today he holds the position of chairman of the boards of directors of the E4 Group, which includes 13 holdings.

The first time he worked as a slinger in a construction team.

Today he owns shares in the following companies: Novosibirskenergo, the British Power Fuel, and the SibirEnergo holding.

State: US$1 billion.

Top 3. Dmitry Mazepin.

Dmitry Mazepin was born in Belarus, in Minsk. Dmitry is a very non-public person, we know very little about him.

At the age of 28, he took on a very responsible leadership position for the first time, becoming the president of TNK.

After leaving this post, he opens his own business, organizing the Uralchem ​​holding. Mazepin now employs 12,000 people.

Uralchem ​​took the second place in the world in terms of ammonium nitrate output.

State A: US$1.4 billion.

Top 2. Andrey Klyamko.

Andrei Klyamko takes second place in our ranking of the richest people in Belarus. He is a co-owner of the Smart Holding group. In addition, he is engaged in investing in profitable sectors of the economy.

Its main assets are located in Ukraine. They work very closely with Rinat Akhmetov.

Andrey Klyamko also owns a business in the agricultural industry.

State: US$1.9 billion.

Top 1. The richest person in Belarus - Andrei Melnichenko.

To date, Andrei Melnichenko is the richest person in Belarus. O was born in the city of Gomel. In the 90s, together with his friends, he organizes his first business in the field of tourism.

Having received the first profit, Andrey invests in a new business - currency exchange.

Then the oligarch opened MDM Bank. Assuming the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Now the businessman is carried away by the industry, which brings very good money.

State US$11.4 billion.

Compare the billionaires in Belarus with the billionaires in Ukraine: .

200 successful and influential businessmen of Belarus is a project of the Ezhednevnik Internet portal, which has been preparing and publishing since 2007.

The project, first of all, has an educational goal. On the one hand, it promotes recognition of the person, increasing the loyalty of the population to private business in general, on the other hand, it serves as a source of information for potential partners and investors who are going to implement projects in Belarus.

Getting into and distribution in the top 200 successful and influential businessmen of Belarus is determined by two criteria:

1. Success is the actual share of a particular person in the value of the business that belongs to him.

Ownership and share are calculated based on the data of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus (Unified Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs), registration authorities of other countries where the main business is located or the entrepreneur conducts business, as well as on the basis of other open sources and insider information. The cost of a business in the presence of financial indicators is calculated by traditional methods for assessing the cost (cost, income, comparable sales). Depending on the amount of financial information and its sources, it is chosen which approach is appropriate in assessing a particular business and, accordingly, the current capital of the person involved in the top 200 successful and influential businessmen in Belarus.

2. Influence - an additional criterion given by us through the specific conditions of doing business in Belarus and the impossibility at the moment to publish financial indicators.

It is based on the concept of business sustainability in the economic conditions that have developed over 25 years in the Belarusian economy. First of all, this is an assessment of the level of communication of a particular business owner with the state regulator, as well as his role (influence) in the region and the economy as a whole. A group of experts (at least 10 people), which is directly related to one of the markets whose players are represented in the top 200 (IT, finance, woodworking, mechanical engineering, food industry, etc.), determines the degree of influence of that or another person within a given period of time.

The Top 200 successful and influential businessmen in Belarus are used as a source of information on private business in Belarus not only by Belarusian companies and government agencies, but also by the European Commission, the EAEU and departments of other countries of the world.

Several features of the 2016 rating are a sharp drop in the previous leader, Yuri Chizh. From first place he dived to 12th. And his arrested comrade Vladimir Yaprintsev was completely ignored by experts. Meanwhile, the rating was headed by the founder of the World of Tanks, Viktor Kisly.

1. Victor Sour

39 years old (1976)
Nicosia (Cyprus)

General Director of Wargaming Group Ltd., Deputy Development Director of JLLC "Game Stream"

2. Vitaly Arbuzov

51 years old (1964)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fenox Global Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fenox Venture Capital

Interests: auto components, auto manufacturing, venture investments, retail

3. Alexander Moshensky

45 years old (1970)

General Director of JV LLC "Santa Impex Brest", Member of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus"

Interests: food, retail, leisure and entertainment, real estate

4. Pavel Topuzidis

59 years old (1956)

Chairman of the Board of Tabak-Invest LLC

5. Alexander Shakutin

56 years old (1959)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Amkodor - Holding Management Company", Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CJSC "Absolutbank"

Interests: mechanical engineering, fuel and energy complex, investments, finance

6. Evgeny Baskin

50 years old (1965)

General Director of SZAO "Servolux"

Interests: food, agriculture, retail

7. Sergey Litvin

49 years old (1966)
Monaco (Monaco)

8. Vladimir Vasilko

49 years old (1966)
Monaco (Monaco)

Member of the Supervisory Board of Eurotorg LLC

Interests: retail, trading, alcohol, real estate, food, finance

9. Alexey Oleksin

Director of CJSC Energooil, Member of the Supervisory Board of CJSC MTBank

Interests: fuel and energy complex, finance, real estate, food

10. Alexey Zhukov

48 years old (1967)

General Director of the Alutech Group of Companies

Interests: building materials

11. Vladimir Peftiev

58 years old (1957)

Ex-Chairman of the General Meeting of Shareholders of CJSC "Beltechexport", ex-co-owner of CJSC "Management Company of the Holding "Beltech Holding"

Interests: investments

12. Yuri Chizh

52 years old (1963)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Triple Group of Companies, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CJSC FC Dynamo-Minsk

Interests: construction and real estate, building materials, retail, food, agriculture, recreation and entertainment, pharmaceuticals

13. Viktor Petrovich

Director of Tabak-invest LLC

Interests: tobacco, retail, real estate, leisure and entertainment

14. Arkady Dobkin

55 years old (1960)
Newtown (Pennsylvania, USA)

Co-owner, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of EPAM Systems Inc.

Interests: IT

15. Nikolai Katselapov

Nicosia (Cyprus)

Interests: IT, finance, real estate

16. Ivan Mikhnevich

Nicosia (Cyprus)

Co-owner of Wargaming Group Ltd.

Interests: IT, finance, real estate.

17. Nikolai Sparrow


Co-owner of Interservice LLC, member of the Supervisory Board of CJSC Absolutbank

Interests: fuel and energy complex, recreation and entertainment, woodworking, real estate, investments

18. Nikolai Martynov

59 years old (1956)

General Director of LLC "Managing Company of the Holding" Belarusian Leather and Footwear Company "Marko", Member of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Belinvestbank"

Interests: shoes, retail, real estate

19. Valentin Baiko

45 years old (1970)

Chairman of the general meeting of participants of JLLC "Conte Spa"

Interests: textiles, real estate, retail, leisure and entertainment

20. Dmitry Baiko


Deputy General Director of JLLC "Conte Spa"

Interests: Textile, real estate, retail, leisure and entertainment

21. Valery Shumsky

55 years old (1960)
Moscow, Russia)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yukola Group of Companies

Interests: fuel and energy complex, recreation and entertainment

22. Sergey Savitsky

49 years old (1966)

General Director of Atlant-M International Automobile Holding LLC

Interests: retail

23. Oleg Khusaenov

51 years old (1964)

General Director of Zubr Capital LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atlant-M International Automobile Holding LLC

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