Home Trees and shrubs Gorban Sergei Ivanovich hanged himself. Way of the Ghoul: Gorban is dead, but his work lives on? At community service

Gorban Sergei Ivanovich hanged himself. Way of the Ghoul: Gorban is dead, but his work lives on? At community service

He received several stab wounds from which he died. Who benefited from the death of a top manager of a state corporation arrested in a ten-year-old embezzlement case?

Body found in toilet

Initially, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow announced the death of Evdokimov. Later, they confirmed the information about the death of the person involved in the corruption investigation and the fact that traces of violent death were found on the body.

“According to the investigation, on March 18, 2017, at about 4 o’clock in the cell of the pre-trial detention center located along Vyborgskaya Street in Moscow, the body of a man born in 1965, who was arrested on a criminal case of fraud, was found. During a visual examination, the investigators found two stab wounds in the chest and a wound in the neck on the body of the victim, ”the ICR website reports.

Soon the detectives found a knife, which allegedly became a weapon of reprisal. A criminal case was initiated into the murder. As it turned out, there were 11 other prisoners in the cell along with Evdokimov; now investigators are working with them.

“Evdokimov was found dead in the toilet room, which does not fall within the viewing area of ​​the CCTV cameras. Several stab wounds were found on him, but they were not deep, which does not rule out the possibility that he could have inflicted them on himself, ”a source familiar with the situation said.

The case of massacre in the capital's pre-trial detention center is extraordinary, but not unique. The capital's UFSIN has promised to conduct an internal audit of its employees.

Path to hell

Evdokimov was placed in SIZO No. 5 in December last year as part of a criminal investigation into real estate fraud.

In court, he asked not to take him into custody, since he did not intend to hide and was cooperating with the investigation. The defense insisted on release on bail of 30 million rubles, but the judge listened to the opinion of the investigator.

Together with Evdokimov, the former director of the Scientific and Technical Center company, Alexander Zolin, was involved in the case. As Kommersant wrote, investigators believe that the alleged accomplices from 2007 to 2009, through companies controlled by them, acquired the rights to the state property of RSK MiG, the value of which was estimated at 200 million rubles.

Neither Zolin nor Evdokimov admitted their guilt.

It is worth recalling that this investigation was part of a larger case of embezzlement at RSK MiG. According to investigators, at the beginning of the 2000s, Alexei Ozerov (former deputy head of MiG-Rost, a subsidiary of RSK MiG), together with the deputy general director and the former deputy general director of Helicopter Service Company OJSC, illegally acquired more than two hectares with three buildings corporations on the Khodynka field (the total area of ​​​​the premises is about 16 thousand square meters).

The buildings were later renovated and rented out. Also in the investigation is Noskov's brother, Akim, the former general director of the Helicopter Service Company. He and Andreev are now on the international wanted list.

Who benefits

As part of this investigation, on December 2, searches were carried out at the Rocket and Space Instrumentation Plant (part of Russian Space Systems).

The plant produces equipment for Soyuz-2 launch vehicles, Progress-M and Soyuz-TMA spacecraft. The visit of law enforcement officers to the enterprise is associated with fraud in the supply of components to, which is a subsidiary of Roskosmos.

non-conflict person

The version of a conflict between cellmates is being considered, but unlikely, a former employee of the prison department told Lente.ru, since the murder of a person in a detention center requires the sanction of the so-called thieves in law responsible for order in a particular pre-trial detention center or colony.

In addition, Yevdokimov's cellmates were mostly people far from the thieves' criminal world. According to her, Yevdokimov complained of pain in his shoulder, he was examined by doctors, but he did not express any claims to other prisoners.

“All our thoughts today are with Vladimir's family and his children. Of course, we will insist on clarifying all the circumstances of his death and a comprehensive investigation of the case, ”the general director of Roscosmos commented on the tragedy.

Komarov made attempts to alleviate the fate of his subordinate immediately after his arrest. On December 26 last year, through his lawyer Evdokimov, he applied with a request to change the measure of restraint for a top manager.

“They became accused for the first time, they have the so-called first trip,” Gorshenin said about Yevdokimov’s cellmates in the last month of his stay in the pre-trial detention center. During the investigation, Yevdokimov's cellmates were settled in different cells, members of the commission told RBC. According to Melnikov, on the day of Yevdokimov's death, interrogations lasted until two in the morning. In addition, the employees of the detention center were also interrogated.

The case of Yevdokimov's murder is under investigation by the investigative department for the Northern District of Moscow, Tatiana Potyaeva, human rights ombudsman in Moscow, specified RBC. She demanded that the investigators keep her informed of the case. “When the investigators finish working, we will go there and meet with [Evdokimov’s] cellmates,” Potyaeva said. The official representative of the Moscow TFR, Yulia Ivanova, was not available for comment at the time of writing.

In one of the blocks of pre-trial detention center No. 5 (Photo: Dmitry Lebedev / Kommersant)

toilet murder

Yevdokimov's cellmates told public observers that they found the body in the toilet. “The door to the toilet was closed from the inside. They tried to shout to him, pulled the door; blood flowed from under it, ”Melnikov retells their version. After that, the prisoners called the employees of the administration, and they called the doctors, who declared the death, the member of the PMC specifies. Evdokimov lost a lot of blood, “he looked pale”, the death of the top manager of Roskosmos was established “within five to ten minutes” after they managed to break through to him, Melnikov noted.

Yevdokimov did not clash with the inmates, the prisoners told the monitors; the administration of the pre-trial detention center did not put pressure on him. “The cellmates are young guys. Several people are charged with fraud and illegal banking activities, but the majority are accused of drug trafficking. Previously, he had an older cell for six people, ”Melnikov said.

In the story of the murder of Yevdokimov, two things are surprising, Olga Romanova, head of the human rights organization Rus Seated, told RBC, both the transfer of a high-ranking defendant to a camera without video surveillance, and, in general, the fact that he was in custody in SIZO No. 5, where " status” prisoners are a rarity.

As a rule, says Romanova, high-ranking prisoners are kept in the Matrosskaya Tishina special detention center or the Lefortovo detention center. As in Lefortovo, a separate block in Matrosskaya Tishina is run by a special unit of the Federal Penitentiary Service and unofficially controlled by the Federal Security Service, the human rights activist specified. But unlike "Lefortovo", where those accused of crimes against the state system are kept, "Matrosskaya Tishina" houses "status" prisoners in a variety of cases.

RBC is awaiting a response from the Federal Penitentiary Service and the ICR to a request about the reasons for Evdokimov's transfer to a cell without video surveillance and whether the transfer to such a cell is considered part of the assassination attempt. On the fact of what happened in pre-trial detention center No. 5, an official check was launched in the capital's department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the press secretary of the department told RBC. The Moscow prosecutor's office will also check the isolation ward, Alexander Kurennoy, official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office, told RBC.

On the territory of SIZO No. 5 (Photo: Artem Geodakyan / TASS)


Such murders, as in the case of Yevdokimov, are prepared in advance, preparation takes at least a month or even more, says Romanova. “When I dealt with ordering the murder of my husband [entrepreneur Alexei Kozlov], he was prepared by a man who was an agent in a cell, and he was a staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He refused to fulfill the order for a number of reasons." According to Romanova, in the case of Evdokimov, the murder was carried out “at the highest level”: “He [the perpetrator] is not a gopnik. This is a man who looks like a gopnik. Most likely, this is an ideological person who receives a salary in one of the law enforcement agencies. But he honestly sits, and the investigator who is in charge of his case has no idea who he is.”

The probable murder of Evdokimov could be beneficial to those against whom the executive director of Roskosmos could testify, an Interfax source in law enforcement suggested. According to Melnikov from the POC, one can believe in contract killing if one of Yevdokimov's cellmates "received an assignment"; the preparation for an assassination attempt may also involve the transfer of a prisoner to a cell without video surveillance. However, Melnikov doubts that the administration of the pre-trial detention center was involved in this: “They are quite competent specialists, I cannot suspect them of serious violations.”

The PMC member is inclined to believe that the murder of a top manager was the result of a conflict with fellow inmates. “I can assume that this is some kind of domestic conflict. Although, as far as I know, he was a non-confrontational person, ”one of the lawyers involved in the Evdokimov case, Pavel Zaitsev, agrees with Melnikov. The chairman of the Moscow POC, Vadim Gorshenin, also tends to the everyday version of the murder. Moreover, the conflict, he suggests, could be the result of the recent transfer of Evdokimov to a common cell, where mostly young people were sitting.

Photo: Petr Kassin / Kommersant

Case of theft

At Roskosmos, Evdokimov was responsible for quality control and reliability; during his work, the number of defects decreased by 21%, the top manager himself reported in May last year. Previously, he worked at the United Rocket and Space Corporation (PJSC "UAC") as Deputy General Director; Prior to that, he had been in the management of FSUE Aviatekhpriemka for nine years. For more than 20 years, Evdokimov worked at the enterprises of the nuclear industry.


Southern Federal District Regions of the Southern Federal District are looking for new heads

On the eve of the presidential elections, the next resignations of governors in the regions of Russia are expected. Before the end of the year, several governors of the South may leave their seats at once. This was reported to FederalPress by several well-informed sources. Allegedly, the Kremlin is ready to replace some leaders due to the stalling of large-scale infrastructure projects. And someone is ready to go on an honorable pension himself, tired of a long tenure. FederalPress sources note that decisions on the heads of regions have not yet been made, but the likelihood that such deliveries will occur before the end of the year is quite high.

Commentary: there will be resignations, but later a number of Russian governors were really in danger of being fired, Dmitry Fetisov, a political strategist and director of the NPR Group consulting agency, comments on the situation. At the same time, according to the expert, both southerners and leaders of other regions are at risk. However, the key factor in this issue is the reluctance of the presidential administration to increase the number of gubernatorial elections this year, adds Dmitry Fetisov. “Consequently, it is possible to predict the dates of resignations. In 90 days, elections can be called by the Parliament (June 13), and in 80 days by the Electoral Commission (June 23). In addition, in the regions it is necessary to change the electoral legislation so that it is possible to run as independent candidates, and not, as it is now, only from parties. In addition, resignations are best done in the summer, so that the new interims have time to prove themselves before the presidential election. And if they fail, then in the winter they can still be replaced. That is, potential retirees have time until June 23 to try to somehow change the situation and sit still, ”adds Dmitry, director of the NPR Group.

Kondratiev, in particular, has been predicting a departure after the September elections for a month now.

Former head of administration of Rostov stabbed to death in Lefortovo

Former city manager of Rostov Sergey Gorban died after he received stab wounds from unknown people in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. Information about this was reported to the publication by one of the informed sources. According to an anonymous source, investigators investigating the death of a politician suggest that the actions of prisoners of the same correctional institution became the cause of the tragic death of the former city manager. However, whether there is a personal conflict behind this or what happened is a planned assassination attempt has not yet been established.

Recall that the information that Sergei Gorban is in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center was reported at the end of spring by the former prosecutor Yevgeny Berkovich on his Facebook page. In his video message, he mentioned that he had received a letter from the investigative department of the investigative committee, which contains information about the decision to prosecute the ex-mayor. According to Berkovich's statement, Gorban has been in a pre-trial detention center for about ten months, but so far there has not been a command to "put him in." We add that official information about the death of Sergei Gorban, as well as about his arrest, has not yet appeared.

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Krasnodar businessman Viktor Sergeev, who heads the Klyuchavto holding, one of the largest car dealers in southern Russia, may become No. 2 in the Just Russia territorial group in the upcoming elections to the legislative assembly of Kuban. This is reported by the online edition "Obzor", citing a source in the regional branch of the party. Recall that the first on the party list is the head of the Just Russia faction in the State Duma, Sergei Mironov. We add that there are rumors in Krasnodar that Sergei Mironov can win in the territorial group nominated for the central district of Krasnodar. Allegedly, this is why the little-known political activist Yuri Kostomakha won the UR primaries here. We add that in December 2016, the regional branch of the party was headed by Eduard Kuznetsov, who left the ranks of Mironov's supporters a few months later and accused the party leadership of "trading" places on the party list behind his back. At the end of May, Denis Khmelevskoy headed the Kuban Fair Russians.

The fact that the former head of the administration of Rostov-on-Don Sergey Gorban increased its stake in the company "Integration" from St. Petersburg, regional journalists reported yesterday, referring to the verification system of counterparties "SPARK".

However, this information is unreliable and does not correspond to reality. The co-owner of the St. Petersburg company "Integration" is another person named Sergei Gorban, but he was never the head of the administration of Rostov-on-Don and, most likely, never lived in Rostov at all - in different years this person was a member of the governing bodies (in status of owner or co-founder) 14 organizations, none of them operates in the Rostov region.

Former head of administration of Rostov-on-Don Sergey Gorban does not actually own any business. Moreover, he has never (since 2002) owned or managed commercial organizations.

How did we find out?

Counterparty verification systems (for example, SPARK or Kartoteka) analyze an array of data from open sources (from the tax, treasury, statistics services, and others). This information is collected and systematized. The result is an information disclosure tool - you can determine the composition of the founders of almost any legal entity, or vice versa - find out which companies an individual owns.

In order to find out which organizations belong to Sergei Gorban, it is not enough to enter his full name in the search bar. You need to exclude other people with the same name. Therefore, you should go the other way - we open the data of the legal entity "Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don", namely the "Guide" section.

Thus, we get the TIN (individual tax number) of the ex-head of Rostov-on-Don Sergei Gorban. We note right away that this information does not apply to personal data - the TIN itself does not contain any personal information about its owner and is essentially a simple set of numbers; its use does not require the consent of a citizen.

The next step is to open the data of an individual (Sergey Gorban) through a search by TIN. We see the following information:

Thus, we found out that the ex-head of the administration of Rostov-on-Don Sergey Gorban currently not included in the management of any companies (in the role of co-founder or director). Furthermore - Gorban never had anything to do with business at all (since 2002).

It is interesting to note that the ex-head of the administration was the chairman of the Union of Cities of Military Glory (SGVS) until September 19 of this year. This information is also reflected in any counterparty verification system. However, the former city manager has nothing to do with business.

The business community wants Rostov journalists to publish only verified information!

After the expiration of the term of office of Vladimir Chub as governor of the Rostov region, Russian President Medvedev was offered three candidates for the vacant position. The list of candidates included the first deputy governor, vice-governor of the Rostov region Sergey Nazarov, the mayor of Rostov-on-Don Mikhail Chernyshev and the head of the Leninsky municipal district of the Moscow region Vasily Golubev. The president settled on the last candidate, Medvedev's decision was naturally supported by the Don parliament and the post of governor Golubev. As expected, when the head of the region was replaced, personnel decisions began, one of the first was the resignation of his opponent, Sergei Nazarov, in his place Golubev appointed Sergei Gorban, whom he brought with him from the Leninsky district of the Moscow region.

Having taken office, Gorban simultaneously became the curator of Rostov from the ARO, but relations with Mayor Mikhail Chernyshev inevitably and immediately did not work out, criticism from the regional authorities rained down on the mayor's office, the governor even tried to draw Medvedev's attention to the unsatisfactory work of the city authorities, then he wanted to attract public attention through a survey citizens on the ARC website, but the desired result was not achieved. But during his work as vice-governor, Gorban made a number of proposals to Chernyshev, which could not be refused. in this post, Sergei Manakov. Manakov's resignation was accompanied by criminal prosecution carried out by employees of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Southern Federal District in the case of installing CCTV cameras as part of the Safe City project, however, the criminal case was subsequently dismissed due to the absence of corpus delicti in Manakov's actions, and it is logical, because the customer and the receiver of the work were The Ministry of Internal Affairs for R&D, but for some reason the investigators did not have any questions for the police ...

Having assumed his duties as the first deputy mayor, Kirgintsev began to pay close attention to the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Unified Information and Settlement Center", the main activities of the enterprise are servicing housing and communal payments of housing and communal services enterprises, calculating the amounts presented for payment to the population and legal entities for consumed housing -utilities, etc., but the activity of this fat and tasty enterprise is a completely different story ... In general, after the change of regional authorities, rather strange things happened, people were appointed to vacancies in the city administration and subordinate organizations on the recommendation of high-ranking officials ARC. These somersaults were formed either by bringing city officials to criminal responsibility / initiating mythical cases, or in general by the death of officials. By a strange coincidence, the organization of the prosecution in most cases was carried out by law enforcement officers from the structures of the Southern Federal District, overseen by the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Sergey Vorobyov.

Independent journalists and bloggers, normally opposing the regional authorities, did not go unnoticed either. According to regional and federal publications, Sergei Vorobyov cracked down on journalist Sergei Reznik, who covered the corruption activities of the prosecutor's office of the Southern Federal District and regional authorities, for example, Reznik published a certificate containing information about the corruption of Deputy Prosecutor General Vorobyov. It should be noted that when viewing Reznik's numerous publications, it is almost impossible to agree with the court, which recognized the widespread information as untrue, discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of someone. And in the episodes of "commercial bribery" and "false denunciation" one can see the criminal composition on the part of police officers, which lawyer Yury Kastrubin impartially proved in court.

Valery Kuznetsov, the prosecutor of the Rostov region, who received the title of "people's prosecutor" from the residents of the Don region, also became objectionable to those in power in the district and the region. Kuznetsov kept a personal blog on social networks, responded to messages from the residents of the region and stopped the corrupt actions of officials in the region, which irritated Deputy Prosecutor General Vorobyov. who wanted to protect at least his nephew, a tractor driver (an apartment swindler).

At the same time, the work to eliminate the forced opponent of the governor - Mikhail Chernyshev - did not stop by the regional authorities and the district law enforcement agencies, the employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Southern Federal District carried out operational search activities around the clock in relation to the close and distant environment of the mayor, the spouse of the driver of the ChMA Esther Dalakyan, who was leased a land plot to accommodate a multi-level parking. In May 2014, Federal Law No. 136-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On General Principles for the Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On General Principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”. The main innovation was that the procedure for electing heads of local self-government bodies in the region would be determined by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and not at the level of individual municipalities.

The legislator provided for the following options: Option No. 1: The head of the municipality (settlement, municipal district, urban district) and deputies are elected through direct elections; Option number 2: Deputies of the municipality (settlement, municipal district, urban district) are elected by direct elections, then the head of the municipality is appointed as deputies from among their number. The Legislative Assembly of Don passed a new law that abolished the direct election of mayors. The new scheme provides that two people will lead the city - the mayor, who is also the chairman of the Duma, elected by the deputies, and the head of the administration or the city manager - he will be chosen by the competition commission. Half of the commission is appointed by the governor of the region, and the other half will be formed from local parliamentarians. According to the drafters of the law, the new scheme will supposedly make it possible to select a qualified manager for the post of head of the administration. Local authorities will become more accessible to the population, and its activities will be open and controlled. In fact, the regional authorities have received the leverage for bending the municipalities and passing into the city managers with a whistle of those whom the governor and his camarilla will point to.

After the adoption of the law on the abolition of direct elections of mayors of cities in the Rostov region, Governor Vasily Golubev offered the ChMA to leave his post ahead of schedule in exchange for a promotion. On October 6, 2014, by the decree of the governor, Chernyshev was appointed to the post of deputy governor, and on October 6, 2014, Sergey Gorban, who had previously worked as vice-governor, was appointed to the post of head of the administration of the Don capital. All 32 deputies of the city duma voted unanimously for his candidacy. On October 18, 2014, the 7th Investigative Directorate of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR, headed by Andrey Stryzhakov, supervised by Deputy Prosecutor General Sergey Vorobyov, initiated a criminal case against the wife of the driver of the ex-mayor, Esther Dalakyan, and a group of unidentified persons from among the employees of the mayor’s office of Rostov-on-Don acting on on the basis of Chernyshev's decree on the preliminary approval of a land plot, which made the ChMA become a frequent guest of the 7SU. Esther Dalakyan, having the status of an entrepreneur, was taken under house arrest. After the president agreed on Golubev's candidacy for participation in the election of the governor of the Rostov region, the criminal case began to be prepared for submission to the court, and after Golubev's "confident" victory, the case was transferred to the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don - a guilty verdict was issued. Probably, in this way, those in power in the district and the region forced the CHMA to sit quieter than water / below the grass.

The deed was done, and it was time to hand out awards: Vasily Golubev awarded Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Sergei Vorobyov with the Order of Ataman Platov.

Both before and even after the "voluntary" resignation of the mayor-ChMA, local journalists, encouraged by smiling officials and press secretaries, unanimously wrote that Gorban's transition from vice-governor to city manager was a status demotion, and they say, this is unlikely. But the "journalists" forgot that in modern Russia, swindlers and thieves in law may not care at all about the status if, after moving from chair to chair, the budget of the whole city is at your service!

The fact that a person from the post of vice-governor of the region voluntarily goes down as a city manager of the city certainly suggested certain thoughts. What is the purpose of such a person? If he wants to work for the good of the people, then the vice-governor has much more opportunities. If he is interested in the huge budget of the metropolis and disposing of it at his own discretion, then the people are of little interest to such officials - this is obvious.

Chernyshev and Gorban, of course, did not go far from each other, but it became more difficult for people to live in the city under the leadership of Sergei Ivanovich, this is a fact, although at first the populism of restoring the snow-removing function of the municipal government added whists to the plebs to Sergei Ivanovich, and Gorban also "started all the information heavy" , increasing the press service many times over and creating a department for informational duping of citizens.

And under this cover ... The temporary worker Gorban traded positions - the post of head of a city district cost, for example, according to people in the know - 25 million rubles. And the City Duma, which, in theory, was supposed to approve such appointments of the heads of districts (from acting to a full-fledged head), Gorban ignored, in the end, forcing him to finally shut up and tremble with just one example ...

Small legal, illegal and semi-legal Rostov business had a hard time under Gorban. Do you remember kvass and "Humpback stalls"? Municipal officials loudly shouted at all corners about bringing the kvass merchants to the legal limits, but the next summer Gorban lagged behind the kvass. But entrepreneurs began to buy and set up stalls - there is nowhere to go. However, there were people in Rostov who rose with the advent of Gorban. For example, the "authority Yasha" widely known in narrow circles, aka Tyshlangov Yakov Karpovich, vice-president of the hockey club Rostov ...

"... he is Anna Efidorenko, he is Ella Katsnelbogen, he is Lyudmila Ogurenkova, he is Isolda Menshova, he is also Valentina Paneyad ...".

He is also the holder of a mass of stalls illegally / semi-legally established with the help of the mediation of Vorobyov's nephew - Razdorsky - throughout the city (a cluster just in areas where the heads are Gorban's appointees) that bring him a million rubles a month.

However, Tyshlangov is characterized as a "decent person". In our Palestinians, this only means that he impudently does not throw partners, people and pays cops practically throughout the city. And taxation, as well as the patriotism of offshore companies, in our country, quite obviously, does not affect decency. It is in civilized countries that avoiding taxation is the gravest crime against society, but in our spiritual country ... almost valor is a multiplier of corruption.

Well... but Marina Vangeli, right now, is grinding all sorts of unprofessional garbage on a box about ice hockey.

Similar "Yashis" on the body of the city are an eloquent example of the fact that, hiding behind the words about the legality of Gorban's associates, they simply blocked the suckers and hucksters. For this, in principle, he came under the "roof" from the official side from Governor Golubev, from the security / thieves - from Deputy Prosecutor General Vorobyov. Public transport also got it for nuts, but the ghoul’s appointee, who did not know where the engine was on the bus, was already driven from the spot among the first decisions of Kushnarev.

A year or a year and a half was enough for Sergei Ivanovich for the business, one that at least felt legitimate, to go to plenipotentiary Ustinov in a jamb. Good tongues claim that it was the presidential envoy who brought x to Golubev's nose and made sure that Gorban did not dare to enter the competition after two years, and then he could not materialize in Khimki (although there are still those who think that Sergei Ivanovich left because of the shower scandal after the request of bloggers).

But the envoy warned them in advance

And now, after the appointment with a whistle (and how else? In the City Duma there are still latifundists who have something to lose) Kushnareva at the cunning and forged competition, in principle, there is, among other things, the question: how soon will the new city manager fire Razdorsky?

And if this does not happen, then all of us can safely, despite the new smoke screens and given the 10 skyscrapers on the embankment, say: Gorban is dead, but his work lives on.

Evgeny Feliksovich Berkovich
2 hrs
A mad mouse bit a resident of the Rostov region
The victim needs treatment
A resident of the village of Verkhnepodpolny, Aksai district, was bitten by a mouse. According to the injured man, shortly before the incident, rodents started up in his house. The owner of the house set up mousetraps, and when a mouse got caught in one of them, the man decided to pull the rodent out of the trap. The frightened mouse bit the man's finger and died almost immediately.
The resident's name was Sergei Ivanovich. Hiding underground from justice.

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