Home perennial flowers What to do if you did not have time for a plane or check-in for a flight. If you missed your connecting flight due to the fault of the air carrier

What to do if you did not have time for a plane or check-in for a flight. If you missed your connecting flight due to the fault of the air carrier

Even with careful planning of air travel, unforeseen situations can occur. They cause a flight delay. What to do in this case?

If you are late for check-in, but the plane has not yet taken off

There is a way out of this situation. The first option is to contact the airline employee. He will tell you how to proceed if you are late for check-in for the plane. What should a latecomer do? There is another option - you need to go to a special counter, where late passengers are registered for a flight. This service is paid, and can be quite expensive. But it's better than canceling the trip altogether.

If you are late for boarding

This can happen if the passenger checked in online. He no longer needed to arrive at the airport a few hours in advance. This time he could spend at his discretion.

It should be noted that the time frame for aircraft maintenance at the airport has been established. Boarding ends 20-25 minutes before departure. This time is allotted for all passengers to sit in their seats and prepare for the flight.

If you missed the plane, you need to contact the airline employee for help. Perhaps he will be able to take you on board, after informing you that the passenger is delayed.

Important! If the boarding for the flight is already over, being late may be fraught with penalties. They are used as a result of a delay due to the fault of the passenger.

To prevent this from happening, you need to check in in a timely manner and board the plane.

If you are late for check-in, and the plane has already taken off

And this situation is not considered hopeless. When it occurs, you need to seek help from an employee of the airline. He will tell you all the nuances of returning the boarding pass.

As a rule, passengers with business and first class tickets can exchange them for boarding passes for the next flight. In this case, you need to pay a small commission. If you have economy or tourist class air tickets on hand, you will have to hand them over and purchase new ones for a suitable flight.

The return of boarding passes to the aircraft is carried out in accordance with the established rules of the airline.

Before buying a ticket, you need to carefully read the fares and return conditions on the official website of the air carrier.

If the passenger missed the plane, and the ticket was purchased through an intermediary, he needs to contact him directly.

In doing so, the following should be taken into account:

  1. There are two types of air tickets - returnable and non-refundable. The latter will not accept returns and will not refund money for them. There are exceptions, which are described in the airline's boarding pass return policy.
  2. The commission will be written off not only in favor of the air carrier, but also in favor of the intermediary.
  3. When buying a single ticket for a flight with a transfer, subsequent tickets are canceled.

Get a small percentage of the cost of the ticket back.

If you miss your connecting flight

In this case, things are a little more complicated. If the passenger did not have time for the plane, and a transfer is provided in the flight, the ticket for the second flight will have to be canceled. It will not be possible to return the money for it. You need to buy a new ticket.

A similar situation can occur if the passenger did not get on the flight, and tickets were purchased on both sides of the route. The second boarding pass is also subject to cancellation. For it, airlines return the money minus commission and service fees.

Advice! To avoid conflict situations, you need to familiarize yourself with the fares and rules for returning tickets on the website of the air carrier. This can also be done by calling the operator.

If you missed your connecting flight due to the fault of the air carrier

In this case, you need to contact a representative of the company. If the flight is served by another carrier, you need to go to its check-in counter and put a note about the delay in departure.

According to the established rules, the carrier is obliged to provide customers with the following:

  • free phone for calls;
  • a hotel room if the flight delay is more than 8 hours;
  • free meals.

Coupons for it can be obtained from the representative of the airline.

All this is possible if the passenger has purchased one ticket with a transfer. If he bought two separate boarding passes, the air carrier is not responsible for missing the second flight.

Can I get a refund if I miss my plane?

Many passengers are interested in how to get money for a ticket back. It can be done. For information on how to return money for a boarding pass, it is better to ask an employee of the air carrier. This information is also posted on the websites of all companies.

The money will be refunded in full in the following cases:

  • delay or postponement of the flight due to the fault of the carrier;
  • canceled boarding at the destination due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • delayed departure for several hours due to the fault of the airline;
  • aircraft model change;
  • death of the passenger or his close relatives.

Whether the money for non-refundable tickets will be returned is a moot point. If the ticket was purchased at a low cost, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive money for it. Business and first class tickets can be exchanged.

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Those who are with us have long known that, according to the law of the Russian Federation, the heir must enter into the inheritance only within 6 months from the date of the death of the testator. Within this strictly allotted time, the heir needs to collect documents confirming the right of inheritance, and carry out all formal operations with a notary, a regional chamber, etc. Given the huge list of cases that need to be done in six months, a completely logical question may arise, but what if the heir did not have time to enter into the inheritance?

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the heir did not manage to inherit the housing within the specified 6 months, then the inheritance must pass to other heirs. If they are not, then the apartment will go to the state.

Today we will talk about how to restore your right if you did not have time to enter into an inheritance.


To accept the inheritance, the heir can go one of two ways:

  1. Submit an application for acceptance of the inheritance to the notary's office conducting the inheritance business. The deadline for filing is 6 months from the date of death of the testator or the entry into force of a court decision on declaring him missing.
  2. Within the indicated six months from the moment of the death of the testator, begin to actively use hereditary housing: live in it, take care of it, pay receipts and utility services. In other words, act like it's already your own. This method is called the actual acceptance of the inheritance.

It is better, of course, to try to combine both options. However, in any case, notarial entry into the inheritance is simpler and is reflected in official documents and the notary's journal, and therefore it is faster and easier to prove your inheritance right. But in the second case, it will be much harder to prove that you have inherited and accepted the apartment of the deceased testator. The main reason is that the heirs, as a rule, do not have supporting documents that they began to use the housing as their own.

Often situations arise when several people claim the inheritance, one of whom decided to start the actual use of the inheritance apartment without registering the inheritance with a notary. This happens due to ignorance of the laws, due to their own laziness and stupidity, and sometimes to avoid paperwork. And just at that moment, other heirs begin to claim property, appealing that it is rather difficult to prove the actual entry into the inheritance.

Sometimes such a line of heirs reaches the third, fourth and further stages, when the previous heir did not formalize his right to the inheritance, but only actually used it. Such issues can only be resolved in court, and for a successful outcome of the case, it will be necessary to collect an impressive package of weighty evidence about the actual entry into the inheritance. And eyewitness testimony won't matter much.

What should I do if I did not have time to enter into the inheritance?

As a general rule, if the heir did not have time to enter into the inheritance within six months from the date of the death of the testator, then he loses the right to inherit the property of the deceased. However, there are exceptions to this rule as well.

By law, the heir may extend the term if he did not have time to enter into the inheritance, but only under the following circumstances:

  • A serious illness that prevents the heir from moving around the city and maintaining a familiar lifestyle;
  • Staying in hospital;
  • Foreign business trip on important state issues;
  • Falsification of documents, concealment of information about death and other deceptions by other heirs;
  • Other valid circumstances under which the heir simply could not enter into the inheritance on time.

As a rule, the court restores the term for entering into the inheritance if the heir manages to prove that he did not have time to enter into the inheritance for a good reason, which he was simply unable to cope with.

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If the heir did not have time to enter into the inheritance, but from the death of the testator, he actually used his apartment, maintained and monitored “cleanliness and order”, then the court may legalize his entry into the inheritance. To do this, the heir needs to confirm that he kept the apartment and disposed of it as his own.

If the case is successful, the notary will be able to issue a certificate of inheritance. If the issue was resolved in court, the court will issue a decision recognizing the right to the apartment left by the testator.

How to protect your interests in court, if you did not have time to enter into the inheritance?

Unfortunately, in order to prove the actual inheritance of an apartment, you need to consult a lawyer in advance and prepare a list of documents that need to be collected. The situation becomes more complicated if other heirs come into play claiming your share of the inheritance.

Inheritance disputes get more complicated faster if their value increases. Especially when they relate to disputes over an inherited apartment, etc.

Therefore, the higher the cost of an apartment, for example, a Moscow apartment, the more scrupulously and carefully the courts consider the documents in the case. Moreover, concessions are not allowed even to women who independently raise young children. According to court statistics, only 45% of all filed claims for the restoration of the term for entering into an inheritance are resolved positively.

Therefore, pay special attention to the preparation of evidence, and even better, try to hire a good lawyer to handle the case. You can get an initial consultation for free on our website.

What evidence can be used in court?

To confirm the actual entry into the inheritance, i.e. living in an inherited apartment. For example,:

  • A document on permanent or temporary registration at the address of the inherited apartment;
  • Extract from the house book;
  • Other documents that indicate the address of registration.

In addition, the following evidence can be used:

  1. Bank statements and receipts for payment of utility bills with the address of the apartment;
  2. Testimony of witnesses about the fact of living in the inherited apartment by relatives and neighbors;
  3. Video recordings from cameras in the entrance, etc.
  4. Tax receipts;
  5. Payment of inheritance tax and other mandatory deductions for taking ownership of the inherited apartment;
  6. Contracts for the transfer of an apartment for rent, rent;
  7. Payment for repair work, cleaning services;
  8. Participation in fundraising for home renovation.

However, testimonies in legal disputes over inherited housing cannot be taken into account if they are not supported by written evidence and strong documentary evidence.

It would be useful to have the help of a lawyer or legal consultant who will help you study the documents, analyze all the circumstances of the case and choose the most effective way to protect your interests. Legal advice can be obtained on our website absolutely free.

It often happens that you promise to complete some work on time and do not have time. Especially when you need to do not one small task, but some large amount of work, for two weeks, a month or two. There can be many reasons for failure:

  • External circumstances that prevented
  • The habit of putting things off until the last minute
  • Optimistic estimates regarding labor intensity,
  • Parkinson's Law worked: the work took all the time allotted for it
  • The initial data came late.

And when you already understand that you obviously won’t have time, throwing begins: “What should I do?”

Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Look at the work done and calculate the error metrics in the expectations about the labor intensity of the work.
  2. Estimate the remaining work and calculate the date of completion of the remaining work (completion forecast)
  3. Meet with the Client and tell the situation about the status and forecast for completion.
  4. Agree on an action plan for meeting deadlines. If the deadline is important, then highlight the priority work from the rest and reduce the less important ones.
  5. Meet or call the Client about the status of work on a daily basis - this will increase Transparency, and transparency will increase Trust.
  6. After completing all the work, get together and analyze why there was a delay in the deadlines, and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening in the future.

Calculation of metrics

To make a good prediction about the completion of the work, you need to understand how wrong we were in the assessment. The error may be in an optimistic estimate, or a new work has appeared that we did not take into account. That's why:

1. Remember the estimated labor intensity of the work that was completed and the actual time that was spent on the work. Based on these data, calculate the estimation accuracy:

K = planned_labor / actual_labor

2. Look at the work done, and determine how much work was added and not planned, Calculate the impact of the uncertainty factor:

FN = added_work / planned_work

3. Take the rest of the work and calculate the completion forecast taking into account the received metrics:

Forecast = (Remainder / K) / FN

We will get the most realistic number of days needed to complete all the work. if the uncertainty factor works again. If you think that new work will not be added, and there will be no further problems, then it can be ignored:

Optimistic = Balance / K


Let's look at an example.

  • Let's assume that we took an order that was estimated at 20 person/days.
  • In the process of working on the order, it turned out that new tasks arose with an estimate of 5 days.
  • We have already spent 3 weeks, and have completed the work for 8 days from the planned volume.
  • We have 1 week left. and we understand that we do not have time to do the work on time.

We believe:

K = (8 + 5) / (3 * 7) = 0.61 FN = 5 / 8 = 0.62 balance: 12 people / days Forecast = 12 / 0.61 / 0.62 = 31.72 calendar days. (we did the conversion to calendar days when calculating "K") Optimistic = 12/0.61 = 19.61 calendar days.

Thus, we have a pessimistic forecast for the completion time - 1 month, if Murphy's law works again, and the optimistic forecast is approximately 3 weeks. if there are no problems. It is these figures that need to be discussed with the Client.

How to avoid

In order to prevent the situation from repeating itself, it is best to assess the risks and factors that may affect the increase in the scope of work in the early phases of the discussion of work.

To do this, you need to build a plan not in the form of "first we do this, then this, then this", but to identify obstacles "What prevents you from getting the client's money right away?". As soon as we wrote down the first obstacle, we form an intermediate goal for it that needs to be achieved in order to overcome the obstacle, and ask the question: "What's stopping you from reaching that goal?". write down the obstacle and the intermediate goal to it. We have a tree of obstacle-goal pairs. If you did everything right, then such a plan will have much less uncertainty than the "do one, two, three" plan.

When the plan is formed, enter all the tasks in BIPULSE, the tool will calculate the total labor intensity of the work. On the schedule, BIPULSE will show the critical chain and the estimated, recommended start dates for work, taking into account the slack, which is 50% of the duration of all work. If you see that the work should have started "yesterday", then you can agree on a more realistic timeline already at the start.

In the process of performing tasks, the system will measure the accuracy of the estimate (K) with make predictions about the dates of completion of the work. And also, evaluate the deviation from the schedule and recommend what needs to be done. If you see a warning light up "apply a change plan" this means that it is time to call the Client and agree on changes in the scope of work or the deadline.

This work is a list of the most important fears that torment children aged 6-10 and their parents. It is better for the younger ones to read the book aloud, the older ones will read it themselves ( continuation read here).

Chapter two:


Sometimes it happens: a child rides with one of the adults in the subway. And the people are many, many. At each station, the train stops for a very short time. Therefore, people are in a hurry to get out, pushing. At the same time, other people are already starting to enter the car. When you gape, you let go of your mother's hand - and they wiped you off, dragged you back into the car. Doors once - and slammed shut. The train once - and went. Neither you nor an adult can stop him.


The main thing - DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD.

You're in the subway, not in the jungle! There are people around, in two minutes the train will stop again, mom or dad can quickly find you.

Each station has:

on duty,


radio for announcements.


So calm down and ASK FOR HELP.

Tell the adults who are standing around that mom got out and you stayed in the car. Ask them to help you get off at the next stop and keep your mother with you. Most likely she will arrive on the next train and exit the same door.

Perhaps mom decides to first warn the station attendant at which you parted. Then she will arrive not immediately, not on the next train, but in one or two. Just wait.

Most likely, the passenger you asked for help will wait with you or call the station attendant to you.


DON'T AGREE, if you are offered to take another train and return to the station where you parted ways.


After all, mom will not be there anymore - she will go after you! So you can ride one after another all day.

Someone has to stand still!

And it must be a child, that is - you!

Rarely, but it also happens vice versa: the child left, and the adult remained in the car. It's even easier here:


An adult will be back for you in five minutes.

In short, in all such cases, two rules apply:

rule NEXT STOP(the one who left gets off at the next stop)


If something went wrong and they don’t find you for a long time, turn to one of the passengers (preferably a woman): “I’m lost. Please take me to the station attendant."

The duty officer knows what to do in such cases, and your parents will be quickly found.

If this happened not in the subway, but in a bus, trolleybus, tram, all the same rules will come in handy. But it may take more time to find it, because the buses do not run one after another, like subway trains.

Therefore, especially if

few people,

BE SURE TO ASK FOR HELP one of the passengers - let them wait for their parents with you.

Age: 6-10 years old,

Publishing house "The world of Avanta+ encyclopedias", "Publishing house Astrel", "Polygraphizdat".

Published in abbreviation.

D Good day, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

Why then, when you take communion, do the Holy Mysteries sometimes taste like bread, and sometimes like Flesh? Does this mean that at one time you partake of eternal life, and at another - in condemnation?

When you take communion, you feel that there is light in your soul, but after a while (on the same day) this state passes, and your soul feels heavy again. You feel the absence of God. The same passions rise up again. What do we have to do?

Answers these questions Archimandrite Ambrose (Fontrier):

"TO When the righteous John of Kronstadt was serving in the cathedral, two young people came to him. They were about to take communion. One subtracted the rule, and the second, very tired, could not. And both came to church. The one who read it calmly approached Communion, and the righteous John of Kronstadt did not allow him. And the other with a contrite heart said to himself like this: “Lord, I so want to receive You; but I didn’t read the rule, I’m so vile, so vile…” Condemning himself, he went up to the Chalice, and the righteous John of Kronstadt communed him. The most important thing for the Lord is our contrite heart, the awareness of our unworthiness. St. John Chrysostom says: “If we prepare for a thousand years, we will never be worthy - we must hope for the mercy of God. If the Lord doesn’t help, we won’t be able to partake worthily.”

Why then, when you take communion, do the Holy Mysteries sometimes taste like bread, and sometimes like Flesh? Does this mean that at one time you partake of eternal life, and at another - in condemnation?

“If a person feels that he is taking on the Flesh, then the Lord gives it to strengthen faith. But it is right to feel the taste of bread. The Lord Himself says: "I am the bread of Life" (John 6:35).

Many people have told me about this. Quite recently, a woman called from Kyiv and said: “Father, my faith is weak. When I went to Communion today, I was poorly prepared. Batiushka gave me a small particle, and at the Chalice I thought: “What kind of Flesh can be here? When I can’t even feel with my tongue that he put something in my mouth? A little, a little gave. And I couldn't eat that part. She stayed in my mouth like that. Came home - mouth full of meat. I can't swallow at all. For several hours I sobbed, cried, asked the Lord - it's a pity to throw it away, but I just can't swallow it! Then the Lord freed me - I swallowed it and now I'm calling. What, have I sinned terribly?” “Repent that you doubted this,” I tell her.

We know that the Lord performed the first miracle when He turned wine from water. It doesn't cost him anything to change His blood out of wine, and into flesh out of bread. A person does not receive a part of the flesh, but the Living Christ enters into each communion in its entirety.

– When you take communion, you feel light in your soul, but after a while (on the same day) this state passes, your soul feels heavy again. You feel the absence of God. The same passions rise up again. What do we have to do?

“We need to prepare ourselves the day before. You need to fast well - “This generation of demons is cast out only by prayer and fasting”(Matt. 17:21), therefore it is necessary to pray well the day before, warm up your soul, fast - the passions will depart.

After Communion, one must try to remain in prayer, to maintain peace of mind. Those who love to be self-willed, to rebel, do not appreciate Communion. They took communion - and immediately they had resentment, hysteria, and rebellion nearby. This is because it is not their will that everything happens. They need to rebel, to break everything to the end, all relationships. There are still many such people, they are called rebels. They value nothing, they value nothing. The most important thing is that everything should be according to their desire. And if (God forbid) something is against them, everyone around them becomes enemies, and there will never be peace in the soul, until death. This is the most terrible state of the human soul. A person lives according to his will, and no one has the right to say anything to him. And so they are doing well, just do not touch them - they will sting ... ".

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