Home Perennial flowers Embryonic period 1 week. The first days of pregnancy: the feelings and actions of the expectant mother. Signs of pregnancy: copious vaginal secretion

Embryonic period 1 week. The first days of pregnancy: the feelings and actions of the expectant mother. Signs of pregnancy: copious vaginal secretion

The first week is the beginning of a long and difficult journey of 9 months. How to find out about pregnancy in the first week? What sensations should you listen to? Is it worth buying the text? Let's figure it out now.

Many representatives of the fair sex who want to give birth to a baby strive to state their “interesting situation” from the first week. It is possible to determine pregnancy at 1 week, but will it be correct from a medical point of view? Signs that a new life has arisen in the mother’s womb appear in the first week from the moment of conception. However, according to all the rules, the correct countdown begins from the first day of the last menstruation. The obstetric term is the most accurate. This means that detecting pregnancy in the first week is virtually impossible, because it simply doesn’t exist yet.

So, we have found out that pregnancy can be recognized in the first week only if you count the time from the moment when the fusion of the egg with the sperm occurs. It is impossible to find out about pregnancy in the first obstetric week, no matter how much we would like. Therefore, let's talk about the symptoms and sensations that the expectant mother will notice and experience if conception does occur.


Immediately after the long-awaited meeting of the female reproductive cell and sperm, the first week of pregnancy begins from the moment of conception, the signs and sensations of which the mother does not always experience. For some, they simply go unnoticed. And someone, having carefully listened to their body, begins to notice changes occurring in it.
The follicle continues to mature, constantly increasing in size. It is he who is responsible for the production of estrogen. And the more of this “pregnant” hormone in a woman’s body, the more pronounced the signs of pregnancy are in the first week after conception.

Let's list possible symptoms that will directly or indirectly indicate your “interesting situation”:

  • absence of menstruation on time (doctors consider the delay to be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, which manifests itself in the first week);
    Pregnancy is by no means the only reason for a missed period.
  • uterine cramps, reminiscent of pain during PMS and during menstruation (“feeling pregnant” - this is exactly what expectant mothers themselves say about uterine cramps);
  • gag reflex and nausea, especially in the morning (often these pregnancy symptoms, which manifest themselves 1 week after conception, are quite pronounced, but often nausea is simply absent, as is vomiting);
  • absence or increased sexual desire (some pregnant women note that in an “interesting position” they don’t want intimacy at all, while others insist that the desire increases significantly);
  • signs of pregnancy that appear in the first week after fertilization include enlarged mammary glands (they often become more sensitive than before and even ache a little);
  • rapid fatigue (due to changes in hormonal levels, the expectant mother’s body adjusts to a gentle mode of operation, as if telling her: take care of your strength and health);
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” (frequent urination is also one of the very first signs of pregnancy, relevant for the first week).

Pregnancy test

Many expectant mothers wonder whether the test will show 1 week of pregnancy. Surely this question interests you too. Let us make a reservation once again: it is useless to do a test in the first obstetric week, because the embryo does not yet exist, and conception has not taken place. But if you count from the moment of conception, using the test at home will be very relevant.

The pregnancy test works from the first week of conception. How? The fact is that after the fusion of the sperm and the female reproductive cell, hCG begins to be produced in the mother’s body. The abbreviation of this hormone stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is this that appears as pink stripes on the test.

Simply put, a home check using a special test can be used by you even before a missed period is detected.

If one line on the test is bright and the second is weak, this may indicate a low level of hCG. And this, in turn, may be a symptom of a possible failure or ectopic pregnancy.

A blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin will be more informative from a medical point of view. Gynecologists consider its results over time. If the amount of the hormone constantly increases in the required proportion, then everything is normal for the pregnant woman. Taking such an analysis once is not informative.

1 week of pregnancy – can we really talk about the period here? Or is this period more conventional than real? Why is the concept of the first week so controversial? All these questions are very important when planning a pregnancy. It will also be interesting for those who are already counting the days in a special calendar and wondering: yes or no?

Pregnancy dates: confusion or logic?

You can often hear the question: is there such a period as one week of pregnancy? And how is the counting done? Modern science offers two approaches. The first is obstetric, the second is embryonic.

  1. The obstetric approach suggests that the exact date of conception is very difficult to determine. Especially if a woman has regular sex life. Therefore, the beginning of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. The advantage of this approach is its simplicity, the disadvantage is that it contradicts the concept of “first week”.
  2. In the embryonic approach, pregnancy is considered to occur in the middle of the cycle. It is during this period that most women experience ovulation, that is, the time when the egg is completely ready for fertilization. The advantage of this method of calculation is greater accuracy, the disadvantage lies in the individual characteristics of the female body. After all, determining ovulation even in our advanced times is not an easy matter.

The obstetric approach takes the full gestational age at 40 weeks, the embryonic one at 38. One way or another, doctors will calculate all terms using the obstetric method.

For those who are preparing

If a couple is planning a pregnancy, then the 1st week in this case is a more specific concept. It is especially important for potential parents to check a few things.

Future mom

Pregnancy and childbirth are real work. It will be very difficult for a weak woman to cope with him. Therefore, you need to take care of your health even before pregnancy. Cure a “forgotten” tooth, and if you have chronic diseases, visit specialists. It is very good to go in for sports, which will help during pregnancy. Let it be swimming or yoga.

Future father

Ideas about a child and the child himself are sometimes very different entities. Especially if we are talking about the firstborn. Does the father of the unborn baby understand that almost everything will change soon? The financial situation of the family, the psychology of relationships, the woman you love - many things will change. Preparing a future father is rather a moral and psychological issue, but still very important..

General actions

Ideally, both potential parents should quit smoking and avoid any alcohol consumption at least three months before the expected conception. This will increase the chances of the unborn baby being born healthy. In addition, it is advisable to check the quality of food, do not make long trips with sudden climate changes and do not overwork. This is especially important for women.

How does the woman feel?

From an obstetric point of view, the first week of pregnancy is the period of menstruation plus, perhaps, a couple of days after it. So there are no special sensations - everything is as usual. Unfortunately, painful periods will always be like that. Lucky women who are not unsettled by “critical days” will also spend this week without any special features. Here are the most common sensations women experience during menstruation:

  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • intestinal disorders (flatulence, diarrhea, constipation);
  • change in blood pressure in one direction or another;
  • emotionally – mood swings, depression or increased aggressiveness.

If we talk about the embryonic period, then the first week after conception passes for the most part without any physical sensations. A woman who is planning a pregnancy may feel some excitement and at the same time anxiety. After all, her main question is whether conception took place or not? And if conception is allowed, but not specifically planned, the expectant mother may not feel anything special at all.

Changes in the female body

The woman’s uterus already “knows”: fertilization has not yet occurred. Therefore, in the uterine cavity, the endometrial layer separates from the walls and comes out with a certain amount of blood. At the same time, a new endometrium is formed, which may receive a fertilized egg. In this case, there are often contractions and tensions in the muscles of the uterus, and the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is better to stop taking analgesics and just endure it. Even on the eve of conception, many medications are already harmful. All these observations relate to the obstetric period.

If the first week is embryonic, the changes here are more obvious. Fertilization has taken place, the woman’s entire body has already received many signals and has begun restructuring, primarily hormonal. From now on, the activity of any internal organ or system will take into account the new state of the “mistress”.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Signs and manifestations

With an obstetric approach, there are no signs of pregnancy in the first week. After all, pregnancy has not actually occurred yet. If the gestation period of 1 week is considered in embryonic terms, then this period may also be no different, or maybe “show itself” a little.

The main symptom is implantation bleeding. It marks the fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Most often this is a slightly noticeable pink discharge of a spotting nature. A woman may not pay attention to them at all, so this manifestation of a new state will go unnoticed.

Fetus at 1 week of pregnancy

Both in obstetric and embryonic terms, there is no fetus as such yet. In the first case, conception has not yet occurred, in the second, the active division of cells of the embryo of the future baby is just beginning. In this case, the child already has half of the hereditary characteristics of the mother and half of the father. But how and in what way this will manifest itself, parents will not find out soon.

Pregnancy test: positive result or no result?

Even the most advanced tests from the pharmacy can show pregnancy no earlier than a few days before menstruation. Therefore, regardless of the method for determining the period, such a test in the first week is ineffective or useless at all. It's better to wait a little.

If you really can’t wait, you can donate blood for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The content of this substance in a woman’s blood increases when pregnancy occurs. But this method of determining pregnancy will be effective only after the first embryonic week.

What will the ultrasound show?

Scanning of the uterine cavity and ovaries is done if a woman has been planning her pregnancy for a long time and carefully. The procedure will help clarify the timing of ovulation. An ultrasound will show the degree of maturity of the follicle and the general readiness of the uterine cavity. One cannot expect more information from a study over such a short period of time.

Character of vaginal discharge

Before ovulation, most women experience clear and rather runny discharge. They become thicker and more viscous, similar to egg whites, as the egg matures. Then the discharge thickens even more. This is how the female body protects the egg from external infections and unfavorable environments.

Is it time to go on a diet?

If a woman is serious about planning a pregnancy, she should worry about her diet in advance. It is important not to make one common mistake. For some reason, some potential mothers believe that they simply have to absorb an increased amount of calories. But there is no need to eat for two. Excess weight does not help the expectant mother.

Even at the earliest stages, a woman’s diet should include:

  • only lean meat;
  • fish, on the contrary, is fatty;
  • fresh vegetables (ideally one third of the total diet);
  • dairy products;
  • fresh fruits.

In this case, it is advisable to exclude or at least limit the amount of sugar and animal fats in the diet.

The way you cook your food also matters. Everything fried, smoked and spicy will have to be limited. It is better not to drink strong coffee and/or tea.

Disputes about alcohol often arise. Some say that a glass of champagne or good wine won't hurt at all. Others claim that “beer won’t do anything.” And yet, such opinions are not professional and only speak of a lack of understanding of the harm of alcohol. It is no coincidence that when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid it at least a few months before the expected conception.

Alcohol is the undoubted enemy of the unborn baby at any stage, and it is imperative to give it up.

What else should be included in the diet? These are vitamins. There are special complexes for pregnant women or those planning to conceive. If a woman is seen by a doctor, he can prescribe folic acid (this can be done 2-3 months before possible conception). This drug reduces hereditary problems, reduces the negative effects of various external factors, and also improves the condition of the fetus. Antioxidants may also be prescribed to the expectant mother for additional support and improvement of the condition of the entire body. All medications and vitamin preparations must be prescribed by a specialist doctor. Advice from friends, online forums, or even a pharmacy employee may be wrong.

What else should you pay attention to?

There are many things that already in the first week (no matter what method) an expectant mother can do for her baby and for herself. The main recommendations are simple:

  • positive emotions;
  • attitude towards motherhood (especially if this is your first pregnancy);
  • walks in the open air;
  • healthy and restful sleep.

And a little about the sad. If you have a cat or dog at home, you will have to take some measures. These animals can be carriers of toxoplasmosis, which is very dangerous for the unborn baby. You can take the animals to the veterinarian and have tests done, or even have the woman herself tested. It is also important to carefully observe hygiene standards: do not taste raw meat for salt (it can also be contaminated), do not feed it to your pets, clean the cat litter using gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.

If pregnancy is planned or suspected, under no circumstances should X-ray examinations be performed. Irradiation is extremely dangerous for the unborn baby, regardless of the period.

You should also avoid crowds of people, especially during the season of epidemics of colds and/or viral infections.

The first week of pregnancy largely determines what the overall expectation of the baby will be like. That is why it is important to pay special attention to issues of conception. And then many problems simply will not arise, and waiting for a child will become a bright and joyful time.

Video guide: 1st week of pregnancy description, sensations, discharge, fetal development, photos and ultrasound at 1st week

The first week of pregnancy is characterized by the transition of the woman’s body to a new state - expecting a child. The expectant mother is looking forward to the sensations and signs that she will have a baby. This period is especially exciting for a couple when planning a pregnancy. Today we will tell you how a woman’s body reacts to pregnancy and what features of this period are worth paying attention to.

Beginning of pregnancy - how does a pregnant woman feel?

Every woman, who imagines her possible interesting position, from the first days begins to look for new sensations in her body, listens to every tingling sensation. But the symptoms of conception as such do not appear in the initial stages for everyone and not in the same way. Some people feel anxious, some feel relaxed, others don’t have any extraneous thoughts or worries at all. The vast majority of expectant mothers learn that the first week of pregnancy has begun several weeks later.

  • In order to imagine possible signs of the birth of a new life, it is enough to take a closer look at your menstrual cycle, especially the last two weeks before menstruation (including in emotional terms). A woman will feel approximately the same way in the first trimester.
  • Also, for many, pregnancy in the first weeks “works” like a litmus test, revealing even those diseases that the woman did not even suspect about. Therefore, the ideal option for planning couples is to fully check their health before conceiving a child. Then many problems can be prevented.
  • Most often, the signs and sensations do not manifest themselves in any way, and the expectant mother remains in the dark at least until her menstruation is delayed. This is easy to explain from a medical point of view - in a woman’s body the level of hormones is just beginning to increase, and the gestation process is not yet “in full swing.”

Nevertheless, there are cases when the first signs of pregnancy appear almost from the moment of conception. In such a situation, they could be as follows:

  • change in the amount and appearance of discharge;
  • uncontrollable drowsiness;
  • weakness, apathy;
  • changes in stool frequency;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of morning sickness and heartburn after breakfast;
  • a feeling of heaviness and discomfort below the navel;
  • swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

On a note! Well-being often depends on how the pregnant woman is constitutionally predisposed to react to various hormonal influences. Often this is a sum of factors of heredity and lifestyle.

Obstetric or embryonic - how to calculate the gestational age?

You can often hear the question from expectant mothers: is there officially such a period in medicine as 1 week of pregnancy? From what moment is the start of bearing a child counted? Only two approaches are scientifically known. The first of them is obstetric, the second is called embryonic.

Obstetric countdownThe onset of pregnancy is counted from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. This method has become fundamental for the reason that it is impossible to establish the exact date of conception even in the laboratory, especially with regular sexual activity. The approach is very clear and simple, its only drawback is the contradictory concept of “the first week of pregnancy”, because the first obstetric week is at least two weeks from the moment of fertilization.
Embryonic timingThis approach states that pregnancy occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, i.e. The egg is ready for fertilization. Embryonic counting is considered more accurate, but it has a significant disadvantage - determining the moment of ovulation is quite difficult due to the individual characteristics of a woman’s body.

Traditionally, in antenatal clinics, the doctor determines the duration of pregnancy by the first day of the last menstruation. If you add 7 calendar days to the above date, the day of expected conception will be determined. The obstetric count of the period covers the full term of pregnancy (40 weeks), while the embryonic count is only 38 weeks. In the antenatal clinic, all dates are calculated exclusively by the obstetric method.

Important! It makes no sense to find out the exact date of conception, and an error of 1.5 weeks is quite acceptable. The intrauterine development of a child often deviates from the generally accepted schedule, and the doctor’s task is to ensure that the embryo does not have only a gross lag behind the average development time.

Baby development at 1 week of pregnancy

Considering that the period is 1 week, the pregnancy cannot actually be called complete, so there is no talk of an embryo yet. Only after 2-3 weeks will the doctor be able to establish that there is indeed a fertilized egg, it has successfully attached and a dome-shaped protrusion has formed on the wall of the uterus. In the meantime, the main sign of completed fertilization can be considered only a special phenomenon that occurs in 1/3 of cases - implantation bleeding. It manifests itself on days 5-7 from the moment of conception as a slightly spotting spotting.

Considering embryonic and obstetric calculations, there is no embryo as such in the mother’s womb. Cell division of the embryo begins, and it spends the first week of its existence on the road - slowly but surely moving into the uterus through the fallopian tubes. As soon as it reaches its goal, it will attach to one of the mucous walls, where very soon a connection with the mother will be formed in the form of an umbilical cord and a branched chorion.

Important! The little future man already has hereditary characteristics - from his mother and father. How and in what way this will manifest itself is still unclear, but already at the first ultrasound you will be able to get to know your baby better by taking a memorable photo from the screening. In the meantime, during this important period for pregnancy, a woman should beware of infections, worries, and devote more time to rest and sleep.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

From a medical point of view, the first week of pregnancy is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. You shouldn't expect any unusual sensations just yet. By the time of implantation of the fertilized egg, the lower abdomen may briefly pull, as it attaches to the uterine mucosa. This process lasts about two days, and can only make itself felt as a barely noticeable spot on the underwear and slight discomfort in the pelvis.

How does a woman feel during this period of bearing a child?

The first week of the embryonic period passes mainly without any physical sensations. An expectant mother planning a pregnancy may feel inner excitement and anxiety, as well as signs that are questionable for this period - increased/decreased appetite, motion sickness in transport, increased sensitivity in the chest. Essentially, the woman begins to feel pregnant.

If the pregnancy was not planned, then the woman often does not notice any changes in well-being, even if she has already entered the status of an interesting situation.

What happens in the female body at this time?

The inner uterine layer is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and prepares for the rapid attachment of a fertilized egg. A new endometrium is formed, which, if everything goes well, will reliably protect and nourish the embryo.

The work, invisible to the eye, provokes slight contractions and tensions of the uterine muscles, which a woman can perceive as spasms and pain. It is better to avoid taking painkillers and analgesics, but if the discomfort lasts more than 3 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Signs of pregnancy and early pregnancy tests

When calculating the obstetric period, there can be no talk of signs of pregnancy yet. In fact, the pregnancy has not yet taken place, and there is nothing to observe either externally or internally. If 1 week of pregnancy is considered in embryonic terms, then this short period may begin to manifest itself as isolated symptoms.

The main sign that pregnancy has occurred is the fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. It is accompanied by a short-term tingling sensation in the womb. A woman usually finds out about this by noticing scanty discharge with a brown tint, but implantation can take place without any hint of the event.

Medical examination

Examination on a chair in the conditional first week of pregnancy is not carried out by a doctor. There are no obstetric signs indicating the presence of pregnancy (increase in the size of the uterus, increased mobility of the cervix, etc.) at such an early stage. It is likely that the doctor will advise you to come back in 3-4 weeks to monitor the growth of the uterus and register the woman, as well as prescribe the necessary tests and examinations.

Express pregnancy test

The most popular way to find out about pregnancy is to test at home for the content of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine using a jet test with a reagent. It is worth knowing that even the most innovative tests from a pharmacy show results no earlier than 14-16 days after sexual intercourse.

In the first week of pregnancy, such a test is essentially useless - the reagent simply does not recognize such a low concentration of hCG, but you can still try. Tests with a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml are considered to be among the most accurate. It is best to carry out testing with the first morning urine, since overnight the amount of the hormone in it becomes an order of magnitude higher.

Early ultrasound

Ultrasound, as prescribed by a doctor, is done at this time in exceptional cases, for example, for monitoring during long-term pregnancy planning. Scanning of the ovaries and uterine cavity is carried out at 1 week using a transvaginal method (a sensor is inserted into the vagina). An ultrasound procedure can clarify the approximate timing of the onset of ovulation, changes in the size of the uterus, and assess the structure of the fallopian tubes. You cannot expect much information from the examination at the beginning of pregnancy, so without complaints, it is better to postpone the preventive examination to a slightly later date - up to 4-5 obstetric weeks.

Indications for ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy may include:

  1. examination of the endometrium in the presence of diseases;
  2. presence of pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. identifying the result after stimulation of pregnancy;
  4. suspicion of pregnancy due to the presence of an intrauterine device;
  5. the presence of uterine bleeding outside of menstruation.

Blood test for hCG

One of the accurate methods for early diagnosis of pregnancy is a blood test for the amount of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). You can use the analysis even when the home test strip does not yet show the result. The level of the hormone in the first weeks of pregnancy doubles every 2 days, so within 1 week after conception the method can detect an increase in the hormone. In pregnant women, the amount of the hormone will fluctuate from 0 to 5 mU/ml. And in pregnant women at the end of the first obstetric week it is in the range from 20 to 150 mU/ml.

Note! In general, to clarify the duration of pregnancy, a laboratory test is carried out no earlier than 4–5 days of missed menstruation, but if you wish, you can take a paid test.

What can worry you during the 1st week of pregnancy?

Back pain

Some women in the very early stages of pregnancy begin to experience pain in the back and lower back, and pulling in the lower abdomen. This is often due to an exacerbation of existing diseases, such as scoliosis or pelvic displacement. A vertebrologist (a specialist in spine diseases) will help you find the cause. After his consultation, you can sign up for light massage sessions, swimming or yoga classes - they will prepare the spinal column for load redistribution, and in later stages, back pain will no longer bother the expectant mother.

On a note!Contrary to many prejudices, massage in the first months of pregnancy cannot lead to termination of pregnancy if there are no other reasons for this.

Heaviness in the stomach

In the first obstetric weeks, pregnant women sometimes experience strange sensations in the gastrointestinal tract - discomfort, bloating, abdominal discomfort and pain. There may be several reasons for these symptoms:

  1. The first of them is pancreatic enzymatic insufficiency. It manifests itself as heartburn, belching, increased gas formation or even diarrhea. Pregnancy itself contributes to the development of this condition. How to cope with adversity? It is necessary to review the diet - distribute portions into 6-8 meals and reduce in volume, and also exclude foods that cause flatulence from the menu.
  2. The second “culprit” of heaviness in the abdomen is often hormone progesterone. With each day of pregnancy, its level in the blood increases. This leads to decreased muscle tone and problems with bowel function (constipation). The doctor will help solve this problem by prescribing the woman the necessary medications and diet therapy.

Cold symptoms

A runny nose, fever and sore throat when it is 1 week from conception are a common problem for expectant mothers. The immune system weakens under the influence of hormones, and infections literally attack the body, especially in the autumn and winter. Any symptoms should be taken seriously, because the health of not only the woman, but also the unborn child is at stake. Starting a pregnancy with uncontrolled use of medications is dangerous, so even the most harmless rhinitis should be treated under the supervision of an ENT doctor or therapist.

Healthy course: changing your diet from the first weeks

A serious approach to pregnancy planning necessarily includes adjusting the daily menu. A varied, regular and nutritious diet should become a way of life for the next 1-1.5 years. At the same time, it is important not to “go all out” by starting to eat your favorite dishes in double quantities. An increased amount of calories can only be stored as excess weight, without benefit for the baby. Therefore, there is definitely no need to eat for two.

Even at the earliest stages, a woman’s diet should include:

  • lean boiled and baked meat;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cereal crops.

The amount of sugar and animal fats should be minimized, or better yet, gradually eliminated from a pregnant woman’s diet. The method of cooking also plays an important role: the gastrointestinal tract undergoes changes under the influence of hormones, so it is better to spare it and not eat spicy, smoked and fried foods.

Here's what a menu might look like for an expectant mother at 1 week of pregnancy:

Eating Food and drink options
First breakfastOatmeal with banana, yogurt, weak tea with lemon
LunchBaked apple with cottage cheese and raisins, dried fruit compote
DinnerSalad of Chinese cabbage, fresh cucumbers and herbs, chicken noodle soup, cheese sandwich, tea
Afternoon snackToast with butter and jam, fruit juice or tea
DinnerBaked fish fillet, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, tea
Before bedtimeKefir 1% or drinking yogurt, bread/biscuits

Below are several simple and healthy recipes for a pregnant woman every day.

Omelette with cheese and spinach

Mix chopped spinach with two eggs, add a couple of spoons of sour cream (or light cream), and beat. Brown the mixture in butter under the lid for 5 minutes, then without the lid for 2 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the hot omelette with grated mild cheese. Instead of spinach, you can use green onions or dill. A hearty and tasty breakfast thanks to the optimal content of proteins and carbohydrates will be an excellent start to the day for the expectant mother.

Liver pancakes with greens

Grind chicken liver (0.7 kg) using a blender along with onions and carrots. Add parsley, a pinch of salt and stir. Place the batter in portions on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides for 3-5 minutes until cooked. Serve warm with sour cream. This healthy snack can be eaten as a separate dish (snack), or served with a side dish.

Milk shake “Pomegranate Bracelet”

This delicious cocktail prevents anemia in a pregnant woman due to its record iron content. You need to mix half a glass of pomegranate juice with a glass of low-fat kefir in a blender. If desired, you can add chopped berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries) or banana to the cocktail. You need to drink chilled, in small sips, an hour before your main meal.

A new life is born inside a woman, so at this stage it is important to make every effort for a favorable pregnancy. First of all, you should start monitoring your well-being and give up bad habits - of course, smoking and alcohol are prohibited. You should start now, heading towards a healthy lifestyle. Such a reasonable approach will have a beneficial effect on both the pregnant woman and the intrauterine development of the baby.

Avoid strong coffee and tea

Therapists are of the opinion that it is harmful for expectant mothers to drink strongly brewed tea and consume more than 1 cup of coffee per day. Caffeine in uncontrolled quantities is harmful even for a completely healthy person, and if a pregnant woman has a risk of osteoporosis, gastritis, kidney disease or high cholesterol, then the above-mentioned drinks should be completely avoided. You can replace them with chicory, green tea with lemon balm and mint, and homemade lemonade.

Don't self-medicate

Any drug that a woman takes while in an interesting position must be agreed with a doctor. Even harmless dietary supplements and vitamins can cause a deterioration in a pregnant woman’s condition, causing problems with stool or causing an eating disorder. Antibiotics and other serious medications in the early stages are prescribed exclusively as prescribed by doctors and only in the most extreme cases.

Be aware of the dangers of X-ray examinations

X-rays and fluorography are not done in the early stages (up to 12 weeks) due to the high dose of radiation, which is dangerous for the course of pregnancy and fetal development. In rare cases, when an X-ray examination is vitally necessary (for a fracture, suspected pneumonia, etc.), it may be prescribed and carried out. But as part of the annual medical examination, it is worth abandoning this procedure. Do not hesitate to tell doctors about your situation - x-rays are really dangerous at this time, and the study will definitely wait.

Avoid stressful situations

The frequent presence of stress, conflicts, and quarrels in life is accompanied by the production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother. Remember that you are now responsible not only for your moral and physical health, but also for your nascent life. If a critical situation could not be avoided, try to resolve everything peacefully, without acting rashly. Now more than ever it is important to be in a calm, peaceful atmosphere, and sometimes you need to try for this.

Limit contact with those who are sick

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is extremely undesirable for a woman to get sick - the development of the unborn baby depends on this. Take care of yourself, avoid meeting with unhealthy people, and if such communication is necessary, wear a medical mask. To prevent colds, you need to take walks in the forested area more often, ventilate the room, and carry out wet cleaning every 2-3 days. You can strengthen your immune system using folk remedies (lemon, honey, nut mixtures) and with special vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. Don’t forget about a nutritious diet, rich in all essential microelements.

The article is about the first week of pregnancy. The processes occurring in a woman’s body at this stage of her life are described, early signs of pregnancy are indicated, and useful recommendations are given regarding proper nutrition and lifestyle in general.

1 week of pregnancy is a rather arbitrary period. Gynecologists begin counting it from the first day of the last menstruation. This is the number most often remembered by all women, while it is not always possible to accurately determine the date of conception. In addition, even if a couple knows for sure the day when unprotected intercourse occurred, this does not mean that fertilization of the egg occurred at that very moment. Conception can occur even a few days after intimacy. Although it is possible that the partners planning a pregnancy took an ovulation test, and it was on this day that fertilization occurred. In this case, the woman knows for sure on what day the pregnancy began.

You can also start counting the first week of pregnancy from the exact date of conception if in vitro fertilization was used for this.

There is a difference between two concepts such as embryonic and gestational age of pregnancy.

The gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation (not from the beginning of the delay, but from the last menstruation the woman had). The starting point of the embryonic period is the day of fertilization. The embryonic period is usually shorter than the gestational period by 14-18 days. The fact is that from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, about 2-2.5 weeks pass, depending on the length of the cycle. It is during this period that fertilization of the egg can occur.

1 week of pregnancy is an important date in obstetrics. At this time, the woman’s body experiences serious changes that are aimed at preparing for bearing a fetus.

The standard gestation period is 40 weeks, 10 obstetric months or 280 days. Do not confuse the calendar and obstetric months. There are 4 weeks in an obstetric month, that is, exactly 28 days.

If a woman knows exactly the day the last menstruation began, then calculating the day of birth is not at all difficult. To this date you need to add 7 more days and count 3 months ago.

Main signs of pregnancy

It is almost impossible to understand by any signs that a woman is 1 week pregnant. After all, pregnancy as such has not yet occurred. Signs indicating fertilization has occurred appear after some time. Aching pain may occur, localized in the lower abdomen. They resemble those uncomfortable sensations that appear before the start of the next menstruation. In addition, the woman may become more irritable.

Ovulation and conception

The day of the beginning of each menstruation is the start for preparing the body for the upcoming pregnancy. At this time, the old layer of the endometrium comes off and is replaced by a new one. It has a loose structure and is excellent for implanting an embryo.

Hormonal changes contribute to the maturation of the egg. This complex process begins in the early years, even at the moment of puberty of the girl. It is at this time that follicles begin to develop.

Each menstrual cycle, several follicles mature in the ovary. However, one of them is growing faster than the others. It is from this that an egg will be released during ovulation, ready for fertilization.

After ovulation occurs, a mature egg passes from the abdominal cavity into the fallopian tube. It is there that the female reproductive cell most often meets the sperm and conception occurs.

Ovulation occurs 12-16 days from the start of the menstrual cycle. But this process can happen a little earlier or a little later: on the 8th or even 19th day. That is why it is difficult to establish the exact date of birth of the future fetus. However, if partners are planning a pregnancy, the preparation process must be approached responsibly.

Diet and vitamin intake

In the initial stages of pregnancy, especially in the first weeks after conception, very important changes occur in the structure of the embryo. All organs and systems are formed, all tissues begin to form. Even the slightest negative factor at such early stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, proper nutrition of the expectant mother is one of the components of a successful pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

You need to eat well, starting from the moment you plan to conceive. After pregnancy, it is important to carefully monitor your diet. Firstly, the menu must be compiled in such a way that a woman can get the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates from it daily. The diet should be enriched with foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts and berries. Alcoholic drinks should be completely avoided. It is forbidden to eat foods with preservatives, dyes, and flavor enhancers. In general, any chemical additives can be harmful.

Secondly, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that he will prescribe some vitamins. It is very important that the fetal body does not experience folic acid deficiency. This will minimize the risk of birth defects of the nervous system. You can take folic acid as an independent drug, or you can get it from multivitamin complexes.

As a rule, gynecologists advise starting to take vitamins 3 months before the expected pregnancy. This will provide the baby with all the necessary substances and give birth safely.

As mentioned, there are no specific signs indicating the onset of pregnancy at 1 week. Since this period coincides with the beginning of the next menstruation, the sensations will be corresponding: increased irritability and pain in the lower abdomen. You can feel the first signs of pregnancy only 1 week after fertilization.

The following early signs of pregnancy help to suspect that conception has occurred:

    Menstruation does not occur on time. It is by the delay of menstruation that most women find out about pregnancy. Hormonal changes occur in the body. The corpus luteum produces progesterone, which prevents the endometrium from being rejected. Eventually . It is worth considering that the absence of menstruation is not always a sign of pregnancy. Sometimes menstruation continues even after conception has occurred.

    A woman who monitors her basal body temperature should notice a rise in these values, which is due to increased production of progesterone.

    Sometimes even in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman sometimes begins to experience nausea and weakness. Most often, these unpleasant symptoms appear in the morning.

    The nature of the discharge changes, the volume of cervical mucus produced increases. Although, some women may not pay attention to this sign.

    There may be aching pain in the lower abdomen. These sensations are associated with contractions of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy. Such pain often occurs before the next menstrual bleeding begins.

    The appearance of discharge with blood. The blood in the mucus is explained by the fact that the embryo has penetrated the endometrium, simultaneously damaging small blood vessels. Most often this happens 7 days before the start of the next period.

    A pregnancy test shows a positive result. Two stripes most often indicate that conception has occurred, although sometimes tests can give a false positive result.

1 week of pregnancy is a very important time to start preparing for bearing a child, so you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    Any toxic compounds should not be allowed to enter the body. To do this, you need to stop smoking, completely avoid drinking alcohol, and not take medications that can harm the embryo. You should definitely visit a doctor if there are signs of any illness.

    The pelvic area should not be exposed to X-rays. If the doctor talks about the need to perform such a study, you need to warn him about planning a pregnancy.

    It is necessary to minimize any emotional turmoil. When a woman’s work involves constant stress, she should think in advance about the possibility of changing her job or going on vacation. It is advisable to spend as much time as possible with your partner, building a trusting relationship with him. Sexual intercourse in the first week of pregnancy is not prohibited.

    You should not contact people who are carriers of any infectious diseases. Any virus that enters the body of a pregnant woman can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

    When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely visit a doctor, especially if a woman has any chronic diseases. Sometimes an ultrasound and other tests are required.

Answers to questions about 1 week of pregnancy

    What can a woman feel in the first week after conception? During the first week of pregnancy, the embryo moves through the fallopian tube, reaches the uterus and implants into the endometrium. At this time, hormonal changes manifest themselves in the woman’s body. It is thanks to this restructuring that she can bear fruit. Therefore, malaise, general weakness, and nausea may occur, especially in the morning. Sometimes dizziness and cravings for unusual foods occur. In some cases, women note an increased urge to urinate, which is explained by increased blood flow in the pelvis. When, even before the moment of conception, a woman suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is possible that after pregnancy, constipation will occur and gas formation will increase. The fact is that hormones produced by the body affect the intestines, reducing its contractility. The pain that appears in the lower abdomen is explained by spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

    After a positive pregnancy test, I immediately went to the gynecologist, and the doctor diagnosed me as 4 weeks pregnant. An ultrasound showed the gestation period was 1-2 weeks. How is this possible? The gynecologist calculated the onset of pregnancy from the date of the last menstruation. If the test was carried out in the first days of the delay, then the countdown began from that moment. Actual pregnancy begins from the moment the egg is fertilized. This happens on days 14-18 of the cycle. The ultrasound showed the embryonic stage of pregnancy, that is, starting from the moment of conception.

    We are planning a pregnancy. There is no delay, but I feel weakness, slight nausea, my stomach hurts, like before menstruation. Could these be early signs of pregnancy? Such signs may indicate the onset of pregnancy. However, they can also accompany other conditions of the body, so you should do a pregnancy test. It is advisable to choose a test that has increased sensitivity to hCG.

    I think I'm 1 week pregnant, but I got sick with ARVI. Is this dangerous for the child? Any viral infections, especially those accompanied by fever, can lead to fetal developmental abnormalities. Sometimes doctors in such a situation recommend terminating an early pregnancy using a gentle method. Although very often serious illnesses provoke spontaneous abortions without any outside intervention. If the disease is mild, then you should wait until the body copes with it on its own. In this case, there is no reason to worry. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

So, the first week of pregnancy is the most interesting week from the point of view of humanity, because during the first seven days of pregnancy neither a test nor a doctor will tell you about its occurrence. Moreover, feelings of discomfort or any other new feelings during this period occur in an incredibly small percentage of women.

1 week of pregnancy is 1 month and 1 trimester.

  • gynecological – this is the first day of the last menstruation, which is taken as a basis by the gynecologist when a woman or girl registers;
  • real - only an ultrasound specialist can name it, but at each ultrasound it can differ by several days; no doctor can accurately name the date of conception.

The whole difficulty of determining the real period is that ovulation can occur either on the 7-8th day of the cycle or on the 20-21st, although according to the rules it occurs from the 12th to the 14th day. This is not only individual for each woman, but also in each month the ovulation period may vary depending on the use of medications, stress experienced or other factors. Calculating ovulation by measuring temperature can also be erroneous, and the presence of hCG in the blood is so small that the analysis will not be able to provide correct data, just like the test.

Therefore, even when planning a pregnancy, couples often do not bother with a specific day, but simply prepare for its onset, eliminating junk food and alcohol from consumption at least six months before the start of the conception process.

Q: Will the test show 1 week of pregnancy?

A: No, the test will show a positive result from the first day of the delay, not earlier.

Basal temperature in the first week after conception can be around 36.8-37.2 degrees Celsius, but depending on the body it fluctuates within small limits.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy

The norm of progesterone in 1 week is 6.9 to 56.6 Nmol/l. This level indicates that the process has begun - the fertilized egg is in the uterus.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the first week does not differ from the norm and is in the range of 0-5 mU/ml. Therefore, no tests can yet detect pregnancy.

1 week of pregnancy: what happens

In fact, the first week is very important, because at this time not only the first and main cells of the future baby are formed, the embryo is also fixed in the body of the uterus - a lot depends on this, because correct placement can guarantee the absence of complications in the development of the fetus.

During this period, as a rule, toxicosis is not observed (although there may be exceptions), the woman’s appearance does not change, and the body does not provide any clues, because every month the egg prepares for fertilization and this process is so streamlined that changes can be noticed immediately during fertilization impossible.

Advice for an expectant mother or what to do or not do from the very beginning of pregnancy

So, there are a number of recommendations that every woman will hear from the doctor when she registers, but this will be after the first week of fertilization, but these tips are already important from the very beginning of pregnancy planning, and it is better to know about them in advance.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, or as expectant mothers sometimes describe it as “a kind of pulling in the lower abdomen,” are normal sensations, because changes begin in the body.

In the first days, the embryo moves through the uterine tube, and the uterus prepares for implantation. The uterus begins to enlarge quickly, which may be accompanied by sensations that vary depending on the sensitivity of the expectant mother. For some, this period passes completely unnoticed, and in some cases it can even cause nausea.


Brown or bloody discharge during the 1st week of pregnancy, like other discharge, should not be a cause for concern. During fertilization, the blood vessels of the uterus can be damaged; blood particles give it this color. Undoubtedly, in any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. We strongly do not recommend doing anything on your own, because... Any symptoms taken together should be assessed by a qualified doctor, so if in any doubt we recommend visiting a clinic.

In order for 9 months to go well, you should prepare yourself for the fact that pregnancy is in no way a disease, but a magical state, the end of which will be the appearance of a new little person with his own genes. Pregnancy often goes as smoothly as possible for those who are expecting it. Remember that babies will be healthier and calmer if the mother not only loves them from the first day of pregnancy, but also takes care of her nerves.

Frequently asked questions on the forums:

Q: What is the gestational age if the delay is 1 week?

A: The estimated period is about 3-4 weeks, a gynecologist will tell you more precisely.

Q: Is it possible to take dental x-rays and treat teeth at 1 week of pregnancy?

A: Yes, this will not cause any serious consequences, but it is still better to consult a doctor.

Q: I got a cold (ARI or FLU) in the first week, is it dangerous? can I take paracetamol?

A.: Treat yourself calmly, preferably, of course, less medications, but paracetamol is okay, it won’t hurt even at a later date. In the future, try to be more careful and take care of your health.

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