Home perennial flowers Mc festering about Chechen girls. Chechen censorship: the battle rapper's conflict with the Chechens

Mc festering about Chechen girls. Chechen censorship: the battle rapper's conflict with the Chechens

The rap artist, known under the pseudonym Purulent, published a video with an apology to Chechen girls. The artist kept his promise to MMA fighter Magomed Raisov and publicly apologized to the Chechen, Chinese and Armenian girls for the "bad joke".

As it became known to the site, in a video published on the SlovoSPB Production channel, Vyacheslav Karelin apologized "for that unfortunate joke that he allowed himself" at the battle within Slovfest V against Nongratta. The rapper timed his apology for the Day national unity, which is celebrated in Russia on November 4th. He stressed that he “did not want to offend any nations” and treats representatives of all nationalities with equal respect. At the end of his video message, titled "Explaining the Situation," he called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

People from the Chechen Republic drew attention to the statements of the rapper 2 years ago. In public social network VKontakte demanded to find and punish for Karelin's remark. Soon, the rapper began to receive threats online, after which MMA fighter Magomed Raisov contacted him. After a conversation with the artist, he called for an end to the hunt, since Purulent "realizes the depth of his mistake and promises not to do this in the future," publishing a fragment of personal correspondence.

Following Karelin deleted his page from the social network with the words "Forgive me, dear girls of Ichkeria." According to the site, in the video, the rapper noted that he did not plan to return to VKontakte in the near future, since the technical support of the social network "showed an absolutely disregard" for his safety.

The rapper, whose real name is Slava Karelin, has several more nicknames: Buter Brodsky, Sonya Marmeladova and Slava CPSU. But in the world of rap battles, he is known as Festering. And the nasty nickname quite accurately characterizes the nature of his verses. First, Purulent became the champion of the Slovo SPB battle league, which some consider to be the second highest level after Versus. Then he held several more performances - the most significant was the battle against one of the top representatives of the Versus series, Ernesto Shut up.

The battle of Purulent against Ernesto Shut up this summer gathered 3.5 million views and was the reason that Oksimiron called him to Versus. In addition, this fight is notable as the first case of self-censorship on the Russian battle scene: jokes about Patriarch Kirill and Kadyrov were censored in the online version of the battle.

But real glory overtook Slava suddenly and with a minimum of effort on his part. The hype around Purulent was raised by the owners of VKontakte accounts with Caucasian surnames, grouped around the public of Chechen youth. Some of them unearthed two years ago from Purulent's performance at the Slovo battle - he informed his opponent that he had sex with Chinese, Armenian, Chechen women and did not make any distinctions.

The people of Grozny felt that differences should be made, and published a call to find a rapper to "respond for his purulent mouth" (in this moment post deleted). In the comments, there were ideas to come to the St. Petersburg bar "1703", where the very battles "Versus" take place. Purulent deleted his account on VKontakte with a farewell entry: "Forgive me, dear girls of Ichkeria." Nevertheless, screenshots of VK correspondence with him surfaced on the network, where he allegedly apologized.

This situation instantly ignited a fire in Russian rap. After all, battle rap with its constant jokes about the mother is not only boring, but the old reaction “Oh, outrageous!” no longer calls. Suddenly there was an audience that was not ready to put up with the existence of this kind of art. In hosted by the site The Flow, hopes were expressed that one day humanity would learn to resolve disputes without assault, but for now, so; the question was raised, what is the value of such freedom of speech in general, with the conclusion: “They didn’t want to set the limits of morality for themselves, well, they will set them for you”; they even recalled Raikin's speech on censorship, but with reservations that permissiveness is also not very good and an internal censor is needed.

And right before the weekend, when the conflict began to fizzle out, he made comments for the first time and, most importantly, actor Purulent. He released a minute and a half video in which he actually apologized. But as if in bulk - at once to the Chinese, and the Armenians, and the Chechens, as if trying not to lose face.

The only reaction of Purulent to the events unfolding around him is a one and a half minute video

But this does not necessarily mean that the conflict is over. So the organizers of the Versus battle, where Purulent had a duel with another local headliner Rickey F last Sunday, secured themselves and rescheduled it to an unknown date. Instead, other people were noisy at the 1703 club at the weekend - including Dima Malikov.

As for Purulent, with almost no effort (and finding himself in an extremely uncomfortable situation), he caught a completely unthinkable hype. And since he is far from being a mediocre rapper, one should not be surprised if in the foreseeable future the Internet hype around him materializes into a sold-out in a large Moscow club. Especially if Slava avoids meeting with Chechen listeners before the battle with Oksimiron scheduled for 2017.

An interesting sequel.

"It was evening, there was nothing."
There are a lot of letters that break the mentality of the Chechens.
I have known about such a battle-MC as Slava Karelin for a long time. I'm not from the crowd that became fans of Purulent / Glory to the CPSU / Sonya Marmeladova after the duel with "Ernesto, shut up!". And I couldn't help but notice that my idol deleted the page, but initially there were thoughts that Rickey F was to blame, although there was not a word more about this battle. So, to the point, otherwise there is too much water. After reading the news that the "Chechen brotherhood" took up arms against Slava, I initially thought that this was a hoax. However, after I sent the link to the petition in support of Slava to his own group (the first and last time I signed a similar thing.), One individual wrote to me in a PM, a native of that society, a beast and a mutant, boiling blood. It makes no sense to write a backstory about a fake page, but this page is fake and this is a fact. The individual mentioned earlier (the language does not turn out to be called a person) began a dialogue by promising me to throw off the video of Slava, where he, on his knees with a bloody face, asks for forgiveness from the Chechen girls whom he "offended". In an attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully, I apparently gave this individual a reason to think that I was an acquaintance of Glory, and maybe even more (!). And then everything went like clockwork. I asked to leave the whole situation alone, to which our friend with deviations in mental development offered me sex (in the profile it was indicated that I was 17, he was definitely an adult. A short-sighted entity). This offer was refused, after which I was asked to take a nude photo with the inscription "I fucked only her, but I did not touch the Chechen girls" and the signature: Slava Karelin. And, it seems, disappointment awaited someone again, because his highly intellectual proposal was refused. Then he decided to sell himself. Guess how much? It will be hard to believe, but 100 rubles transferred from my number to his was practically enough for him. (Practically, because he needed further conversations with me). He later offered to record an audio recording of me apologizing to their girls! And then he said that, in general, this would not help Slava anyway, or would help partially, or would not help again, and in the interval of the conversation he generally forgave him, then again he was offended and poured threats. And in me! At the beginning of the dialogue, he told me that they want to live peacefully with us, although the attached photos can prove otherwise. Is not it? Light trolling was traced throughout the dialogue, but then, simply unable to endure this intellectual mediocrity, I just broke down. The dialogue that followed was short and uninteresting. But you see this thing: they undertake to protect their girls, not even suspecting what they really are, but they pour mud and crave violence against Russian girls! Isn't it a paradox? The relevance of the issue will last forever, perhaps. And in the end, you can only say this: do you want to change the world, change the essence of a person, change your attitude towards you? Start with yourself!

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The conflict between the St. Petersburg rap musician Purulent and the Chechen diaspora ended today with reconciliation: the rapper promised to publicly apologize for his lyrics, which, according to representatives of this people, affected the honor of Chechen girls and the whole people. And the administrators of the Chechen Fighters public, who posted correspondence with the rapper's requests for forgiveness, urged the audience to "close the hunt" for the musician after the video with an apology appears on YouTube: "Understand and forgive! With regards to what was said" rotten "on the battle against Chechen girls - we talked, and he realizes the depth of his mistake and promises not to do this in the future. We are waiting for the video, and, I think, the hunt for him can be closed. "

This story began just two days ago, on October 29th. Petersburger Vyacheslav Karelin, known as the rapper Purulent, unexpectedly found himself under the gun close attention representatives of the Chechen diaspora. The reason was the video with his participation in the rap battle Slovospb, which appeared in the popular Chechen public. The words uttered by the rapper at this event seemed extremely offensive to the natives of the Chechen Republic.

The battle itself took place three years ago, but the video became available to a wide audience only last Saturday. On the record, rappers Purulent and Nongrata compete in the art of improvisation and Karelina gets a little carried away. He says a few words to the Chechen girls. It was this part of the texts that touched the representatives of the diaspora. P According to the Chechens, Purulent insulted not his opponent personally, but all Chechen girls and the nation as a whole.

The community administrator who posted the video with the battle called for the St. Petersburg MC to be found and punished. The post began to collect many "clones" in similar publics related to the traditions and hobbies of the Chechen diaspora, as well as many tens and hundreds of comments.

Most commentators agreed that MC Purulent should apologize on camera. In addition, the musician, according to those offended, had to be punished physically.
In the end, the hunted rapper had to delete his page on VKontakte with the words: "Forgive me, dear girls of Ichkeria."

The activity that arose in the Chechen public in relation to the rapper was noticed by members of the "Rhymes and Punches" community. They timely made a number of screenshots with threats against Karelin. After a short period of time, posts calling for the musician to be punished were removed.

So, the administrator of the Chechen Fighters public deleted his post - it was this post with a video of the "historical" battle that became the first in this story. Instead of deleted message first came another. It read: "The administrator of this community in no way encourages you, participants and non-participants, to resort to any violence, extremism and other illegal actions."

And then a post appeared with the following content: "All the fanatics of the" purulent "or whatever, who ran into our group, unsubscribe, you subscribed to the wrong group."
Posts calling for "find and punish" Purulent disappeared a day later. It is possible that the administrators themselves cleaned the walls of publics and communities, it is also possible that the posts were deleted by the VKontakte support service - as "calling for violence and extremism."

Frightened fans of the rapper and simply not indifferent to his fate created a petition in support of MC Purulent, as well as the hashtag #slavazhivi. " src="https://static..jpg" alt="" data-extra-description="

Screenshot: vk.com


MC Purulent is the winner of the first season of the Slovospb rap battle and a permanent judge of the project. In 2017, a loud battle between the rapper and Miron Fedorov, also known as Oxxxymiron, is expected.

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