Home perennial flowers Download bullfinch template for application. Application bullfinch - print templates for children. Application of a bullfinch from geometric shapes and cotton wool

Download bullfinch template for application. Application bullfinch - print templates for children. Application of a bullfinch from geometric shapes and cotton wool

The template for the bullfinch application will help you quickly make beautiful paper birds with your own hands. The template is made in the format of a Word document, anyone can easily print it on a printer.

You can print it on colored paper, or on white paper to copy it onto color paper and make an application with the children of the senior group of the kindergarten or in elementary school grades 1-3. We offer children, together with adults, a lesson option on how to make such bullfinches on a branch:

Or like these, the difference in the background, a blue sheet of colored paper is easier to find.

The first thing you need is a bullfinch template, you can print it through a Word.

Word format

In colorized form or on colored paper, the elements of the picture look like this:

A rowan branch for bullfinches looks something like this:

We cut rowan berries out of paper in this way.

The branch and other elements can be painted with paints, felt-tip pens or printed out such a picture, it is available in the proposed template.

Another interesting option. Downloading this image

With the help of Photoshop, we make such a stencil and the child can already complete the application.

It looks like a picture of colored paper.

The second option for children is more difficult, as it contains curly elements that are difficult for children in the older group of the kindergarten to cut out. Schoolchildren in grades 2-3 are quite capable of doing such an application with their own hands. The technique of converting photos using Photoshop into drawings or outlines is very useful for teachers and kindergarten teachers, as it allows you to easily get coloring and applications of any kind on various topics.

To make the lesson interesting for children, we offer them a couple of riddles:

Winter has come to visit us -
Little light and heat
But, like lanterns,
On the trees ... (bullfinches)

Despite the cold
In red birch apples.
Came closer... Oi!!
The harvest is out!


Poem for children about applications.

Here is the magic paper.
You are no worse than a magician now
Can you turn the page
Animal, fish or bird.
Make lots of toys
For friends and girlfriends.
And decorate a shelf in the house,
Wall, table or Christmas tree.

A few more applications made by elementary school children.

Winter applique made of felt for elementary school children

Application "Winter Forest. Bullfinches"

The work was done by Fedoseeva Arina, a student of the 1st "A" class of the MBOU gymnasium No. 69 of the city of Krasnodar.

Description: This master class is designed for children of preschool and primary school age, teachers and parents. The appliqué is made of felt and velvet paper using natural materials.

Purpose: Interior decoration, applique painting can be used for winter exhibition.

Target: make a winter applique of bullfinch birds sitting on a branch using felt, paper and natural material.

1. Learn to cut out details, trace a stencil; glue parts;
2. To develop compositional and aesthetic feelings in the design of the application;
3. Develop fine motor skills, creative imagination;
4. Cultivate accuracy at work, perseverance.

Winter is the time for bullfinches! Near the house, the garden, like a crystal palace, sparkles in the sun. Each tree is dressed in an openwork fringe, the trunks are covered with frost. And pensive birds - bullfinches sit on the branches with bright red buds. Fluffy, in pale red tones, and black hats on their heads. They sit and perk up. Illuminated by the rays of the sun, against the background of dazzling snow, they seem like fairy-tale lights and present a delightful sight. Don't take your eyes off - enjoy!

Materials and tools required for work:
- White cardboard
- Blue cardboard
- Red, gray felt
- Black velvet paper

Corrugated brown paper
- Simple pencil
- Glue
- Eye beads
- Natural material - dried twigs with fruits.

Let's make the bullfinches first. On a sheet of white cardboard with a simple pencil, we make a sketch of the details of two bullfinches. One bullfinch will be slightly smaller than the second. For each bullfinch we draw a torso (black), a breast (red), a wing (black), a wing (gray).

Cut out templates for each bullfinch.

We apply cardboard templates to red, gray felt, black velvet paper in accordance with the signatures on the templates, circle and cut out the details of the bullfinches.

On the black body of the bullfinch we glue the red breast.

Glue the gray on the black wing.

We glue the wings on the body of the bullfinch.

Using a hole punch, cut out two circles from white paper and glue the bullfinch's eye in place.

Glue small black beads onto white circles (you can use allspice peas).

Now let's start making branches. From brown corrugated paper, cut out a rectangle 18-20 cm long and 10-12 cm wide. Cut the rectangle lengthwise into 2/3.

We twist the cut strips, and then we twist the base of the branch.

We made the second branch triple, after cutting it lengthwise into three strips.

Now we take blue cardboard - this is the basis of the application, and glue our branches on the sides.

We fix our bullfinches on the branches with glue.

We found pretty sprigs of red-brown fruits, dried since autumn, with which we supplemented our composition.

Here we have such a winter application with bright bullfinches.
Birds on frozen branches
Tiny little ones.
Very bright, with a blush,
Jacket on the back with gloss.
I feed them lunch.
I will treat you with rowanberries and bread.
Let them burn like lanterns
Miracle birds… bullfinches.
T. Lavrova

3D application on the theme Winter

Master class "Bullfinches"

Work completed: Znachkova Margarita, pupil of the Center for Children's Creativity in Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Age: 8 years
Supervisor: Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity, Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Purpose of the product: the panel is not difficult to manufacture, but very positive. It can be used as a gift, to decorate the interior of an office or a children's room.
Target: make a panel using various materials.
- improve the skills of working with different materials and the ability to combine different materials in one product;
- develop creativity, imagination;
- Cultivate accuracy and independence.

And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of a cold,
With the first snow right there!

Who does not know the handsome bullfinches?!
Their red breast, like a drop of blood, indicates that they are brave birds. In ancient Rus', there was a belief that bullfinches saved travelers who got lost in the endless snowy fields. Bullfinches showed them the way to residential buildings.

There is a sign that the bullfinch chirps to warm, clear and sunny weather.

Necessary materials and equipment:
- Velvet paper or remnants of velor in red, black and gray
- Foam polyethylene (packaging)
- Styrofoam
- Cardboard blue or light blue
- Branches of any shrub
- Wooden frame without glass
- Pencil
- Glue "Titan"
- Scissors

Our panel is made of various materials, almost all of them are junk. If you do not have just such materials, I will tell you how they can be easily replaced and not spoil the appearance of the product.

Work sequence
So, let's begin!
Let's prepare the base for our composition first! Take the cardboard blue or blue. If there is no cardboard, you can draw a winter sky with paints on white paper or cover the substrate with a cloth, but this will be more laborious.

From polyethylene foam, which remains from the packaging of various goods, we cut out snow-covered hills of arbitrary shape (depending on the size of the pieces available). It can be replaced with synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. Glue the hills to the base. We start gluing from the horizon, that is, from the middle of the sheet to the bottom of the picture. The main thing is not to allow gaps in the background.

From thinner polyethylene foam, we cut out Christmas trees according to the patterns.

We glue them in the background of the picture.

The basis for the panel is ready. We put it in a frame without glass.

We glue branches of any shrub to the foreground.

Let's start making snowmen. To do this, you can use velvet paper or pieces of fabric, such as velor or velvet, only they must first be glued to the paper and dried.
So, we circle the templates from the wrong side of the material and cut it out.

We connect the details of the bullfinch with glue. Cut out an eye from paper and glue it to the bird. If it is very difficult to cut such a small circle, you can draw it with a stroke corrector or white gouache. Draw a pupil with a black felt-tip pen.

It remains only to glue our bullfinches to the branches. Their number in the picture can be any, depending on your desire.

Let's add a snowball from the foam.
That's it! Creative success to all!

Dear friends, today we offer you a description of how a three-dimensional paper application for children called "Bullfinches on a mountain ash" is made. If you like the master class, then take note of it for your children, grandchildren or nephews.

In the entire range of children's activities, applications occupy a special place. They are interesting for the child not only by the process itself, but also by the fact that an extraordinary work can be presented to a loved one for a birthday, March 8, or any other holiday. You can also decorate your house for Easter. Agree that any masterpiece made by your own little man especially for you is doubly valuable.

Any applications made of colored paper for children are also useful in that they provide an excellent opportunity not only to show imagination and individual style, but also help to develop the skill of handling scissors and applied materials (paper, glue), allow you to feel and remember the harmony of colors.

There are many benefits to such activities. At the same time, more complex applications, for example, voluminous applications using improvised materials and various artistic techniques, of course, are more interesting and more valuable.

The described work is just one of them. Toddlers will most likely need the help of an adult who will tell, show and control difficult moments. Older children can cope on their own, they just need to explain the technique.

But before I introduce you to the implementation of this work, I want to recommend one wonderful book that contains interesting ideas, scenarios and descriptions of developing creative activities with children from 1.5 to 5 years old. The book is called "Baby's First Crafts" , it is free and to receive it by email, just follow the link and place an order. I think that every caring mother will find a lot of interesting and useful material there.

Application from paper "Bullfinches"

Necessary materials:

  • A3 sheet (drawing paper, watercolors or cardboard is suitable);
  • colored paper in blue and blue shades (at least 2-3 close tones);
  • colored paper in red (or orange), black, brown and yellow.
  • red or orange napkins;
  • glue (PVA or glue stick);
  • glitter gel paints;
  • black marker;
  • scissors.

Background decoration

Bullfinches will sit against the blue sky. To prepare it, colored paper in blue and blue tones must be torn into small pieces (from 2 to 4 cm in size). You need to do this with your hands, and not with scissors, so that the general background subsequently has a more mosaic-blurry look.

Glue the finished blue pieces onto a large sheet. It is better to start from one end. Scraps of paper can be glued with an overlap. Ideally, there should be no voids, but this is ideally

The pieces do not have to be coated with glue completely, just the middle is enough. At the same time, free, non-glued edges will create a slight sense of the volume of the picture.

Harvesting bullfinches

On red or orange paper, draw two rounded abdomens for birds. Their size can be from 7 to 10 cm. You can make bullfinches the same size, you can make one bigger, the other smaller.

Draw wings on black paper. Since the birds will be sitting in profile in our picture, only two wings will be needed. In addition to them, we also draw two heads and two tails on black paper. On yellow paper, we outline two beaks. Young children can be helped with drawing all these details so that the proportions of the body are harmonious. Cut out pieces with scissors.

rowan decoration

From brown paper we prepare thick and thin strips for branches. We do this again with our hands, not with scissors. This will create a feeling of knotty branch. At the bottom of the sheet, glue the strips into one branch.

Tear red napkins or cut into small pieces (approximately 4 cm in size). We roll each into a ball - these will be rowan berries. For one bunch you will need from 15 to 25 pieces. On top of the sheet, vertically glue thin brown twigs and red berry balls to them. We place them close to each other. On our application fit 4 bunches.

Decoration of bullfinches

On the finished brown branch we glue the abdomens of the bullfinches, then the wings, tails, heads and beaks. With a felt-tip pen we draw paws with which bullfinches hold on a branch.

The application can be left as is. And you can use multi-colored sparkles to make the craft more elegant. Simple shiny patterns look good on the wings and tails of birds. And, of course, do not forget to make the eyes of the bullfinches.

Paper application is an activity, albeit not very fast, but useful and very interesting. The child develops patience, perseverance, understanding the sequence of actions, and much more.

Here is such a picture with bullfinches as a result of my daughter:

The theme for paper art is very different. Fortunately, now you can not reinvent the wheel - that is, do not come up with a plot and do not draw templates yourself. There are a huge number of ready-made applications for children. Simple, three-dimensional (they are also called 3D), with moving parts, etc. For those who find it difficult to look for such things in stores, I suggest using this

The application "Bullfinch" will help to decorate the baby's clothes, a cushion, a case for a phone or glasses, wallpaper on the walls of a children's room, and even make a postcard for any winter holiday. After all, this beautiful bird pleases the eye with its red breast in the harsh winter, bringing great joy to both adults and children. And the application "Bullfinch" is quite simple. This will be discussed in this article.

The third version of the application is gluing a full contour figure of a black bird in order to place a red breast, beak, eyes and wings on it.

There is also a fourth option for doing this work. It consists in making an application of geometric shapes. The body itself is made from half a red circle and a gray triangle.

Then a black circle is glued - the head, a small triangle is attached to it - the beak.

A larger black triangle will imitate the tail of a bullfinch.

The wing is made from half a black circle, inside of which a part of a gray circle is placed. Eyes are made of two circles - white and gray.

A branch can be drawn with a brown felt-tip pen, or you can also cut it out of paper and stick it on. Red or orange circles will depict rowan berries.

Cool bullfinch from geometric shapes

For a winter postcard, the application "Bullfinches on a branch" is perfect. It can be done without a template, using geometric shapes. True, the bird will turn out to be symbolic, quite cool. By the way, such an application "Bullfinches on a branch" can be used both for decorating clothes and decorating wallpapers. Here is a step-by-step instruction for performing one bullfinch. The second bird can be made in the same way, placing it asymmetrically so that they look at each other.

  1. Choose a background for the postcard.

  2. A black circle is glued - the body of a bullfinch.

  3. A red oval is placed on it - the breast of a bird.

  4. You can make cheeks out of two red little circles, but this is not necessary.

  5. The eyes are made of white paper. They can be both round and oval, both of the same size and shape, and differ from each other.

  6. Pupils can be drawn with a felt-tip pen. But even if desired, glued black circles inside the eye proteins will not spoil the work at all.

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