Home Mushrooms Embroidery with silk ribbons: plant motifs. Large panel: embroidery with satin ribbons Ribbon embroidery for beginners step by step spikelets

Embroidery with silk ribbons: plant motifs. Large panel: embroidery with satin ribbons Ribbon embroidery for beginners step by step spikelets

Autumn is the time to harvest. How beautiful the golden fields look, filled with heavy ears of ripe wheat! Spikelets of wheat perfectly complement the field bouquet both in life and in paintings. I bring to your attention “instructions” on how to embroider spikelets with satin ribbons.

Embroidering a spikelet is not a difficult task, however, there are several ways. You can embroider with ribbon of only one shade, or you can stock up on several. When embroidering in several shades, it will take a little longer. It's up to you to decide which is best.

Prepare everything you need:
  • yellow satin ribbon (0.5 cm wide). If necessary, use a yellow ribbon of a different shade 0.3 cm wide.
  • thread to match the ribbon
  • hoop
  • canvas
  • scissors, long eye needle

Let's get started! The very first step, as usual, is to sketch out a diagram. Either the spikelets will be an independent still life or just an element. For example:

Tie a knot at the end of the ribbon and pull it through from the outside inside out. Straighten the ribbon, lay it right side up, then bring the ribbon inside out at the point where the top grain of the “spikelet” ends. Embroider the remaining grains of the spikelet, arranging them in a herringbone pattern and keeping an eye on the size. At first the “grains” are smaller, then larger, then smaller again, like on a real spikelet.

At this point, you can finish embroidering the spikelet and start decorating it, or you can stitch it over the embroidered “grains” with a narrower ribbon of a different shade. This makes the spikelet look more natural.

Using threads, complete the final design by embroidering thin “antennae” of the spikelet. If necessary, embroider leaves and stems: make a stitch at the base of the stem, twist the ribbon several times, then make a stitch at the point where the stem ends, while keeping the thread tight. The leaves are embroidered in the same way.

The spikelet can be embroidered using a chain stitch:

I would like to note that the ear is not immediately ripe, so the ears look very natural if they are embroidered in shades of green (not very bright), and also embroidered not in one color, but in several at the same time (not on top of each other, but by changing the colors of the ribbons).

Embroidery from ribbons of flowers and bouquets attracts the attention of many novice needlewomen, because it is dazzlingly beautiful and very reminiscent of real bouquets and flowers.

The effect is also enhanced by the large volume and magnificent expressive colors. We bring to your attention a master class with a large number of photos in which you will see pictures of bouquets embroidered with satin ribbons.

Some bouquets are made up of spring and summer flowers, and there are also those that remind us of autumn. But here we see a dazzlingly beautiful bouquet of different flowers, gathered together inside a basket, which is also made using embroidery. To embroider a picture, you need to find a pattern that will play the role of a diagram. Pay attention to the step-by-step photos, which show in detail the entire process of creating a bouquet embroidery. It contains magnificent autumn chrysanthemums collected in a beautiful basket. We also need to do embroidery from the basket ribbons, without which the picture will be incomplete. So, what follows is a video and a detailed description of the embroidery.

Video: Embroidering flowers with ribbons

When the patterns for the diagram are selected, they must be schematically transferred to the fabric, painted with acrylic paints and ironed. We will start the embroidery process with a basket, which consists of long vertical stripes. The ribbon embroidery of the brown vertical stripes of the basket is done first. After this, we fill the gaps between the stripes with short horizontal pieces of thread. We continue our work and make embroidery from ribbons of the central part of each chrysanthemum. To do this you will need thin yellow satin ribbons. The middle of the flower can be embroidered using a French knot or another method. Then we need to make the chrysanthemum petals, and we will do this using a side ribbon stitch. This achieves the effect of real chrysanthemum petals.

The colors used for embroidering this picture are white, blue, lilac and pink. Now let's start embroidering stems from iris threads. We will attach these stems to the base fabric at some points. When finishing the embroidery of ribbons of flowers in a basket, you need to make leaves and grass, as shown in the photo. Leaves and grass are embroidered with thin green ribbons. To complement the picture, you can decorate it with a butterfly. We embroider one or two butterflies at the top, or on the side, and we can consider the work finished.

In order to embroider a butterfly, you need to have a ribbon five millimeters wide. Mark it into segments of different lengths. Alternate seven centimeters and four and a half, then again, and so on. Having made sixteen markings, we collect the entire tape onto the thread at the marked points and tighten it. Then we straighten all the segments one by one and arrange them in the shape of the butterfly’s wings. We will make the body and head from beautiful beads, and the butterfly is ready.

Video: Making butterflies from ribbons

How to embroider lilacs from satin ribbons

And now we will conduct a lesson with step-by-step photos for beginners, in which we will tell you how the process of embroidering curly lilacs proceeds. It begins with the fact that we are looking for drawings for a diagram where the lilac is the most beautiful, and choosing the most suitable one. After this, you need to schematically depict lilacs on the fabric and paint it with paint. The vase for this painting is made separately, from thick paper and soft filling. After this we must complete the finishing using fabric and braid. Our picture will be three-dimensional, and it will depict lilacs in a vase.

Then we begin embroidery with curly lilac ribbons. In our case, ribbon embroidery is very simple. You need to bring the needle to the face of the work, and then sew the seam forward on the tape with the needle and pull the thread. After this, bring the needle to the wrong side. At the point of exit from the wrong side, the tape must be secured with threads. We have a magnificent curly lilac, but so far this is only a small part of the bouquet. We continue to embroider curly lilacs, changing colors and applying other shades until we have embroidered the entire space of our pattern. At the end of the work, you need to complement the picture with twigs and leaves, as in the photo.

Ribbon embroidery of poppies

This lesson will be devoted to how to embroider poppies from corrugated nylon tape. In this case, we are embroidering a small picture depicting red poppies. In addition, it contains leaves, buds and dried poppy pods. And now there will be a description of the embroidery, the patterns of which are very simple:

How to embroider pansies with ribbons

To perform embroidery from ribbons of flowers called Pansies, we need:

  1. Fabric thirty by forty centimeters;
  2. Satin ribbons twenty-four millimeters wide in different colors;
  3. Satin ribbons six millimeters wide;
  4. Black floss threads.

Pansy flowers consist of two tiers, the petals of which can be the same or different colors. We need to make such Pansies as in our video. We cut the ribbons for each tier of petals from the skein and assemble them using a simple basting stitch. We insert the embroidery fabric into the hoop and sew our finished petals to it. We form pansies by color as nature and fantasy tell us. Let's make one unopened bud and start forming twigs and leaves. We embroider the leaves with a green thin satin ribbon, using short stitches like a spikelet. In the center of the flower we make a yellow knot and short stitches made with black floss thread, which give the flower an absolute resemblance to real pansies.

Video: Learning to embroider pansies with ribbons

How to embroider peonies using satin ribbons

In order to make embroidery from ribbons of flowers called peonies, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Drawing on fabric;
  2. Satin ribbons of various colors and widths;
  3. Tapestry needle;
  4. Embroidery machine.

Let's start with the stems and leaves. For the stem you need to twist a thin green ribbon. Peonies have leaves that are made with straight and side ribbon stitches. Peonies also consist of petals, and they are not exactly the same. The inner row should be made of straight ribbon stitch and twisted stitches. The second outer row is made by basting and gathering satin. The central part of the flower should be made with a buttonhole stitch. And now our magnificent peonies are ready.

We embroider cornflowers from satin ribbons

Consider an embroidery made from ribbons of beautiful summer wildflowers called Cornflowers. We bring to your attention a video that shows different techniques for this needlework:

  1. We embroider Cornflowers using corrugated tape, but in this technique the flower turns out to be quite sketchy, because there are no individual petals of a special shape widened towards the end;
  2. We make cornflowers using thin blue satin. In this case, you can make the shape of the petals, which will be more similar to the real one.

For cornflower embroidery we will prepare the following materials:

  1. Satin ribbons three millimeters wide, blue or dark blue;
  2. Satin stripes three millimeters green;
  3. Blue and purple floss thread for the center of the flower.

Cornflower flowers have special petals, very narrow at the base of the flower and wide at the end. It is not difficult to embroider such petals, and you need to do this with three straight stitches. There is a thickening under the petals that resembles a small pineapple. Starting the cornflower embroidery, draw a circle of the required diameter on the fabric and make a marking to divide it into eight parts. In the center we draw a small circle for the middle of the flower. This will be the circuit necessary for the work.

Now let's start embroidering cornflower petals from ribbons. We can make gramophone-shaped petals using three straight ribbon stitches of different lengths. The stitches should start from one point and then spread out in width. The center stitch is the longest, and the other two are shorter. We embroider the central part of the Cornflower with blue and purple floss threads, and then sew the green part under the flower using a large loop. After this, twist the tape tightly and make a stem. At this stage, embroidery from Cornflower ribbons can be considered complete.

Video: Ribbon embroidery lesson: cornflowers with spikelets

We embroider lilies of the valley with satin ribbon

In this lesson we will embroider Lilies of the Valley. Embroidery from Lilies of the Valley ribbons will require the following materials:

  1. Green satin ribbon three centimeters wide;
  2. White satin ribbon four millimeters wide;
  3. Iris threads;
  4. Tapestry needle;
  5. Lighter.

We embroider Lilies of the Valley in a bouquet, for which we need five pieces of wide green ribbon of different lengths, from ten to twenty centimeters. We use them to embroider lily of the valley leaves. Each such segment must be secured in the place where it should be according to the drawing. We thread the upper pointed end into the needle and bring it to the wrong side of the work, securing it with threads. We roll the lower ends into a tube and secure them with a pin on the front side, as shown in the video. We embroider the Lily of the Valley leaf with straight and side ribbon seams. We sew the stems of the Lily of the Valley using a stem stitch, and then proceed to embroider the flowers of the Lily of the Valley from ribbons.

To embroider one Lily of the Valley flower, you need to make a knot at the end of a thin white satin strip. We thread the second end into the needle and bring it out inside out. The knot remains on the front side of the work, and it will serve to give volume to the flower. On top of this knot we make three regular straight ribbon stitches. But at the end of this stitch it is necessary to bring the ribbon back to the wrong side, forming a loop. We fix it with a pin, and then secure it with regular thread, and remove the pin. We embroider two more exactly the same stitches with a curl, and the Lily of the Valley flower is ready. We continue to work and embroider all the flowers and leaves, as required by the pattern, and so we reach the end of the picture.

We embroider the next Lily of the Valley flowers on the basis of a twisted loop, which will create volume instead of the first knot. Lily of the valley buds are made using a French knot. With one or two turns of thread, or double tape stitch.

We embroider tulips with ribbons

Embroidering tulips with ribbons is very simple and accessible even for children and beginners. Before starting the lesson, prepare:

  1. Atlas of different colors forty millimeters wide;
  2. Needles with a wide eye;
  3. Hoop or frame;
  4. Fabric for embroidery.

Ribbon embroidery begins by applying a design to the fabric and stretching the fabric onto a frame or hoop. We bring the needle from the wrong side to the front side. We make one stitch equal to the length of the tulip petal, and again bring the needle to the back side. We make a second stitch next to the first one, and our tulip is ready. For the bouquet we make four yellow, four red and three pink tulips. Then we will make stems from twisted tape and tie them with thread. Let's add leaves from a green ribbon to the bouquet, and the picture is ready.

How to embroider Irises with ribbons

To embroider irises with ribbons, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. A purple satin piece thirteen millimeters wide for flowers;
  2. Green ribbon for leaves;
  3. Needle and wide eye;
  4. Lighter;
  5. Textile;
  6. Hoop.

We mark the fabric, following the pattern, and make the first ribbon stitch, which will be the inner petal. This stitch is different in that the needle is brought to the wrong side not only through the fabric, but also through the same tape, making a turn at the same time. To the left and right of the inner petal, we embroider from the ribbons of the outer petals using side ribbon stitches, without pulling the ribbon, but creating volume. A side stitch is slightly different from a straight stitch in that the needle enters the ribbon not in the center, but on the left or right, depending on the need.

The lower petals of the flower should be made using a twisted ribbon stitch. At the same time, the tape is twisted, and the needle is stuck into it with a turn, as in a straight stitch. After the petals, we begin to embroider the lower part of the iris with green satin, for which we make a horizontal loop. We finish the work by embroidering the stem from a tightly twisted ribbon. At the bottom of the stem, the satin is drawn onto the face of the work, and then the leaves of the Iris are embroidered using twisted stitches.

Video: Embroidery of irises from satin ribbons

Chamomile made of satin ribbons

To make daisy ribbon embroidery, you must first draw the outline of the color scheme. The daisy pattern consists of two circles of different diameters inscribed within each other. We embroider white chamomile petals with a regular ribbon stitch, and the center of the flower with French knots and yellow floss threads. The stem of the chamomile should be made with floss, which we fold four times and then sew with a stem stitch. At the end you need to add green leaves, which are made with a regular ribbon seam, but with a wide green satin strip.

Video: Example with embroidery of daisies with ribbons

Embroidering sunflowers from ribbons

To make sunflower embroidery with ribbons, you need to prepare:

  1. Silk ribbon;
  2. Canvas and hoop;
  3. Needles for ribbon and floss;
  4. Floss thread;
  5. Scheme for work.

Let's start embroidery from ribbons by stretching the fabric onto a hoop, after which we will mark the petals, of which at least twenty will be required. Before this, it is necessary to schematically depict the center of the flower. Then we thread the satin into a needle with a wide eye, and begin to embroider the petals using a ribbon stitch, straight and side. With the variety of these two types of seam, you can create a more natural and lively sunflower. We start embroidering from the inner circle and finish on the outer circle. We make the middle of the sunflower by embroidering French knots with mustard-colored floss threads. And to conclude the work, you can embroider two green leaves with a wide green satin strip. Now our magnificent sunflower is completely ready.

Video: Master class on sunflower embroidery

Working with satin ribbons includes many different techniques; embroidery is one of the most popular. We invite you to learn this useful creativity. In this article you will find a master class on embroidery with satin ribbons for beginners: we will learn how to make a spikelet with our own hands.

This beautiful pattern will decorate your clothes, accessories and home decoration. Very often, embroidery with satin ribbons is done on jeans and denim jackets, on home textiles (for example, to decorate decorative pillows), on homemade velvet handbags, on simple cotton shirts, etc. We advise you to practice on simple fabric and then start decorating things.

What do we need?

  • thin satin ribbon or braid
  • base fabric
  • thick threads to match
  • a piece of soap or chalk
  • wide eye needle

We advise you to first select a satin ribbon and then select threads for it. The fact is that the shades of ribbons are often limited, but the choice of sewing threads is always very wide. If you are afraid of not guessing right, choose simple colors: for example, red or blue.

It is very convenient to embroider a spikelet if you have a hoop. It is enough to simply pinch the desired place on the fabric and thereby stretch it so as not to get confused. If you don't have them, use paper clips or paper clips and stretch the fabric, attaching it to the edge of the tabletop.

How to embroider a spikelet?

Before starting work, you need to draw an image of a spikelet on the fabric. To do this, use a bar of soap or chalk. Next, tie a tight knot at the tip of the satin ribbon and bring the ribbon from the wrong side to the front (as in the photo below).

We make a small stitch. Then we draw a ribbon to the right of it, make a loop and finish it to the left of the stitch. We leave the loop free - with the next stitch we will press it to the fabric.

Notice that the next stitch is much shorter than the previous one. It simply fixes the tape.

In this way we continue to form the spikelet. At the same time, when embroidering, we twist the satin ribbon a little so that at the bottom it becomes thinner and thinner.

When the spikelet is completed, we make a stem. To do this, we perform dense embroidery with a tightly twisted satin ribbon. The side petals are made with one stitch of twisted braid.

In this way we gradually fill the entire drawing. At the same time, during embroidery, you can not cut the satin ribbon, but simply move it freely to any place in the fabric (the wrong side allows us to do this). If you are afraid that this will cause the ribbons to loosen, you can continually trim the ribbon and tie knots on the wrong side to secure it and move it to another location.

Additional decoration and filling of gaps are embroidered with regular sewing threads in the same tone - right on top of the satin ribbon.

Large panel: embroidery with satin ribbons

Author: Vera Nakamura. Embroidery with satin ribbons will appeal to those needlewomen who like to see the result of their work immediately. Work, so to speak, in broad strokes. Unlike cross stitch or satin stitch, a small bouquet can be embroidered in a few hours. To embroider the large panel I had planned, it took 8 approaches, 2-3 hours each. The technology of ribbon embroidery is quite simple and does not require special skills. After mastering the basic techniques, you can safely start copying masterpieces. Below is my first work - a large panel embroidered with satin ribbons.

Embroidery with satin ribbons: materials and tools

  • Satin ribbons of different widths;
  • Floss threads, colored yarn, regular threads;
  • Needle with a long eye;
  • Canvas or natural fabric with a fairly sparse weave. A needle with a silk ribbon 0.5 cm thick should pass between the threads, but the stitches on the reverse side should not be visible;
  • Hoop;
  • Scissors;
  • Lighter.

Ribbon embroidery technology

Embroidery with satin ribbons: ear

You will need yellow ribbon of different shades with a width of 0.5 and 0.3 cm, and yellow floss threads. The ends of all ribbons must be cauterized.

1. Tie a knot at the end of the ribbon (0.5 cm). We pull the entire ribbon from the inside out so that the knot is pressed tightly against the fabric. We straighten the ribbon face up and lay it down the way the grain should lie in the spikelet.

2. We stick the needle into the place where the grain should end.

3. Pull the entire length of the ribbon inside out. You don’t need to pull too hard so that the beautiful fold at the end of the grain remains on the front side.

4. Arrange the remaining grains in a herringbone pattern, reducing them towards the end of the spikelet.

5. We admire.

6. Using a 0.3 cm tape, duplicate all the grains with smaller stitches, placing them inside the grains.

7. Use floss threads to decorate the spikelet and stem.

The stitch used to make the grains is the main one. They also make petals of daisies and other flowers, and greens.

Ribbon embroidery technology: leaf

You will need colored yarn

1. Choose a place for the leaf. The first time you can draw its outline with a pencil or chalk. Then you won't need it.

2. We stretch the thread from the wrong side to the front side. At the very top point of the sheet, we hook a couple of threads of fabric and stretch the needle. Or we take the thread to the wrong side and return it through very closely spaced points, which is more difficult.

3. Grab a couple of threads of fabric in the center of the sheet and pull the needle through.

4. Grab a couple of threads of fabric at the top of the sheet and pull the needle through.

5. Place stitches from the center of the sheet to the outline and back. Alternately from different sides of the center. We reduce the stitches, approaching the base of the leaf.

6. Decorate the leaf with a stem. We admire it.

Embroidery with satin ribbons: lilac

1. Cut a small piece of tape, round the corners, and burn it with a lighter. Using a simple thread we draw on the outline. The example shows a contrasting thread for clarity. For the product, it is better to take a matching thread.

2. Tighten the thread and tie its ends. We get a ball.

3. Sew on the ball. By threading a needle through the center, we get a flower.

Ribbon embroidery: poppy

You will need a red ribbon 2 cm wide. Red and black threads. Green thin ribbon for the core.

1. We run a running stitch along the edge of the tape. After 6 cm, fold the tape at an angle of 90 degrees and continue the seam along the fold.

2. After another 6 cm, make a fold again.

3. We get a square. We sew the pre-cauterized ends of the tape tightly.

4. Tighten the running stitch and get a flower with a hole in the middle. Two petals from the front side of the ribbon, two from the back.

5. Sew the poppy with black thread, making several knots from green ribbon in the center.

Embroidery with satin ribbons: cornflower

You will need a blue ribbon 0.5 cm and a second needle with regular thread to match.

1. We take out the ribbon, straighten it with the wrong side up, and lay the future petal. At the top point of the petal we grab it with a regular thread.

2. We take the tape to the wrong side of the embroidery through a point located just below the place where it came out. The first one is the one on the far left - the petal is ready. The next petal will be on the far right. Then again to the left. We place it slightly overlapping the previous one.

3. Then we embroider the place to which the petals are attached (“receptacle” - the Internet kindly tells us). Place three regular stitches as shown in the diagram.

Ribbon embroidery technology: rosette

You will need a 0.5 cm ribbon and simple matching threads.

1. Embroider a star with an odd number of ends.

2. We bring the tape out from the center of the star. We lay it in a circle, placing it under every second ray of the star. On those rays where it lies on top, we make a fold so that the tape turns over.

3. When the circle closes, the ribbon falls under those rays that it did not fall under in the previous circle.

4. If desired, the tape can be pulled tighter. Then the rosette will be thicker.

Large nodule

A very useful element for making flower cores, inflorescences, and decorating twigs.

2. We do not remove the tape completely, leaving a small loop.

3. Thread a ribbon through the remaining loop and tighten, holding the second loop on your finger.

4. A second loop remains with a small knot at the base.

5. We pull the needle and ribbon through it and only now finally tighten it.

6. We move the tape to the wrong side at the base of the knot.

Medium nodule

1. Place the ribbon on the front side of the embroidery. We grab a couple of millimeters of fabric and pull the needle through.

2. We do not remove the tape completely, leaving a small loop. We pass a needle and ribbon through this loop.

3. Tighten.

4. Place the tape at the base of the knot.

Small nodule

Most often used on the inside out.

1. Place the ribbon on the front side of the embroidery.

2. Make a simple knot on the ribbon, but do not tighten it.

3. We pick up the knot with a needle and press it to the fabric.

4. Only now we tighten it. We take the thread away from the base of the knot.


1. We bring the thread to the front side of the embroidery. Use a needle to hook a few centimeters of fabric and pull it through.

2. We lift the fabric again and pull the needle and thread through. We place check stitches alternately on different sides.

3. We get beautiful branches that can be decorated with berry knots or left as is.

Pink flower

You will need a ribbon 1 cm wide and simple matching threads.

1. We attach a ribbon along one edge.

2. We sew together the pre-cauterized sections and tighten the seam.

3. Sew it to the fabric, making a knot in the middle.


1. Place the ribbon on the front side of the embroidery. We insert the needle into the adjacent point, and take it out where the top of the petal is supposed to be. We stretch the tape.

2. Make a simple stitch directed from the center of the flower outward.

Master Class. Embroider a spikelet with ribbons

It turns out that embroidering with ribbons is not so difficult. But the results amaze everyone!

We invite you to master the basics of this wisdom with the master of our Club on Osinka, Svetlana Gerasimova. And today the Embroidery Fairy - 2011 shares her skills with us.

Who knows, maybe with this seemingly simple work, one of you will discover something wonderful. the magical, bewitching world of ribbons and the beauty they create.

Master class review

01. I apply the design to the fabric. I like to embroider the spikelet with a 3 mm wide ribbon. But 6 mm is also possible.

I start embroidering from the top of the spikelet with a straight stitch.

02. Then, on one side of this seam, I look for the middle and bring the needle to the face, then on the other side, too, the middle. I bring the tape with the needle to the wrong side, then through the resulting loop I bring the needle to the face.

I tighten the loop and grab it a little lower. This creates a chain stitch.

03. This is what it looks like.

I repeat several times. The next loops should be wider to convey the shape of the spikelet.

04. The tape can be twisted.

05. I embroider stems and leaves using twisted stitches.

06. I embroider the second spikelet in the same way as the first.

For the quilts, I take three different shades of floss threads and insert them together into a needle.

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