Home Potato Angina why a person is sick traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese remedies for sore throats. Treatment of angina at home

Angina why a person is sick traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese remedies for sore throats. Treatment of angina at home

Spring is the time of respiratory diseases, the body is weakened by a long and protracted winter and is prone to various infections. One of the most common diseases of our time, especially among children, is acute and chronic tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. The disease is manifested by pain and swelling of the throat, high fever, cough, runny nose, nausea, heart problems, pain in the ears and teeth. Very often, tonsillitis is accompanied by purulent plugs, which not only cause pain, but also cause bad breath.

Chinese medicine categorizes tonsillitis 乳蛾 en e zhu e. The main pathogenesis of tonsillitis is associated with the lungs, since the disease is based on the invasion of external pathogenic factors through the skin, and the main function of the lungs is to control the skin and hair on the body, so the possibility of invasion of pathogenic factors depends precisely on the weakened function of the lungs.

The second most common pathogenesis of tonsillitis is associated with the stomach, since in Chinese medicine the concept of the throat 喉咽 hou yan consists of hieroglyphs 喉 hou, which correlates with the Qi of Heaven, governs the breath and is a manifestation of the lungs; and hieroglyph 咽 yan , which correlates with the qi of the earth, governs food and liquid, and is a manifestation of the stomach.

Chinese medicine distinguishes six main types of tonsillitis:

  1. Wind and heat in the lung canal: characterized by increased body temperature, chills, sore throat, cough, white or yellow coating on the tongue, rapid pulse.
  2. Heat of the stomach and lungs: characterized by increased body temperature, chills, severe sore throat, pain when swallowing, dry mouth with a preference for large amounts of water, bad breath, constipation, red tongue, thick yellow coating, increased rapid pulse.
  3. Endogenous accumulation of heat toxins: characterized by a very high unrelenting body temperature, greatly enlarged tonsils, accompanied by pain in the ears, sore throat when swallowing, red body of the tongue with a yellow coating, rapid pulse.
  4. Hyperactivity of asthenic fire: characterized by dryness of the mouth and throat, sensation of a foreign object in the throat, dry cough, sensation of heat in the five centers (palms, feet, heart area), shortness of breath, pain and numbness in the lower back, slight or no plaque on the tongue, red color of the body of the tongue , thin rapid pulse.
  5. Deficiency of kidney and spleen qi: characterized by dryness and itching in the throat, weak cough, a small amount of viscous sputum, sweating of the head during sleep, a bright red color of the throat, purulent plugs, a light red color of the tongue with a small amount of plaque, a thin and rapid pulse.

Treatment of tonsillitis

The treatment of tonsillitis should be based on the cleansing of the lungs and stomach and the normalization of the functions of these organs.

The most common finished forms of drugs are currently:

Ling Qiao Jie Du Wan

Compound: saiga horns ling yang jiao, honeysuckle flowers jin yin hua, dried fruits of forsythia lian qiao, mint 薄荷 bo he, schizonepeta multinotched jing jie sui, fermented soybeans 淡豆豉 dan duo gu, roasted burdock seed 牛蒡子 niu bang zi, placticodon grandiflorum 桔梗 jie geng, wild peony root 赤芍 chi shao, lofatherum thin 淡竹叶 dan zhu ye, Ural licorice 甘草 gan cao.

Action: dissipates wind and clears away heat, normalizes the dispersive function of the lungs, eliminates the negative effects of poisons, and dispels the superficial.

清咽润喉丸 Qing Yan Run Hou Wan

Compound: belamkanda chinensis she gan,Japanese euhresta 山豆根 shan dou gen,placticodon grandiflorum 桔梗 jie geng,fried silkworm larva 炒僵蚕 chao jiang can,gardenia jasmine 栀子 zhi zi, tree peony bark mu dan pi,canarium white qing guo,Tinospora cordifolia root 金果榄 jin guo lan,lyriope gramineous 麦冬 mai dong,hornwort root 玄参 xuan shen,anemarrhena asphodeloides 知母 zhi mu,glutinous rhemania 地黄 di huang,white-flowered peony bai shao,Thunberg hazel grouse 浙贝母 zhe bei mu, Ural licorice 甘草 gan cao,borneol bing pian,buffalo horn powder concentrated 水牛角浓缩粉 shui nou jiao nog suo fen.

Action: cleanses the lungs and stomach from heat, eliminates pain and swelling of the throat, clears the throat.

Qing Yan Pian

Compound: placticodon grandiflorum 桔梗 jie geng, terminalia hebula pitted 诃子 he zi, gypsum 寒水石 han shui shi, lime and indigo powder qing dai, tincal 硼砂 peng sha, borneol bing pian, Ural licorice 甘草 gan cao, concentrated licorice extract 甘草霜 gan cao shuang, menthol 薄荷脑 bo he nao.

Action: clears the throat, restores the dissipative function of the lungs, clears the heat of the stomach, stimulates the birth of body fluids.

Diet therapy for the treatment of tonsillitis

Rice porridge with dandelion

Recipe: rice - 100 grams, dandelion with a root 100 grams.

Cooking method: dandelion pour 1.5 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and add rice, simmer until the rice is completely cooked. Eat small meals throughout the day.

Rice porridge with white radish

Recipe: white radish - 100 grams, olives - 50 grams, dandelion with rhizome 20 grams, rice - 50 grams.

Cooking method: for 40 minutes, cook a decoction of radish, olives and dandelion, then add rice to the decoction and cook boiled porridge. There are 3-4 small servings per day.

Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the palatine tonsils; sick both adults and children.

Causes of chronic tonsillitis

The reason is repeated tonsillitis, less often other acute infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria). The development of chronic tonsillitis is promoted by a persistent violation of nasal breathing (adenoids, deviated nasal septum), diseases of the paranasal sinuses, carious teeth, alveolar pyorrhea, chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis. According to the currently accepted classification of Soldatov, chronic tonsillitis is divided into compensated and decompensated.

Symptoms, course. Feeling of itching, soreness, foreign body in the throat in the area of ​​the tonsils, bad breath, coughing up the so-called plugs - caseous masses that form in the lacunae of the tonsils, a slight recurring pain when swallowing, sometimes radiating to the ear. Often, the disease is accompanied by prolonged (for several weeks or even months) low-grade fever, decreased performance, headache, and sometimes coughing attacks of reflex origin. Some patients with chronic tonsillitis do not show any complaints.

Complications are not uncommon: damage to the heart, joints, general weakness, sweating. Perhaps the development of rheumatism, nephritis.

With pharyngoscopy - signs of a chronic inflammatory process: the palatine tonsils are loosened, cicatricially changed, fused with the palatine arches, the surface of the tonsils is uneven (bumpy), the lacunae are expanded. With light pressure with a spatula on the area of ​​​​the tonsil, “plugs” stand out from the lacunae or pus often drains with an unpleasant odor. The mucous membrane of the anterior palatine arches is hyperemic, especially their free edge. Regional lymph nodes are often enlarged and somewhat painful on palpation. Large tonsils are not always a sign of chronic tonsillitis (in children this is physiological); on the contrary, chronic inflammatory changes often develop in small (hidden) tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis should be differentiated from pharyngromicosis.

The treatment is conservative, carried out mainly in uncomplicated forms of chronic tonsillitis: the tonsils are systematically washed with disinfectant solutions (furatsilin 1:5000, penicillin 1:10,000 units, ethacridine lactate 1:5000, etc.) followed by lubrication of the tonsil lacunae with Lugol's solution. Washing can be combined with physiotherapy: ultraviolet irradiation through a special tube (suberythemal dose), UHF currents on the region of regional lymph nodes. If necessary, such a course of treatment (12-15 washes) is repeated after 2-4 months. In the absence of effect, as well as in complicated forms of chronic tonsillitis, the palatine tonsils are removed (tonsillectomy). If there are contraindications to the operation, cryotherapy is applied to the tissue of the palatine tonsils. Relative contraindications to tonsillectomy: tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc., in each case, the otorhinolaryngologist discusses them with the therapist. The operation should be performed no earlier than 3 weeks after suffering a sore throat. The most common complications of the operation include bleeding and exacerbation of diseases associated with the pathology of the palatine tonsils.

Prevention. Persons who often suffer from angina (especially children) should be registered with the dispensary. Sanitation of the oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, restoration of free breathing through the nose, hardening of the body, improvement of working and living conditions are shown. To prevent complications, such as rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, heart, etc., it is necessary to eliminate the focus of chronic inflammation.

Treatment of tonsillitis with the methods of oriental medicine

Traditional Tibetan or Chinese herbal medicine for tonsillitis

Spang.rgyan.bco.lnga (Pangen 15, sPANG.rGYAN15 - GENTIANA 15).

Acupuncture for tonsillitis

Su-Jok therapy for tonsillitis

Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of "similarity", allows you to influence a diseased organ, part of the body, a meridian, a point and even a chakra! It's kind of subspecies of reflexology, often allowing for a therapeutic effect without interrupting the patient from solving his own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently, a huge amount of literature on the Su-Jok system for "non-medical" has been released, where recommendations are given in a simple and accessible form for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions. Recommended source: books published by the Su-Jok Academy of Moscow (Twist for everyone, Thumb - head, Yoga of a smile, etc.).

Massage and manual therapy for tonsillitis

Hirudotherapy for tonsillitis

Vacuum therapy for tonsillitis

Methods of active vacuum therapy (cupping massage) can further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, cause local vasodilation, positively affect the condition of skin pores and sebum secretion.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

The methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, make it possible to painlessly form scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Stone therapy for tonsillitis

The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of "gymnastics" for the vessels. Massage with the use of stones is easier for the massage therapist and therefore longer in time. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones contributes to the toning of the Yang energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through the tissue, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in St. Petersburg

A consultation on treatment with traditional oriental medicine (acupressure, manual therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Taoist psychotherapy and other non-drug methods of treatment) is held at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Lomonosov 14, K.1 (7-10 minutes walk from the metro station "Vladimirskaya / Dostoevskaya"), with 9.00 to 21.00, without lunch and days off.

It has long been known that the best effect in the treatment of diseases is achieved with the combined use of "Western" and "Eastern" approaches. Significantly reduce the duration of treatment, reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the disease. Since the "eastern" approach, in addition to techniques aimed at treating the underlying disease, pays great attention to the "cleansing" of blood, lymph, blood vessels, digestive tract, thoughts, etc. - often this is even a necessary condition.

The consultation is free of charge and does not obligate you to anything. On her highly desirable all the data of your laboratory and instrumental research methods over the last 3-5 years. After spending only 30-40 minutes of your time, you will learn about alternative methods of treatment, learn how to improve the effectiveness of already prescribed therapy and, most importantly, about how you can fight the disease yourself. You may be surprised - how everything will be logically built, and understanding the essence and causes - the first step to successful problem solving!

With the onset of cold weather, many are faced with the unpleasant problem of coughing and sore throats. Folk methods from different countries offer an alternative to tablets and powders. Consider how they cope with inconvenience in exotic and warm countries. The described means will allow you to feel better and touch another culture.


Pear for a couple

Koreans cope with painful sensations in the throat using an ordinary pear and its juice. To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the fruit and carefully remove the pulp from it with a teaspoon, but not too close to the walls so as not to break them. In the freed space, you need to put finely chopped or grated ginger, a medium-sized cinnamon stick and a teaspoon of honey. Koreans often add a handful of pine nuts and red dates. To completeness, report with those pieces that you have already got. Then you should rotate the teaspoon inside to mix the ingredients. After that, the pear is placed in a glass or mug and slowly heated for a couple of about 1 hour. The fruit should become soft and give juice.


Honey radish salad

To do this, you will need not the usual black radish, but a white variety, which in China is also called daikon. It contains a large amount of vitamin A and C, as well as calcium, which are deficient in the inhabitants of the northern regions of China. To prepare a salad, daikon must either be finely chopped or grated. Then mix the vegetable with 1-2 tablespoons of honey. It takes several days to prepare and eat the salad. During this time, the throat will gradually soften and discomfort will disappear.

The Chinese also believe that many useful properties are found in ginger. Tea is prepared from it, in which cane sugar and red dates are also placed. You need to cook it in a small saucepan - 1 time for about 3 cups. For 750 ml. water will need about 15 g of ginger, 30 g of brown sugar and 30 g of red dates, which are pre-cut into halves. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, after which it is ready to be served.


iron tea

Greeks also cope with sore throat syndrome with the help of tea. It is brewed from a special plant called Sideritis. In translation, it literally means "iron product". In ancient times, it was brought to the Greeks by shepherds who went to graze their cattle in the mountains. It is also known in Russia under the name "zheleznica". It can be found in the Black Sea region and the Caucasus. The leaves and flowers of the plant are used to make tea.


Inhalation and rinsing

Warm milk with honey and butter is traditionally used to reduce sore throat and soften it. Also, people often use inhalations on hot boiled potatoes. Today, medical solutions that can be bought at pharmacies are increasingly being used. For example, Hexoral. It contains hexotedin, which helps to destroy most of the viruses, and also makes the discomfort in the throat less. The drug works for about 12 hours. Absorbable tablets or inhalers are also used.

Cherokee Indians

Healing drink from yarrow

The Indians who lived on both sides of the American Appalachians did not know about any pills before. They solved throat problems by brewing yarrow leaves and stems. It is proved that the substances contained in it increase the body's resistance. Tea turns out bitter, but quickly relieves the disease.


Garlic honey and hibiscus

In the country of pyramids and pharaohs, garlic-scented honey was prepared to get rid of a sore throat. To do this, garlic cloves need to be cut into small pieces, but it is better to grind to a homogeneous gruel, then mix with honey. But to get rid of cough, the Egyptians used hibiscus. Several flowers were added to the bath or made on its basis a decoction for inhalation.

Laryngeal cancer accounts for about 3% of all human malignant tumors. The disease affects mainly men aged 40-60 years, who make up 80-95% of patients. Laryngeal cancer is characterized by the presence of malignant tumors in the tissues of the larynx. It is believed that smoking and alcohol abuse contribute to the development of the disease.

Gradually, in lovers of alcoholic beverages and smokers, the cells of the larynx are modified, which is the beginning of the precancerous process. Risk factors are also infectious diseases of the oral cavity, human papillomavirus, environmental pollution. Today, there is a trend towards a decrease in the growth of the disease, which is associated with the refusal of many people to stop smoking.

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer

There are 4 stages of laryngeal cancer:

  • In stage I, the ulcer or tumor is limited to the mucous membrane and does not spread beyond one part of the larynx.
  • In stage II, an ulcer or tumor occupies the entirety of any part of the larynx. The mobility of the larynx is not impaired. Metastases are not defined.
  • In stage III, the tumor spreads to the underlying tissues. The mobility of the corresponding half of the larynx is impaired. Single or multiple regional metastases are determined.
  • During stage IV, the tumor grows into neighboring organs. Fixed metastases in the lymph nodes of the neck are determined.

The first signs of the disease are similar to the symptoms of a common cold. Often they manifest themselves in regular laryngeal pains, difficulty swallowing, voice changes, tumors in the neck. The most common symptoms of laryngeal cancer include:

  • sore throat that does not go away;
  • change in voice, such as hoarseness or hoarseness;
  • persistent ear pain
  • persistent cough;
  • labored breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • blood in sputum.

Diagnosis of cancer of the larynx

Diagnosis of laryngeal cancer in China is based on an objective assessment of the prevalence and features of a tumor lesion of the larynx. The doctor examines the larynx using laryngoscopy. The method of indirect laryngoscopy involves examining the patient's throat with a small mirror. With direct laryngoscopy, a flexible thin laryngoscope is inserted through the oral cavity or nasal passage to the patient, which allows assessing the condition of the walls of the larynx and vocal cords. Video endoscopy of the larynx is performed - examination of the larynx using endoscopic equipment.

The use of computed tomography (CT) makes it possible to obtain a series of x-rays that allow you to determine the size of the tumor, its prevalence in the lymph nodes. The only way to confirm the presence of laryngeal cancer is a biopsy. The procedure consists in taking a piece of tissue or puncturing the tumor with a needle. The preliminary response of the study in Chinese clinics is received after 2 hours, the final one - after 2 days.

Treatment of laryngeal cancer

For the treatment of laryngeal cancer in China a combination of advanced Western technologies (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, radiofrequency hyperthermia of tumors) and methods of traditional Chinese medicine are used. For cancer of the vocal cords stage I and II in cancer clinics in China radiation therapy or chemotherapy is used, in stage III and IV - combined treatment (radiation therapy and laryngectomy).

Given the huge population of China, Chinese surgeons have accumulated tremendous experience in treatment. With the help of surgery, the tumor, some parts of the larynx and nearby organs are removed. Chemotherapy, used in Chinese hospitals, involves the introduction into the patient's body of cytostatic drugs that destroy tumor cells or slow down tumor growth.

The use of drugs based on ancient Chinese recipes helps to recover painlessly after surgical treatment, and increase the level of immunity.

NewMed Center is ready to represent your interests in the leading cancer centers in China. Based on an extract from your medical history, we will offer you an individual program of examination, diagnosis and treatment in an oncology clinic specializing in the treatment of laryngeal cancer.

The price of the whole complex of examination, diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal cancer compares favorably with the price in similar clinics in the USA, Germany and Israel.

Medicines and going to the doctor in China: all the names and expressions for all occasions

Unfortunately, even in sunny South China, after a chilly winter, our immunity is weakened, and viral diseases can knock us down at the most inopportune moment. "South China" decided to create a universal phrase book for going to a pharmacy and a hospital, where you, even if you do not have Chinese language skills, can identify all your problems and get the right medicine or treatment:

Medicines for colds and flu:

快克 (Paracetamol and Amantadine) Price ≈ 14.80 yuan 日夜百服宁Bufferin Cold - (composed of Paracetamol, Dextromethorphan and other active substances.) Price ≈ 9.80-13.20 yuan.

泰诺酚麻美敏片 Tylenol Cold (Paracetamol, Dextromethorphan and other active substances) Price ≈ 15 yuan.

Chinese medicine: 三精双黄连口服液 An effective bittersweet syrup for cold symptoms. Price ≈11-15 yuan 999 Gan Mao Ling (999感冒灵) - powder for the prevention and treatment of flu and colds. Price ≈ 10 yuan. 四季感冒片Cure for colds and flu, eliminates weakness of the body Price ≈ 5-20 yuan

口服 - oral medication 开水冲服 - dissolve in boiled water

一次1袋,一日3次 - 1 time (次) - 1 sachet, 1 day (日) 3 times

For sore throat

"Golden Throat" (金嗓子喉宝) - sucking herbal lollipops for sore throat and sore throat. Depending on the packaging ≈ 15-30 yuan.
复方片仔瀇含片 is an analogue of grammidin, with an anesthetic. From a sore throat. Price from 17.00 yuan

金喉健喷雾剂 - an effective spray for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Price 10.90-13.00 yuan

枇杷膏 Pipa Gao - Syrup for cough and sore throat. Price 20-30 yuan 桂林西瓜霜 analgesic, eliminates inflammation, fever Price from 5-10 yuan 清开灵片 (颗粒) - pills for colds, fever, cough and sore throat. 止咳丸 - homeopathy for cough. When used with cough syrup, the effect improves Price 18.00

From a cold

鼻腔喷雾器 nasal spray

小柴胡颗粒 - analogue of ingavirin, kagocel
芥未粉 (芥未药粉) - mustard powder

For a headache

阿咖酚散 (or 头疼粉 tóuténg fěn) analogue of citramone, in the form of white powder in sachets 必理通 - panadol Price ≈6-10 yuan

霍香正气口服液 - against 中暑 - heat stroke. Tastes nasty, but it helps. You can drink for prevention.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

双歧杆菌四联活菌片 - combined bifidobacteria and lactobacilli 雷贝拉唑钠肠溶胶囊 - rabeprazole (Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, gastroesophageal reflux disease) - Tremibutin (A drug that regulates the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. motor disorders in functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; dyspeptic disorders in gastroduodenal diseases (abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, vomiting); irritable bowel syndrome, manifested by pain, colic in the abdominal cavity, intestinal cramps, flatulence , diarrhea and/or constipation) Price ≈15.50 yuan 溶胶囊. An analogue of Creon 胰酶肠溶片 - pancreatin (active ingredient in Mezim) 亚麻籽 - flax seed 开胃健脾丸 - Digestion disorders, lack of appetite Price ≈22.40 yuan 溃疡颗粒 Price(北京同仁堂) 贝拉唑钠肠溶胶囊for gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, reflex esophagitis Price from¥37.00

双歧杆菌三联活菌片 - tablets (bifido-, lactobacilli) analogue of bifiform, biovestinalacto, etc. Used for dysbacteriosis after antibiotics.

Treatment and skin care

云南白药 - from bruises and wounds, dispersing blood stasis and activating blood circulation. Price ≈ 30.00 麝香祛痛搽剂 - bruise ointment with a warming effect. Price ≈ 49 Yun 美宝湿润烧伤膏 - ointment for burns Price ≈ ¥34 莫匹罗星软膏 - mupirocin, antiseptic ointment, not an antibiotic, resistance does not occur, for example, it can stop a ripening boil. Price≈13.70-26.8 From natural: 芦荟软胶囊 - soft gel capsules with aloe vera. Gently cleanses the skin. Price from 60 yuan 海娜粉 - Henna. There are colored and colorless, good for hair. 红霉素软膏 - Erythromycin ointment (acne, acne, pustular formations on the skin, burns of varying severity, bedsores, trophic ulcers). Price from 5 yuan 牛黄消炎片antipyretic drug, eliminates inflammation, anesthetizes, used for boils, inflammation of wounds Price ¥6.60 - 12.00 莫匹罗星antibiotic for external use in case of skin infection. Price ¥13.70-26.80 夏枯草膏 elimination of inflammation, mastitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland Price ¥23.80-23.90 红霉素软膏 erythromycin ointment for purulent skin diseases and skin infections, ulcers, burns of the small surface of the skin 胶 ointment, used for light burns, wounds and insect bites Price ¥7 复方酮康唑软膏 ointment for fungal skin diseases. Price ¥ 5.90-12.30


999复方醋酸地塞米松软膏, 999抗酸莫米松凝胶- Ointment for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema and allergies, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic and chronic eczema Price ¥ 8

How angina is treated in China


Tonsillitis- acute or chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils. Acute tonsillitis is also called angina.

When diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, treatment in traditional Chinese medicine is carried out without surgery using phytotherapy methods and medical procedures.

For the maximum therapeutic effect in the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis, treatment is prescribed individually, taking into account all the main and concomitant factors of the disease. The main direction that the treatment of tonsillitis in traditional Chinese medicine has is to increase immunity and improve the energy status of the body.

The treatment of chronic tonsillitis in our clinic is complex, including procedures (vacuum therapy, jade massage, etc.) and phytotherapy, which normalize the production and composition of mucus, have an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to the treatment, chronic foci of inflammation are completely eliminated, immunity is increased, and the breathing process is normalized. The effectiveness of such complex therapy is very high, which allows you to reliably eliminate chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, including chronic tonsillitis.

When diagnosed with tonsillitis, the symptoms are as follows:

Pain when swallowing, drooling, high fever for 3 or more days, difficulty breathing, white or yellowish coating on the tonsils.

As in the case of other diseases of the respiratory tract, when diagnosed with tonsillitis, the symptoms depend on the form of the disease - acute tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis.
In the case when chronic tonsillitis occurs, the symptoms are less pronounced, the disease can proceed sluggishly, without exacerbations in the form of tonsillitis, manifesting itself as periodic mild sore throat, an increase in the size of the tonsils, and low-grade fever.

However, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis leads to a general decrease in immunity and can provoke other respiratory diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the cause of tonsillitis is an imbalance of energy in the meridian of the lungs, which is responsible for the functions of mucous organs and surfaces, the lymphatic system and immunity. As a result of its imbalance, there is a decrease in local immunity (primarily in the respiratory tract), which creates conditions for the development of the inflammatory process.

With tonsillitis, the inflammatory process is localized on the palatine tonsils, which are commonly called tonsils.

Chronic tonsillitis and acute tonsillitis

Depending on the nature of the course, acute and chronic tonsillitis are distinguished.
Acute tonsillitis develops against a background of reduced immunity and is caused either by viruses (viral tonsillitis) or bacteria (tonsillitis). The acute phase of the disease is characterized by symptoms such as high fever (up to 39-40 degrees), severe sore throat, especially when swallowing, difficulty breathing, enlarged and reddening of the palatine tonsils, white or yellowish plaques on the tonsils. An increase in the tonsils in acute tonsillitis can reach such an extent that they completely block the lumen of the pharynx.

In case of incorrect or insufficient treatment of acute tonsillitis, it can become chronic. Its main symptoms are: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, fever, halitosis. Among the accompanying symptoms are acne, dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and a number of others.

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by periodic exacerbations (frequent tonsillitis) with the same symptoms as in acute tonsillitis. Typically, such exacerbations occur against the background of hypothermia or psycho-emotional instability. The danger of chronic tonsillitis is that it is a constant source of infection in the body with the risk of infection spreading to other organs, including the kidneys and heart.


Good time of the day!

My history of acquaintance with drugs. It's no secret that TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has been around for thousands of years. But it so happened that China is our neighbor, and the experience of treatment is adopted with difficulty. I had doctors in my family. Grandmother, a therapist, left behind a couple of books on herbal medicine. And I have a very strong faith in herbs.

I myself do not collect herbs, but in the pharmacy I leave a decent amount for each next epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections. First you buy for a throat, then for a runny nose, then for a cough.

You have to work - you can't get sick. You will reach the last and you understand that you have to drink antibiotic. The consequences of dysbacteriosis, and my favorite dysentery is right there. Many understand what despair is when nothing helps, only temporary relief. It’s okay for yourself, but the child is sick ... it’s already becoming unbearable. Many mothers will understand me! Of course, the environment and all that. A thermal power plant smokes nearby, and an aluminum plant is 30 km away.

It would be necessary to move to ecologically clean areas ... but that's another story.

My daughter has constant colds. and enlarged tonsils, sore throat. I've been sick for 2 weeks, I've been studying for a maximum of a month. Then he gets sick again. In search of a good Laura had to travel to the other end of the city for sanitation. He cured our throat with official methods. Immunity lasted for half a year. Sanation prescribed us every six months. Six months later we arrived with a sore throat. I stuck a pepper plaster on the throat behind the ears on the points, as the complications went to the ears. It was then that he realized that non-traditional treatment would suit us. It turned out that our ENT is a TCM specialist. He described the type according to some kind of meridians ... lack of qi. Pale, sweating, freezing ... Everything coincided. Wrote the course of treatment and the address of Lee West's office.

I didn't immediately run to Lee West. There was no trust to such distributors, the attitude in my circle, as to scammers. But I thought that I wasn’t losing much and decided to take a chance, I bought the first remedy from the course of treatment, acting like an antibiotic, only on herbs. There are two pharmacies in our city of Lee West. On the Internet, the price is 600-700, you can find Lee West in any major city. In pharmacies, there is rarely something from TCM preparations; in pharmacies of our city, there is practically nothing.

The first test passed on her husband. One pill cleared his throat and runny nose. I had the same sore throat. I decided to drink a course of 10 days.

Surprisingly, the sore throat was gone in five minutes. At the same time, conflicting feelings of surprise and disappointment arose in me. Disappointment in our pharmacy medicines, in general in official medicine. I have certainly heard of miraculous cures. But faith in official medicine was still alive. All the same, my cousin is a doctor, and starting a conversation about other medicines is like starting a civil war in a totalitarian state)

This is how we live now. “Well, well, bring money to the hucksters,” said my doctor sister. And I'll carry it ... Still better than in pharmacies. And I wish prosperity to the Lee West Firm. And those who have cured something with TCM at least once will go to Lee West. Well, except that I will buy Traumel ointment from Hel at the pharmacy. And that's another story.)

Lee West's website says:

The action of the drug

Action according to traditional Chinese medicine


Pills "Silver Feather" tasted disgusting to me. Lor said to drink warm water and chew thoroughly. The daughter somehow persuaded me to bite off in small pieces and swallow like bitter pills. It smells disgusting, reminiscent of the taste of mummy. You have to take one pill a day. Course 10 days.



The daughter was assigned to divide in half. Then I found out at the Lee West pharmacy that for our region it is enough to take half the dose, which significantly reduces the cost of treatment) 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.

For 1 day, the temperature was gone. 3 passed the runny nose and incipient cough. On the 5th day she was completely healthy.

And all this for 600 rubles. O_O Can you imagine my shock? In the pharmacy, I left 6-7 thousand at a time. Left my daughter at home for decency for a couple more days so that the teachers would not think of us. A week later, completely healthy again to study, without congestion and residual cough!

One drawback, my daughter does not like it - it’s not enough to sit at home, the recovery is very fast

Silver feather. Package

Silver feather. pills

cut silver feather

My observations: The second time it didn't work so fast. I think you need to alternate drugs and take breaks. In addition to the silver pen, in the anti-inflammatory section you will find others that are no less effective. So, one remedy against a whole arsenal of pharmacies. All health!

What a terrible cold. The best cure for disease is prevention. It is possible to prevent any disease, there would be a desire. Chinese medicine states that many diseases are more than 150 stages of an uncured cold. Let's learn not to catch a cold.

You have probably noticed that in one case, the treatment helps, and in the other, not so much. The fact is that colds are different. By Chinese medicine a pathogenic factor (in European medicine, these are viruses and bacteria) may have the properties of heat or cold. Accordingly, the treatment should be completely opposite. If it is not started in time, then the cold in the body can transform into heat - the treatment will need to be radically changed.

Let's start by dressing for the weather. Listen to the forecast, look at the thermometer and get dressed. Be afraid of the wind. The wind is a cart on which pathogenic factors enter the body. The gates of the wind are located on the back of the back and the back of the head, so you must always turn to face it. We must try not to get wet and not to freeze the feet. Keep your lower back and stomach warm.

The Chinese are generally reverent about the navel. Many meridians connected with the sexual sphere pass and intersect in the abdomen. Now it’s clear where so many problems in gynecology come from, look at how modern girls dress. I have nothing against nice trendy jeans and a short jacket, but not in - 40 degrees.

If you are still cold, you should take measures to remove the cold from the body as soon as possible. Cold is usually manifested by nasal congestion or copious clear discharge, chills, headache, body aches, and low temperature. Look at the tongue - you can see a thin white coating on it, the urine is usually light. Even if you cannot decide, start urgent preventive measures. From the cold, the pores on the skin narrow (from the cold, in general, everything shrinks).

In order not to get sick, you need to open the pores (sweat) and expel cold from the body. This is done easily and pleasantly. If possible, you can climb up and sit in a hot bath or bath, drink a decoction of ginger (a finely chopped piece of ginger is simmered over low heat in 200 ml of water for 30 minutes), in extreme cases, hot tea, or cognac, or pepper (do not get drunk, but drink), put on warm socks with mustard and wrap yourself in a blanket, sweat well. It is important to do all this and sweat. In the morning you are like a cucumber, you will not get sick.

In European medicine, this role is played by paracetamol. Just do not abuse it too much, carefully read the side effects. It is not for nothing that mulled wine was invented - a hot drink made from red wine with sugar and spices. It contains cinnamon, which has the property of opening pores and warming. So if possible, when you get cold, run to the nearest cafe and drink mulled wine. But remember!!! The northerner is not the one who does not freeze, but the one who dresses warmly.

If you are too lazy or forgot to do it, the cold can turn into heat. The time it takes for everyone is different, sometimes hours (1 or 2), you can not have time and you will have to be treated in a completely different way. Heat in the body is manifested by an increase in temperature to 38 and above. The nasal discharge will become thicker, sometimes yellow or green. There will be pain in the throat. The coating on the tongue will be yellow. Urine rich yellow. You can feel your heart rate increase.

In this case, you should not do all of the above. Antibiotics will help here, as they are "cold in nature." Now you need to expel the heat. In Chinese medicine, there are special herbs that are cold in nature, expelling heat. Moreover, herbs can be tropic to a diseased organ (i.e., treat only the organ in which there is inflammation). Contact a Chinese medicine specialist for them.

You can and should be healthy. We just need to do something about it. And usually people are lazy, do not find time, hope that it will pass by itself. But don't forget there are 150 more... stages of an uncured cold. The pathogenic factor can linger on the skin, go into the muscles (myositis), into the organs (pneumonia), along the meridians and barriers. No one would have thought that, for example, an inguinal hernia is a cold in the liver meridian.

Pathogenic factors can cause stagnation of qi, followed by stagnation of blood, and cause new diseases. Facial wind paralysis is caused by wind (in the presence of additional factors). It is very bad to get caught in the rain and stay in wet clothes for a long time, cold and dampness can get into the body. Or after a good workout, sweaty (when the pores are open) to enjoy the wind or continue training in the rain is very harmful.

In women, cold can cause discharge (leucorrhea) or pain in the lower abdomen. The gynecologist will be happy to prescribe an examination (usually they are looking for the pathogen), as a rule, they will find something and prescribe antibiotics (which are cold). At best, the situation will not change, and at worst, it will get worse.

Long-term cold can be the cause of infertility or miscarriage. A specialist in Chinese medicine will determine the presence of cold in the body based on complaints and conditions, prescribe warming herbs or procedures (heating with jars or wormwood cigars, (very pleasant procedures)), prepare the body for conception.

People! Love yourself! Love your loved ones! Be responsible! Be healthy! It is better to be active and do what you love than to lie in bed, swallow chemistry (it is not known whether it will help) and sit in queues to the doctor for 3 hours. In our troubled times, there is no time to get sick!

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