Home Potato What to make from plasticine at 10 years old. Crafts from plasticine: the best ideas for simple figures and tips for sculpting them with your own hands (95 photos). We make a bus from plasticine

What to make from plasticine at 10 years old. Crafts from plasticine: the best ideas for simple figures and tips for sculpting them with your own hands (95 photos). We make a bus from plasticine

At the same time, when teaching a child to sculpt, it is necessary to adhere to some important rules, namely:

  • make together with him only crafts that are interesting to him, for example, figurines of his favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters;
  • accompany modeling classes by watching animated films;
  • help the child with any difficulties that arise, for example, independently make small elements of crafts;
  • set an example, that is, show the child techniques with which you can make various geometric shapes - balls, squares, sausages, and so on.

Thus, the child will be more interested in the type of needlework offered to him and, for sure, will achieve a lot of success in it.

PHOTO step by step - How to make figures from plasticine

Many young parents are wondering how to make light plasticine figures without proper practical experience. In fact, everything is simple - you just need to use the appropriate photo and video instructions, many of which are available on our website, which show in detail each process of sculpting a particular figure.

For example, as part of today's lesson, we will analyze in detail the process of making a figurine of a small funny snail, which even a three-year-old child can make together with his parent.

So, let’s get started on how to make figures from plasticine.

First, let's take some blue material, soften it well and give it the shape of a sausage curved towards the top. Then, using a plastic stack or a toothpick, draw a smile.

Next, we will make blanks for the snail’s future eyes. As you know, snails have eyes that are located on peculiar elongated sticks, which is what we need to do. We attach these sticks to the top of the snail's head.

We insert small balls made of white mass into the upper part of the blanks, and in their centers we make small inclusions of black material. The eyes are ready.

We fashion a shell for the snail from red, orange or pink and attach it to the lower part of the body.

All that remains is to decorate the snail’s shell with green circles and an orange curl. The craft is ready.

As you can see, the plasticine figures in the video turned out to be quite funny and original. By the way, if you make the snail’s body not blue, but brown and make some changes to the decor of the shell, then it is quite possible to sculpt the main character of the cartoon “Turbo”.

VIDEO lesson - Plasticine snail

Plasticine figures updated: April 30, 2019 by: i7allia

Modeling is not only useful for the development of fine motor skills, but also an incredibly interesting activity for children. In the process of modeling, a child can realize his fantasies, and handmade toys will delight both the child and his parents. The article contains interesting ideas for modeling lessons with children under 2 years old, 2-4 years old, 4-6 years old.

Modeling from plasticine for children under 2 years old: ideas for activities

Often, children's acquaintance with plasticine or other materials for modeling begins very early - from about 1-1.5 years. The main rule when working with these materials, which the child must learn, is that plasticine must not be put into the mouth.

How to introduce your baby to plasticine for the first time: some tips for parents

  • First, the baby must touch the plasticine, and then you need to teach him the simplest manipulations with this material. Show your child how to pinch off a piece, roll a ball, press on the ball, smear the plasticine, and then invite him to do these actions on his own with the modeling material.
  • You can also leave marks on plasticine with various animal figures, and then compare these marks with the baby in size and shape.
  • After your child has mastered some techniques for working with plasticine, you can make a picture with him using modeling elements, using the acquired skills in practice. To do this, you need to take the finished picture and make three-dimensional details on it with plasticine. For example, mouse tails, white dots on a fly agaric, or others. The kids do this task with pleasure.
  • When the baby learns the simplest manipulations with plasticine, you can safely begin the first crafts. It's better to start with animal figures.

Craft from plasticine “Hedgehog NOH”

Try making a hedgehog with your baby. For the craft, prepare:

  • brown plasticine;
  • a small piece of black plasticine;
  • buckwheat;
  • stack (knife);
  • board.


  1. Roll 1 ball of brown plasticine for the body of the hedgehog and 3 small balls for the nose and eyes of the hedgehog.
  2. Pull out one side of the ball to create a pointed nose.
  3. Take one small black ball and make a nose out of it for a hedgehog.
  4. Use the two remaining black balls to make eyes for the hedgehog.
  5. Take buckwheat and, grain by grain, row by row, make spines for the hedgehog.
  6. The hedgehog is ready.

What to sculpt from plasticine with children 2-4 years old: examples of crafts

Craft “Flying saucer for space lovers”

Materials, tools for sculpting:

  • plasticine blue, light blue, white, orange, pink;
  • stack;
  • board.


  1. We roll 2 large balls of blue and light blue, several small balls of white, orange and pink plasticine, and also make 3 small blue sausages.
  2. We flatten the bottom of the large balls and connect them together. The result was the base of a flying saucer.
  3. We attach 3 sausages to the base of the saucer, which will serve as a support for the flying saucer.
  4. We flatten small balls of different colors and attach them to a plate to make portholes.
  5. The flying saucer is ready to travel to different planets.

Craft “Ruddy Kolobok in a forest clearing”

Materials and tools:

  • plasticine yellow, red, black, green;
  • spruce, pine cones;
  • knife for cutting plasticine;
  • board.


  1. You need to roll 2 large yellow and green balls, 4 small yellow balls, 2 small black balls and a thin red sausage.
  2. From a large yellow ball you need to form the body of a bun.
  3. From small yellow balls, first the legs and then the arms of the kolobok are formed.
  4. From small black balls you need to form the eyes of the bun.
  5. Make a mouthful from a thin sausage.
  6. The bun is completely ready.
  7. You need to roll out a large green ball and make a path out of it. You can plant a bun on the path.
  8. Along the edges of the path, plant trees made of pine and fir cones, pre-painted.
  9. The gingerbread man - his ruddy side is ready to roll along the forest path.

Animals from plate: craft “Piggy Nemo in the sea”


  • plasticine pink, blue, black;
  • knife for cutting plasticine;
  • board.


  1. You need to make 2 large balls of pink and blue plasticine, as well as 9 small pink balls, 2 tiny black balls.
  2. A large blue ball needs to be flattened and made into a blue sea.
  3. From a large pink ball you need to make the body of a pig and place it in the “sea”.
  4. From four small pink balls you need to roll 4 sausages and attach them to the pig’s body - you get legs. You can make small stripes on the pig's legs.
  5. From two more small pink balls you need to make eyes for Nemo the pig. Make pupils from black plasticine and attach them to the pig’s eyes.
  6. From the two remaining pink balls you need to form ears and attach them to the pig.
  7. The result is a funny pig “Nemo”, swimming in the sea.

Lcape for children 4-6 years old: 2 master classes

Plasticine craft “Palm tree on a green island”


  • plasticine green, gray, burgundy, dark green, orange;
  • board;
  • stack.

Preparation method:

  1. To make a palm tree, you need to roll 1 large green ball, 2 thick sausages in gray and burgundy, 5 flattened dark green sausages and 9 small orange balls.
  2. From a large green ball you need to make an island on which the palm tree will grow.
  3. Gray and burgundy sausages need to be cut into small pucks, from which the trunk of a palm tree will be formed.
  4. You need to fasten the washers to each other one by one. The palm trunk is ready.
  5. From flattened dark green sausages you need to form leaves for the palm tree and attach them to the trunk.
  6. Orange balls need to be attached to a palm tree - these are coconuts growing on a tree. Several of these balls need to be attached to the island (these will be already ripe coconuts that have fallen from a palm tree).
  7. The palm tree on the green island is ready.

Craft “Valiant medieval knight”


  • black and gray plasticine;
  • board, stack

Algorithm for completing the craft:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare “spare parts” for the knight. From black plasticine you need to make a cylinder, 8 sausages, 1 medium-sized ball and 6 small balls, 2 cones - one larger, the other smaller.
  2. From gray plasticine you need to make 1 thin pancake and 2 small pancakes.
  3. First you need to make the arms and legs of a knight; for this you need to connect the sausages together using balls. Attach small gray pancakes to the legs.
  4. Then you need to make the body of a knight. To do this, connect the cylinder to a larger black cone. Attach the legs.
  5. Next we attach the arms to the body.
  6. The knight's head remains. We connect a large black ball to a smaller cylinder. It turns out a head with a collar.
  7. You need to make slits on the gray pancake and attach it to the knight's head. It will turn out to be a visor. A knight's helmet can be decorated with a feather.
  8. Next you need to connect the head and torso.
  9. To make a truly valiant medieval knight, you need to give him a spear made from the shaft of a pen with a tip made of gray plasticine.
  10. The knight is ready for the jousting tournament arranged by the king.

In kindergarten, teachers often conduct classes on modeling various crafts from plasticine. These lessons not only develop fine motor skills, they also develop abstract, logical thinking in children. In addition, children are interested in the process, which has a beneficial effect on their behavior and concentration.

The main thing in the article

How to choose material for children's modeling?

There is a large selection of different materials for modeling on our market. The bright colors of plasticine will delight kids with their variety. However, before choosing one product or another, parents should consider the following:

  1. Material toxicity. Babies under two years old should not take plasticine from a Chinese or domestic manufacturer, which contains harmful dyes and raw materials obtained from petroleum distillation. The ingredients are usually written on the back of the box. Pay attention to plasticine from foreign companies. It is much more expensive, but natural ingredients are used to create it.
  2. Material color. Too bright, unnatural colors of the product may be an indicator of low-quality plasticine. More precisely, the manufacturer uses harmful chemical dyes for its production.
  3. The scent of plasticine. Pungent odors indicate the use of toxic components in the manufacture of modeling material. The best option when choosing plasticine is a product without any aromas or fragrances.
  4. Consistency of the material. If the raw material for modeling is too hard, then a small child will not be able to soften it. You should choose soft plasticine. These products are produced by well-known foreign companies: Herlitz, Jovi, Koh-i-Nor etc.

Do not purchase products for modeling at spontaneous markets. It is better to buy plasticine in supermarkets, hypermarkets, large, specialized children's stores, where there is a quality certificate for the product.

Tools for children's crafts made from plasticine

You can’t do without auxiliary tools when creating different types of crafts. Therefore, choosing plasticine is only half the battle. You will also need:

  • A board for rolling out shapes.
  • Stacks - as an auxiliary tool.
  • Rolling pin - to roll out the plasticine cake.
  • Wet wipes. With them, the child's hands will remain clean.

Plasticine crafts for little ones

Babies 2-3 years old are not yet able to sculpt figures from plasticine with a large number of small components. Therefore, they need a little help and simpler tasks. Then the process of modeling will turn into a pleasant, useful activity. Next, see different modeling ideas for young masters.

Like this giraffe will be made from 10 parts. Perhaps the child’s components will not be as smooth, but that’s okay, over time the crafts will get better and better.

Multicolored sports cars with plastic wheels a child of 2.5-3 years old can do it. This activity will bring him pleasure.

For children who already know how to roll round, long strips of plasticine, it will not be difficult to make a craft - snail with house(shell). You can mold the ears, eyes, and nose yourself if the baby does not roll up such small details on his own.

Roll from yellow plasticine bagels, just don’t let your child taste them.

The composition must be made of several parts. Sculpt the lower part on thick cardboard so that it retains its shape. Then place a mushroom on a white stem on this base.

Children's abilities are individual; each child has his own talents. The task of parents is to develop them. Mothers and fathers must also teach the baby what they themselves can do.

In particular, by the age of three, your child, with your help, will already be able to:

  • divide plasticine into parts,
  • make balls,
  • crush them
  • make stripes
  • twist them into a spiral
  • collect details into one composition.

Plasticine crafts for kindergarten

Already in the younger group, teachers conduct handicraft lessons with children. They give simple tasks to children. In the older group, children are already developing skills, and they create not only three-dimensional crafts, but also entire paintings from plasticine.

Working with plasticine, educators teach children order. After creating crafts, the child must wash his hands. It is not allowed to taste the modeling material. You should roll the parts for the craft only on a board (not on a table). You must handle plasticine carefully, namely: do not throw it at other children or on the floor, store the material only in a box, make sure that pieces of it do not fall on things.

Plasticine crafts for children - fruits

Crafts in the form of fruits and vegetables made from plasticine turn out to be very beautiful. They are not difficult to sculpt; some consist of only two parts (pear, apple, cherry). See below for examples of such products.

Crafts from plasticine animals with execution schemes

To make animals, you will need tools, plasticine of various colors. You can make this funny little bunny in less than an hour. See detailed instructions in the pictures below.

Good Burenka is made in ten stages. To prevent body parts from falling apart, they are connected with toothpicks.

For crafts "giraffe" you need to take plasticine:

  • yellow,
  • black,
  • white,
  • Brown color.

Sculpting order:

  1. Make a body, tail, legs, and ears from yellow plasticine.
  2. From black - hooves.
  3. From brown - spots on the body of the animal.
  4. Apply white plasticine to the eyes.

Next, see a detailed diagram for making a small tiger cub from orange plasticine.

How to make a horse, cat, dog, lion and pony: diagrams

For sculpting horses prepare immediately material, tools:

  • plasticine of different colors;
  • cardboard for stand;
  • paper, felt-tip pens for making eyes;
  • stacks, plank.


  1. Start with the mane and tail. To create them, roll out thin strips of different colors.
  2. Then make four legs out of white plasticine.
  3. Roll out the parts on the board: body, neck, head, ears.
  4. Prepare a stand - stick green plasticine onto cardboard.
  5. Assemble the horse using toothpicks.
  6. Glue the eyes.

Next, look at what parts it consists of. cat . Make them step by step and connect them together.

The image below shows in great detail how to do puppy . Follow the step by step diagram and you will have a beautiful dog.

Even with a 3-year-old child you can create a funny one lion cub , if you carefully look at the pictures below.

This shows the main components pony . All you have to do is divide the pink, black, blue plasticine into parts, mold these parts, and at the end connect them.

But the process is not over yet. Don't forget to glue the mane and tail to the pony.

DIY plasticine crafts for mother on March 8

Every child always anxiously prepares for the holidays. By March 8th, kids give gifts to their beloved mothers. Educators and teachers help children with this. Handmade flowers will delight any mother, especially since they were made by the hands of her beloved child.

DIY plasticine crafts for dad on February 23rd

It’s nice to receive a gift for dads on February 23rd from a child, especially if the kid tried hard and gives it from the heart.

DIY plasticine paintings

Crafts made from plasticine on a solid base can be different - three-dimensional (appliqués) and those created using the technique of relief modeling. The softened material is applied to the base using a stick or fingers. For young children, of course, it is better to use simpler drawings. And older children can already create entire masterpieces from plasticine.

Modeling from plasticine: step-by-step diagrams of original crafts

Owl from plasticine.

Ginger tiger cub made from plasticine - visual photo master class.

Step-by-step diagram - how to do it Hedgehog-Smesharika from plasticine.

Plasticine Barash.

Modeling from salt dough as an alternative to working with plasticine

Testoplasty is suitable for all ages. Moreover, any mother can prepare material for modeling.


  1. Add 200 g of flour, 200 g of medium-sized salt to a dry container, stir the mixture thoroughly.
  2. Pour 125 ml of vegetable oil and a little water into the same bowl, add gouache or food paint for color.
  3. You can make crafts from the finished dough.
  4. Leave the crafts to dry in a warm place for several days or in an oven at a temperature of no more than 60°C (5-6 hours).

Photo ideas for plasticine crafts

Do not leave your child unattended when he is doing a craft. Be calm if your child doesn’t succeed. Tell him how to sculpt, or help him make a difficult part of the product. Then the modeling process will give only good impressions to the baby.

How to make beautiful crafts from plasticine: video master classes

After reading this article, you will know how to make any craft from plasticine and what methods and techniques of modeling are used for this.

1. Techniques and methods of working with plasticine.

Have you already chosen which plasticine you will use to make a craft? (cm51). Have you prepared a board, stacks, a napkin for your hands and a comfortable work space? Are you ready for close communication with your child - so that no one distracts you?

Then start revealing the secrets of this plastic art to your baby!

Don’t forget that if your child still has poorly developed muscles in the fingers, forearm and hands, then for convenience, choose soft plasticine!

So, in order to start sculpting, you need to choose which method we will use:

Constructive - the craft is created from separate parts;

Plastic - a craft made from one piece;

Combined - using both constructive and plastic techniques.

Now we choose the method of completing the craft.

Tell your child that for any details he needs to first pull or pinch the piece with his hands, or he can cut it off using a stack.

For each element, prepare the required piece. Please pay attention to the child that for a large craft, more plasticine will be needed.

Before sculpting the craft itself, clearly show how to correctly perform these 7 sculpting techniques:

You might like the video:

2. How to make crafts from plasticine.

You can start sculpting with your baby at the age of 1.5 years.

Remember, in sculpting you will help him develop various abilities: creative and mental, develop abstract thinking, attention. And if you take into account the opinion of experts about the relationship between a child’s hand and speech, then your contribution to his future development will be simply priceless!

Therefore, never rush to do the work instead of him! Everything you want to show must be done on a separate piece!

You just need to prepare a workplace and the necessary materials, discuss what he wants to do, what techniques and methods of modeling he will use. It may be necessary to demonstrate once again the sculpting methods necessary for successful work.

With the youngest children, they usually make simple crafts from plasticine.

Every child is very interested in knowing how to make food from plasticine. Start with this!

And if you prepare edible homemade plasticine in advance (see 51), then your child will be even more happy! Here are examples of such work for a child:

This is an option for an older child:

If your child wants to learn how to make animals or insects from plasticine, then you can show your little one how to make a butterfly and decorate it with ready-made objects:

If your child is over 4 years old, then you can do it like this:

With a child over 5 years old you can do this:

Modeling animals also varies in complexity depending on the age of the child.

Various combined sculpting techniques are possible here.

To connect individual parts, rubbing is used if the parts are the same color. Sometimes pieces of matches are used to connect:

If you want to know how to make other animals from plasticine, you can watch the step-by-step instructions. (cm 53)

3. How to sculpt pictures from plasticine.

Remember! Each plasticine craft introduces the child to the world around him. However, it also shows you what is happening inside the baby himself.

This is a whole art! Nowadays, we have learned to use plasticine even in paintings.

The most difficult part of this job is preparing the background. The baby can’t do this without your help and active participation! But if the picture has no background, then you can only evaluate the result!

So, your child has decided to learn how to sculpt pictures, then you need:

  • Discuss the topic;
  • Prepare the necessary material;
  • Outline an implementation plan;
  • Talk about techniques and methods of sculpting

First, tell your child that real artists do not paint pictures in one day, since you need to think about every detail, and only then sculpt the picture itself.

Tell us that pressing and rubbing methods are used to prepare the background. And to work without a background, you need to prepare the entire drawing in pencil.

Every child wants to see the result of his work faster and hear that he is “Well done!”, so invite him to make the background together in advance.

Don’t be surprised, but sculpting pictures can also be done by a child at any age!

You can simply repeat these pictures with your child, or you can ask him to change some details or come up with them himself.

Get him interested in the fact that this work will hang on the wall like a real painting in his room or it can be given as a postcard.

Here is everything that can be made from plasticine! Now just teach this to your baby and get priceless results!

Modeling from plasticine, like any other handicraft, requires certain inclinations, as well as skills and abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom a child to such an exciting and educational activity gradually, moving from simple to more complex crafts.

You can start modeling with your child as early as two or three years of age. At this time, kids are already good at rolling sausages and koloboks, pinching off and smearing this material for creativity. Among other things, such activities allow you to develop fine motor skills well, as well as begin to form a child’s imagination, which is very important for his growing up and the correct interpretation of his life experiences.

It is worth noting that crafts with various small details, which are filled with popular children's modeling manuals, are beyond the capabilities of the smallest children, since a two-year-old child will not have enough motor skills or perseverance to do them. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the elementary, that is, with the creation of simple geometric shapes.

We will demonstrate what to make from plasticine in the photo below. To begin with, it is worth noting that modeling classes, during which the mother or father does almost all the work for the child, do not in the least contribute to the development of the child’s creative abilities. Of course, it is necessary to help the child, but he must do the bulk of the work himself. The best option would be to create one craft together, when one part is made by the child, and the other by one of the parents. You can also make two identical crafts so that the child can observe the actions of the mother and repeat them, guided by her prompts.

Light plasticine

There is a huge variety of crafts, the production of which does not require much experience or the use of special equipment. So, what can be molded from plasticine, see the photo below. This:

As you can see, there are many simple things that can make the first modeling lessons very exciting and fun, which is also very important in the first steps, because the child’s desire to develop his talents and move on to creating more complex figures and compositions will depend on the first impressions.

Gradually, you can move on to more complex crafts, for example, sculpting figurines of animals with various small details (legs, arms, ears, etc.) of various shades.

It is worth noting that during the first modeling lessons, you should not require your child to make figures of a perfectly even shape. It is important to understand that even the slightest dissatisfaction of a child with the process can forever discourage him from developing his abilities. If he is not disappointed, then soon your house will be filled with beautiful and cheerful figures for every taste.

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