Home Potato DIY photo album of my family. Scrapbooking ideas for beginners. Making a photo album with your own hands step by step with photos, detailed master class

DIY photo album of my family. Scrapbooking ideas for beginners. Making a photo album with your own hands step by step with photos, detailed master class

I really love giving gifts, especially to those people who are dear to me, and when there is no rush, but on the contrary, there is time and opportunity to think everything through properly!

March 1st was my friend Dinara’s birthday. We have known her literally since the cradle. From my diapers :), because She is a little older than me - she turned 30.


We spent our childhood, adolescence and youth together. We were friends, our mothers were friends, and besides, for two decades we were practically neighbors - we lived in the same house, only in different entrances.

In 2006, Dinara got married and moved to her husband, leaving our hometown. However, our friendship did not stop; on the contrary, it strengthened even more. Dinara’s brother still lives in Penza, and he kindly agreed to give her a gift from me when he was going to visit her to celebrate her birthday.

The basis for a scrap album

Printed photos

Glue stick

Regular scissors

Curly scissors

Clippings from unwanted postcards, magazines, etc.

Stickers (regular paper and 3D)

Charms, mobile keychain, adhesive flowers

A needle and white thread for attaching charms

Internet, inspiration and good mood;)

Basis for scrapbook

Such a wonderful thing can be purchased in departments and stores with hobby goods (often they are combined with stationery).

The base consists of several dense pieces. In my case there are 8 of them, i.e. approximately for 16 photos. Or, if you leave the first and last pages without photographs and decorate them in some other way, then for 14.

The format may be different. Like mine or in another blank - approximately 16 x 18 cm:

Or, for example, landscape format. My friend Lena made an album from this base and gave it to me for my birthday:

The designs on the blanks are different (in general, including as part of the same base). So you can choose according to your taste.

You can make landscape sheets yourself, armed with thick colored cardboard or separate sheets for scrapbooking. In this case, you can also determine the shape and size yourself.

But, to be honest, this is not for me. If I can still cut something even out of paper, then with dense material it’s a disaster, I just get all nervous!


First, I advise you to thoroughly comb through your albums and choose what may be suitable for your purpose. Let there be more of these photos than necessary. Firstly, something will be eliminated later, and secondly, you may want to take two photos at once on one page (or 3-4, if the format allows it).

Which photos to choose? Of course, they are suitable for the theme, of good quality (otherwise allowed if the photo is of particular value), those that evoke pleasant memories and give rise to associations, which is no less valuable.

After this, it is important not to miss such an important detail as size. I almost printed out all the photos in standard sizes - 10 x 15 cm. Then I took the first photo I came across as an example and began applying it to the blanks. All the beauty of the pages was hidden underneath, and there was simply not enough space for any inscription... It was decided to reduce the size.

Not knowing whether the nearest photo studio printed the 9 x 13 cm format, I decided to resort to the following. In Photoshop (this can even be done in Paint) I processed all the photos - I simply expanded the fields on all four sides and left them white.

I saved all the photos on a flash drive in two folders. In one - just a photo as it is, in the second - with such white fields. In the end, it was the second option that came in handy, because... although they print 9 x 13 cm, but on paper measuring 10 x 15 cm. That is. the photographer himself would have to tinker and reduce the photo before printing it. And everything happened so quickly.

To make it more varied and interesting, I trimmed some of the photos with curly scissors:

For others, I used regular scissors to make rounded corners:

Others I simply cut off and left as is.

Before printing, you can arrange the photos in Photoshop in the frames you like. But, in my opinion, this should be done only if the blanks themselves are decorated to a minimum. Otherwise it will turn out too colorful and tasteless.

Based on the theme, I used the following photographs:

Important memorable places (our house, yard, Broadway, school, apartment windows photographed by me on Zoom, etc.)

Our photos together with Dinara from that time

Photo of Dinara's mother, who, unfortunately, has already died and in the last years of her life I had the opportunity to see her more often than Dinara

Photos of their family's favorite cat, Ksyushka


When I wrote above that photographs should evoke associations, I meant that this would be a good help for making inscriptions and accompanying comments on the photographs.

For example, I used the following options. I posted several poems of my personal composition next to the corresponding photos:

I wrote quotes from those songs that I associate with certain events, people, places depicted in the photo. For example, here are two lines from my long-loved song by the group “Love Stories” - “School”:

And here are three quotes from Dina Migdal’s very touching song “Mom’s Hands”:

Under some photos I simply wrote a few words of my own or left them without comment. It is important to remember that everything that is too much is not very much. Everything needs moderation :)


These words about moderation apply not only to comments under the photo, but also to jewelry. Don't overdo it.

First of all, I used flat and voluminous paper stickers. It's a pity that the 3D effect in the photo is not as clearly noticeable as when you hold the album in your hands.

The heart that accompanies the photo of Dinarina’s mother is soft and voluminous; I left it from a set of decorative candles.

If you wish, you can use ribbons, which are sold in the same place where the basis for the scrapbook is, as well as in sewing departments.

Or use lace. It will turn out very tender!

In general, when I sat down to this activity, I filled the entire table with everything that might suddenly be useful to me. Because only a mental representation is one thing, but the process itself is completely different, adjustments are already made here and along the way you understand what is suitable and what will be unnecessary.

I couldn't do without my favorite charms (small metal pendants). They can be used for various handicrafts, including a photo album!

In general, I shouldn’t be allowed into hobby goods departments, otherwise I’ll waste all the funds I have there :))

Another separate topic is my long-term love for airplanes. But the fact remains - I couldn’t imagine the album without this aircraft))

This is how a golden airplane flies in the sky when turning into our yard:

Each charm has a small ring for fastening. I pierced the photo about 0.5 cm from the edge with a needle and thread (its white color matches the shade of the sky in this case) and sewed the pendant to the photo with several stitches. And then I glued the photo to the blank. The plane remains mobile when viewing the album.

On the cover, I initially wanted to make a beautiful handwritten inscription “A Piece of Penza” and draw our monument of glory “Rostock” on the Sura embankment. But then she abandoned this idea. It seemed to me more appropriate and beautiful to stick on a congratulation, once cut out from a postcard, and a sticker with hearts as a sign of love and friendship :)

I also designed the back cover with a cardboard cutout. This girl personifies me, giving my friend flowers and, in fact, an album :)

And on one of the two fastening rings you can see a flower - this is a pendant for a mobile phone, which came in handy for me in another capacity :)

Dinara really liked the album, which made me incredibly happy!

Still, the main thing to remember is that jewelry is wonderful, but it is important that the content of such a gift is touching, photographs and inscriptions evoke memories dear to the heart or simply lift your spirits!

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A family album is an important element of every home. It is the center of attention when visiting friends and relatives, at family celebrations and in warm moments of memories. This is a secret of the past, a kind of relic, the life story of each of us. Today, most photos are stored on phones, tablets, and mobile phones. But it’s much more pleasant to turn through the pages of history and touch pictures than to view them on a monitor. A handmade photo album will be a successful alternative to electronic folders.

Photo album using scarpbooking technique

The scrapbook is a literal translation of the newfangled trend of creating photo albums. Such albums can contain everything: dried flowers, “tags” of a newborn, small meaningful things, cuts, lace, beads and, of course, photos. Design imagination knows no bounds, and modern materials make it possible to realize any ideas.

Masters work in several directions:

  • modern. All current attributes, stencils, blanks, bright prints, rhinestones, etc. are appropriate. In this direction you can often find shabby chic;

  • V retro And vintage albums use aged paper, cute trinkets, jewelry, clippings from old newspapers or magazines, lace, braid;

  • romantic implies the use of everything delicate and airy: lace, fabric, ribbons, decorations, braid, poetry.

When creating an album on any topic, it is important to think through the basic design and create a color composition. Basic scrapbooking tips for beginners:

  • decide on the style in which the album will be made;
  • choose the background of the pages. It should be combined with the shades of colors used in the album;
  • think over the semantic content of the album, if you need to select poems, quotes, make clippings.

How to make an album with your own hands, see the video below.

A love story: wedding album

A wedding photo album does not have to contain exclusively photographs of the celebration. You can start a story about your family with a story about how you met: photos together on vacation or dating moments.

When creating a wedding album with your own hands, you need:

  • choose size. The 30*30 cm option is ideal for placing several photos on a page. The parameters 20*20 cm mean a standard photo on the page and a few small things. But the album 25*25 cm is the average option. You can place several pictures and diversify with additional inserts;
  • Materials you will need: thick paper (cardstock), film with a pattern (overlay), cardboard figures (chipboard), foil, beads, garter, invitations, napkins, bows, buttons, lace, cards, tulle.

Watch the video below for the album creation process.

And naturally, your family life will be long and happy, so you need to provide pages for future anniversaries.

How to make a cover in the video below.

Creating an album for a newborn

When creating a children's album, it is appropriate to use a variety of scarp paper, stencils, and baby things. The following may be useful for registration:

  • a hand or foot print of a child. This can be done using regular gouache, or on a special base, which is then placed on the cover;

  • pregnancy photos and ultrasound images;
  • horoscope, name meaning - all this will be a good addition to the album;
  • pictures of your favorite toys will decorate the pages;
  • a lullaby for your baby is suitable for a photo of a sleeping child;
  • first phrases, a memorable drawing, a page from a diary - everything that seems ordinary now can be of great value in 10-15 years;
  • menu, favorite dish, favorite cartoon - mentioning these moments will be a good addition to the photos.

How to create a children's scrapbooking album, see the video below.

A children's album made from envelopes will be creative and non-standard. Watch the master class in the video below.

Chronicle of generations in photographs

A family photo album is an excellent wedding anniversary gift for your nearest and dearest. The history of their family, photos of children and all significant events can be placed under one binding. This album will look good in a vintage or retro style.

For a family history album you can use:

  • lyrics of songs relevant at a certain time, poems and sayings, newspaper clippings;
  • significant things or their photos;
  • artificial flowers, various stamps, elements of old costume jewelry, iron butterflies, flowers, figured photo frames, suede and velvet.

See the video below for an example of the design.

An integral part of such albums is aged paper. It's not difficult to do:

  • in order to give the edges a “frayed” look, you need to treat them with a distresser;
  • coffee will turn a white sheet of paper yellowed with age. Brew 5 full teaspoons of coffee in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes with the lid closed and strain. Lightly crush a sheet of paper, dip it in coffee and hold for no more than 5 minutes. Dry and iron;
  • Black tea will give yellowness to the paper. Brew 5-10 tsp. in a glass of boiling water (depending on how much the leaf needs to be yellowed). Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Keep the leaf in tea leaves for about two minutes. Dry and iron. You can drop tea leaves onto the sheet several times.

It's a good idea to create a family tree. You can bring your idea to life by drawing it, cutting it out of cardboard, felt or fiberboard.

How to make a family tree with your own hands, see the video below.

DIY travel book

For travel lovers, a travel book will be relevant - a book of photographs, notes, plans, saved tickets and small souvenirs.

How to create a travel album, see the video below.

The travel book contains:

  • a lot of entries. By hand and not necessarily with a ruler. These could be stories about your expectations from the trip, what you managed to achieve, a description of the highlights of the trip;
  • You can devote a page to each topic: food, relaxation, sights, new acquaintances;
  • special pockets for small souvenirs.

Review the full design of the travel album in the video below.

Stroller, heart or house: creating figured photo albums

Who said that a photo album must be rectangular? Figured albums look bright and unusual. You can download ready-made stencils from the Internet, or you can create them yourself. An unsurpassed family album in the shape of a house was made by blogger Elena Stepanova. The author made a multi-story house and placed the photographs as follows: as the family grows, the floor increases. The result was amazing.

Figured albums can be family, children's, or reflect the hobbies of household members.

A pet album is interesting for children, because filling it with pictures of the pet is very entertaining.

How to design a figured album, see the video below.

Mini-album for beginners

This album will be a good start for those who are trying their hand at scrapbooking. It can be designed in the form of a book, box or accordion. The last option is the easiest to implement. All you need is 70*10 cm cardboard, decorative paper, double-sided tape, tape. The album is composed as follows:

  • folds are made on the cardboard at a distance of 10 cm. This will be the binding;
  • the cover will be two squares measuring 10.5*10.5 cm, covered with decorative paper, which are attached to the binding;
  • Sheets of decorative paper measuring 9.5*9.5 cm are glued to each page of the album;
  • the album is decorated with a ribbon tie.

Photos are memories and pleasant emotions. If you print them, try making an original photo album. Consider original ideas and study several master classes.

Every mother will be pleased to receive as a gift a beautiful exclusive album made by the hands of a loved one. The following materials and tools will be required;

  • thick corrugated cardboard;
  • split rings for paper;
  • hole puncher;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens or markers;
  • drawings (thematic images of angels, babies, baby nipples and bottles, strollers);
  • thick fabric;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ribbon;
  • glue.

Manufacturing instructions

DIY production:

  1. Prepare the cover. Cut two pieces of equal size from thick corrugated cardboard.
  2. Cover both parts of the cover with fabric, gluing it with universal glue. The edges of the material should be on the inside.
  3. Glue paper to the inside of the cover pieces to cover the edges of the material.
  4. Cut out pages from cardboard.
  5. Use a hole punch to make holes in the cover and cardboard. Assemble the album by stringing the pieces onto split rings.
  6. Glue a piece of tape to the inside edges of the cover to make ties.
  7. Decorate the album with images of babies, pacifiers, strollers, toys, bottles. Glue a few onto the cover and decorate the pages with the rest.
  8. Cut out squares from colored paper, make pockets out of them on several pages, gluing them along the edges on three sides: the sides and the bottom.
  9. Write inscriptions on the pockets: “My first hair”, “My tag” and so on.
  10. On several pages, write something like “My first words,” “My achievements,” “My weight and height.” There will be photos corresponding to the topics here.

Wedding photoalbum

Try making a wedding photo album using the scrapbooking technique, popular in 2017-2018. Required:

  • fabric (for example, canvas);
  • graph paper with markings;
  • scissors;
  • padding polyester;
  • paper (plain white or special for scrapbooking with patterns);
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • paper rings;
  • hole punch or awl;
  • ribbon;
  • images for page decoration;
  • beads or rhinestones.


  1. Determine the dimensions of the photo album. Using graph paper (can be replaced with a regular ruler), mark the cardboard and padding polyester. For the cover you will need two pieces of cardboard and two padding polyester.
  2. Glue the padding polyester to one cardboard sheet - this is the back of the album.
  3. In the front of the cover there will be a window for a photo of the newlyweds. You can make it rectangular, square or heart-shaped. Cut an opening from the remaining piece of padding polyester. Glue the soft insulation to the cardboard.
  4. Proceed to cover the cover with fabric. Cut two pieces from canvas material, adding 1.5-2 cm to the size of the album on each side. Glue one piece to the back of the cover, stretching the fabric and fixing the edges with glue.
  5. In another segment, cut a window for a photo. Glue the canvas material to the front of the cover.
  6. Decorate the borders of the photo window with beads or rhinestones, gluing them with glue.
  7. Cover the inside of the cover with paper.
  8. Make a bow from the ribbon and glue it to the front cover next to the window.
  9. Using a hole punch or an awl, make holes in both parts of the cover along the edges, and insert eyelets into them.
  10. Next, make holes in the cardboard pages and assemble the album.
  11. Decorate the pages with beads and thematic images: doves, rings, hearts. They can be purchased at a scrapbooking department or printed on a color printer.
  12. You can place a photograph in the window on the cover, but you can leave this right to the recipients of the gift - the newlyweds.


You can make an original family album with your own hands using one of the instructions described above. You need to make a cover, cover it with fabric, and assemble all the parts together using rings. It is advisable to supplement the holes with eyelets for aesthetics.

Ideas for designing a family photo album:

  • The cover can be signed by writing “Family photo album” or “Family ...” (the surname will appear instead of an ellipsis).
  • One or more pages can be dedicated to poems about family.
  • You can make a family tree. To do this, draw outlines, print an image of a tree on a page, or glue it on.
  • At the roots, make frames for photographs of older family members. Make a diagram, moving upward to the youngest relatives. On one side are the husband's relatives, on the other - the wives.
  • Dedicate one page to wedding photos.
  • You can select a page for each family member, paste their photo and write a few words about their biography.

Photo album for a boy

If the owner of the photo album is a boy, use the following ideas for design:

  • Divide the album into parts to reflect all areas of life in photographs. You can immediately identify sections and give them names: “My sports life”, “My best friends”, “My close relatives”, “My achievements”, “My studies”, “My favorite activities”.
  • Inside the cover or on the first page, write something about the owner of the album: date and place of birth, full name, short biography, interesting facts, and so on.
  • Make room for a poem about boys or specifically about the owner of the photo album. You can take a ready-made version or compose a poem yourself.
  • Complete the product with drawings that can depict mischievous boys, sports equipment (ball, boxing gloves and punching bag, gymnastic rings), and certain activities (games, studies).

For girl

A photo album intended for a girl should turn out gentle, romantic and sweet. Use purely girly jewelry, take into account preferences and interests.

Design options and tips:

  • You can divide the entire volume into parts according to age periods: starting from birth and continuing until the girl’s real age.
  • Select several thematic sections: “My hobbies”, “My family”, “My friends”, “How I have fun”, “How I study”, “My pet”. Complete each part with images, inscriptions, and poems.
  • For decoration, use rhinestones, beads, and ribbons.
  • Complete the album with drawings that reflect the child’s gender. This could be jewelry, dresses, whispering girlfriends, kittens, soft toys.

Photo album for anniversary

A photo album will be a wonderful anniversary gift if you try and make it yourself. Prepare:

  • thick cardboard for the cover;
  • cardboard for pages;
  • universal quick-drying glue;
  • ruler;
  • eyelets and a special punch for them;
  • double sided tape;
  • decor;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • dense material (for example, linen, cotton, jacquard).

Master Class

  1. First make blanks for the cover. Cut out two identical parts from cardboard, having previously determined the dimensions of the product. If you have old large boxes, you can use them.
  2. Cut out pages that should be slightly smaller than the cover so that the product looks neater and more aesthetically pleasing, and the edges do not rub off.
  3. Glue double-sided tape to one of the blanks around the entire perimeter. Cut a piece of fabric, adding one and a half or two centimeters to the size of the cover on each side for wrapping.
  4. Glue the material to the front side of the workpiece. On the other side, also glue tape around the perimeter, bend the edges of the material and secure them. Next, glue a sheet of cardboard with glue to cover all the excess. Glue scrapbooking paper onto cardboard for an aesthetic appearance. Use the same method to design the second part of the cover.
  5. From cardboard, cut out the inscription “For the hero of the day” or “In honor of the anniversary.” Cut out the same inscription from scrapbooking paper and stick it on a cardboard base. Fix the decor with glue on the front side of the cover in the upper part.
  6. If you have a good photo of the hero of the day, you can stick it in the very center of the cover, and instead of a frame, use decorative elements, for example, beads, covering the perimeter with them.
  7. Proceed with assembly. Make holes on one edge of the front cover with a punch and insert eyelets into them. You can find a special manual grommet installer on sale, and it is much more convenient to use. Make holes and install fittings in the back of the cover, maintaining the same gaps as on the front (mark first to avoid mistakes).
  8. All that remains is to make holes in the pages. Apply markings to ensure the product is even. There is no need to install eyelets in the pages.
  9. Assemble the album using tape. Start threading it from the top or bottom, then pass it through the holes, moving in the opposite direction. Tie the ends into a bow, securing it with glue for security. Cut off all excess.
  10. On the first page or on the inside of the front cover, write a congratulation, wishes, or poem.
  11. Decorate the product. Choose jewelry taking into account the gender, hobbies, age, and lifestyle of the hero of the day. You can divide the album into parts, highlighting several sections according to areas of life: family, work, hobbies, entertainment. Decorations can be themed: for example, a fisherman will appreciate scenes of fishing, a hunter – guns. You can draw images yourself (if you have artistic skills), find them in magazines, search on the Internet and print them on a color printer.

How to make a binding for a photo album with your own hands

A large album must have a binding, and to make it you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • cotton cloth or gauze;
  • ribbon or braid;
  • universal glue.

Description of the process of making album binding

  1. Sheets of cardboard will serve as pages. To connect them, cut strips of paper 2-2.5 cm wide and a length equal to the height of the future album.
  2. In the center of each paper strip, using a pencil or ruler, draw a strip about 3-4 mm thick. The free space left between the pages will allow you to decorate the product with voluminous decorations - paper flowers, ribbon bows.
  3. Cut all corners of the strips at a 45 degree angle.
  4. Bend the strips along the drawn stripes. Glue the folded sides to the edges of the pages. Assemble the entire album, making sure it is held evenly to ensure a neat and attractive looking photo album.
  5. Start making the binding. Cut a piece of gauze or cotton fabric: the length will be equal to the height of the album, and the width will be equal to the thickness of the product plus 2-2.5 centimeters.
  6. Carefully glue pieces of tape or braid to the top and bottom edges of the future binding so that the binding does not have protruding threads and looks aesthetically pleasing.
  7. Glue the binding to the album where all the pages meet on the outside.
  8. Cut out a spine from paper: the length is equal to the height of the product, and the width is equal to the thickness of the photo album plus two to three centimeters. Glue the strip to the top and bottom edges of the braided binding. The spine should protrude 1-1.5 cm on each side. Glue the cover to these protruding parts.

Video instructions for making binding – Scrapbooking

If you decide to make a photo album with your own hands, study the master classes and ideas presented in the article, choose the option you like and start making it. Success in creative work!

Today I will tell you how to make a stylish, soft photo album from an old unnecessary notebook. For me it will be a wedding album, but you can make an album of absolutely any theme; I think you will have a lot of photographs at home waiting in the wings.

To remake, we will need the cover of an old ring notebook. The covers of such notebooks are very thick, and the split rings will allow us to add a large number of scrap pages for photographs, perhaps even gradually.

Since I had a dark notebook cover, I wrap it in regular office paper so that the dark color does not show through the future cover. It is not necessary to glue the paper tightly, just lightly fix it with an adhesive pencil.

Then we cut out a rectangle from thin synthetic padding exactly to the size of the cover and fix it with double-sided tape.

We cut out a rectangle from the fabric we like so that there is an allowance of about two centimeters from the edge of the cover.

We first fix the upper corners with double-sided tape, bending them at an angle of 45 degrees.

Then we bend and fix the top edge of the cover.

After we have folded all sides of the cover, we finally fix the folded corners using a hot gun (if you don’t have one, then use any universal glue, for example, moment-crystal).

As a result of these simple manipulations, we have such a soft, pleasant to the touch, completely new cover.

On the inside, exactly in the middle, we fix grosgrain ribbons with tape, which will serve as album ties.

Then we sew the cover around the perimeter using a sewing machine with an allowance of 0.5 cm from the edge. Let me explain: the sewing machine easily takes even very thick cardboard, without harm to its mechanisms, tested from personal experience.

Here you will have some small difficulties: when you get closer to the places where the rings are located, they will interfere with your stitching. To get out of this situation, I turned the cover inside out, stitched with a needle without thread, and then sewed the cover in hard-to-reach places with a hand stitch.

Let's move on to the decor. On plain paper we draw a layout of the future element and transfer it to designer paper.

We also sew the decorative element into the bottom edge of the cover using a sewing machine.

Glue a decorative napkin on top.

Using a figured edge punch, we make paper lace.

We attach a piece of grosgrain tape and paper lace to double-sided tape.

Glue decorative tape on top.

First, print a title on photo paper that matches the theme of your album. This is my wedding album, you can use any other one. And on the machine we attach the title to the cover.

We attach a small metal heart to a waxed cord using a glue gun.

Add a satin bow, plaster flowers and semi-pearls (all these decorative elements are available in specialized scrapbooking stores).

I also decided to decorate the top of the cover with small white half-beads, repeating the pattern on the fabric.

Let's start designing the endpapers. We attach a printout with text to a rectangle of scrapbooking paper.

Glue strips of double-sided tape right along the edge of the rectangle.

And glue it to a sheet of designer beige paper, the size corresponding to one half of the cover. We also cut out and glue a rectangle from white paper with curly scissors. Using a hot gun, glue a piece of cotton lace.

We make holes for the photo on textured paper.

We attach the rectangle to the endpaper using special bulky double-sided tape.

We decorate the endpaper with a plastic heart and a satin bow.

Let's move on to the second flyleaf. We also cut out a rectangle from designer paper and decorate it with a strip of scrapbooking paper, cotton lace, paper cutting and randomly folded satin ribbon.

We complete the decor with a small wooden key.

We glue double-sided tape right along the edge of the endpapers and fix them to the cover.

After we've made the cover, it's time to think about the content of the album. The sheets can be made in the same way as we made the endpapers. And some sheets can be made with a secret. To do this, fold the designer paper in half and glue sheets with a beautiful lace edge and photo corners into the middle.

This whole secret is tied with a satin ribbon and also decorated with a printout, stitched on a typewriter and scrapbooking paper.

You can make as many sheets as you like in this manner, adding different inscriptions (journaling). Then you need to use a hole punch to make holes in the scrap pages and our album is ready.

In order to create an original photo album with your own hands, you need to stock up on the necessary tools, materials, imagination and a small amount of free time.


  • Sheets of thick paper. The quantity depends on how many pages there will be in the future photo album.
  • Thick cardboard - 2 sheets. You can take beautiful designer cardboard.
  • Colored plain paper or with drawings.
  • Tape. Half a meter with a width of at least 6 mm will be enough.
  • Hole puncher
  • PVA glue
  • Several binders
  • Scissors
  • Ruler

Once you have all the tools ready, you can start working. Step-by-step master class with photos:

  1. You need to cut the cardboard sheets so that they become the same size as the future pages of the album. After that, draw two lines on each of them using a ruler and pencil. They must be vertical and located at a distance of 2.5 cm from the left edge and 3.5 cm from the same left edge.

  2. Now cut the strips you drew from each sheet.

  3. Our cover will be decorated with colored paper. To make it, you need to take two sheets of colored paper, which should be four centimeters wider and longer than the sheets that will later become the pages of the book. Place one sheet of construction paper, inside side up, and draw a square. Each side should be located 2 centimeters from each edge.

  4. Now you will need glue. Use it to glue colored paper to cardboard. Its edges should clearly coincide with the lines you drew earlier. In order to do this beautifully, you need to apply glue to the entire surface of the paper, but if it seems too thin to you, apply it to cardboard.

  5. Carefully fold the corners of the colored paper and also glue them carefully.

  6. At this stage you need to make the inside of the cover. To do this, take colored paper and make two pieces, which should be one and a half centimeters shorter than the future pages of the photo album. Glue these pieces on the inside to the cardboard.
  7. Now you need to put together a photo album. Fold all its parts: two covers, sheets. Align them and secure them with a binder. Take a hole punch and make two holes. One of them should be located at a distance of 4 centimeters from the bottom, the second - from the top.

  8. Take the ribbon and thread it through the holes. This way you can hold the album together.
  9. That's all, the album is ready and you can safely paste your family photos into it. As you can see, the process is not at all complicated, and the result will completely satisfy you. In the same way, you can decorate a children’s album with your own hands, an album for a wedding, or as a gift to relatives and friends. Depending on the purpose, use your imagination and create a unique design for each of them.

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