Home Preparations for the winter The name Rodion meaning of the name. Rodion. Full name, shortened, affectionate

The name Rodion meaning of the name. Rodion. Full name, shortened, affectionate

The name Rodion is of Greek origin and, like many Greek names, came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus'. Its spelling in ancient Greek is Ροδίων, and its pronunciation is completely identical. However, there are several options for its meaning. It could come from the word ρόδεος (rodeos) and then the meaning of the name Rodion is “pink”. The name Rodion can also be an option from the name Ἡρωιδίων (Herodion), and then The meaning of the name is "hero". Well, the most popular version is that the meaning of the name Rodion is “resident of the island of Rhodes”. Unfortunately, scientists have not agreed on which version is the only correct one.

The meaning of the name Rodion for a child

Little Rodion is usually a cheerful and independent child. He is distinguished by his cheerfulness and at the same time sufficient restraint. Rodion has been a serious boy since childhood, but is easy to talk to. The child has many friends and easily gets along with other children. However, Rodion, despite his sociability, endures insults quite hard. Even if a person offends him by accident, he remembers it for a long time. The same applies to any other failures.

Rodion studies well, and he especially likes areas where he can show creativity or diligence. Rodion is well aware of these two character strengths even in preschool age. The boy has an excellent imagination and shows it with pleasure. Of course, he does not always show diligence in learning, but the higher Rodion’s interest, the longer he is ready to fight to achieve his goal. Endowed with good strong-willed qualities, Rodion usually achieves his plans. True, for some, this character trait turns into stubbornness, which cannot be said about Rodion.

Rodion's health is for the most part good. You can't call him a sporty child, although active games are not alien to him. Weaknesses in health include the immune system and digestive organs. These two interdependent problems deserve serious attention from specialists. If you take the necessary precautions and preventive measures, then usually these problems do not make themselves felt.

Short name Rodion

Rodya, Rodik, Rodionka, Rodka.

Diminutive pet names

Rodionchik, Rodionochka, Rodionushka, Rodyusha, Rodyunya, Rodichka, Rodyushka, Rodiosha, Rodioshka.

Children's middle names

Rodionovich and Rodionovna. There is also a colloquial form - Rodionych.

Name Rodion in English

In English, the name Rodion is spelled Rodion.

Name Rodion for international passport- RODION.

Translation of the name Rodion into other languages

in Belarusian - Radzivon
in Hungarian - Rogyion
in Greek - Ῥοδιών
in Serbian - Rodion
in Ukrainian - Rodion

Church name Rodion(in the Orthodox faith) can have two types - Rodion and Herodion.

Characteristics of the name Rodion

The adult Rodion is distinguished by the same seriousness as in childhood. He is a balanced and purposeful man who, despite all his seriousness, can easily find a common language with those around him. He still takes failures hard, but he approaches it more philosophically. Even given his seriousness, it is surprising that he is a fan of active recreation and can even get carried away by something extreme. He has many friends and comrades, as he is pleasant to talk to and a truly reliable friend.

Rodion often works in industries where he can demonstrate his strong character traits. His creative abilities allow him to find unexpected solutions to complex problems and it is important for him that this be in demand. It is no less important for Rodion to show his meticulousness and perseverance. It is the presence of these factors that makes Rodion’s work acceptable to him. It is worth noting that Rodion does not seek to make a career, but rather is looking for other ways of self-realization. The financial component of the profession is not very important for him, but he will not work for a very small salary.

In the family, Rodion is a caring and good-natured man who greatly values ​​home comfort. It takes him a long time to choose a life partner, since not just any partner is suitable for him. He values ​​initiative in women, since he himself does not possess this characteristic. At the same time, he needs a calm and gentle woman nearby. As you understand, this combination is quite rare. In the family he is a completely conflict-free person, which can even negatively affect the upbringing of children. In Rodion's family, his wife is usually strict with the children.

The mystery of the name Rodion

Rodion's secret can be called his fear of making a final decision. In this regard, even the smallest endeavors are very successful for him. That is why Rodion needs a more proactive wife, otherwise his hesitations can be tiresome even for those closest to him. But having made a decision, Rodion strives for the goal with enviable tenacity, but we have already talked about this.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Name color- Dark raspberry.

Totem animal- Scorpion.

Tree- Jasmine.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Aquamarine.

The etymology of the name Rodion is connected with the history of Ancient Greece. It is believed to be derived from the Greek word "rodeos", which translates as "pink". Another version connects its origin with the Greek “rodion”, which means “inhabitant of the island of Rhodes”. Some researchers consider this name to be the Russian form of the ancient Greek Herodion - “hero”, “heroic”. For several centuries, its bearers could only be clergy and members of the nobility.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: aquamarine
  • Color: dark crimson
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: scorpion
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

As a child, Rodion is clumsy, never in a hurry, which is why he is often mistaken for a phlegmatic person. However, the child’s inner world is full of experiences. This is a very sensitive boy, even a slight raising of his voice, neglect or humiliation towards him can provoke an attack of tears. Proud since childhood, he never forgives insults.

Such a child studies well, knows his own worth and can always stand up for himself. He most often adopts his behavior from his parents, and in general much of his character depends precisely on his upbringing and the values ​​​​instilled in childhood. Therefore, the goal of Rodion’s parents is to gently guide their child in the right direction, instilling a love of sports, art, and science.

The secret of the name hides a receptive nature. However, in adulthood, he acquires the ability to concentrate on what is necessary, learns endurance and patience. The breadth of his soul cannot but amaze. He is a kind, generous, open and sympathetic person. He doesn’t like to count money, and he doesn’t know how. The thirst for adventure draws him to constant exploits, which is why the guy often finds himself in very unpleasant situations.

Rodion cannot stand loneliness; there are always many friends around him, whom he is able to support in the most difficult moments. At the same time, the bearer of this name is not inclined to sentimentality, rather, even the opposite - outwardly he is too strict, but in reality it is just a mask.

Among the positive qualities of Rodion’s character, one can note balance, calmness, and a friendly attitude towards others. He is delicate, always responsive to those who need help.

A negative trait is insufficient self-love. While helping others, he forgets about his own needs and can often find himself in awkward situations.

Interests and hobbies

Rodion is interested in a little bit of everything. He loves the outdoors and travel. His main hobbies include sports and books. Alas, he has no creative talents, which can greatly upset his parents.

Profession and business

A craving for exact sciences haunts Rodion throughout his life. Therefore, most often he chooses the profession of a teacher (biologist, mathematician), physician or engineer. He may give preference to art, becoming an excellent director, art critic or architect, or connect his fate with military affairs and become a policeman or sailor. It’s difficult to call him a careerist, but in the professional sphere he often reaches certain heights.


Being an optimist in life, Rodion is not afraid of stress and mental disorders - his nervous system is strong. The same can be said about the health of such a man in general. Since childhood, he rarely gets sick, is always active and full of strength.

Sex and love

In love, Rodion is a very sincere and sensual man. He gives himself completely to sexual desire, so none of his partners can resist him. This is an affectionate and gentle lover, capable of bringing a girl to a state of complete bliss with his sophisticated caresses. He adheres to the tactic “everything that gives pleasure is possible in bed,” and his fantasy never lets him down. However, such a man cannot be called a seducer.

In relationships, he is honest, but at the same time he is terribly jealous. He never forgives betrayal, and experiences betrayal from his beloved for a long time and seriously.

Family and marriage

Rodion's wife becomes an outwardly attractive, intelligent, comprehensively developed and hardworking girl. She must be a good housewife, since the owner of this name greatly values ​​home comfort. He usually has a very good and strong relationship with his wife, since it is built on mutual respect and friendship. In the family, all responsibilities are divided in half; Rodion always strives to help his wife with the housework. He is a wonderful husband and caring father. He takes an active part in raising his children, of whom he has many.

The name Rodion has several variants of formation, but they all have Greek roots. It is believed that this is a Russified version of the ancient Greek counterpart Herodion, interpreted as “hero, heroic.” As an option, the Greek word “rodion” is considered, which means “living on the island of Rhodes”.

The word “rodeos”, translated as “pink”, is not discarded either. Initially, the name Rodion was the priority of church ministers, then it began to be used by the nobility and only then came into use by ordinary townspeople. The name Rodion is not popular in our latitudes and is only occasionally used when naming children.

Characteristics of the name Rodion in childhood manifests itself in quietness, poise and obedience. Little Rodion cannot be called a prankster and a hooligan; he grows up as a meek, submissive boy. At an early age, our hero does not provide any worries or troubles to his parents.

Having an analytical mindset allows the boy to do well at school, and he is especially good at the exact sciences.

Our hero knows how to make friends, gladly comes to the rescue and promptly supports his comrades. That's why the teenager is loved by his peers and respected by his teachers. Among the boy's hobbies, one should highlight his love of reading and sports. But one of the teenager’s shortcomings is the inability to think creatively, so you shouldn’t expect any exclusivity or inventions from Rodion.

Full description of the name

The bearer of the name Rodion is a fairly balanced person with excellent self-control. Our hero is an independent man who does not require outside help.

What’s interesting about this name is that Rodions are divided into two types: one of them is active and businesslike, the other is slow and thoughtful.

Our hero also has pride, but the size of this love is not critical. The man is confident in himself, so he often takes on even risky projects. At the same time, the person described has a sense of self-esteem, therefore he will not humiliate himself, even if this is extremely necessary.

  • A man named Rodion is distinguished by his high ability to work and the ability to finish what he starts, only after reaching the top.
  • Our hero is a kind and sympathetic person, he knows how to support and encourage.
  • The bearer of the name Rodion also cannot be called a bore; he jokes himself and positively perceives the humor of those around him.
  • Both in childhood and in adulthood, Rodion has many friends; he attracts them with positivity and positive characteristics.
  • The inner cordiality and sincerity of the person named sometimes does not correspond to the strict appearance, but this is most likely due to the lack of sentimental inclinations in him.
  • Named Rodion, he is a generous person; without hesitation, he can spend money on others, infringing on his own interests.

What our hero cannot stand is boredom and loneliness, so he always tries to keep himself busy and spends a lot of time among friends and at work.

Fate for Rodion destined for balance in character, you won’t catch him off guard, screaming and eccentric. This quality in a man named Rodion allows him not only to get along well with people, but also to rarely conflict. If a quarrel does occur, then our hero resolves it with a direct, frank conversation.

The meaning of the name Rodion emphasizes with his entire status as a hero in a man, but at the same time it is quite normal for him to compromise. It is extremely important for Rodion that everything goes well; he does not tolerate strife and intrigue in his team. Our hero loves to travel and loves various adventures.

A sharp mind and a humorous note in his character help a man get out of extraordinary situations with ease.

Despite all the positive qualities, fate endowed the bearer of the name Rodion with negative characteristics. This is touchiness, which he hides from others, and stubbornness and contradiction.

Love and family relationships

What the name Rodion means in amorous matters is quick falling in love and such rapid disappointment in the chosen one. These are the most negative moments that disappear when our hero meets true love. Calm nature, self-confidence and success in business attract the opposite sex to Rodion. Our hero is a strong man, so he becomes a bait for women. In most cases, a man named Rodion is not the initiator of romances; he simply chooses a companion from among the contenders who like him.

For family relationships, Rodion is looking for the ideal woman who must best meet all his criteria.

The first two positions are occupied by beauty and intelligence, then the girl’s all-round development, hard work, kindness, and ability to manage a household are considered. For the bearer of the name Rodion, the atmosphere and comfort in the house is extremely important. Together with his wife, our hero improves his life and tries to provide for his family to the maximum. With the birth of children, Rodion blossoms and devotes himself entirely to his wife and children.

Professional affiliation

The school passion of a boy named Rodion for mathematics and physics often leads to the fact that our hero chooses a profession related to this direction.

Rodion Olegovich Gazmanov (Russian pop singer, actor)

  • The energy component prophesies for Rodion a destiny related to medicine, specializations in which may vary.
  • Our hero cannot be called a careerist; he will not jump over the heads of his employees, although he always achieves significant heights in his professional activities.
  • Excessively significant stubbornness in the character of a man named Rodion will not allow him to do something he doesn’t like or to overstep principles to achieve his goal.
  • Work in the life of our hero does not occupy a dominant position; for a man, family and friends are much more important. He often meets with the latter, discusses matches, talks about politics.
  • There is a predisposition in the name Rodion for the following professions: teacher, engineer, architect, and a man will also feel great in the role of an official, politician, public figure.

The meaning of the name Rodion is hero, and this translation from the ancient Greek language says a lot about the owner of this name, because it is truly masculine, and symbolizes confidence, restraint and prudence.

In early childhood, Rodya is a very sociable and cheerful child, in whom there is not a drop of aggression, but only joyful surprise at the world around him, and boundless love for his parents.

The baby cannot be called hyperactive; rather, all his rich emotions are expressed not through mobility, but through facial expressions, gestures, enthusiastic exclamations, and a stream of words that only mom and dad can understand. He learns everything new with a reasonableness that is unusual for a boy, and can disconnect from the outside world for a long time, dealing with an amusing logic toy.

He is balanced and patient, which is of great importance for a child, because with such a nice character, it will be very easy for parents to instill in their child a love of sports, art, and many other activities - the elders will choose here.

During his school years, the guy named so will have many friends who will simply adore him for his pleasant disposition and the incredible warmth emanating from this child. Despite all its positivity, the interpretation of this name is such that its owner can easily stand up for himself, and even protect the weaker, because he attaches special importance to justice and equality.


In relationships with the opposite sex, the sincere and charming Rodion develops rather complex relationships. He values ​​his freedom and stability very much. This means that if a woman suddenly bursts into his life and wants to “bind” Rodik, she is unlikely to succeed - he attaches great importance to his independence. More often, he reacts to pressure from the fairer sex as an invasion of personal space, and simply breaks up with the obsessive person.

The secret of the name Rodion is that he is in no particular hurry to start a family. And therefore, he needs a girl who will endure a period of time when he gets used to the idea of ​​a family home, and he himself will be ready (not without a little pressure from the girl) for such a serious step.

In sexual relations, the owner of this name is very inventive, attaches importance to foreplay, and shows true creativity in order to please not only himself, but also his partner. Seemingly somewhat phlegmatic, in bed he displays an uncharacteristic temperament for him, and can often commit adultery if his partner does not fully satisfy his sexual demands.


For him, starting a family means a very serious step, one might say, a turning point in life, since the meaning of the name Rodion implies that a man values ​​his independence above all else.

But still, a smart and even a little cunning girl will be able to cope with Rodik’s desire to maintain his bachelor status. And for her efforts, she will receive a devoted husband who will treat his chosen one with tenderness and reverence, and give meaning to her every word.

And family ties will become the strongest when children appear, for whom a caring and attentive father will be ready to give all of himself without a trace. Even if the relationship with his wife is not going very well, and he is not happy in his marriage, he will not get a divorce, since he attaches great importance to the completeness of the family for the development and upbringing of children.

Business and career

Thanks to his perseverance and poise, Roda is very easy in the exact sciences, as well as activities that require showing his intellect and logic. Therefore, he will make an excellent teacher, architect, engineer. Also, owners of this name often become high-ranking officials.

His career is always stable, without sharp drops and dizzying ups, which means he simply boldly goes through life, earns as much as he can, strives for the best, but is not overly zealous in achieving his goal. The meaning of the name Rodion also includes creativity, which is why he often manages to become a talented artist, director, or art critic.

Origin of the name Rodion

There are two legends that describe the origin of the name Rodion. According to the first of them, this name is a Russian derivative of the ancient Greek Herodion, in which the first letter “I” was removed during the process of Russification.

According to the second version, the place where this word came from is the island of Rhodes, and its etymology indicates that this was the name of the inhabitants of this island.

The Holy Apostle Rodion is a relative of the Apostle Paul, and his disciple, whose name was on the lips of the inhabitants of the ancient city of Tatras, where he was a bishop and preached the faith of Christ. His story is very sad, because he was crucified and beheaded with his teacher, during the time of persecution of the preachers of the holy scripture.

Characteristics of the name Rodion

The characteristics of the name Rodion are fraught with unsurpassed balance, energy, kindness and a warm attitude towards others. But, like others, this name has its pros and cons. One of the unpleasant character traits is unbearable touchiness, and anything can offend him, even something that other people would simply laugh at.

Such a trait as stubbornness and contradiction is also very developed in him, and he will never do anything in life that he does not like or is contrary to moral principles. You can also note the ability to quickly fall in love, but also to cool down just as quickly, becoming disappointed in your chosen one.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amethyst, Aquamarine.
  • Name day - November 23.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Pisces, Taurus.

Famous people

  • Rodion Gazmanov is a Russian singer and successful entrepreneur, the son of Oleg Gazmanov.
  • Rodion Nakhapetov is an actor in Russia, England and America, as well as a successful director and screenwriter.
  • Rodion Galyuchenko is a young Russian actor, one of the heroes of the series “Barvikha”

Different languages

The name Rodion is one of the few that is found only among the peoples of the Slavic group, but in other languages ​​this name does not exist, only the ancient Greek analogue Herodion or Herodion.

Translation into Ukrainian – Radivon, into Belarusian – Radizyon. The fact that the name is very rare and its prevalence is low is also evidenced by the way it is translated into exotic languages. For example, in Chinese it is written 羅迪翁 and pronounced Luó dí wēng. And in Japanese - ロディオン(Rodion)

Name forms

No matter how sophisticated parents are in calling their children affectionately and tenderly. For example, the diminutive for the name Rodion is Rodionushka, Rodionchik. If you use your imagination, you can come up with other derivatives: Mole, Rodyushka.

In short, you can simply say Rodka, or Rodya for short. Another abbreviated word is Rodik, or simply Rod, as well as Dinya, which is formed if the full word is broken down into two parts and the latter is used.

Declensions of the word are made as in other similar words, for example, such variants as legion, gedeon are also declined.

According to the church calendar, you can find a mention of the Apostle Rodion, one of the seventy, who left his mark on Orthodoxy as an ardent fighter for the word of Christ, and for this he suffered punishment in the form of crucifixion and beheading. Therefore, the Orthodox community will never forget the holy martyr Rodion, a fighter for truth.

Meaning and origin of the name: Presumably the name Rodion is the Russian form of the Greek name Herodion, which means "Hero", "Heroic". According to another version, the name means "Resident of Rhodes"

Energy of the name and character: In the name Rodion, firmness and balanced calm are clearly felt, which defines a person who is independent and quite self-possessed. It is unlikely that from childhood Rodion will be distinguished by excessive mobility; he is unhurried and quite reasonable, not prone to excessive sociability, although he cannot be called withdrawn. It should also be noted that Rodion has a noticeable pride, which, however, is rarely painful or even overly sensitive; it’s just that Rodion usually knows his own worth and can stand up for himself on occasion. Most often, this quality of his develops over the years into ambition, but in most cases, Rodion’s ambitious dreams coexist perfectly with purely pragmatic concerns of the material plane.

Much in Rodion’s life depends on his upbringing - his balance significantly facilitates the tasks of his parents, and the interests that will be instilled in him in childhood largely determine his future fate. Nevertheless, you can be sure that his qualities such as patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate efforts can bring positive results and have a beneficial effect on his career. Rodion is a man of sober mind, which has little to do with creativity, but will serve excellently in professions related to technology or exact sciences. Perhaps the only thing that can prevent Rodion from achieving truly great heights is the lack of some passion. Sometimes he himself is somewhat embarrassed by his lack of a real all-consuming dream.

Most likely, Rodion will not experience dizzying ups and downs - his life will be quite stable. The same applies to relationships in the family, especially since Rodion’s balance and taciturnity usually accumulates a large supply of spiritual warmth, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by loved ones and can ensure complete family happiness.

Secrets of communication: If you want to unbalance Rodion, then you will have to work hard; Rodion tolerates even attempts to influence his pride relatively calmly. Nevertheless, if a conflict does occur, then it can be resolved simply by having a heart-to-heart talk - rest assured, Rodion is able to come to agreement and compromise.

The name's trace in history:

Rodion Shchedrin

Rodion Shchedrin is an outstanding Russian composer (born 1932), author of two symphonies, piano concertos and many other wonderful works. At the age of twenty-two, while studying in his last year at the Moscow Conservatory, he made a successful debut with the First Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, and subsequently, each new work of the composer invariably caused a sensation: his fresh, bright, emotional music, causing a storm of feelings, is not able to leave even amateur.

More than once in his work, Shchedrin turns to folk motifs - the simplicity and hypnotizing appeal of Russian folk tunes can be seen in his works such as the concert “Naughty Ditties”, the operas “Not Only Love”, “Dead Souls”, and others. Often in his music he achieves extraordinary expressiveness by combining, at first glance, elements of Russian folklore with the most innovative techniques of modern musical language - and these experiments speak of the composer’s extraordinary skill, as well as his penchant for searching for something new in art.

Winner of all conceivable and inconceivable awards, including the Lenin Prize and the State Prize, People's Artist of the USSR, for seven years Rodion Shchedrin was the permanent chairman of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. His music is recognized all over the world, and as for the composer’s personal life, as is often the case with creative people, for Shchedrin it is a natural continuation of his work. In any case, the composer did not try to hide the fact that he wrote the main parts of such famous concerts as “Anna Karenina”, “The Seagull” and “Carmen Suite” for his no less famous wife, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

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