Home Potato How long does early toxicosis last. How long does toxicosis last: and when does it end? If toxicosis ended suddenly ...

How long does early toxicosis last. How long does toxicosis last: and when does it end? If toxicosis ended suddenly ...

It is generally accepted that toxicosis necessarily accompanies every pregnancy. Many perceive morning sickness as an integral attribute, as well as the first symptom that a woman is in a position. In fact, everything is very individual. One lady is prescribed corrective treatment to stop severe nausea. Others, on the contrary, having endured several children, do not know what it is. Today we’ll talk about what week toxicosis begins during pregnancy.

Briefly about the main

In fact, bearing a child can be easy and simple. A woman rejoices that she will have a small one and blooms day by day. But if the processes of adaptation to a new state are violated, then toxicosis begins during pregnancy. Since what week do women most often complain about feeling unwell? More on this below. Let us just note that the phenomenon is very common. When the fetus begins to develop, toxins and substances that provoke poisoning enter the mother's body. After a certain time, adaptation processes are launched, the placenta is included in the work and the condition is leveled. Now, until the end of the development of the crumbs, the expectant mother feels satisfactory.

Main features

In fact, they can be explicit and hidden. There are those that are difficult to hide from others, they include severe nausea, frequent vomiting, salivation. But that is not all. Toxicosis is also manifested by bad mood, severe weakness and drowsiness. Someone notes the strongest irritability, a sharp weight loss. Knowing from what week toxicosis begins during pregnancy, you can prepare yourself for this. In addition, timely preventive measures can reduce its manifestation.

In some cases, toxicosis causes quite severe complications. An increased load on the mother's body provokes the development of dermatosis and dermatitis, manifests itself in the form of convulsive muscle contractions, softening of the bones, jaundice and bronchial asthma.

Origins of the problem

There is a statistic that one in two moms develop mild nausea in the morning. One in five experiences severe discomfort throughout the day. In one in ten such symptoms continue for a long time. Throughout the first trimester and even later. What do the doctors say? From what week does toxicosis begin during normal pregnancy?

Obstetricians and gynecologists are sure that in this case it should not be at all. That is, nausea and morning vomiting are acceptable, but they speak of a conflict between the mother's body and the fetus. And today the true causes of toxicosis remain unknown. There are only assumptions that have a grain of truth.

Possible reasons

Each of them can be basic or additional for an individual woman. But in any case, the doctor should understand and prescribe corrective methods. Here are some possible reasons for review:

  • Failure of the hormonal system. As soon as the embryo implants in the wall of the uterus, their production changes. Now the whole organism is being rebuilt to ensure the vital activity of the fetus. Here is the answer to the question, at what time does toxicosis begin in pregnant women. A woman may experience the first signs, not yet knowing about her situation. But special substances are already entering the bloodstream, which affects the well-being and mood. Irritability, resentment and tearfulness appear. In addition, the mother's body perceives the baby as a foreign body. So that he does not get rid of the fetus, due to a special mechanism, the work of the immune system is inhibited. This is also closely related to the work of hormones. And consequently, you will endure any cold much harder.
  • Formation of the placenta. Another fulcrum that helps to understand at what time toxicosis begins in pregnant women. When an egg is implanted in the uterine cavity, it grows rapidly. In just a couple of weeks, this is already a tiny organism, the natural secretions of which go directly into the mother's blood. By about 12 weeks, the placenta is included in the work. Now she takes on the role of a filter of harmful substances. That is, toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy lasts just before this period, gradually weakening.
  • Defensive reaction. The expectant mother feels nausea from the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, coffee.

Additional factors

In addition to the main ones, there are a number of parameters that determine the development of toxicosis.

  • Chronic diseases. Not all, but most of them contribute to morning sickness and nausea.
  • Neuropsychic stress. That is, stress can greatly worsen the condition of the expectant mother.
  • Age. As a rule, if this is the first and late pregnancy, then toxicosis manifests itself more intensely.
  • Twins or triplets. Consequently, toxicosis will be two to three times stronger.

How long to wait

If the pregnancy is planned, then the expectant mother is often ready to assure everyone from the first day of the delay that she is sick in the morning. Self-hypnosis or features of the organism, it is difficult to say unambiguously. Yes, and doctors are quite accurate in their predictions. Speaking about how long after conception toxicosis begins, it should be noted that doctors distinguish two types according to the timing of its appearance. That is early and late.

  • Usually the first begins from the first days of the delay in menstruation and ends by the beginning of the second trimester. That is, it will be possible to breathe a sigh of relief by 12 or 13 weeks. But all women are different, there are no specific restrictions and frameworks in this matter.
  • Late toxicosis - aka gestosis, begins at the beginning of the last trimester or the end of the second. It is very dangerous for both mother and child. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is a serious disease, which is characterized by pathological changes in the work of the most important systems and organs. Late toxicosis is manifested by vascular disorders and circulatory disorders. This causes hypoxia, brain function, liver and kidney function change.

Varieties of toxicosis

As you can see, it is impossible to unambiguously answer even a simple question, in which trimester toxicosis begins. In addition to the above, there are still quite a few subspecies, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics.

  • can be activated by specific strains. It develops a few hours after the contaminated food has entered the body. Symptoms are nausea and vomiting. They usually go away on their own within 12 hours.
  • Evening toxicosis. It occurs as a result of severe overwork and insufficient food intake. You can overcome it if you diversify your diet and take walks before going to bed.
  • early toxicosis. It is considered normal. It is impossible to say exactly from what month toxicosis in pregnant women begins. But usually, egg implantation occurs 14 days after fertilization. Within a week or two after this, a woman may feel symptoms of toxicosis. That is, usually for the first time nausea appears by the end of the first month. Just when many begin to guess about their position.
  • late toxicosis. In this case, tests show protein in the urine, high blood pressure and weight gain of more than 400 g per week.
  • Toxicosis before the first delay in menstruation. In rare cases, nausea appears immediately after conception. That is, when it is too early to talk about the development of the fetus as such.

How to deal with nausea

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long toxicosis lasts in pregnant women. Someone says that they only felt nausea a couple of times in the morning, others remember the never-ending nightmare. It brings unpleasant sensations, but nothing can be done. Like a course for a young soldier in the army. But there are simple recommendations that will help alleviate the condition.

  • You need to eat regularly, in small portions. Overeating or skipping lunch is strongly discouraged. It is on an empty stomach that mommy becomes ill.
  • It is best to have breakfast without getting out of bed, and lie down a little more after eating. To do this, you only need to put a banana or unsweetened yogurt next to the bed in the evening.
  • You can’t overeat, no matter how much you want something else tasty.
  • Exclude fried, smoked, salty, spicy.
  • Sudden movements, high physical activity - this should be avoided now.
  • Be outdoors more often. Walking promotes a good appetite.
  • No wonder expectant mothers are drawn to sour. This is an excellent remedy for nausea.

If nothing helps and the expectant mother still suffers, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe a course of drugs that will correct her condition. This may be Cerucal, which affects the entire digestive system, blocking tissue contractions, which lead to vomiting. Additionally, sorbents are introduced that will absorb toxins.

When to Expect Relief

In any case, the timing is individual. Most often, the first time nausea will visit for a period of about 1 month. But it also happens that only by the 9th week did toxicosis begin. It can also be considered early. Most often, by 12-14 weeks, they forget about it, the second trimester is not in vain called the “golden period”. Late toxicosis usually does not go away on its own, but requires specialized treatment. In any case, if the expectant mother does not feel well, she needs the help of a specialist. Only a doctor can assess her condition and take action.

Pregnancy of a woman is one of the most important and responsible stages in her life. However, it can be overshadowed by such an unpleasant "trifle" as toxicosis. Many women are concerned about the question of how long toxicosis lasts in pregnant women.

How long does toxicosis last

Toxicosis - This is a natural reaction of the body to the fetal egg. Simply put, the body perceives it as a foreign object and tries to reject it. It is definitely impossible to answer how long toxicosis lasts. This process is very individual and each woman proceeds in her own way. But if we take into account the average indicators, then toxicosis lasts until about the 16th week of pregnancy.

Where does toxicosis begin?

Toxicosis often begins from the moment of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterus, i.e. after the first week. After conception has occurred, the placenta begins to develop. Formation ends approximately at 15-16 weeks. Prior to that, it is poorly developed and cannot protect the female body from those metabolic products that are excreted by the child. After entering the blood, these substances cause intoxication of the woman's body, which can take various forms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • rejection of various odors;
  • unusual taste preferences;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased salivation;
  • change in blood pressure.

A woman who has set foot on a wonderful path of transformation from just a woman into a future mother goes through many changes, sometimes not entirely pleasant. But you must understand that these changes are temporary. Therefore, do not worry too much about this.

Factor of heredity and causes

According to many obstetricians and gynecologists, the reaction of the female body to the changes taking place in it is largely determined by hereditary factors. Also among the reasons that affect the appearance of toxicosis in a woman during pregnancy can be identified:

  • the presence of abortions;
  • problems with the digestive system (gastritis);
  • nervous strain and stress;
  • persistent migraines before pregnancy;
  • subconscious suggestion (you think that since you are pregnant, you will definitely have toxicosis).

What to do with toxicosis

Severe forms of toxicosis, which can overtake a woman in the later stages, must be treated under the supervision of specialists with the obligatory hospitalization of a woman. With early toxicosis, a woman can cope on her own, following some tips:

  1. Waking up in the morning, do not rush to get out of bed. Lie down for a while, think about something pleasant, positively tune in for the whole day.
  2. In the absence of edema, it is recommended to drink more fluids.
  3. Eliminate spicy, fatty, high-salt foods from your diet, which will only irritate your stomach.
  4. Add ginger to your teas and meals to help control morning vomiting.
  5. Eat often, but in small portions. Snack on dried fruits, nuts, crackers, bread.

Toxicosis is a rather individual manifestation and it is not at all necessary that you will also have it. Watch your health to avoid complications during pregnancy. Good luck to you!

Pregnancy is one of the most important and happiest periods in a woman's life. But sometimes it brings not only joy, but also poor health, nausea in the morning, and even constant, dizziness, irritability. All these are signs of toxicity.

All women have heard about this phenomenon, so many want to know when toxicosis begins during pregnancy, how long it lasts, what it is and why it appears.

When does toxicity start?

The week from which toxicosis begins is individual for each pregnancy. But still, some patterns were noticed that help to highlight periods when the likelihood of feeling unwell is highest.

Depending on how long toxicosis begins, there are two options:

  1. Early. It occurs in the first trimester, most often at 5-6 weeks after conception. But occasionally, signs of toxicosis can begin even earlier. Most pregnant women face this condition, because it often appears during the successful course of pregnancy. But it is better not to refuse the help of a doctor, since signs of a missed pregnancy (when the fetus dies in the early stages of development) can also appear.
  2. Late toxicosis or gestosis. Occurs in the third trimester. He says that there may be problems with the health of the mother or child. But this is not a reason for panic, since with timely access to a good doctor, correction and stabilization of the condition is possible. In this case, after treatment, everything will end very well.

But toxicosis is an optional companion of approaching motherhood, as many believe. In our time, it happens to many, but still there are cases when it is not. Therefore, if you are pregnant, but at the same time you feel good at any time of the day, you do not need to worry that something is going wrong with you.

It’s just that, most likely, you are in good health, the body can easily cope with a double load, the child has enough nutrients and oxygen, there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.


With toxicosis, as the name of this condition implies, the body of the expectant mother is in a state of intoxication. It is very similar in signs to ordinary poisoning, but differs in causes. Toxicosis is manifested by such symptoms:

  • Nausea, especially in the morning after eating.
  • Vomiting (frequency depends on the severity of toxicosis).
  • Irritability, frequent mood swings.
  • Always want to sleep.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Salivation.
  • A rash may appear on the skin, which is very itchy.
  • Taste sensations change.
  • The weight is reduced.
  • Bones become softer and more brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.

The signs listed above may be present in any variant of toxicosis. But with late toxicosis or gestosis, which occurs in the seventh month or later, additional symptoms appear.

Signs of preeclampsia (in addition to the symptoms listed above):

  • Edema on the face, legs, sometimes hands. They are most visible in the morning. Sometimes the swelling is so pronounced that it can give a false weight gain.
  • Blood pressure rises, often to numbers that never existed before pregnancy.
  • If you pass a general urine test, protein will be detected in it. Kidneys may hurt or "whine" a little.

The appearance of edema, lower back pain, increased pressure in the second half of pregnancy, you must urgently go to the hospital. They will prescribe the right treatment at home or put you in a hospital for preservation.

If the causes that caused gestosis are not treated, they can lead to premature termination of pregnancy with serious consequences for the health, and sometimes the life of the child and his mother.

To avoid such a situation, you need to be attentive to your condition and follow the instructions of doctors regarding examinations and lifestyle.


Toxicosis in different women manifests itself in different ways. If for one woman it is a slight nausea in the morning, and the next day goes quite well, then for another it may seem like a round-the-clock nightmare, from which there is no escape for a minute.

Accordingly, assistance in such cases is needed in different ways. Therefore, criteria were formulated by which it is possible to determine the severity of toxicosis and whether there is a threat to health in this situation.

According to these criteria, there are three degrees of severity of toxicosis:

  1. Mild: nausea is not felt very strongly, vomiting occurs no more than 3 times a day or there is no vomiting at all, weight is reduced by no more than 3 kg in half a month, otherwise there are no problems with the general condition.
  2. Moderate severity: severe nausea, vomiting daily, but not more than 10 times, weight drops a little more than 3 kg in two weeks, constant weakness is felt, blood pressure may decrease (with early toxicosis).
  3. Severe: sick all the time, very strong urge to vomit, vomiting about 25 times a day, weight decreases by 10 or more kilograms, pulse quickens, body temperature rises. In this case, you can’t waste time - this condition is a direct indication for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist, who should immediately prescribe an examination and treatment.


Knowing how unpleasant the state of toxicosis is, everyone wants to avoid it and bear the child without additional problems. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that could cause it. Why does toxicosis occur?

Unfortunately, no one can give this complete answer to this question. But there are many theories that are based on observations of the cases in which toxicosis develops most often and at what time it occurs.

The most likely causes of toxicosis:

  • Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body after the conception of a child. The level of many hormones changes dramatically and this affects metabolic processes. Not every body can immediately adapt and start working in a completely different way.
  • Insufficient or improper nutrition. Your baby needs vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients to grow. If they do not come with food, then they are taken from the mother's body. When a woman constantly eats poorly, both her body and the child are depleted, both feel bad.

  • The need to work for two. In addition to the fact that useful substances are necessary for the growth of a child, it also releases metabolic products. They are toxic, and therefore must be excreted from the body. But from the body of the fetus, they enter the circulatory system of the mother. 13-14 weeks after conception, the placenta is formed, which takes over the regulation of metabolic processes and hormonal levels necessary for the growth of the child. But before that, there is no special organ, and the body has to deal with an increased content of toxins in it. As soon as the placenta has formed, began to fully function, toxicosis disappears or decreases.
  • Chronic diseases. In chronic diseases, the body is weakened, it does not always cope with the usual load. What then to say about the double?
  • Stress. It has been noticed that late toxicosis is more common in women who are a lot nervous during pregnancy. If the conception was unplanned, the very fact of future motherhood may disturb the woman. A significant role is also played by the conviction that toxicosis must necessarily develop - the power of self-hypnosis begins to act. Therefore, remember: pregnancy without toxicosis is possible, and you need to set yourself up for just such an option.

  • Multiple pregnancy. When there is more than one fetus, the mother's body needs more resources to keep things running smoothly.
  • hereditary predisposition. The risk of toxicosis is higher for those whose mother and grandmother constantly faced this problem.
  • Too early or too late. When the body has not yet fully formed or is already aging, it is more difficult for it to cope with the additional load.
  • Bad habits. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs spoil the health of both mother and baby. Not surprisingly, this can lead to very serious health problems for both.

When does toxicity end?

Every woman who feels the unpleasant symptoms described above wants to know how long such an unpleasant condition lasts during pregnancy, when it ends.

It is very difficult in advance, when toxicosis is just beginning, to say how long it will take. This happens differently for everyone. For some, this unpleasant period ends on its own. For example, early toxicosis often disappears at 13–14 weeks without any intervention. Others need medical attention. Occasionally, good health is restored only after childbirth.

If you are faced with the problem of a difficult pregnancy, try not to worry about it, cooperate with doctors and remember that after all this, your dear baby will be with you.

As you know, toxicosis in various forms and at various stages of pregnancy is diagnosed in almost every second woman. As a rule, with the exception of poor health, irritability and occasional nausea, this pathology does not entail any negative consequences.

However, in severe forms of toxicosis, there may be a threat to the health of the mother and the unborn fetus, such a condition requires mandatory treatment in a hospital. Almost every woman who has encountered this unpleasant phenomenon is concerned about the following question: how long does toxicosis last during pregnancy and is it possible to speed up the process of eliminating such an unpleasant phenomenon.

In order to answer these questions, it is required to get acquainted with the specifics of the occurrence and manifestation of pathology in more detail.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer the question in monosyllables when toxicosis in pregnant women ends. And this is due to the fact that there are a sufficient number of causes, types and characteristic manifestations of this pathology, and only a doctor can determine the influence of these factors on the course of pregnancy in general and toxicosis in particular, based on the result of tests, examination and physiological characteristics of a woman.

It should be noted that the appearance of pathology is not excluded both in women suffering from various types of chronic diseases, and in future mothers who are completely healthy. However, in representatives of the latter group, toxicosis, as a rule, manifests itself in a less pronounced form and does not require medical treatment through the use of drugs.

In order to have a general idea of ​​when toxicosis will end during pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity and severity of the characteristic symptoms inherent in this pathology.

  1. As a rule, bouts of mild nausea that occur as a response of the body to the smell and taste of certain foods accompany a woman throughout pregnancy and are the norm.
  2. If nausea and vomiting occur only in the morning and bother a woman from the very beginning of pregnancy, it is likely that the discomfort will completely disappear by the beginning or middle of the second trimester.
  3. If nausea and severe vomiting appear constantly, this, as a rule, indicates the presence of any chronic diseases, which are a kind of trigger for the development of toxicosis. In this case, the pathology can be eliminated only with the help of medical intervention.

Thus, it is quite difficult to determine the duration of toxicosis during pregnancy, since it is determined in accordance with the purely individual physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics of a pregnant woman.

Advice! If severe nausea and vomiting bothers a woman for a long period of time, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a possibility of a threat to the health of the mother and fetus.

The relationship of causes and effects

It is somewhat vague, but still it is possible to answer such a question, when toxicosis ends during pregnancy, by identifying the causes that result in pathology.

Numerous factors can lead to the occurrence of pathology, the main and most common of which should be called:

Possible reason Characteristic clinical picture Probable duration of pathology
Hormonal restructuring, when the woman's body perceives the fetus as a foreign antigen and produces the appropriate antibodies. Weakness, recurrent nausea, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance, deterioration in general well-being. As a rule, in this case, the pathology worries a woman from the first days of pregnancy and completely disappears by the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.
hereditary predisposition. It should be noted that this factor is not scientifically proven. In this case, various manifestations and forms of pathology are possible, from mild to most severe. The duration is determined by the individual characteristics and physiological state of the woman.
Psycho-emotional factors, for example, fear of childbirth, fear of pregnancy in general, and so on. Characteristic manifestations are mild nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, lethargy, deterioration in general well-being, headaches. Clinical signs completely disappear when adequate therapy is carried out, for example, by taking anti-anxiety medications prescribed by a doctor.
The presence of acute and chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Severe vomiting, poor digestion, constant nausea, deterioration in general well-being, pain in the abdomen. Symptoms may appear throughout pregnancy. Adequate drug therapy will help to improve the condition somewhat.

Thus, it is practically impossible to determine exactly how long toxicosis ends in a particular woman. If the pathology causes a lot of inconvenience, worsens the quality of life and is the cause of various disorders on the part of the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Terms of pregnancy

You should know that no matter how long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy, this pathology is far from always a variant of the physiological norm. In some cases, the appearance of nausea and vomiting indicates the development of various diseases.

In such a situation, it is possible to stabilize the condition of a woman and prevent the development of a threat to the health of the expectant mother and baby only through the appointment of adequate drug therapy. As a rule, the relative physiological norm of the appearance of toxicosis is also determined in accordance with the timing of pregnancy.

First trimester

In the vast majority of clinical cases, toxicosis occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Often, the first manifestations of this unpleasant pathology begin to disturb a woman a few days after the implantation of the fetal egg to the uterine wall. Usually in this case, nausea, vomiting and poor health are the result of hormonal changes in the body.

Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is conditionally divided into three main forms, including:

    It is characterized by the appearance of attacks of nausea and vomiting no more than five times a day. In this case, the general well-being of a woman worsens slightly, the usual working capacity is maintained. The expectant mother may well lead a normal life.

    Diagnosed in the event that sat vomiting appears less than eight times during the day. To improve the condition of a woman during this period, it is recommended to normalize the daily routine and nutrition, as well as to exclude the influence of negative factors that aggravate the physical condition, such as junk food and unpleasant odors.

    If severe vomiting appears more than eight times during the day, this indicates a severe form of pathology. In this case, there is a high risk of a threat to the health of the woman and the fetus, dehydration of the body and a significant deterioration in general well-being. To prevent negative consequences, treatment in a hospital is required.

How long does toxemia last in pregnant women in the first trimester? As a rule, in this case, the pathology is an absolute physiological norm and completely disappears by the beginning or middle of the second trimester.

However, this option is possible only if the expectant mother does not have any chronic diseases. In more detail about the nuances of the occurrence of toxicosis in the early stages, the video in this article will tell.

Second and third trimesters

Toxicosis that occurs during the II and III trimester of pregnancy is far from always a variant of the norm and most often indicates the development of any pathologies, abnormalities or diseases. The price of ignoring this condition during this period can be very high, up to premature birth.

In order to improve the condition and prevent possible negative consequences, a woman is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination, which will confirm the presence or exclude diseases and pathologies.

Thus, it is practically impossible to answer the question of how long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy during the third and second trimesters. Instructions regarding the timing and advice for the relief of this condition can only be prescribed by the attending physician on the basis of an examination of the patient.

Advice! If severe vomiting, nausea and other characteristic signs occur once in the second or third trimester, this condition may indicate food poisoning. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Regardless of how long toxicosis lasts, this phenomenon can hardly be called pleasant. Systematically occurring nausea, vomiting, weakness and fatigue are the main causes of a decrease in the quality of life, the appearance of weakness, fatigue, irritability and increased nervousness of a pregnant woman.

If a woman does not have any pathologies and diseases, the condition can be somewhat improved and the intensity of the manifestation of characteristic symptoms can be reduced as follows:

  1. You absolutely can't overeat. You should eat often enough, but in small portions. Food should be not only light, but also nutritious.
  2. If vomiting recurs often enough, it is recommended to drink more fluids and take vitamins prescribed by the doctor. This will help to avoid a deficiency of the substances necessary for the body and dehydration.
  3. Predisposing factors for vomiting and nausea, such as strong odors, should be avoided.
  4. It is recommended to resort to alternative therapy methods, for example, to take infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs.
  5. You should not take a horizontal position immediately after drinking a liquid or food, you should walk around a bit.

In addition, every woman in a state of pregnancy can find for herself a certain way that will help stop nausea. For some, it will be enough to eat a slice of an apple or an orange, drink a glass of water or take a walk, while others need to take medications and dietary supplements prescribed by a doctor.

So, in each clinical case, there are certain factors that contribute to both the development of nausea and vomiting attacks, and the decrease in the intensity of their manifestations. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to accurately answer the question of how long toxicosis lasts. Nevertheless, it is possible to somewhat reduce the severity of the clinical picture of this phenomenon, thereby preventing possible negative consequences.

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