Home Potato Is it possible to baptize on an apple savior. What do parents need to do after the Baptism of a child? Baptism of a child in Lent

Is it possible to baptize on an apple savior. What do parents need to do after the Baptism of a child? Baptism of a child in Lent

Unfortunately, often an Orthodox Christian or his parents after the Sacrament of Baptism put an end to it.

Baptized, thank God! The necessary minimum has been done. The obligation to the Lord and the soul of the child was fulfilled. Then only the earthly: education, health, study, work, army, marriage. Well, you can also go to the church twice a year: on Easter to dedicate Easter cakes, meat and eggs, and on the Baptism of the Lord - to collect holy water. The one who has stronger faith (if, of course, there is time!) On Palm Sunday, he will dedicate willow, honey Savior honey and apple Savior apples and grapes. Well, that's definitely enough for now.

All. Enough.

In the mind of such a person, Orthodoxy is just a good old grandmother's tradition. No more. And the whole mysterious saving life of the Church passes by and is completely unnoticed by him.

But you need to understand that the Sacrament of Baptism is not the end, but the BEGINNING. This is the door to the vast and deepest world of the Church - the world of Orthodoxy. I was baptized, and I stood on the first step of the ladder to heaven. Christ Himself took my hand, and instead of tearing it out of His paternal hand and leaving again as if nothing had happened into the world with its haste, emptiness and passions, the grace of the Holy Spirit, received in the baptismal font, calls me up - to the Kingdom of Heaven step by step, step by step, second by second. Everything is up and up, not down and down.

The Sacrament of Baptism is not only a great grace, but also a colossal responsibility. I received a gift in Baptism and Confirmation, I was grafted into the vine of Christ, united through Him with God the Father and received the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit for a firm and determined life in Christianity. I am a new creature, not an old man, but a renewed earthly angel, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. All sins have been washed away from me, it happened to me here - in the baptismal font - the miracle of my personal resurrection. There was a birth of a new god-like being - a son or daughter of God - a god with a small letter. This is what the Sacrament of Baptism is.

But instead of trembling with reverent and sacred horror before the immeasurable depth of the Sacrament, I perceive it as a pure formality - like a stamp in my passport and go on living and sinning further ...

This, my dear brothers and sisters, is the same as putting a holy icon in the mud and trampling it underfoot. After all, what is the Sacrament of Baptism if not the image of God in the heart and soul of a person?! And the one who does not cleanse, does not embellish it, does not put it on the throne of his inner heart altar - commits a terrible blasphemous sin.

Because the Lord gave me an enormous gift, and it will be demanded from me and asked: “HOW and FOR WHAT did I use this gift?”

Now, from the point of view of divine church economy (indulgence), we receive the great gift of the Sacrament of Baptism just like that. But it was not always so. Once upon a time, many Orthodox people died for him, and in order to become a Christian, one had to go through an art-proclamation in order to enter the water in full consciousness of the shrine of Baptism and come out of it as a NEW person.

The same can be said about the recipients (popularly "godfathers"). You take responsibility for the soul of the child. From now on and forever you will be connected with him by parental bonds - a spiritual invisible connection. Before the Holy See, you take an oath that you will raise your child in the Orthodox faith. Figuratively speaking, you and your child are like climbers walking in a bundle along the mountain of life. A baby will grow up, become a bad person, and after death it will break off, fly down - to hell, it is quite possible that you will go after him. Because that is your omission. Or, on the contrary, he will become a good Orthodox Christian and after death he will go to heaven, perhaps you will go after him, because this is your merit.

Excuses like "I'm already old and live in Ukraine, and my godson is sixty, and, according to rumors, he is in Australia" are not accepted. You swore an oath to God for him. As a spiritual parent, you should at least pray for him.

Therefore, parents, both biological and spiritual, should not think after the Sacrament of Baptism: “Fuuuuuuh! It's finally over, now to the table and home." But you have to think: “What next? How to live now? How to stir up the gift received in Baptism?”

The answer is simple. More often to enter under the high vaults of the temple. And live the church life. And then the Lord will tell.

A mother with a child needs to come to the temple after Baptism and conduct a churching ceremony. Parents themselves should learn the main prayers "Our Father" and "Symbol of Faith", teach these prayers to the child. Give him an icon of his heavenly patron. Of course, you should pray for the child. It must be remembered that the main shrine of Orthodoxy is the Body and Blood of Christ. And, according to the Savior, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you” (John 6:53). An adult person needs to prepare for a long time in order to take communion, and a baptized baby can simply be brought under the Chalice so that he perceives the greatest shrine of the Eucharist. It is very important. The Body and Blood of Christ, taken by the child, will purify and enlighten him in every possible way, giving him spiritual and bodily health. Of course, after this, you need to read thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion.

And in general, one should strive to visit the temple every Sunday with the child, so that the church becomes for him not a frightening unusual place, but a home. And so gradually, step by step, ascend from measure to measure, discovering the amazing and deep world of Orthodoxy. Indeed, in essence, the Sacrament of Baptism is only the beginning of the journey. A long shining road awaits you further. Stepping on it, we will receive such gifts of the Holy Spirit, before which all the treasures of the world will fade.

The main thing is that we ourselves do not pass by it ...

In the earthly life of a person, joining and bringing closer to God. There are few who do not go through this: we are baptized in childhood, or an adult independently and consciously comes to Christ.

Baptism of a child in Lent

Orthodox life half consists of fasts: multi-day, one-day.

Is it possible to baptize a child during fasting - a frequently asked question.

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments that takes place on any day of the year. Veliky, Rozhdestvensky, Petrov and Assumption fasts are no exception. The error arose, rather, because of the Wedding, which is not performed these days, but they applied this law to Baptism. In reality, things are different.

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Tip: it is more common to baptize infants and adults on Saturday, Sunday, but choose another day if desired. Therefore, fasting is not a hindrance for Christening.

Baptism of a child in a church

Features of Baptism in the Great and Assumption fasts

Great, Assumption fasts are considered strict, when a person prays especially hard, takes care of the purity of his soul and avoids entertainment events.

As for bodily abstinence, even fish is allowed to be eaten only on holidays:

On Lazarus Saturday, eating fish caviar is allowed.

And since many events in a person’s life are accompanied by festive feasts, the Church does not forbid on strict days to set the table only with fasting dishes. Yes, and fun will be inappropriate.

Important: but this is not a ban on the sacrament, but the point is how the parents themselves are set up and ready for the ceremony. If after Baptism it is planned to invite relatives and friends to a feast, it is better to choose a day that does not fall on the days of repentance. Otherwise, it would be prudent to refrain from a bright celebration of this event.

In addition, for forty days before Easter and two weeks before the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, services of special content and length of time are celebrated. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate with the priest the possibility of holding a Baptism.

Sacrament of Baptism

Godparents: who are they

Often there are disputes between Baptism in infancy and adult conscious life.

The task of the parents of the baby is to help develop not only physically, but also spiritually.

The soul of a baby is pure and sinless; in order to protect it, prayer is needed, a conversation with God. Only after Christening can you pray for a person, submit notes about health.

Therefore, parents at an early age introduce the child to church life. And godparents join in to help - people who are responsible for the formation and development of the soul of the godson.

These are the second most important close people, after their own parents, and in spiritual matters they can be more significant than moms and dads.

More often, they take girlfriends and friends who are far from the Orthodox faith and the church as godparents. Many do not attend the church, do not know how to pray, do not go to confession, do not take communion, they cross the threshold of the church only on major holidays - Easter, Christmas.

On this day, there are practically no boundaries between the worlds. Light energy prevails. Therefore, in the Transfiguration of the Lord, the signs are accurate, and the conspiracies and rituals of white magic have a particularly powerful force. Apple Savior is a time when you can change your destiny, purify your inner energy, and receive protection from higher powers. It is filled with deep sacred meaning. This is a day of positive energy flows that you can use for your own good. How? Long-term observations, signs, various ritual actions will prompt, which are especially reliable and effective.

Traditions and signs for the Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord)

You can ask in the Savior for anything, but this must be done sincerely and without selfish thoughts

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a big Christian holiday with a fixed date that never changes. Therefore, in 2018, as always, it is celebrated on Sunday, August 19.

The people call the holiday in parallel the Apple or Second Savior, the Savior on the Mountain, the Pea Day, the First Autumn.

This is one of the three Spas, which are traditionally celebrated in August. The energy of the holiday is optimistic, filled with light, kindness and mercy. August 19 - a real opportunity to change life for the better, to transform together with nature. Apples consecrated in the church are endowed with special energy power.

What is forbidden to do on this day

Eating apples before the Savior was not allowed, especially for women

In ancient times, the Slavs had a strict ban on eating fruits before a special ritual. The tradition of blessing the harvest has been preserved to this day. Until apples, pears, grapes are consecrated by a priest in the temple on Apple Savior, they cannot be cooked or eaten fresh. The strictest prohibitions apply to apples. Moreover, the consequences of violating the taboo are more detrimental to women who thus take upon themselves the original sin of Eve.

What else can not be done on this day:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to work. Cooking and gardening are allowed. You can not do field work, build anything, knit, sew, clean the house. It is believed: if you collect grain for the Spas, it will deteriorate very quickly. The entire crop must be harvested before the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  2. Before the Apple Savior, there is a strict ban on eating apples for women whose children have died. The taboo concerns mothers who have lost babies. However, mothers who have lost an adult son or daughter also forbid themselves to eat apples and dishes from them until the Second Savior arrives. All because of the ancient legend, which is still believed in Russia. In the afterlife, on this day, children receive golden apples. Only those whose mothers ate apples before the Apple Savior remain without miraculous fruits.
  3. It is also better for unmarried guys not to eat apples until the Transfiguration of the Lord - the wife will be whiny and ugly.
  4. It is forbidden to swear, have fun, drink any alcohol, meat, fatty dishes, eggs, because the holiday is celebrated on the day of the Dormition Fast. On the table there can only be vegetable and fish dishes, as well as all kinds of dishes from apples and other fruits.
  5. It is not necessary to kill flies on the Second Spas. If she sat down twice on her hand, this is a sign symbolizing the fulfillment of desires. An insect cannot be driven away - it is better if it flies away of its own free will.

What to do on the day of the Second Savior

The first thing they do is take a basket of fruit and go to serve in the temple, where, after a festive prayer service, a priest in snow-white robes will sprinkle the fruit with holy water. It must be remembered: the harvest is brought to the church first of all as a token of gratitude to God. Only then will they acquire special properties.

It is believed that the consecrated apple will bring health, happiness and good luck. Anyone who has not eaten such a fruit on the Apple Savior can get sick and suffer for a whole year until the next Transfiguration. Apples picked on August 19, even if they are late varieties, are perfectly stored. The first plucked from the tree must be eaten, saying: "What is contrived - will come true, what will come true - will not pass." This is done to make wishes come true.

It is not forbidden to baptize children on Apple Savior, on the contrary, on this holiday there are even a little more godparents than on weekdays.

Folk omens for August 19

You need to be attentive to the signs and do the following:

Weather for the holiday - forecast for January: if it rains - a snowy winter, a hot dry day - a frosty January without precipitation. Rainy Transfiguration of the Lord - it will rain often in autumn.

Rituals, divination and conspiracies

An apple, a round symbol, can participate in many rituals on this day.

Magical rituals performed on Apple Spas will be easy and effective, and fortune-telling will be reliable. Special personal energy costs are not required. Belief in the ritual, bright thoughts and feelings are important.

Fortune telling on apple peel for unmarried girls

Cut the apple so that the cut peel is in the form of a ribbon. If you cut it off, and the ribbon breaks, you won’t get married this year. In the case when a long ribbon is obtained, the peel is thrown over the shoulder with the left hand. The symbol, which turned out after the fall, will tell the further fate of the girl: it will resemble the first letter of the name of the future spouse.

Relationship fortune telling for an unmarried woman

Take apples according to the number of men you are interested in. Write a name on each. Then take it to the garden or balcony for the night. Early in the morning, see the result:

  1. There will be nothing sensible if the fruit is pecked by birds.
  2. An apple, which the birds ate almost completely, will tell about the appearance of a dangerous rival.
  3. A fruit that fell to the ground - a relationship with this man will bring tears and pain.
  4. The fetus that has completely disappeared says that the paths with the guy will part.

Youth divination on apples

A group of girls and guys take a consecrated apple, each of which is attached to a string. Make a fire and spin the fruits with the greatest force. Whoever has an apple falls into the fire faster, he will marry or get married earlier. The one who turns out to be the last, let him not dream of a wedding until the next Savior.

A simple ritual for wealth

The more apples you distribute to your loved ones and the poor, the richer you will be this year.

To avoid problems with money, consecrate apples, distribute them to the poor. Eat one yourself, saying: “Relieving need, wealth is a health resort. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! May it be so!"

Love plot for the Transfiguration

To draw attention to yourself, you need to cut the apple in half. Three nettle leaves are placed between the halves, connecting the fruit together. They bring it to their lips and say: “Fly here, like a nettle that burns with fiery passion, for the two of us the most beautiful. May it come true for the benefit of those in love and their loved ones. The charmed apple is hidden in a secret place. After it rots, the rest is buried near the lover's dwelling.

A strong conspiracy that improves relations with the boss

In order for the contact with the leader to be friendly, they put a candle in the temple for health and say: “The Lord Almighty has kindled with His mercy, have mercy on your servant (name of the boss) and on me (name). Henceforth and forever, so be it."

Apple Spas is loved in Russia. This is a celebration of gratitude and light, positive changes and faith in the future. Nature transforms itself and gives us the strength to change the course of fate for the better. The plan will surely come true if the heart and soul on this day are filled with bright feelings. Let the outgoing summer remain a good memory, and the coming autumn will bring wonderful changes for the better.

* Photographs by Olga Kasyanchuk and Alexander Taldin

Signs and superstitions: is it possible for pregnant women to baptize a child 2018-12-16 14:15 4200

Religious beliefs are an integral part of any culture, and they always establish certain canons of behavior in society, including all sorts of prohibitions. However, sometimes these taboos are not well known to people. That is why young parents often have a question about the possibility of inviting a pregnant friend or relative to be the godparents of their child.

For many centuries, there were many different superstitions and restrictions around the expectant mother, including prohibitions on participation in church ceremonies. At the same time, more progressive signs have appeared in our days that do not prohibit women in a position from becoming godparents even before the birth of their own child. What beliefs to pay attention to can only be decided by the person himself based on his beliefs and views, the spellon you website writes.

A couple of centuries ago, our ancestors were firmly convinced of the danger of the rite of baptism for a pregnant woman. They believed that the goddaughter or son would take away the well-being of the unborn baby and the love of his mother. Therefore, a native child, who is in the womb at the time of baptism, may be born with a programmed unhappy fate.

An even darker belief claims that by agreeing to become a godmother, a pregnant woman already acquires a child who will take the place of her own child in life. In this case, the baby may be born already dead.
Today, the official church does not consider pregnancy an obstacle to participation in the rite of baptism. Quite the contrary, the priests are sure that the future mother is better than any other woman able to feel the spirit of love and care for the baby, and at the same time "try on" future parental responsibilities.

However, even now for a lady in a position there are certain "contraindications" to participation in the ceremony, relating to her well-being. If a woman has a hard time enduring pregnancy, then it is worth considering that the ceremony is quite long in time and requires endurance and some physical effort from the godmother. If you are not sure that you can spend on your feet for a long time, and even at the same time hold a baby, and sometimes a fairly adult baby, then you should not put your health to such a test.

Before accepting an offer to become a godmother, a woman in a position should think about whether she can fully fulfill her duties in relation to her godson, having her own newly born baby in her arms. After all, this role is not limited to buying gifts for a birthday, but involves full participation in the life of a child and spiritual guidance in the development of his personality.

On August 19, 2020, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is popularly called Apple Spas. On this day, solemn services are held in churches and the fruits of the new harvest, including apples, are illuminated.

In Russia, there have long been many signs and beliefs about the Apple Savior, as well as rituals and customs associated with this holiday. Many of them are still followed.

In particular, there have been many prescriptions regarding what is possible and what is not allowed at Apple Spas. We will talk about how this day was celebrated in the old days and about the beliefs related to Apple Spas.

What is allowed at Apple Spas? From this day on, you can eat apples of a new crop, which until that time were not accepted to be consumed. It was believed that a woman who ate an apple in the summer before the Apple Savior takes on the ancient sin of Eve.

On this day, it is customary to leave offerings in the church, treat friends and acquaintances with apples, give gifts to the poor (it was not for nothing that they said: “A beggar will eat an apple on Apple Spas”).

The consecrated fruits were also carried to the cemetery and even left on abandoned graves.

Signs and beliefs on Apple Spas

Let's talk about the signs that are associated with Apple Spas. People believed that on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, apples acquired miraculous power.

If you eat an apple on this day, making a cherished wish, then it will certainly come true. The girls made wishes on the suitors, saying: “What is made up is contrived, what is contrived will come true, what will come true will not pass!”

At sunset, the peasants sang songs, danced round dances, seeing off the summer: it was believed that after this day it ends. It was believed that what would be the Apple Savior, such would be the Pokrov day.

Rain on Spas foreshadowed a rainy autumn, and dry weather - dry. The weather on Spas also judged the next January. The rainy Savior foreshadowed a snowy January, dry weather - a frosty and snowless first month of the year.

From Apple Spas the nights became cold. The people said: “The Savior has come - take mittens in reserve”, “The Second Spas has in store for a fur coat.”

What is forbidden to do on Apple Spas?

This day falls during the Dormition Fast, so believers need to observe certain dietary restrictions and refrain from entertainment.

Traditionally, meat, dairy products, and eggs should not be eaten during fasting. On the day of the holiday, believers are allowed to include fish, vegetable oil and wine in their diet.

During the fasting period, one should refuse to watch entertainment TV shows, visit theaters and cinema.

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