Home Potato Retro images for a photo shoot. How to make a vintage photo in retro style. Retro style with modern sound

Retro images for a photo shoot. How to make a vintage photo in retro style. Retro style with modern sound

This photo shoot is also called vintage or photo shoot in vintage style.

For creating retro image for a photo shoot the studio has props: boas, hats, veils, pearls, a mouthpiece, gloves, fabrics, vintage suitcases, a retro sewing machine, etc.

1500 r. - photo shoot vintage(1 image), 30 min, about 30-50 photos, 2 of which will be processed at your choice.

It is recommended to order a professional photo make-up and styling, because the result will be much better. You should not rely on your own strength, unless you are a professional makeup artist-stylist. The cost of such a service is 1500 rubles.

You can also order an additional 1-2 images (should be discussed in advance so that it is assigned to you) + 1500 rubles.

3000 r. - photo shoot in vintage style(1 image) + professional make-up and hairstyle (total time in the studio 1.5 hours.) About 30-50 photos, 2 of which will be processed at your choice.

4500 r. - 2-3 looks + professional make-up and hairstyle (total working time in the studio is 2 hours). About 100 photos, 5 photos of your choice will be processed.

You need to send the photo numbers to the photographer for processing within 2 weeks. The photographer will send you ready-made photos to your email within 2 weeks. All photographs are provided electronically.


Antique photographs, extraordinary outfits and jewelry captured on them have always aroused the admiration and interest of the viewer. A retro style photoshoot will help you plunge into the era of the 20s - 80s of the last century.

For a retro photo shoot, you will need to create a certain image of a woman of that time. If this photo is in the style of the 20s, when angular girls with a flat chest and the same hips were in fashion, then pick up various furs as accessories: fur coats, boas and capes. Long strings of pearls, small flat or veiled hats, dresses with a deep neckline on the back or the famous. Makeup and hairstyle should also match the image. Black-lined eyes, bright red lipstick, bow-shaped lips. Hair should be slicked down with hair gel or foam, or styled in waves around the face and head.

If you want to appear as a bright and sexy girl of the 80s, then you should choose hourglass cut outfits that perfectly emphasize a thin waist and roundness of the hips. Wind your hair into playful curls of medium size or. Bright lips in makeup are also welcome.

When shooting a retro photo shoot in the park, you can complement the image with an umbrella, a mouthpiece, a retro car, a park bench.

Do not forget about facial expressions and gestures during photography. They should be languid, slow, unhurried and majestic. If you are not sure what you will succeed, then learn facial expressions from old films, rehearse in front of a mirror.

If a retro-style photo session will be filmed on the street, then, of course, it is worth discussing with the photographer the places where you will be photographed. The old streets of the city, the old railway station, the embankment are great options for such an event.

A family photo session in retro style looks quite interesting. Children also pick up stylized costumes. Pets can also participate in such a photo session: a cat, a dog, birds in a beautiful large cage. And having selected the most successful photos from a family retro photo shoot, you can hang them on the wall in frames designed in the same style.

Photo shoot in retro style in the studio

If you plan to shoot in a photo studio, then before that you should discuss a future photo shoot with a photographer. Then you can decide on the necessary accessories and background. Such a photo shoot will take place in more comfortable conditions, and you will not need to carry a bunch of different accessories with you, worry about your hair. The photographer will be able to direct the lighting in such a way as to get the best shot. You can also view several captured photos and correct errors.

There are also so-called interior photo studios, where the interior and accessories are selected specifically for thematic photo shoots. The rental price of such a studio depends on the "complexity" of the created interior.

Wedding retro photo session

If you do not want a wedding photo album "like everyone else" - choose an original thematic photo shoot for yourself. A wedding photo shoot in retro style is stylish, interesting and a lot of positive emotions for you and your guests. But when choosing this style, keep in mind that the bride's dress, groom's suit, makeup, bouquet, wedding car should also be retro. Warn guests. Let them, too, pick up some accessory from the past for their elegant costumes. Do not hesitate, such a wedding event will turn out to be elegant, bright, interesting and fun.

The main thing is not to be too lazy to prepare as carefully as possible for the process of a retro-style photo shoot, and then everything will certainly go off without a hitch.

Photography as an art form never ceases to amaze with its new beginnings. She, like fine art has its own styles and trends that can be recognized in photographs.

The formation of styles occurs under the influence of various factors - this is the shooting technique, composition, color and much more. Since the advent of photography, the styles that exist along with the styles of fine art have undergone changes, and new ones have also appeared. Regardless of the style in which the photographer works, he always differs in originality from other photographers working in the same style.

Photographs in retro style, with their tones and special form, seem to return to the time of the birth of photography as an art, to a time filled with sophistication and genuineness of feelings. Not only in black and white or with a gray-brown tint, but also in color, it contains mystery.

Modern photographers do not reproduce everything thoroughly in their photographs, but only maintain the style of the era in them. Modernly interpreted, created with the help of fashion models, they bear the imprints of history, while at the same time embodying a new, more sophisticated style. To create a photo in this style, photographers use photographic materials for low-sensitivity black-and-white photography, the addition of color is carried out only with low-key, soft shades and halftones, making full use of all the possibilities of modern photographic equipment for this.

Photo in retro style is not just processing of the taken photo - its "aging". Recreating on it the interior, furnishings and accessories corresponding to the style of the time in which the photograph is taken is mandatory for such photographs. Most often, the expressiveness of the era is manifested in the make-up of the model, and the most difficult part of it is the eyes, which should be expressive. As for hairstyles in retro style, they are most often represented by wavy curls, the length of which is not of particular importance, laid in a hairstyle. Typical for retro hairstyles is a straight or side parting. Only excellent make-up that matches the style and the right hairstyle allow you to move on to creating an image with the help of emotions. A distinctive feature of photography in retro style from artistic photography is precisely the creation of an image that reflects the era.

The image of the model in the photograph, made in the style of the 20s, will be a flat-chested, angular girl with flat hips and meekly cut hair, which is most often straight, going down to the face, or covered with waves or small curls. The make-up of the model in the style of this time looks defiantly bright, and the clothes allow you to open your legs as much as possible and bare your back, that is, to be extravagant, but no less exquisitely refined.

Photographs in retro style, reflecting the period of the 50s Goths, differ sharply from the above photographs in the image of the model. These are already busty, with rounded body shapes - “hourglass” girls in heeled shoes emphasizing the shape of the figure. If the image of a girl of the 20s is brunette girls, then in the 50s they are burning blondes.

Nowadays, the topics for amateur photo shoots are not limited to the already familiar genres from the category of a standard photo walk or ordinary shooting in a studio. Perhaps this explains the constant growth in the popularity of genre photography among ordinary people. Now the embodiment of non-standard images within the framework of a photo shoot has become a kind of subculture not only among young people, but also among older people. In this article, we will touch on the basic rules for a retro photo shoot that will help you bring it to perfection.


The ideal situation is if the shooting style is displayed both in the scenery and in the image, but, unfortunately, can often let down both the first and the second. Therefore, it is worth considering the nuances of a photo shoot of this genre, built both at the expense of the image and the scenery. But first, a few words about the style itself.

Retro can be attributed to the temporary trends of almost the entire XX century, starting from the 20s, the time of the first jazz, and ending with the hot disco eighties.

In this time period, you already choose the topic for yourself. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that retro covers a decent layer of history, more often under it they represent the 50s - the time of Marilyn Monroe. It is her image that leads among the most embodied.

In second place is the style of silent film actresses - the “femme fatale” style (20-30s) - styling-wave, vamp makeup, veil, gloves, mouthpiece and, of course, a touch of tragedy in her eyes.

Third place - the rock wave of the 70s - leather, punk style, freedom in movements and poses.

Fourth place - hot eighties or disco.


The image is the main component of any photo shoot. It is due to a well-designed image that you can “pull out” any genre, regardless of the scenery. When choosing retro for a photo shoot, you need to consider what you want. It is extremely important not to mix different time categories in your image. For example, it is not uncommon for a mistake where, due to inexperience, a black leather jacket of the 70s is able to “get through” into the image of the 20s (retro dress). The same applies not only to clothes, but also to makeup and hairstyles. Even some poses can be purely in the same style. For example, Monroe's famous pose, where the hem of her dress flutters, can no longer be used in any other genre.

It is necessary to place the main emphasis on the development of the image in a photo session when you have a problem with the rest of the entourage and scenery, in other words, if the photo session is held in a studio. You can compensate for the lack of scenery with the help of studio effects. So, gray smoke is suitable for a rock image, for disco this smoke can be illuminated simultaneously with different lights and you get a bright entourage, plus add fans to everything. For the image of a silent movie, it is better to initially carry out a photo shoot with semi-dimmed light on a dark background and, if desired, convert the pictures to black and white.


When there are no problems with the decorations, it is necessary to take into account an important rule - they must also be designed in only one style. The entire photo shoot should now be based on the principle of interior, object or landscape photography - where the main role is the setting, and the model must only fit beautifully into it, without pulling the main role over to herself.

The scenery is not only rooms furnished in a retro genre, this includes a lot, from cars to city streets, which have fully preserved the styling required for a photo shoot.

Before the start of the photo session, it is advisable to once again critically assess the situation and, before it is too late, remove / add the required elements. It is important not to overload the scenery thematically. Otherwise, in total with the image of the model, you get a real "mess".

Do you want to have a retro style photo shoot in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers in Moscow who carry out retro photography for men and women!

What is retro style

A retro style photo pack is an interesting idea to capture the most important events in life. This is something for fans of the first movie stars, jazz, Charleston, vaudeville, musicals. For inspiration, before organizing a photo shoot, it is worth reviewing family photographic albums from the beginning of the century and silent films.

The basis of the photographs will be the study of the play of light and shadow for black and white and sepia. It is worth remembering that in these crazy times, there is a lot of dancing, candlelit dinners in restaurants, and playing cards.

We will be happy to help you organize a session, both in the studio and on the street - against the backdrop of interesting landscapes, old buildings, benches and fountains, reminiscent of the turn of the century,


Use fashionable for that time short under construction dresses with a low waist, clutches, fur capes on the shoulders, boas, gloves, boas, frock coats, top hats and bowler hats. All this will help to recreate the unique atmosphere of the 20s and 30s.


Cigarillo, cigar, cane, a la Charlie Chaplin, a string of pearls, a headband with a feather. Gadgets that will help convey the atmosphere of a bygone era. Among them m.in:. Old suitcases, radios, adapters, and even wooden deckchairs and the original vial is closed with a ceramic cap, playing cards, fans, revolvers. Curved chair backs, carved tabletops.

Makeup and hairstyles

Makeup and hairstyle, typical for the first decades of the last century - quite bright lips, eyelashes, powdered face. Hairstyles - from a short "page" or "square", to raised to the back of the head and pinned up long hair, artificial wigs.

Poses for a photo shoot

It is advisable to choose dynamic-playing poses in the “stop a moment” style - in dancing, talking and playing cards, feasting (raising glasses), a girl at a dressing table, reading a book, walking by a pond, etc. But all poses should be natural and saturated with the energy of that time.

Images, examples of photos in Retro style

Retro photo shoot cost

How we do themed photo shoots



Photo studio rental without our photographer

  • You can bring your own photographer or take pictures on your own.
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 300 rubles


Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (background to the floor, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 1500r
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

2 900 rub/hour

Photoshoot with our photographer

  • Minimum order of 2 hours (prepaid only!)
  • Shooting with professional Canon photography equipment
  • Burning all the footage to a disc or your flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)

2 500 rub/hour

Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost may increase up to 300 rubles for especially complex tasks)
  • Minimum order from 20 items


Services of a stylist/make-up artist

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for especially complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000r

2 900 rub

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation/smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Eye color change
  • Tan
  • Eliminate glare from the skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss/gain)


photo slideshow

  • Any photo/video/music can be used
  • The duration of the video is no more than 12 minutes

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