Home Preparations for the winter Attitude of Russians towards migrants survey. A survey of residents of the Volgograd region about their attitudes towards migration. Russians' views on migration policy

Attitude of Russians towards migrants survey. A survey of residents of the Volgograd region about their attitudes towards migration. Russians' views on migration policy

The main reason why migrants are hired is that their work is paid lower than that of local workers - 57% of Russians chose this answer on the card. It is equally often believed that it is most advisable to hire migrants only for jobs that do not require qualifications, and that they should be hired for any jobs where there is a shortage of personnel. Very few people say that migrants are needed in jobs that require high qualifications (doctors, scientists, teachers, etc.)

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FOMnibus is a representative survey of the population aged 18 years and older. The survey involved 1,500 respondents - residents of 104 urban and rural settlements in 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Face-to-face interviews took place at the respondents’ place of residence. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.

Let's talk about labor migrants - those who come to work legally or illegally. Why do you think, for what main reasons is migrant labor used in your city (town, village)?


Card, no more than three answers

General population Muscovites Residents of cities of 1 million or more Village residents
Migrants charge less for work than locals 57 72 65 65 66 56 38
The conditions that migrants agree to are not suitable for local residents (accommodation, food, etc.) 35 63 44 44 31 37 17
Migrants are hired because locals do not accept such work 30 29 38 32 29 30 25
It is more profitable to hire migrants because it is more difficult for them to protect their rights 30 52 34 41 31 24 17
Migrants are hired by “their own” - entrepreneurs who themselves were (are) migrants 15 19 17 19 16 17 9
Migrants work better than locals 12 10 13 14 12 10 10
We have no migrants 9 0 1 1 2 11 26
I find it difficult to answer 9 2 3 8 8 7 16

For which jobs, from your point of view, is it most advisable to accept migrants?


Card, one answer

General population Muscovites Residents of cities of 1 million or more Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand. Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements Village residents
Only for jobs that do not require qualifications (janitors, loaders, etc.) 37 40 44 37 39 39 31
Only for jobs requiring high qualifications, higher education(doctors, scientists, teachers, etc.) 5 12 8 4 4 4 4
For any jobs where there is a shortage of personnel 36 32 29 45 33 36 36
Not for any jobs 11 11 10 7 12 7 15
I find it difficult to answer 11 5 10 7 12 14 14

There is a point of view that migrants take jobs, and there are no jobs left for local residents. Do you think there is such a problem in your region or not?


General population Muscovites Residents of cities of 1 million or more Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand. Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements Village residents
There is such a problem 39 54 45 36 39 39 34
No such problem 49 36 47 49 49 49 52
I find it difficult to answer 12 10 8 15 12 11 14

Over the past 10 years, have you (your family) had to hire migrants from other regions of Russia or other countries to perform any work?


General population Muscovites Residents of cities of 1 million or more Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand. Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements Village residents
I had to 13 31 15 12 12 9 9
I didn't have to 86 69 85 84 87 89 91
I find it difficult to answer 1 0 0 3 2 0

In general, 72% of respondents are wary of labor migrants. What is the reason for this? How do Russians assess the impact of newcomers on the Russian economy? And should the government of our country, in their opinion, tighten migration policy? Read in a new study by the Institute Public Opinion Questionnaire."

Research results

Has the number of migrants in your locality increased or decreased over the past 5 years?

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural Federal District

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District


Remains unchanged


As the results of our study showed, 74% of respondents note in their populated areas many visitors from other countries. Moreover, the majority of respondents (70%) are confident that over the past 5 years there have been more migrants.

In different federal districts In our country this figure varies. Thus, immediately 81% of residents of the Far Eastern Federal District note an increase in the number of migrants in their locality, while in the Volga Federal District there are significantly fewer such people - 66%.

In general, 13% of respondents assess the situation with migrants in our country positively. While almost three times as many respondents see it as bad or very bad - 34%.

Attitude of the indigenous population towards newcomers

Only 28% of the indigenous population treats migrants favorably, while the remaining 72% are wary. According to the results of the study, the following trend can be observed: than larger city, the less tolerant its population is towards visitors. Thus, only 21% of residents of cities with a population of over a million are friendly towards labor migrants, while in cities with a population of less than 20 thousand people this figure is almost twice as high and amounts to 40%.

Russians welcome visitors from Belarus most warmly - 83% of respondents admitted that they have a positive attitude towards them. The majority of respondents also have a calm attitude towards migrants from Ukraine, Moldova (59% each) and Kazakhstan (54%).

On the contrary, a negative reaction prevails towards visitors from the countries of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus republics - 60 and 59% of respondents, respectively, admitted that they have a negative attitude towards them. Also, more than half of respondents (56%) have a negative attitude towards migrants from Central Asia.

Almost a third of respondents (31%) note that conflicts between the indigenous population and newcomers in their locality arise at least from time to time. Another 22% admitted that conflicts do occur, but quite rarely. And 47% say that there are no conflicts or that they have not heard of any.

Russians' views on migration policy

The overwhelming majority of respondents (77%) are in favor of tightening the migration policy of our state. Another 20% would like to leave it unchanged, and only 3% would like to soften it.

In general, the majority of Russians (63%) believe that migration of residents of other countries to Russia has a rather negative effect on our economy. Positive influence 28% noted this process had an impact on the economy.

Most Russians would not like migrants to work in law enforcement and municipal authorities: 67 and 64% of respondents, respectively, have a negative attitude towards the work of migrants in these areas. Those surveyed are much more tolerant of the work of visitors in the construction and repair sector (39% have a positive attitude, 26% have a negative attitude) and the service sector (29% for and 29% against).

Study sample

From August 23 to August 29, 4,920 people were surveyed, of which: 33% were men, 67% were women. Age: under 18 years old - 3%, 18–30 years old - 31%, 31–45 years old - 46%, 46–55 years old - 14%, over 55 years old - 6%.

The survey was conducted on February 17–20, 2017 using a representative all-Russian sample of urban and rural population among 1,600 people aged 18 years and older in 137 localities in 48 regions of the country.The study is conducted at the respondent's home using personal interviews.The distribution of answers is given as a percentage of total number respondents along with data from previous surveys.

Statistical sampling error 1600 people(with probability 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for rates close to 50%

2.9% for rates close to 25% / 75%

2.0% for rates close to 10% / 90%

1.5% for rates close to 5% / 95%







WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES, IN YOUR OPINION, ARE MOST CHARACTERISTIC FOR MIGRANT LABOR? (respondent was offered a card; multiple choice; ranked according to February 2017)

Jul.07 Feb.17
These are, as a rule, poorly educated people capable only of unskilled labor 28 32
These are, as a rule, unhappy people who have to endure many difficulties and hardships 27 28
These are, as a rule, hardworking people who are ready to work hard 30 26
These are, as a rule, breadwinners who care about the well-being of their family 38 25
As a rule, among them there are many scammers, criminals, etc. 21 21
These are, as a rule, active, enterprising people who want to improve their lives 20 16
These are, as a rule, people from socially disadvantaged sections of the population -* 15
These are, as a rule, losers who are unable to realize themselves in their country 16 11
Other 2 1
Difficult to answer <1 10

-* The position was not in the proposed list.








but I.











Try to limit
influx of visitors
45 54 59 52 57 52 61 68 70 78 72 76 68 80 66 67
Do not place in the path of inflows
visiting administrative barriers and try to use it for the benefit of Russia
44 38 36 39 32 35 30 24 20 14 19 16 23 10 23 19
Difficult to answer 10 7 6 9 10 13 9 8 10 8 8 8 9 10 11 13

Almost every second Russian has an intolerant attitude towards one or another category of labor migrants coming to Russia. The other half of the respondents, on the contrary, demonstrate a good and tolerant attitude towards immigration. Moreover, the wider the respondent’s range of intolerance, i.e. when he names not one, but two or more categories of migrant workers, to whom he has a “bad” attitude, the harsher his anti-immigration attitudes and the more xenophobic the image of the migrant as a whole.

Russians have the most intolerant attitude towards labor migrants from the North Caucasus and Central Asia. During the period between the measurements of 2007 and 2017, hostility towards labor migrants from Ukraine increased significantly and, on the contrary, attitudes towards migrants from the countries of Transcaucasia improved somewhat. Changes in attitudes towards these categories of migrants generally correlate with the countries of origin of these migrants. This “migrant phobia” is caused, among other things, by political factors, i.e. The negativism of Russians’ perception of Ukraine is growing and the rejection of labor migrants from these countries is growing. On the contrary, the proportion of Russians who have a positive attitude towards Georgia is increasing, and, accordingly, tolerance towards labor migrants from Transcaucasia is growing.

However, despite fluctuations in public opinion, the overall trend remains, demonstrating the reluctance of Russians to accept migrants into the country. Currently, two-thirds of those surveyed support the Russian government's restrictive measures aimed at limiting the influx of visitors. The survey was conducted before the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, which could have contributed to the strengthening of Russian isolationist attitudes towards migrants, as was the case last year after terrorist attacks in Europe and the refugee crisis (see chart).

Karina Pipia, sociologist at Levada Center

ANO “Levada-Center” was forcibly included in the register of non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent. Statement by the director of the Levada Center, who does not agree with this decision, .

Attitude towards labor migrants

Why is migrant labor used? Do Russians often hire migrants?

39% of survey participants are of the opinion that migrants take jobs, and there are no jobs left for locals. 49% of our fellow citizens are confident that there is no such problem. In Moscow, the distribution of answers is 54% to 36%. Over the past 10 years, 13% of Russians hired migrants (in Moscow – 31%).

The main reason why migrants are hired is that their work is paid lower than that of local workers - 57% of Russians chose this answer on the card. It is equally often believed that it is most advisable to hire migrants only for jobs that do not require qualifications, and that they should be hired for any jobs where there is a shortage of personnel. Very few people say that migrants are needed in jobs that require high qualifications (doctors, scientists, teachers, etc.).

Let's talk about labor migrants - those who come to work legally or illegally. Why do you think, for what main reasons is migrant labor used in your city (town, village)? (data in % of groups)
Card, no more than three answers

General population


Residents of cities of 1 million or more

Village residents

Migrants charge less for work than locals

The conditions that migrants agree to are not suitable for local residents (accommodation, food, etc.)

Migrants are hired because locals do not accept such work

It is more profitable to hire migrants because it is more difficult for them to protect their rights

Migrants are hired by “their own” - entrepreneurs who themselves were (are) migrants

Migrants work better than locals

We have no migrants

I find it difficult to answer

For which jobs, from your point of view, is it most advisable to accept migrants?(data in % of groups)
Card, one answer

General population


Residents of cities of 1 million or more

Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million

Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand.

Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements

Village residents

Only for jobs that do not require qualifications (janitors, loaders, etc.)

Only for jobs requiring high qualifications, higher education (doctors, scientists, teachers, etc.)

For any jobs where there is a shortage of personnel

Not for any jobs

I find it difficult to answer

There is a view that migrants take jobs and local residents there is no work left. Do you think there is such a problem in your region or not? (data in % of groups)

General population


Residents of cities of 1 million or more

Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million

Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand.

Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements

Village residents

There is such a problem

No such problem

I find it difficult to answer

Over the past 10 years, have you (your family) had to hire migrants from other regions of Russia or other countries to perform any work? (data in % of groups)

General population


Residents of cities of 1 million or more

Residents of cities from 250 thousand to 1 million

Residents of cities from 50 to 250 thousand.

Residents of cities less than 50 thousand, urban-type settlements

Village residents

I had to

I didn't have to

I find it difficult to answer

Data source: FOMnibus - a survey of Russian citizens aged 18 years and older. September 23, 2018 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 104 settlements, 1,500 respondents. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.


“Sociological study of the problems of legal and illegal migration in the Novgorod region”

Velikiy Novgorod

Contents 2Introduction 4I. Research program 41. Research problem: 42. Goals and objectives of the research 53. Object and subject and research: 64. Research hypotheses 65. Research methods 76. Basic concepts. 77. Description of the characteristics of the entire sample population in the study 98. Population survey: description of the sample population 99. Survey of experts: description of the sample population 11II. Survey of the population and experts. 121. The need for migrant workers from the point of view of the population and experts. 122. Opinion of the population of the Novgorod region and experts on the impact of migrants on the socio-economic situation in the Novgorod region. 133. Attitude of the population of the Novgorod region towards migrants 23III. Expert survey: migration situation in the Novgorod region 271. Expert opinion on the need for foreign labor in various fields of activity 272. The main problems of labor migrants in the Novgorod region 293. The problem of illegal migration in the Novgorod region 321. Difficulties of the survey . 322.Opinion about the relevance of illegal migration in the Novgorod region and trends in its development in the future. 353.Assessment of the scale of illegal migration in the Novgorod region. 364.Assessment of crime among migrants 435.Relationships of migrant workers with the Federal Migration Service 46IV. Survey of foreign workers. 481. Sampling and data collection method. 482. Socio-demographic data of respondents 493. Purpose of coming to the territory of the Russian Federation. 53 4. Scope of activity of the interviewed migrants 545. Problems and difficulties faced by foreign citizens 596. Opinion of foreign citizens about the attitude of the local population towards them 617. Conflicts between the local population and foreign citizens 618. Changes in the situation of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation as a whole and in Novgorod region through the eyes of migrants 629. Attitude of foreign citizens to the Migration Service of the Novgorod region. 6210. Opinions of foreign citizens about why employers hire them. 6411. Leisure of foreign citizens. 6512. CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS: 66V. Diasporas of the Novgorod region 671. Armenian community 682. Azerbaijani community 70VI. Reflection of the topic of migration in the Novgorod media 751. Frequency and tone of publications on the topic of migration 752. Content analysis of the newspaper “Novgorod” on the topic of migration 76VII. Main conclusions of the study 80Conclusion 83VIII. Used literature 85


Relevance completed research caused by the intensification of migration processes in Russia and the intensified migration policy of the Russian Federation. Despite obvious improvements and measures taken in migration policy, many problems, for example, the unclear picture of illegal migration, corrupt components of migrant registration processes, insufficient awareness of both labor migrants and employers, problems of social protection of labor migrants, etc. not fully resolved. Study carried out independent researchers under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Bilingual Education of NovSU Candidate of Sciences. psychol. Sciences Lukovitskaya Elena Gennadievna. Our work took place in close collaboration with experts - representatives of the Federal Migration Service for the Novgorod region, to whom the authors express deep gratitude for valuable advice and comments that significantly improved the research itself - this is, first of all, Vladimir Vladimirovich Opper, who at the very beginning of the study patiently introduced us to the course of migration processes, as well as Sergey Yuryevich Korchev, Igor Viktorovich Kostenkov, Igor Mikhailovich Grigoriev, Denis Vladimirovich Ivanov, Vlasova Elena Viktorovna. Many thanks to my colleagues - Yulia Viktorovna Bashkirova (report on foreign workers) and Olga Evgenievna Artamonova, Alexander Sergeevich Lukovitsky for significant technical support of our research, as well as to all my students from NovSU full-time and part-time studies - Timur Bayramov and Anna Popova (press analysis) , Evgenia Savelyeva (ISH), Anna Novikova, Lyubov Golubeva, Nadezhda Baeva, Ekaterina Savina, Alisa Koroleva (Faculty of Architecture and Construction, survey of foreign workers), and all our respondents who participated in this study!

I. Research program

  1. Research problem:

Illegal migration is a fairly stable modern Russian phenomenon that influences socio-economic processes in society. The Novgorod region is no exception, receiving 1) labor migrants, 2) migrants coming for permanent residence, 3) migrants coming to study and sometimes staying to work and live, 4) foreign specialists needed for a number of enterprises in the region. A certain number of migrants from abroad, for various reasons, end up in the shadow sector of the economy (without paying taxes to the state). The uncontrollability of this process can negatively affect the labor market and lead to massive violations of the rights of migrants.
  1. Goals and objectives of the study

Purpose of the study – analysis of the specifics of the situation with legal and illegal migration in the Novgorod region, determination of the volume of illegal migration. Research objectives :
    Identifying expert opinions on the number of illegal migrants by region. Analysis of scientific literature on methods for identifying illegal migrants. Identification of the prevailing socio-demographic characteristics of illegal migrants - gender, age, marital status, education, country of arrival. Analysis of the purposes of illegal migrants’ stay in the region - earnings, residence or moving further to another country. Identifying expert opinions on methods of migrants entering Russian territory. Identification of the degree of relevance of the problem of illegal migration for non-state areas. Identification of the sphere of predominance of illegal labor migrants - construction, markets, agriculture, etc. Identification of expert opinions on the negative and positive consequences of migrants’ work in the region Analysis of expert opinions on the stability of migration policy in non-profit areas:
    criminogenicity among migrants, types of crimes of illegal migrants The degree of tolerance of the population towards migrants. Conflict with the local population, adaptation of migrants to our culture, presence of threats to the stability of society.
    Identifying the attitude of migrants towards the migration service:
    Do migrants fear control from the migration service?
Do migrants prefer to pay a fine or hide from the MS?
    Who do they prefer to turn to for help – the migration service or their friends? ways to legalize migrants after 90 days ways to purchase migration cards possible obstacles to the legalization of illegal migrants
    What diasporas exist in Novgorod? What is the attitude of media publications in NGOs regarding migrants? Concentration of migrants in significant structures - business, officials, deputies, public figures
  1. Object and subject and research:

Object of study:
    Population of the Novgorod region Foreign citizens coming to work and live in the Novgorod region. The main diasporas of Veliky Novgorod are Armenian and Azerbaijani Experts - employees of the Federal Migration Service of the regions of the region and the city of Veliky Novgorod, civil servants - employees of a number of district Administrations of the region and the city (Chudovsky, Batetsky, Pestovsky), entrepreneurs hiring migrants. The media of Veliky Novgorod is the Novgorod newspaper, delivered weekly and free of charge to every resident of the city.
Subject of study: 1. The opinion of the population of Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region about migrants and their attitude towards them 2. Socio-demographic characteristics of migrants, their main problems, the attitude of migrants towards the migration service. 3. The activity and specificity of the functioning of the main diasporas in the region 4. Expert opinion on the volume and specificity of illegal migration in the region, on the need for legal labor migration 5. The frequency and tone of publications in the media about migration.
  1. Research hypotheses

    The population has a negative attitude towards labor migrants, a more neutral attitude towards foreigners who come to study with us, and a positive attitude towards foreign specialists. The population and experts recognize the need for migrant workers in certain areas of activity, mainly in construction. The main reasons supporting illegal migration are 1) low wages for migrants, 2) imperfect legislation.
  1. Research methods

Due to the presence in the study different objects of research and, moreover, quite complex, we selected different methods of sociological research, both quantitative and qualitative:
    Qualitative methods: non-formalized interview with subsequent transcript (survey of experts at the initial stage of the study, survey of diaspora leaders, survey of migrants at the initial stage of the study) Quantitative method: Questionnaire (migrants, population) Quantitative method: Formalized interview (part of the experts) Content analysis of the media – method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of documents.
In total, the study developed three main separate formalized questionnaires For:
    survey of migrants, survey of the population, survey of experts (the most voluminous) (+ questionnaire for districts, + additional questions for entrepreneurs)
  1. Basic concepts.

    Illegal migration of foreign citizens is defined as entry, stay or carrying out labor activities on the territory of the country in violation of current legislation and established procedures, i.e. without issuing the appropriate documents and permits determined by the Russian legal order, as well as using invalid ones, i.e. counterfeit, fictitious (foreign) documents or documents that have lost their legal force due to the expiration of their validity period . Diaspora - a stable group of people of the same ethnic or national origin, living outside their historical homeland and having social institutions (registered organizations) to maintain and develop their community

Figure 1. Main types of illegal migration.

    Type 1 - legal entry + legal stay + illegal employment

    Type 2 – illegal entry + legal stay + illegal employment

    Type 3 – legal entry + illegal stay + illegal employment

    Type 4 – illegal entry + illegal stay + illegal employment

    Racism (mentioned by our respondents as a cause of conflict with migrants) - a set of teachings based on the principles of the physical and mental inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences on history and culture. There is also a slightly broader definition of racism. Thus, the Encyclopedia Britannica states that racist is the belief that racial characteristics have a decisive influence on the abilities, intelligence, morality, behavioral characteristics and character traits of an individual human person, and not a society or social group . Racism necessarily includes ideas about the original division of people into superior and inferior races, of which the former are the creators of civilization and are called upon to dominate the latter. (Wikipedia) Nationalism(fr. nationalism) (mentioned by our respondents as a cause of conflict with migrants) - ideology and policy direction, the basic principle of which is the thesis about the value of the nation as the highest form of social unity and its primacy in the state-forming process. Differs in a variety of currents, some of them contradict each other . As a political movement, nationalism seeks to protect the interests of the national community in relations with state authorities. (Wikipedia) Xenophobia(from Greek, “stranger” + “fear”) - intolerance towards someone or something alien, unfamiliar, unusual. The perception of someone else as incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and therefore dangerous and hostile. Elevated to the rank of a worldview, it can become a cause of hostility based on the principle of national, religious or social division.
Abbreviations used in the text: IRS - foreign labor force IR - foreign worker Migrant - from immigrant Permanent residence - permanent residence LBG - stateless persons
  1. Description of the characteristics of the entire sample population in the study

Table 1. Characteristics of the entire sample population.

Experts civil servants

Expert Entrepreneurs

Expert Diaspora Leaders



Experts from the Federal Migration Service departments

Interviews conducted and/or questionnaires received
Of these, transcribed (the text of the interview was completely recorded)
*(2 - in the Novgorod Federal Migration Service and 1 - in the Parfinsky Federal Migration Service) In total, we interviewed 328 people currently living in the Novgorod region on the topic of migration.
  1. Population survey: description of the sample population

A total of 220 people took part in the population survey. This sample population reflects the actual distribution of the population of the Novgorod region by gender - 43% (44%) men and 57% (56%) women. In terms of age quotas, we focused more on young people - 18-25 years old, since according to sociological studies and expert opinions, conflicts with foreigners most often occur among young people and it was important for us to monitor the sentiments in this part of the population. This is why young people make up a larger percentage in our sample population:

Table 2 Sample for population survey in the Novgorod region

185 respondents live in the cities of the Novgorod region (Veliky Novgorod, Borovichi, Okulovka, Pestovo, Khvoynaya, Staraya Russa) and 35 people live in rural areas.

Table 3. Marital status of respondents.

Your marital status:

Abs. number

1. Married

2. We live together, but the marriage is not registered

3. We live separately, but of. not divorced

4. Divorced

5. Widower (widow)

6. Never been (a. married).

By marital status, 34% of respondents are married, 13% live in a civil marriage, and 48% of respondents have never been married. Thus, the sample is represented almost equally by family and non-family respondents.

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