Home Mushrooms Subsidy from the employment center per year. The general ones are. Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

Subsidy from the employment center per year. The general ones are. Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

The number of start-up businessmen is steadily increasing every year. An increase in their number has a positive effect on the economic performance of the country as a whole and satisfies the ever-growing needs of the population.

State financial support contributes to the emergence of new small and medium-sized businesses. The authorities of a particular region are trying to introduce methods of assistance: various benefits, subsidies, and material payments. How to get such support? Let's figure it out.

Which entrepreneurs can count on help from the state?

The state mainly provides financial support to owners of small and medium-sized businesses. To find out if your company belongs to this category, you should pay attention to the number of employees and the amount of annual turnover. The following formats of enterprises can count on money from the state:

  • start-up business(up to 15 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 120 million rubles);
  • small business(up to 100 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 800 million rubles);
  • medium business(up to 250 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 2 billion rubles).

To qualify for assistance, companies must meet the following requirements:

  • duration of existence from the moment of opening - no more than 2 years;
  • the company is registered with the tax service;
  • SME is not a tax debtor.

Important: the chances of financing are much higher for businessmen who have social benefits, as well as own a social or export-oriented business.

Remember that the state provides support to entrepreneurs whose field of activity is among the priorities. To apply for gratuitous assistance, a businessman must work in one of the following areas:

  • Manufacture of consumer goods.
  • Popular directions of folk art.
  • Offers of rural and ecological tourism.
  • Housing and communal services.
  • Agro-industrial department.
  • The sphere of science and technology, as well as innovation.

How to get government assistance for small business development in 2019?

The main advantage of receiving such a subsidy is that it is free of charge and does not need to be returned through certain time. The state benefits from this, as a new small enterprise appears on the economic map, providing jobs to citizens, and competition with existing companies increases, which contributes to quality improvement and price stabilization.

But along with the conclusion of a subsidy agreement, the entrepreneur agrees to fulfill certain obligations. The main one is to provide detailed reporting.

Within 3 months from receipt financial resources from the state, a businessman is obliged to submit a report with documents on the use of the subsidy to the Employment Center. As confirmation, commodity or fiscal checks, receipts, paid payment orders and other documents can be provided. The financial report must be consistent with the paragraph of the business plan, which indicates the purpose of obtaining capital.

Important: if the business person cannot provide confirmation, he is obliged to return the subsidiary funds to the state in full.

Also, the terms of the drawn up agreement suggest that the activity of the financed small enterprise should last at least one year from the date of opening. This excludes the possibility of cooperation with one-day firms.

Help can be obtained from many instances and organizations that have the necessary powers. Here are some of them:

  • City administration. The Department economic development provides information on types of financial support for small businesses.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This institution provides assistance in consulting on business, marketing, legal law, it helps to take part in exhibitions.
  • Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Based on the results of the mandatory assessment of the submitted project, the organization allocates finance for the activities of a small enterprise.
  • Business incubator. This organization is engaged in infrastructural support of the ideas of entrepreneurs at all stages of development, starting from the moment of opening.
  • Venture fund. Focuses mainly on innovative projects, then invests money in their activities.
  • Employment center.

Interesting: if your business project is socially or economically beneficial for the state, you can receive not only money for its implementation, but also free education, the right to take part in exhibitions, etc.

After contacting the above authorities, you will receive a list required documents. Here are the papers included in this list:

  1. Passport and TIN of the entrepreneur.
  2. Insurance certificate (SNILS).
  3. A certificate from the accounting department of the last place of official employment, which indicates salary information for three months before the end of work.
  4. Education document.
  5. Application of a program participant for receiving financial support from the state (according to a specially approved form).
  6. Ready business plan.

Money from the Job Center

The most common way for entrepreneurs to get help is to apply to the Employment Center. How does it go this procedure?

The first step is to register with the Employment Center and obtain the status of unemployed. This is a prerequisite, since the state allocation of funds is due only to those entrepreneurs who are registered as unemployed citizens. To do this, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • marital status document;
  • education document.

Then you need to write a business plan from detailed description project, targeted distribution of funds and an indication of its payback period. The third step is to register a business as an individual entrepreneur.

The package of documents is considered by the regional commission within 60 days. If accepted positive decision an agreement will be concluded between the applicant and the Employment Center, and the funds will be transferred to the recipient's account. The commission may decide to reimburse only certain costs, such as the registration and opening of a small business. If the applicant receives a rejection notice, they may try again.

Grants for new businessmen

This type of allocation of funds from the state involves helping start-up businessmen to open a business and those who have been engaged in entrepreneurial activity for no more than two years. The following organizations have the authority to distribute grants:

  • Department of Economic Development.
  • Funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Unions created by entrepreneurs.

A prerequisite for obtaining a grant is the activity of a small enterprise in one of the priority sectors indicated above.

According to state law, companies that produce wine and vodka products, tobacco products, luxury goods, work with real estate or engage in gaming activities do not receive payments.

Remember that the allocated money is directed to cover 30 to 50% of the total cost of the project. The businessman should look for the remaining finances for the development of the business on his own. Don't be afraid to invest, it can be.

The entrepreneur must provide the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the absence of other sources of financial support.
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC and a business plan.
  • An extract from the bank on the amount of own finances.
  • Certificate of positive credit history.

Then the Sectoral Commission decides on the provision of funds. The maximum amount of a cash grant is 500 thousand rubles (in Moscow and the region - up to 5 million rubles).

The state prioritizes the unemployed, young entrepreneurs, former military personnel, families with young children, etc.

Subsidy Program

State plans for subsidizing small enterprises are implemented at different administrative levels. Therefore, they can be systematized according to the scale and amount of allocated funds:

  1. Federal programs. They are implemented nationwide, they are also characterized big amount allocated money for financial support for the opening and development of SMEs. A distinctive feature is the fact that such programs work mainly with large-scale business projects, whose owners are already engaged in commercial activities.
  2. Regional programs. They work in the territories of administrative regions and dispose of the regional or district budget. The purpose of such programs is to develop the infrastructure of the whole region.
  3. Local programs. The scale of implementation is work with city or district entrepreneurs. Subsidies are limited to small amounts of funding.

The amount of assistance received, the form of its provision, as well as the list of necessary documents for processing an application depend on the features of the state program. The larger the scale of the program, the greater the competition and the more hard rules selection. The small business owner should take this into account.

Concessional lending

Categories of small and medium-sized commercial entrepreneurs who are unable to receive material support from the state can apply for concessional loans. Many banks provide such loans on simplified terms. As mentioned, the probability of opening a loan with a favorable interest rate is higher for those who are engaged in priority activities for the state.

Advice: for all your questions regarding assistance, you can contact banking institutions or credit communities directly, as they also have lending programs for business start-ups.

The applicant receives a loan as a one-time cash payment in the amount of 50 million to 1 billion rubles. After the conclusion of the contract, the preferential program is valid for 3 years. A prerequisite is also investments and investments in the project of the businessman's own funds. Their number is determined as follows:

  • 20% if the loan amount is more than 500 million rubles or if the repayment of the loan is planned from the future income expected after the start of the business project.
  • There are no restrictions if funds are allocated for other investment plans.

The interest rate for use varies depending on the format of the enterprise. This is 10% per annum for medium-sized enterprises and 11-11.8% for small ones.

What can government money be used for?

As mentioned above, the granting process is a donation of funds that promote the opening and favorable development of a business. Concessional lending and other assistance programs also have simplified terms and reduced interest rates. At the same time, the use of financial support from the state is accompanied by documentary reports to confirm the intended purpose. The allocated money can be spent on the following:

  • Payment for the lease of a place or plot of land (no more than 20% of the principal amount is allocated to cover these costs).
  • Replenishment of working capital.
  • Workplace equipment.
  • Acquisition of equipment for production (purchased machines cannot be sold or exchanged for three years).
  • Purchase of consumables (the same rules apply - no more than 20% of the funds received).
  • Renovation and refurbishment work.
  • Intangible assets.

The entrepreneur draws up an annual report, which indicates exactly what the received subsidiary income was spent on. Also, certificates and receipts must be submitted to the control authorities.

Intangible Small Business Support Options

In our time, the state is ready to help novice businessmen of small and medium-sized enterprises not only by increasing capital. There are several other forms of support:

  1. Possibility free education . Why in the first years of activity, many entrepreneurs, faced with problems, leave the business? They simply do not have the necessary knowledge about the conduct of their business. Such educational skills (such as how to lead) help in development, but are expensive, so not everyone can get them. The state provides start-up businessmen with the opportunity to study courses for free, as well as attend various seminars and lectures. The applicant is obliged to submit relevant documents to the necessary authorities: paid bills, certificates of training or concluded contracts. The payment will cover half of the expenses, but not more than 40 thousand rubles a year.
  2. Rent reduction. Another support option is discounts on the cost of renting premises where offices or production are directly located. Remember that you can get such a discount only if the building is municipal property and the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than 5 years. Every year, the preferential rate increases (from 40 to 80% of the rent), and for the next period, the entrepreneur pays the full rate. A prerequisite is a competitive selection to determine a worthy candidate. The winner is allocated additional assistance to pay for communications.
  3. Compensation for participation in exhibitions. To promote and further development small business owners can take advantage of subsidies to participate in national or international exhibitions. Based on the results of the selection, the state can help pay for the costs of registration, rental of a place, transportation of exhibits, accommodation, organization and translation services. If the state aid amount does not exceed 150 thousand per year, you can pay up to half of the costs. Mandatory conditions for receiving compensation for small businesses: an application, an agreement with the organizers and a report on the work performed.

Summing up

The advantage of financial support programs is the possibility of increasing capital small companies. Since the state is interested in the development of small enterprises, the likelihood of receiving financial assistance is constantly growing. This is a good chance to start.

On the other hand, the conclusion of an agreement with the relevant state bodies obliges entrepreneurs to submit detailed reports and monitor the intended use of funds. Therefore, every businessman should study the features of existing support programs and the requirements for them. Then he will be able to use the assistance as efficiently as possible and fulfill his obligations.

The state daily declares its patronizing attitude towards small business. Not to large, not to medium, namely to small. Dozens of programs of direct and indirect assistance are approved, billions of rubles are allocated for the opening of small enterprises, tax holidays are held - but what are the reasons for such concern? Why does every novice businessman already know how to get a subsidy from the state for business? Are there any factors influencing such a policy in relation to business entities?

The reasons are obvious: the first of them is to ensure employment of the population, a kind of fight against unemployment, the official level of which in 2016 is 5.8%. In fact, the figure is much higher: a significant part of the population is not registered, and the other is trying to survive, receiving minimum wages. The ideal would be to achieve a natural unemployment rate of 4%, at which everyone who wants to work finds a job, and gratuitous subsidies to small businesses may well serve as one of the available ways.

The second reason is related to the first - the impact of small business on the state of the economy. Each entrepreneur creates several new jobs and several new taxpayers, produces products and contributes a small share of GDP. Therefore, subsidies for small businesses in 2019 can be considered a kind of investment - a newly created business entity, one way or another, will return the money to the budget. For comparison: in 2016, about eleven billion rubles were allocated for this, and already seventy-seven billion were returned in the form of taxes for the first quarter of the year.

The consequence of this policy is that a novice entrepreneur can easily receive at least three types of direct financial assistance:

  • Compensation of expenses for business registration up to 20 thousand rubles;
  • A subsidy for starting a business in 2019 in the amount of 60 thousand rubles;
  • Financial assistance for the development of a working business up to 300 thousand rubles.

Assistance in starting a business

Financial is determined in the amount of unemployment benefits for 12 months - 60 thousand rubles, excluding taxes. Of course, this is not such a large amount - but what kind of entrepreneur starts a business with millions in his pocket? Getting a grant to start a small business 2019 is accompanied by a loss of time and paperwork, and therefore the degree of importance of this assistance, each must determine independently.

First steps

Since this type of subsidy is conceived as a measure to combat unemployment, it is necessary to start from the employment center. It is not difficult to register, but you will have to show some ingenuity in communicating with employers.

In accordance with the law, certain categories of the population cannot receive the status of the unemployed, that is, the subsidy of the employment center for opening a small business in 2019, respectively:

  • Minors under the age of sixteen;
  • Pensioners receiving old-age benefits;
  • Citizens under investigation or in custody;
  • Day students;
  • Women on maternity leave;
  • Citizens receiving benefits for health reasons (disabled);
  • Co-owners of LLC and other commercial companies.

To register at the employment center, you must provide the required set of documents: passport, diploma, work book, TIN - complete list usually listed on information boards or can be obtained from the administrator. Of course, the CZN is not interested in you joining the ranks of the unemployed, and therefore you will first be offered several applications from employers in accordance with your specialty.

The most important thing here: you can not refuse. You will have to visit employers and go through interviews, but you need to present yourself in such a way that they will refuse your candidacy as an unsuitable vacancy. If you refuse, the next time the ETC will be ready to accept you only after 10 days - and again will offer several applications. Having successfully passed this stage, you will become officially unemployed.

Preparing a business plan

Detailed information on the requirements for applicants and assistance in obtaining a subsidy for small businesses can be obtained by consulting with the inspector of the EPC, and then submit an application about your desire to become an entrepreneur. In this case, the employment center has several courses in stock, psychological tests and other training programs: each of these events is mandatory for the passage of a future entrepreneur. In parallel, you need to develop a business plan.

A realistic business plan for obtaining a subsidy from the state is detailed diagram work of your future enterprise, with preference given to social, industrial or innovative projects. The more economic calculations and initial data, the better, but the following must be clearly indicated:

  1. Direction of business, field of activity;
  2. Target audience, its purchasing power;
  3. Start-up and operating costs for the purchase of fixed assets, rent, taxes, wages, advertising, repayment of possible loans and payments under leasing agreements;
  4. Investment plans, own and borrowed funds, expected subsidies for business from the state;
  5. Profit forecasts, profitability calculations and business payback points;
  6. The number of planned new jobs, taking into account workers attracted from the EPC;
  7. Intended suppliers of raw materials and methods of marketing finished products;
  8. Description of technologies used in production, their environmental safety;
  9. A business development strategy understandable even to officials for at least a year.
  10. The commission evaluating the project focuses both on the thoroughness of planning and on the personality of the applicant. A person who is confident and understands what he is talking about has a higher chance of receiving a subsidy from the state. It is desirable that the project be socially important and socially useful: a pharmacy with low prices in a remote village has a better chance of winning than another fashion boutique.

    Only after the approval of the business plan, it is possible to conclude an agreement with the EPC, then register entity and apply for small business grants. At the same time, collect documents confirming the registration costs and receive the corresponding reimbursement in the amount of up to 20,000 rubles.

    Refusals to receive subsidies

    Before choosing a future field of activity, it should be taken into account that the action government programs assistance does not apply to some areas of entrepreneurship. None of all possible subsidies for starting a small business in 2019, its development or reimbursement of expenses can be assigned to an enterprise for which the main source of income is:
  • Production and sale of goods subject to excise duty;
  • Credit, insurance activities and operations with collateral;
  • Gambling business;
  • Mining.

In addition, projects that are technically illiterate, socially useless and underdeveloped, in which there are too many intuitive assumptions not supported by data, have very little chance of approval.

Process details

The subsidy received as a result of these actions for starting a business in 2019 is completely free of charge, subject to two conditions:

  1. The subsidized business must exist for at least a year;
  2. Target spending of funds must occur within three months according to the approved article of the business plan, which must be documented at the employment center.

If any of these points is not met, the money will have to be returned in full, regardless of how much of it and for what purpose has already been spent.

As for the maximum amount of a subsidy for starting a business, it is 60 thousand rubles without deducting taxes for each person employed in this project, registered in the CZN. Hiring an additional one officially unemployed, you get another 60 thousand, hiring two - 120 thousand. Of course, those employed in this way must work in the project for at least a year.

Assistance in business development

A novice entrepreneur whose enterprise has been operating for less than a year can count on one more type of subsidy for small businesses in 2019 - financial assistance from the state in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for each SPD founder. A businessman is no longer formally unemployed, therefore, the distribution of support of this type is not handled by the EPC, but by the Department for the Development and Support of Entrepreneurship. Here you will be provided detailed information about how to get a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses, what documents you need to provide and when the next competition will be held.

Subsidy Application

The requirements for the set of documents on the basis of which the commission makes a decision may have minor differences depending on the region and policy local authorities, but the required minimum is as follows:

  • Application containing general description project, justification social importance, tasks to be solved, methods and strategies for achieving the goal, stages of implementation, volumes of own and attracted financing, expected result;
  • Copy of SPD registration certificate, statutory documents;
  • Detailed business plan;
  • Orders on the appointment of a director, chief accountant.

Documents confirming your ability to implement such a project are used as applications:

  • Copies of lease agreements for premises for project implementation;
  • Copies of contracts with suppliers and buyers;
  • Copies required licenses, patents, expert opinions and permits from regulatory authorities;
  • Certificate of absence of debts for taxes and budget payments;
  • Financial statements, bank statements on the status of accounts.

After reviewing the documentation, the committee can form an opinion about what your business is like, what resources are available to you, how active your business is and how much help you need. Before you receive a subsidy for the development of small businesses in 2019, you must confirm the investment of your own funds, since assistance is provided through co-financing: 30-50% of the required amount is contributed by the state, and the rest is paid by the entrepreneur himself.

Project Protection

The competition commission includes not only officials who are far from business, but entrepreneurs and banking specialists will also make a decision on the allocation of material assistance. Before you take a subsidy for the development of small businesses, you will have to pass a kind of business plan defense exam, show your knowledge of the basics of the economy, market trends and the needs of society.

The likelihood of receiving funding increases if:

  1. The project creates several new jobs, allows you to increase the wages of already employed specialists;
  2. The project is related to production, social, youth or innovation activities;
  3. The seriousness of intentions is confirmed by personal investments, long-term lease agreements, contracts with business partners and the city administration;
  4. The company's management has significant experience in this area;
  5. The project is profitable for the budget, provides a fairly quick return on investment in the form of taxes.

Purpose of the subsidy

The subsidy received for the development of small businesses in 2019 must be spent in strict accordance with the article of the business plan approved by the commission. These funds may be used for:

  • Purchase of fixed assets, equipment, tools and technological lines;
  • Purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products and materials for production;
  • Search and rent of industrial premises.

Financial assistance must be used within a year. The balance of public money after the expiration of the term is subject to return. If, however, misappropriation of funds is allowed, supporting documents are not submitted, the reporting deadlines are missed, then the full amount will have to be returned.

Video: How small businesses can get free financial assistance from the state

How much money do you think the state allocates to support small businesses? Hundred million? Three hundred million? In fact, 11 billion rubles were allocated in 2016 - and this is only the official share of the budget. But there are also regional programs, non-state funds, intangible state. support entrepreneurial activity 2019. It is surprising that start-up entrepreneurs are in no hurry to use this source of assistance, preferring to rely on their own strength - after all, even with a reduction in funding, strategically important areas remain untouched: innovation, agriculture, social business.

Of course, not every businessman will be able to take part in the 2019 small business support program. To do this, it is necessary at least to achieve inclusion in the register of beneficiaries and pass a competitive selection, the organization of which is within the competence of the local administration or the entrepreneurship support fund.

During the selection, the commission assesses whether applicants have well-developed business plans, the number of employees, the usefulness of the enterprise to fill the budget, social factors. In addition, a weighty argument in favor of providing assistance is the duration of the existence of the enterprise (from three months to two years) and the share own investments entrepreneur in business. This amount should be comparable to the requested state support for small businesses in 2019.

We should not forget about reporting: assistance usually comes in parts (tranches), as the development of which the state investor needs to be provided details about where, how and for what purpose the funds were spent.

How does the state help business?

A novice entrepreneur would prefer financial assistance to any other. But what is typical: much more money is spent on indirect measures than on direct ones. In general, small business representatives can apply for participation in such 2019 small business support programs as:
  1. Material and information assistance in innovation activities;
  2. Property and material assistance for participation in exhibitions;
  3. Multifaceted assistance to entrepreneurs employed in the agricultural sector;
  4. Tax incentives and tax holidays for newly created enterprises;
  5. Partial reimbursement of expenses for the renewal of fixed assets;
  6. Reimbursement of expenses for training employees of the enterprise;
  7. Information support (organization of seminars, training courses);
  8. Creation of a comfortable environment for entrepreneurship, business incubators, funds;
  9. Property support, provision of municipal premises and production facilities for rent at a discount of up to 60%;
  10. Support for regional investors, and partial compensation of expenses under leasing agreements;
  11. Partial reimbursement of expenses for the implementation of energy saving programs;
  12. Placement of government orders, admission to tenders for public procurement;
  13. Direct financial support.

If an entrepreneur is only interested in how to get financial support from the state to start a business (although other options deserve no less attention), you should pay attention to gratuitous assistance in the form of:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business in the amount of unemployment benefits for 12 months (plus the same amount for each employed worker who came by referral from the employment center);
  • Subsidies for the development of a business that has existed for no more than two years, in the amount of 300–500 thousand rubles, and the share of the entrepreneur’s own funds in the project cannot be less than 35–50% of total amount investments;
  • Subsidies for the re-equipment and development of an enterprise operating in a strategically important area of ​​the economy in the amount of 3-10 million rubles.

Government support for innovation

Business representatives naturally build their activities in such a way as to get the greatest profit at the current time. However, very few people invest in research activities, and even their own promising developments at such enterprises are ignored. Meanwhile, in the field of innovation, it is quite possible to conduct business with state support, using direct or indirect financing mechanisms.

Modernization companies can count on concessional loans or government guarantees to third-party investors military equipment that produce non-commercial products or have significant scientific potential. Grants are distributed on a competitive basis for companies whose projects have passed the relevant scientific and technical expertise and have a payback period of no more than two years. At the same time, the share of the enterprise's own investments in the project cannot be less than 20%.

Indirect support for small businesses in 2019 manifests itself in the form of creating a favorable environment for attracting third-party investors to finance developments:

  • Simplification of the taxation system, reduction of the tax rate, or complete release from them (if the share of income from innovations in the total profit of the enterprise is at least 30%);
  • Tax credit for up to five years at a rate not exceeding 75% of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • Guaranteeing by the state the return of loans or investments attracted for the implementation and promotion of the project on the market;
  • Legal protection of enterprises engaged in scientific and technical development;
  • Providing access to any information bases data;
  • Support for developers with marketing services, assistance in certification and sales of products;
  • Specialized assistance in the repair and modernization of complex equipment.
State support for small businesses in 2019 is also provided from extra-budgetary funds of the Ministry of Science, federal authorities and voluntary contributions from private corporations. This allows the developer to complete projects in the face of a lack of own funds, obtain the necessary patents and promote the development in international markets.

Exhibition activity

Regional assistance includes state co-financing of the participation of entrepreneurs in exhibitions, fairs and other similar events. The subsidy is accrued "post factum" to compensate for the costs incurred by businessmen during the 12 months preceding the competition.

Such support for small businesses from the state in 2019 can only be accrued to those enterprises that do not have debts to the budget for taxes, insurance contributions and fines. Assistance is expressed in compensating 50-65% of the costs of transportation, storage and placement of exhibits, registration fees, rental of exhibition equipment, travel and accommodation for company representatives - but not more than 100-300 thousand rubles (depending on the decision of regional authorities).

tax incentives

Aspiring entrepreneurs working in social, scientific or industrial fields on a simplified or patent system can take advantage of such support for small businesses in 2019 as a tax holiday for up to two years. In addition, in some regions, for such small businesses, the tax rate is reduced to 1% in the simplified system, and up to 7.5% in the case of working on UTII.

Beneficial activities include:

  • Manufacture of food, drinks;
  • Textile production;
  • Wood processing and furniture production;
  • Manufacture of sports equipment;
  • Scientific research;
  • Construction, recycling and more.

A preferential taxation system or tax holidays can be applied only if the specified type of activity is the main one, that is, its share in the total profit of the enterprise is more than 70%.

Other measures to simplify the activities of entrepreneurs - the ability to refuse to conduct tax accounting(it is enough to keep supporting documents) or receive a deferment in their payment for up to a year if:

  • The damage to the enterprise was caused by a natural disaster;
  • Business is clearly seasonal;
  • Immediate payment of tax leads to bankruptcy;
  • The impossibility of paying the tax is connected with the failure of the state to fulfill its budgetary obligations towards the entrepreneur.

Subsidy for the renewal of fixed assets

Regional administrations, as state support for small businesses in 2019, are allocated funds for holding competitions among businessmen interested in compensating for the costs associated with the purchase of basic equipment for the enterprise's activities (except for transport). To participate in the competition, you must submit data on such expenses for the previous three years, and the equipment at the time of the competition must be in operation for at least one year.

Additional conditions - the absence of any debts of the applicant to the state or his own workers. In this case, you can count on the reimbursement of the fourth part of the documented expenses associated with the renovation, but not more than half a million rubles.

Property support

Real estate that is in municipal ownership can also act as a means to support start-up entrepreneurs in 2019. Of course, small businesses engaged in socially useful activities or strategically can apply for the lease of these buildings and production facilities at a discount. important activity. In addition, when held in a rented premises overhaul you can get additional benefits. In general, the state is interested in long-term cooperation, which is expressed in the amount of discounts:

  • A lease agreement for 5 years or more is accompanied by a rent reduction of up to 40% in the first year, up to 60% in the second, up to 80% in the third year and 100% for all subsequent years;
  • With a four-year contract, the payment for the first two is reduced to 40% and 80%, respectively;
  • With a contract for three years, the cost of renting the first year is 40% of the contract. Rent for subsequent years is paid in full.

Agricultural support

Aspiring entrepreneurial farmers who open their own business in the field of food production, tillage or animal husbandry often do not know how to get state support for small businesses in 2019 and whether it is possible to get it at all. Meanwhile, in the absence of debts to the state and its own workers, one can apply for assistance in such activities as:

  • crop production;
  • Fisheries;
  • Animal husbandry and poultry farming;
  • Acquisition and maintenance of agricultural machinery;
  • Replenishment of human resources of agricultural production.

You can apply for an amount that compensates up to 90% of the expenses for the development of a small enterprise indicated in the business plan, but not more than one and a half million rubles - provided that farming has been in existence for less than two years.

Additional state support for small businesses 2019 in the agro-industrial sector is a state lending program, according to which subjects can count on a partial refund of interest on loans or loans intended for the development of an enterprise. If the loan amount does not exceed five million rubles, the state, during the first five years, compensates the farmer for the full refinancing rate, paying two-thirds from the federal budget and a third from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Personnel training

To take advantage of this form of state support for small businesses in Russia in 2019, the enterprise must document the courses and seminars held for employees by third-party organizations or invited trainers. Checks, receipts, payment orders can be used as evidence. Of course, diplomas of employees will also be required - if any have been issued.

The size of the subsidy is not so large - the state compensates up to 50% of the costs, but not more than forty thousand rubles a year. This amount seems like a small bonus for large enterprise, which invests much more serious funds in staff training. However, small businesses will be happy to take advantage of the opportunity to save money: the prestige of a company that employs qualified, specially trained employees will definitely increase.

infrastructure support

Any business, to one degree or another, needs the support of lawyers, accountants and support staff. Moreover, if a long-standing enterprise can afford to have such employees on its staff, then a novice entrepreneur often does not even know where to turn. At the same time, other related costs - the purchase of office equipment, furniture, rent of premises - become unbearable for him.

In many regions, state small business support programs for 2019 provide for the formation of a comfortable environment for the entrepreneur by providing preferential leases of space in business incubators on a competitive basis. Here you can get access to office equipment, meeting and conference rooms, services of secretaries, couriers, marketers and other consultants.

Of course, not everyone can get help on such terms. The state may refuse to provide assistance to such types of business, for which the main activity is:

  • Trade;
  • Lawyer and notary services;
  • Credit, insurance services, work with collateral;
  • Construction, repair work;
  • Operations with real estate, real estate services;
  • Public catering, fast food;
  • Production of goods subject to excise duty;
  • Gambling business;
  • Medical and veterinary services;
  • Service stations and car washes, cargo transportation;
  • Mining.

A business entity may remain in the incubator for up to three years. It is assumed that during this time the enterprise will either confirm its viability, get on its feet and become independent, or close for one reason or another.

Business Support Funds

Regional funds are called upon to provide financial support to businessmen on a par with government agencies. Of course we are talking about newcomers whose business has been in existence for less than a year and for whom all associated costs are justified in the business plan.

Video: Government support for small businesses

Under this program, the applicant can count on:

  • Providing guarantees for loans in the amount of not more than 24 million rubles. At the same time, 70% of the collateral property is taken over by the fund, and the rest is provided by the entrepreneur;
  • Issuance by the fund of concessional loans in the amount of one million rubles for up to a year, while using the loan will have to pay a minimum percentage equal to the refinancing rate.
  • In addition, the fund can compensate 70% of the costs associated with the start-up of the enterprise, in the amount of up to half a million rubles.

This may include the costs of:

  • For rent of premises and plots;
  • For employee training;
  • State registration;
  • Advertising and promotion of goods of own production;
  • Acquisition of fixed assets, software, office equipment and office equipment;
  • To pay interest on credit and leasing obligations;
  • To participate in exhibitions;
  • For the production of prototypes and the development of documentation.

Thus, the fund simultaneously implements most government business support program using alternative financing methods - and even retail enterprises can count on assistance in the form of half of this amount.


It would seem that entrepreneurs are offered such a variety of interesting ways of doing business with the support of the state in 2019. So why is it that so few applications are submitted to the competitions and such a small share of the allocated funds is successfully used? Is it just the unwillingness of businessmen to deal with the state? Or do they not want to spend time studying the conditions of competitions, preparing documentation - actions, in their opinion, doomed to failure? Of course, it is much easier to do business according to your own mind, and not to adapt to the clumsy bureaucratic machine - but often we are talking about quite serious amounts and benefits that will not be superfluous at all in a difficult business case.
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The current situation in the economy Russian Federation encourages the country's government to think seriously and help small entrepreneurs develop their businesses. The market economy in the country got its start relatively recently. And it is not easy for ordinary citizens to switch to consciousness from hired work to management. own business. So that the individual entrepreneur can more easily overcome all the initial problems, assistance to entrepreneurs from the state in 2018 will also be provided. This year will not be an exception in terms of receiving state support. What kind of assistance from the state can an individual entrepreneur count on? This will be discussed in our article.

IP registration through public services

According to the current legislation, each individual can start committing commercial activities if received state registration and IP status. Once this procedure is completed, you can count on the support offered by the state.

How to get help young entrepreneur from the state in 2018? For this purpose, the following steps must be taken:

  • submit an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, completed in the form No. 21001;
  • attach a photocopy of the passport so that the registration page is printed;
  • pay a fee to the state budget (800 rubles);
  • hand over all the requested documents to your district tax service (IFTS).

What kind of assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state provided for on the? The state has special service services. Anyone can go to the page on the Internet at the link www.gosuslugi.ru, register and fill out an electronic application in form No. 21001. As a result, the service should prepare a package of necessary documents. Also, through the designated site, a fee is paid in the amount of a 30 percent discount - 560 rubles. Thus, assistance from the state to beginner entrepreneurs is associated with organizational moments and the ability to submit documents and perform some registration actions online via the Internet.

Also, government agencies provide individuals with advice in the field of starting their own business and obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur. But do they provide financial assistance to a novice entrepreneur from the state in 2018?

Help for entrepreneurs: what you can count on

Below is a list of some types of assistance and support for entrepreneurs from the state:

Subjects of the Russian Federation can provide tax benefits and holidays for new IP. See also "".
Some banks are ready to cut interest rates on loans based on government programs aimed at supporting small businesses. Alternatively, they can help pay off part of the interest on previous loans.
Financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state can be expressed in the provision of subsidies to start their activities in the amount of 58,800 rubles. It is provided in some subjects of the Russian Federation through the Employment Center.
If an entrepreneur already has his own business and would like to develop it further, he can count on a state subsidy of up to 500 thousand rubles (each subject of the Russian Federation has its own maximum amount).
At the level of legislation, an individual entrepreneur without employees is exempted from accounting.
The state provides assistance in covering all expenses associated with participation in fairs and exhibitions.
Subsidizing the acquisition of fixed assets by an entrepreneur on a leasing basis. It can be either a down payment or a full repayment of the payment. The amount of the subsidy directly depends on the cost of fixed assets. For example, the city authorities are ready to subsidize up to 1/3 of the cost of the leased asset without VAT (value added tax), but in amounts not exceeding 5 million rubles.

Before summarizing the information presented, it is worth noting that

now, and in a very solid volume, a program of assistance to young entrepreneurs from the state is being implemented. However, getting development grants is not easy.

If an individual entrepreneur has questions about obtaining a subsidy or the possibility of closing the registration of his activities with outstanding debts, he can get advice:

  • in the territorial Fund for Support of Small Entrepreneurs;
  • in a local business incubator;
  • from a private consultant.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

When an individual entrepreneur applies for state support for his own business, you should remember some nuances, in particular:

  • if activities related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products, with the performance of supply functions are planned, then it is not necessary to count on assistance from the state;
  • the future entrepreneur must have his own material resources, since the state, as mentioned earlier, is ready to provide him with only partial financial support (as a rule, no more than 40%).

Also in 2018, the regions may have their own programs to support and subsidize individual entrepreneurs, which the future entrepreneur can learn about from the media or get advice from specialists directly involved in these issues.

Not all start-up entrepreneurs are aware that they are entitled to a state subsidy for starting a small business in 2019. But government subsidies are an opportunity to receive a certain amount to replenish start-up capital without burdening yourself with expensive loans and getting into endless debts. At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that the state contribution is provided without a mandatory return.

The state is interested in the development of small business, as it revives the economic situation, contributes to the expansion of the market, and the development of the competitiveness of domestic production.

Last year, based on the budget, the Russian Federation was ready to spend 17 billion rubles on subsidies to small businesses. In 2019, this amount, unfortunately, was reduced to 11 billion rubles. It can be assumed that these funds will most likely finance already started projects. Nevertheless, many are attracted by the opportunity to receive a subsidy from the state to open and run a business. Start-up entrepreneurs are supported by such structures as:

  • Employment Center;
  • Department of Entrepreneurship;
  • local administration.

Note that those individual entrepreneurs who went through all stages of development and benefited from the program state subsidies, note the loyal conditions for obtaining subsidies and the promptness of the entire procedure.

It should be noted that the considered financial deductions are gratuitous, in contrast to commercial bank loans. An individual entrepreneur, receiving such a subsidy, assumes a certain range of obligations, but they are not directly financial in nature. To this day, these rules remain valid.

In addition, special support is planned for 2019 in the field of innovation, Agriculture, medicine, tourism and, of course, education. Economic analysts already today predict a significant surge in activity of small and medium-sized businesses.
Experience has shown that receiving subsidies from Russian state is a fairly effective and expedient mechanism for activating the segment of small and medium-sized businesses. The main feature is that in different regions conditions for entrepreneur support programs may vary.

Algorithm for obtaining state subsidies in 2019

The procedure for obtaining a subsidy for the development of small businesses is characterized by some technical and legal features. First of all, you need to be an IP officially. If there is such a status, then it is necessary:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Employment Center of the status of an unemployed person and inclusion in the relevant state registers;
  • submission to the Employment Center of a well-developed business plan (this document includes the intended scope and nature of future activities, indicating the location of the enterprise; need technical equipment and raw material supplies; the level of expected income; analysis of the profitability of the project as a whole);
  • approval of the business plan at the Employment Center;
  • IP registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • re-applying to the Employment Center with an application for receiving subsidized funds, supported by a package of necessary documentation;
  • conclusion of a subsidiary agreement between individual entrepreneurs and the state.

The principal feature of this small business financing system is the absence of the need to return material resources received by individual entrepreneurs from government agencies when opening a new business.

The Employment Center is engaged in the initial stage of obtaining subsidies when opening a private enterprise - it is here that all the basic information about the business activity of all categories of the population of the Russian Federation is concentrated. The employment center considers the business ideas submitted by job seekers and determines their viability.

All initial information about the individual entrepreneur, his business plan, and the predicted level of economic efficiency passes through the Employment Center.

In 2019, the role of the Employment Center in the regulation procedure economic activity population is expected to be further strengthened, this is due to the fact that many citizens are now in search of a permanent source of income. In addition, it is necessary to achieve maximum transparency and efficiency of the mechanism for obtaining government subsidies.

In particular, the Employment Center provides a full range of necessary documentation in the shortest possible time, and the employees of the Employment Center are highly qualified and ready at any time to provide the full range of theoretical and practical assistance necessary for individual entrepreneurs at the stage of registration and opening their own business.

Each individual entrepreneur, when opening his own enterprise (even under a franchise), has the right to receive state support. The amount of such a subsidy varies depending on many factors, including the social status of the entrepreneur, but cannot be less than 60 thousand rubles.

Insurance, lending and banking services are not subject to state subsidies.

All other legitimate activities can be funded if the entrepreneur has his own start-up capital to the extent determined by law.

It is much easier for individuals with a Moscow residence permit to obtain subsidies in the capital, and, in addition, such entrepreneurs rely on several categories of subsidies to choose from.

The capital registration also determines the general subsidizing algorithm, which is not always true for start-up entrepreneurs from other, more remote regions of the Russian Federation.

An individual entrepreneur, receiving a subsidy, undertakes to spend this financial amount on the development of his own business, but he can determine the scope of the initial application of capital on his own. For example, funds can be directed to:

  • improvement of the material and technical base of the enterprise;
  • purchase of necessary equipment and industrial capacities;
  • repair, expansion and construction of new premises for the enterprise;
  • purchase of raw material base for production;
  • expansion of staff;
  • costs of the company's intangible assets.

Individual entrepreneurs may also provide for other items of expenses related to the opening and development of their own business. In general, the legislation of the Russian Federation is quite liberal in the sphere of distribution of subsidiary funds. The entrepreneur enjoys complete freedom in regard to the use of funds received as a result of subsidies.

An important point when receiving financial assistance in 2019 is that if an individual entrepreneur applying for a subsidy has not officially worked anywhere over the past five years, the specialists of the Employment Center can legally refuse to receive material assistance. After all, if a person previously had money from somewhere for everyday needs, then in the future he is able to provide for himself.

It is worth remembering that subsidies for business development are gratuitous. The return of subsidiary funds is not provided for by law. The only exception can be individual cases stipulated by the subsidy mechanism.

The only condition is to receive full and reliable reporting of the entrepreneur on the costs incurred. The Employment Center and the fiscal control authorities collect and verify this information.

In case of misuse of the funds provided, the state has the right to demand their return, taking into account a certain amount of a penalty. However, such precedents are extremely rare, since most start-up entrepreneurs are extremely responsible for the opportunity to receive financial state support for the development of their own business.

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