Home Preparations for the winter I ask you to allow entry into the territory. Regulations on access and intra-facility mode. If these employees are dismissed, we undertake to report this in writing to the pass department, with the obligatory surrender of previously issued passes.

I ask you to allow entry into the territory. Regulations on access and intra-facility mode. If these employees are dismissed, we undertake to report this in writing to the pass department, with the obligatory surrender of previously issued passes.

Our organization is small, but recently it has been constantly growing. There are more workers, more customers come to the office. The director decided to introduce access control and install turnstiles. He instructed the security specialist to take care of the equipment, and me, the secretary, to prepare an order to introduce access control. In the order, I indicated that the organization would introduce access control, employees would be required to use magnetic passes, and I sent the order to the employees by email.

When the turnstiles were installed, problems arose. Some were unhappy that they had to linger at the turnstile, others said that we were restricting their freedom, others did not understand how to use the pass, and others lost and damaged their passes. I probably didn't take something into account when placing the order. How to avoid such problems when introducing access control?

The main difficulty in introducing access control is employee dissatisfaction

The introduction of access control, as a rule, has two main goals:

1) protecting the safety of employees and property of the organization from possible attacks by unauthorized persons;

2) automation of recording the entry and exit of employees, facilitating the recording of working time in the organization, which is the responsibility of the employer in accordance with part four of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Automated timekeeping disciplines employees and guarantees objectivity in accounting.

The introduction of access control may cause dissatisfaction among employees, and the degree of passion may vary. Let's consider three situations.

Situation 1

The organization had free access to all premises; employees simply signed with the secretary when coming to work. Due to the growth of the company and cases of abuse of this freedom, management decided to introduce access control: install turnstiles and distribute access cards. The changes caused dissatisfaction among workers who were not accustomed to strict discipline, because now they need to report for every 5-10 minutes of delay, and all information is recorded automatically.

Situation 2

The organization's employees complied with the access control regime, which was not specified in the documents. If employees violated access control regulations, it turned out to be impossible to hold them accountable: no approved rules - no violation. Therefore, at a certain point, management decided to develop and approve the Regulations on access control. The workers did not object to the access control itself, but some of them were perplexed: “Why do we need a new document? After all, we comply with everything. Don't they trust us?

Situation 3

With the current access regime, the organization decided to replace outdated equipment with more modern equipment, and therefore it was necessary to slightly change the procedure for obtaining access cards, using equipment, the process of recording time worked and its analysis. Such changes did not cause mass discontent, because the changes affected only technical details and did not affect the organizational side.

Be that as it may, with the introduction of access control worker resistance factor must be taken into account. Sometimes you can hear from people that in this situation their freedom is limited. Of course this is not true. Their right of movement is not restricted, but entry and exit procedures are determined by the rules established by the individual employer. According to part one of Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers, with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing labor law norms, within their competence in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements. Thus, the employer has the right to issue a local regulation establishing access control in the organization.

In addition, the need to introduce a pass regime arises in cases where it is necessary to stop violations of labor discipline by employees: being late, leaving work before the end of the working day, removing property without the permission of the employer. The documents that introduce access control must ensure the possibility of bringing violators to justice.


According to Art. 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of the employer in labor relations are exercised by the management bodies of a legal entity (organization) or persons authorized by them, i.e. The regulation and order must be signed by the general director (director) or a person authorized by him by proxy.

Let's look at the rules to avoid the most common mistakes that arise when introducing access control in an organization.

Rules for introducing access control

Rule No. 1: any innovations must be supported by an order from the manager(Example 1). The rights and obligations of workers, the principles of using installed equipment are best set out in the Regulations on access control, which will become an annex to the order on the introduction of access control and the requirements of which employees will be required to comply with. After all, in accordance with part one of Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor discipline is obligatory for all employees to obey the rules of conduct determined in accordance with the Labor Code, other federal laws, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, and employment contracts. According to part two of Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is obliged to observe labor discipline, and on the basis of Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for committing a disciplinary offense, i.e. failure to perform or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions.

In case of violation of access rules (loss or damage of a magnetic card, use of someone else's magnetic card, passage without a magnetic card, removal of material assets outside the established procedure), employees can be subject to disciplinary action.

Rule No. 2: in order to reduce employee resistance when introducing access control, you need to involve them in the development of these innovations. If employees take part in the development of the Access Regulations, they will understand that their opinion is taken into account.

It is recommended to create a commission to develop the Regulations on access control, consisting of heads of departments, and submit for its consideration a draft Regulation prepared by the responsible departments (secretariat, security service, personnel department). The commission will add its proposals and comments to the document, and the heads of departments will discuss the Regulations in their teams. A message about the preparation of the Access Control Regulations can be posted on the notice board on the intranet.

Rule No. 3: when developing the Regulations on access control, it is necessary to describe in detail the procedure for entering and leaving the organization(s), the procedure for issuing magnetic passes, the rules for their storage, responsibility for their loss and damage (Example 2). In addition, it is necessary to describe the procedure for bringing in/out of material assets, the rules of passage for guests of the organization (meeting, escorting on the territory). It is possible to provide special rules for persons of state supervision and control, which can be carried out upon presentation of the relevant documents. Indicate who is monitoring the turnstiles (organizational security or security organization under contract), the functions of the security guard at the turnstile, and his powers.

Rule No. 4: the order that approves the Regulations on the access regime must contain the exact date when the access regime begins - for example, a week after workers familiarize themselves with the order. This time is necessary for workers to adapt to new conditions. In addition, the order must indicate the officials responsible for the operation of the access control system in the organization, so that employees know who to contact if questions arise.

Rule No. 5: all employees who will be subject to this regime must be familiarized with the order and the Regulations against signature. In accordance with part three of Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee, against signature, with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to the employee’s work, and the collective agreement.

It is possible to bring an employee to disciplinary liability only if he is familiar with the document (in this case, the Regulations on access control) against signature. Familiarization is possible by affixing a signature either in the Journal of familiarization with local regulations, or in the familiarization sheet attached to the Regulations. It is necessary to familiarize already working employees with the Regulations on access control immediately after signing the order and Regulations; only accepted ones - before signing the employment contract.

By the way

Sending documents by e-mail does not replace familiarization with signature, which is provided for by law. When sending documents by e-mail, it will be problematic to prove that the employee has familiarized himself with the order and the Regulations on access control in the event of a labor dispute.

Rule No. 6: It is advisable to reflect the presence of access control in an organization in the Internal Labor Regulations. In this document, it is enough just to mention the presence of access control in the organization, making reference to the Regulations and the order on access control.

Rule No. 7: when putting into effect an order on access control, it is recommended to conduct a smallPR-share(for example, in the form of a conversation with all employees collectively or by department). It should be emphasized that the introduction of access control, restriction of the passage of unauthorized persons and the carrying of foreign objects is introduced primarily to ensure the safety of workers; indicate management's concern for protecting the life and health of its employees. At such a meeting, employees have the opportunity to ask questions that concern them. The regulation and order can additionally be posted on information boards, on the intranet, or sent out by email.

Example 1

Order on the introduction of access control

LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""


15.08.2014 № 15


About the introduction of access control

In order to ensure the safety of workers, the safety of property and material assets


1. Establish access control on the territory of LLC “Trading House “Stolitsa”” (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) from 09/01/2014.

2. Approve and put into effect the Regulations on access control on the territory of the Organization (Appendix No. 1) from 09/10/2014.

3. To the head of the security service, I.R. Selitsky. organize the production and issuance of magnetic access cards for employees of the Organization until September 25, 2014.

4. Head of HR Department S.M. Kurkina familiarize employees with the Regulations on access control on the territory of the Organization against signature before 09/25/2014.

5. Head of the security service Selitsky I.R. appoint responsible for the implementation of access control on the territory of the Organization.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

CEO Bulatova D.E. Bulatova

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Selitsky I.R. Selitsky 08/15/2014

Kurkina S.M. Kurkina 08/15/2014

Example 2

Regulations on access control

LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""


about access controlon the territory of LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa""

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for implementing access control in the building (hereinafter referred to as the Building) at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 55, which belongs to LLC "Mifist" on the right of ownership and is used as an office of LLC "Trading House "Stolitsa"" (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) on the basis of a lease agreement. The building is located on the territory of the Ljubljana Park (hereinafter referred to as the park).

1.2. The requirements of the Regulations are aimed at preventing unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the Building and protected premises; security of the Building and office premises; prevention of unauthorized removal (into) of the Building (e) of property, equipment and other material assets (hereinafter referred to as material assets); ensuring internal order and fire safety measures in premises and common areas; Ensuring traffic rules within the park.

1.3. The access regime includes the procedure for entering (exiting) the Organization's employees and visitors into (from) the Building (s), the procedure for removing (bringing in) material assets, as well as the entry (exit) of vehicles into (from) the territory (s) of the park.

1.4. Security of the Building and premises includes the prevention and suppression of unauthorized entry of unauthorized persons into the Building and protected premises, unauthorized removal (introduction) of material assets from (into) the Building, violations by employees of the Organization, visitors and unauthorized persons of internal regulations and fire safety measures in the Building and in its immediate vicinity.

1.5. Security of the Building is carried out by the owner of the Building. Security officers are located in a security room located in close proximity to the entrance doors.

1.6. The requirements of security personnel aimed at ensuring access control, internal order and fire safety are mandatory for all persons present in the Building. Employees of the Organization and visitors are obliged to comply with the requirements of security officers in matters of ensuring access control.

1.7. The requirements of the Regulations are mandatory for all employees of the Organization and other citizens visiting the Building (hereinafter referred to as visitors).

1.8. Entry of the Organization's employees and visitors into the Building is carried out through the entrance doors equipped with an access control and management system (ACS).

1.9. The document giving the right to enter (exit) into (from) the Building (s) is a magnetic card.

2. Procedure for entry and exit of workers and visitors

2.1. Entrance to the building of the Organization's employees (except for employees of separate divisions) on weekdays is through the entrance doors using magnetic cards from 08:00 to 18:15.

2.2. Before passing through the entrance doors in connection with the start of the working day, Employees who handed over the cards will receive back magnetic cards to enter the building from a security officer.

2.3. To enter the building, a magnetic card is applied to the ACS reader. Login is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.4. Magnetic cards are produced by the head of the information protection and security department at the request of employees.

2.5. If employees temporarily do not have a magnetic card, one-time entry and exit to the Building is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identification document.

2.6. Upon dismissal, employees hand over magnetic cards to the head of the information protection department upon receipt of a work book and leave the building through the entrance doors upon presentation of their passport.

2.7. During non-working hours, weekends and holidays, security officers provide access to the building of the General Director and other employees using magnetic cards in accordance with the order of the Organization.

2.8. On holidays and weekends, as well as on weekdays after 18:15, employees are allowed into the Building using magnetic cards at the request of immediate managers, agreed upon with the General Director.

2.9. Workers gain access to the second and third floors by attaching magnetic cards to ACS readers. Login is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.10. Security officers issue keys to premises in the Building to employees of the Organization with mandatory registration in the Key Issue Register against signature.

2.11. Employees of separate units who arrive at the Organization are allowed into the Building upon presentation of a passport or other identification document, with a mandatory entry in the Visitor Register.

2.12. If necessary, employees of separate departments are issued a duty pass to move around the Building.

2.13. Admission of visitors to the Building on weekdays is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identification document, from 09:00 to 17:30. Before allowing a visitor to pass, the security officer requests consent to allow the visitor to pass through from the employee to whom the visitor is being directed. Upon receipt of consent, the security officer allows the visitor to enter with a mandatory entry in the Visitor Register. A security officer will escort the visitor to a meeting room to wait for an Organization employee.

2.14. When planning to receive visitors, the Organization's employees are obliged to inform them in advance about the access rules established in the Building.

2.15. Visitors move in the Building only when accompanied by an employee of the Organization.

2.16. Upon completion of work, all premises are inspected by the workers located in them. Electric lighting and electric heating equipment is de-energized, windows and vents are closed, doors are locked.

2.17. Employees hand over the keys to the premises to the security officer with a mandatory signature in the Key Issue Register.

2.18. Exit from the Employees' Building is carried out through the entrance doors after the green signal appears after applying the magnetic card to the ACS reader. The exit is carried out after the green light signal appears on the ACS reader.

2.19. After passing through the entrance doors (when leaving due to the end of the working day), the employee, if desired, hands over the magnetic card to the security officer.

2.20. The exit of employees of separate divisions of the Organization and visitors is carried out through the entrance doors, while visitors are accompanied by an employee of the Organization to the door. A note about leaving in the Visitor Log is required.

2.21. Representatives of law enforcement agencies (prosecutor's office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), representatives of supervisory and regulatory authorities (state technical supervision, energy supervision, boiler supervision, state communications supervision, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, labor safety inspection, tax inspectorate, etc.), arriving on official business, are allowed into the Building upon presentation of an official certificates and accompanied by the head of the information protection and security department. The arrival of a law enforcement officer(s) is reported to the General Director.

2.22. The entry of law enforcement officials into the Building is recorded by a security officer in the Visitor Register.

2.23. The entry of vehicles into the territory of the Organization is carried out with the permission of the General Director.

2.24. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for entering the territory and parking on the territory of the park of personal vehicles.

2.25. Vehicles enter the park through the gate from the street. Lyublinskaya from 8:00 to 18:15. The opening and closing of the gate is carried out by the employee or visitor driving the vehicle. After passing, the person driving the vehicle is obliged to close the gate and secure the chain to it.

2.26. Persons are not allowed into the Building: those who are drunk, or under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances; those who have not fully complied with the requirements of the security officer to implement access control; with firearms and ammunition; with flammable liquids and explosive objects.

2.27. A person who is intoxicated when attempting to enter or exit is detained by a security officer, which is reported to the General Director and the Head of Information Protection and Security. The head of information protection and security draws up a report on violation of the access control regime. The act is signed by the security officer and persons appointed by the general director, as well as by the offender. If the violator refuses to sign the act, a corresponding entry is made in it.

2.28. In order to prevent the entry of prohibited items and the unauthorized removal of material assets, a security officer may inspect bags, briefcases, and other hand luggage of employees and visitors if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they contain items prohibited for entry or stolen material assets. Searches may only be carried out with the consent of the employee or visitor.

2.29. If a person does not agree to present hand luggage for inspection, as well as if there are sufficient grounds to believe that items prohibited for entry or material assets stolen at the facility are hidden directly on his body or in clothing, the person is not allowed into the Building, and when attempting to exit, he is detained and handed over representatives of internal affairs bodies.

3. Final provisions

3.1. To avoid damage to the magnetic card, employees are required to store it away from heating devices, magnets, and other magnetic cards.

3.2. If a magnetic card is lost or damaged, the employee must immediately notify the head of the information protection and security department for an official investigation.

3.3. If a magnetic card is no longer valid (demagnetization, expiration, damage), the employee must notify the head of the information protection and security department and hand over the inactive card.

3.4. Persons who have lost a magnetic card or damaged it are subject to disciplinary action once their guilt is established.

3.5. Persons who have lost a magnetic card or damaged it are obliged to reimburse the Organization for the cost of its production.

3.6. Violation of these Regulations entails an internal investigation and disciplinary action in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. Violation of access control serves as grounds for reducing the monthly premium.

3.8. These Regulations must be brought to the attention of each employee of the Organization working in the Building against signature.

Prepared by:

Head of HR Department Kurkina CM. Kurkina

Head of Security Service. Selimzyanov I.R. Selimzyanov

Yu.Yu. Zhizherina, HR Director


(Input No. OP PKT _______ dated “__”________20__)

I request permission to pass or travel to the territory of Lesnoy Mole to perform official duties and

issue a _______________________________________ pass for a period of time ____________________months

(specify type: one-time, temporary, unlimited) (specify number of months)

in accordance with agreement (application) No.____________________ dated _____________________________







Passport Series









Position, contact telephone

Vehicle model

Vehicle number,


Directions KP-2

Sl. bus

Signing in acquaintance with the Regulations on transport security

Before visiting the territory of the Lesnoy Mole, we instruct these persons on the issues of their compliance within the facility regime and the requirements of the access system, fire safety, norms of Russian legislation on labor protection, environmental protection, traffic rules, and rules of conduct for drivers in the port territory.

When dismissing these employees, we undertake to report this in writing to the pass department, with the obligatory surrender of previously issued passes.

Specify: 1. In connection with employment. 2. Due to the loss of the pass. 3. In connection with the replacement (full name, vehicle, etc.).

When replacing a plastic pass, It is obligatory to attach the pass you have on hand to the application .

Note: 1. For group applications for plastic passes, please attach databases in the above form in electronic form ( Excel).

2. Applications for the production or renewal of plastic passes filled out by hand will not be accepted..

3. Positions of individuals under the Application, for which the availability of a photograph is not ensured within 15 working days from the date of submission of the Application, are cancelled.

4. Applications not paid within 5 working days from the invoice date will be cancelled.

5. The date of payment of the invoice is the date of receipt of funds to the current account of PKT CJSC.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, PKT CJSC guarantees the confidentiality of processed personal data.

Payment type:  We guarantee payment by bank transfer according to the application / in accordance with the contract (in payment orders it is necessary to indicate the invoice number being paid)

(mark X as appropriate)  Cash payment is guaranteed

By submitting this application, we confirm that consent to the processing of their personal data has been obtained from the persons for whom the passes are issued according to the application, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Requisites: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Full name of the enterprise, legal address, INN/KPP, OGRN, telephone number of the enterprise

M.P. Rmanager ______________________________/________________/(position, full name. )

"___"______________ 20__ Chief Accountant _____________________/___________________/(FULL NAME.)For execution V...

  • Document

    ... on NP - reconnaissance of the presence of anti-tank landmines or river anti-tank mines, clearing passages ... on small territories, For execution a certain production task calculated on...started execution official responsibilities in the second...

  • The first edition was published in 1996. For students, teachers and anyone interested in history. Circulation 10,000 copies. Isbn 5-06-003678-2


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  • FSI "Administration of the seaport "Big Port of St. Petersburg"


    ... For execution official responsibilities are skipped on territory seaport according to temporary or ... On territory Lesnogo pier access... For passage /travel on territory ... on removal of material assets and cargo from the territory_________________ I beg allow ...

  • The need to prevent the penetration of random persons is required by all enterprises and organizations, regardless of the type of activity. This could be a large plant or a small government agency, where an access control regime has been introduced at the enterprise, which implies access to the territory of a protected facility using special passes through a checkpoint (checkpoint). The security division is responsible for controlling the admission of visitors, personnel and controlling the export of material assets.

    What is access control in an enterprise?

    From a legal point of view, the access and intra-facility regime at an enterprise is a system of administrative and restrictive measures, engineering solutions and the work of the security service to admit persons to a specific facility (plus ensuring the protection of goods or equipment). At the same time, the administration establishes rules for passage through the checkpoint for unauthorized persons or admission of employees to individual structural units, in accordance with their job descriptions.


    Although there are differences between sites where similar control and access measures are used, the goals and objectives of the application will be similar. The introduction of access control at the enterprise (PRP) is intended for:

    • ensuring the passage of employees, third-party visitors, import and export of goods using passes of the established form;
    • creating conditions that prevent the uncontrolled entry of unauthorized persons and vehicles into the protected area;
    • promptly identifying circumstances that could harm the interests of the enterprise (for example, theft or fire), creating a system to counter these dangers.


    The basic goals of organizing access control for most organizations will be similar. The main target areas include:

    • maintaining internal order taking into account the specifics of the enterprise;
    • profit growth due to the fight against property theft and other criminal and administrative violations;
    • registration and recording of visitors, time of arrival and departure of employees;
    • protection of intellectual property and trade secrets.


    It should not be overlooked that the access system at an enterprise implies a number of restrictions, and therefore must be impeccable in terms of regulations and other legislative documentation. The most important requirements here will be for staff and visitors, including employees of third-party organizations and seconded persons for one-time visits.

    The administration, through the security service, monitors compliance with the access control regime, the correct execution of temporary and permanent passes, and provides for cases when inspection of vehicles is possible. In accordance with the law, employees of the police, prosecutor's office, labor inspectorate, and other regulatory authorities are allowed to enter the territory of the enterprise with official identification.

    Pass system

    Organization of access control at an enterprise involves the issuance and verification of access documents, the safety of which must be taken care of by the owner. The pass is a personal document, requires a photograph or the need for identification. Recently, impersonal electronic passes have become widespread, which are temporary in nature (for example, they can be issued to a person staying at a hotel for access to a room or to a business traveler).

    Access system to the office

    Creating a control point to control access to a workplace (office or production facility) involves organizing a checkpoint. Sometimes it is supplemented with internal access control systems (ACS) to certain sectors. Electronic access control systems can be:

    • audiovisual, transmitting images using special cameras;
    • working with plastic cards (including contactless);
    • based on entering identification codes from the keyboard;
    • biometric (scanning the iris or fingerprints).

    The combination of controller and execution device can check the information in the electronic pass, allowing passage if the person has the right of access. It can be:

    • turnstiles;
    • gateways;
    • electromechanical locks;
    • growth booths.

    Entry to the territory

    Special transport checkpoints are designed to monitor entry/exit from the territory of the enterprise. In addition to the office space for the dispatcher, there must be an inspection parking lot to ensure control of the import or export of goods from the territory of the enterprise (for example, through inspection of vehicles). If a railway line passes through the territory of the enterprise, then the instructions on the PRP must reflect the procedure for the passage of trains, the access of drivers or other personnel to it, as well as the rules for inspecting sealed cars.

    Access control at a guarded facility

    The introduction of a PRP necessarily implies the presence of instructions on access and intra-facility regime. The approximate structure of this document could be like this:

    1. General provisions.
    2. The procedure for passing through the checkpoint.
    3. Admission to the enterprise of vehicles, the procedure for the export of material assets or documents.
    4. Types of passes accepted at the enterprise, the procedure for their recording and use.
    5. Responsibilities of officials for maintaining the PRP.

    Organization of access control

    The clear functioning of the PRP requires the division of objects into several categories, allowing access rights to vary. In this regard, objects can be:

    • public;
    • closed;
    • limited access.

    Determining the access category for a specific object (building, premises) makes it possible to regulate the rights of different categories of employees or visitors in official documentation. In addition, it becomes easier to justify:

    • the optimal option for allowing persons, transport or removal of material assets to the site;
    • specific types of technical means to ensure safety;
    • the required amount of physical security.

    Material permits

    The developed instructions on PRP should define different types of passes. As a rule, in large enterprises there can be several types. With the exception of material ones, all pass certificates are issued at the pass office on the basis of a memo or application. There are the following types of pass documents:

    • constant;
    • temporary;
    • one-time;
    • material pass.

    Order on access control

    The transition to access control, in accordance with current legislation (Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), must be accompanied by the issuance of a corresponding order signed by the director (or an authorized person by proxy). Each employee gets acquainted with this order, which indicates the exact date of introduction of the PRP, upon signature. Additionally, it is recommended to hold a team meeting, where the manager can clearly explain the need for a PDP, answering existing questions.

    Regulations on access control at the enterprise

    The PRP provision complements the order by detailing certain important aspects. The following should be indicated there:

    • the method for obtaining passes by personnel, using them, liability for loss;
    • the procedure for bringing in and taking out material assets;
    • rules of passage for third-party visitors (business travelers, guests, employees of regulatory authorities, etc.).

    Gearbox equipment

    The technical equipment of a checkpoint depends on many factors, such as its purpose. There are two main types - for passing people or transport, the equipment of these checkpoints will include:

    • Control equipment – ​​video surveillance plus access control and accounting system (ACS).
    • Engineering fortifications - depending on the situation, these can be turnstiles, barriers or gates.
    • Means of defense - depending on the object, this can be gas, traumatic or firearms.
    • Inspection equipment (only for transport checkpoints) – lights, probes, inspection mirrors.
    • Communication means – landline telephone and/or walkie-talkie.

    Instructions for access control

    In order to regulate the conditions for access to the territory of the enterprise for employees or other persons, Instructions on access and intra-facility regime are drawn up. This document must be prepared taking into account the current legislation and the charter of the organization, approved by the signature of the director and be mandatory for all members of the team (in accordance with Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The instructions consider the rights and responsibilities of employees in the context of the PRP, for example, setting an acceptable lateness limit of 15 minutes, exceeding which will lead to punishment.

    Types of passes at the enterprise

    Passes are developed and issued in accordance with the internal documents of the enterprise on the PRP. The most popular category is permanent passes; depending on the need, they can be supplemented with temporary, one-time and other documents for entering the enterprise. In recent years, there has been a tendency to switch to an electronic form of this documentation.


    A pass document of this type is issued to employees of the enterprise (its divisions), or to representatives of other structures that constantly serve the organization. These passes can be divided into different categories (depending on access to various objects, premises or buildings, if there is such a distinction, or shift work at the enterprise). The pass document can be kept by the owner at all times, or stored at the checkpoint while the person is working. When an employee is dismissed, his/her access document is destroyed, which is documented in a document.


    This type of pass documents is intended for those who are in temporary work or working under a contract. Another category of temporary pass users are seconded employees. These passes may or may not have a photo, depending on the internal regulations on access control (if there is no photo, you must present an identification document) and must be kept at the checkpoint. They are issued for a short period of time - from several days to several months.

    Electronic passes for employees

    The use of electronic passes at an enterprise simplifies the work of a security guard, but there is a more significant advantage - the use of access control systems. In this case, the device not only allows workers to enter the territory, but also records tardiness and departure time, that is, provides the necessary information to the accounting department or personnel service. When using an electronic pass at an enterprise, you can program it individually, allowing or denying access to certain objects (buildings, production workshops, laboratories).

    One-time pass form

    Passes of this type are intended for a one-time visit to an organization (for example, for a job interview), do not have a photograph, and therefore are valid only upon presentation of an identification document. In this case, a one-time document issued to the driver can serve as a pass for his vehicle - a car or truck - to enter the territory of the enterprise.

    Security guards checking documents need to know that this one-time document is only valid for a certain time. For security purposes, the design of one-time passes (paper color, font, etc.) should be changed periodically. After checking the documents of the passing person, the pass remains at the checkpoint, along with a stamp on the time of entry and the signature of the accompanying person. After the visitor exits, another mark is made, then the pass document is handed back to the pass office.


    I APPROVED Name of the organization ________________________________ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Name of the position of the head of the organization __________ N _____ _________ _____________________ Signature Explanation of signature __________________ ________________________________ Place of compilation date for access and intra-facility regime at facilities protected by the organization's security service

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This instruction defines the basic requirements for organizing access control in an organization. The requirements of the instructions are mandatory for all employees of the organization, as well as persons temporarily located on its territory.

    1.2. The access regime provides for the procedure for admitting enterprise employees and other persons to the territory of the organization, the procedure for import (removal), bringing in (removal) of finished products, raw materials, material assets, compliance by persons located on the territory of the organization and in its divisions with the established requirements of the regime and internal rules labor regulations.

    1.3. Responsibility for compliance with the access regime rests with the chief and security officers.

    1.4. Employees of the organization who violate the requirements of this instruction are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    1.5. The introduced access regime is controlled by the administration of the organization.

    2. Access mode

    2.1. A pass regime is an established procedure under which employees of an organization and other persons have access to the territory of the organization at a strictly established time to their place of work.

    2.2. A document giving the right to travel and stay on the territory of an organization is a pass. The director and head of the security service have the right to escort visitors without a pass. They also have the right to enter/exit, enter/exit the organization’s territory around the clock, including on weekends and holidays.

    2.3. Based on their validity period, passes are divided into permanent, temporary and one-time passes. All passes are processed, issued and accounted for by the HR specialist.

    2.4. A permanent pass is issued to workers and employees registered for work by order of the director of the organization.

    2.5. When passing workers and employees, the pass (identity card) is checked, paying attention to the photograph, the date of validity of the pass and the signature of the person who signed the pass, and in case of a one-time pass, additionally require the passport of the person presenting the pass.

    2.6. In cases of production necessity, workers and employees engaged in work on weekends and holidays are allowed into the territory of the organization with passes on the basis of an order for the organization or according to lists signed by the heads of departments and approved by the director.

    2.7. Employees' exit from the territory of the protected facility during working hours is permitted with one-time passes, signed by the manager who issued the pass.

    2.8. Single passes are confiscated and stored at the checkpoint. On the back of the pass there must be a stamp indicating the time of entry and exit.

    2.9. When an employee is dismissed, the permanent pass is confiscated and handed over to a human resources specialist.

    2.10. Persons who have lost their pass must immediately notify their supervisor and the head of the security service. Disciplinary measures will be taken against employees found guilty of losing a pass.

    2.11. For persons who are late for work or leave work early, security service workers keep records in a control log, which is submitted to the director at least once a week for review and taking action against violators. The heads of the departments under whose supervision these persons are located are notified immediately.

    2.12. It is prohibited to bring (bring) into the territory of the organization alcoholic beverages, narcotic, toxic, psychotropic, poisonous, flammable, explosive substances, poisons, weapons and other items that can cause harm to the life and health of people, the property of the organization.

    2.13. The entry of employees into the territory of the organization in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, or toxic intoxication, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, beer, narcotic and psychotropic substances at the place of work is strictly prohibited.

    2.14. Passage of vehicles is carried out through special gates that open using an electric drive.

    2.15. The organization's vehicles are passed according to a list signed by the manager.

    2.16. Motor vehicles of third-party organizations entering (leaving) the territory of the organization are registered in a special journal, which indicates: date, time of departure (entry), make of the car (tractor), license plate number, last name of the driver.

    2.17. Forwarders, loaders and other people traveling with vehicles are allowed into the facility and back through the checkpoint.

    2.18. It is prohibited for vehicles not equipped with fire extinguishing equipment to enter through the checkpoint; in which, during inspection, flammable liquids (except for fuel in tanks), explosive, poisonous, poisonous, narcotic substances, weapons, ammunition and other dangerous items that could cause harm to the life and health of people and the organization’s property were found.

    2.19. The entry of vehicles belonging to private individuals into the territory of the organization is not permitted, except in cases where there is permission from the director or head of the security service.

    2.20. In the event of emergency situations on the premises and territory of the organization (fire, explosion, accident, natural disaster), fire fighters, special vehicles with rescue teams, ambulances, and police arriving to eliminate the consequences of the incident are freely allowed to pass through the checkpoint.

    2.21. Security officers who fail to ensure compliance with the established access regime are subject to disciplinary action.

    2.22. The right of unhindered access to protected objects is granted to officials of the licensing authority (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, including the Department of Security), as well as officials of other state bodies carrying out control and supervisory activities within their competence, and inspections of the licensee’s activities by these officials.

    Name of the position of the head of the structural unit ________________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas

    Instructions for access and intra-facility modes. Example.

    1. General provisions.

    1.1. This Instruction defines the basic requirements for the organization and implementation of access and intra-facility regimes at "Organization", which are the basis of the entire enterprise security system.

    This Instruction is mandatory for all employees and officials "Organization", all other persons located on the territory of the enterprise and protected objects, as well as employees of a security company that carries out access and on-site regimes and security of objects "Organization".

    This Instruction has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations "Organization" taking into account the features of the security system and protection of enterprise facilities.

    1.2. Definitions and accepted abbreviations.

    1.2.1. In these Instructions, terms with the following definitions are used:

    Access mode - the procedure established in accordance with local regulations and ensured by a set of measures and rules that exclude the possibility of uncontrolled entry (exit) of persons, entry (exit) of vehicles, entry (removal), import (export) of any inventory items into protected objects and from protected objects.

    Intra-object mode - procedure established in accordance with the requirements of internal labor regulations, industrial, fire, gas safety, labor protection, requirements for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the territory of facilities, parking and parking of vehicles, requirements for the safety of inventory and official documents and ensured a set of measures and rules carried out by persons located at protected facilities.

    Protected objects "Organization"- production equipment, buildings, structures, structures, adjacent territories, vehicles and other property that are subject to protection and provision of access and on-site regimes.

    Security company - private security company providing protection of objects "Organization" on a contractual basis.

    1.2.2. The following abbreviations are used in these Instructions:

    Company - "Organization"

    Objects - protected objects

    Security - security company

    Inventories - inventory items

    SKD - access control system

    UB - Security Department

    PMO - Human Resources Department

    Occupational Health, Salary and MP - Department of Labor, Wages and Personnel Motivation

    Checkpoint - checkpoint

    ATC - Department of Internal Affairs

    Emergency - emergency situations

    Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs

    FSB - Federal Security Service

    Occupational safety, industrial safety, GB, PS - labor protection, fire safety, gas safety, industrial sanitation

    TSB - commodity and raw material base

    OPB, OHS and PS - Department of industrial safety, labor protection and industrial sanitation

    PO - Production Department

    OTN - Technical Supervision Department

    CSO and Emergency Situations - Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

    USS - Office of Special Communications

    GR Security - Security company regime group.

    1.3. Distribution of powers and responsibilities.

    1.3.1. This Instruction is subject to approval by the General Director of the Enterprise and is put into effect by the Order of the General Director of the Enterprise.

    1.3.2. The implementation of access and intra-facility regimes and security of the Enterprise’s facilities is assigned to Security in accordance with the concluded agreement.

    1.3.3. Direct management of access control, intra-facility regimes and organization of security of the Enterprise Facilities is carried out by the Deputy General Director for Security.

    1.3.4. Control over the practical implementation of security, access and intra-facility regimes is assigned to the head of the Security Department.

    1.3.5. The development of a system of necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Enterprise and the protection of each Object, taking into account their characteristics, is carried out by the Management Department.

    1.3.6. The organization of systematic explanatory work among the employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors on compliance with access and intra-facility regimes using a local computer network, means of visual propaganda (stands, information boards) and mass media (print, radio) of the Enterprise is the responsibility of the Management Department.

    1.3.7. Conducting introductory briefings with employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations on occupational safety, industrial safety, security, safety and security is organized by OPB, occupational safety and security, and the conduct of briefings on access and intra-facility regimes is assigned to GR Security employees.

    1.3.8. Responsibility for ensuring intra-facility regime at production sites, in buildings (premises) of workshops, services, departments, installations and sections rests with the heads of the relevant departments. Heads of structural divisions are required to comply with the requirements established in order to ensure the safety of inventory items at their facilities.

    1.4. The Head of the Management Department, in accordance with the established procedure, monitors the good condition of access control systems, security video surveillance, security alarms and other engineering and technical security systems and, if necessary, submits requests for the involvement of forces and resources of the relevant divisions of the Enterprise and third-party organizations for maintenance and troubleshooting.

    1.5. If facts of violation of the requirements of this Instruction are revealed, Security employees draw up a protocol report in the form established in Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction and send it to the Deputy General Director for Security.

    The Security Department conducts an internal inspection upon the discovery of a violation. After the inspection, the head of the management department sends a notification to the head of the structural unit in which the violation was discovered with a copy of the protocol and an indication of the time frame for taking measures against the violators and eliminating the identified deficiencies.

    The head of the structural unit to whom the notification was sent is obliged to submit to the Management Department within the specified time frame a report on the elimination of identified violations and measures taken against violators of access and intra-facility regimes, attaching a copy of the protocol-act. The head of the management department sends a copy of the protocol-act to the PMO for control.

    1.6. The heads of structural divisions ensure that all employees of the Enterprise are familiar with this Instruction.

    Employees of third-party organizations and visitors (as it relates to them) are familiarized with the requirements of this Instruction by the GR Security Pass Office during induction training or directly when issuing one-time passes.

    1.7. For violation of the requirements of this Instruction, employees of the Enterprise bear disciplinary and other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Disciplinary sanctions against employees of an enterprise can be imposed by the General Director with the execution of an appropriate order for the Enterprise or by the head of a structural unit with the execution of an order for the structural unit. A reduction in the amount of the bonus or non-payment of the bonus is fully formalized by order of the General Director on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit.

    For violations falling under Art. 81 clause 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before drawing up an administrative document to bring the violator to disciplinary liability, the head of the structural unit interested in leaving this employee in the unit is obliged to submit a petition addressed to the General Director for non-dismissal of the employee with justification of the reasons.

    1.8. Other persons who are not employees of the Enterprise bear financial and other liability for violation of the requirements of this Instruction in accordance with this Instruction, the agreement concluded with the Enterprise and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    In order to prevent cases of violation of access and on-site regimes by employees of third-party organizations, when concluding contracts for the performance of work, provision of services, supply of goods and materials, purchase of products, use of the territory of the Enterprise for other purposes, the counterparty is liable in the form of penalties for violation of the requirements of this Instruction, allowed by their employees and non-return of passes after completion of work.

    The amount of penalties is established by Appendix No. 2 to these Instructions.

    1.9. Persons who have violated the access control and intra-facility regimes, who do not have passes or other documents, whose identity cannot be established, are transferred by Security officers to the duty station of the Internal Affairs Directorate __________________________________ for verification and identification.

    1.10. Persons suspected of theft or attempted theft are transferred to the security office to draw up protocols, take written explanations from them and conduct an internal check on them by UB specialists, and, if necessary, transfer them to the Internal Affairs Directorate __________________________________.

    1.11. Persons detained on the territory of the Enterprise, as well as when entering and leaving the territory, on suspicion of consuming alcoholic beverages or narcotic and toxic substances, are transferred to the security office for drawing up special protocol reports (Appendix No. 3) and taking written documents from them explanations, and then to the enterprise health center for a medical examination.

    The protocol-act and the act of medical examination of the employee for intoxication (Appendix No. 4) are transferred to the heads of departments for taking disciplinary measures. Alcoholic beverages confiscated from detained persons are returned to the owners after the completion of the official inspection.

    1.12. Management and Security employees have the right, if necessary, to demand that employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors provide personal belongings, vehicles for inspection, as well as hand over a pass and other identification documents for conducting an official check and establishing identity.

    The decision to return a pass to an employee who has violated the access and on-site regimes is made by the head of the management department after conducting an internal inspection or clarifying the circumstances of the violation, and, if necessary, after he has undergone repeated training on the access and on-site regimes.

    1.13. To all employees of the Company, third parties and visitors prohibited:

    Stay at the Sites and move around the territory without a pass;

    Give your personal passes to someone, mark someone else’s pass in the access control system, or escort another person into the territory (release from the territory) using your personal pass;

    Try to pass (drive) into the territory of the Objects outside the checkpoint;

    Carry and bring into the territory of the Objects firearms and bladed weapons, ammunition, explosive materials, explosive objects, highly toxic, radioactive, narcotic and psychotropic substances (except for persons entitled to do so in the manner prescribed by law), alcoholic beverages and other alcohol-containing liquids;

    Without the written permission of the head of the Management Department, transport and carry into the territory of the Objects electronic computer equipment, film, photo and video recording equipment and film, photograph or video, carry (carry) into the territory and take out (export) information media;

    Allow security workers, when performing their functions to ensure access and internal security regimes, to make statements and actions that insult and degrade their human dignity;

    Bring children with you to the territory of the Facilities (except for summer camps and excursions);

    Enter the territory of the Objects in a state of alcoholic, toxic or drug intoxication;

    Drink alcoholic beverages and take drugs on the territory of the Objects;

    Smoking in unauthorized places, lighting fires, burning grass, and also carrying out hot work without obtaining the appropriate work permit for their production;

    Carry out excavation work without obtaining the appropriate work permit for its production;

    Stay on the territory of the Enterprise beyond the established working hours, without written permission;

    Drive a vehicle into production sites and industrial equipment without a spark arrestor on the muffler and park it under overpasses and closer than 9 meters from overpasses, as well as outside workshop parking lots;

    Store goods and materials outside warehouse or production premises, equipped storage areas, as well as in unclosed containers, cabin trailers, mobile workshops;

    Without issuing material passes and invoices, export and remove products and inventory items from the territory of the Objects;

    Refuel vehicles at technological installations and other unspecified places;

    Without written permission, manufacture and repair for personal needs any products from materials of the Enterprise and contractors, and use their equipment and tools for this;

    Block roads on the territory of the Facilities, passages between rows in general plant parking lots and emergency exits from them;

    Hold rallies, processions, demonstrations on the territory of the Objects without the permission of the General Director of the Enterprise.

    1.14. If emergency situations and emergencies occur at the Enterprise's Facilities: fire, explosion, armed attack, hostage-taking, etc. employees of the Enterprise and employees of third-party organizations and visitors located at the Sites must strictly comply with the requirements of management and security workers, managers of emergency response work, and managers of the Site at which the specified work is being carried out.

    1.15. When unauthorized persons appear on the territory of the Enterprise Facility, as well as when suspicious packages, packages, boxes similar to improvised explosive devices are detected, the Facility personnel are obliged to report this to their supervisor, and at night - to the head of the Security Guard.

    2. Access mode.

    2.1. The security company carries out access control through checkpoints (posts). The working hours of security guards and their responsibilities for ensuring access control are established by job descriptions, and special responsibilities at specific checkpoints (posts) are established by post cards, which are approved by the Deputy General Director of the Enterprise for Security.

    Opening hours of the GR Security Pass Office: daily from 8:00 to 17:30 (lunch break - from 13:00 to 14:00). Weekends: Saturday, Sunday, holidays.

    2.2. The passage of the Company's employees, third-party organizations and visitors, import (export), bringing in (removal) of goods and materials and other cargo is carried out only through the checkpoint and with the appropriate passes.

    2.3. The following types of passes are established at the Enterprise:(Appendix No. 5):

    2.3.1. By purpose:




    2.3.2. By validity period:




    2.3.3. By type:


    Blank execution.

    2.3.4. All types of passes are issued and issued to the recipient upon presentation of one of the documents to the GR Security pass office,

    identification documents:


    Officer identification or military ID;

    Service ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement and supervisory authorities;

    Driver's license.

    2.3.5. All types of passes are processed, recorded and issued at the GR Security Pass Bureau at rates determined by the Order of the General Director “On paid services for issuing passes.”

    2.4. Permanent personal passes are drawn up on electronic media and issued to employees of the Company hired for permanent work after issuing an order for admission.

    The basis for issuing a permanent pass for employees of the Enterprise are POU referral cards.

    Permanent passes are issued to employees of the Enterprise after undergoing introductory training on health, safety, safety, security, security, access and intra-facility regimes and familiarization with these Instructions against personal signature on the direction card.

    2.4.1. When issuing a pass, the inspector of the GR Security Pass Bureau makes an entry on the direction card about the date of issue. Subsequently, all information about the loss of the pass, the issuance of a duplicate or replacement of the pass in case of deterioration, change of name, position, work mode, transfer to another unit, etc., as well as about the surrender of the pass in case of dismissal, is entered into the card.

    2.4.2. A permanent pass gives an employee the right to enter (exit) the territory of the Enterprise only at a specified time in accordance with the work schedule established for him.

    2.4.3. Changes in the working hours of personnel are formalized by the Order of the General Director of the Enterprise on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit.

    Upon receipt of this order, the inspector of the GR Security Pass Bureau changes the access mode of a particular employee to the access control system and makes changes to the POU referral card.

    2.4.4. If the pass fails to work, the employee must contact the GR Security Pass Office to determine the cause of the malfunction.

    Replacement of a pass that has become unusable through no fault of the employee is carried out at the GR Security Pass Office after checking the functionality (serviceability) of the pass. If the pass has become unusable due to the fault of the employee (the integrity of the plastic card is broken or it has mechanical damage, or is melted, etc.), then a new pass is issued to the employee subject to payment of its full cost at the rate determined by the Order of the General Director “On Paid Payments”. services for issuing passes."

    2.4.5. In case of loss of a permanent pass, the employee is obliged to inform the head of the unit. Based on the employee’s application with the request of the head of the unit addressed to the head of the PMO and a written explanation about the circumstances of the loss of the pass, a referral card is issued to the PMO.

    Based on the referral card, a duplicate pass is issued at the pass office and issued to the employee subject to payment of the full cost of the pass.

    2.4.6. When checking a pass, Security employees have the right to detain an employee to establish his identity in cases where the bearer’s appearance does not match the photograph on the front of the pass (presence of a mustache, beard, other changes in appearance, age discrepancy, etc.), or when the sticker on the pass has become unusable (faded, worn out, etc.) and the identity of the employee cannot be established.

    To avoid such cases, the employee is obliged to monitor the condition of the personal pass and, if necessary, immediately contact the GR Security pass office to re-take photographs or replace the sticker. In these cases, the sticker is replaced free of charge.

    2.4.7. Upon dismissal, the employee is required to hand over his pass to the GR Security Pass Office on the day of dismissal. Having accepted the pass, the inspector of the pass office makes a note about the surrender of the pass in the “Certificate of undelivered material assets.” To process the final payment, dismissed employees enter the Facility using one-time passes.

    2.5. Temporary personal passes on electronic media and in blank form are issued for a certain period of time to the following persons:

    Performing temporary work at the Company’s facilities using EUP referral cards (similar to clause 2.4.);

    Those who arrived for an internship or who arrived on a long business trip on official notes addressed to the head of the management department of the heads of departments in which the person being registered is undergoing an internship (seconded) indicating the reason for their presence at the Enterprise. The memo is agreed upon with the Deputy General Director, or the head of the department in the area of ​​activity. Attached to the memo are lists indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, persons being registered, and the organization from which they came. This information can also be indicated directly in the memo. From the UB, the memo is transferred by the applicant to the GR Security Pass Bureau no later than 3 days before the date of issue of the passes;

    Employees of contracting (subcontracting) organizations for the entire period of their work (but no more than until the end of the current calendar year with the possibility of subsequent extension) upon official application letters from the heads of contracting organizations, indicating in them the number and date of conclusion of the contract for contract work, type work, the deadline for completing the work, as well as indicating the full details of subcontractors, if any will be involved in work at the Enterprise’s facilities. The official application letters of the heads of contracting organizations must be accompanied by lists indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the involved employees of the organization.

    2.5.1. Before being transferred to the GR Security pass office, official letters of application for the issuance of passes to employees of contracting (subcontracting) organizations must be endorsed by:

    The head of the structural unit of the Enterprise - the responsible executor under the contract in order to ensure control on the part of this manager over the work and compliance by contractors with the internal regime;

    Deputy General Director or head of department (head of service) for areas of activity of the Enterprise;

    Head of the Enterprise Security Department.

    Official letters of application from contracting organizations are submitted by applicants to the GR Security Pass Office no later than 3 working days before the date of issue of passes.

    2.5.2. Temporary passes are issued only if there is a note in the list of employees of the organization, a memo from the head of a department or an official letter of application from the head of a third-party organization about conducting training on health, safety, safety, security, security, access and on-site regimes.

    For persons who have entered temporary work at the Enterprise, temporary passes on electronic media are issued and issued at the pass office on the basis of POU referral cards after instruction on health, safety, safety, security, PS, access and intra-facility regimes. These persons are subject to all procedures described in clause 2.4. of this Instruction, as for holders of permanent passes.

    2.5.3. A temporary pass gives an employee of a third-party organization the right to enter (exit) the territory of the Enterprise only at a specified time in accordance with the work schedule established for him.

    2.5.4. Employees of third-party organizations whose personal passes do not contain or do not have photographs, in addition to the passes, are also required to carry identification documents.

    2.5.5. In case of deterioration or loss of a temporary pass on electronic media, a duplicate pass is issued in accordance with clauses 2.4.4. and 2.4.5. of this Instruction.

    In case of loss or rendering unusable a temporary pass of blank execution, a duplicate pass is issued according to official letters of application from the heads of contractor organizations in compliance with the procedures specified in paragraph 2.5.1.

    If the blank execution pass has become unusable due to the fault of the employee, or he has lost it, a duplicate is issued to the employee subject to payment of its full cost according to the tariff.

    2.5.6. If it is necessary to carry out further work at the Enterprise’s facilities, the head of the contracting organization, at least 10 days before the expiration of the temporary passes, issues an extension in the same sequence.

    2.5.7. In the event of completion of work earlier than the deadline established in the contract, or early termination of the contract, managers - responsible executors under contract agreements under which third-party organizations work are obliged to inform the Enterprise Security Department in advance about the planned date of completion of the work.

    2.6. One-time personal passes are a document giving the right to a single visit to the facility (structural unit) of the Enterprise during the day for one person.

    During working hours, one-time passes are issued on electronic media by employees of the GR Security Pass Office. When the pass office is not working, one-time passes on forms are issued by the assistant chief of the Security Guard at the checkpoint - “Central Checkpoint”, which are subsequently handed over to the pass office.

    2.6.1. A one-time pass for a visitor is issued on the basis of instructions from the general director, his deputies (at the request of their secretaries) and heads of departments (heads of services).

    The right to submit applications for a one-time pass is also granted to the heads of structural divisions on the basis of a memo submitted the day before addressed to the head of the Security Department, or an application by telephone to the pass office. After 17:30, an application for a one-time pass is submitted to the assistant chief of the Security Guard.

    The heads of structural units who submitted an application (memorandum) for the issuance of a one-time pass are personally responsible for welcoming the visitor and his compliance with the rules of the intra-facility regime.

    2.6.2. When issuing a one-time pass, the inspector of the GR Security Pass Bureau introduces the visitor to a memo about the requirements for access and intra-facility regimes at the Enterprise’s facilities, printed on the front side (sticker) of the electronic one-time pass.

    When issuing a one-time pass on a form, the assistant chief of the Security Guard is required to give a brief briefing on the requirements of the pass and intra-facility regimes under signature on the back of the pass and the tear-off counterfoil.

    2.6.3. A one-time personal pass, issued with a driver’s license and technical passport, also serves as a one-time transport pass, because it indicates the make (model) and state registration number of the vehicle.

    2.6.4. After a visitor passes through the ACS turnstile, the Security Officer is required to check the presence of a pass. When a visitor leaves the territory of the Enterprise, the Security Officer is obliged to control the handing over of the pass.

    2.6.5. Visitors to the territory of the Enterprise with one-time electronic passes are allowed from 08:00 to 17:00.

    When leaving the Facility, one-time passes are handed over to the pass office or to a Security employee, who then transfers it to the pass office.

    2.6.6. For TSB visitors to pass through the checkpoint - “TSB checkpoint”, one-time passes are issued in the manner specified in paragraphs 2.6.1. and 2.6.2. of this Instruction.

    2.6.7. Heads of structural divisions of the Enterprise must take into account that inviting visitors unjustified by production necessity is contrary to the interests of ensuring the security of the Enterprise, and when preparing official notes (submitting applications) for issuing one-time passes in each specific case, carefully

    determine their feasibility.

    2.7. Procedure for admission of Company personnel, employees of third-party organizations and visitors.

    2.7.1. Admission of the Enterprise's employees, third-party organizations and visitors to the territory of the Enterprise and Facilities is carried out only with passes of the established form.

    Entry of workers to the territory of the Facilities is permitted 1 hour before the start of the working day (shift).

    All entrances and exits of the Company’s employees, third-party organizations and visitors who have electronic passes must be registered in the access control system, regardless of the number of times the employee moves through the checkpoint during working hours.

    2.7.2. In some cases, an employee of the Enterprise who arrives for work without a pass for a valid reason may be allowed to enter the facility with a one-time pass after he fills out a written application form in the established form (Appendix No. 6) addressed to the head of the Security Department and after checking his belonging to a specific structural unit and agreement with the head of the department.

    On weekdays, such a one-time electronic pass is issued by employees of the GR Security pass office, and on weekends and holidays, in the evening and at night, on a printed form by the assistant chief of the Security guard, after agreement with the enterprise dispatcher.

    2.7.3. In the event of a production need to carry out repair, restoration, construction and other one-time overtime work on non-working days (weekends and holidays) or at night (after the end of the work shift), admission of the Company’s employees and third-party organizations to the Facilities is permitted upon written requests from the heads of structural divisions and third-party organizations agreed upon with deputy general directors and heads of departments of the Enterprise in areas of activity.

    Agreed requests for work at night, as well as on weekends and holidays, are submitted to the head of the Department no later than 15:00 on the day preceding the weekend and holidays.

    The application must indicate the name of the object or place of work, the date, time of start and end of work, positions, surnames and initials of specialists involved in the work, brands and state registration numbers of vehicles and (or) other equipment, as well as surnames, initials and contact numbers

    responsible persons (seniors).

    Persons indicated in the application, but without passes, i.e. Those who have not undergone introductory training on safety, security, safety, access and intra-facility regimes are not allowed to work on weekends (holidays).

    In emergency cases, the right to authorize the admission of personnel to carry out overtime work on weekends (holidays) and during non-working hours (night time) is granted to the enterprise dispatcher.

    Admission to the territory of the Enterprise of officials assigned to duty on holidays and weekends is carried out with passes based on the duty schedule kept by the dispatcher of the Enterprise.

    Admission to personnel of units with a continuous cycle of work is carried out with passes in accordance with the established work schedule (12-hour shift schedule).

    2.7.4. The exit of the Company's employees from the territory on official, public or personal matters during the working day (shift) is carried out on the basis of dismissal notes (Appendix No. 7) signed by the heads of departments. Leave notices are issued in 2 copies.

    Forms of dismissal notes are stored in departments by managers or authorized persons. According to the notice of dismissal, the employee may leave the Facility only within the specified time.

    When an employee leaves the Facility, one copy of the dismissal note is handed over to the Security employee at the checkpoint. Exit and entry based on a notice of dismissal is carried out only through SKD turnstiles. At the end of the working day, dismissal notes are handed over by Security employees to the GR Security pass office for their subsequent transfer to OT, ZP and MP.

    The second copy of the note remains with the head of the unit for control.

    If it is necessary to delay an employee for a valid reason when going to work, the dismissal note must be issued the day before or immediately upon arrival at the Enterprise.

    2.7.5. Deputy General Directors, heads of departments, heads of services and heads of structural divisions, in case of departure from the Enterprise during the working day, are required to obtain permission to leave from their immediate superiors (by subordination), after which make an entry in the “Logbook of the time of arrival and departure of the heads of the Enterprise "(Appendix No. 8), which is located in the General Director's reception room with the secretary.

    At the end of the working day, the secretary of the General Director transfers the sheet of the specified Journal to the security post to the head of the Security guard.

    Taking into account the entries in the Log and based on the marks on the entry (exit) of managers made by the guard at the checkpoint - “Central Entrance”, the head of the Security Guard draws up “Information on the time of arrival and departure of managers who have the right to travel to the territory of the Enterprise without a mark in the access control system” (Appendix No. 9), and employees of the GR Security pass office based on SKD data - “Information on the time of arrival and departure of heads of structural units” (Appendix No. 10).

    By 12 o'clock the next day, the head of the Security Guard is obliged to transfer all three specified documents to the reception of the General Director to the secretary.

    If there is a need for a delay when going to work, the above-mentioned officials must obtain permission for the delay from their immediate superiors and make an entry in the Journal the day before or upon arrival at the Enterprise.

    2.7.6. The head of the PMO is obliged, within one working day, to inform the UB by memo (notification) about the movements of the Enterprise's employees when their positions are changed or transferred to another structural unit, as well as about dismissed employees.

    At the same time, the “Certificate of unsurrendered material assets” of the dismissed employee is not closed without the signature of the inspector of the GR Security Pass Bureau.

    Control of timely delivery of passes upon dismissal of employees is assigned to the PMO.

    2.7.7. The list of managers of the Enterprise who have the right of passage (travel) to the territory of the Enterprise without registration in the SKD and without inspection of vehicles is established by the General Director of the Enterprise (Appendix No. 11)

    2.7.8. Persons accompanied by the General Director of the Enterprise, his deputies and the chief accountant are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise's facilities without issuing passes and without inspecting vehicles.

    2.7.9. The General Director, his deputies, heads of departments, heads of services, deputy chief engineer, head of software, employees of management department, fire safety department, labor safety and security service, fire safety department, public safety department and emergency personnel have the right to enter the territory of all enterprise facilities at any time of the day.

    Heads of production, workshops, departments and their deputies have the right to enter at any time of the day only the Objects and the premises of the units entrusted to them (except for cases of involving them in emergency and urgent work in other units).

    In case of production necessity, the right to enter the territory of the Facilities at any time of the day to specific employees of the Enterprise can be granted by the head of the Management Department on an individual basis, and in emergency situations - by the dispatcher of the enterprise.

    2.7.10. Representatives of third-party organizations and visitors arriving at the Enterprise’s facilities for a period of no more than 1 day undergo a brief briefing on access and intra-facility regimes from an employee of the pass office or the assistant chief of the Security Guard, and for a period of more than 1 day they undergo instruction in occupational safety, Industrial safety, safety, security, access and intra-facility modes in the training class of the Enterprise, which organizes fire safety, occupational safety and security.

    2.7.11. Admission of visitors to the premises of the plant management to the General Director, his deputies and heads of departments, to services and departments is carried out with passes. In addition, the Security employee is obliged to enter data from the visitor’s identification documents into the “Visitor Registration Log” (Appendix No. 12).

    2.7.12. At the end of the working day, the inspector of the GR Security Pass Bureau carries out a reconciliation of issued and returned one-time passes. If a shortage is detected, he informs the head of the Security Guard to take measures to search for visitors and return passes.

    2.7.13. Employees of the GR Security Pass Office daily, based on SKD data, compile an electronic report on the time of arrival, departure and presence on the territory of all employees of the Enterprise and by 10 o’clock send it to the Enterprise’s local network server in the SKD data bank.

    Access to this information is permitted only to representatives of the PMO, OT, ZP and MP and UB in accordance with the “List of employees admitted to complete information with an archived SKD data bank” (Appendix No. 13).

    2.7.14. Admission of representatives of state supervisory authorities is carried out using one-time passes in the following order:

    Employees of the state fire inspection, if they have certificates, are admitted on the instructions of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Production and Chief Engineer.

    Employees of the federal tax inspection authorities, if they have certificates, are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise at the direction of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance or the Chief Accountant, accompanied by representatives of the accounting department or treasury;

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Prosecutor's Office, the federal drug control service, the state customs service, and the Ministry of Justice are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise on the instructions of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Security, and the head of the UB, accompanied by a UB employee. To receive a one-time pass, they present their service IDs to the pass office.

    Before issuing one-time passes to the indicated persons, employees of the GR Security Pass Bureau inform the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, Deputy General Director for Security, Head of the Management Department, as well as the Head of Security about their arrival.

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Prosecutor's Office (in accordance with current legislation) have the right to enter the territory and Facilities of the Enterprise using official IDs without issuing passes and inspect them when pursuing persons suspected of committing crimes, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that something has been committed there or a crime is committed, an accident has occurred, as well as to ensure the personal safety of citizens and public safety in the event of natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents, epidemics and riots. In these cases, employees of the pass office (Security department) are required to immediately notify the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, Deputy General Director for Security, Head of the Management Department, as well as the Head of Security about their arrival, in order to organize the escort of representatives of these departments around the territory of the Enterprise and Facilities.

    Control and inspection functions on the territory of the Enterprise are carried out by employees of all of the above federal supervisory authorities only on the basis of written instructions.

    Employees of the GR Security Pass Bureau, when issuing one-time passes to the specified persons, are required to check the instructions and personal service IDs and enter the necessary data into the “Book of records of inspections by inspection bodies of enterprise facilities” (Appendix No. 14), inform the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, the head of the inspected service, management, department, division.

    2.7.15. Employees of territorial authorities (regional and municipal) are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise on the instructions of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Public Relations.

    2.7.16. Media workers are allowed into the territory of the Objects on the general basis for visitors, always accompanied by representatives of the Enterprise appointed by the General Director or Deputy General Director for Public Relations with mandatory notification to the head of the Security Department.

    2.7.17. Entry and exit through the checkpoint - “Central checkpoint” of USS vehicles is carried out on the basis of a list approved by the head of the UB without issuing one-time passes and inspection. In this case, it is enough for USS employees to present their service IDs to the Security Officer. The time of entry and exit and the state registration numbers of the specified vehicles are recorded by the guard at the checkpoint - “Central checkpoint” in a workbook.

    2.7.18. Crews of fire engines, gas rescue services, emergency and medical services teams in special vehicles with sound and light signals turned on are freely allowed to enter the territory of the Enterprise and to the Facilities to eliminate fires, accidents and provide emergency assistance to victims.

    2.7.19. In cases of an emergency situation at the Enterprise's facilities during non-working hours, repair crews and maintenance personnel of these facilities are allowed into the territory by Security employees with the permission of the emergency response manager (in accordance with the Emergency Response Plan) or in agreement with the Enterprise's dispatcher.

    2.7.20. Admission to personnel of third-party organizations engaged in independent production activities or other economic activities on the territory of the Enterprise is carried out using permanent and temporary passes of the established form, issued on the basis of application letters from the heads of the relevant organizations addressed to the head of the management department.

    Passes are issued to employees of these organizations after they have undergone introductory training on health, safety, safety, security, PS, access and intra-facility regimes and familiarization with these Instructions.

    Admission of visitors to these organizations is carried out using one-time passes issued on the basis of applications (internal memos) of the heads of organizations in the manner set out in paragraph 2.6. of this Instruction.

    2.8. The procedure for admitting excursions to the Enterprise's facilities.

    2.8.1. Excursions are conducted only during the daytime and on weekdays.

    2.8.2. The basis for the admission of excursionists to the territory of the Objects is the written permission of the General Director on an internal memo of the official organizing the excursion, agreed with the Deputy General Director of the units visited.

    If filming, photography or video shooting is planned during the excursion, the memo will reflect where and how the shooting will take place. Such a memo is agreed upon with the head of the UB.

    The memo must contain information about the senior group of excursionists (position, last name, first name, patronymic), the number of excursionists, which units the excursion is being organized in, the date, time and duration of the excursion. A list of excursionists with last names, first names and patronymics is attached to the memo.

    2.8.3. Tourists are admitted to the sites in groups of up to 30 people under the guidance of a guide from among the engineering and technical personnel or managers of the Enterprise. The guide is appointed by the Deputy General Director for the units visited, who has approved the memo.

    2.8.4. The guide must:

    Present the completed permit to Security;

    Before entering the territory of the Enterprise, together with the assistant chief of the Security Guard, check the excursionists against the list, cross off those who are absent from it;

    Constantly stays with excursionists throughout the entire time of their presence on the territory of the Enterprise;

    When leaving the territory of the Enterprise, make sure that all excursionists have left the territory and make a note on the permit about the time the excursion was on the territory;

    Submit your permit to the GR Security Pass Office.

    2.8.5. Before the start of the excursion, a representative of HSE, HSE and PS is obliged to brief the excursionists on HSE, HSE, PS and rules of conduct at the site, and make a note about the briefing in the list of excursionists.

    2.8.6. Excursionists are strictly prohibited from bringing film, photo and video recording equipment into the territory of the Enterprise and filming film, photo or video without the written permission of the General Director of the Enterprise.

    Entry (exit) of a group to the territory of the Objects is carried out only in full strength according to the list.

    Those who are late for the start of the excursion are not allowed into the territory of the Enterprise. An attempt to linger on the territory, as well as arrive at the checkpoint for the purpose of early departure outside the group, are violations of the established rules for conducting excursions.

    If excursionists violate the rules of conduct on the territory of the Enterprise, or display facts of indiscipline, the guide has the right to remove the violators of discipline or the entire group from the site, making a note about this on the permit, and report this to the head of the management department and the deputy general director for public relations.

    2.8.7. In some cases, conducting an excursion on the territory of the Objects is possible using vehicles, the entry permit for which is authorized when considering an application for an excursion.

    2.9. The procedure for admitting vehicles to the territory of the Enterprise.

    2.9.1. Entry (exit) of vehicles, regardless of their ownership, into the territory of the Enterprise is carried out only through the entry vehicle gates of the checkpoint.

    All vehicles, both when entering the territory of the Enterprise and when leaving it, are subject to inspection by Security employees (with the exception of vehicles of the managers of the Enterprise who have the right to travel to the territory of the Enterprise without a mark in the SKD and without inspection of vehicles). Inspection of vehicles without the participation of the driver is prohibited.

    Inspection of vehicles is carried out in inspection area. The inspection area of ​​the checkpoint - “Central checkpoint” is defined by the boundary from the entrance gate equipped with a barrier to the artificial humps (“anti-speed shafts”) in both directions. There should be only one car in the inspection area, on both sides.

    Other vehicles awaiting inspection are not allowed to cross the artificial hump toward the gate until the inspection area is cleared.

    2.9.2. The order of movement of vehicles on the roadway on the territory of the Enterprise is determined by road signs and markings in accordance with the “Road Rules of the Russian Federation” and local regulations of the Enterprise.

    The speed of vehicles on the territory of the Enterprise on the central road should not exceed 40 km/h, and on all other adjacent roads - 20 km/h.

    2.9.3. Entry and exit of vehicles belonging to the Enterprise into the territory of the facilities is carried out only upon presentation by the driver of a permanent personal and transport pass. Drivers of Enterprise vehicles do not mark personal passes in the SKD when entering and leaving work multiple times during the working day, but mark them only when entering work and when leaving work after the end of the working day. Entry into the territory of Enterprise vehicles that arrived with cargo to the address of the Enterprise during non-working hours. , is carried out with personal and transport passes. The consignment note (or a copy thereof) is handed over to the assistant chief of the Security guard (for subsequent delivery to the pass office).

    The cargo is transferred under guard in a sealed form to the head of the Security guard. The parking location of such vehicles is determined by the service of the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport and is agreed with the head of the Management Department, of which the Security management is notified. Control over the placement of vehicles at the designated location is entrusted to the head of the Security Guard.

    2.9.4. The entry and exit of vehicles of third-party organizations into the territory of the Objects, which arrived with cargo to the address of the Enterprise during working hours, is permitted with a personal temporary driver’s pass issued at the GR Security pass office indicating the make and state registration number of the vehicle or with a one-time transport pass on electronic media , which is also a personal pass for the driver. In this case, the consignment note for the cargo (or a copy thereof) is transferred to the GR Security Pass Office. The entry of such vehicles is carried out by a regular driver, and representatives of the shipper and other passengers enter the territory of the Objects through a checkpoint using personal temporary passes or after registration

    one-time passes.

    Admission to vehicles of third-party organizations engaged in independent production or other economic activities on the territory of the Enterprise is carried out using permanent and temporary transport passes of the established form, issued on the basis of application letters from the heads of the relevant organizations addressed to the head of the management department.

    Admission of visitors' vehicles to these organizations is carried out using one-time transport passes issued at the GR Security Pass Bureau on the basis of applications (memos) from the heads of the organizations.

    2.9.5. Visitors' vehicles are allowed only during working hours with a one-time transport pass on electronic media, which is also a personal pass for the driver.

    The procedure for issuing temporary and one-time transport passes is fully consistent with the procedure for issuing temporary and one-time personal passes (clauses 2.5. and 2.6. of these Instructions).

    At the same time, the heads of the structural divisions of the Enterprise must take into account that the travel of visitors by motor vehicles, which is not justified by production necessity, is contrary to the interests of ensuring the safety of the Enterprise, and when drawing up internal memos (submitting applications) for issuing one-time transport passes, in each specific case, carefully determine their feasibility.

    2.9.6. Vehicles traveling to the territory of the TSB (through the checkpoint - “TCB checkpoint”) are allowed to enter the specified facility using transport passes issued at the GR Security pass office. The time of arrival and departure of vehicles is recorded by the security guard at the checkpoint in the Vehicle Entry and Departure Register at post No. 25 (checkpoint - “TCB checkpoint”).

    2.9.7. Personal vehicles of the Company's employees are allowed only with personal transport passes.

    The movement of personal vehicles through the territory of the Enterprise is permitted only for travel to equipped workshop parking lots. Parking in other areas of the enterprise territory is prohibited.

    The basis for issuing at the GR Security pass office a transport pass for the right to park vehicles in general plant parking lots or in workshop parking lots is a personal application of its owner with a petition from the head of the department addressed to the head of the UB and with a permitting visa from the head of the UB for issuing the pass.

    The driver of a personal vehicle does not have the right to drive through a checkpoint without a personal pass stamp in the SKD.

    2.9.8. Control over the implementation of the schedule and intervals of buses transporting employees of the Enterprise is assigned to the head of the transport department.

    The head of the railway workshop, in turn, is obliged to limit as much as possible the shunting operations of the rolling stock during the periods of entry and exit of buses transporting employees of the Enterprise.

    2.9.9. Entry of any vehicle into production sites without a spark arrester on the car muffler and parking in unmarked and unequipped places (i.e. outside workshop parking), as well as under overpasses and closer than 9 meters from them, in order to comply

    fire safety is prohibited.

    2.9.10. When passing through a checkpoint the driver of the vehicle is obliged:

    Stop the car in the inspection area and get out of the car;

    Present your personal and transport passes to the Security officer;

    Disembark passengers and direct them to the checkpoint building to pass through the SKD turnstiles;

    Fulfill all the requirements of the Security or Management Department employees to inspect the vehicle: open the trunk, hood, raise the seats, present the body for inspection, etc.;

    Mark your personal pass in the access control system (with the exception of full-time drivers of vehicles owned by the Enterprise).

    2.9.11. Special vehicles of the fire department, gas rescue service, ambulance, law enforcement agencies, arriving at the enterprise's facilities in connection with emergency situations or exercises, traveling with special signals turned on, are allowed through unhindered, and when leaving the facilities, they are inspected by Security in the general manner. Information about such vehicles is recorded by security guards at the checkpoint in a workbook with a report to the head of the Security guard.

    2.9.12. Any vehicle driven by a driver who is suspected of consuming alcoholic beverages or narcotic and toxic substances is not allowed into the territory of the Enterprise. The driver is taken to the Security office to draw up a protocol report and take a written explanation, and then to the Enterprise health center for a medical examination.

    A protocol-act of a special form and an act of medical examination for the state of intoxication of the person driving the vehicle (Appendix No. 15) are transferred to the heads of departments for taking disciplinary action.

    If a driver of a third-party organization is found to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances, penalties will be applied to this organization in accordance with the concluded agreement.

    In the event that the medical workers of the health center reveal the drunken state of the driver of the Enterprise during a pre-trip check, they are obliged to report this fact to the dispatcher of the Enterprise and the head of the Security Department, then draw up a medical examination report on the state of intoxication of the person who is driving the vehicle, which is subsequently transferred to the head of the structural unit. departments for taking disciplinary action.

    2.9.13. In cases of temporary import into the territory of the Enterprise (transit) in cars of any goods and materials, the driver is obliged to inform the Security employee about this upon entry and personally make the appropriate entry in the “Recording Journal of Temporarily Imported Property” (Appendix No. 16).

    Exported goods and materials that are not declared by the driver upon entering the territory of the Enterprise are considered illegally exported and remain in safe custody in a special Security room until the end of the proceedings. At the same time, a protocol-act on the unauthorized removal of property is drawn up for the driver of the vehicle.

    2.9.14. The Administration of the Enterprise and Security employees are not responsible for the safety of vehicles in parking lots and parking lots located on the territory of the Enterprise and the adjacent territory. They also do not bear material or other liability to the owners.

    2.9.15. Management and Security employees have the right to control the movement of vehicles through the territory of the Enterprise’s facilities and its parking, including in workshop parking lots and general plant parking lots, and also have the right to check the documents of drivers and passengers traveling with them.

    2.10. Entry and exit procedures for railway transport.

    Railway gates must be kept in the closed position at all times. The opening of the gates is carried out by Security employees only on the instructions of the railway department dispatcher.

    Diesel locomotives are subject to general inspection before leaving and entering through railway gates.

    Members of the locomotive-composition team must always have a personal pass with them and present it to the Security employee upon his request.

    In diesel locomotives it is prohibited to carry passengers through the railway gates of the Enterprise, except for the crew, and to transport any goods and materials.

    2.11. The procedure for exporting products, importing (exporting), bringing in (removing) goods and materials. Material passes.

    2.11.1. The organization of control over ensuring the procedure for import (export), bringing in (removing) products and inventory items, as well as their movement, is assigned to the management department.

    Measures to control the movement of all goods and materials through the checkpoint of the Enterprise are directly carried out by Security employees.

    2.11.2. The basis for the export (removal) of products and other material assets from the territory of the Enterprise are invoices of standard forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and material pass Enterprises (Appendix No. 17).

    When checking the correctness of the invoice for the export of products, Security employees pay attention to the obligatory presence in the invoice of the date on which it was issued, check the signatures with the available sample signatures, and check the presence of all the necessary registration signatures and marks.

    Invoices must be issued for each vehicle exporting the Company's products. Each invoice must have its own separate registration number.

    The invoice is a one-time document and after checking the compliance of the invoice with the quantitative composition of the exported products and the security officer’s note about the inspection, it is transferred to the GR Security pass office.

    The invoice for the export of products is valid for five calendar days from the date of issue. If the specified validity period of the consignment note is exceeded, the products are not subject to passage through the checkpoint.

    2.11.4. Removal (removal) of all other goods and materials from the territory of the Enterprise, regardless of the form and type of accompanying documents drawn up, is permitted only if available, as established by these Instructions material pass.

    The material pass is issued at the structural unit. It contains the date of export (removal) of goods and materials, the name of the unit, brand, state number, last name of the driver of the vehicle (if goods and materials are exported) and the purpose of export (removal). Then all information about exported (removed) inventory items is entered there.

    Only heads of departments and persons replacing them by order can authorize the removal of inventory items from the territory of the Enterprise. If necessary, the authorization signature can be put by the immediate superior of the head of the unit.

    Immediately before the removal (removal) of goods and materials, the responsible person of the department agrees on the material pass with a representative of the Management Department, who assigns it a serial registration number and certifies it with the “Security Department” stamp. The attached accompanying documents for inventory items are signed by department heads and financially responsible persons. They are provided to the UB along with a material pass, but are not subject to registration.

    The basis for the release from the territory of the Enterprise through the checkpoint of any goods and materials (except for products) for a Security employee is a material pass issued and registered in the Management Department. When checking the correctness of the registration of a material pass, Security employees pay attention to the date on which it was issued, compare the signatures with the available sample signatures, and check the presence of all necessary records and details.

    The material pass, invoice, and permit must be filled out in only one handwriting and one ink; with any corrections they are considered invalid.

    The material pass is also a one-time document and, after checking the compliance of the goods and materials listed in it with the quantity and number registration of the exported goods and the security officer’s note about the inspection, it is transferred to the GR Security pass office.

    The material pass is valid exactly for the day indicated on it. In case of an overdue date, goods and materials are not subject to passage through the checkpoint.

    2.11.5. Return (exchange) to suppliers of goods and materials and spare parts that have not passed the incoming inspection, removal of equipment for verification, modification, warranty and post-warranty repairs is carried out on the basis of a material pass and a standard interindustry delivery note No. M-15.

    2.11.6. The removal of garbage and other solid household waste to the landfill is carried out on the basis of a material pass and a requirement signed by the head of the utility workshop, and the removal of waste from construction and installation works and construction waste is carried out on the basis of a material pass and a requirement signed by the Deputy General Director for Capital Construction and Investments.

    2.11.7. The removal of scrap metal is carried out on the basis of a material pass and an invoice signed by the deputy head of the logistics department, agreed upon by the deputy general director for commerce and transport, as well as a permit issued by the operator of truck scales.

    2.11.8. Tools, consumables in small quantities, which, due to the specifics of the production activities of the unit, are constantly used at various facilities of the Enterprise, as well as special clothing sent for washing (dry cleaning) can be moved through the checkpoint of the Enterprise only with material passes, without other accompanying documents.

    2.11.9. Removal and removal from the territory of the Enterprise of products, materials, scrap metal, sold waste, containers and other goods and materials purchased by employees of the Enterprise for cashless payments is carried out on the basis of a material pass and waybill form No. M-15, agreed with the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport or Deputy General Director for the affiliation of the sold


    2.11.10. Documents for the export (removal) of goods and materials are issued only for the amount of cargo (places, weight, volume, etc.) that can be exported (carried out) on one flight, and are valid only on the date specified in the authorization document.

    2.11.11. When removing (exporting) inventory items, Security workers at the checkpoint must check the actual availability of material assets with the name and quantity indicated in the material pass. In case of export of sealed cargo, check the seals for compliance with the available samples.

    If the exported (exported) goods and materials presented for inspection correspond to the data specified in the material pass, the Security employee makes a mark in this pass indicating the time of issue, his last name and signs.

    All documents for the removal (removal) of goods and materials at the end of the working day are handed over by the assistant chief of the Security guard to the GR Security pass office according to the register.

    2.11.12. In cases where the cargo intended for export cannot be identified during inspection at the checkpoint, the person responsible for the removal of cargo is obliged through the head of the Security guard, invite a representative of the Security to monitor the loading.

    After checking the goods and materials loaded into the vehicle for compliance with the presented material pass and invoice, a Security representative accompanies the car to the checkpoint, where he marks the material pass with the date and time of inspection and puts a signature, thereby allowing the departure of the vehicle with the checked cargo.

    2.11.13. The basis for the export (removal) of technical and other documentation marked “Trade Secret” and “Confidential” is a material pass approved by the Management Department. A material pass is issued only if there is a memo from the head of the structural unit, agreed upon with the head of the Enterprise Management Department.

    2.11.14. Issuance of a material pass for the export (removal) through the checkpoint of any information media and computers is also carried out on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit, agreed upon with the head of the management department.

    2.11.15. On weekends and holidays, in the event of an emergency need for removal (removal) of goods and materials, the material pass has the right to register and approve the dispatcher of the Enterprise.

    In this case, the representative of the management office responsible for registration and accounting of material passes before leaving work on the eve of weekends (holidays) informs the dispatcher of the Enterprise of the next registration number.

    The dispatcher of the Enterprise, after registering and agreeing on the material pass, is obliged to make a mark on the dispatch sheet for subsequent transfer of information to the responsible representative of the Management Department.

    2.11.16. A list of positions with sample signatures of officials who are authorized to sign documents for the release of products and inventory items is annually developed by the service of the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport and approved by the General Director.

    Approved lists for the next year are submitted to the UB and the Security Service by the end of the current year.

    If necessary, these lists may be supplemented and changed during the calendar year.

    2.11.17. All movements of goods and materials through the import checkpoint are carried out using standard forms of invoices approved by the State Statistics Committee. In this case, one copy of the accompanying document is submitted to the GR Security pass office, and on weekends (holidays) - to a Security employee for subsequent transfer to the registry pass office.

    The import of tools, consumables, property of individuals in small quantities, as well as goods and materials that are not the property of the Enterprise for a short period of time (from 1 to 30 days) and their removal by employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations is carried out on the basis of an entry in the “Register of Temporarily Imported Goods” property."

    When third-party organizations import equipment, tools and materials for construction, installation, and repair work for a long period of time, on the basis of a letter agreed upon in UB, a representative of the organization draws up an inventory of the imported property in 2 copies.

    After checking the availability and compliance of the property included in the inventory, copies of the inventory are signed by representatives of the contracting organization and Security employees. One copy of the inventory is transferred to the organization, and the other is kept by the assistant chief of the Security guard at the checkpoint in a separate folder. Subsequently, the removal of the specified property is carried out in accordance with the inventory.

    2.11.18. Persons illegally removing (exporting) goods and materials from the territory of the Objects, i.e. without a material pass and other accompanying documents, as well as those detained in the territory adjacent to the Enterprise Facilities on suspicion of theft of material assets of the Enterprise, are transferred to the Security premises. Discrepancies in the quantity of exported products, goods and materials with the data of the material pass, invoice in the direction of increase are also considered theft.

    Security officers draw up a report on the detainees, take written explanations, and the material remains in safe custody in a special Security room until the end of the proceedings. The head of the Security Guard immediately verbally informs the head of the Security Department about the fact of detention, followed by transferring to him the original of the detention protocol, passes and written explanations.

    2.11.19. Material assets confiscated from detainees due to incorrect execution of documents for export (removal) are returned to the owner (responsible person) against signature in the protocol-act of detention after he has completed the documents properly.

    2.11.20. Export and import of products and other goods and materials by rail is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the organization standard STO SMK 22 “Railway Transport Management” and “Instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public tracks "Organization".

    In order to control the movement and timely opening of railway gates, the time of import and export is reported by the dispatcher of the railway workshop to the assistant chief of the Security guard.

    3. Intra-object mode.

    3.1. Only persons working on a given shift, having passes of the established form and persons having one-time passes may be on the territory of the Enterprise at the time established for them.

    If it is necessary to attend on-the-job training, meetings, or the administration offices of the Enterprise outside of their shift, an employee of the Enterprise must coordinate the visit with the head of their structural unit.

    Control over the timely start and end of the working day, over the correct use of working time and lunch breaks is carried out by the heads of structural divisions.

    Employees of the Enterprise and visitors who are on the territory of the Enterprise without permission beyond the established time (except for the persons specified in clause 2.7.11. of this Instruction) are detained by Security employees with the drawing up of a protocol - an act and are released from the territory of the Enterprise by the head of the Security guard after determining the reasons for their delays.

    3.2. OT, PO and MP, according to SKD data, check the time of arrival and departure of workers to and from the territory of the Enterprise in order to identify violations of the start and end times of work established by clause 5.2. Internal labor regulations.

    If a violation of occupational health, labor and labor standards is detected, together with the PMO and the head of the structural unit in which the employee who committed the violation works, the cause of the violation is checked.

    Based on the results of the inspection, the head of the structural unit provides information about the measures taken to the Labor Department, the Labor Office, the MP and the PMO to carry out control.

    If a disciplinary sanction is imposed, a copy of the order is provided to the PMO.

    3.3. Persons who are at the Facilities or attempting to enter or leave the territory of the Enterprise in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication are subject to detention.

    The procedure for action in these cases by Security guards, the Enterprise's health center and other officials is defined in clauses 1.11. and 2.9.12. of this Instruction.

    3.4. In case of detection (discovery) of the theft of material assets at any of the Enterprise Facilities, An employee of the Company who discovers the theft is obliged to notify the management of this Facility, the Management Department and Security about this.

    3.5. If material assets are detected at the industrial site and adjacent territory of the Enterprise, stored outside warehouse or production premises, equipped storage areas, as well as when uncovered containers, cabin trailers, mobile workshops with goods and materials are detected, Security employees report this to the Security guard chief, compose protocol act on improper storage of goods and materials and

    take possible measures to ensure their safety until their owner is identified.

    If it is impossible to identify the owners of the discovered material assets, Security employees document the fact of discovery (detailed description of objects or things, location with a diagram attached, act of weighing or measurements) and, together with a protocol-act, transfer the material to the chief of the guard.

    The head of the Security guard immediately reports this fact to the Security management to inform the head of the Enterprise's UB with the subsequent sending of documents on this fact to the UB.

    Upon receipt of information, the accounting department conducts an official investigation to identify the owner who owns these material assets, or unclosed containers, cabin trailers, mobile workshops and demands that measures be taken regarding the facts of improper storage of inventory items. If the owner is not identified, the discovered material assets are handed over to the OMTS warehouse for capitalization.

    3.6. When receiving a signal about an emergency (fire, explosion, natural disaster, etc.), the Mobile Security Group, upon arrival at the scene of the incident, cordons it off in cooperation with the emergency response manager or the enterprise dispatcher.

    Travel (passage) directly to the scene of the incident is permitted only to service personnel, managers of the Facility and the Enterprise, as well as persons and vehicles involved in eliminating the emergency and establishing the cause of its occurrence.

    The responsibility for monitoring the timely and complete evacuation of personnel, property and documentation rests with the heads of departments and those responsible for fire safety.

    3.7. The procedure for carrying out work in security zone.

    3.7.1. The security zone is the strip of territory adjacent to the perimeter fence of the Objects, 5 meters wide, both on the outside and on the inside of the fence.

    3.7.2. Carrying out repair work in the security zone, impact (in case of production necessity) on the perimeter fence is subject to prior approval with the Deputy General Director for Security.

    3.7.3. Storage of building materials, equipment, containers, and other items, planting trees and shrubs, and construction of structures in the security zone is prohibited.

    3.7.4. Persons who are in the security zone without permission are violators of access and intra-facility regimes and are transported to the Security office to establish their identity and purpose of being in the security zone, and to draw up a protocol-act.

    3.8. Upon completion of work, all premises of the Enterprise are inspected by persons responsible for their fire safety condition.

    Electric lighting, electric heating equipment, as well as office equipment are de-energized, windows and vents are closed, doors are locked.

    Premises subject to sealing are sealed.

    3.9. Closing (opening) of premises equipped with a security alarm, the procedure for handing over objects (premises) under protection is defined in the “Instructions on the procedure for handing over under protection and receiving from security office premises and facilities "Organization" to the centralized security monitoring console.”

    3.10. In case of theft of personal property of employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations, as well as goods and materials of the Enterprise, committed from unlocked office premises, locker rooms during working hours, or from those left open during non-working hours, Security employees do not bear financial responsibility.

    For each case of theft of personal property and material assets from unlocked premises, heads of structural divisions conduct an official investigation with the involvement, if necessary, of employees of the Enterprise's management department. The materials of the investigation are reported to the Deputy General Director for Security.

    3.11. Employees of the Company, third parties and visitors must comply with:

    Internal labor regulations of the Enterprise;

    Routes and rules for pedestrian and vehicle traffic on the territory of the Enterprise, as well as the procedure and rules for parking vehicles;

    Requirements of legal regulations and other documents in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, environmental legislation.

    Failure to comply with the above requirements is classified as a violation of the intra-facility regime.

    3.12. All movements within the territory by employees and visitors of the Enterprise are carried out only with passes.

    3.13. Smoking on the premises of the enterprise is permitted only in specially designated areas equipped with trash cans, sand boxes and water containers.

    The list of places for smoking must be agreed upon with the head of the safety and security department, occupational safety and security and the fire department, approved by the chief engineer - head of the Department of Supervision and Development, and the places themselves are indicated with signs.

    3.14. Persons detained for violating the intra-facility regime are transported to the security office to give a written explanation and draw up a report on the violation. These materials are transferred to the management department, and from there they are sent to the heads of departments for taking disciplinary action.

    3.15. Potentially dangerous (critical) Facilities Enterprises are fenced off from the general territory by engineering structures and equipped with security alarm and video surveillance systems. The procedure for access to these Facilities is established by the Deputy General Director for Security.

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