Home Roses Angels for cutting. Paper angels, stencils for windows. Download and print New Year's templates

Angels for cutting. Paper angels, stencils for windows. Download and print New Year's templates

Today we are bringing back good old traditions into our everyday life - making Christmas tree toys with our own hands. And new technologies and the availability of beautiful, bright materials for sale will make this process easy and enjoyable, and the result – beautiful and pleasing to the soul.

If your children love to decorate your home with their own hands for Christmas, you can make a simple paper Angel with them. To make it you will need the most common office supplies.

We advise you not to skimp and purchase beautiful golden, patterned or embossed paper for this toy. In this case, at the end of the Christmas holidays, the paper angels can be carefully packaged and stored until Christmas time next year.
Thus, this simple toy, which is easy to make with your own hands, will delight you and your children for a long time.

How to make an angel out of paper - option 1

To make two Christmas angels you will need:
  • a printer to print the drawing;
  • a sheet of beautiful thick paper, preferably different colors on both sides (A-4 format for 2 angels);
  • scissors;
  • hole punch to make a hole for the thread;
  • a small piece of beautiful thread (20-25 cm) to hang toys.
To begin, download a drawing - a diagram - to your computer and paste it twice into a separate document. Load a sheet of beautiful colored paper into your printer and print the design of the two angels directly onto the paper.
If your printer does not accept thick paper for crafts, you can make a drawing on plain paper and use tracing paper to transfer the image onto a colored sheet.
  1. Cut out the future angel templates according to the gray lines.
  2. Fold the paper blanks as shown in the photo and form your Christmas angels.
  3. Using a hole punch, punch a small, neat hole in the angel's head and thread a piece of thread through it. Tie the edges of the thread to make a loop - use it to hang the handmade toy on the Christmas tree. (Also, angels can be hung on a long thread from the ceiling or in the doorway).
If your children love to draw, you can paint an angel with your own hands and use light pencils to depict the angels’ gentle faces. It is better to paint the angel before cutting it out with scissors by printing the template on white paper.

Option 2 - Christmas Angel with wings

Using the instructions below, you will turn gold wrapping paper into a beautiful paper diffuser - Angel with Wings. Quick, easy and fun, you can make one, two or even many angels to decorate your home for Christmas in no time.
To make a paper diffuser you will need:
  • gold or silver wrapping paper (or other color of your choice);
  • a piece of cardboard for stabilizer;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • an awl or thick needle for perforating paper.
Operating procedure
  1. Print out the paper diffuser template Angel with wings.
  2. Tape the template to the back of the wrapping paper. Make sure the glue covers the entire design sheet. It is better to use “dry” glue or a glue stick, since liquid glue leaves wrinkles on the paper.
  3. Cut out the Angel according to the template shape.
  4. Make slits along the dotted lines.
  5. Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard, which you need to stick on the back of the template to add rigidity to the Angel figurine.
  6. Glue this piece of cardboard using a glue stick.
  7. Using an awl or thick needle, poke holes in the template at the perforation points.
  8. First, make a perforation according to the pattern on the back side of the template, then carefully repeat it on the front side.
  9. Roll the template as shown in the photo to form a cone and seal the edges with a glue stick.
All! Two angels - silver and gold - are ready. You can also make them from different colored paper to match your decor.
Simple yet elegant, these angels would look great on your dining room table or office table. They will cheer you up and make you smile.

How to make a 3D paper Christmas angel

This cute decoration is quite easy to make. It can become either a New Year's tree decoration or used for festive interior decoration.
To make a three-dimensional Angel you will need:
  • a sheet of beautiful colored paper;
  • yarn or colored thread;
  • liquid glue or glue stick;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.
Operating procedure:
  1. Print out the Angel template.
  2. Cut out the template and, placing it on colored paper, trace it three times with a pencil.
  3. Using scissors, cut out all three angel templates.
  4. Using a ruler, bend all three templates along the center vertical line.
  5. Using a ruler, measure approximately 12 cm of thread.
  6. Take two templates and glue them in halves (to the fold).
  7. Fold the thread in half and insert its edges into the fold of the templates.
  8. Lubricate the halves of the first two templates with glue and place the third template on top, securing the edges of the thread at the same time.
  9. All! Our Angel Diffuser is ready! You can hang it from the ceiling on a long thread, and it will beautifully rotate with the movement of air, remaining visible from any point.
You can also make not only a three-dimensional, but a four- and even five-dimensional Angel, using the appropriate number of templates.

Ideas for inspiration

Good luck with decorating your home for the holidays and Merry Christmas!

If you want to create a festive Christmas atmosphere in your home, then I suggest you decorate your window beautifully and festively. Surprise your loved ones and friends by making an original Christmas window for Christmas, which will definitely not leave your family, friends and neighbors indifferent.
After all, looking at a beautiful Christmas window, your soul will always be joyful and warm. Templates for windows can be different, but since Christmas is coming soon, we’ll look at some beautiful Christmas angels that you can make with your own hands from paper. I think if you have the desire and a little free time, you will definitely make and decorate the window very beautifully, I don’t even doubt it.
I will upload angel ideas for you and you can choose them as you wish. Some stencils can be used as garlands.
Decorate your home and create a Christmas atmosphere in it.

The story of the Nativity of Christ.

The Nativity of Jesus Christ is celebrated differently in different churches; in Russia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. This is one of the most important holidays for Christians. The name “Jesus” means “Savior”, “Christ” means “Anointed One”, i.e. Jesus Christ is God's Anointed One, the King of Heaven and Earth, the Prophet and Savior of human souls. The Nativity of Christ marks a new era - the transition from paganism to Christianity, because for the forgiveness of the sins of all people, Jesus Christ came to earth, suffered like an ordinary person, and died on the Cross.

The Mother of God - Virgin Mary, together with her husband Joseph, lived in the Jewish city of Nazareth. After the Annunciation - the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel of the good news about the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ - the Roman Emperor Augustus, who conquered Judea, decided to conduct a population census, which every resident of Judea had to take in the city of his birth.
Therefore, Mary and Joseph went to their homeland - to the city of Bethlehem, located somewhere 15 km from the capital of Judea - Jerusalem. The path was quite difficult, however, on the evening of January 6, Mary and Joseph reached Bethlehem, which was overcrowded with those wishing to take the census. All the hotels were occupied; out of despair, the Virgin Mary and Joseph decided to spend the night in a country cave, in which sheep usually slept at night. But that night the cave was empty, to the delight of the travelers.
It was in this very cave that the Savior, Jesus Christ, was born from Mary. The difficult life path of Jesus began not in a royal mansion or even in a house, but in an ordinary cave, on hard straw, which clearly characterizes the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ for the sake of saving us mere mortals, sinful people.

In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!
When the Angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other: let's go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about. And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in a manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been announced to them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these words, writing them in her heart.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” For we saw His star in the east and sewed it to worship Him. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when it finally came and stood over the place where the Child was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, and, entering, they saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
When they departed, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him. He got up, took the Child and His Mother at night and went to Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod.

This is the Christmas story that happened many years ago in Bethlehem.

Look what beautiful windows our craftswomen Anya Dovgailo and Yagodki made

With the approach of the beloved New Year holiday, the premises and city streets are transformed. No one remains indifferent, so they contribute to creating the appropriate atmosphere.

The easiest way is to decorate the windows in an apartment or house. Only a little effort will be required on your part. You just need to cut out thematic figures from the template and decorate the window openings with them.

Despite the simplicity of decoration, using stencils you can beautifully decorate any room. I have selected the most popular vytynanki.

If you like any of the options, you can download or immediately print ready-made stencils in A4 format at the end of the article. Just click on the appropriate button, which will open a new window with all the diagrams that are mentioned in today’s material.

New Year's paper templates for cutting: set for 3 windows

In the halls of city apartments, window openings with three sashes are usually installed. Therefore, I suggest downloading several stencils, which will be enough for the festive decoration of the entire window. Below is one example of what this might look like.

Let me remind you that you can print all the templates by clicking on the button at the end of the article. The following options are offered for decorating the three doors.

Of course, one of the main attributes is snowflakes.

The granddaughter of Santa Claus will come in handy.

The bunny is a responsible assistant in preparing for the New Year 2020.

Well, where are we without the main symbol of next year – the pig.

The forest beauty will be a wonderful decoration.

Download these templates, cut them out and use them as intended. Believe me, a festive atmosphere will immediately appear in the room.

Downloading sock templates for New Year's gifts

Older people are accustomed to Santa Claus leaving gifts under the tree. But today it has become increasingly popular to hang up socks at night, in which gifts appear in the morning. Therefore, windows can be decorated with this attribute. Below are several diagrams that you can download or print immediately.

I offer several options from which you can choose a suitable design.

Socks are the simplest drawing, so if you have free time and desire, you can draw original figures yourself.

Templates for the New Year 2020 of paws and Christmas tree branches

For many years, the evergreen forest beauty has been the main symbol of the New Year holidays. You can buy a Christmas tree or make it yourself. And stencils of the branches of this tree will help decorate window openings for the holiday.

Templates can be very simple or complex. I have selected several good schemes for you.

Using these images you can create beautiful compositions on window openings. Try playing with interesting decorating ideas.

New Year's templates of galloping deer on the windows

Santa Claus needs to have time to deliver gifts to all the children. But he would not have had time to do this if deer had not delivered him to any point on the planet. Therefore, the room can be decorated with paper drawings of these wonderful animals.

You can download the stencils you like to your computer and then print them out. All that remains is to cut them out and stick them on the glass as decorations for the New Year.

If you take a creative approach to decorating a room, you can use all the templates harmoniously. You will need to tinker a little to get the glass beautifully decorated.

Options for openwork patterns for the New Year

Openwork stencils help create a colorful and festive atmosphere in the room. But preparing the images will require some effort. To do this, arm yourself with scissors and a stationery knife.

Choose any patterns and use them to decorate window openings.

If you want to decorate a room in an original way, then try creating your own drawings. It's not as difficult as it might seem. When you have a free minute, just try putting openwork patterns on paper.

New Year's mitten stencils for windows

Russian winters are so cold that you can’t do without mittens. Therefore, they have been associated with the New Year holidays for a long time. Mitten patterns will be a great addition to the composition on glass in window openings.

I offer several interesting options.

These stencils are very easy to cut. For variety, use multiple templates.

Angel compositions for window decoration

Another main character of the New Year holidays are angels. In addition, such drawings will be relevant at Christmas. Therefore, take note of the drawings or immediately print them out and stick them on the glass.

Choose angels and create entire compositions from them on window openings.

If you wish, you can not only cut out the pictures, but also decorate them as you wish. Don't be afraid to experiment, everything is in your hands.

Stencils of numbers and inscriptions Happy New Year

In addition to beautiful patterns, it is also important to stick Happy New Year 2020 greetings on the window. Therefore, I have prepared for you all the necessary letters and numbers to assemble the appropriate inscription.

Carefully cut out the letters and you can color them in a specific color.

I did not re-post the repeating letters and numbers; you will just have to print them in several copies. Cut out these templates and assemble a New Year's inscription on the window.

Download and print New Year's templates

All templates are available using the button below. Just click on it. A new window will open with a file containing all the stencils in the same order as in the article.

The article contains all the necessary drawings that will help you decorate window openings in the room and create a festive mood. Decorating takes a little time.

Master class “Magic in the home - with your own hands.”

Let's do it together angel from paper.

Maria Georgievna Plesnevich, physical education teacher, School No. 2115, structural unit No. 5, Moscow.

Subject: DIY interior decoration for the New Year.

Description: It’s easy to create comfort and beauty in your home on New Year’s holidays with your own hands, if only you have time, desire and attitude. The technique for making such an angel is quite simple, so you can safely start making it together with a child already about five years old.

Target: This master class aims to clearly show that using available materials and without complex step-by-step instructions, you can also create a New Year’s mood in the form of such cute paper angel figurines.

- creating a festive mood and comfort in the home;
- education and development of accuracy and attentiveness in preschoolers (when working with a template, paper, pencil and scissors, it is extremely important to be extremely careful and carefully draw and cut lines);
- development of the eye;
- developing skills in working with paper;
- development of spatial imagination (even before creating a figure with his own hands, the child tries to imagine, imagine what it will be like);
- developing the ability to listen to oral instructions given to children, correlating them with visual pictures;
- stimulation of memory development (the home interior can be decorated with a whole regiment of such angels; by making more and more new angels, the child voluntarily remembers the course of action necessary to create it).

Purpose: With such figures you can decorate the whole house - shelves, bedside tables, window sills, branches of the New Year's tree and even the New Year's table!

Materials needed to make an angel:
- 2 sheets of paper (any color);
- a simple pencil;
- black pen;
- scissors.

Working with scissors You need to remember that this is a rather dangerous item if used incorrectly. Therefore, before starting work, the child should learn that:
- scissors are not a toy, so don’t play with them;
- do not run your fingers over the blades of the scissors, they can cut you off;
- when you work with scissors, one hand cuts, and the other holds the paper (and you need to keep this hand that helps hold the paper away from the blade);
- under no circumstances place scissors on the edge of the table, as they may fall and injure you;
- scissors should be placed with the rings towards you, and passed with the rings towards the person to whom you are passing them;
- you need to close the scissors if you don’t cut anything else with them.

The child, if he doesn’t know yet, will certainly ask - And who is this Angel? And we will answer him:
"Baby, angel is the one who helps a person when he needs it most, he protects a person from everything bad that happens on Earth.” Therefore, let there be more such kind helpers in the house!

So, having put a new word in your trunk, armed with the necessary material and, having believed in your strengths and skills, you can start making an angel!

Step 1. Draw a template with a pencil and trace it with a black pen or marker.

Step 2. Take a blank sheet of paper, place it on top of the template and trace it with a pencil.

Step 3. Along the pencil lines (outside) we cut out the drawn figure.

Step 4. Fold the resulting figure in half. We lay it out, make a cut along the drawn pencil lines - on the right and on the top.

Step 5. Put the figure back. On the resulting half we cut out a “crescent” figure (it is already depicted on your workpiece in pencil) and make an incision along the pencil line above this crescent.

Step 6. We unfold the figure. We make the remaining cut on the left side along the pencil line.

Step 7 In order to make an angel figurine, we connect the right and left cuts, inserting one wing into the other (putting one cut on the other). We get this rear view.

Step 8 The angel is almost ready, all that remains is to lower the arms down.

The angel is ready! Let it please you and give a wonderful atmosphere of magic and comfort to your home.
It's time to make him friends (yellow, pink, blue, green, with different hairstyles or wing shapes - whatever your imagination allows!) and place them around the apartment.

In any religion, angels play the main role, since it is these creatures that are closest to the deity. Images of angels, in addition to religious books and icons, can be seen on Christmas cards; their figures decorate rooms and lush green trees at Christmas, so many people associate this holiday with these white-winged creatures.

The easiest way to get an angel is to make a paper figurine step by step. Moreover, paper angels can be different - it can be a three-dimensional New Year's angel made of plain or corrugated paper, or flat openwork angels. A pattern and diagram for anyone can easily be found on the Internet. And if you want a more serious figurine, there are options: make a craft from papier mache, sew an angel from felt or other fabric, or crochet it.

Angel figurines- A wonderful Christmas decoration that you can easily make yourself. Both adults and small children can do this, so crafts can be done by the whole family. In addition, such a Christmas angel can be an excellent gift for relatives and close friends. A paper angel is the most popular figurine option for Christmas, because everyone has paper on hand, and process of creating an angel will not take much time and effort.

Volumetric angels are more suitable as a paper figurine, which can be placed on a holiday table or to decorate a room with it, and if you glue a string, such a craft can be hung on a Christmas tree. To make a three-dimensional paper angel, you need to follow following instructions:

  1. The first step is to cut out two truncated cones, one of which should be smaller than the other in size. These cones will become a dress for an angel.
  2. Another sheet of paper needs to be folded in half and the outline of the face and neck of the future angel should be drawn on it. In front, with a felt-tip pen or pencil, draw the face and bangs of the figure, and in the back you can draw hair. Cut out the figure without separating the two parts at the top of the head.
  3. Make a circle with a hole out of paper, preferably yellow. This yellow circle will become the halo for the figurine.
  4. Fold a long paper rectangle in half and start drawing a triangle with rounded ends from the upper corner on the fold side. After cutting, straighten the resulting sleeves. You need to cut out and glue the palms to them.
  5. Use a template or cut out your own angel wings.
  6. Now you need to assemble the figure. “Put” the angel’s head on the very end of the cone, attaching it with glue. A halo is glued to the head, and just below the top of the cone, where the angel’s neck ends, you need to attach the arms. The wings must be folded in half and attached to the back of the figure. If desired, you can thread a thread into the halo and hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

If it is not possible to draw necessary elements yourself, you can use a specially prepared template that you can print.

Gallery: paper angel (25 photos)

Paper Christmas Angel

The easiest way to make an angel out of paper is accessible to all ages. To make your next Christmas angel, you only need scissors and an A4 sheet of paper. The resulting figures can be used to decorate a room by hanging them on windows, walls, or even on a chandelier. To make one like this interesting decoration You can use a special angel stencil, which will make cutting faster, or show your imagination and create your own unique angels. Whatever method is chosen, the instructions for making the craft are the same:

  1. A sheet of paper of the selected format needs to be folded in half and on one of the resulting sides draw half of an angel: a wing, part of a halo and a dress.
  2. If desired, the dress and wings of the figurine can be decorated with small stripes at the ends, which can later be wound onto a pencil and make the angel more voluminous. There are no restrictions in choosing the shape of the wings: everything depends only on the imagination and skills of the person making the craft.
  3. After cutting out the parts, unfold the piece of paper and lower what was supposed to be the halo down. Thus, the halo will turn into hands folded in front of the angel's face. The resulting decoration will look interesting together with several more of these angels flying on a thread under the chandelier.

You can also hang it near the chandelier Waldorf Angels, whose stencils can be easily obtained on the Internet or drawn yourself. In such angels, a small incision is made in the back area, as well as on the wings, which are subsequently connected, and the angel looks three-dimensional. For making crafts Typically, cardboard is used, which is known for being more durable, but paper can also be used for a Waldorf angel.

Angel paper figurine

A cute angel figurine can become a wonderful Christmas tree toy or fit perfectly into the Christmas interior. It’s easy to make such a craft if you use a template or draw your own, similar to the one shown in the photo.

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