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Honey massage starts metabolic processes in the body, honey works as a sorbent and perfectly draws out accumulated toxins, tightens and deeply nourishes the skin. Having become familiar with the technique of execution, this procedure can be easily carried out at home.

The content of the article:

Honey massage is an extremely effective cosmetic procedure that is aimed at strengthening the skin, saturating the lymph with useful microelements that are part of honey, and general cleansing of the body from accumulated toxic substances. Such a massage is indicated for a wide variety of diseases: arthritis, osteochondrosis, sciatica and even insomnia. Recently, it is increasingly used by women in the fight against excess weight and cellulite.

What are the benefits of honey anti-cellulite massage

Cellulite is the accumulated fat in the subcutaneous tissue, and it is difficult to eliminate it only by physical exercises, an integrated approach is important here. It is honey anti-cellulite massage that is considered an excellent tool that can remove excess fluid and fat from the body. This procedure improves blood circulation and enriches tissues and organs with vitamins.

Honey massage for weight loss

Honey massage for weight loss gives an effect thanks to honey, which absorbs toxins, removes excess moisture and promotes the regeneration of the dermis.

Cosmetologists consider honey to be an ideal tool for weight loss due to its unique properties:

  • Removes waste and toxins. Honey penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and promotes the breakdown of harmful substances into microparticles, which are excreted along with honey.
  • Improves blood circulation. Intense massage movements promote blood circulation and the penetration of oxygen into tissues and blood.
  • Tones up. Honey massage is an excellent prophylactic that helps to avoid stretch marks and prevent early skin aging. Propolis, which is part of honey, prevents flabbiness of the skin and tightens it.
  • Softens. Honey is quickly absorbed into the skin, saturating it with vitamins and microelements. After its application in any form, the dermis becomes soft and tender.
  • Smoothes. Regular procedure has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, removes small stretch marks, allowing old skin cells to be renewed.
  • Soothes. During a massage with honey, the main ingredient, penetrating the skin and tissues, has a calming effect on the woman's body as a whole, including the nervous system.

To get the expected result, it is important to carry out 15 procedures that need to be done every other day.

Cellulite honey massage

If massage for weight loss with honey is quite simple and pleasant, then the procedure, which is designed to rid a woman of an annoying orange peel, is not so harmless. Its purpose is to increase lymph flow and deep cleansing of the skin.

The skin is intensively renewed, and areas with cellulite will gradually dissolve. The skin will become soft and elastic, visually it will be noticeable that the muscle tone has increased. Due to the fact that honey is perfectly absorbed into the dermis, it gives a very fast and good result.

Honey in the fight against cellulite is an indispensable product due to two unique properties:

  1. Stimulant. Honey works very actively, penetrating into the skin, it stimulates salt and water metabolism in the cells of the epidermis. This allows the skin to renew itself, shedding old cells and allowing new tissue to be built. And reducing salt will improve the condition of the dermis and get a long-term effect of smooth skin.
  2. Cleansing. The key to success is an aggressive effect on subcutaneous fats and their removal through the pores. This powerful adsorbing process allows you to quickly remove fat deposits, which form the orange peel.
Anti-cellulite massage with honey is not the most pleasant procedure, and in order to be successful, it must be carried out intensively and with high quality.

Note! If you have bruises after the massage, this should not scare you, you probably have sensitive skin. Try to carry out the next procedure not so intensively.

Honey massage technique for weight loss

Only the correct technique of conducting honey massage allows you to achieve the desired effect, namely to get rid of excess weight and get healthy toned skin.

Mandatory stages of honey massage at home:

  • Allergy test. This sweet liquid, in addition to many useful properties, has one, but a very serious minus - it is a strong allergen. Therefore, before proceeding with any procedure with this product, be sure to carry out a light test check. On the inside of the wrist or directly on the problem area, apply literally one drop of honey and rub it a little on the body. Leave the honey for 15 minutes, and then follow the reaction. It is important that you do not experience itching or redness. If no reactions followed within 10 minutes, you can safely proceed to honey massage.
  • warm up. Do the massage while standing. Apply honey on your palms and knead the skin with massage movements, pay special attention to problem areas - the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Your movements can be zigzag, longitudinal or circular. Massage intensively, wrinkle the skin well, pinch, and then stroke. This change of movement is useful for improving blood circulation.
  • Active Claps. After warming up, you may notice that honey takes on a gray tint - this is a sign that it removes toxins. Then you begin to stick your hands to the problem area and tear them off the body with effort. Gradually, the claps should become more viscous and stronger. Each time you need to try to tear your hands away from the problem area as sharply as possible and slam as hard as possible. During the procedure, you will notice that white foam appears on your hands - this is the accumulated slag, or rather, honey acquires this color, which removes them.
  • cleansing. At the end of the procedure, the dirty mass from the skin surface must be washed off with warm water, it is recommended to treat the body with a soft washcloth.
  • Moisturizing. After the massage, apply a moisturizer to your body and lie down wrapped in a towel or blanket. It is important to provide the skin with warmth and rest after aggressive exposure.

Note! You can not use candied honey for the procedure, because in most cases it causes severe irritation.

The main types of honey massage

Cosmetologists say that it is important not only to carry out the procedure intensively and regularly, but also to be able to combine ingredients with honey that will achieve the maximum effect in a short time.

How to do honey massage with coffee

One of the most effective products that works wonderfully with honey is coffee. Its grains contain a lot of useful trace elements that smooth the skin, make it elastic, and most importantly, have an antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process. It's just a healing elixir for the body.

It is important to know all the nuances of preparing such a mixture for massage, because by doing it wrong, a woman risks scratching her body. Coffee grounds should be soft. Prepare three tablespoons of freshly ground coffee and mix it with six tablespoons of liquid honey. In order for coffee to start its healing processes, you need to let the mixture brew for two days. After that, the tool can be used.

The massage procedure involves adhering to the standard scheme. You should apply the product to the body, start the massage with warming movements and gradually move on to clapping. Do not worry if the mass is sprinkled, the right amount of trace elements will definitely pass through the pores.

If necessary, simply apply the mass to the hands several times during the massage. Do not be afraid to make powerful pops, coffee in two days will not burn the skin too hard, but will give a very good result. With such a massage, a grayish mass may not stand out in a large volume, but this is normal. Coffee will quietly remove some of the toxins at its own expense.

This procedure can be uncomfortable because it has a scrub effect. But after its application, the woman will notice a significant improvement from the first time. To the touch, the surface layer of the dermis will become even and very smooth, and most importantly, this effect will last for several days. After completing a full course of such honey-coffee massages, you will saturate the skin and remove toxins, and as a result you will get smooth skin without cellulite.

How to do honey massage with essential oils

Another option for an incredibly healthy honey massage mixture at home can be prepared using essential oils. This mixture is prepared immediately before application to the skin. You can use a variety of oils.

Beauticians identify the most effective ones that give amazing results:

  1. lemon oil. The microelements included in its composition dilute arterial blood, accelerating the regeneration of small blood vessels. This makes it possible to renew the dermis at the cellular level, and its use gives a long-term result.
  2. lavender oil. It has a bactericidal effect and heals wounds, relieves scars and perfectly fights the manifestations of aging and deformation. Penetrates deep into the dermis and heals all damage.
  3. Jojoba oil. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and stimulating skin regeneration agent. Oil - the most popular and strong, because it quickly removes even deep stretch marks and cellulite.
Preparing a mixture based on honey and essential oils is simple. It is best to combine the bee product with one type of oil, so the second ingredient will work better. Mix three teaspoons of jojoba oil (lemon or lavender) with three tablespoons of honey.

You need to knead the mass slowly, but carefully so that it becomes homogeneous and the oil does not float on the surface of the honey. For flavor, you can add a couple of drops of grapefruit oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas.

Begin massage movements smoothly. First you need to warm up the oil well so that it starts working and gives useful particles to the body. The next stage is claps on the body, you can do at least 10-15 minutes. This massage may not be as intense as coffee and honey, but longer. It is important to let the oils warm up well under the onslaught of your hands.

Such procedures will not only allow you to get rid of the orange peel, but also make the skin velvety to the touch after the first application.

Preparation of a mixture for honey massage with milk

Milk and honey is a classic combination that has long been considered very beneficial for the skin. It is especially suitable for women with cellulite and loose skin. Milk provides anti-aging care, slows down the aging process, and honey actively removes toxins. This combination very gently affects the dermis, deeply nourishing it.

To prepare a mixture for honey massage with milk and conduct it at home, you will need literally 100 grams of warm milk. It is advisable to choose the product as fresh as possible, it will be excellent if it is possible to purchase homemade cow's milk. It preserves all useful components as much as possible, since it cannot be heat treated.

We only heat the milk, in no case do not boil it. In 100 grams of milk, add four tablespoons of honey. The mixture will be quite liquid, but it will work well and give the desired effect.

First you need to warm up the problem areas with stroking movements, and then apply the mixture to the areas with cellulite with your hands and begin to knead them intensively. Gradually move on to the main movements - intense claps.

This massage is best done in the bathroom, because the milk from your body will fly in different directions. This procedure, in addition to anti-cellulite and rejuvenating effect, also perfectly tones the skin.

How to do honey massage - look at the video:

There are different methods of massage with honey, but any of its options is aimed at combating extra pounds and centimeters. The right technique will make your dream of perfectly smooth skin come true and prepare you for the beach season better than any salon treatment in just 15 treatments.

What woman does not dream of a perfect figure? The cherished parameters 90-60-90 can be achieved not only through grueling workouts: honey will also be an assistant. This type of massage is not only beneficial for the body, but is also able to rid the waist of extra centimeters. After all, honey contains more than a hundred substances indispensable for the human body: dozens of important microelements, such as salts of iodine, aluminum, manganese, and mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus salts).

What is important - everyone will be able to make it at home without much effort. In addition, this procedure will improve skin regeneration, remove toxic substances from the body, and correct the figure.

Excursion into history

From time immemorial peoples from different parts of the world used honey to maintain the body, get rid of certain ailments and improve overall health. So, in Tibet, it was believed that it helps the body overcome colds and joint, muscle pain, and inflammation. In Russia, honey was used to increase immunity, rubbing it in steam rooms. Nowadays, scientists have proven that honey cleanses pores, rejuvenates the skin and improves blood circulation.

Types of honey massage at home

Today, massage with honey is used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. In medicine, it is most often necessary in order to dull pain, relieve muscle spasms. It is popular in cosmetology due to its favorable tonic effect, which honey massage improves skin condition, body fat.

Honey massage for weight loss (anti-cellulite) at home

It is distinguished by ease, accessibility and ease of implementation, it is enough to take into account some rules. Before starting the process, you should take a warm bath so that the pores open and the skin steams out. It is advisable to drop useful essential oils into the water (in reasonable quantities): orange, lemon, eucalyptus.

How to do it right:

In order to achieve a more effective result after the massage, you can wrap the area on which the massage was performed with a film. Wrapping should last no more than half an hour. It is important to stay warm while wrapping.

Course duration

Regardless of the part of the body, the process should last no more than ten minutes. In total, the course lasts at least ten days. Is it possible to do honey massage every day? At the start of the course, no. Massage should be done after one or two days. After the skin gets used to the sensations, you can increase the duration of the massage to fifteen minutes.

What should honey be?

The main requirement is the naturalness of honey. If there is an opportunity to purchase it from beekeepers, purchase it without hesitation - this practically eliminates the chance of a poor-quality purchase. You can choose any kind of honey - there are no restrictions in this regard. There is no difference between liquid and crystallized honey - any is applicable and useful. However, it should be noted that if the product does not harden and crystallize over time, this is a fake.

What is important - you can add essential oils to honey, which will also have, in turn, enhance the effect and, based on the individual qualities and wishes of a person, will have additional ones.

You can choose:

  • citrus oils, which will increase the intensity of the effect on the fat layer, are preferred for combating cellulite;
  • oils derived from plants will refresh and cleanse the skin;
  • floral also have cleansing and tonic properties;

In addition, essential oils can help relieve stress. You can also use several oils at the same time, which will create the necessary symbiosis of an aggressive and effective fight and a delicate, soothing effect on the skin.


What is the benefit of a course of honey massage for the body, its properties, frequency, benefits. How often and how many sessions can honey massage be done?

Please tell me how long the honey massage lasts (duration of the procedure, how often and the number of sessions). Is it possible to do honey massage while breastfeeding (you never know what?).

I refuse. Arguments.

1. Massage is painful and stress hormones enter the milk, which is not good. Honey is an allergy-active product. I'm not sure that getting it into the baby's diet is beneficial.

2. When feeding, the hormonal background is different, which affects both the fluid content in the subcutaneous tissue and the nature of metabolism.

I agree. There are less aggressive methods and forms of massage for this segment of consumers.

Oh, how sweetly everything was described. That I really wanted to get trained in honey massage and introduce it into the price list! Can people in the know ask for clarification? Here the question was already asked - how much to do honey massage. About the approximate, at least, the time of the session on the back? What zones are being made? Back, stomach, hips on both sides, buttocks and all? What about hands?

Can you answer about the time of the procedure, and the areas of influence with honey? I heard that the frequency of honey massage is after 3 days, is it true? Is it true that you need to shave your back (hairy back)?

I do not argue about the benefits and properties of honey massage for the body - this is a great thing. I have been doing it for a very long time and almost painlessly. I do it on the back, on the legs, on the arms, on the face, on the stomach. And what a wonderful feeling after a foot massage! As a rule, I use it more in cosmetic massage. Important - the selection of honey, the temperature of the room and your own experience. There are many methods on the Internet.

And I had a honey massage a week ago. Patting was interspersed with classical techniques, lasting 30 minutes. The next morning, the client's back was covered (according to the client) with pimples - a crust. After 2 days, however, everything went away, but the question remained. What was it, does anyone know? The theory of allergy can not be considered, who has any considerations?

You can pay attention to the quality of honey. Over the years of work, I have often come across the fact that honey bought "from hand" on the market caused a similar reaction. The usual, store-bought one did not cause such a reaction at the next session. Also, how hairy was your client's back? Irritation of the hair follicles during such an intense massage could well be. The picture is about the same as you describe. And I would not write off an allergic reaction - the skin, when in contact with honey, behaves somewhat differently than the stomach and intestines.

The honey is the best, not purchased (the client breeds bees himself) and he overate honey in his 40 years, you yourself understand how much. The back is hairless, but about allergies. I somehow missed this moment, since this is not the first honey massage on this body, and everything is always fine. I will search further.

I had several cases where the backs reacted to buckwheat honey, and were completely calm about acacia honey.

There is some fancy honey there, (wild bees). And the first honey session was fake a month ago. Maybe the honey really didn't like the back. But the question remains, how to determine? Allergy?

What gives and what is useful honey massage? It belongs to a variety of reflexology. It is an extremely effective method of treatment and prevention of mental and physical fatigue, sleep disorders, psychosomatic diseases, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, disorders of the internal organs, chronic joint diseases without exacerbation, colds, sciatica. In addition, honey massage is often used as part of an anti-cellulite program, in body weight reduction procedures, to cleanse and nourish the skin. Honey, giving biologically active substances, absorbs toxins and promotes their rapid removal from the body. The skin after applying different honey massage recipes becomes silky, elastic, subcutaneous seals are smoothed out, puffiness disappears, and the general condition of the body improves.

Here is one of the massage techniques with honey.

For massage, you need honey - natural flower, lime, buckwheat or any other, without additives. It is better to take not sugared. As a supplement, aromatic oils can be introduced into honey: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus, lavender oil, depending on what result they want to achieve. Calculation - 1 teaspoon of honey - 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils.

The masseur puts honey on the palms of his hands (you can directly on the back) and with patting movements begins to drive it into the massaged area, until a white-gray mass is formed. We cover several times with a hot towel (the hotter the stronger the relaxing effect, many find this very moment in honey massage the most pleasant), then wipe the back dry and apply the cream according to indications (for prolongation - a warming massage cream, you can moisturize).

Number of procedures and frequency of honey massage:

The course of honey massage is designed for 10-12 sessions. They are carried out every other day so that the skin has time to rest. (But everything is strictly individual, it all depends on personal tolerance, for someone 1-2 times a week is enough).

Massage duration (back): 30-40 minutes.

1. For honey massage, the temperature of the room is 20-24 C.

2. Only natural honey - any and no additives, oil interferes with the procedure and does not allow full opening of pores. Honey has never had a drying effect.

3. It is good to change honey, because. it differs in its qualitative mineral-vitamin and other composition.

4. It is better to slightly warm honey before the procedure - then you can first do a preparatory massage with honey (like clockwork).

5. Then, as it thickens, you can do honey massage.

Honey from hands sticks better to paper (as if you leave handprints in the police).

6. After the end of the procedure, the patient is covered with a hot wet towel, pain is removed (if any) and the remaining honey penetrates into the open pores for subsequent therapeutic effects - a hot compress.

7. I spray herbal disinfectant spray that works. And I do a light soothing massage - stroking, soft rubbing, vibration. Until completely absorbed.

9. I cover with cling film for 15 minutes and cover with heat.

10. No bruising remains.

11. Treats really a huge number of diseases.

How often you can do a honey massage - already answered above.
- "Massage requires honey - natural flower, linden, buckwheat or any other, without additives." This contradicts what follows. "As a supplement, aromatic oils can be added to honey: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus, lavender oil, depending on what result they want to achieve. Calculation - 1 teaspoon of honey per 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils" .

Since I have very sensitive skin, in order not to risk exposing it and the body to the possibility of a sudden adverse reaction, I prefer and can recommend a very high efficiency manual body without the use of creams, oils, honey and other aids.

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Prepared specifically for the site

In preparing the material, messages from the Massage.ru forum were used.

Massage is rightfully considered one of the simplest, most affordable and effective ways to improve well-being and provide whole body health.

And if you connect massage effectiveness and the unique healing abilities of honey, the benefits of such a procedure will be simply colossal.

After 5-10 sessions, a rejuvenating, tonic and healing effect of the procedure will exceed all expectations.

Honey is considered absolutely unique product. According to its biochemical composition, honey is very close to human blood plasma, and the enzymes secreted by bees provide the possibility of complete assimilation of the product by the human body.

Rich content of vitamins makes honey an ideal food product and opens up wide possibilities for its external use. The antibacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries: for the speedy healing of wounds, this bee product was recommended to be taken orally, as well as applied to damaged skin.

In addition to a noticeable wound healing effect, honey has pronounced restorative properties: for whatever reasons health deterioration occurs, eating bee products helps to strengthen a weakened body.

For external use honey has pronounced sorbent properties, effectively helping to get rid of toxins contained in the subcutaneous tissue, as well as from excess interstitial fluid. This not only allows you to remove toxic substances from the body, but also provides a pronounced anti-aging and anti-cellulite effect.

During the course of sessions honey massage provides strengthening of the immune system, improvement of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, healing of cracks in the intestines, normalization of pressure, alleviation of the condition of patients with problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Honey massage sessions help to normalize metabolism, get rid of osteochondrosis and joint problems, and also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Under influence honey film there is a cleansing of the pores, activation of the blood supply to the skin. Thanks to this, any creams and masks applied to the skin after the massage easily penetrate into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

Got a honey massage today widespread popularity as one of the most effective procedures in anti-cellulite programs, as well as an important component of mature skin care.

Applying honey to the skin allows you to get a pronounced rejuvenating effect, as well as accelerate the resorption of scars and scars.

For medical purposes, honey massage is used for complex treatment:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • nervous disorders, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and diseases of the spine.

Almost always, honey massage gives a noticeable improvement in well-being after just a few procedures. However, it is important to remember that with oncology, severe hypertension and problems with blood vessels, tuberculosis, any skin lesions and disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver of any massage is prohibited.

Do not lie down on the massage table and during acute viral infections accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Attention! Individual contraindications to honey massage may be an allergy to honey, as well as the presence of densely growing hair in the massage area.

Honey for massage: how to choose the right product?

You can expect a positive effect only if it is applied to the skin natural fresh honey(preferably lime or floral). Definitely we are not talking about canned honey from supermarkets.

Perfect option- if bee products are purchased directly from the owners of apiaries.

Allowed use partially candied honey: before starting the massage, it can be melted in a water bath to a liquid consistency. But at the same time, honey itself should not be heated to a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

What can be added to honey to enhance the therapeutic effect?


Honey massage was one of the mandatory wellness treatments for family members. ancient Chinese emperors. You can still use the old recipe today.

The composition of the massage mixture, in addition to honey, included other beekeeping products (propolis and wax). Most often to improve the effect from massage, cosmetologists recommend additionally enriching honey with essential oils.

For amplification anti-cellulite effects it is recommended to use essential oils (hereinafter referred to as EM) of any citrus fruits, lavender, geranium, juniper and mint oils will provide a pronounced calming effect. Help with the healing of scars on the skin will allow the use of eucalyptus EO.

For 2 st. l. liquid honey can add one of the following songs:

  • 1 drop each of geranium and juniper EO and 2 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit EO;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender and orange EO;
  • 1 drop each of juniper, orange, lemon and lavender oils;
  • 3 drops of orange and lemon EO;
  • 2 drops each of mint, lavender and lemon esters.

Max Flow massage mixture - 5 tbsp. l. for a single area massage.

Basic rules for honey massage

The best place for the procedure there will be a warm, but not hot room. A full-fledged honey massage after a bath or sauna, as well as immediately after taking a shower, cannot be done. The skin for the procedure must be clean and dry.

What should be done before applying honey?

The first stage of the procedure will be a light warming massage, including kneading and stroking the whole body. Not recommended use oil mixtures during a warming massage, as this will impair the possibility of penetration of honey into the skin.

alternative manual massage can be the use of any simulators that increase blood supply. It usually takes up to 10 minutes to warm up the body. Further, honey is applied in a thin layer on the palm of the massage therapist and the surface of the patient's skin in the massage area, and the massage begins.

First, honey is rubbed into the skin circular massage movements. Such an impact is possible before the honey solidifies.

After the honey mass is partially absorbed and thickens, the massage technique changes: the masseur works with the method sticking-unsticking hands, changing the intensity of their movements.

The palms can be withdrawn sharply or more gently, if necessary, certain parts of the body are worked out not with the whole palm, but with its edge, fingers, fingertips. The next step becomes adhesion alternation one palm and both palms at the same time.

There can be many possible techniques, it is important to choose them based on the characteristics of a particular patient and his pain threshold. As a rule, it takes about a quarter of an hour to work out one zone. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure may end earlier.

Attention! Honey massage is not carried out in the groin areas, on the inner side of the hips and shoulders.

Shower after massage

Most often, by the end of the procedure, the honey separated from the patient's body acquires a grayish tint. This indicates that in the process of massage from the body through the skin were slags are removed. Of course, in no case should they be rubbed back into the skin: these substances are toxic to the body.

Simple towel rub does not allow completely remove the remnants of the massage mass. The particles of honey remaining on the skin should be thoroughly washed off under a warm shower, and the procedure should be completed by rubbing a special massage cream into clean skin. It can be an anti-cellulite remedy (if we are talking about the area of ​​the hips, abdomen and buttocks), or a high-quality nourishing cream based on bee products.

Do I need to drink after the procedure?

The first thing to do after the procedure is completed is to drink at least 1 glass warm boiled water, and later treat yourself to a couple of cups of quality green tea.

One of the properties of honey is the ability to bind fluid and accelerate its removal from the body. Accordingly, if there is no excess fluid in the body, then after a honey massage, additional hydration will be necessary.

In addition, massage procedures accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and a sufficient amount of fluid consumed will strengthen cleansing effect of the session.

Duration of massage and number of sessions

Honey massage may include both complex impact on the whole body, as well as the study of individual problem areas (anti-cellulite procedures usually involve the study of the buttocks, hips, abdomen). The latter option is less preferable - the activation of blood circulation in a separate part of the body will cause a slowdown in blood flow in other parts of the body.

As a result- after a course of such sessions, metabolic disorders, problems with internal organs, etc. are possible. A complex honey massage of the whole body also provides an anti-cellulite effect, but at the same time it has a beneficial effect on the body.

One session of complex massage lasts from 1 to 2 hours. It is optimal if the procedures are performed every other day, and the entire course consists of 9-17 massages. If desired, massage procedures can alternate with wraps of problem areas.

After a couple of months, you can take a second course, or attend honey massage sessions for preventive purposes. 3-4 times a month.

The combination of the amazing properties of honey and the unique possibilities of massage allows you to work wonders. Huge benefit the whole body receives from such procedures: the work of internal organs improves, swelling and pronounced cellulite decrease, the condition of the skin improves and the work of the nervous system returns to normal. After each session, there is a feeling of lightness, flight and a great desire to just enjoy life.

How to get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time at home, see the video:

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