Home roses Gribov Alexander Sergeevich Chairman of the Public Chamber Contacts. Alexander mushrooms became the main public figure of the Yaroslavl region. Alexander Gribov. Biography: education

Gribov Alexander Sergeevich Chairman of the Public Chamber Contacts. Alexander mushrooms became the main public figure of the Yaroslavl region. Alexander Gribov. Biography: education

Alexander Gribov gained fame as the youngest deputy of the municipality in the history of Yaroslavl self-government. In 2008, he was elected to the city representative body at the age of 22. In 2012, Alexander Gribov was appointed to the post of deputy. Governor of the Yaroslavl region

The personality of the young politician has always aroused great interest among the population of the region. The next step in his career is the chairman of the Public Chamber of the Yaroslavl Region. Today, Gribov is one of the youngest deputies of the State Duma. He spoke about himself in a frank conversation with the media.

Meet Alexander Gribov

In his thirties, he already managed to get 3 higher educations and defend his PhD. He was elected a deputy of the municipality of Yaroslavl, became the youngest deputy governor in the Russian Federation. At the beginning of 2015, he was elected to the post of chairman of the Public Chamber in the Yaroslavl region. It is known that at the end of February 2016, his work was highly appreciated - gratitude from the Presidential Administration.

Alexander Gribov. Biography: education

The future young politician was born on May 22, 1986 in Yaroslavl. Graduated with honors. Received a specialty "jurisprudence". Having defended his dissertation, he became a candidate of legal sciences. Alexander Sergeevich is the author of about 35 scientific papers. Yaroslavl State University is not the only university where the future politician studied. From 2009 to 2012, he studied at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

About patronage

Gribov Alexander Sergeevich in one of his interviews shared a problem with journalists: often his success is attributed to profitable acquaintances, patronage. If a young man at the age of 22 becomes a deputy of the municipality, and at 26 he is already a deputy governor, this means that he was definitely dragged through by relatives or acquaintances. To dissuade the public, Alexander Sergeevich believes, is only to provoke it. The talk of his career will likely fade when he turns 50. I wish people knew he achieved a lot on his own. Anticipating possible questions, the young man assures that he is not related to the chairman of the government A. L. Knyazkov, although he knows his family well, and when Alexander Lvovich was a deputy of the Duma of the Yaroslavl region. worked for him as an assistant.


Alexander Gribov (Yaroslavl, the city where he spent his childhood) talks sparingly about his family. Unfortunately, his parents separated when the boy just went to first grade. In fact, his grandfather, his mother's father, became his father. His grandfather worked all his life as the deputy director of the refinery, but he clearly adhered to the principled position: his children should achieve everything in their lives on their own. So Alexander's mother had to go through the entire career chain from the very bottom: starting work as an ordinary employee of the department, she rose to the rank of deputy director of the refinery.


Alexander fundamentally does not expose his personal life. He is a staunch opponent of excessive publicity. Everyone's family, including politicians, should remain a kind of "island of silence". His hobbies include: music (Russian rock), sports (swimming, billiards, biking, karate, sambo, karting, snowmobiling, motocross). In food, as the young man confesses, he is unpretentious.

Carier start

In 2008, Gribov Alexander Sergeevich Yaroslavl (biography, family is briefly presented in the article) practically conquered. He was elected a deputy of the Yaroslavl municipality of the fifth convocation. He took an active part both in the development of many targeted programs and in the implementation of a number of events for the development of the city. Actively assisted the work of the Coordinating Council dealing with issues of interethnic relations.

Awards and Acknowledgments

In 2010, Alexander Gribov was solemnly commended by the Presidential Administration, and he was also awarded a commemorative badge “For preparations for the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl”. In 2012, he received the gratitude of the governor of the region.

Work in the regional administration

In June 2012, Gribov was appointed assistant to the governor. His responsibilities included ensuring the interaction of the regional administration with federal executive bodies and self-government bodies. In October, Alexander Sergeevich took up his duties as deputy. Governor of the Yaroslavl region and began to oversee domestic policy issues.

As deputy chairman of the regional Coordinating Council dealing with issues of interethnic relations, he initiates the development and implementation of a regional program of state support for social non-profit organizations. Gribov takes an active part in the creation of the Concept of the system of the regional people's government, which ensures public participation in the course of decision-making by the executive authorities. In addition, the young politician acts as the head of the development of a favorable program for local governments for the period 2013-2015.

Thanks to Gribov's initiative, a special Council on the formation of regional identity was created under the Government, and the implementation of the comprehensive educational program of spiritual and patriotic education of youth "Yaroslavsky Mir" was ensured.

Public Chamber

In February 2015, Alexander Gribov was elected to the post of chairman of the Public Chamber in the Yaroslavl region. 3rd convocation. The young talented manager set out to ensure the transformation of "Yaroslavia" into an advanced, modern and developing region. Involving the media, Alexander Gribov called on active residents of the city to unite in order to "force officials to really do the work" that people need - landscaping parks and courtyards, repairing highways, building social housing, and creating decently paid jobs.

The reception room of Alexander Gribov in the Public Chamber was always full of visitors. People came in person: they talked about their problems, offered some ideas. Phones did not stop from morning until late at night. The young chairman proved to be an opponent of cabinet work, he proved that he did not want to reduce the activities of the body accountable to him to simple participation in formal meetings. He often traveled around the region, talked with people. A public organization promptly responded to the events taking place in the region. When an environmental threat arose at the Mendeleev Refinery (Tutaevsky District), its employees, with the active involvement of the media, drew public attention to the problem. As a result, a treatment plant was launched at the plant, and a prospect for solving this issue was developed.


The young leader of a public organization was aware that it was impossible to grasp the immensity. Therefore, from the whole mass of problems of the population of the region, he identified the main ones, to focus on the solution of which he called on his employees.

As polls of the residents of the region showed, bad roads caused the greatest negative in them, the second place in the anti-rating was occupied by the housing and communal issue. Yaroslavtsev was very worried about the growth of tariffs, the possibility of overhaul, the problem of resettlement of emergency housing. The third worrying problem was the rapid rise in prices and credit bondage. The work of the employees of the Public Chamber was primarily aimed at solving these issues.

Conscious choice

As it became known to the media, in 2015, Alexander Gribov deliberately decided to step down as deputy. governor and be elected to the Public Chamber. Realizing that this work was more to his liking than the work of an official, he turned to the governor with a request to release him from public service and give him the opportunity to return to public work. Many people like the work of an official of the apparatus, Alexander Sergeyevich, according to his confession, receives moral satisfaction by solving some problems every day. It doesn't matter if it's a help to a large enterprise or an old woman's request, which we managed to fulfill. He likes to be constantly in motion and see the result of his work.

After he left office, some of his former colleagues, accustomed to thinking in terms of status, changed their attitude towards him. The deputy governor is an undoubted value for everyone, while the head of the Public Chamber was seen by many as one of the public men on whom the solution of any issues does not depend. But for a year of work he managed to break this stereotype. Thanks to him, now the decision of all significant issues is made with the obligatory participation of members of the Public Chamber. In order to provide assistance to those in need, the “Together we can” fund was established, with the assistance of which several hundred residents of the region received support. The Public Chamber, headed by Alexander Gribov, took an active part in solving more complex issues. For example, thanks to him and his colleagues in the region, the tariff for capital repairs was frozen.


In May 2016, Alexander Gribov submitted documents for participation in the primaries of United Russia, which determines candidates for deputies of the State Duma. As Alexander Sergeevich explained to journalists, the Yaroslavl region today needs an open and understandable decision-making mechanism for people, new, modern, non-standard methods for solving problems, and effective public control over the fulfillment of tasks. The region vitally needs large-scale initiatives and ambitious projects, the introduction of an effective system of interaction with the federal center, which makes it possible to organize financial and legislative support for such projects and initiatives.

The Public Chamber in the Yaroslavl region has gained similar experience. Therefore, at the council it was decided to turn to the leader with a proposal to participate in the next elections of deputies of the State Duma. Alexander Sergeevich accepted this offer. In September 2016, Alexander Gribov became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. As a candidate from the United Russia party, he won 75,607 votes (38.17%) in single-mandate constituency No. 194 in Yaroslavl.

According to the young deputy, direct work with people does not give him satisfaction, but a real drive. He sees his task in the course of analyzing particular cases to determine the systemic nature of the problem and make a logical decision. In the Public Chamber, he and his colleagues had to deal a lot with particular cases that can be prevented only by changing the legislation for this or by influencing the decision-making in the system. In other words, Alexander Gribov considers it much more productive to work with the causes of various negative phenomena, rather than then deal with their consequences.

On the concerns of a Duma deputy

According to Alexander Gribov, a Duma deputy should deal with two areas of work. The first is, without a doubt, lawmaking. The young deputy sees the second in defending the interests of the region, since it is very difficult for any region to live without the attention of the center and without federal funding. A Duma deputy, according to Alexander Sergeevich, should be ready to literally spend the night at the doors of the Ministry of Finance. In the capital, Yaroslavl deputies need to act as a single team, like colleagues from Kaluga and Kazan. Not a single minister can resist their powerful onslaught.


When asked by journalists how he sees himself in twenty years, Gribov replies that it does not matter to him what he will have to do. What matters is how he does it. The work, in his opinion, must certainly be interesting and bring tangible results. He considers it necessary, wherever he works, to fulfill his duties with high quality, so that when moving to another place, he leaves only a good memory of himself. A person should not be ashamed of his work.

GRIBOV Alexander Sergeevich - Deputy Governor of the Yaroslavl Region (2012 - 2015), Chairman of the Public Chamber of Nuclear Weapons (2015 - 2016), Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (since 2016), Deputy. Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party (since 2018), Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation (since January 2020).

Born in Yaroslavl on May 22, 1986. Graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl State University. P. G. Demidov with a degree in jurisprudence. He is the author of more than 35 scientific papers. From 2009 to 2012, he studied at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2011 he defended his dissertation at the Saratov State Law Academy on the topic: “Differentiation of liability for economic crimes in Russia, Germany and the USA: a comparative legal study”, receiving a PhD in Law.

In early 2008, he became an assistant to the deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma Alexander Knyazkov. On October 12, 2008 he was elected a deputy of the municipality of Yaroslavl of the fifth convocation. He took part in the development of city target programs and the implementation of a list of events for the development of the city of Yaroslavl. With the active assistance of Alexander Gribov, the Coordinating Council for Interethnic Relations under the mayor's office of the city of Yaroslavl begins its work. Marked with gratitude from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (2010), gratitude from the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region (2012) and the jubilee badge "For preparation for the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl" (2010).

In June 2012, he was appointed assistant to the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Sergey Yastrebov for interaction with federal executive authorities and local governments, and in October 2012, he was appointed Deputy Governor of the Yaroslavl Region, in charge of domestic policy issues.

Alexander Gribov was the Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Yaroslavl Region on issues of interethnic relations. On his initiative, a regional program "State support of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Yaroslavl region" was developed. With his participation, the Concept of the system of the people's government of the Yaroslavl region was created, which ensures public participation in the decision-making of the executive authorities. Under the leadership of Alexander Gribov, a program to support local governments "Development of local governments in the Yaroslavl region for 2013-2015" was developed. On his initiative, the Council for the Formation of Regional Identity was created under the Government of the YaO.

On February 25, 2015, Alexander Gribov was elected Chairman of the Civic Chamber of the Yaroslavl Region of the third convocation.

On September 18, 2016, in the single-mandate Yaroslavl constituency No. 194, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation (nominated by the United Russia party), gaining 75,607 votes - 38.17%. A. S. Gribov’s closest competitors, A. V. Vorobyov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and S. A. Balabaev (A Just Russia), received 17.54 and 14.76% of the vote, respectively.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation; Member of the State Duma Commission on Control over the Accuracy of Information on Income, Property and Property Liabilities Submitted by State Duma Deputies, Mandatory Issues and Issues of Deputy Ethics.

On June 30, 2018, at the XXXI Conference of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the United Russia party, Alexander Gribov was elected to the post of Secretary of the regional branch. His candidacy was supported by 100 delegates of the Conference out of 122 who took part in the voting.

On December 8, 2018, at the XVIII Congress of the United Russia party, Alexander Gribov was elected a member of the Presidium and Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the party.

On January 23, 2020, Alexander Gribov was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. In connection with this appointment, he resigned as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

It became clear why the United Russia deputies of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma so stubbornly dragged through the appointment of a salary of at least 80 thousand rubles for the chairman of the regional public chamber. A week after the appointment of the salary, 28-year-old Alexander Gribov was elected chairman of the regional public chamber, by this time he had already become an ex-deputy governor.

The appointment of Gribov, which happened on February 25 at the first plenary meeting of the newly formed public chamber of the region, was quite unexpected. Apparently, only a limited circle of high-ranking United Russia members knew about the proposed candidacy of the main public figure of the region. At the end of January, Governor Sergei Yastrebov introduced a bill to the regional Duma, according to which some changes are made to the structure of the public chamber and, in particular, its chairman should be paid a salary from budget funds. The majority of the United Russia Regional Duma at the meeting on February 17 warmly supported this bill and adopted it in two readings at once.
Interestingly, since the creation of the regional public chamber at the end of 2008, the head of this structure and all its members have been working on a voluntary basis. Only the work of the staff of the apparatus was paid. And suddenly now, when there is a crisis in the country, when spending on social support for the population, education, health care is sharply reduced, it was very necessary to assign a good salary to the main public figure of the Yaroslavl region. Whatever noble and multifaceted tasks may be assigned to this organization, all its possibilities are briefly defined by one word "PUBLIC". When the activities of all structures are strictly regulated and controlled by the ruling party, one cannot hope for any significant role of a public organization created at the initiative of the authorities. However, the position of chairman of the public chamber can be good for promoting the image and gaining public status.
In this regard, it is interesting to recall who he is the new and highly paid chairman of the Public Chamber - Alexander Gribov. From the official biography we learn that he was born in Yaroslavl on May 22, 1986, after school he graduated from the law faculty of the Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov and continued his studies in graduate school. Since 2007, he began to actively engage in social and political activities, joined United Russia. He took part in organizing election campaigns at the federal and regional levels in the Krasnoperekopsky district of the city of Yaroslavl, deputy secretary of the primary branch of the Neftestroy EP, a member of the local political council of the United Russia party in Yaroslavl.
In the October 12, 2008 elections, he became a deputy of the municipality of Yaroslavl in single-mandate constituency No. 25 (Krasnoperekopsky district).
Gribov's appointment in May 2012, first as an assistant to the governor Sergei Yastrebov on issues of interaction with federal executive authorities, local governments and civil society institutions, became a new stage in his advancement to power. And after a couple of months - and deputy. Thus, Gribov became the youngest deputy governor, reaching this peak at the age of 26.

For those who are puzzling over the secret of the young man's success, a few more points should be reported that may also have influenced Alexander Sergeevich's rapid career. Mother Alexandra Gribova - Tatyana Alexandrovna Gribova, was the director of finance and economics of the Yaroslavl Oil Refinery, the very enterprise where the current chairman of the government of the Yaroslavl region Alexander Lvovich Knyazkov was the general director at that time. And Alexander Gribov himself, since April 2008, worked as an assistant to the deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma Alexander Knyazkov.
His close relationship with political technologists, the current deputy chairman of the regional Duma, Pavel Isaev, and the head of the United Russia faction in the municipality of Yaroslavl, Pavel Zarubin, may have played a role in Alexander Gribov's meteoric rise. They permanently supervised several United Russia election campaigns in the Yaroslavl region, which, according to many, were marked by dirty technologies and massive violations of the law. "Pashiks" are also credited with the authorship of many political intrigues taking place in the regional authorities.
It is quite possible that Gribov's placement at the head of an honorary public organization is another advance political development on the eve of the 2016 federal elections.

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