Home Roses What brand of tea to choose. Which black tea is considered to be of high quality

What brand of tea to choose. Which black tea is considered to be of high quality

The older generation will recall with nostalgia black tea in the "package with an elephant" as a symbol of the Soviet era. It was Indian, or a mixture of Georgian and Indian tea, and was a welcome purchase for any family. Millions of people drink tea every day. Buying different varieties of it, they are looking for the ideal tea for themselves: which one will be the best? Black, or maybe green? How to choose when the classification of tea is so huge that it is simply impossible to taste everything? The test purchase of the most popular brands will help to compile the 2016 rating and determine the choice of this tasty, healthy drink.

Black or green tea?

Green and black tea can be obtained from the leaves of one bush. The difference in color, taste, useful properties is achieved by the time of fermentation of the leaves.

Green tea undergoes minimal oxidation, due to which it retains a unique set of vitamins and elements.

For black tea, the leaves are subjected to maximum fermentation, which allows you to get a rich color, tart and bright taste of the drink.

Numerous controversies in favor of choosing black or green tea do not have a clear answer. Both drinks can benefit or harm the body.

Black tea is useful in that it:

  • has a long-term invigorating effect, due to which the work of the brain is enhanced;
  • improves blood circulation, helps to cleanse toxins;
  • normalizes the digestive process;
  • optimizes the general condition of the body.

However, all the beneficial properties of black tea can turn into harm if consumed excessively or improperly prepared.

It is interesting that green tea appeared in our country almost on a par with black tea, but did not gain much popularity. Over time, its deliveries from China stopped altogether. The second wave of green tea coming to the Russian market happened 20 years ago, and now green tea has firmly established itself on the Russian market and has found its fans.

Green tea is beneficial, it:

  • strengthens and supports blood vessels;
  • characterized by antibacterial properties;
  • has a positive effect on the liver;
  • contributes to the rejuvenation of the body.

A large amount of green tea, brewing it too strong, drinking it at inappropriate periods can neutralize all the beneficial characteristics of this drink.

Advice. There is no definitive answer to the question: which tea is better to drink - black or green? It is recommended that you consume both of these beverages in moderation to reap the benefits.

Russian tea market

The Russian tea market is represented mainly by multi-brand manufacturing companies:

  • the company "Orimi-trade" produces teas "Princess (Java, Kandy, Nuri, Gita)", Greenfield, Tess;
  • Unilever produces tea under the brands Lipton, Brooke Bond, Beseda;
  • the May company owns the May Tea, Lisma, Curtis trademarks;
  • the Sapsan company produces tea under the brands Akbar, Gordon, Bernley.

Also widely known are the trade marks: Ahmad Tea, Hilltop, Riston, Dilmah, Maitre, “The Same”.

How to choose the best tea: selection criteria

When choosing the best tea, you need to distract from the design of its packaging and look at the labeling.

In accordance with Russian GOST, the quality of tea is determined by its grade: bouquet (highest quality), premium grade, first, second and third grade.
International labeling is a matrix and has 10 quality indicators for the texture of a tea leaf and 7 indicators characterizing its properties.

So, the best large leaf tea will be marked with letters:

  1. F (Flowery) - tea from slightly opened buds, the best tea.
  2. P (Pekoe) is a tea made from tea buds and the first two leaves.
  3. O (Orange) - tea made from young leaves.
  4. T (tippy) - exclusive tea from tea buds, the most expensive.
  5. G (golden) - tea with yellow tips (buds).
  6. S (special) - tea, exclusive for any characteristic.

In addition to the labeling, you should pay attention to the tea material itself:

  • the infusion for black tea should be almost black without gray and brown shades, for green - there should be no leaves of white or bright green;
  • tea leaves should be the same without twigs, dust and tea fines;
  • "Wire" (strongly twisted) leaves characterize the degree of fermentation and the quality of the tea. For green tea, weak leaf curl is not an indicator of poor quality;
  • the smell should be pleasant, without foreign aromas;
  • high-quality tea should be fresh, the best - from 1-2 monthly leaves. Tea material quickly loses its beneficial properties and aroma;
  • the packaging must be airtight with an indication of the composition, expiration date, manufacturer in Russian.

All tea sold in the Russian mass market is collected by special machines, therefore, at best, the counters display tea labeled Orange or Orange Pekoe. Tea made from tea buds will be exclusive and expensive; it is not available on the market.

Attention! Tea bags are of the lowest quality. It is produced from tea waste, tea dust. Such a drink will not be useful.

Test purchase: tea rating 2016

Based on the results of the test purchase, a rating of loose tea was compiled. The scores were given taking into account the appearance of tea leaves, on the basis of aroma, taste, color of the brewed tea, in addition, the samples were checked for compliance with the compositions and varieties declared on the package.

  • 1st place. Ahmad tea Ceylon Tea high mountain, grade FBOPF
  • 2nd place. Greenfield Golden Ceylon, variety bouquet
  • 3rd place. Riston Premium English Tea, premium
  • 4th place. Akbar Violet Alexandrite, grade OP
  • 5th place. Dilmah Ceylon, premium
  • 6th place. Maisky, the top grade is declared on the package. According to experts, tea corresponds to the 2nd grade. Teapots of lamellar structure, not twisted enough

Chai Ahmad - Leader of Test Purchase

The first place, according to consumers' estimates, belongs to the black leaf tea of ​​the Ahmad tea brand. This tea has the ability to form a transparent infusion of bright color, has a pleasant taste and clean aroma. The organoleptic characteristics of all samples were at their best, the content of harmful impurities was not revealed.

According to the estimates of green leaf tea lovers, the rating was compiled taking into account the smell, taste, color of the brewed infusion, as well as the appearance of tea leaves, the presence of impurities.

  • 1st place. Greenfield flying dragon
  • 2nd place. Tess style
  • 3rd place. Ahmad tea Green Tea
  • 4th place. Princess Java Traditional
  • 5th place. Lisma Toning
  • 6th place. Maitre Vert Mountain

Green leaf tea consumers preferred Greenfield Flying Dragon tea as it has a refreshing, pleasant, mild taste, transparent greenish color and delicate floral aroma.

Fragrant, tart, dark transparent amber color, black tea is able to gather the whole family at a round table. Fresh, soft, light jade green tea will perfectly quench your thirst on a summer day. Tea drinking traditions in Russia are strong, so the choice of the best tea, be it black or green, is always relevant. With a focus on quality features, labeling, packaging, this choice will be made correctly.

The best tea according to the "Test Purchase" - video

- the most familiar type of tea for Russians. The ability of black tea to retain its taste during long-term transportation and storage has made it the most popular type of tea among European consumers. Black tea possesses no less useful properties than. Due to the unique chemical composition, which includes more than 300 different elements, black tea helps prevent atherosclerosis, when consumed without sugar, protects teeth from caries, prolongs youth. Knowing the classification of black tea is your compass in the vast assortment of teas in the tea market.

Black tea on the Russian market.

Black tea is currently produced both in accordance with GOST 1938-90 and in accordance with the Technical Conditions developed by manufacturers.

In accordance with GOST, according to quality indicators, black tea is divided into the following varieties:

bouquet: tea leaf with tips - unblown buds: delicate delicate aroma, pleasant strongly tart taste, bright, transparent, intensely "above average" infusion;

top grade: delicate aroma, pleasant taste with astringency, bright, transparent "medium" infusion;

first grade: rather delicate aroma, pleasant taste with astringency, insufficiently bright, transparent "medium" infusion;

second grade: insufficiently pronounced aroma and astringency, transparent "lower middle" infusion;

third grade: weak aroma, weak taste, insufficiently transparent "weak" infusion.

Classification and labeling of black tea in the international market.

Taste and aroma properties of tea are best preserved when the tea leaves are packaged at the place of collection. To purchase a package of tea of ​​the required quality from foreign manufacturers, you need to know the basic terms of the classification of tea in the international market.

Tea terms

F (Flowery)- "flower" tea, which includes tips - half-opened tea buds that give the tea a special aroma.

P (Pekoe)- "pe-ko" - tea from tips and the first two young tea leaves.

O (Orange)- "orange" - tea made from young whole twisted leaves.

OP (Orange Pekoe)- "orange pe-ko" - tea corresponding to both the "pe-ko" and "orange" classes. OP labeled tea does not contain tips.

B (Broken)- "broken" - tea, consisting of crushed leaves.

OR- large leafy, whole leaf teas

BOP- medium leaf teas

S (sushong or sоuсhong)- "sushong" - tea made from poor quality old tea leaves.

CTC (Cut, tear & curl)- granulated tea.

D (Dust) and F (Fannings)- dust, elimination.

Tea abbreviations - indicators of the quality of black tea

Tea quality indicators are indicated at the beginning of the abbreviation - marking of whole leaf and medium leaf teas OP and BOP.

T (tippy)- "tippi" - tea, consisting mainly of tips - tea buds. Varieties marked in this way are exclusive and very expensive.

G (golden)- "Golden" - tea, which includes white-yellow tips; hence the name - "golden" tea.

S (special)- "special" - selected tea, which is exclusive in any way.

S (selected)- "selected" - selected tea from the top leaves, collected and sorted by hand.

F (fine), F (fancy)- "fine", "fancy" - tea with unique aroma and taste properties.

SF (super-fine or super-fancy)- "super-fine or super-fancy" - a unique, very aromatic and tasty tea.

Digits 1 and 2- indicators of the type of tea. Tea labeled 1 is of a higher grade than non-labeled tea. The numbers also indicate the size of the tea leaf.

High quality whole leaf tea

  • GFOP (Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • TGFOP1 (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe grade 1).
  • TGFOP2 (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe grade 2).
  • FTGFOP (Fancy (or Fine) Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • SFTGFOP (Super-Fine (Fancy) Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
Poor quality whole leaf tea- PS (Pekoe Sushong)

High quality medium leaf tea

  • BFOP (Broken Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BGFOP (Broken Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BTGFOP (Broken Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BFTGFOP (Broken Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
Low quality medium leaf tea- BPS (Broken Pekoe Sushong).

High quality small leaf tea- BFOP, BOPF or GOPF

Low quality small leaf tea

  • PD (Pekoe Dust), RD (Red Dust), SRD (Super Red Rust), GD (Golden Dust)
  • PF (Pekoe Fannings)
The presence of D (Dust), F or FNGS (Fannings) in the abbreviation indicates that this tea is of poor quality, despite the use of the G (Golden) and S (Super) symbols in the name.

The results of the examination of black tea on the Russian market.

St. Petersburg Public Organization of Consumers "Public Control" conducted an independent examination of eight samples black leaf tea popular with Russian consumers. Samples of tea were tested in the testing laboratory "Petersburg-Expertise" SPb State Institution "Center for quality control of goods (products), works and services."

Experts evaluated black leaf tea according to its organoleptic characteristics - taste, aroma, infusion color, appearance of the tea leaf. Tea was also checked for compliance with the physical and chemical parameters of the samples with regulatory documents.

The sample, which has deviations from the normative documents, was recognized as the black large-leaf Ceylon tea "MONARH", the highest grade, produced by Monarch Foods International Ltd., Sri Lanka. This sample was the only one made in accordance with GOST. Experts found an excess of the mass fraction of moisture 8.8% instead of "no more than 8%." However, the experts were satisfied with the organoleptic indicators - taste, aroma, type of tea leaf, bright, transparent, “average” infusion.

The remaining seven purchased samples were manufactured according to specifications developed by the manufacturers themselves.

Deserved an EXCELLENT rating

Ceylon black long leaf tea B.O.P.1 "AHMAD TEA", manufactured by Ahmad Tea Inc. Box 1193 46/10, Habam Mabata, Colombo 2, Sri Lanka. This sample is characterized by a bright, transparent infusion, pleasant taste and aroma without impurities.

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "TOT MOST", manufacturer LLC "Moscow Tea Company", Russia, Moscow. This sample is characterized by a bright, transparent "medium" infusion, pleasant taste and aroma without impurities.

Ceylon black long leaf tea "Greenfield Golden Ceylon", tm "GREENFIELD", variety bouquet, manufacturer "NEP" LLC, Russia, Flax. region, Vsevolozhsky district, pos. them. Sverdlov. The sample is characterized by a pleasant delicate aroma, tart taste, transparent, bright "medium" infusion, the tea leaf is mostly flat, twisted, without tips.

Deserved a GOOD rating

Long leaf black tea "Premium English Tea" Orange Pekoe, premium tm "RISTON", manufacturer "George Stuart" & Co.Ltd. Colombo -2, Sri Lanka.


Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "AKBAR" Purple Alexandrite ", manufacturer LLC "Yakovlevskaya tea-packing factory", Russia, Moscow region, Podolsk district, Yakovlevo. The experts were dissatisfied with the appearance of the tea leaf, which turned out to be not even enough, twisted, with the presence of a lamellar leaf. The infusion of this tea is transparent, "average".

Ceylon black tea large-leaf "DILMAH", manufacturer: JSC "Distribution company AVALON", Moscow region, Khimki. The experts were also dissatisfied with the appearance of the tea leaf, which was not even enough, the tea leaves were not twisted enough with the presence of a lamellar leaf. The tea infusion is bright, transparent, “average”. According to experts, this sample of black tea corresponds to the 2nd grade.

Large-leaf black tea "MAYSKY", the highest grade, produced by JSC "Company" May ", Russia, Moscow region., Fryazino. The experts were also dissatisfied with the appearance of the tea leaf, which turned out to be similar to the previous sample. The tea infusion is bright, transparent, “average”. According to experts, this sample of black tea corresponds to the 2nd grade.

These examinations relate exclusively to specific samples submitted for examination, and not to all similar products of these manufacturers.

The article was written using materials from the SPB PLO "Public Control".

Isabella Likhareva.

There is an opinion that you cannot buy good tea in a regular store. However, connoisseurs of the tea market are convinced of the opposite: you can find a high-quality drink on the shelves of the hypermarket. But how to choose it so as not to be disappointed later? Do you need special secret knowledge to buy really delicious tea? Svetlana Veremetsko, the winner of the third tea championship of Belarus in 2017 in the category "Mastery of making tea" and a practicing coffee trainer, helps us to figure this out today. Together with her, we walked through the hypermarket, examined the assortment and opened several packages we liked.

The higher the better

- You often hear the opinion that there is no good tea in hypermarkets,- says Svetlana. - And people are inventing some incredible schemes, trying to bring super tea from abroad. Or they are looking for specialty shops where the tea, in their opinion, is some kind of magical.

But the expert believes that loose "witch" tea is not much different from the packaged store.

- There are gourmets who prefer to use only exclusives like Da Hong Pao. But such amateurs are at most two percent of the total number of consumers. And mega-Gurman varieties cost very different money. The rest of the buyers just want a quality product at an affordable price.

In a good hypermarket, the eyes run up from abundance. How not to get lost in this sea of ​​tea and choose a quality product? Do not open every package. But the expert says that a lot can be learned by external signs.

- The quality of tea primarily depends on the height at which the bush itself grows. The best tea is alpine. Due to the specific conditions, its leaf grows slowly. And the smaller the leaf, the higher the concentration of nutrients in it, which means that the drink is, as a result, more saturated. In low mountains, tea grows faster, therefore it is of lower quality and, accordingly, cheaper, but the concentration of substances in such raw materials is low. But this is what the manufacturers of the budget product buy.

Size matters?

- We believe that the best tea is large-leaf tea. But I will tell you a terrible secret: they think so only in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. This has happened since the end of the 80s, when it was a large sheet that began to be imported into the USSR.

Another common stereotype is that tea bags are the worst tea. And the expert categorically disagrees with this. Such misconceptions arise from ignorance of the peculiarities of tea production.

- During drying and fermentation, the leaf inevitably crumbles into particles of different sizes. And before packing, it is divided into fractions so that the tea leaves in the pack are approximately the same: the speed of brewing depends on their size. A large sheet needs more time, a small one less. Tea "dust" in bags is brewed almost instantly. But the size does not affect the quality, because it is one and the same tea.

Tea bags from highlands can be more expensive and tastier than large-leaf tea made from plain "burdocks". And despite the prejudiced attitude of Belarusians towards the drink in bags, it accounts for 70% of sales in our market. Whatever one may say, but brewing it is much more convenient. For comparison, we buy two packs of tea bags of different brands. Both contain 25 sachets, but one costs 4.32 rubles, and the second only 1.73.

I wonder what is the difference between tea bags and pyramids?

- There was a very curious story with the pyramids. Manufacturers began to pack large-leaf tea in bags, but faced with distrust of consumers: they say, it is not known what was actually put there. Then they came up with transparent nylon pyramids so that the buyer can see the contents. The taste of this tea also depends solely on the raw materials.

The packaging of tea itself is also different. The same product is packed in cardboard boxes and in iron jars. What's the difference? What's better?

- It is more convenient to store tea in an iron can, and there it is better protected from moisture and foreign odors. And the difference in price arises from the cost of the tin itself. It is rather a gift option.

But how to determine the quality of the sheet itself? Is price an indicator?

- It is, but only when we buy plain black or green tea without additives. There is a relatively fair value for money here.

The taste depends not only on the raw materials: it is important to comply with the storage and transportation conditions. Now the bulk of the tea on the shelves of our stores is purchased in India and Ceylon, but is packaged in Russia. Is it good or bad?

- It all depends on the manufacturer. A reputable company that values ​​its reputation respects all conditions. The question is mostly economic: it is cheaper to pack in Russia.

But Svetlana herself prefers tea packaged directly in Ceylon. In her opinion, taste and aroma are better preserved in it. Indeed, in Sri Lanka, many factories work "on wheels": in the morning they buy tea at an auction, and by evening it is already in packs. And there is a lion with a sword on the product packaged on the island. Permission to use this mark is granted by the Sri Lanka Tea Board. By the way, there are only four brands with this emblem left on the Belarusian market.

The smell of the smell of strife

Note how many flavored and fruit teas are on sale. Some with very specific smells, like champagne or chocolate truffle.

- Flavors in tea have a right to exist: if the customer likes it, then why not? The main thing is that the manufacturer uses a high-quality leaf, and does not try to cover up the lack of smell and taste of the tea itself with additives. Therefore, when choosing flavored tea, be sure to read the composition: according to GOST, the components are listed in descending order of their quantity. And if the tea is followed by a flavoring agent on the list, and only then - apple pieces, then the drink will contain more chemistry than fruit.

We randomly take green tea with a mango aroma from the shelf: a vigorous smell hits the nose even through the packaging, for some time disabling the sense of smell. It seems that the manufacturer has relied more on chemistry than quality. A 100-gram pack of such a drink costs 4.59 rubles, which is not so little. For comparison: for that kind of money, you can buy non-pathos, but good tea, packaged in Ceylon.

- Chemistry gives out too fruity smell. Well, two pieces of dried strawberry cannot give a stunning aroma. Therefore, the natural smell is reinforced with flavors. This is partly done due to the peculiarities of consumer psychology. People believe that if the tea is fruity, then it should smell like fruit. The same goes for jasmine tea. The real drink is obtained by impregnating the tea leaf with natural jasmine oil. And very little flowers are added to it - for beauty.

What the autopsy showed

First, let's compare tea bags. The first difference: a more expensive product is placed in a bag. The cheap one lies right in the box.

In budget tea, the string is attached to the bag with an iron clip, which, according to the expert, is not good. "Why do we need extra iron in the cup?" But in more expensive tea, a string is tied with an eco-friendly knot: this is done by a special machine. But the paper clip is easier and cheaper to deliver.

Now we open the bags and examine their contents.

- Please note: more expensive tea looks darker and more uniform. These are signs of a quality product.

The cheap one looks like a brown mass with fibers caught in it and does not make an impression on the expert. And the difference in taste will be noticeable.

Left - cheap tea bag, right - more expensive

Now a product with a mango flavor is next. After opening the package, the smell instantly fills the entire room. The examiner goes through the contents, separating the tea from the petals and cubes, declared as pineapple pieces. The diagnosis is disappointing: the tea is of low quality. Tea leaves are noticeably different in color and size, and this should not be in a good product.

Tea leaves vary in color and size

The second fragrant "patient" does not smell through the pack, but after opening the truffle spirit is felt very clearly. We disassemble the contents: cocoa beans and pieces of coconut are added to the tea mass. The expert examines the leaf: a radical black color and increased fragility. Conclusion: the product is stale and initially of low quality. Recall that it cost 4.59 rubles.

For comparison, we pour Ceylon tea with a lion on paper at 4 rubles per 100 g. The picture is completely different: the leaves are the same size, and the color is black with a bluish tint. And it smells like tea, not flavoring.

On the left - black tea with "truffle", on the right - black Ceylon tea without additives

- Although the product is not the most expensive, it is still quite good.

What does the best black tea we bought in the store look like? We open a 100-gram package, which cost us 9 rubles. The color and smell are good, but what are the light streaks on the leaves? These are tips - leaf buds. The more there are, the better the tea is.

Expensive black tea with tips

We compare the appearance: at the top left - black flavored (4.69 rubles), on the right - Ceylon (3.82 rubles), below - Ceylon with tips (9 rubles)

- Let me reveal another terrible secret: pure black or green tea is not the most profitable product, because it leaves no marketing loopholes. But with flavored you can work "miracles". For example, cocoa beans and coconut chips do nothing but increase mass. And we pay not only for tea, but also for cheaper decorative additives. And such a “soup set” is more expensive than a non-pathetic, but “honest” Ceylon product.

Someone chooses cheap tea because quality is not so important to him. And there is a layer of buyers who are forced to put up with low quality for reasons of economy. But is this savings so big?

-At first glance, there is a difference: buy 100 g of tea for 3 rubles or for 9. But bad tea is consumed faster. You can check it yourself: measure by weight equal amounts of both teas and brew in equal amounts of water. And you will immediately see the difference: the cheap one has a paler color and a weaker taste. Therefore, the benefit can be very insignificant.

Let's sum up the results of our trip to the hypermarket:

  • price ratio - quality» most clearly seen in tea without additives;
  • tea bags can be either very good or very average in quality;
  • flavored tea should not smell like a perfume factory;
  • petals, pieces of fruit and other inclusions do not add flavor and aroma, but add weight to the package;
  • the tea leaf in the pack should be uniform in color and size;
  • the quality of tea does not depend on the size of the leaf in the pack, but on the growing conditions.

The Relax.by portal would like to thank the Korona hypermarket for a wide range of tea and assistance in taking pictures.

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Raw materials go through all stages of processing - withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and sorting - in order to end up with the best variety of black tea. This type of tea is the most difficult to manufacture, while making green tea requires only three phases - rolling, drying and sorting.

Types of tea

There are three types of high-quality black tea - leaf, granulated (the so-called STS-tea) and. The first two are known in the CIS, and the latter is used only in China. There is also a powder - packaged - tea. But it does not belong to the elite species.

Packaged and granulated teas, in comparison with the large-leaf type, differ in strength. They are in no way inferior to him in taste, but during processing they lose most of the aroma.

Quality black tea in dry form has a dark color. Mostly black or brown-black. If the tea leaves have an ebb, this indicates a low quality of the product. The gray color indicates the deterioration of the tea, for example, that the tea leaves are damp.

High-quality black tea has a characteristic pearlescent tint, called by professionals a spark. And the presence of white villi, called tips, is permissible only in tea with floral additives.

Indian varieties

The finest black tea produced in India is called Darjeeling Tea. Darjeeling gets its name from the province where it is grown. Refers to elite varieties. It is not too strong and does not differ in astringency, but its aroma has a characteristic floral-almond notes. To buy a real "Darjeeling", you need to take tea from the first or second harvest.

Indian "Assam Tea" has a richer tart flavor compared to Darjeeling. But its faint malt aroma is no match for the heady Darjeeling Tea. Assamese tea is often sold as a mix under the Irish Breakfast label, up to 80% original.

Nilgiri Tea is not considered elite. Has a rough taste and weak aroma. And “Sikkim Tea”, although of high quality, is not very popular in Russia.

Ceylon varieties

High-quality black tea from Ceylon came to the expanses of the former Soviet Union thanks to producers from England. Before that, the CIS had a wide selection of mediocre drinks made in Sri Lanka.

Today elite Ceylon tea is produced by Ahmad Tea and Twinings. The rest of the teas labeled "Orange Pekoe" are just a mixture of crops from ordinary plantations.

Chinese varieties

Green tea is preferred in China. And black, or as they are called at home, red varieties, are more common in the CIS countries.

The most famous Chinese black tea is Lapsang Souchong Tea. Lapsang sushong is fumigated with pine smoke during the drying process, which gives it a special aroma.

Keemun Tea is often found in a variety of English Breakfast mixes. Keemun is rarely sold in its pure form. It tastes more like Georgian black tea, which radically distinguishes it from Indian varieties.

We have compiled the 2018 tea top for you so that you can choose the most delicious drink.

The rating includes different brands and varieties of invigorating drink. Many people are guided by price when buying, but it turns out that even inexpensive tea can be good. Buy the drink from trusted vendors, such as good online tea stores. If you decide to buy in unverified places, a quality certificate will become a guarantee of a verified product. Which tea to buy is up to you, the main thing is to trust your taste.

A properly brewed drink can be of great benefit, but if you do not take into account the characteristics of this product, use poor tea leaves or water, you can harm your own body. Questions about whether it is possible to drink tea at night or, which is better - to insist in a thermos or to brew tea in the traditional way - do not accidentally arise among those who like to drink a delicious elixir of health and longevity.

One of the most popular varieties in the world is pu-erh. It has maximum fermentation, and long-term storage in the ground gives the variety a specific smell. Sometimes doctors prescribe it for headaches and other common conditions.

Pu-erh copes well with cholesterol in the blood, normalizes sugar, and it manages to tone it up stronger than Turkish coffee. But that is precisely why it is not recommended to drink too much. - drinking a teapot a day, after a frenzied explosion of energy, you risk completely losing your strength.

This tea is produced using two technologies: shen and shu. Shen - lighter, sometimes with sourness, it is worth starting your acquaintance with these varieties with it. But only true connoisseurs are shocked in the teeth - not everyone can withstand its tart taste, heavy smoky aroma. Whichever variety you want to try, you need to brew it for no more than three minutes, otherwise, instead of the best tea, you will get a bitter cloudy thick mass.

Sprinkle green tea leaves with 90 ° C water. The duration of the infusion depends on what flavor you want to get. You can drink it at night if you need a good sleep. Brew green tea for about 7 minutes.

A well-infused light drink will calm the nervous system, and if you add milk to a cup, you get a real soothing elixir. Quickly brewed loose leaf tea, on the contrary, will invigorate you, so it is better to drink it in the morning or during lunch.

Considering the shades of taste, green teas of world brands can be divided into several flavors: with a tart taste, refreshing, floral-spicy, delicate floral.

  • Greenfield Flying Dragon;
  • Ahmad Green Tea (in bags or loose);
  • any green teas of the Russian Tea Company (they sell only the best varieties by weight);
  • Princess Java Traditional (Best);
  • Tian Ren's classic green tea.

Since the processing of green leaves retains a greater amount of trace elements than when making black tea, green is considered more useful than other varieties. To raise immunity, fight viruses, bacteria of various types, only water and a leafy variety of green tea are needed.

Infusion of green varieties is a good help for cancer patients, because it is able to prevent the development of tumors, restore water balance, and also burns excess fat. Reviews of lovers of a healing drink highlight its delicate taste, unique aroma.

In which jars to store tea leaves? Tight cans with tin, wood or cardboard lids will do. The main thing is that foreign smells or moisture do not get into the dishes - the regal drink does not like this.

A handy bag containing a small tea leaf quickly won the hearts of hot drink lovers. The packaged product often helps out in emergency situations when you need to drink a large company at an off-site party or picnic. It is convenient to brew it, since the tea leaves will not fall into the cup, and you can also quickly and reliably get a drink of the desired concentration, but not wash the kettle.

The following countries are considered popular suppliers of raw materials for filling bags:

  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • China;
  • Sri Lanka.

Top best teabags 2018

In the list of the best brands of black tea bags, a well-known brand is confidently leading Greenfield... No wonder - such a huge tea collection can only be envied. It contains a standard lemon or bergamot, but the main part is made up of tastes that are almost never found in other manufacturers: barberry, vanilla, lingonberry, chocolate, linden ... It is difficult to pass by such a variety and not fall in love with a couple of bags of pleasure.

Deciding on the second place is also not difficult. - tea Richard, having absorbed all the best of English tea traditions, it quickly wins the hearts of connoisseurs. This line doesn't have a huge selection of flavors, but their traditional earl gray, mint and citrus fruits would surely suit even the royal family. And black tea without additives of this brand can be confidently called the best.

Long known to us Lipton also definitely should enter the top. Their best line is pyramids with combinations of different flavors: pear-chocolate, grape-raspberry, vanilla strudel, vanilla-caramel, blueberry muffin and many others. Among them, you will definitely find what you like.

The brand has Tess There are also interesting combinations of tastes: strawberry-banana, bergamot-vanilla, and for fans of extreme tastes, manufacturers have combined dragon fruit and ginger. They have a great gift collection of teas that you are not ashamed to present for any occasion.

Nice collection of tea bags Ahmad Tea. The true Englishness of the brand is in their bags of thyme, maple syrup and, of course, bergamot. The brand also has a very interesting website: not only about tea, but also about a lot of other British things.

According to experts, in order to choose the best tea bags, you need to look at:

  • composition (exclusively natural ingredients);
  • packaging (bags should be placed in transparent film or individually packed);
  • bag material (it is better that it is not paper);
  • the form of packaging (in the pyramid the tea is more aromatic);
  • method of fastening the thread (metal connections are unacceptable, as oxidation may begin).

This type of medicinal drink has become a lifesaver for many women who want to get in shape quickly. It is better to buy it only at the pharmacy. Many reviews confirm the benefits of this product.

When to drink the drink, how much and how to brew it, it is indicated in the instructions. It is important to adhere to these guidelines. When buying, you should focus on the price, as well as the name of the best teas for weight loss. The top slimming varieties include:

  • hibiscus;
  • ginger tea;
  • masala;
  • rose hip;
  • Rowan;
  • blackberry.

Green tea will also be an effective fat burner for men and women. It will help to easily free the body from unnecessary toxins and fats and will give you a beautiful figure.

Every fancier wants to have a tasty product in stock. Among the variety of brands, it is difficult to choose the best one on your own. It is worth focusing on the calibration of the sheet. After all, leaf tea can be both large and small - its price depends on this. A large-leaved drink will create a mild aroma, a transparent bright infusion and a slightly tart taste. Brew it correctly with boiling water, holding for 10 minutes.

When buying large leaf tea, you need to pay attention to the presence of markings on the packaging:

  • OP. These leaves will make the strongest rich drink;
  • the OP1 category gives a medium richness of black tea;
  • OPA - these are the top leaves of the tree, from which a light black infusion with a mild taste is obtained;
  • GP. Marking of green varieties. These leaves will make a dark infusion with a tart taste;
  • YH. Light green tea, light infusion.

The taste depends on which teapot is chosen for brewing an invigorating drink. Clay is best suited - it will reveal the entire bouquet of a large leaf. Chamomile infusion with herbs will work better in glassware, granular will feel better in porcelain round.

An indisputable fact - the brewed infusion invigorates, fills the body with useful microelements, improves the general condition, and gives a great mood. It is impossible not to love it, it can envelop in the atmosphere of the Indian Ocean or transfer it to the shores of Ceylon, mysterious China, exotic Indonesia, bribe with its tart bouquet and wrap it in a trail of aromas.

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