Home Useful properties of fruits Treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy. Laryngotracheitis during pregnancy treatment. Symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process

Treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy. Laryngotracheitis during pregnancy treatment. Symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process

In 95% of women, with the onset of pregnancy, the immune defense is weakened. With the suppression of the immune response to the development of the embryo in the womb of the expectant mother, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases. However, immunological changes in the body increase the risks of developing respiratory diseases, in particular laryngitis.

Treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy should be accompanied by the use of only safe drugs that do not affect the development of the fetus. And these funds, by the way, are not so much. According to statistics, approximately 63% of pregnant women with the development of ARVI develop inflammation of the larynx.

Due to the reduced resistance of the body, the infection progresses rapidly, affecting the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system. In the treatment of laryngitis, you can use only those drugs that are not able to be absorbed into the bloodstream, overcome the placental barrier and affect the natural process of fetal development.

Treatment features

During gestation, i.e. carrying a child, experts recommend minimizing the intake of medicines. Most of them contain components that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and provoke pathologies. With laryngitis, it is impossible to completely abandon drug treatment, since the infection can damage the health of the unborn child even more than drugs.

How to treat laryngitis during pregnancy? To reduce the likelihood of penetration of the drug components into the systemic circulation, it is advisable to use topical preparations in the treatment of inflammation in the larynx. For therapeutic purposes, antiviral, wound healing, antipyretic and antihistamines can be used.

  • observe bed rest;
  • refuse to use spicy and hot dishes;
  • consume enough alkaline drinks;
  • gargle regularly and inhale;
  • to minimize conversations that create a load on the voice apparatus.

Against the background of a decrease in immune defense, the infection progresses very quickly, which entails the development of more serious pathologies - laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, acute bronchitis.

Like many other respiratory diseases, laryngitis poses a potential threat not only to the expectant mother, but also to the baby. Pathogenic microorganisms secrete toxic substances that poison the woman's body.

Severe intoxication can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus, in particular the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Therefore, at the first symptoms of laryngitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the recommended course of drug therapy.

Antiviral agents

As a rule, laryngitis in pregnant women develops against the background of a cold or flu. To eliminate the infection in the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, only certain types of drugs can be used that do not lead to abnormal development of the fetus.

The safest remedies to help kill viruses in the larynx and other parts of the respiratory tract include:

  • "Oscillococcinum" - increases the immune defense and destroys most pathogens of viral diseases;
  • "Viferon" - stimulates the production of interferon, which increases the activity of protective cells in the body;
  • "Anaferon" - prevents the multiplication of viruses and relieves inflammation in the lesions.

The dosage and frequency of taking antiviral drugs depends on the duration of pregnancy and is determined only by the attending physician.

The above funds are available in the form of suppositories and tablets. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use medications in the form of rectal suppositories, since they do not irritate the gastric mucosa and practically do not cause side effects. Antiviral agents can be combined with other medications without fear of allergic reactions.


Inhalation is the fastest way to "deliver" drugs directly to the inflammatory foci. In order not to harm the fetus, but at the same time to stop inflammation in the larynx, it is better to use alkaline solutions as drugs. They normalize the pH level in mucous membranes and create unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of infectious agents.

For the procedure, aerosol and steam inhalations can be used. The safest are aerosol inhalations, which are performed with the help of nebulizers. To reduce inflammation and swelling of the larynx, you can use:

Do not inhale on a full stomach, as this can provoke nausea and vomiting.

Inhalation has a pronounced anti-edema, wound healing and antitussive effect. Therefore, physiotherapy procedures must be repeated at least 4-5 times a day for a week.


If laryngitis occurs as a complication of flu, SARS, colds or sore throats, it is best to use rinses to treat it. Irrigation of the larynx with drugs helps to increase local immunity, prevent the development of viruses and microbes, and, of course, speed up the healing process. Unlike systemic drugs, when washing the palatine tonsils and throat, drugs are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore they do not harm the development of the fetus.

During gestation, it is best to use the following drugs for flushing a sore throat:

  • "Miramistin" - disinfects mucous membranes and stimulates the regeneration of inflamed tissues;
  • "Chlorophyllipt" - destroys microbes and fungi, washes out pus from the foci of inflammation;
  • "Chlorhexidine" - restores the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and increases local immunity.

In order not to burn the mucous membrane, to irrigate the throat, you need to use solutions with a temperature of no higher than 37 ° C.

In addition to pharmaceutical antiseptics, rinsing can be done with herbal decoctions. Thyme, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, sage and St. John's wort have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Cough remedies

Laryngitis is always accompanied by a spasmodic cough, which can be worse during sleep and upon awakening. When coughing, the abdominal muscles are overstrained, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Dextromethorphan-based antitussives are recommended to control a nonproductive cough. It does not have a toxic effect, therefore it can be used by pregnant women in the treatment of laryngitis.

The safest and most effective antitussives include:

  • Tussin Plus;
  • "Akodin";
  • "Ferfex";
  • "Grippostad".

Important! Do not use drugs based on dextromethorphan in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Approximately 3-4 days after the defeat of the larynx, sputum begins to be produced in the respiratory tract. To speed up its elimination, you need to use expectorant drugs. During gestation, it is advisable to use herbal medicines. Their active components do not cross the placental barrier, so they do not harm the fetus:

  • Stodal;
  • "Bronchicum";
  • Bromhexine;
  • Solfin;
  • Libeksin;
  • "Gedelix";
  • "Herbion".

It should be noted that antitussives can only be used for 2-3 days. After the specified period, sputum begins to collect in the respiratory organs. If you continue to take medications that stop the cough reaction, this will subsequently lead to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and, as a result, their inflammation.

Throat sprays

Pregnant women should not use throat sprays that contain alcohol. They accelerate blood circulation and increase blood pressure, which can lead to a deterioration in a woman's well-being. The safest are herbal medicines. They gently affect the mucous membrane, accelerating the process of its recovery.

To eliminate foci of inflammation in the throat and larynx, you can use the following aerosols:

  • Stopangin;
  • "Hexoral spray";
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Derinat;
  • Miramistin.

Do not use drugs in the form of a spray for women suffering from bronchial asthma, as they can provoke bronchospasm.

The composition of drugs includes components that have a reparative (wound healing), anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. With their help, it is possible to eliminate pain and discomfort when swallowing. However, it should be borne in mind that you can use drugs for no more than 5-7 days. The active components of the funds tend to accumulate in the tissues. Overdose can cause allergic reactions - nausea, urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat.

Lozenges for lozenges

Lozenges are the safest drugs that can be used to treat laryngitis in pregnant women. Multi-component lozenges and lozenges contain disinfecting, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances. They must be used at least 4 times a day to relieve pain and eliminate swelling in the larynx.

While carrying a child, women can use the following types of lozenges:

  • "Doctor Mom";
  • Laripront;
  • Stopangin;
  • "Lizobakt".

To enhance the effect of the lozenges, it is recommended that you rinse your throat with saline before using them. It will help eliminate up to 70% of pathogens in mucous membranes and viscous sputum, which can prevent the absorption of active drug components into the affected tissues.

Antipyretic drugs

High temperature is a constant companion of acute laryngitis, which can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. In the first months of pregnancy, it is not recommended to use antipyretics (antipyretic drugs), as they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can harm the unborn baby. But ignoring hyperthermia is fraught with serious consequences, up to miscarriage and freezing of pregnancy. How to lower the temperature in this case?

To normalize the temperature, experts recommend using only "Paracetamol". Any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen and even Panadol can provoke unwanted side reactions. In addition to "Paracetamol", folk remedies are used to restore the temperature regime. Tea with lemon, milk with honey and lime decoction have a pronounced antipyretic effect.

How dangerous is laryngitis during pregnancy? This question worries future parents, and not in vain. It is worth having a general understanding of this disease.

Why laryngitis occurs, how to treat it and whether it is possible to prevent the appearance of this ailment - this will be discussed below.

Everyone knows the unpleasant feeling when a voice sits down. This is one of the signs of laryngitis - an upper respiratory tract disease. More precisely, this is an inflammatory process that occurs in the laryngeal mucosa.

It is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy.... During the carrying of a child, the body of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable. It undergoes major changes in all systems, including the immune system. During this period, a pregnant woman is especially susceptible to the effects of various infections. Is it necessary to treat laryngitis during pregnancy, or will this disease go away by itself, without leaving serious consequences?

Laryngitis during pregnancy cannot be left without treatment, since the disease can progress and lead to rather serious consequences.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Laryngitis in a pregnant woman usually develops due to hypothermia or as a result of various respiratory diseases. Very often, laryngitis is accompanied by measles, colds, whooping cough, scarlet fever.

If a woman breathes in very cold or very hot air, then this ailment will certainly appear. Less commonly, it manifests itself when there is too much overexertion of the vocal cords. Sometimes its occurrence is due to the fact that a pregnant woman, for some reason, inhaled dust in large quantities. Also, laryngitis can be in the event that any other allergens act on the pregnant woman's body..

What is the danger of laryngitis during pregnancy

Laryngitis in pregnant women can be acute or chronic. Chronic appears when an ailment in an acute form has not previously been treated to the end.

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • unpleasant sore throat;
  • a shrunken voice or its complete loss, since during laryngitis the vocal cords become inflamed and swollen;
  • trouble swallowing;
  • barking cough;
  • general serious condition;
  • shortness of breath up to choking;
  • high temperature;
  • nasal discharge is possible.

Mucosal edema appears quickly enough and is accompanied by increased mucus secretion. The flow of air into the lungs is disrupted, and the woman may suffocate. This is dangerous for both her and the unborn child. In addition, the infection can get into the fetus, provoking the development of pathologies in the unborn baby. This is especially scary in the early stages of pregnancy, when the main organs and systems of the child are being formed. In some severe cases, the child may even die. A disease that is left on its own in the last trimester is also extremely dangerous - it can provoke premature birth.

The doctor can determine this disease visually - usually the laryngeal edema is clearly visible... Sometimes doctors recommend doing laryngoscopy, a procedure that can more accurately determine the patient's diagnosis. In addition, a CBC will also show that the pregnant woman has inflammation.

If you take the necessary measures in time, then this disease will last no more than seven days.

We treat laryngitis

Pregnant women simply cannot use many medicines during this period. Treatment of the disease by any means should take place only under the supervision of a specialist.... Therefore, you do not need to self-medicate.

Only the attending physician, based on the general clinical picture of the disease and the test results, can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct drug treatment.

If a pregnant woman feels weak and severely unwell, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor home, and not go to the clinic. It is also necessary to strictly observe bed rest.

In no case is it possible to treat a pregnant woman on her own, and even more so to use any antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.

Specialists usually prescribe:

  • decongestants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • in severe cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal inhalations.

The appointment of hormonal drugs is done strictly individually and taking into account the patient's condition, based on the "benefit-harm" ratio. Hormones relieve inflammation and swelling very quickly, but in the case of pregnant women, this is used only in special cases. In some cases, treatment is necessary in a hospital under the direct supervision of a physician.

If the pregnant woman has a serious condition, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. In this state, no herbal preparations, either in solutions or in inhalation, can be given. You can get an even more negative reaction to the existing edema.

It must be remembered: it is important to alleviate the general condition of the woman in the position by removing the symptoms, but it is even more important to treat the original cause. On the recommendation of a doctor, some physiotherapy procedures can be performed.

Laryngitis during pregnancy requires that during this period a woman:

  • observed the voice mode;
  • no need to raise your voice;
  • you can't sing;
  • it is not worth talking about unnecessarily at this time.

The expectant mother needs to eat right - she needs to include fresh vegetables and fruits in her diet. Spicy foods that irritate the throat should be avoided. It should be soft so as not to injure the larynx. If there is no appetite, then there is no need to eat.

It is very important during illness to observe the drinking regime - during the day a woman should drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water. It is also recommended to introduce rosehip infusions, natural fruit juices, tea with lemon into the diet of a pregnant woman.

Do not take antipyretic drugs once again if the temperature is slightly increased.

Often the doctor prescribes topical preparations - sprays to relieve symptoms of the disease, as well as inhalation and gargling. These procedures can be carried out using eucalyptus, mint, pine cones. First, you need to remove the resulting mucus from the larynx - rinse your throat with a light solution of soda.

It is worth knowing that raspberries and viburnum berries cannot be used in treatment in any form - they can provoke premature birth. With traditional medicine, you also need to be very careful.

Alternative treatments

  • Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women can be carried out with the help of the simplest and safest remedy - soda gargle. To do this, you need to gargle your throat 4-5 times a day with a warm solution of soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
  • Herbal rinses also work well. In this case, use extracts of chamomile, sage, nettle. The only condition: a pregnant woman should not have an allergic reaction to them.
  • It is good to take this home remedy - honey with lemon juice. Honey is mixed with fruit juice in a 2: 1 ratio (two parts honey and one part lemon). You need to take 1 teaspoon every hour during the day. After two to three days of taking the drug, laryngitis recedes.
  • A decoction of marshmallow has a good decongestant and soothing effect. In addition, it also stimulates the immune system, which is extremely important for the expectant mother.

The use of a nebulizer will give the best inhalation effect, since the medicine will directly enter the right place.

The main task is to cure the disease in time and to the end, in order to prevent relapse in the future..

Laryngitis prevention

In order not to suffer from unpleasant symptoms, a pregnant woman should adhere to these general recommendations:

  1. Good hand hygiene is essential.
  2. It is worth taking care of strengthening your immunity. To do this, you need to change your diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins. It can be various vegetables and fruits, as well as a complex of vitamins specially selected by the doctor.
  3. You should try to avoid those places where a large number of people accumulate. This is especially important during epidemics of infectious diseases. If, nevertheless, a woman is forced to visit such places, then she needs to use a gauze bandage.
  4. It is necessary to protect the throat from inhaling too cold or too hot air. The mucous membranes should be sufficiently moistened, then the phlegm will flow better and in greater quantities, and the swelling will decrease. Therefore, it is so important to humidify the air in the room. Ventilate and clean the area regularly.
  5. It is necessary to limit the stay of a pregnant woman in places with a large accumulation of dust or other allergens as much as possible.
  6. In the room where the pregnant woman is constantly located, you need to remove all household items that can collect allergens (carpets, curtains made of heavy materials, blankets, etc.).
  7. You need to wear clothes according to the weather outside so as not to overheat or hypothermia. The throat must be protected by covering it with a scarf.
  8. You need to try to breathe mainly through your nose.
  9. Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

If a pregnant woman is sick, then she should have warm clothes, but at the same time there is clean cool (not cold!) Air in the room. You need to limit yourself in food. This means that you do not need to eat when you do not feel like it. Drying of the mucous membranes should not be allowed. To do this, regularly rinse the throat and irrigate the nasal cavity.

Of course, it will not work to protect a pregnant woman from all possible respiratory diseases. But you need to try to avoid them as much as possible.

The best treatment for a disease is prevention. Laryngitis during pregnancy can be easily cured and will not leave any consequences if the pregnant woman adheres to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Laryngitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the larynx. During pregnancy, laryngitis most often occurs against the background of influenza and other acute viral diseases. How does this pathology manifest in expectant mothers?

The reasons for the development of laryngitis

In most cases, laryngitis occurs as a result of infection of a person with pathogenic bacteria. These can be influenza viruses, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, pneumococci and other microorganisms that can cause respiratory tract diseases. Measles, scarlet fever and other infections are more common in children and hardly occur during pregnancy.

The source of infection with laryngitis is a sick person. Expectant mothers should be especially careful in the autumn-winter period and avoid visiting crowded places. In stores, in the post office and in the clinic, a pregnant woman is waiting for dangerous viruses that can cause the development of laryngitis. Anyone who coughs and sneezes can infect a woman and lead to serious problems during this crucial period.

Factors provoking the appearance of laryngitis:

  • decrease in the body's defenses (including during pregnancy);
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged stay in a dusty room;
  • cold drinks;
  • overstrain of the vocal cords (loud screaming, singing);
  • smoking.

Separately, it should be said about allergic laryngitis - a special form of the disease. This pathology can be provoked by various chemicals that have got on the laryngeal mucosa. Also, allergic laryngitis occurs when eating chocolate, citrus fruits and other similar products. Most often, a similar disease occurs in women who are prone to the formation of an allergic reaction.

Laryngitis symptoms

Inflammation of the larynx has a number of features that distinguish it from other diseases of the respiratory tract:

  • hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice up to its complete disappearance;
  • sore throat and scratching;
  • painful sensations when swallowing;
  • dry, excruciating barking cough;
  • difficulty breathing.

Local manifestations of laryngitis are combined with a slight rise in body temperature. The fever usually lasts no more than three days and the body temperature does not exceed 38 ° C. The disease is accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness and fatigue. In the early stages of pregnancy, laryngitis can lead to increased nausea and other manifestations of toxicosis.

Laryngitis often occurs against the background of pharyngitis and rhinitis. Inflammation of the pharynx leads to redness of the mucous membrane and the appearance of painful sensations in the tonsils. Rhinitis is manifested by profuse nasal discharge and sneezing. Some pregnant women have conjunctivitis, accompanied by pain in the eyes and lacrimation.

In most cases, laryngitis proceeds well, and after 5-7 days the expectant mother notes a significant improvement. The voice is restored, the temperature drops, appetite appears. Complications against the background of laryngitis are rare.

What is the threat of laryngitis for a pregnant woman?

With an untimely visit to a doctor, the inflammatory process passes to the tracheal mucosa. Tracheitis develops, accompanied by a dry, excruciating cough and pain in the chest area. Further, infectious agents penetrate the bronchi, reaching the most distant branches. The cough turns from dry to wet, profuse purulent sputum appears. At this stage, the treatment of a pregnant woman should be carried out only in a hospital.

Pneumonia as a complication of laryngitis is rare. As a rule, pneumonia occurs in women with severely reduced immunity, as well as with the development of antibiotic resistance. Pneumonia is characterized by high body temperature, chills, severe cough with a lot of phlegm. If left untreated, pneumonia in pregnant women can end very sadly.

The course of pregnancy with laryngitis

In most cases, inflammation of the larynx does not have a pronounced effect on the condition of the fetus. Laryngitis can be dangerous only in the early stages, when there is a high risk of infection of the embryo. Inflammation of the larynx, transferred at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, can cause spontaneous miscarriage. Often, a woman at such a short time does not even know about her pregnancy, and only heavy and painful menstruation speaks of malfunctions in the body.

Laryngitis that occurs at 4-12 weeks can lead to infection of the fetus and the formation of multiple defects. At this time, all important organs and tissues of the embryo are laid, and the slightest impact during this period provokes various diseases. At the same time, no specialist can say for sure whether a child will become infected. You can find out the condition of the fetus and the presence of malformations using ultrasound at 12 and 22 weeks.

Diagnosis of laryngitis

No special tricks are required to determine the disease. It is enough for the doctor to examine the patient's throat to make a diagnosis. The edematous mucous membrane of the larynx, redness and the appearance of red dots (foci of hemorrhage) on it clearly speaks of the development of pharyngitis. Often, the inflammatory process covers the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils, which will also be seen during examination.

With a prolonged course of laryngitis, the doctor may suggest that the woman take blood and urine tests. These simple tests allow you to assess the activity of the inflammatory process and decide on further treatment. If there is a suspicion of fetal pathology, it is imperative that an ultrasound scan and CTG are performed (after 34 weeks).

Laryngitis treatment

Laryngitis in the overwhelming majority of cases is a viral disease, therefore antibiotic therapy is not prescribed. The use of antibiotics can be justified with a long course of the disease, as well as with the transition of the inflammatory process to the trachea and bronchi. In this case, drugs approved for use during pregnancy (cephalosporins, macrolides, or some representatives of penicillins) are prescribed.

Of great importance in the treatment of laryngitis is throat irrigation with antiseptic drugs... In the early stages, Miramistin and Tantum Verde were approved for use. These drugs do not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, which means that they can be safely used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the early stages, instead of the usual chemicals, it is recommended to use herbal preparations... Chamomile, calendula, sage - all these products can be purchased at any pharmacy. Herbs are brewed with boiling water, infused for half an hour, after which they can be used throughout the day. Gargle with herbal infusions every 4 hours. The prepared herbal decoction should be stored in a thermos or diluted with hot water before use.

In the second half of pregnancy, "Hexoral" and some other antiseptic sprays are added to the treatment. The drug is sprayed with a dispenser, which allows the drug to penetrate the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx. The effect of treatment usually occurs on the first day. The course of therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Laryngitis in expectant mothers is often accompanied by a dry, painful cough. To facilitate the discharge of phlegm mucalitic preparations are prescribed. In the first trimester, Mukaltin and Stodal are approved for use. After 14 weeks, you can use "Bromhexin", "Gedelix" and other drugs that do not affect the condition of the fetus. Consult a physician before using any expectorant.

Air humidification is of particular importance in the treatment of laryngitis. The easier it is to breathe indoors, the faster the recovery of a pregnant woman. Dry and hot air worsens the condition of the expectant mother, provoking new bouts of coughing. Conversely, frequent ventilation and humidification of the room facilitate the discharge of sputum and promote the early recovery of the laryngeal mucosa.

Help speed up your recovery warm drink, as well as taking vitamins. Berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes, tea with honey and lemon - all these drinks reduce intoxication and help to increase the body's defenses. The main thing is that the drinks are not too hot and do not burn the already damaged mucous membrane of the larynx.

Throughout the course of the illness, a pregnant woman is recommended speak as little as possible... At the same time, you should know that a conversation in a whisper is no less harmful. Any tension of the vocal cords with laryngitis makes it difficult for them to recover and lengthens the recovery time. An expectant mother suffering from inflammation of the larynx should be silent as much as possible throughout the treatment.

Childbirth with laryngitis

In most cases, the birth of a child with laryngitis occurs naturally. Caesarean section can be performed with severe intoxication, as well as with the transition of inflammation to the trachea and bronchi. A woman in labor can breastfeed her baby by wearing a protective disposable mask. The mask should be changed every 4 hours.

Prevention of laryngitis consists in following simple rules. Pregnant women should avoid drinking cold drinks, overworking their vocal cords, and visiting crowded places. Compliance with these recommendations will avoid the development of the disease and all the complications of laryngitis during pregnancy.

Infections that were received by a child at the stage of intrauterine development make a rather significant contribution to the statistics of disability, abnormal development and mortality of children. In particular, laryngitis during pregnancy often becomes the cause of the development of severe pathologies and defects in a child. The disease is provoked by pathogenic viruses that enter the body by the transplacental route.

The fact is that the risk of developing infectious diseases in women in the first few weeks of gestation increases significantly. This is due to a decrease in the body's resistance to the negative effects of opportunistic microbes and viruses. Decreased immunity is a natural process that prevents embryo rejection in early pregnancy. It is for this reason that the body of the expectant mother is the most vulnerable to infectious lesions. In addition, hormonal changes are catalysts for pathological changes in a woman's condition, which can lead to the development of respiratory diseases and, accordingly, complications.

Critical periods

According to the results of numerous studies, the body's immune defense decreases sharply with the onset of pregnancy. Although this process is natural, a decrease in reactivity greatly increases the risk of developing respiratory diseases. Why it happens?

The woman's body, the unformed placenta and the embryo release special substances into the bloodstream that suppress the immune response. Due to this, the body “does not notice” the presence of foreign tissues in the body, i.e. fetus, therefore, rejection and miscarriage in the early stages of gestation does not occur. However, complex immunological changes also entail negative consequences.

Decreased reactivity exposes the body to infection with pathogenic viruses, fungi, protozoa and microbes. That is why, throughout pregnancy, women quite often get sick with ARVI, flu, laryngitis, etc. Doctors identify several critical periods in which the body is most susceptible to infection:

  • 6-8 weeks of pregnancy - the body adapts to hormonal changes and changes in the immunological status; therefore, many expectant mothers develop colds during this period;
  • 20-28 weeks of pregnancy - due to the active formation of the fetus, the reserve forces of the body of the expectant mother are depleted; many women are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia and hypovitaminosis, which only increase the risk of developing respiratory disease.

Laryngitis during pregnancy develops in about 10% of expectant mothers against the background of other diseases. Very often, the common cold or flu precedes the inflammation of the larynx. If inflammation and manifestations of the disease are not stopped in time, this can subsequently lead to abnormal development of the fetus.

Causative agents of intrauterine infections

Laryngitis is called damage to the vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa by pathogenic microbes or viruses. It is viruses that pose the greatest danger to the fetus, since they rather easily overcome the placental barrier and penetrate into the body of the unborn child. As a rule, laryngitis in pregnant women is triggered by the influenza virus, adenoviruses or rhinoviruses.

It should be understood that laryngitis in 97% of cases develops against the background of influenza and ARVI. At first glance, it may seem that diseases are harmless, but it is they that provoke complications. Due to a decrease in the body's immune defenses, the cold rather quickly flows into laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis, etc. These diseases pose a threat not only to the woman, but also to the fetus.

Important! Viral infections in early gestation can cause abnormal development of the central nervous system in an unborn child.

Possible complications

Why is laryngitis dangerous during pregnancy? It should be noted that even viral infections do not always cause formidable complications and negative consequences for the intrauterine development of the fetus. The difficulty lies in the fact that a limited number of drugs can be used to treat pregnant women, since most of them have a toxic effect. That is why it is not always possible to stop the infection in time.

Signs of laryngitis in the expectant mother and probable complications for the fetus are largely determined by the gestation period:

Delayed complications are uncommon in newborns after undergoing laryngitis during pregnancy. As a rule, they appear 6-7 days after birth:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • constant regurgitation;
  • tearfulness;
  • restlessness.

With an untimely examination and the appointment of an appropriate course of treatment, symptoms of respiratory failure may appear.

According to practical observations, congenital infection most often develops in two scenarios: sluggish and acute. Acute infections lead to the development of shock and sepsis. As a rule, the symptoms of a child's ill health appear almost immediately after birth. Kids are inactive, eat poorly and sleep all the time. However, in most cases, diseases that were obtained during intrauterine development are asymptomatic. Children who are sick from birth often suffer from hearing impairments, mental retardation, etc.

Consequences for the fetus

At what stage of pregnancy does laryngitis pose the greatest threat to the unborn child?

Laryngitis in pregnancy is a risk factor at any stage of pregnancy.

The most formidable consequences of the development of respiratory disease in an expectant mother include:

The greatest danger is not the infection itself, but the symptoms of intoxication. It is the poisoning of the body with the products of the vital activity of viruses and bacteria that leads to the abnormal development of the fetus. Therefore, the disease should never be ignored. Fortunately, laryngitis in pregnant women proceeds with obvious clinical manifestations, so the disease can be diagnosed on time.

With the timely completion of the course of treatment, inflammation in the larynx and other parts of the ENT organs can be stopped within a week.

Laryngitis due to influenza

In most cases, laryngitis in expectant mothers develops against the background of influenza. According to experts, the development of the fetus is negatively affected not only by the influenza virus itself, but by the expressed intoxication of the body. Moreover, severe tissue edema disrupts the uteroplacental blood circulation, which can subsequently lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and, accordingly, the development of pathologies.

Untimely treatment of influenza conditions leads to hemorrhages in the ovum, and this in some cases entails spontaneous miscarriage in the 1st trimester or premature birth in late pregnancy. According to statistics from the world literature, pregnant women are more susceptible to developing influenza than other people. Therefore, during periods of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, expectant mothers are not recommended to visit public places, in which the risk of infection with the influenza virus increases 3-4 times.

Effects of cough and high fever

Can a cough with laryngitis harm an unborn child? A spastic cough overstrains the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall. This can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and, as a result, premature birth. In addition, prolonged attacks lead to respiratory failure and oxygen deficiency in the body, which leads to temporary fetal hypoxia.

According to experts, the cough itself is not as harmful to the fetus as the mother's worries about this.

During times of stress, excess cortisol is produced in the body. This hormone easily crosses the placental barrier and is absorbed into the tissues of the unborn child. It is he who most often becomes the cause of abnormalities in the development of the fetus in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Due to inflammation of the larynx with laryngitis, the temperature rises slightly, usually up to 37-38 ° C. But even such minor changes in temperature can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the baby. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the formation of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems takes place. Fever can lead to impaired protein synthesis in the body, leading to abnormal development of the fetus. The most common fetal malformations are abnormalities in the palate, upper lip and lower jaw.

In order to prevent the development of defects in the unborn baby, any respiratory diseases must be stopped in the bud. If you have a cough, nasal congestion, or fever, seek medical attention. Timely elimination of pathological symptoms and pathogenic flora will help prevent abnormalities in the development of the child.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many changes, many of which weaken the immune system. Increasing the load on all vital systems increases the risk of developing various diseases. Most of all, during this period, a woman is susceptible to colds.

Inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa occurs as a result of other colds and adverse factors. How dangerous is laryngitis during pregnancy for a baby, how to treat it and prevent negative consequences?


The disease-causing process is most often caused by a viral infection. This form of the disease is the greatest danger to the baby. The infection spreads quickly throughout the body. If the disease is left untreated, the virus easily crosses the placenta into the baby's body.

This can cause birth defects, and even cause fetal death.

Other factors contribute to the development of the pathological condition:

  1. prolonged exposure to the cold;
  2. burns and trauma to the throat;
  3. dustiness of the room;
  4. allergy;
  5. overstrain of the vocal cords;
  6. chronic ailments of the nasopharyngeal cavity;
  7. intensive inhalation of dry air.

Chronic laryngitis during pregnancy appears as a consequence of frequently recurring acute forms of the disease. If the disease is left unattended, there is a risk of developing irreversible processes for the fetus.


The main symptom of a sore larynx is the appearance of a weak, wheezing and rattling voice. In rare cases, it disappears completely. It is accompanied by a sore throat that does not subside for several days and discomfort of the upper respiratory tract when swallowing.

Symptoms begin to appear on awakening in the morning. After sleep, a woman notes changes in her voice, and they are followed by the following symptoms:

  1. dry cough, phlegm;
  2. increasing tickling, lump in the throat, dry mouth;
  3. visible hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa;
  4. slight rise in temperature.

A woman should not treat laryngitis on her own. Careful diagnosis and therapy is required. Untreated laryngitis during pregnancy causes pneumonia, or develops into a severe form of flu.

Consequences of laryngitis during pregnancy

With viral laryngitis, the infection can cross the placenta to a small organism and infect it. This form is one of the most dangerous. The consequences are very dire - up to the death of a child in the womb or miscarriage.

A woman can get sick with viral laryngitis after the influenza virus enters the body. There is a high probability of infection from carriers of whooping cough and scarlet fever.

At a later date, laryngitis provokes premature labor and can increase birth bleeding. It is important to prescribe treatment in a timely manner and to engage in the prevention of such diseases.

Laryngitis treatment

Laryngitis during pregnancy is treated at home, but doctors recommend visiting the clinic every 4 days. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences for the baby. In some cases, a hospital stay is necessary. Monitoring the development of the fetus will allow you to adjust therapy depending on the condition of the woman.

Laryngitis should be treated sparingly. The volume of warm drinks increases - juices, linden tea, rosehip broth. To alleviate the condition of a woman, you need to thoroughly clean and air the room every day. The voice mode is also observed - a pregnant woman should not sing or raise her voice. Talk should be as little as possible.

Bed rest and a balanced diet will speed up your recovery. Antipyretic drugs can be taken only with high thermometer readings.


Medical treatment of laryngitis during pregnancy is divided into symptomatic, restorative and main - aimed at eliminating the causes. All drugs can be divided into several groups.

Groups of drugsNameApplication featuresCost, rub.
Accelerating the immune responseGrippferon
It is used at any stage of pregnancy. Treatment is prescribed at the first sign of the disease.
Suppositories are prescribed from the 12th week of pregnancy. Introduced in the morning and evening.
drops - 245
spray - 360
gel - 161
ointment - 169
candles - from 245
AntibioticsStrictly prohibitedApplied during pregnancy in exceptional situations, when the benefits of taking significantly outweigh the harm.-
InhalationWith sodium chloride solutionThey are carried out in a medical institution using special equipment - a nebulizer.-
SpraysTartum VerdeInject every 3 hours for 5 days.Bottle 30 ml - 297
The tablet must be absorbed for a certain time - 15 minutes. You cannot eat for 2 hours after the procedure.
Allergic reactions are possible - you need to carefully study the composition.
Pack of 10 pcs - 135
packing - from 295

These drugs should not be taken uncontrollably. They are prescribed by a doctor and have contraindications.

Additional funds

An inhaler with pine buds, eucalyptus, chamomile will help get rid of a cough. A decoction of sage root should be used to treat the area of ​​inflammation. It also has a decongestant and immunocorrective effect.

Sputum discharge is provoked by drugs with licorice root and sinupret. Sprays should be selected individually, in conjunction with a doctor. In the later stages, the use of raspberries and viburnum is undesirable. They stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus and worsen blood clotting.

Important! When choosing a cough suppressant, it is taken into account that ethyl morphine and codeine are prohibited during pregnancy.


  • minimize physical activity;
  • spend more time in bed;
  • consume a lot of warm liquid;
  • follow the doctor's recommendations, regularly take prescribed medications.

Early initiation of therapy provides a minimum cure time of 5 to 10 days. The presence of complications is a serious reason to treat the expectant mother in a hospital.

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