Home Useful properties of fruits Crafts from straws from juice for children. Christmas tree made of cocktail tubes. Master class with a photo. Master class: Flower arrangement "Asters". Cocktail straws work wonders

Crafts from straws from juice for children. Christmas tree made of cocktail tubes. Master class with a photo. Master class: Flower arrangement "Asters". Cocktail straws work wonders

Naturally, straws for different cocktails are very popular for their intended purpose, but few people know that they can be used to create completely different crafts. These cheap devices can carry several useful functions, the main thing is just to know how to use them. In this article, we will consider the most popular options for their use in everyday life.

Stubble paints

It is quite possible that in childhood you inflated paints on a paper sheet, but if you did not have such entertainment, then now it is not too late to try to do it. Especially with children, this event will bring you a lot of joyful emotions. Do not use gouache, as it is too dense in structure, it is better to opt for watercolors, this paint is excellently diluted with water. You should add a few drops of water to your watercolor paint on a piece of paper, and then gently inflate it with cocktail straws. This way, you will have very interesting ornaments. You can apply one paint first, then the next, or you can combine colors at the same time.

Let's help flowers with a straw

Some plants are famous for their unreliable stems, which after a short period of time begin to bend. You can use the straws not only to support the flowers, but also to lengthen them, because often the plants are slightly shorter than the vase you have. For this tube craft, you should purchase tubules that are larger than the stem of the plant. It is better to use green products for the purpose.

Designation of cables with different tubes

So that you do not turn off the cable that you need, we recommend using different tubes. If you have such products of the same color, then you can mark which cable for what, using a marker or felt-tip pen. You should cut the tube lengthwise and then crosswise a couple of pieces. One of them will serve as an excellent reminder to you.

Decorating the bike with colorful tubes

Make your bike unique. To do this, decorate its knitting needles with products of different colors. As in the previous case, the tubes must be cut across, and only then cut into small pieces. Then everything is elementary simple - put them on the spokes of the wheels.

Vacuum packaging

Products are stored in a vacuum bag much longer; a cocktail tube will help you make it yourself. To create such a thing, you need to purchase a bag with a special lock. All the necessary products are put into a bag, then air is blown out of it with a tube, and the package is instantly closed.

Jewelry holder

Your chains and bracelets are constantly tangled, so why bother yourself with untangling them? Create DIY cocktail tube crafts and you can always get the decoration you need. It is enough to pass the bracelet through the tube and fix it. For various decorations, you can use tubes of different sizes.

Siphon crafts

Want to show your little ones what a siphon is used for? So just connect two or more tubes. A siphon is a device through which water flows upward without a special pump.

Storage locations for condiments

Any straw is a potential storage location for condiments. To create them, you need to take an iron, baking paper and straws. The tube is cut into pieces, you choose their sizes yourself, but you need them to be at least 6 cm in order to use crafts from cocktail tubes much easier. The baking paper is folded in half, covering the ends of the tubes, it is passed over it with an iron, and it sticks to the future crafts. Just make sure that the iron does not touch the tubes themselves. This way you close one end, you can similarly close the other end.

Let's enlarge the funnel

A funnel in your home is a great tool, but there are times when the hole in the bottles is too small that even funnels won't help you. To solve this problem, you need to insert a tube into it, which will enlarge the thing and allow it to be used.

DIY toothpick

Is there something stuck in your teeth? Don't you have a toothpick? Then you can safely make a simple craft from a cocktail tube. To do this, you just need to be extremely careful to press down on the end of the tube, and clean the place between the teeth with it. This tube is used twice. You can use it to rinse your mouth. Just pay attention to the fact that it is undesirable to use such tubes for a long time, because they adversely affect the condition of your tooth enamel. The same can be said for real toothpicks.

Note! By connecting 2 straws, you can create a unique bag lock. For example, you opened a package with flour, it did not work to close it naturally, so why not use straws?

From this article, you can see that a huge amount of crafts from cocktail tubes can be made. You just need to turn on your imagination, think about the things that you need at home, and then try to do it yourself.

Since the New Year 2019 will soon be knocking at our door, it is necessary to somehow prove oneself as a master of needlework, who knows his business and knows how to create shine and beauty from ordinary inconspicuous grayness in everything that concerns the decor of a house or apartment. If you have never plunged into this area, then we will certainly help you by offering our article, in which you will see 6 photos of ideas for creative crafts from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2019 made with your own hands. This is an excellent storehouse of opportunities, giving you a huge chance to unleash talents hitherto unknown. Together with your child, you can get carried away with the work of creating decorations, New Year's gifts for family and friends and other little things. Seal your friendship with mutual help and pleasant friendly conversation, which previously did not have much time and energy. If you suddenly have any difficulties in the course of action, our step-by-step master classes will come to your rescue.

Frame for a picture made of tubes

To make even a simple New Year's drawing look great, you need to make a beautiful frame for it with your own hands. If you use colored cocktail tubes for this, then the picture will look even better. A simple master class of crafts created for the New Year 2019 is quite accessible to both children and adults.

This will require:

  • Tubules;
  • Cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.


  1. Cut a rectangle of the desired size from a sheet of cardboard. It is through him that the picture will be visible.
  2. The fields of this product must be pasted over with them in different colors. Their unnecessary parts are cut off.
  3. After that, it is necessary to glue the back of the frame to this part. Both a drawing and a family photo are perfect for such a product. Here is a cool DIY craft made from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2019.

Beads as a gift

A simple craft instruction made from cocktail tubes will allow you to create wonderful beads for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, which can be presented as a gift to children. To do this, you can decorate them using any fittings.

This will require:

  • Tubules;
  • Beads;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.


  1. The tubes must be cut into equal parts.
  2. Then such details should be put on the thread, alternating with beads. The jewelry will look beautiful if you have one and two beads. But in any case, you can fantasize, creating your own combinations. The resulting beads are perfect as a handmade gift from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2019. Every girl who goes to kindergarten or school in grade 4 will be grateful to such a chic and uncomplicated craft.

Snowflake made of tubes

For children, creating such a craft will be very interesting. For this activity, it is advisable to take multi-colored cocktail tubes. The result is a self-made snowflake for New Year 2019 as a decoration for a Christmas tree or windows. In general, such an interesting little thing can be hung anywhere in the room, at your discretion.

This will require:

  • Tubules;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Ribbon.


  1. Draw on cardboard and then cut out a snowflake.
  2. They should be glued to its surface, while cutting off unnecessary parts.
  3. On the reverse side, you need to do the same. If you attach a satin ribbon to the craft from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, then it can become the main decoration of the Christmas tree.

Flower vase made of straws

For the New Year 2019, you can make a wonderful vase for artificial flowers from cocktail tubes with your own hands. Such a craft will look even more beautiful if you choose the appropriate decor for it.

This will require:

  • Tubules;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Paints;
  • Tapes;
  • Fabric flowers;
  • Beads;
  • Scissors.


  1. The tubes must be glued together in the form of a vase. To keep it tighter, you need to use cardboard.
  2. The top of the vase can be cut out in some unusual way, making a very effective decoration.
  3. It is desirable to treat its surface with acrylic paints. When the handmade craft for the New Year 2019 dries up, you need to glue the decor on it as you wish. The attached ready-made flowers and ribbons will look beautiful, and it is better that they harmonize in color with the base of the product. It's so simple and easy to create with your own hand the most beautiful and useful products for the home from ordinary cocktail tubes.

Video: DIY vase making master class

Gift box

Before the New Year 2019, you can organize a creative activity for the kindergarten so that the kids try to make a wonderful craft in the form of a gift box from cocktail tubes with their own hands. The finished colorful product is perfect for decorating a room, as well as for wrapping gifts for any occasion.

This will require:

  • Tubules;
  • Box;
  • Glue;
  • Fabric flowers;
  • Scissors.


  1. You need to take a box of the right size. Then its entire surface should be pasted over with cocktail tubes of different colors, pressing them tightly against each other.
  2. Unnecessary parts should be trimmed to make the craft neat and aesthetic.
  3. When the product is dry, you need to attach fabric flowers to it with glue, which you can make with your own hands from satin ribbons or some variegated paper, for example, corrugated. The result is a beautiful gift box created for the New Year 2019 in a short time. This surprise option is perfect for those people who are constantly busy with work.

Flowers "Dahlias" from cocktail tubes

If you want to present a gift to your mother or grandmother for the New Year 2019, and there is not enough money to buy a worthwhile present, then you can use our wonderful idea, which your women will surely like. These are, of course, flowers, but they are not so ordinary, but let's say a little magical, since they are made of cocktail tubes with our own hands. This craft, when you do it yourself with the help of our master class, will seem simply irresistible to you, as in the photo.

For work you will need:

  • cocktail tubes;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • ready-made artificial flower leaves;
  • frame.

Work process:

  1. Before starting our work, you need to create with your own hands the elements of a flower petal from cocktail tubes. For this we need scissors. With them we will obliquely cut small pieces of material. They will act as a component of our dahlias.
  2. When everything is ready, we take a small cardboard circle and, having smeared it with glue, we attach the first row of plastic petals. They should be placed in the district, repeating the shape of the circle.
  3. After the first row of the flower is fixed a little, we need to proceed to the second. We also grease the surface of the previously attached tubes - petals with glue and put on top of them the following of any color you like.
  4. At this rate, we create the third and fourth row, abundantly saturating them with glue. So our first flower is ready, the number of which should be equal, in our case, three.
  5. After making dahlias, we need to arrange them beautifully on a cardboard base, which we arrange in advance to our liking.
  6. As in the photo, we attach three flowers using the same glue, we supplement the existing craft with ready-made artificial leaves or something else. We crown this skill with a shiny lacquer frame and that's it. You are ready to delight everyone in the New Year 2019.

If you want to make a pleasant New Year's surprise for your girlfriends from this material, then watch our video. With it, you will learn how to create five of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry on your own.

Master class: DIY cocktail tube decorations


Do-it-yourself ordinary crafts from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2019 allow you to make a bright decor for your home. They are used to make gorgeous snowflakes, various kinds of applications and other interesting gizmos that will undoubtedly delight and warm the soul of every person who loves the art of needlework. It is advisable to use any master class with children, since such things will give them a lot of pleasure. Even if you come up with your own idea for creating a decoration, it will still look original.

Whatever creative people come up with! Crafts from toilet paper, topiary from threads, panels from branches ... Such products can be enumerated indefinitely. Creative people know that handicraft materials are all around us. Today we invite you to a master class on creating crafts from cocktail tubes with your own hands.

Money ship financial sailing

Recently, many people are trying to spend their leisure time in some creative way. Creativity is a great idea. On a cold winter evening, when a blizzard is howling outside the window, you can more comfortably sit in an armchair and make crafts from juice tubes. This material is sold in any store. You can buy a whole package at once; such an acquisition will not hit your pocket. Moreover, the end always justifies the means.

Novice needlewomen are interested in what can be made from cocktail tubes. There is no unambiguous answer to this question, since every creative person has his own extraordinary and original ideas. We invite you to make an unusual boat, which will become an excellent designer interior decoration or a full-fledged gift for a friend.

Necessary materials:

  • rolls for cocktails with a bend;
  • twine thread;
  • coins;
  • decorative paper bills;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • glue gun or heavy duty glue;
  • wooden skewers.

  • To begin with, we will prepare all the tools and materials necessary for needlework.

  • We take the tubes and bend them a little. We need this in order to model the stern of the ship.

  • We wrap each tube tightly with twine thread. We fix the twine with glue.

  • As soon as we wrap the seven tubes with twine, we begin to glue them together, laying them on top of each other along.

  • So we got one part of the ship.

  • By analogy, we make the second side of the ship, only we bend the tubes at a different angle.
  • Now we need to attach a tube to one part of the ship and measure the height of the side.
  • We cut off the tube of the required length and also decorate it with twine thread.
  • We glue two sides together at an angle. We decorate the bow of the ship with a transverse tube.

  • We apply the made part of the ship to the cardboard.
  • We outline a part of the ship along the contour and cut out a blank from cardboard. This will be the bottom.

  • We have one more part of the ship left open.
  • We measure the distance between the sides with a ruler.
  • Cut seven tubes to the desired length.
  • We decorate them with twine and fix them with glue.
  • Glue the tailgate to the main body of the ship. Here's a blank we get.

  • Let's go back to the cardboard bottom of the ship.
  • The inner part will not be visible, but the outer part must be pasted over with twine thread.

  • Let's cut out another bottom blank from cardboard.

  • We collect the ship. We glue the bottom inside and out.
  • Now let's start modeling the mast.
  • Take a tube, cut off the bending edge.
  • Let's measure four points that are equally distant from each other.
  • We pierce the tube in the designated places with skewers.
  • Then we cut off the long pieces, leaving the same wooden lintels.

  • Now the mast must also be wrapped with twine thread.

  • It remains to attach the mast by pulling the twine thread symmetrically from opposite sides of the ship.
  • We make sails from decorative banknotes, and decorate the sides with coins.

We do needlework with our child

If your child gravitates towards creativity and every now and then shows his imagination, try to make crafts with him from cocktail tubes for children. There are many options, but you always need to start with the simplest. Let's decorate a glass or mug.

Necessary materials:

  • multi-colored cocktail tubes;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • ruler;
  • plastic cup or mug;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  • We will decorate a plastic glass, so first we measure it on 7 cm tubes and cut it off. We will make the required number of blanks.

  • We glue the surface of the glass with double-sided adhesive tape.
  • We remove the protective film and begin to glue the cocktail tubes parallel to each other.

  • Just a few minutes and your original mug is ready. It can be used as a holder for pencils and pens.

Original decoration for a little princess

You can make a baby necklace from cocktail tubes. Your young princess will surely appreciate it.

Necessary materials:

  • fishing line or strong thread;
  • scissors;
  • cocktail tubes;
  • beads.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

  • Cut a piece of fishing line to the desired length.
  • Cut the tubes into pieces 5-6 mm long.
  • First, string one bead on the fishing line, which will hold our tubes.

  • Alternating colors, in any order, we begin to string the pieces of tubes on the fishing line.
  • We repeat these steps until we get a necklace of the desired length.
  • We will tie the fishing line to a knot or attach a special fastener.
  • Or you can divide the beads into two parts and make bright bracelets.

Anastasia Samitina

In the city competition "New Year Christmas trees 2017» we decided to present two work: one collective and the other made of non-traditional material: cocktail tubes.

For we need Christmas trees:

Cocktail tubes of different colors but the green ones have the advantage.

Cocktail sticks to form a tree trunk.

Tree trunk skewers.

A jar for giving the look of a pots.

Cotton pad and woolen thread, as well as a heat gun with glue.


1. Cut cocktail sticks at an angle of 120 degrees at a distance of 4-5 cm of different colors, but emphasize the advantage in green.

2. Prepare a cone from white or green cardboard, securing it with tape.

3. Fasten the sliced tubules, tighter to each other.

4. Insert skewers into whole cocktail rolls and from above we connect them with a woolen thread, which we thread into the top of the cone.

5. Fill the top of the connected skewers with glue.

6. Put any weighting agent in the jar (in our case, these were rings from a small wooden pyramid).

7. Paste the jar cocktail sticks.

8. Insert the tree into the rings of the pyramid, located in the jar so that they sit tightly.

9. The work is ready.

As a result of the competition, we received diplomas of the participants.

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Very often, parents think about what is interesting and new to captivate the child, so that the classes are useful for the kids. An excellent option would be crafts from juice tubes.

Flower vase

Such a product can be presented as a souvenir to a mother, grandmother or aunt. They will be pleased to receive gifts in the form of crafts made from juice tubes, which the baby himself made with his own hands. The child will like such a task, especially since it is not difficult to make a vase, and the result will be bright and beautiful.

To make such crafts from juice tubes, in addition to the usual set of materials and tools, you will need plasticine, stationery rubber bands, a disposable plate and a postcard. Various bows, ribbons, etc. are useful for decoration.

For stability, all the tubes are cut in half and fastened with clerical rubber bands. The structure is glued to a disposable plate or postcard. Next, the vase needs to be decorated with satin ribbons and a bow.

Now we should proceed to making a flower. To do this, all the tubes from the juice must be cut into pieces of 2-3 cm. The entire flower will consist of individual inflorescences. They are made from small pieces of tubes, one of the sides of which is cut into small fringes. Ready inflorescences are inserted into each other and attached to a plasticine ball. The more inflorescences you get, the more magnificent the flower will be. When it is completely ready, you need to combine the entire structure, and the craft is ready.

Crafts for the New Year: Christmas tree toys from tubes

Children are always looking forward to the New Year's holidays, and to make the preparations even more interesting and fun, you can make a Christmas tree toy yourself.

For work, you will need cocktail tubes, scissors, thread and a needle. First of all, the tubes are cut into 8 pieces of 5 cm and 4 pieces of 4 cm. You need to connect four pieces of 4 cm each with a needle and thread. The part is fixed with a knot, but the thread is not cut.

Two vertices of the triangle are connected at the top, the other two at the bottom. A loop for hanging is fixed on one of the resulting tops, and a bead or a bell on the other.

And although New Year's crafts made from tubes look much simpler than purchased decorations, a toy made by the hands of a child will take pride of place on the Christmas tree.

Photo frame

This craft in the form of a photo frame made of juice tubes looks bright, while it is very practical. The frame will perfectly fit into the design of the children's room, and no special materials are needed to make it, everything you need is at hand.

Crafts from juice tubes in the form of a photo frame are made quickly and easily. The first step is to prepare a cardboard base that will match the dimensions of the photo. Next, you should measure the length of the corners of the frame and cut out the corresponding segments from the tubes. They are glued on the sides. After that, you need to cut out many of the same segments from multi-colored tubes and glue them to the cardboard base with glue or double-sided tape.

Attach a photo to the back side, and the frame is ready. If desired, you can additionally attach a piece of cardboard so that the frame stands confidently on a horizontal surface.

Crafts from baby juice tubes: geometric figures for educational games

Thanks to such structures, with the child in a playful way, you can study entertaining geometry. Simple and original crafts will help you have an interesting time and easily explain to your kid what geometric shapes are.

Try making a pyramid first. To do this, it is necessary to fold the short part of the tube along, it is inserted into the long part. Thus, a triangle is obtained. Identical figures are fastened together with adhesive tape and combined into a pyramid. In a similar way, you can add a wide variety of figures: pentagons, squares, etc.

Crafts made from juice tubes for children will be a great occasion for entertaining games and will help the child remember new geometric shapes.


Girls of all ages love jewelry. Younger babies can be offered to make crafts from juice tubes in the form of decorations. They are perfect for summer vacations, especially if you are going to go to the sea. The little fashionista will look like a mermaid.

It is very easy to make such jewelry. The juice tubes are cut into segments of different sizes. They need to be strung on a thick thread, but it is better to use a fishing line. Details alternate in color, they can be diluted with various beads. In a similar way, they create bracelets, necklaces that will delight a young fashionista.

Original crafts

Plastic straws from cocktails provide ample opportunities for the manufacture of various shapes of lampshades and lamp shades. It can take several hundred tubes to create a stylish and original lamp. They are simply bent in half and threaded through the holes in the fabric.

Small bedside lamps can be simply pasted over with small multi-colored pieces of cocktail tubes. All kinds of coasters, candlesticks and other items are decorated in the same way. The lampshade can be decorated much easier: just glue it with straws.

In order to end up with a truly original little thing, you need to experiment with the size and placement of the tubes. They can be cut at one of the ends to end up with unusual volumetric decor items.

To create a craft from juice tubes in the form of a stand, you just need to take a tin can and also glue it with tubes, alternating parts of different colors and sizes. This will make a great organizer for pens, pencils or a cute vase.

It is not worth dwelling on this, there are various crafts for the New Year. You can make an original New Year's wreath on the door from the juice tubes. You just need to make a round cardboard base, glue it with tubes of different sizes and decorate the craft with a bow. This way you can make smaller snowflakes.


Every year, multiple fast food chains dispense more than 50 million cocktail tubes along with drinks. And these are just statistics from the USA. A large number of plastic tubes end up in landfills. However, they do not have to be thrown away. After all, crafts made from juice tubes will help diversify your leisure time and will captivate your child. Such bright little things will be able to decorate not only a children's room, but also a Christmas tree. The child will be delighted with such activities aimed at his development.

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