Home Trees and shrubs Jewish men of Magda Goebbels. Goebbels' "The Jew" Speech Origin: Jewish

Jewish men of Magda Goebbels. Goebbels' "The Jew" Speech Origin: Jewish

There are events in history that are not customary to talk about, or are deliberately kept silent about, and only minor and logically unrelated events emerge to the surface. One of these moments in history is the events of the Second World War, or rather an episode of history about why Switzerland maintained neutrality during the war. Modern literature mentions this only in passing. But why? The country in which world finances are concentrated, stored in banks, the country that should have attracted Adolf Hitler like a tasty and desirable piece of the pie, has been left out? Meanwhile, Hitler captured all of Europe, did not pay any attention to Switzerland, and moved further to the East? Was the “Non-Aggression Pact” signed between the USSR and Germany and this did not stop Hitler at all? Where are the answers, why do we know so little about this?

As news agencies and newspapers reported in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is Jewish according to his passport. This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from the Second World War. The passport was kept in the archives of a special British intelligence unit that led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first released on February 8, 2002 in London. On the cover of the passport there is a stamp certifying that Hitler is a Jew. The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine. [Many try to present the passport as a fake.] Origin - Jewish. On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was long considered illegitimate. Maria never discussed this topic with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the Rothschild house. “Hitler is Jewish on his mother’s side. Goering, Goebbels are Jews." [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

A. Hitler was a Jew. No one has ever refuted; instead, another tactic has been chosen - hushing up the available indisputable evidence of the Jewish origin of Adolf Hitler. Alois Schicklgruber, from whose seed this tyrant was born, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, whose last name he bore. Already among her ancestors there were several Jews. Hitler's biographer, Konrad Hayden, in 1936 pointed out among them Johann Solomon, as well as several Jews named Hitler who lived in the very area, in the wilderness from which she came.

After Hitler annexed Austria, on his orders, Jewish cemeteries with the tombstones of his ancestors, archival records and other indications of his Jewish origin were methodically and carefully destroyed.

Maria Anna became pregnant while she was a servant in the house of Solomon Mayer Rothschild. The aging Solomon Mayer was obsessed with young, inexperienced "mädchen", and did not miss a single skirt that was within reach. Maria Anna married Johann Georg Hiedler, a Czech Jew. The Hiedler family can be traced back to the 15th century. These were once wealthy Jews who owned silver mines. Later, Alois changed his maternal surname to the Jewish surname Hiedler or Hitler - in this spelling - a widespread Jewish surname in Austria. German researchers Maser, Kardel and others cite the words of Hitler himself and numerous evidence that Alois was the son of the Jew Frankenberger, who for many years paid Maria Schicklgruber for the maintenance of his son. Perhaps Frankenberger is a front person through whom the money came from Rothschild. In any case, this is very important evidence that everything connected with Hitler will definitely lead to “another, and another” Jew.

Adolf Hitler was born and raised in a Jewish family, in a Jewish environment, dressed like a Jew, looked like a Jew, moved among Jews, was friends with Jews and was supported by them at first, and received his political education (by his own admission) by studying , observing and criticizing the tactics of the Zionist Jews. Masses of Jews voted for Hitler, and he was initially supported from abroad by Jewish circles and the British aristocracy close to them.

Throughout the war, the Rothschilds remained the owners of Hitler's newspapers!

And the Rothschild-Rockefeller chemical giant Faben was the backbone of Hitler’s economy, which was based on the capital of the largest Jewish and German-Jewish financiers (Krupps, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds - among them), as well as the military-political power of Nazi Germany.

In his brilliant study, Henneke Kardel writes about scores of Austrian Jews (such as Hitler himself) who gather in small circles over beer, wearing Nazi swastika medals and discussing their war crimes committed in the ranks of the Wehrmacht.

There is no doubt that many of them are holders of Israeli citizenship. Kardel emphasizes that Nazi criminals of Jewish origin not only were not punished, but also continued to commit crimes non-stop: already in the ranks of the Israeli army. He refers to the book of the German author of Jewish origin, Dietrich Bronder, (Dietrich Bronder, “Before Hitler Came”), which makes a conclusion comparable to the well-known fact about 99 percent of Jews in the first Soviet government and about the overwhelming Jewish majority in the Cheka and in the institute commissioners.

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler was a Jew or a half-breed Jew. And Reich Minister Rudolf Hess. And Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, all three of whose wives were “purebred” Jews. And the federal chairman of the Nazi party, Gregor Strasser. Head of the SS Reinhard Heydrich, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler, Reich Minister von Ribbentrop, von Ködel, Jordan and Wilhelm Hube, Erich von dem Bach-Zelinsky, Adolf Eichmann. This list goes on and on.

Let us only emphasize that all of the above were related to the project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine and to the extermination of European Jews.

Hitler's Jewish bankers and his Jewish supporters before 1933: Ritter von Strauss, von Stein, General Field Marshal and Secretary of State Milch, Deputy Secretary of State Gauss, Philipp von Lenhard, Abram Esau, professor and chief of the Nazi Party press organ, Hitler's friend Haushofer, who later he will become an adviser to the American President Roosevelt, the clans of the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Rockefellers, etc. This list can also be continued.

The main role in the creation of Nazi Zionist Israel and in the extermination of the Jews of Europe was played by three individuals: Hitler himself, half Jewish, Heydrich, a “three-quarters” Jew, and Adolf Eichmann, “one hundred percent Jewish.”

It is a well-known fact that the American President Roosevelt and the English Prime Minister of Nazi times Churchill were half-Jews. They knew about Hitler's Jewish origins.

Leading Jewish bankers, industrialists, politicians, members of secret societies, and Jewish oligarchs in Germany, England and America also knew.

Prominent Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and members of other sects, such as the Bush clan, groups and societies, knew about Hitler's Jewish origins.

Their support for Hitler reads like elementary Jewish solidarity. Leading activists of the anti-Zionist movement and talented historians argue that the state of Israel, formed under the ideological leadership of Nazi Germany and according to the plans of Hitler-Himmler-Goebbels-Eichmann, is the only heir in the world to the Third Reich.

The first full-scale experiment to breed a “superman”, a “synthetic “pure Aryan race”, was carried out not on Germans, but on German Jews. This, by no means a laboratory experiment, was carried out by the fascist leadership with the full assistance and cooperation of the Zionist elite. Together with the Gestapo, the Zionists, represented by the Sokhnut (Jewish Agency), selected single and mostly young German Jews. With a standard set of “Aryan characteristics”. And in a roundabout way those selected were sent to Palestine, with arms in hand, to fight for a new order and the creation of a new man.

One of the conditions was the renunciation of the “past”, “bourgeois-philistine” morality and the ability to show, where necessary, cruelty, ruthlessness and adherence to principles. There was an official name for this entire operation - “Operation Transfer” - and the future Jewish state was to be called “Palestine”. The Nazi leadership established a special organization in charge of transporting those who had undergone selection - the “Palestine Bureau”; it transported the most devoted Jews to Palestine, ready to die for fascist ideals. To coordinate political and ideological plans and military actions against Britain, the Zionist leaders regularly maintained contacts with the leadership of Nazi Germany (visiting the Fatherland). Joint German-Zionist actions were coordinated by such prominent figures of the Third Reich as Himmler, Eichmann, Admiral Canaris, and Hitler himself. True, Himmler later reconsidered his attitude towards the Zionist project.

The ideological connection with the fundamental “values” of Nazi Germany, with its atmosphere and style, has been preserved in Israel to this day. It is no coincidence that Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”, published in 1992 in Hebrew under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, became a reference book for Hebrew-speaking youth...

Thousands of Jewish collaborators who collaborated with the Gestapo, employees of the Jewish Nazi gendarmerie "Judenraten", members of the autonomous Jewish fascist authorities - have almost never been brought to justice in Israel.

Israel is a country where tens of thousands of young neo-Nazis communicate, exchange experiences, read Hitler and believe in neo-Nazi ideas. New immigrants from Europe are often told “go to your gas chambers” in their faces.

In their famous “10 Questions for Zionists,” some Orthodox Jews accused the Zionist leadership of fascism and direct responsibility for the deaths of millions of Jews. They cite irrefutable facts of the deliberate disruption by the Zionists (in particular, the Jewish Agency) of negotiations on the “evacuation” (deportation) of European Jews initiated by the German Nazis (Gestapo). The deliberate disruption of a specific plan for the evacuation (rescue) of European Jews was carried out by the Zionists in 1941-42 and in 1944.

On February 18, 1943, the head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Commission, Greenbaum, in a speech addressed to the Zionist Executive Council, stated: “If I were asked whether I could, on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, allocate money for the rescue of Jews, then I would answer no again and again!”

He could not resist making such a statement, repeating the words of Weizmann - “One cow in Palestine is more valuable than all the Jews of Poland!”

And this is not surprising, since the main idea behind the Zionist support for the murder of innocent Jews was to instill such horror in the survivors that they would believe that the only safe place for them was in Israel. How else could the Zionists convince the Jews to leave the beautiful European cities in which they lived and settle in the desert!

Around 1942, the Nazi leadership decided that it had already sent all the Jews “suitable for Palestine” from Germany. From that moment on, it was ready, within the framework of certain “barter deals,” to release a certain number of Jews, but only on the condition that they would not go to Palestine.

Who did Hitler see in the Zionists?

Meetings between the Zionist elite and the leadership of Nazi Germany had as their main goal the coordination of joint actions against Great Britain and the development of military-economic cooperation. At a low level, there were hundreds or even thousands of such contacts. All Jewish organizations, except Zionist ones, were banned on the territory of the Third Reich. As for the attitude towards the Zionists, the Nazi leadership issued a well-known directive calling on local authorities and various levels of the imperial bureaucratic structures to assist them in every possible way. In his long-term program of limiting power, and in the prospect of its abolition, the church, as well as in his other plans, Hitler saw the Zionists as faithful allies. Particularly close relations developed between the Zionist organizations and the Gestapo.

Gestapo vehicles featured a double-headed eagle on one side and Zionist symbols on the other.

The fascist authorities maintained extensive contacts with ordinary members of Zionist organizations throughout Germany. They continued regularly throughout the second half of the 1930s and the first half of the 40s in the form of scheduled meetings, mainly trips of Zionist delegations to Berlin. Formally, to divert attention, these meetings were called “negotiations.” We know only about those delegates who “lit up” in one way or another, while the majority remained forever in the shadows. Chaim Weizmann's trips to Italy to meet with Mussolini (1933-34) “do not count”: although the latter was the founder of fascism, he had no direct relation to Nazism. Even the small fraction that we know immediately rejects all assumptions (Michael Dorfman) about the “irregularity” and “disposability” of Zionist-Nazi contacts.

Trips of Yair Stern, the founder of LEHI, to Berlin to meet with Hitler's leadership (presumably 1940 and 1942).

Several meetings of LEHI operative Naftali Levenchuk with German agents, and in particular with Ambassador von Pappen in Istanbul in 1942.

Adolf Eichmann's trip to Palestine (where he was born) for negotiations with Zionist leaders: 1941-1942. He is believed to have met with Yitzhak Shamir, Yair Stern, Naftali Levenchuk and other prominent members of the Zionist right wing.

Trip of the head of the SS Jewish Department, von Mildenstein, to Palestine, where he met with leading Zionist leaders (1933–34).

Trips of Chaim Orlozorov (head of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency) to Rome (meeting with Mussolini) and Berlin: 1933 and 1932.

Several meetings between Chaim Weizmann and Mussolini (1933–34) and with Adolf Eichmann (1940s).

Constant and long-term relationship between Chaim Weizmann and von Ribbentrop.

Meeting in Berlin of one of the leaders of the Haganah, Feifel Polkes, with Adolf Eichmann: in February 1937.

Contacts of LEHI leader Yitzhak Shamir with A. Eichmann, Hitler and Himmler: 1940 and 1941. His unsuccessful trip to such negotiations: the British arrested him in Beirut: 1942.

Negotiations between J. Brand on behalf of Jewry and the leaders of Germany: 1944. Negotiations between Rudolf Kastner on behalf of Jewry and the leaders of Germany: 1944.

One professional historian expressed this opinion: “Feifel Polkes, and Chaim Weizmann, and Yitzhak Shamir, and other leaders and prominent figures of the world Zionist movement, and even the little-known J. Brand, were all Nazi Germany’s own agents, and not the other side, like you imagine."

Created in Palestine in 1942 under the leadership of Yair (Stern), the Jewish terrorist organization LEHI (Lohamei Herut Israel - Israel Freedom Fighters) turned to the Nazis with a proposal to assist the German army in expelling the British from Palestine.

Rothschild in Germany was very rich and had a wonderful collection of Persian carpets. One day the Nazis came to him and confiscated everything from him. Then Rothschild wrote a letter to Hitler, where he demanded the return of his wealth, and also demanded to be released to Switzerland. Hitler responded to Rothschild with a letter, apologized, returned all the wealth, but left “Rothschild” Persian carpets for Eva Braun, and in return gave money from the state treasury to purchase equally valuable ones. The SS then deliver it to the Jew Rothschild, a banker. And then, when Rothschild said that these Nazis who march through the streets spoil his nerves, he ordered a special train and ordered Himler to accompany Rothschild, loaded to the top with his wealth, gold, to the Swiss border.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party from the Swiss bankers of the poor and those who refused to serve the global cabal, among whom there were no Jews. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were studied in schools in Germany between 1934 and 1945. Faith - a zealous Christian Adolf Hitler is a zealous Christian. The attack on the Soviet Union received the support and approval of the Vatican. “Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism.” [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.] Purge of the Jewish nation - entrusted to Hitler Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves indicated to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the global kahal. While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel. In the concentration camps, the SS men were helped by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Hitler regime. PR campaign "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler. The Ervays took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people. And, although this is a lie, Hitler’s merit in the formation of such a large-scale “Flag” is indisputable. For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law was passed establishing punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust. The work of resettling Jews in other countries was entrusted to Hitler.

The well-known version of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun suits the official historians of fascism, democracy and communism - all who receive scientific grants, scholarships and salaries and serve the “highest interests” of nations and peoples. Having shot himself with a pistol, Hitler became a mythological hero of neo-Nazism, isotherism and mysticism. However, until 1948, Joseph Stalin was very skeptical about the operational materials of the NKVD, more trusting the information of military intelligence officers.

From their information it followed that on May 1, 1945, in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division, a group of German tanks broke through from Berlin, leaving at high speed to the northwest, where on May 2 they were destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish army about 15 kilometers away from Berlin.

In the center of the tank group, powerful "ferrets" and "Mainbachs" were seen, having left the tank formation on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The examination of the remains of E. Brown and A. Hitler, found next to the Reich Chancellery, was carried out extremely sloppily, but even on the basis of its materials, specialists from the special services revealed a picture of obvious fraud. Thus, gold bridges were inserted into Eva Braun’s oral cavity, which were actually made to her order, but were never installed on the future wife of the Fuhrer. The same story happened with the mouth of “Adolf Hitler”. Nazi double No. 1 was literally stuffed into his mouth with newly made teeth according to the designs of Hitler’s personal dentist, Blaschke.

Everything in Germany is openly discussed, and every German has the right to have his own opinion on any issue. You can be a Catholic, a Protestant, an employee, an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing wrong with taking one side or another of an issue. Discussions take place in public, and unclear or confusing issues are resolved through arguments and counterarguments. But there is a problem that is not publicly discussed and which should even be mentioned with caution: the Jewish question. This is a taboo in our republic.

There is no way to protect yourself from a Jew. He attacks at the speed of light from the safety of cover and uses all his abilities to suppress any attempt to resist.

These principles give the anti-Jewish movement a chance to succeed. Only such a movement will the Jews take seriously, only such a movement will they be afraid of.

Thus, the fact that a Jew shouts and complains about this kind of movement is a sure sign that it is right. Therefore, we are delighted that the Jewish newspapers constantly attack us. They can scream about terror. We answer them with Mussolini’s famous phrase: “Terror? Never!" This is public hygiene. We want to get rid of these subjects in the same way that a doctor gets rid of bacteria.


In this pamphlet, Goebbels ridicules the vice-president of the Berlin police, Bernhard Isidor Weiss, the worst enemy of the National Socialist Party, focusing on his Jewish origin.

My name is Hase ["Hase" in German means "hare" and also "ignoramus" - approx. lane]. I live in the forest and don’t know anything about anything. I don't interfere anywhere. I am, so to speak, politically neutral. If necessary, I can believe in anything, although facts are best. Facts are just wonderful! I am of the opinion that the far right and the far left should be banned. Of course, there is no talk about the center. As I said, this is my opinion. I'm realist. It is convenient, practically safe and allows you to earn a piece of bread.

But let's imagine that I no longer live in the forest, but, say, in China. By the will of fate I ended up in this country. Let's imagine this. Well, that would be extremely unpleasant. In China, as you know, everyone is Chinese, even the emperor. I would be conspicuous to everyone. My name is Hase and I look German. Anyone would recognize me immediately. Even the children would shout after me on the street: “Hey, Khaze!”

But I would know what to do. I would grow a long braid and stop looking like a German. I would change the glorious surname Schmidt to Wu-Kyu-Chu. That's exactly what I would do. And if someone continued to call me Haze, I would be very angry with him.

Well, let's imagine that I live in Shanghai, and my father still lives in the forest. I wouldn't tell anyone anything about the forest. Against! I would act as if we had lived in Shanghai for generations, no matter if anyone doubted it. Next, suppose that the police chief of Shanghai dies in an accident. And all the Chinese will start chanting: “Woo-Kyu-Chu must become our leader!”

After this, I will somehow become the police chief of Shanghai City. It's good to be a police chief. You can do whatever you want. Of course, if the others don't mind. But they won't mind. If they were stupid enough to shout: “Woo-Q-Chu should lead us!”, then they should be happy with me. And if someone is unhappy, I will take action. And there will always be those who are dissatisfied. Therefore I will decree:

“It is forbidden to be dissatisfied!”

And I will rule. I know it's not as easy as it seems. So, some will come and say: “What does this Wu-Kyu-Chu want? He's not even one of our people. Wu-Kyu-Chu is actually called Haze, and he used to live in the forest. He got here by cunning. We have lived here on Chinese soil for thousands of years. Our great-grandfathers made this land habitable and defended it with their lives. At that time, Wu-Kyu-Chu still lived in the forest, but now he acts as if he had always lived here. Down with him! China for the Chinese!

This, of course, would be extremely unpleasant for me. After all, if you cut off my pigtail, then even a child will understand that these people are right. But this won't happen. After all, I am the chief of police, which means people should respect me. Therefore, I will issue another decree:

“Those who call me Haze are inciting class struggle. I forbid you to do this.
Violators will be punished in the strictest manner."

And then I will finally find peace. I will rest in my office, surrounded by glory. Chinese coolies will fan me, I will receive overseas guests and attend expensive banquets. My braid will become longer and longer, and soon I myself will forget that my name was once Haze. The dissatisfied will die out, and peace and harmony will reign in the world.

Only then will life become truly beautiful and worthy.

I am the pilot showing the way. But everyone, like me, also doesn’t have to know anything in order to firmly and unshakably believe in it.

But, as I said, this is just a guess.

The Chinese are not so stupid as to believe that my name is Wu-Kyu-Chu and make me chief of police.

Such fools simply do not exist.

It's just a fairy tale.

I'm not Chinese and I don't live in Shanghai. And my name is not Wu-Kyu-Chu, but Khaze.

I live in the forest and I don’t know anything.

Germans, buy only from Jews!

This essay was published on the eve of the Christmas shopping season. In it, Goebbels ironically advises all Germans to buy only from Jews. The title of the article is a parody of the famous Nazi slogan “Germans, don’t buy from Jews!”

Why? Because the Jew sells cheap but shoddy goods, while the German sets the proper price for good goods. Because the Jew deceives you, while the German treats you honestly and fairly. Because you can buy all sorts of rubbish from a Jew, but a German sells mainly only high-quality goods.

The Jew is your blood brother, the German is the enemy of your people. The Jew works by the sweat of his brow, while the German is lazy and a slacker. The Jew stood with you at the front for four years, shoulder to shoulder, risking his life for the glory and greatness of Germany, while the German sat in the rear. The Jew died so that Germany could live. It is difficult to find a Jew who did not lose everything he had during the war and revolution, and it is just as difficult to find a German who did not become rich and insolent. And in general, everyone knows that a German crucified Christ, and a Jew turned his teaching about love into reality.

Buy only from Jewish department stores. What do you care about a small German merchant? Let him go to Palestine and sell his goods there! He has no place here in Germany. We're tired of his constant chatter about dying small businesses. The Jewish department store is so comfortable and cozy! You can find any cheap junk there. These palaces are on every corner. Their light shines in the dark night, Christmas trees glow in the windows, angels sing over a sea of ​​tasteless kitsch, children laugh and clap their hands, and a little further away stands a friendly Jewish merchant, rubbing his hands with joy. Where can you find an equally generous and energetic German merchant? Are you saying that a German also needs to earn a living? Why on earth? Who does he think he is? Let him live on unemployment benefits, like the rest of us. Why should individual Germans live better than everyone else? In Germany, after all, only Jews have this right. What else is a republic for, if not so that Jews can live well?

This Christmas, in Berlin alone, six hundred small businesses went bankrupt because of Jewish department stores! Are you saying that there are still so many Germans around? Never mind - by next Christmas there will be much fewer of them. In Germany there is almost nothing and no one to go bankrupt. That's how it should be. Germany for the Jews! This is what we fought and bled for. For this purpose we will give our last penny.

Offer Christmas trees for sale. Rejoice, daughters of Zion! Respectable Germans forge chains for themselves from hard-earned coins. The Jewish financier will use them to keep the Germans in eternal slavery. Well, who will refuse to help world Jewry in its glorious cause? What is our neck for if not to wear a yoke? Germany has been bought and sold for ten years now. Will anyone refuse to help? Does anyone ask who the toy under the Christmas tree is from - the Jew Titz or the German Müller? The Jew will grow fat from the coins you give him, while the German will die of hunger. So what? May the light shine upon the Jews, may darkness ensnare the Germans! This is what the god of the Jews wants, as well as their faithful hanger-on, Finance Minister Hilferding. Property is nobody's property unless it belongs to a Jew. Nobles - nothing, banks, stock exchanges and department store scammers - everything!

Christmas is a holiday of love. So, brothers, let us love the poor and unfortunate Jews! Let them burst with fat! Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you! Hasn't the Jew always been our enemy? Didn't he always hate, oppress, slander and spit on us? Is there a single person who will say that we should treat him according to the law that he applies to us: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?

The baby whose birthday we will soon celebrate came into this world to bring love. However, Christ the man realized that love does not always work. And when he saw the Jewish money changers in the temple, he took a whip and drove them out.

Germans, buy only from Jews! Let your fellow citizens starve! Go to Jewish department stores, especially at Christmas. The more unjust you are to your own people, the sooner the day will come when one man will come, take the whip and drive the money changers out of the temple of our homeland.

More speeches and articles by Joseph Goebbels (in English) can be found here:

In the life of one of the greatest xenophobes and anti-Semites of the twentieth century, Joseph Goebbels
Jews played a huge role. His diaries, now published, are an indisputable fact.
certificate. Elena Rzhevskaya, a famous writer in Russia, based on
diary entries of the Reich Minister was able to recreate a portrait of this
misanthrope. Her book “Goebbels. Portrait against the background of a diary" - perhaps
the most qualified commentary on this historical document. (Ed.
Soviet-British joint venture "Slovo", Moscow, 1994). She and
served as the basis for writing this article, as well as a number of others
But let's return to Goebbels. He was born in 1897 in the small town of Reidt,
Rhineland, in a low-income, pious petty bourgeois family. He had
serious physical disability - right foot turned inward. In connection with his
due to his lameness, he was treated with special care in the house, and despite the harsh
financial situation of the family, all conditions were created for him at the expense of other children
For practice, they even purchased a used piano. It was at this time, in
At the beginning of his studies at the gymnasium, he first encountered a Jew. It was a friend
parents Konen, a Jew who supplied the teenage Joseph with books, opening strangers
him of modern writers (Thomas Mann and his “Buddenbrooks”). To Kohnen Goebbels
asked for advice when he tried to write in his youth, wore his
essays. And in the darkest days of student poverty, he helped Goebbels
material support. In his letters, Goebbels addresses him as “uncle” and asks
send money. And he considered this quite normal. When in his life did he have
In seemingly hopeless moments, he invariably turned to “Uncle Konen.”
He immediately received telegraphic money transfers from him. Moreover, the amounts
were considerable at that time.
Konen's fate is unknown.
At the university, Goebbels' favorite professor was the famous Friedrich Gundolf.
Goebbels attended his seminar, the professor gave him a topic for his dissertation. But
the intellect of the vain young man did not convince Gundolf
impressions, and he did not introduce Joseph into the narrow circle of his students. Goebbels however
less continued to honor the professor. However, it is possible that the vulnerability that
he experienced it then, and in due time he will be remembered by the Jews.
Professor Max was Goebbels's supervisor while working on his dissertation.
Waldberg, also a Jew. His help was very significant not only during the period
preparation, but also during the defense of the dissertation. In an effort to excel in journalism,
Goebbels takes the famous talented writer and journalist as his model
Theodor Wolf, long-time editor of the liberal Berliner Tagenblat, a Jew,
and only in his famous newspaper did he dream of being published. He persistently wrote one
article after another. But I always received a refusal from the editor. Consequences of these failures
I experienced firsthand how the editor recklessly handled the young author’s manuscripts.
Wolf, who emigrated with the establishment of the fascist regime, in 1940 - already
old man - was captured when the Germans entered Paris, taken to the Reich and died in
concentration camp.
And although Goebbels became a National Socialist by the mid-20s, the Jews
still play a prominent role in his life, especially personal. For over
for four years his bride and lover was Elsa Janke, half-Jewish. It was
Goebbels's great and passionate love. But nevertheless, not only does he not marry
his beloved and bride, but also prepares death for her and her relatives. But
The entries in his diary are full of their love encounters and beauty. She was
the only person with whom he felt good, reliable and warm. Parting
being with her always brought him pain. But in the name of an idea, he decides to leave
with the bride. Apparently, Elsa made the same decision. She couldn't be
insensitive to his anti-Semitism. Ahead of events, she herself told Joseph about
rupture Goebbels resignedly agreed to this. For him, who loved above
Just a career, fame, marrying her, a half-breed, was a disaster. Almost five
he knew Elsa for years. Her presence and expectation permeate almost all the entries in
diaries of those years. And yet he prepared for both her and her relatives
the yellow six-pointed star he invented and, ultimately, death.
After breaking up with Elsa, another woman appears on his way, with whom he
still decided to commit his life. Needed for a career
exemplary family. It seemed to him that for this role most of all
Magda approaches, whom he also liked. She was a woman
peculiar. As a young girl, she married a major industrialist
Gunter Quandt, a widower with two sons. Quandt was 20 years older than her. Marriage
it did not work out, and the son who was born did not seal it. Magda's love affair with a young man
student, a demonstrative appearance with him in public drew the line under a 9-year-old
marriage. The son stayed with Magda. Quandt allocated her a very large sum and appointed her
monthly maintenance.
Magda Quandt settled in a fashionable apartment in Berlin and lived a carefree life
the life of a young, rich and free woman. Far from politics, she somehow
bored, wandered into the Sports Palace for a Nazi Party rally and heard
Goebbels' speech. It is known that Hitler, of all his partygenosse, could
listen, without falling asleep, only to Goebbels. He was an extraordinary speaker. Young
The woman who listened to Goebbels for the first time had no time to sleep at all - she was
captivated by his oratory fervor. The next day she signed up as a member
Hitler's party. She then asked to be used for party work.
Such elegant women did not often make such requests, and she was happy to
Let's meet halfway. Goebbels immediately noticed her and decided to appoint the young lady
manage your personal archive. For Goebbels, this woman was captivating
a creature from another world.
“I just need a beautiful woman,” he wrote long ago in his
diary. Now everything is all right. Beautiful rich Magda with her teenage son
divorced, single. Everything came together for Goebbels. But in the story with Magda
suddenly, unexpectedly, the Jewish factor began to “act” again. The fact is that
Magda was destined from birth to be the daughter of an unmarried servant. But on her
his mother was married to a wealthy Jewish businessman, and she grew up in excellent conditions, in
a comfortable home as a child of wealthy parents. The stepfather spared no expense on her
studying in expensive boarding houses. She, which was important for Goebbels, wore
his last name - Friedlander - until the age of 19, when, in connection with the upcoming
marriage, she needed to give up this surname and erase it from her documents
the stain of illegitimate birth. And then a certain Oscar Ritschel appeared, an engineer who submitted
statement that he was supposedly Magda's father, and managed to retroactively verify her
birth of a legitimate child.
As for her mother, Augusta Friedländer, she carried on for many years
the husband’s surname, while already in the “Third Reich”, at the insistence of his son-in-law Joseph, was not
got rid of this dangerous surname, returning to her maiden, Aryan one. Gunther
Quandt, Magda's ex-husband, who continued to take part in her, her mother and
self-proclaimed father took up arms against Magda's marriage, considering Goebbels
“ugly.” But Magda was indestructible. This determination is in her character
will manifest itself in the most terrible, final, mortal hours of her family life.
Magda's wedding to Goebbels was celebrated on the estate of her first husband, Gunter Quandt.
The newspapers did not ignore Goebbels' marriage. His opponents from
socialist German party wrote that if rumors about a non-Aryan
Magda's origins (obviously, they nodded to her stepfather) dissipate at the sight of her
blond hair and blue eyes, then this, they say, cannot be said about Goebbels. His newspapers
They were called not Joseph, but the Hebrew name Isidor. In his press by this name
Goebbels endowed Dr. Weiss, the police president of Berlin. Now this is the name
opponents returned it to him himself.
At this level, political scores were settled back then. Yes, only then! After all,
Now representatives of many parties and movements are focusing on clarifying
national roots of their political opponents.
Life with Magda proceeded differently. And although the Minister of Propaganda called for
family fidelity, inadmissibility of entering into relations with representatives of the “lower
race", he himself did not adhere to these rules at all. People called him
"Bebelsberg bull" for tricks with film actresses. (In the city of Bebelsberg, near
Berlin, there was a film studio.)
The longest love affair, which almost led to divorce with Magda, was
an affair with Czech actress Lida Baarova, which lasted several years. Fuhrer,
Naturally, he could not allow the collapse of the “exemplary” Aryan family of Goebbels and
Magda's request intervened in this matter. Baarova was deleted, films with her participation
banned, she herself was exiled to her homeland. After the collapse of the "Third Reich"
the new authorities in Czechoslovakia tried her for treason. This is how life was ruined
one more person.
But what was this life worth for Goebbels if the Reich Minister controlled destinies?
millions and solved the problems of the Jews, Poles, etc., who were so hated by him? Well and
The growing family of the Minister of Propaganda - children and wife - creates a group
extras in a one-man political theater - Goebbels in a grotesque
a play with a terrible ending.
At the beginning of May 1945, Goebbels and Magda decide to kill everyone
their six children, whose names were given in honor of Hitler. Children,
which brought him fatherly joy and advertising during his lifetime - exemplary German
a large family, were supposed to strengthen his posthumous fame with their death...
He and Magda categorically refused to place the children under the protection of the Red Cross.
Josef and Magda committed suicide two steps from the exit from the bunker to the garden, taking
potassium cyanide. Goebbels ordered their bodies to be burned, but the fleeing SS men
the order was not fully carried out. On May 3, they were discovered in Goebbels' headquarters
the corpses of six of Goebbels' children. From all indications one could conclude that the children
poisoned with potent poisons. Only Magda's son from the first survived
marriage, which fell into American captivity.
Naturally, the corpses of Magda and Josef had to be subjected to
forensic medical examination. And fate would have it that at the head of the commission,
who carried out this examination was a lieutenant colonel of the medical service, chief
Forensic expert of the 1st Belorussian Front, Doctor Faust Shkaravsky. U
The origins of Goebbels’ political career lay with “Uncle” Konen, a Jew by
nationality, and the corpse of Goebbels was also opened by a Jew, who determined that one of
The main ideologists of xenophobia and anti-Semitism died from potassium cyanide.
Well, what an irony of fate!

Joseph Schmidt is often compared to another great opera singer, Enrico Caruso. Sometimes their names are combined. In the past, Schmidt was called the “Caruso of the radio waves”; now, phrases such as “Jewish”, “German” or “Bukovinian” Caruso are more often used. This reflects Schmidt’s birthplace, his ethnic roots and the psychological desire of people who heard him sing to associate an outstanding personality with their own history and culture. They call it their own in Ukraine, Austria, Germany and Romania. Well, the Jews rightfully consider him a representative of their people. Ultimately, no consensus was found - Schmidt turned into the citizen of the world that he considered himself to be. He knew several languages, including Yiddish, Romanian, French, English and German, and studied Hebrew.

Joseph Schmidt was born on March 4, 1904 into a poor Jewish family in the village of Davideni - now Davydovka - in the Chernivtsi region. Then this territory was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after the First World War it came under the control of Romania, and in 1940 it went to the Soviet Union. Now this is the territory of Ukraine. In 1914, Joseph and his parents moved to Chernivtsi - a city that was considered one of the prominent European cultural centers in those years.

The child's musical abilities manifested themselves very early. The boy had natural hearing and sang constantly. In Chernivtsi, he studied at the gymnasium, took music lessons and participated in the children's choir in the city synagogue, mastering the complex technique of cantorial singing. Subsequently, he began to take vocal lessons from the best teacher in the city - Felicia Lerchenfeld-Grzhimaly, the niece of Professor Jan Grzhimaly, one of the founders of the Russian violin school.

Schmidt's talent was appreciated in 1924 - it was then that his first solo concert took place in the hall of the Musical Society, which has now become the regional Chernivtsi Philharmonic. After a brilliant performance, the city's Jewish community raised money, which allowed the young talent to settle and continue his studies in Berlin. There he improved his vocals at the Berlin Academy of Music with Professor Hermann Weissenborn - he, knowing about the poverty of his student, taught him for free.

The singer's trouble was his short stature - about 150 centimeters, because of which he was not accepted into the opera house. But luck smiled on Schmidt. Radio Berlin decided to broadcast operas live - there was no tape recording, so they had to sing live. And Schmidt decided to take part in the competition for the best tenor. The famous Dutch baritone Cornelis Bronsgiest heard him and immediately said: “You don’t need to look for work anymore, you will sing here.” Literally after his first performance in 1929, the editorial office of the radio studio began to receive thousands of letters asking them to tell us more about the tenor singer and continue to broadcast his performances. Some even admitted that Schmidt’s singing heals, relieves depression and stops potential suicides. Over the next four years, Schmidt sang lead roles in 37 productions.

Foreign tours followed. First, Schmidt gave a solo concert in Vienna, then went to the Middle East. Along the way he gave a concert in Bucharest, Sofia, Athens and Istanbul. Triumphant success awaited him everywhere. Tickets in Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Haifa and Jerusalem were immediately sold out. But there were so many people who wanted to attend the concert that the concert in Tel Aviv was repeated four more times. Schmidt himself wrote down two unique Jewish prayers in Palestine - Ki lekach tov natati lachem, “Because I have given the right teaching,” in Hebrew, and Ano avdoh, “I am your servant,” in Aramaic.

By a strange coincidence, on January 30, 1933, when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, German radio broadcast Schmidt’s speeches almost the entire day. After each message about the progress of the elections, the announcer announced: “And again our favorite Joseph Schmidt sings.” However, he was not “the favorite of the German people” for long. Less than a month later he was fired from radio.

It is curious that Reich Chancellor Joseph Goebbels was well acquainted with Schmidt’s work and even on May 9, 1933, attended the premiere of the film “The Song Goes Around the World,” in which Schmidt played the main role. The film was initially planned to be called “The Folk Singer,” but the creators soon realized that neither they themselves nor Schmidt were “folk singers” anymore. Screenwriter Ernst Neubach, a Viennese Jew who survived the Holocaust, claimed after the war that Goebbels offered Schmidt 80 thousand Reichsmarks a month if he agreed to appear on German radio and become an “honorary Aryan.”

In December 1933, Schmidt moved to Vienna and from there continued to tour frequently. Despite the fact that Schmidt had millions of fans who knew him as a sad person and were ready to console him, he was never married. But he started affairs often. It is known that his longest relationship was with the 24-year-old Polish Jew Lotte Reig, who was married to Otto Koch, also a Jew. It was a turbulent relationship, full of scandals and passion. In 1935, Madame Koch announced that she was pregnant with Schmidt's child. His reaction to this is unknown. That same year, while on tour, he received a telegram that he had a son, Otto Koch Jr., who lives to this day in Antwerp.

In 1937, Schmidt toured the United States twice and gave six concerts at Carnegie Hall. In Hollywood, he was offered 10 thousand dollars for just three minutes of singing in the film - by modern standards, this is about 170 thousand dollars. But Schmidt decided to return to Europe - to his mother, friends and fans. Here he had to constantly wander - five days before the Anschluss of Austria, he left Vienna with Lotte Reig and her son Otto and for a year traveled around the not yet occupied countries of Europe. In 1939 he ended up in Brussels. There his last dream came true: despite his small stature, he was accepted into the Brussels Royal Opera La Monnaie.

In 1940, the singer, while in France, received a letter from his mother. She begged him to leave Europe. Schmidt did not listen to her - only in November 1941 he bought a ticket to Cuba, but never flew. Before this, a rich man, now the singer eked out a miserable existence. He was not allowed to perform, and all bank assets were frozen by the Nazis. Schmidt's girlfriend Lotte left him long ago and fled with her son and new lover to the Netherlands. The singer gave his last concert in the town of Mont-Dore in August 1942 in favor of refugees like himself. Naturally, it's free.

Afterwards, Schmidt, at great risk, illegally moved to Switzerland, to Zurich. Here he tried to obtain documents for legalization, but instead was sent to a refugee camp in the village of Gihrenbad, 30 kilometers from Zurich. It was October 1942. It was very cold in the dilapidated factory where the camp was located. There were no warm clothes or shoes, and the food was poor. During the day, internees were sent to earthworks. In early November, Schmidt caught a cold and began to experience severe chest pain. Schmidt was admitted to the hospital. There he was visited by tenor Max Lichtegg and baritone Marco Rothmüller, who promised that they would do everything possible to return the singer to the concert stage. However, the doctors treated the patient’s complaints negligently, considering him a malingerer, and after a short examination and simple procedures they sent him back to the camp.

On the morning of November 16, the camp commandant released the very ill Schmidt, accompanied by a comrade, to the Waldegg tavern so that he could rest and warm up. In the tavern, Schmidt became ill and died before the doctor arrived. A rabbi, also a prisoner, arrived and recited Kaddish. In the evening the body of the deceased was sent to Zurich. The entire camp came out to accompany the hearse. The Swiss guards did not interfere with the procession. Schmidt was 38 years old.

However, the singer's story did not end with his death. Despite the fact that in the countries of the Eastern Bloc the name of Schmidt was consigned to oblivion, in the West after the war many record companies preserved records of his performances. A beautiful voice, together with a tragic fate, returned the singer to glory.

According to my passport I am Jewish

As news agencies and newspapers reported in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is Jewish according to his passport.

This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from the Second World War. The passport was kept in the archives of a special British intelligence unit that led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first released on February 8, 2002 in London.

On the cover of the passport there is a stamp certifying that Hitler is a Jew. The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine.

Origin – Jewish

On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was long considered illegitimate. Maria never discussed this topic with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the house of Rothschild.

“Hitler is Jewish on his mother’s side. Goering, Goebbels are Jews." [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

Adolf Hitler himself did not have a mandatory document confirming his purebred Aryan heritage, while he himself insisted on the adoption of a law on this document.

In 2010, saliva samples from 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler were examined. Tests showed that Hitler's DNA has the E1b1b1 haplogroup marker. Its owners are, according to the scientific classification, speakers of Hamitic-Semitic languages, and according to the biblical classification - Jews, descendants of Ham, or more precisely, Berber nomads. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is determined by the Y chromosome, that is, it shows paternal inheritance. The study was carried out by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem, and its results were published in the Belgian magazine Knack ( By Michael Sheridan. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish and African relatives, DNA test suggests. DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, August 24th 2010.).

Connections – Zionist

In response to Rothschild’s written request for the return of valuables confiscated from him by the Nazis, Hitler ordered the return of the gold, and instead of the confiscated carpets that Eva Braun liked, new carpets were purchased with Reich money.

After this, Rothschild moved to Switzerland. Hitler ordered Himmler to protect Rothschild.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party with Swiss bankers, none of whom were Jews.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were studied in schools in Germany between 1934 and 1945.

Vera is a devout Christian

Adolf Hitler is a devout Christian.

The attack on the Soviet Union received the support and approval of the Vatican.

“Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism.” [“War according to the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves pointed out to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the global kahal.

While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel. In the concentration camps, the SS men were helped by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Hitler regime.

PR campaign "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler

The Ervays took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people.

And, although this is a lie, Hitler’s merit in the formation of such a large-scale “Flag” is indisputable.

For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law was passed establishing punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust.

The work of resettling Jews in other countries was entrusted to Hitler

A story told by Roman Yablonko about his grandmother Ilse Stein:

“Lufwafe Captain Willy Schultz, who supervised the logging work near Minsk, put 18-year-old Jewish Ilse Stein, who had been deported from Germany, in charge of the firewood logging brigade.

The following entries appear in the captain’s personal file: “Secretly listened to Moscow Radio”; “In January 1943, he informed three Jews about the impending pogrom and thereby saved their lives.” On July 28, 1942, Schultz, who knew that a pogrom was taking place in the ghetto, detained a brigade of firewood workers led by Ilse Stein until the end of the “action.”

The last entry in the Schultz case: “Suspected in connection with the Jewish woman I. Stein.” And the resolution: “Transfer to another unit. With a promotion."

Ilse Stein lives in the USSR-Russia, in Rostov-on-Don.

Ilsa Stein’s daughter Larisa said about her mother’s attitude towards the captain who saved her life: “Ilsa hated him.”

Health – good

Vedeneev V.V. reports on this matter:

“When in 1914 Adolf Hitler expressed a desire to volunteer to go to the front as part of the Bavarian regiment, no diseases were detected in the young volunteer. Documents from that period confirm that Hitler turned out to be a fairly brave and skillful soldier, who had been in many battles, received wounds and received awards with blood.

In 1918, after Germany's defeat in World War I, Adolf Hitler was seriously ill with epidemic encephalitis.

In 1923, after the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, German psychiatrists did not find any mental illnesses in the future Fuhrer.

In 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany after the National Socialists came to power, the prominent German psychiatrist Karl Wilmans diagnosed Hitler with short-term but rather severe psychogenic blindness.”

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