Home Trees and shrubs Factual errors in the background material. Completing the task of the part with Factual accuracy in the background material

Factual errors in the background material. Completing the task of the part with Factual accuracy in the background material

We understand tasks. Part 3

Consider criteria 5-12.

K5. Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation

In accordance with the semantic parts, the text is divided into paragraphs. Each paragraph contains a more or less complete thought, which follows logically from the previous statement.

Logic of the text

Any text should be logical, because the reader should be clear on the path of development of the author's thought.
The text should have a defining idea, and the narrative as a whole should be consistent, so that the logic of transition from one part of the work to another is clear.
Violation of the text construction logic can lead to logical errors of various levels. Let's take a look at the most common mistakes.

Varieties of logical errors >>

K6. Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

The accuracy of a verbal expression is the maximum correspondence of the words used to the named objects, phenomena of reality and the concepts being disclosed.
The vocabulary (lexicon) of a person is one of the most striking indicators of his speech culture. The more lexical means at your disposal, the more accurately and expressively you can convey your thought.

Knowing of limits

When working on an essay, it is important to avoid two extremes: one of them is the inappropriate use of speech techniques. In an effort to "decorate" the text, to make it diverse and saturated, the author runs the risk of oversaturating it with artistic means and distorting the thought.

The use of expressive means can be qualified as a stylistic mistake.

Another extreme in the speech design of the text is the poverty of the dictionary, stereotyping, cliché, monotony of syntactic constructions. This is often manifested in the abundance of speech clichés and repetitions.

K7. Compliance with spelling rules

When writing an essay-reasoning, follow the spelling rules. For work in which there are no spelling errors or in which one minor spelling mistake is made, you can get 2 points. A work in which one spelling mistake is made is worth 1 point. If more than 1 mistake is made in the essay, 0 points are given.
When evaluating an essay-reasoning, provisions on the same type and non-gross errors are taken into account. According to the norms for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, errors should be singled out as not gross, i.e., not significant for the characterization of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one.

Minor errors:

  • exceptions to the rules;
  • writing a capital letter in compound proper names;
  • cases of separate and continuous writing not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;
  • writing and and s after prefixes;
  • difficult cases of distinguishing not and neither (Wherever he turned! Wherever he turned, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else ...; none other than ...; nothing else ...; nothing else other than ... etc.);
  • cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;
  • omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or violation of their sequence.
K8. Compliance with punctuation rules
Minor errors:
  • Absence of dashes in incomplete sentences.
  • Skip ellipsis in quotes when skipping words.
  • Replacing one punctuation mark with another.
  • The presence or absence of a comma between the union A and the introductory word.
  • Replacing the punctuation mark when highlighting introductory sentences (insert structures).
  • An extra hyphen in the application: an old cabman
  • An extra comma after the introductory word at the beginning of separate constructions: The heroes of this time, for example (,) Chatsky, are reasoners.
  • An extra comma before the introductory word that ends a separate construction: In this family, representatives of various professions, doctors and lawyers (,) in particular.
  • In the transfer of the author's punctuation.

K9. Language Compliance

Criterion 9 evaluates compliance with grammatical norms in the texts of examination essays. Grammatical errors are caused by a violation of the norms of word formation (word-building errors), shaping (morphological errors), the norms of the syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences, as well as simple sentences in complex ones (syntactic errors).

K10. Speech errors

Errors associated with incorrect or not the most successful use of words or phraseological units are classified in school practice as speech errors. USE experts evaluate compliance with speech (lexical) norms according to criterion 10: if more than three errors are made in the work, the examinee receives zero points instead of the possible two.

The main types of speech errors >>

K11. Ethical errors

Ethical norms determine the ethics of communication. Infrequently, but they are found in works in which a manifestation of verbal aggression, malevolence was recorded, statements were found that degrade human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person:

Mikhalkov himself is a writer, so he encourages everyone to read books.
Judging by what the author says, he is a maniac.
You have to be completely crazy to read books today.
But you can't be too kind, because you yourself will be left without pants.
Ageev is a very bright writer of his time, the writer's story is an example of human stupidity.
Tired of these pensioners: they are all crying; if you don't like it, let them go to the next world.
Why does the school curriculum force you to read all the junk that is called the classics?
While studying at school, I, like all modern youth, was engaged in nonsense.

K12. Factual errors

Factual errors are understood as the use of incorrect, false information.
The reason for factual errors is insufficient knowledge of the events described, an incorrect assessment of the facts.

f options actological errors:

  • distortion of life's truth;
  • inaccurate reproduction of book sources;
  • inaccurate reproduction of proper names;
  • errors in dates;
  • errors in indicating the places of events.

Examples of actual errors:

With the image of Onegin, Pushkin began the theme of the "little man" in Russian literature.
In the above example, the author confuses the theme of "little man" and the theme of "superfluous people".
The literature of classicism (Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Karamzin, etc.) had a great influence on the work of A.S. Griboyedov.
There are two mistakes here. First: Fonvizin really "had a great influence" on Woe from Wit, but it is hardly possible to speak of the influence of Lomonosov and Derzhavin. The second factual inaccuracy lies in the fact that Karamzin is a representative of the culture of sentimentalism.

1. The writer is not able to correctly assess the content of the text and isolate one of the main problems.

In the text of D.L. Bykova rises the problem of love of Molchalin and Sophia.

2. The examinee is not able to detect and correctly formulate the author's position.

3. Thinking about what is not mentioned in the text.

In the text of the Russian writer Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko proposed for analysis, the author focuses our attention on how the hero was captured, how he was inhumanly treated, tortured.

4. The manifestation of excessive categoricalness in judgments.

MS Stroganov is convinced that war will bring up all the missing qualities in a person.

Factual errors in the background material affecting the K12 grade.

Actual error - incorrectly transmitted information ( the genre of the work, the name of the author or character, quote, plot, etc.) The reason for the factual errors is not sufficient knowledge of the events described, poverty of life experience, ignorance of the texts of works of art, not a correct assessment of the actions and characters of the heroes, inattention. A fairly common mistake not correctly spelled name or surname of the author of the text!

The actual errors in the background material can also be of different origins.

They arise when the examiner does not seek to write a reasoning about the problem reflected in the proposed text, but tries to mechanically fulfill the conditions specified in part C: the essay must contain the author's position - hence the retelling; own arguments are needed, which means that examples are given that correspond to the topic covered or what, in the opinion of the graduate, is expected of him; writers are not at all embarrassed that the facts brought in as evidence are sometimes poorly connected with the course of thought or are reflected in a distorted form.

1. Inaccurate quotation or attribution of a statement to another person.

There are many sayings of great writers, poets and scientists that reflect the main idea, which includes what is responsiveness or indifference. For example, A.S. Pushkin says that “indifference is a paralysis of the soul, premature death.

But death the hero is not afraid, While the dream is mad! - Alexander Alexandrovich Blok stated

2. Wrong genre definition.

Novel" Dead Souls ", poem" Eugene Onegin ", Ostrovsky's story"Oblomov", the novel "Woe from Wit", the novel by B. Ekimov "The Night of Healing".

3. Semantic and terminological confusion arises from the inability to distinguish between the concepts of "author" and "narrator, narrator".

In the proposed text, N.S. Leskov raises the problem of the significance of good deeds. The author asks: Whyto me and seemed like a scarecrow to others for so long?

Distortion of the truth of life.

We use the words introduced into the language by V. I. Dalem.

Inaccurate reproduction of book sources.

Let us recall, for example, B. Yekimov's novel "The Night of Healing". The author of the work introduces us to Baba Matryona and her grandson Grisha.

The examinee's work is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation The examinee's work is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and presentation consistency.

Source text problem- the main question posed in the text, requiring study, resolution. remember: there may be several problems in the text, you are considering the main one.

Argument- Provide evidence and arguments.

Problem comment- interpretation, explanation of the main issue of the original text.

Communicative intent- an attempt by the examinee to state his point of view on the information contained in the source text.

background material- the material that the examinee used to prove his own opinion (historical, literary, scientific and other facts, events, quotes; examples from his own life, etc.).

Factual Accuracy- the absence of actual materials in the background material.

Ethics- the doctrine of morality, the rules of human behavior.

Correctness- politeness, tact, courtesy.

Ethically correct to formulate your opinion– i.e. delicately, tactfully, observing moral norms and principles, state your point of view on the problem posed by the author of the text.

Memo for a graduate working on text analysis

Reading text for the first time,

1) pay attention to all incomprehensible words and expressions; remember that the lexical meaning of an unfamiliar word can be suggested by the content of the entire text;

3) check the correctness of your assumptions when reading the subsequent parts of the text;

5) try to highlight the main, essential in the text; find important information, make notes on the main ideas, provisions, pay attention to phrases in italics or bold;

6) pay special attention to the first phrases of each paragraph, since they, as a rule, express the generalizing, “nodal” judgments of the author;

7) pay attention to the words used in a figurative sense; this will help you not only complete tasks related to the analysis of means of expression, but also better understand the text you read

Memo when a graduate works on an essay on the text

Before you begin your essay, read again. text. Wherein

1) try to formulate the main idea of ​​the text, its main provisions (theses), describe its problems, ways of highlighting and solving problems;

2) re-read parts of the text that are difficult for you, make sure you understand them correctly;

3) develop your own attitude to the subject of speech, think over the arguments to justify your point of view;

4) try to correlate what you read with other information known to you on the same topic, identify similarities and differences;

5) Summarizing the information received, formulate your own conclusions based on the text you read.

K12. Compliance with factual accuracy in the background material. In the work, rated according to this criterion 0 points, there may be errors in the background material: - an incorrect statement of facts that are not mentioned in the original text (facts of a background nature), which students use appropriately or inappropriately in a detailed answer (facts of the biography of the author or hero of the text, dates, surnames, authorship of the titled works, etc.: “Goethe is a French writer”, “Daniil Granin wrote “The Rose of the World”). Factual (background) errors - facts are given that contradict reality, for example: “The capital of the USA is New York”, “Lensky returned to his estate from England”. Mistakes can consist not only in a complete distortion (substitution) of a fact, but also in its exaggeration or understatement, for example: “Mayakovsky is the inspirer of the people in the fight against intervention”; “The director of the school gives a lot of strength and energy to the children: a school has been built that graduates about a thousand students every year.” Errors reflect a low level of knowledge, so the correction and prevention of errors of this kind is associated with work on raising the intellectual and cultural level (background knowledge).

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