Home Trees and shrubs Immunology Moscow State University. Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher

Immunology Moscow State University. Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher

Department head: Novikova Ludmila Vladimirovna

Email: [email protected]

The head of the department is Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Mordovia, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Vladimirovna Novikova.

Department history. The department was organized in 1968. The organizer and the first head of the department was Professor Oleinikova Elena Afanasyevna, a prominent specialist in the field of applied and clinical immunology. Thanks to her efforts, organizational skills, connections with related departments of the country's leading medical institutes, the educational process was equipped and organized, the methods of teaching the discipline and directions of scientific research were determined.

Since 1989, the department has been headed by Professor L.V. Novikova, at the same time she is the scientific director of the Republican Center for Clinical Immunology, which was created by a joint order of the rector of the university and the Minister of Health of Mordovia.

The structure of the department. The Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology is located in building No. 13, occupies a separate room of 10 rooms on the 4th floor. It includes 3 educational microbiological laboratories, a laboratory of clinical immunology with a total area of ​​116 sq.m., 2 educational and scientific rooms with computers, an office of the head with a library of the department, teaching, auxiliary rooms - a room for preparing nutrient media and sterilizing laboratory glassware with a box , autoclave, washing, laboratory.

The structure of the department includes a branch - the Mordovian Republican Center for Clinical Immunology. It is located in building No. 7, it includes a laboratory of cellular immunity factors, a laboratory of humoral immunity factors, an enzyme immunoassay laboratory, an office for receiving patients with diseases of the immune system, a microscopy room and an intern's room.

The premises of the department are sufficient for teaching, research and scientific work.

According to basic education, according to the level of scientific and pedagogical readiness, the teaching staff of the department meets the requirements and content of training in the subject being taught. Teachers are constantly working to improve their qualifications and teaching skills.

The Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology provides teaching of the following disciplines: a) "Microbiology and Virology" for 2-3 full-time courses, specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics" (FSES III) b) "Immunology" - for 2-3 full-time courses of study, specialty "Medicine", "Pediatrics" (FSES III), c) "Microbiology, Immunology and Virology" 3-4 courses of full-time-correspondence studies (SES II); d) "Clinical Immunology" - at 6-7 courses in the specialties "Medicine" and "Pediatrics", e) "Microbiology" - at 1-2 courses in the specialty "Pharmacy".

The department is provided with standard programs for disciplines, there are work programs developed by the department's employees for all disciplines in typographic or typewritten execution, approved at a meeting of the department in each current calendar year. The content of the work programs corresponds to the goals and objectives of training specialists in the specialties "Medicine", "Pediatrics". The department has sets of educational and methodological documentation for the taught disciplines, including the following: a typical program, a work program, a calendar plan for lectures and practical classes, an examination program, independent work, a list of practical skills, a set of situational tasks and programmed control cards for individual classes , a computer control and training program used in certain sections of the subject, and test control in clinical immunology.

The educational process in the disciplines of the department is provided with the necessary educational literature in sufficient volume.

Head department, professor Novikova L.V. By the decision of the Academic Council of the University dated November 30, 1990, applicants and post-graduate students in the specialty 14.00.38 (Allergology and Immunology) were granted the right of scientific supervisor. Scientific research is carried out on the problem of "Immunopathogenesis of socially significant diseases of non-infectious etiology".

At the department, according to the orders of the rector of the university and the Ministry of Health of the MASSR No. 1/158 dated 11/26/83 and No. 327 dated 11/04/83, a republican immunological center was established, the supervisor of which is the head. Department Associate Professor L.V. Novikov. The department and the center are an important educational, scientific and industrial association. On the basis of the center, scientific research is carried out by the employees of the institute and practical doctors, as well as theses.

Employees of the department take an active part in the social life of the institute, university and city.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Area of ​​interest: study of differentiation antigens of human leukocytes, monoclonal antibodies.

Lecturer, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, reads the course "Immunobiotechnology" for students of the department.

email:[email protected]

Mazurov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

From 2003 to 2007 he trained at the National Cancer Institute in the USA (NCI-Frederick) in the laboratory of retrovirus replication under the direction of David Derse.

Area of ​​interest: retrovirology, immunology, molecular biology, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing system, quantitative assessment of intercellular transmission of HIV-1 and HTLV-1 viruses.

Romanova Alfira Ferdinandovna


Toptygin Andrey Yurievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher

Research interests: immunochemistry, chromatography, isolation and modification of monoclonal antibodies, development of enzyme immunoassay diagnostic test systems.

Tsoi (Meshkova) Tatyana Dmitrievna

Trained in the laboratory of M. Buckrin University of George Washington, Washington, USA.

Research interests: immunology, molecular biology, intracellular signaling.

Zotova (Shunaeva) Anastasia Andreevna

Postgraduate student of the Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Graduate of the Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Works under the direction of D.V. Mazurova.

Trained in the laboratory of I. Lavrik of Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, as well as in the laboratory of M. Buckrin University of George Washington, Washington, USA.

Research interests: immunology, virology, molecular biology, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology, virological synapse, intracellular infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-1, mechanisms of programmed cell death.

Kruglova Natalya Andreevna

Postgraduate student of the Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Graduate of the Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Works under the direction of A.V. Filatov.

Department head: Sergei Arturovich Nedospasov - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergey Arturovich Nedospasov - Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2015).
Areas of scientific interests:
– mechanisms of innate immunity;
– cytokines;
– regulation of transcription;
– cancer antigens;
– programmed cell death;
- reverse genetics.


Directions of scientific research

  • Mechanisms of innate immunity
  • Mouse models of immunopathologies
  • Physiology of the human and mouse immune system
  • Transcriptional regulation in the immune system
  • Homeostasis of the immune system
  • human cancer antigens
  • Programmed cell death
  • Immunity of hydrobionts
  • Mechanisms of phagocytosis
  • Bioengineering of antibodies
  • Immunobiotechnology

The department annually accepts about 10 undergraduate students, 5–7 master students and about 5 graduate students.

In addition to departmental special courses, training at the Department of Immunology includes individual lectures by prominent immunologists of our time. The program of theoretical training in immunology at the department has no analogues not only in Russia, but also in the world. Experimental training takes place at workshops, summer practice at the Belomorsk Biological Station and in laboratories associated with the department of leading research institutes (see the list below).

Most students' education includes internships abroad. For example, all graduate students in 2015 (9 students) did internships in leading research laboratories in Germany and the USA, and all graduated from Moscow State University with honors.
The fundamental position of the department for the educational trajectory of its students is a fully completed education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies) in the MSU system. Our graduate students by the end of graduate school have outstanding lists of scientific papers in terms of quantity and quality.

Cathedral Courses


  • Immune Defense Logic ( R.I.Ataullahanov)
  • infections and immunity F.Yu.Gharib)
  • Molecular evolution of defense systems ( E.S. Shilov)
  • Oncoimmunology ( D.V.Kuprash, P.V.Belousov)
  • Biology of the tumor cell ( N.L. Lazarevich)
  • Cell energy ( V.D. Samuilov)
  • Basics of genetic engineering ( I.N. Shatsky)
  • Flow cytometry ( I.A. Vorobyov)
  • Immunobiotechnology ( A.V. Filatov)

Master's degree:

  • Actual problems of immunology
  • Mechanisms of programmed cell death ( S.A. Nedospasov, E.S. Shilov)
  • Molecular genetic bases of the formation of adaptive immunity ( Yu.B.Lebedev)
  • Selected methods of data processing in biology / Fundamentals of programming ( A.V. Kitashov)
  • Introduction to Mathematical Immunology ( G.A. Bocharov)
  • Immunogenetics ( D.V.Kuprash, Yu.B.Lebedev, A.S.Apt)
  • Immunomorphology ( A.P. Toptygina)
  • Introduction to Clinical Immunology ( F.Yu.Gharib)
  • Intercellular interactions ( A.V. Oleskin)
  • stem cells ( M.A. Lagarkova, N.I. Drize)
  • Prospects for creating an HIV vaccine ( A.N. Vzorov)

Department-associated laboratories and their leaders

  • V.A. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS
    Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Immunity ( S.A. Nedospasov)
    Laboratory of Intracellular Signal Transmission in Health and Pathology ( D.V. Kuprash)
  • Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after A.N. Belozersky Moscow State University
    Department of Molecular Immunology ( A.A. Kruglov)
  • Institute of Immunology FMBA
    Active Immunity Laboratory ( R.I.Ataullahanov)
    Laboratory of Immunochemistry ( A.V. Filatov)
  • M.M.Shemyakin and Yu.A.Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS
    Laboratory of Molecular Immunology ( S.M. Deev)
    Laboratory of Cellular Interactions ( A.M. Sapozhnikov)

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