Home Mushrooms Beautiful envelopes for letters. DIY envelope made of A4 paper. How to make a money envelope out of paper without glue

Beautiful envelopes for letters. DIY envelope made of A4 paper. How to make a money envelope out of paper without glue

It's no secret that we rarely give gifts - more often the birthday boy or happy couple is given money as a gift on their wedding day. And gifts are usually beautifully packaged, so a beautiful envelope made by yourself will become no less valuable a gift than its contents.

What can an envelope be made from?

Of course, you can buy a ready-made envelope in a store - in the postcard department there is always a wide selection of... identical, faceless envelopes despite the bright colors. Faceless - because they do not convey the feelings of the donor, his attitude towards the recipient.

We suggest making an envelope with your own hands: it’s easy and fun.

What can you make an envelope from:

  • made of thick colored paper;
  • from special scrap paper that does not fade in the sun and does not fade over time;
  • from kraft paper;
  • from fabric.

The simplest envelope can be made from A4 colored paper. It is best to take paper with a density of 120-160 g/m. Lay it horizontally in front of you, measure 72 mm from the lower left corner, the same amount from the upper right corner, draw a line to the opposite corner and cut off triangular strips. The result is a rhombus.

Turn it towards you at an angle, fold the corners towards the middle to form a rectangle in the center. The envelope is ready.

There are many simple options for making an envelope with your own hands. You can fold it from a rhombus, a square, or paper cut in the shape of a heart (such envelopes are made for “Valentines”).

Decorative envelopes look much more original - they are nice to present with a gift certificate and a cash gift.

DIY scrap paper envelope

If you look at the photo of an envelope made using the scrapbooking technique, it looks more like a postcard than an envelope in our usual sense. You can come up with many decoration options, but first let’s make the basics.


  • sheet of watercolor paper;
  • a sheet of scrap paper (sizes 20*20 cm will be sufficient);
  • items for decoration: small decorative flowers, lace, ribbons, beads.

The only tools you will need are a stationery knife, a ruler, a pencil, a brush and glue.

Important! For paperwork, it is better to use “Moment”, “Contact” or “Titan” glue. PVA will not work - it is yellower and cannot withstand the weight of thick paper and decor.

Cut a 20*20 cm square from a sheet of watercolor paper. Measure 1.5 cm from two opposite sides and draw a line using a ruler and a knitting needle, an old dried rod (punch): this will help us make an even fold without breaking the paper fibers.

Make markings perpendicular to these lines: at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, then 8 cm from this line. Crease along these lines, then fold the envelope and cut out the excess narrow strips, leaving flaps for gluing the envelope. The narrow part (5 cm) will fold inward, and the wide part (7 cm) will become the upper part.

Use glue or double-sided tape to seal the envelope, leaving the top part open. To prevent the contents of our envelope from falling out, we will make a ribbon for tying. Wrap it around the envelope, leaving the ends for a bow. Glue the tape after burning the ends with a candle.

Cut out 4 rectangles from scrap paper. The size of each should be 1 mm smaller than the base. It is more interesting to use double-sided paper and use the same decor for the front (opening) part and the back side of the envelope, and the back side of the paper for the inside.

Carefully glue the decorative paper, making sure to coat the edges with glue especially well. The ribbon for tying should remain under the paper.

All that remains is to decorate the front of the envelope. Show your imagination and create a unique decor, taking into account the purpose of the envelope: compositions made of delicate paper or fabric flowers, rhinestones, and half-beads would be appropriate for a wedding gift.

For a gift certificate or birthday, you can use voluminous applications, flowers, chips and other decor. All that remains is to invest the money and tie the envelope with a bow. The gift is ready.

Disc sleeve

You can give a disc beautifully by making an original envelope from kraft paper. Prepare:

  • watercolor paper or cardstock for the base;
  • scrap paper;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • little things for decoration: flowers, ribbons, half beads, rhinestones.

From watercolor paper, cut out the base of the envelope measuring 14*28 cm, punch it in the center and fold it in half.

We decorate the front and back of the envelope using scrap paper. To make its edges look more impressive, process them around the perimeter using a colored stamp pad, lightly going over the edges.

Glue tying tape and scrap paper to the front and back of the base. The internal sides also need to be decorated.

We cut out another square from scrap paper, slightly smaller in size than the ones made earlier. We cut one edge of it in a semicircle, and on two opposite sides we bend the edges, making flaps for gluing.

We glue the pocket inside the envelope (you can make 2 of them, on each side), and decorate the front side of the envelope. All that remains is to insert the disc and go to the celebration.

Important! Use different types of decor: stamps, decorative hole punches, three-dimensional decor. This will make the scrap envelope look more interesting.

DIY envelope photo

A regular envelope for a letter is bought at the post office, but not every item is worthy of a standard paper “pocket”. It’s much nicer to receive romantic messages and greeting cards in an exclusive envelope, lovingly decorated with appliqués and hand-painting. A beautiful holiday envelope gives the first impression of a valuable investment. And to emphasize your reverent attitude towards the recipient, you should fold a cute paper envelope with your own hands, using the origami technique and your own imagination.

Homemade paper envelopes

It should be noted that a homemade paper envelope is also useful in everyday life. You can use the simplest “pockets” as an envelope for a disk or, for example, make an envelope for money and store untouchable savings in it. Whatever goal you pursue, you will always have enough available materials - A4 sheet (or other sizes), and self-adhesive stickers for sealing paper envelopes made by yourself.

A homemade envelope can be used for any purpose!

Additional materials

The traditional art of origami does not involve the use of materials other than paper. Indeed, in classical technology there are schemes according to which a simple origami envelope needs to be made from paper and nothing more. It folds without glue or other fixing components. But following your creative plan (original applications, decorative decorations), you may additionally need:

  • Sheets of colored paper or paint, felt-tip pens or colorful stickers;
  • Bright beads and ropes, original buttons and other decorative items;
  • Scissors and office glue, a stapler or a little sealing wax;
  • Any other decorations for a homemade paper envelope as desired.

Homemade envelopes for different situations

Any materials are suitable for decorating envelopes!

Option 1: the simplest rectangular or square envelope

Following schemes 1 and 2, you can fold simple envelopes for postcards, photographs and letters. It's easy and quick, however, trying to avoid banality, use colored paper rather than plain paper. Or pre-print sheets with original ornaments on a printer. Next, follow the instructions step by step, referring to Figures 1 and 2 as needed.

  • Take a paper sheet of the correct square shape;
  • Fold the sheet diagonally - their intersection will determine the center of the workpiece;
  • Fold each corner of the sheet exactly to the center, evenly bringing the edges towards each other;
  • Seal the envelope in the center, covering all corners with an adhesive sticker;
  • Change the shape of new envelopes by reducing the folds on the sides of the workpiece (see Fig. 1).

Similarly, an envelope is folded from a piece of paper, which has been previously given the shape of a rhombus (see Fig. 2). The corners of the sheet are evenly bent towards the center and fixed with a self-adhesive sticker. By changing the uniformity of the folds, you can achieve the desired overlap sealing the envelope.

Option 2: envelope for banknotes

If you set out to make an envelope for money or CDs in a couple of minutes, you can use Scheme 3. You will need a standard sheet of A4 paper and a sticker for sealing. Such a product is ideal for banknotes, and to prevent coins from falling out of it, you can additionally stitch the edges of the money “pocket” with a stapler. Using fig. 3, step by step:

  • Place an A4 sheet of paper horizontally in front of you;
  • Fold it like a closed notebook, but not exactly in half - leave 2-3 cm of the sheet “walking”;
  • Unfold the workpiece, lay it vertically, bend the side stops inside the sheet;
  • Fold the workpiece again along the central fold, tucking the folds inside the envelope;
  • Wrap the “walking” section of the sheet towards you - it will close your envelope;
  • Seal the envelope with a sticker and, if necessary, staple the edges (or glue along the seam from the inside).

Option 3: without glue and stapler

An origami envelope made from a sheet of paper without the use of any extraneous “fasteners” looks quite intricate. Looking at Fig. 4, you can fold it too, spending only 2-3 minutes. for the entire folding process.

  • Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally, creating a triangular blank of the correct shape;
  • Bend down one free upper corner of the workpiece (do not fold the second one), aligning it with the lower border (see Fig. 4);
  • Then bend the side corners inward, boldly overlapping one another;
  • Bend the overlap back, along the center of the workpiece, form a pocket from the resulting corner, carefully opening the small bend;
  • Fold the top of the envelope downwards, tucking the sealing overlap into the resulting pocket, pressing the folds tightly.

Heart" and other figured options

Not everyone knows how to make an envelope out of paper for romantic messages and pleasantly surprise the object of their adoration at the same time. But there is no particular difficulty here either. Let's look at how to fold a small heart envelope step by step. You will need a blank of a predetermined shape.

  • Take a sheet of paper in the shape of a heart (cut according to a template, you can draw it by hand);
  • Bend the sides of the “heart” inward, then do the same with the upper part of the workpiece;
  • The bottom "sharp" side folds inward towards the last one (it closes your love envelope);
  • The resulting rectangular envelope is sealed with a sticker, filled with sealing wax or tied with a scarlet ribbon.

Would you like to make an envelope in other fancy shapes? Then just use ready-made “pocket” templates for special letters. Just print the blanks on regular A4 paper, cut them out and fold along the drawn edges - that's all. And if you are planning to make a large paper envelope for a grand congratulation, simply transfer the ready-made templates to A3 (and larger) Whatman paper. Don’t forget to brightly decorate your homemade paper envelope with rhinestones, stickers, beads and appliques - let it become the most memorable event of the upcoming holiday. Or, made by yourself, can be an excellent companion for your gift.

I needed an envelope here for one thing (I wanted to convey my congratulations sealed), and since the card was of a non-standard size, I had to quickly make an envelope with my own hands (fortunately, I have enough paper at home). And then everything was as usual - I showed it to my friends, and now I’m already making invitation envelopes for one, and the other is asking for a template for an envelope for money to present her husband’s parents with a large sum for their golden wedding.

I decided, without further ado, to simply write a short instruction on how to make envelopes. Yes, it seems to me that this is obvious, and everyone can guess how to fold a piece of paper and glue it to make an envelope, but as practice shows, many people find it easier to work according to instructions, especially when it comes to needlework.

For what? My husband asked me this question when he saw me burying myself in my scrapbooks. He seems to understand the purpose of postcards, but envelopes turned out to be something beyond our reach. So, what are envelopes for?

  • as packaging for letters (yes, some people write paper letters and send postcards);
  • for packing cards - printing an envelope is much more exciting than just opening a greeting card;
  • handmade money envelopes will come in handy when you want to give someone a certain amount of money;
  • for romantic notes and secrets.
Of course, with the exception of mail, all these reasons are not a necessity, but rather a whim. But here I am more categorical than ever - sometimes you need to allow yourself joy and whim just for pleasure, otherwise life will become boring and gray. And handmade gifts are perfect for this.

Different ways

There are many ways to pack a postcard, money or letter so that strangers cannot look into them, and, perhaps, talking about all the ways is a bad idea, the post will turn out to be too long and a rare bird will fly to its end. Therefore, we will do the following - I will tell you about the main ways to make an envelope for money with your own hands, and at the same time I will show you the works that inspire me. Using basic techniques and templates, you can make an envelope for any occasion with your own hands.

By the way, about templates: I advise you to save the templates you like, so you can be sure that you always have them at hand. I created a regular folder on my desktop where I put the pictures I like in Word files. However, I will talk about using word further.

Simple option

Sometimes you have to make a regular postal envelope for a letter or postcard yourself - either the nearest store doesn’t have it, or the format is inappropriate. I usually use a sample for this - I take an existing envelope (for example, from a postcard), measure it with a ruler and make the same paper envelope. But you can go the other way and learn how to make an envelope from A4 paper.

And in order for you to get an ordinary rectangular envelope, you need to mark a pattern on it, as in the diagram.

The two large parts are the walls of the envelope, it also has a long turn-down flap, and the sides that need to be glued. It is best to glue it inside, so that there are no seams on the outside. Make a mark on your piece of paper, cut out the piece with sharp scissors, and then glue the sides.

Or you can make this simple and cute option:

And from 4 circles you can get the following envelope:

The video shows how to assemble it:

How to decorate such an envelope from A4 sheet:

  1. Use watercolor paper on which you can create colorful splashes and streaks.
  2. Make beautiful stickers - you can use ready-made ones, or you can download any picture from the Internet and print it.
  3. You can tie it up.

Manufacturing method without glue

Gluing an envelope is not difficult, but simply folding it out of paper is a little more difficult. Of course, the post office is unlikely to accept such an envelope, but for an accompanying card for a gift it is perfect - the congratulations will look cute and touching.

How to make an envelope without glue: you need to look through the origami templates and choose the one you like; make a pattern; cut the workpiece; fold and iron well. Or you can fold the paper as in the video below: no scissors or glue is needed, just an A4 sheet.

At first glance, everything is easy, right? The second one is also easy, but I advise you to still try to make the beautiful envelopes you like with your own hands, first from plain paper, and only then from scrapbooking paper. Of course, you can immediately practice on scrap paper, but it’s not a fact that the envelope will turn out neat the first time, and creases made on thick scrap paper will be much more difficult to correct.

How to decorate an envelope folded from paper without glue:

  • punch several holes with a hole punch and tie a beautiful ribbon on the envelope;
  • use a figured hole punch to decorate the edges and corners of the envelope;
  • make an applique from contrasting paper or special cutting.


I admit honestly, origami is a dark forest for me, but I have made several such envelopes (although, of course, I prefer scrapbooking money envelopes). So, what does it take to make an origami envelope for money?
  1. Square sheet of paper.
  2. Ruler for straight bends.
  3. Rolling needle (if you are folding origami from thick paper).

By the way, you can make an origami envelope out of paper without glue, which is also sometimes very convenient, but such envelopes are not suitable for mail. However, they are very, very beautiful, and it seems to me that if you use such an envelope for money for a birthday, the birthday person will feel all your care and attention.

Complex options

I’ll tell you a little about how to make scrap envelopes not according to a lesson, but simply using master classes for inspiration.

Scrapbooking is good because it allows you to make envelopes, postcards, albums and other amenities from literally nothing. Yes, now you can buy a variety of scrapbooking kits, but if you think about it, this technique came to us from the past, when women simply decorated their personal diaries and albums with lace, cutouts, and stamping. All these techniques can be used now.

If you are into scrapbooking (or, like me, you just periodically buy materials and can’t pass them by), then you have certain supplies - lay them out on the table and try to combine one with the other. For example, select a couple of sheets of paper, match them with cuttings, decorative tape, and ribbons.

If you don’t have all this stuff, don’t be upset, and you don’t have to run to the store. Because you probably have something. And from this something you can most likely make a gift envelope. What may be useful:

  • scraps of cardboard, beautiful colored paper;
  • felt and decorative fabrics;
  • unnecessary postcards and photographs;
  • printouts with any patterns;
  • paper of different quality and purpose (even pieces of wallpaper will do);
  • ribbons, bows, laces;
  • buttons (by the way, a very fashionable trend in scrapbooking);
  • miniature figures;
  • trimmings of lace and thin fabrics;
  • nail polishes, decorative glitter and even unnecessary shadows (they are used to make pseudo-craquelure).
I think you already understand - almost anything can be used to make an envelope!

I will give a step-by-step video lesson that I liked - I have nothing to add here, except that a DIY wedding envelope or an envelope for a gift card using this MK will be very, very beautiful.

General templates and some more lessons and examples

I think now you more or less understand how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands, and my other examples of how to make an envelope for money are just inspirational speeches and various life hacks in this regard, because you got the main idea.

If the envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands is not very neat, wrap it with lace - it will hide the flaws and at the same time give the product a finished and festive look. A small envelope can be wrapped entirely, but a large envelope is better draped gracefully. By the way, a wedding card is usually large so that the toast can fit in it. If you just want to attach a card to a gift, or a certain amount of money, then it is better to use a small congratulatory envelope.

If you are making an envelope from paper without glue, then support this idea in the design - for example, fold several origami figures with your own hands and decorate an envelope for money with them on your birthday - for example, you can fold a flower, a heart or a crane, which represents a wish for happiness .

Don't want to sign the envelope manually? See how to make an envelope out of paper for money using word templates. You can download the money envelope template below. Choose your favorite templates.

There is another way - first you print wishes or an address on a printer, and then watch a master class on how to make an envelope from a sheet of the required format.

How to make a chic origami envelope out of paper? Take three or four sheets of paper for practice, and try to make your own beautiful envelope using this master class.

In general, do not hesitate to use Word to print diagrams - it is much easier than cutting them out. Word will also help you make a beautiful inscription for congratulations (and we don’t write too smoothly). If you use self-adhesive paper to print a Word file, you don’t even have to decorate a regular paper envelope with anything - you can download the simplest template and decorate it with stickers.

If you need a lot of envelopes for a holiday (for example, for wedding invitations), then it is better to use folded envelopes - this category of products looks very presentable, they are made quickly, and if you do not use glue, then the likelihood of spoiling something is much less.

Don’t forget that any master class needs to be watched and completed step by step - first watch it in full, and then repeat what the master does - first print it, then fold it, then glue it. This way you can get the same result as shown in the photo.

Send a letter - modern youth associate this action only with email. But sometimes you have to send paper letters, but they require an envelope. In the era of electronics, you won’t find such a small thing in every home, so you have to think about how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands. It seems like there is little wisdom, but without skill one cannot cope with such a task.

Sometimes you want no stranger to read a greeting card to your loved one, but sometimes you need to put money in the envelope as a gift. Therefore, we suggest you learn how to make an envelope from A4 paper. Watch the videos provided, repeat the steps of the instructor, and you will be able to cope with such a simple task.

First of all, you need to cut out a square from a standard rectangular sheet of writing or colored A4 paper by placing the short side to the long side and cutting off the remaining rectangle. Next we proceed as follows:

  • By folding two corners together, we determine the middle of the inflection line.
  • Having straightened the sheet, we connect one of its corners to the middle of the marked diagonal.
  • In the resulting triangle, the ends are bent slightly further than the marked middle.
  • To keep the envelope in place, the tips of the folded corners are inserted into each other.

The letter envelope is ready. If you put something in it, you can close the top triangular flap and, if desired, even seal it with glue. It will withstand even postage without falling apart or coming unglued. This is an extremely simple design that does not require complex cutting out of shapes and gluing individual elements.

A sheet of paper folded in half will not fit into such an envelope; it will have to be folded at least twice.

Video lesson:

If you use a standard A4 sheet of writing paper as the starting material, you will get a small paper envelope with dimensions of 92 x 135 millimeters.

To begin with, the A4 sheet is folded in half along the short side, the fold line is well ironed.

Then one side of the sheet is folded towards the fold line and bent back halfway. Several such bends form a dense multi-layer strip, to which the remaining free corners are folded. The entire envelope structure is bent along the edges of these corners, and the bend lines are carefully ironed.

The resulting bend lines are markings for further bends of the sheet, which already form the envelope itself. At this stage, you need to carefully watch the video instructions so as not to get confused in the sequence of folding the sheet. In some cases, it is necessary to mark the upcoming inflection lines with a pencil.

The corners folded inward keep the envelope from opening.

Video lesson:

From a standard sheet of A4 writing paper you can make a simple envelope for money.

  • The sheet is first bent in half along its length, then again, and the midpoints of the sides are marked.
  • The corners of the sheet on one side are bent to the center line, the sides are bent so that their edges do not reach the center line a little.
  • The structure is folded in half to mark the bend line, the valve with bent triangles is bent inward.
  • The structure is bent again, and its rectangular edge is inserted behind the bent corners.

The result is a rectangular envelope with a flap with curved corners, quite accurately corresponding to the size of banknotes in denominations of one thousand rubles. The front side remains clean, and you can make any congratulatory inscription or drawing on it. You can put a gift amount of money in an envelope and, without sealing it, hand it to the hero of the occasion.

Video lesson:

You can buy envelopes in stores, but they are the simplest and rarely original. Of course, you can find a beautiful envelope, but why spend money if you can make it yourself. And if you want to give someone a Valentine’s card or present another type of correspondence, then you definitely need to know how to make it out of paper with your own hands. It is also needed for discs or to put in money for a gift. We will look at the simplest and most beautiful options for making beautiful gift envelopes.

Paper products are very popular today. There are different types of paper for making envelopes: plain white, double-sided, vintage, colored, textured, and the like. The process of making such a paper product is very simple, and you will see for yourself.

The most ordinary small envelope

Take an ordinary white piece of paper, choose its size yourself, the most important thing is that it is square.

Let's start making an envelope out of paper with our own hands:

  1. carefully fold the piece of paper in half, but you don’t need to make a bend, just mark it not very clearly;
  2. now take the bottom edge of the sheet and bend it towards the marked middle;
  3. you will have a fold and you need to bend it one more time towards the middle line that you marked at the very beginning;
  4. after that, bend the corners and make vertical folds on both sides;
  5. the upper corners should be larger than the lower ones and then you need to bend the upper corners;
  6. Bend the resulting triangle horizontally and close the envelope.

Of course, this is not an origami paper envelope; the manufacturing technique for these paper products is much more complex, but we made the most ordinary simple paper envelope. To decorate, you can stick a postage stamp on it or a picture on the topic cut out from an old postcard.

Making an envelope using glue

You will need to prepare:

  • a simple pencil and ruler;
  • paper glue and scissors;
  • A4 sheet of paper.

Step-by-step description of production:

  1. We will make an envelope from A4 paper. Place the piece of paper in front of you horizontally on the table. Now, using a ruler and pencil, you first need to mark 72 mm from the bottom left corner, and then mark 72 mm from the top right corner, and mark these distances with small dots.
  2. Draw the necessary lines. Using a ruler, draw a straight line from the marked bottom point to the center of the upper left corner with a simple pencil. From the top marked point you need to draw a straight line to the center of the lower right corner.
  3. Take the scissors. Carefully cut along the marked lines the edges of the paper on both sides. You will get a figure that resembles a rum or a parallelogram, it will be the basis of A4 paper;
  4. Take your paper piece. Now you need to place it on the table so that the two corners are below and above and carefully bend the two side corners to the center of the paper part so that they touch, but do not overlap each other. Otherwise, you will end up with a crooked envelope. Smooth out the lines on the folds of the corners thoroughly.
  5. We perform the following steps. Now you need to bend the lower corner of the part towards the center so that it slightly covers the two side folds and carefully smooth the lower fold too. You will have a finished product.
  6. Final stage. All that remains is to take the glue and lightly spread it on the edges of the lower bent corner by about 6-8 mm, and then glue it to the two bent corners.

Soldier's triangle

If you are wondering how to make an envelope from paper in the shape of a soldier's triangle, then it is very simple, but the paper product will come out original. Take any rectangular shaped piece of paper and align one of the short sides of the paper diagonally with the long side. You should end up with a right triangle, which will leave the paper in the form of a rectangular strip.

Now bend the resulting triangle in half, and you will get an isosceles triangle with the same stripe. Both corners of the strip need to be folded to the base of the triangle and you will get a tab that needs to be tucked into the upper pocket and ultimately you will get a soldier’s triangle, that is, the kind of envelope in which mail was previously sent to soldiers going to war.

English envelope

This is also a very simple method of making a paper envelope with your own hands and it needs to be made from a rectangular piece of paper. On one side of the sheet, write the text required for the message, leaving 1.5-2 centimeters at the top and along the edges. Now fold the text inward three times in height so that a narrow strip remains. Fold it and glue it, if necessary, glue the sides. In the finished envelope, the text of the message will remain inside.

Making this origami paper envelope will bring joy to your children because you will be making it for them. It is not intended to be used to place gifts in the form of money, but rather it will be a child's toy and resembles a wallet. Children love these toys, and they can color the finished paper product to their liking. And younger schoolchildren can take such a wallet to school and store money in it for personal expenses.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

Methods for making original envelopes

Now we will tell you how to make a gift envelope for CDs out of paper. Use a cute gift envelope to wish your loved ones a Happy Valentine's Day or use it for a wedding. For disks, it is also necessary - after all, you don’t want your disks collecting dust on a shelf without protection.

Heart envelope

Prepare the following materials:

  • decorative paper 30x30 cm;
  • cardboard or thick paper 30x30 cm;
  • decorations - beads, flowers, etc.;
  • beautiful satin ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

Original CD sleeve

We will make this paper product using the scrapbooking technique. In this case, the main part is made of paper and then it is decorated with beads, fabric and paper appliqués, and the like.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. take a regular A4 sheet. Place the disk in the lower part exactly in the middle. Now fold the sides. The disk is used as a guide and this will not allow you to make a mistake in the size of the paper product;
  2. fold the disk together with the paper up, while turning it over to the reverse side. Now wrap the top part - the disk should lie inside;
  3. remove the disk from the workpiece. Glue the internal parts and leave space for the disk. Bend the corners of the lid inward and tuck the lid inside the pocket. Now the envelope itself is ready;
  4. let's start decorating. Here, give free rein to your imagination: you can glue flowers from beads, some kind of applique, and the like onto it.

And now we will tell you how to make an envelope with rounded edges from paper. It's very simple: take a sheet of thick paper with equal sides and mark a square of the required size in the middle. Form four rounded tabs from the side pieces. To do this, use a compass and scissors. Now bend all the labels towards the center and tie the envelope itself with a beautiful ribbon.

Agree that not everything is as complicated as it initially seems. The most important thing is desire, patience and perseverance and you will get a beautiful paper product in which you can put a love note and gift money for any occasion.

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