Home Trees and shrubs The history of the development of the lamp. Lamps. Ceiling lamps. Chandeliers Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined room lighting Suspended. Download presentation about lamps

The history of the development of the lamp. Lamps. Ceiling lamps. Chandeliers Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined room lighting Suspended. Download presentation about lamps

Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined lighting of a room. Lamps suspended from the ceiling scatter light throughout the room, visually increasing its volume. In long corridors, long rooms of a large area, it may be necessary to install two ceiling lights. The purposes of uniform distribution of light are multi-track and compact chandeliers with several light elements on one rod, crystal chandeliers. Ceiling lights are appropriate in the hallway, corridor, bathroom and toilet on the stairs. In the kitchen or in the living room, they are usually also present, but they create only background lighting, while separate functional areas and work surfaces are illuminated using wall, table, and spotlights. In the bedroom for general lighting, you can use wall lamps such as sconces. Above the dining table in the dining room, the lamp is hung at a distance of about 2.3-2.5 m from the floor so that the light source is above the eye level of a standing person. It is advisable to purchase a pendant lamp of such a design that will allow you to lower the light source lower during meals, at a distance of at least 75 cm from the plane of the table

Spotlights Spotlights are very convenient because they can be combined with almost any other fixtures, they take up little space, they can be recessed and built into the ceiling, shelves, alcoves, racks. Depending on the light source and reflector, they are able to give both a narrow directional light beam (from a halogen lamp) and diffused light (from an incandescent lamp). Therefore, with their help you can organize both general and directional exposure lighting. Recessed spotlights are almost invisible, good in those rooms, corners of the apartment, where voluminous, bright chandeliers are out of place, attract too much attention, and there is nowhere to put the lamp. They are ideal for illuminating dressing rooms, illuminating the interior space of built-in wardrobes. Recessed spotlights are ideal for installation in a room with a suspended or stretch ceiling.

Wall lamps - sconces Wall lamps create local lighting They give a directional flow, designed for high illumination of a relatively small part of the space. Such lamps are attached to the wall in the hallway (on both sides of the mirror, by the telephone), in the corridor, in the bathroom, at the head of the bed. Lamps with a light beam directed upwards use the ceiling as a reflector, illuminate the adjacent surfaces of the walls and ceiling with diffused light.

Desk lamps Desk lamps are used to illuminate work surfaces, are sources of working local lighting, and, as a rule, require a movable design of the optical part. The design of desk lamps is extremely functional, although not without attractiveness, since their main task is to create directional lighting of the table surface.

Floor lamps - floor lamps Floor lamps and table lamps with voluminous lampshades made of translucent materials meet the purposes of combined lighting. They are placed on coffee tables, dressing tables, on consoles, pedestals, floor lamps at the sofa or armchair, at the foot of the stairs (with upward flow of light), etc. and so on.

Decorative lamps Decorative lamps: a) a lamp-lantern resembles one of those gas lamps that were mounted on horse-drawn carriages, it is appropriate in the kitchen or hall (candles or a low-glow lamp can be inserted inside); b) the lampshade of this original lamp is made of crumpled tissue paper stretched over a heart-shaped frame

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Lamps Ceiling lamps. Chandeliers

  • Ceiling lamps are usually used for general or combined lighting of a room. Lamps suspended from the ceiling scatter light throughout the room, visually increasing its volume. In long corridors, long rooms of a large area, it may be necessary to install two ceiling lights. The purposes of uniform distribution of light are multi-track and compact chandeliers with several light elements on one rod, crystal chandeliers. Ceiling lights are appropriate in the hallway, corridor, bathroom and toilet on the stairs. In the kitchen or in the living room, they are usually also present, but they create only background lighting, while separate functional areas and work surfaces are illuminated using wall, table, and spotlights. In the bedroom for general lighting, you can use wall lamps such as sconces. Above the dining table in the dining room, the lamp is hung at a distance of about 2.3-2.5 m from the floor so that the light source is above the eye level of a standing person. It is advisable to purchase a pendant lamp of such a design that will allow you to lower the light source lower during meals, at a distance of at least 75 cm from the plane of the table
Table lamps Spotlights
  • Spotlights are very convenient, because they are combined with almost any other fixtures, take up little space, can be deepened and built into the ceiling, shelves, alcoves, racks. Depending on the light source and reflector, they are able to give both a narrow directional light beam (from a halogen lamp) and diffused light (from an incandescent lamp). Therefore, with their help you can organize both general and directional exposure lighting. Recessed spotlights are almost invisible, good in those rooms, corners of the apartment, where voluminous, bright chandeliers are out of place, attract too much attention, and there is nowhere to put the lamp. They are ideal for illuminating dressing rooms, illuminating the interior space of built-in wardrobes. Recessed spotlights are ideal for installation in a room with a suspended or stretch ceiling.
Wall lamps - sconces
  • Wall luminaires create local lighting They provide a directional light designed for high illumination of a relatively small part of the space. Such lamps are attached to the wall in the hallway (on both sides of the mirror, by the telephone), in the corridor, in the bathroom, at the head of the bed. Lamps with a light beam directed upwards use the ceiling as a reflector, illuminate the adjacent surfaces of the walls and ceiling with diffused light.
Desk lamp
  • Table lamps are used to illuminate work surfaces, are sources of local working lighting, and, as a rule, require a movable design of the optical part. The design of desk lamps is extremely functional, although not without attractiveness, since their main task is to create directional lighting of the table surface.
Floor lamps
  • The purposes of combined lighting are met by floor lamps and table lamps with voluminous lampshades made of translucent materials. They are placed on coffee tables, dressing tables, on consoles, pedestals, floor lamps at the sofa or armchair, at the foot of the stairs (with upward flow of light), etc. and so on.
Decorative lamps
  • Decorative lamps: a) a flashlight resembles one of those gas lamps that were mounted on horse-drawn carriages, it is appropriate in the kitchen or hall (candles or a low-glow lamp can be inserted inside);
  • b) the lampshade of this original lamp is made of crumpled tissue paper stretched over a heart-shaped frame
When choosing a lamp for a particular room, be sure to think about its purpose, shape, color, style (interaction with the interior of the room is a must). Go to the store only after deciding what kind of lamp should be: emitting a powerful stream of light up to the ceiling, suitable for local (for sewing, knitting, reading) or background lighting. Otherwise, tempted by the beauty and variety of lamps, floor lamps and night lamps, you run the risk of spending twice as much, acquiring a beautiful, but completely useless thing in your apartment.
  • When choosing a lamp for a particular room, be sure to think about its purpose, shape, color, style (interaction with the interior of the room is a must). Go to the store only after deciding what kind of lamp should be: emitting a powerful stream of light up to the ceiling, suitable for local (for sewing, knitting, reading) or background lighting. Otherwise, tempted by the beauty and variety of lamps, floor lamps and night lamps, you run the risk of spending twice as much, acquiring a beautiful, but completely useless thing in your apartment.
  • Compiler
  • Skripina Elena Valerievna, teacher of the SBO of the Dmitrov special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type

"Electric lamps"- The beginning of the history of electric lighting. P.N.Yablochkov. Introduction. In 1879, Edison became interested in the problem of electric lighting. Davy. In the autumn of 1875, Yablochkov conducted an experiment on the electrolysis of table salt. J.B. Foucault. The first consumer of electrical energy was the electric lighting system.

"Incandescent physics"- Tariff 2.1 RUB/kWh. All energy-saving lamps are harmful, because. contain mercury vapor, and are not environmentally friendly. Saving money. Incandescent lamp. Myth #1. Energy-saving lamps. Analysis of electricity consumption statistics by months. Before. In Russia, a similar law comes into force in 2011. A factory for the production of energy-saving lamps is opened in St. Petersburg.

"Lighting"- Basic requirements for industrial lighting systems. Emin = 0.5 lux at night at ground level. The contrast is large at K> 0.5; average at K = 0.2 - 0.5; small at K< 0,2. Контраст объекта с фоном К: K = (Lф? Lо)/Lф. Искусственное освещение. Аварийное освещение разделяется на освещение безопасности и эвакуационное.

"History of the Incandescent Lamp"- Plan History Internet resources used. The path of development of artificial lighting was long and difficult. In 1844 the French physicist Jean Bernard Foucault (1819-1868) replaced charcoal electrodes with retort carbon electrodes. Increasing the current caused more intense light output until the melting point was reached and the lamp went out.

"Energy-saving lamps"- Most likely, the matter is simply in the absence of elementary housekeeping. Smart economy. Incandescent lamps heat up about 4 times more than energy-saving lamps. Rationale for my topic. Reasonable economy (continued). Studies have proven that an energy-saving lamp consumes 5 times less energy.

"Incandescent lamp"- Let's check your attention... B). What is the purpose of fuses? A). The light bulb does not have a single inventor. Frontal testing. torch flame; torch; oil lamp; a candle; kerosene lamp. 1879 Inventor - Thomas Edison - "Incandescent lamp". What do the numbers on the base or bulbs of the lamps mean?

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