Home Trees and shrubs How to get up with the first alarm. Tips for quick and easy waking up in the morning. Factors that interfere with rest

How to get up with the first alarm. Tips for quick and easy waking up in the morning. Factors that interfere with rest

Even the most beautiful melody played by the alarm clock in the morning sounds disgusting. It takes a few seconds to come to your senses and understand where and why this sharp, unpleasant sound comes from. And if for some reason I had to go to bed much later than usual, then awakening generally becomes painful.

How to get up easily on an alarm clock

It's good that electronic alarm clocks have a snooze function, you can not react for the first time and stay in a warm, comfortable bed for another 5-10 minutes. True, it doesn't get any easier. Ten minutes is not enough to get enough sleep, and most often it is not possible to fall asleep. You are half asleep with an unpleasant feeling that you still have to get up. And you struggle with the desire to turn off the alarm altogether. But with a sleepy mind you realize that this cannot be done. Being late for work, a lecture or an important meeting will make the coming day completely ruined. And, in the end, overpowering yourself, with a soundless inner groan, you get up and take on a routine morning ritual.

Getting out from under the blanket is also unpleasant because the body, accustomed to warmth under the covers, is covered by an unpleasant wave of cold. And if, in addition to everything, you have a tendency to depression, which, as you know, reveals to the consciousness all the hopelessness of human life precisely in the first minutes after waking up, then bringing yourself back to normal generally turns into a big problem.

In a word, the moment of awakening is the most unpleasant time in life. And the easier and faster it is overcome, the easier it is to live. Of course, there are people for whom awakening is not much of a problem. If you go to bed and get up at exactly the same time every day, then the body, accustomed to this routine, wakes up quite easily. Some even get into the happy habit of waking up with a clear head a few minutes before the call.

But most people don't manage to go to bed at the same time every day. And very rare units have the ability of Stirlitz to wake up exactly at the time for which the internal setting was given. Most ordinary people perform a small feat every morning, overcoming the desire to send everyone away and fall into a sweet dream for another hour or two.

Is it possible to make getting up on an alarm clock less difficult?

It is possible, but only if you really want it and are ready to try for it.

First of all, you need to realize that most people approach their morning awakening in the wrong way. What does it mean? The fact that their getting out of bed is based solely on an effort of will, on the realization that this is necessary. Of course, in most cases it works. But it also happens that a person falls asleep again and stays in bed for several more hours, creating a potential problem for himself.

Why is this happening? Everything is explained simply. A person raised by the alarm clock is not able to think clearly. His brain is in a clouded state, and all the decisions he makes are radically different from those that would be made if he were in a cheerful state. In the evening, he decided that he needed to get up at 6 o'clock, and set the alarm clock for this time. But in the morning, when the bell rang, his half-asleep brain decides that there is no special need to get up at 6 o'clock, it is quite possible to sleep for a couple more hours. And as a result, the overslept is either late for work, or is forced to do everything in a hurry, refusing to do the necessary morning chores. For example, walking the dog or jogging.

So there is nothing strange, and even more malicious in the fact that a person wakes up from time to time to work or study, no. The thing is that the need to get up on time is dictated by his cheerful consciousness, and the morning decision to postpone the rise for two hours is sleepy and foggy. In this case, it is useless to have several alarm clocks or some ultra-modern device equipped with many functions. We need to radically change our approach to awakening.

Someone may decide that it's all about discipline and willpower. This is partly correct, but not in the sense in which it is usually understood. Self-discipline is needed not in order to get up at the alarm clock, but in order to understand that the method of willpower is not at all suitable for solving this problem. You can not trust your clouded mind and make decisions at the moment of awakening. Discipline is needed in order not to allow your incapacitated half-asleep mind to make a decision at all. How can I do that? Only one way. Leave decision making to your subconscious mind. That it should control the process of lifting.

To do this, you will have to develop the habit of automatically getting up when the alarm goes off. How to do it practically? In the same way that other repetitive skills are developed - training. It is necessary to train the skill of getting up on a call until it becomes a habit. At the same time, as with any habit, the subconscious will begin to guide you, making all your actions automatic, “on autopilot”. Moreover, you need to train not in the morning, when the consciousness is not quite adequate, but in the afternoon, when it is clear and cheerful.

It all seems a little strange, doesn't it? Train to get up on an alarm, and even during the day!? It may be really weird, but it works.

Wake Up Workout

So, let's get to the workout, shall we? You go into the bedroom and imitate all the conditions and your state that come with going to sleep. Draw the curtains, change into pajamas, turn off the lights. If you have any special bedtime ritual, then follow it. Brush your teeth (or take them out if they are false :), remove glasses or lenses, etc. In a word, do everything exactly as you do in the evening.

Then set your alarm for a few minutes ahead. Lie in bed, assume your normal position, and pretend to be asleep. Try to turn off your consciousness, imagine that you are having a dream.

As soon as the alarm rings, immediately, without delay, turn it off. Take a deep breath and stretch. Then sit down, smile with a satisfied smile, as if you are in a good mood. And start doing all the things you do in the morning - go to the bathroom, get dressed, start exercising.

Then repeat the workout. Set the alarm again and go back to bed. These actions must be repeated until they begin to be performed automatically, without any hesitation. If you have to think and remember to repeat them in the correct sequence, then there is no automatism yet.

It may take several days to develop a habit. It's quite normal. According to its scheme, training should be similar to those done with weights. Every day you do one or two workouts for several (from 3 to 10) sets.

Of course, this will take some time. But in the future, when automatism is achieved, you will be able to save hundreds of hours a year, not to mention the fact that all the troubles that are associated with being late for work or business meetings will disappear.

After some time, a subconscious automatic reaction to the alarm will be developed. When this will happen, it is impossible to say for sure. For each person, the duration of training will be different. It is important that the reaction is sustainable. This can be achieved only by training, the longer they are, the higher the automatism. Eventually, with enough practice, it will get to the point where it will be unpleasant for you to stay in bed after the alarm goes off.

A person who is good at visualization (the ability to strongly and vividly represent visual pictures) can even train mentally, imagining all the actions that he performs when the alarm goes off. But physical training is more effective. In any case, it is necessary to start with it, and only then you can try to develop the skill mentally.

The result of training

The ultimate goal of training is to develop a stable instinct. Immediate wake-up call. Once the habit is established, training can be stopped as the skill will be naturally reinforced when you get up each morning. So it is enough to go through the training period once, and the skill to quickly get up at the alarm signal will remain with you for life. Unless, of course, your living conditions change, requiring you to get up at a certain time on an alarm clock.

A temporary change in lifestyle, such as during a vacation, will make some adjustment in habits, but returning to it will be quick and easy. The same as the return of strength and endurance after a break in training with iron. Those who have been engaged in physical exercises for a long time know that even after a long break, the return of lost conditions occurs very quickly.

It is important to remember one more thing. Each person has his own awakening ritual, his own sequence of actions that he performs in the morning. And this ritual is not always optimal. In this case, during training, it must be changed to the most appropriate, the one that you would like to have.

At its core, a person is a set of certain habits. If they are bad and harmful, a person cannot be good. You need to get rid of bad habits, changing them to rational and useful ones. So, by developing the habit of getting up quickly and vigorously, you not only save time and get rid of problems, but also make yourself better.

Having created the necessary awakening ritual, it is advisable to adhere to it daily, all 365 days a year. The first time (about a month) it is useful to set an alarm for one time. Once the habit is sufficiently established, you will be able to get up quickly and easily regardless of the time of the call. If you plan to sleep away one of the days, the alarm clock must be turned off so as not to create a precedent for the subconscious mind to ignore the call.

The habit of getting up quickly on a call is one of the most useful. It allows you to save a lot of time. A simple calculation shows all its benefits. Sleeping for 30 minutes every day results in a loss of 180 hours per year. And those who stay in bed for 1 hour lose 365 hours, which is equal to nine working weeks. How many useful things can be done during this time. And all this time is acquired just by developing one habit.

For those who think the idea of ​​training the habit of getting up on an alarm clock is stupid and ridiculous, there is only one answer - you just try it. In the worst case, you will lose only a few hours. But in case of success, you will gain a lot - free time, a reputation as a punctual and accurate person, self-confidence and a good mood.

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A familiar situation - the sound of an alarm clock, the “snooze for 5 minutes” button, again and again, then - barely get up, there is no time for breakfast, did not get enough sleep, your head is heavy, your brain does not work?

You can't bring yourself to crawl out from under the covers because it's cold, sad outside, and you're so sleepy and so unhappy this (or any other) morning?

If you, like many people, find it difficult to wake up with an alarm in the morning, this article is for you.

Owls and larks

It is difficult to get away from biorhythms, and an owl, no matter how much you retrain it, will remain an owl. But this world was invented by larks and for larks, so if you want to succeed at it, you need to play by the early bird rules. But owls, despite their wisdom, try to outwit themselves.

"The world won't collapse if I sleep another five minutes." Who are you fooling? If it is exactly 5 minutes, it will not be a dream. And if you are going to sleep - it will last much longer, believe me.

"It's just so cold out there, I need to get ready." No no and one more time no! If you prepare all the time, you will never be ready - and this does not only apply to early rises.

"It's too much stress for me." But we are all adults, and we are able to relieve ourselves of stress by not taking things like traffic jams, people in a bad mood, and an early rise to heart.

If the alarm clock has already rung, you will either not get more sleep anyway, or you will be late. Five minutes of sleep (or rather, half-sleep) will not give you anything. You will have to learn how to wake up with the alarm.

How to get up on an alarm

Of course, every morning you can force yourself to get up with the first alarm no matter what. You will train your will, but the process of awakening in the morning will still be uncomfortable for you. Need another way is how to become a lark.

In fact, you just need to make it clear to yourself that you get up with an alarm - and that's it. There are no more alternatives. You don't fight yourself to avoid less constructive behaviors in the morning. They simply don't exist. There is one option - the alarm clock rang and you got out of bed. It cannot be otherwise.

Believe it. Take it for granted. You don't have to force yourself to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning. You just get up and period. Because it cannot be otherwise.

It won’t work out right away, but when you really convince yourself that there simply aren’t other options here, getting up early will be a matter of course for you. Natural, not bad and not good, just natural and that's it.


To get up early, at first you can use tricks. For example, taking the alarm clock away from the bed - so that you absolutely have to get out of it to turn it off. Agree, after you have already got out from under the covers, returning back is somehow stupid.

Another way to wake up immediately is to turn on the light. Your brain will see that it's daytime and start waking up faster.

Breathe deeply when you wake up. Fill your lungs with oxygen, this will disperse the blood and wake up your body.

Don't sleep on weekends. Getting up early is a habit that you will only form when you follow it for at least 3 weeks daily, without deviation. So get up early on weekends. Sleep better during the day - daytime sleep is useful.

And, of course, every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, think about how much beauty awaits you there, outside the blanket! So boldly take a step towards this wonderful world!

I am developing the habit of waking up early. Yes, it’s difficult, especially for a resident of a larger city. But it’s worth it: high performance, good health, no headaches, opportunities for morning work on yourself, such as meditation or prayer, a clearer daily routine and effective goal setting.

Are you an owl or a lark? Tell us about it in the comments.

Get up every day at the same time. If you get up at 6 am to go to work or school, and then sleep until noon on the weekends, your internal clock will simply jitter. By getting up at the same time every day, you will train your body to get up at the right time.

Set an alarm. Make sure you set the correct time! You don't want your alarm clock to wake you up at 6am just because you set it for 6pm when you're having a peaceful dinner! Set it to maximum volume (within reason and so that it does not disturb others), place it as close to the head of the bed as possible, but so that you have to get up to turn it off, and set a sufficiently strong tone (for example, a horn). Once you get used to getting up right away, you can try replacing the sound with music or something, but the volume should probably be left at maximum.

  • If you recently bought a new alarm clock, test it out to make sure it works and wakes you up. If your alarm clock runs on batteries or needs to be wound, make sure the batteries are not dead or that it is wound up.
  • When you get into bed, tell yourself that you will wake up as soon as you hear your alarm. Promise yourself that you'll get up at the time your alarm is set for and that you won't hit the snooze button and ignore the alarm.

    Sleep well and make sure you get enough sleep. You simply cannot wake up at five in the morning if you have only slept four hours. Make sure your mattress, pillows, and blankets are comfortable, and don't forget to brush your teeth and wash your face before going to bed. Turn off the lights, air it out, make it quiet (or turn on some white noise).

    When you wake up to the sound of an alarm clock, you probably think of it as the first sound of that awful, grueling morning that leads to horrible, grueling work or school. Instead, think of it like an emergency alarm, like a fire or police siren, and imagine if you don't turn it off and get up, it will explode. Simply associate the alarm sound with anxiety and panic to boost your adrenaline levels.

    As soon as you hear the alarm sound, straighten up in bed. Remove the blanket and turn off the alarm

    If you don't share a bedroom with anyone else who gets up at the same time, turn on a lamp and open the curtains and blinds to let the light wake you up. If you like, you can open a window to let cool breeze and nature sounds into the room.

    Consider the morning habits of your spouse or siblings so as not to make them nervous in the morning! BUT - if you can (and you're a good person), use this as motivation! Set your alarm away and turn it off as soon as possible so as not to wake the others. As soon as you get up, you will wake up.

    Each of us would like to shift the uninteresting, routine moments of our lives onto another person. And each of us has such a person. This is himself, or rather his subconscious. This is what happens when we brush our teeth or open the door on autopilot. This is what is called the force of habit. Unfortunately, few people succeed in developing the habit of waking up on an alarm clock, alert and fresh. At such moments, our subconscious is especially intractable and lazy.

    I will share my idea of ​​how the process of developing this habit can be greatly facilitated.

    First, let's talk about what an alarm clock can be like in terms of our reaction to it:

    1. Alarm clock irritant. Most often, we encounter such an alarm when we press “snooze another 5 minutes” on our mobile. A similar picture is with the sounds of a perforator on Sunday morning. Pulling the blanket over our ear, we press the imaginary "snooze" button over and over again.
    2. Alarm clock - "alarm signal". They didn’t sleep all night, by morning they forgot about an anxious dream, and then the sounds of a wake-up call. A controlled panic sets in, caused by fear of being late or worry for a sick child. Familiar?
    3. Alarm clock - "The beginning of a new day." The singing of birds, the gentle rays of the sun, or the smell of the hair of a loved one. Some little things that are meaningful to you that push you out of bed to make coffee, open a window or go for a run. From such an alarm clock you want to wake up and start a new day full of accomplishments.

    Another important question, how much sleep did you get? Are your eyes stuck together, feeling “sleepy” or obviously overslept and you won’t wake up in any way? Obviously, the worst option is to wake up from the "alarm" when you do not get enough sleep. It is necessary to strive to wake up on the third type of alarm clock with the feeling that you had a good night's sleep. How to do it?

    Find something that makes you want to wake up. There can be a lot of options here:

    • Chat with a loved one. Talking on the phone before work, having breakfast together, having sex after all. You have no one to wake up for? While looking, use .
    • Make time for yourself. Half an hour in the morning is a great time that you can’t find in any way to get better from jogging or studying English.
    • Achieve something. When I played online games, I woke up early. Do you know why? It's better to wake up early in the morning and kill the boss without competitors. Now the achievements are different, but the principle remains the same.

    Once again I emphasize: you need to choose what you want to wake up for. Not what you think you need to do, not what you should do, but what you want to do.

    I will not repeat well-known things. If you forgot them, then re-read here. Although you know without it that in the morning you should do exercises, take a contrast shower, make a to-do list for the day. You already remember that in the evening you should not overeat, that you should go to bed early. But then why do you forget what you need to do to get enough sleep? It's just that the reason to wake up in the morning is weak. So make her stronger! After all, then waking up on an alarm clock will be easy. After all, then your morning will become both good and cheerful. What I wish you!

    4 votes

    Less and less often there are people who get up without any problems with the first ring of the alarm clock and feel invigorated. In my post, I will reveal several ways to deal with the kingdom of Morpheus.

    If you have great intrinsic motivation, you can not read my article.
    I know a person who always gets up with the first alarm even at five in the morning, and I don’t understand how he does it at all, so I have to look for different methods of tearing myself out of bed.

    In this post there will be ways that personally did not help me, but can help you. The second part of the tips that turned out to be more effective for me will be in the next post.

    1) Calculation of sleep phases.
    There are several stages of sleep. In the non-REM sleep phase, we restore physical strength, and in the REM sleep phase, the brain processes the information received during the day and shows dreams. If you wake up in the first phase, you feel overwhelmed and do not remember dreams, while in the second it is the other way around.
    I don’t know how rigorously these statements are proven, but the fact remains that you can feel great after 4-5 hours of sleep, or you can feel great fatigue after ten.
    There are many methods for calculating sleep phases on the web. In one of them, Zhenya even advised an application for calculating them.
    I have not been able to determine the duration of the phases. Maybe you'll have better luck

    2) Reassessment of the significance of the motive.
    In words, it's easy.
    "You must definitely go to the lecture as the first couple, because there new useful knowledge is given that cannot be obtained anywhere else."
    "We must arrive early for work, then we can leave early and have a free evening!"
    This works only if the new motive is very significant and weighty.
    If you know that the lecturer is not very interesting, and there is a textbook with complete information, then you will sleep with a clear conscience.
    If, leaving home earlier, you get stuck in a traffic jam and still arrive late to work, then the choice between sleeping in bed or sleeping on the bus / subway will clearly not be made in favor of the second option.
    So you need to come up with something more substantial. For example, an inspector checking lecture attendance, or breakfasts at work

    You can also add a new significant motive (research, testing yourself for endurance, a matter of honor).
    "You are not a weakling, you are a strong purposeful person, you can get up on time for a whole week."
    When compiling the "101 goals for 1001 days" list, I added the task of getting up with the first alarm clock of the month. For a year and a half, it has not been completed ...

    3) Put the alarm clock away.
    This works great. Many have enough way to the closet
    Alas, if you do not live alone, then the alarm clock cannot be put on the closet and turned on at full volume (although if your neighbors are sleeping like a baby, then the method may work)

    4)Get a pet that will wake you up in the morning.
    How many people complain that their cats walk in the face in the morning
    The most effective way, if there is an opportunity to have a pet, and he will wake you up, and not other family members.

    5) Changing the role or position of a person in the family.
    For example, by getting up early, you set a positive example for your brothers/sisters. This can be an additional incentive if your example really helps. If relatives get up before you, then you just need to take an example from them

    I hope these tips help you get up on time and in a good mood.
    I'll try not to delay the second part

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