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Coordination of definitions with nouns. Gender of declined nouns

Precious memory for Russians


this work, inspired by his genius, devotes with reverence and gratitude

Alexander Pushkin

Kremlin chambers

Princes Shuisky and Vorotynsky.

We are dressed up together to know the city,
But we don't seem to have anyone to look after:
Moscow is empty; following the patriarch
All the people also went to the monastery.
How do you think the anxiety will end?
How will it end? It's not surprising to find out:
The people will still cry and cry,
Boris will frown a little more,
Like a drunkard in front of a glass of wine,
And finally, by your grace
To accept the crown will humbly agree;
And there - and there he will rule us
As before.
But the month has already passed
How, hiding in a monastery with my sister,
He seems to have abandoned everything worldly.
Neither the patriarch nor the Duma boyars
Hitherto they could not bend him;
He does not heed any tearful admonitions,
Neither their pleas, nor the cry of all Moscow,
Not the voice of the Great Council.
His sister was begged in vain
Bless Boris for Power;
Sad nun queen
How firm he is, how unforgiving he is.
Know, Boris himself instilled this spirit into her;
What if the ruler really
Bored with sovereign worries
And the powerless will not ascend to the throne?
What do you say?
I will say that in vain
The blood of the baby prince was pouring;
What if so, Demetrius could live.
Awful villainy! Full, as if
Boris ruined the Tsarevich?
Then who?
Who bribed Chepchugov in vain?
Who sent both Bityagovskys
With Kachalov? I was sent to Uglich
Investigate this case on the spot:
I ran into fresh tracks;
The whole city was witness to the atrocity;
All citizens showed in agreement;
And, returning, I could with a single word
Expose the hidden villain.
Why didn't you destroy it?
I confess he confused me then
Calmness, unexpected shamelessness,
He looked into my eyes, as if right:
I asked, entered the details -
And before him I repeated the absurdity,
Which he himself whispered to me.
Not clean, prince.
What could I do?
To declare everything to Theodore? But the king
He looked at everything with the eyes of Godunov,
He listened to everything with Godunov's ears:
Let me assure him of everything
Boris would have disbelieved him at once,
And there they would send me to prison,
Yes in a good hour, like my uncle,
In a remote prison, they quietly crushed me.
I'm not bragging, but in the case, of course,
No execution will frighten me.
I am not a coward myself, but also not a fool
And I will not agree to climb into the noose for nothing.
Terrible villainy! Listen right
Repentance worries the destroyer:
Surely the blood of an innocent baby
It prevents him to set foot on the throne.
Will step over; Boris is not so timid!
What an honor for us, for all of Russia!
Yesterday's slave, Tatar, Malyuta's son-in-law,
The executioner's son-in-law and the executioner himself in his soul,
Will take the crown and the barmas of Monomakh ...
So, by birth he is ignorant; we are more famous.
Yes, it seems.
After all, Shuisky, Vorotynsky ...
It is easy to say natural princes.
Natural, and Rurik's blood.
And listen, prince, because we would have had the right
Inherit Theodore.
Yes, more,
Than Godunov.
Indeed, indeed!
When Boris does not stop cunning,
Let's skillfully excite the people,
Let them leave Godunov,
They have enough of their princes, let
They will choose anyone as their king.
There are many of us, the heirs of the Varangian,
Yes, it is difficult for us to compete with Godunov:
The people have lost the habit of seeing the ancient industry in us
Their warlike rulers.
We lost our inheritance long ago,
For a long time we serve as assistants to the kings,
And he knew how with fear and love,
And to enchant the people with glory.
(looks out the window)
He dared, that's all - and we ... But complete. See
The people go, scattered, back -
Let's go quickly and find out if it's decided.

the Red Square


Relentless! He drove away from himself
Saints, boyars and patriarch.
They prostrated themselves in vain before him;
He is frightened by the radiance of the throne.
Oh my god, who will rule us?
Oh woe to us!
Yes, here is the supreme clerk
It turns out for us to tell the decision of the Duma.
Be silent! be silent! the clerk dumny says;
Shh - listen!
(from the Red Porch)
Cathedral put
Taste the Power of Request for the Last Time
Above the ruler's sorrowful soul.
In the morning, the most holy patriarch again,
A solemn prayer service in the Kremlin,


Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Boris Godunov

Tsar Boris Feodorovich Godunov

Regency. Dying, Tsar Ivan solemnly recognized his successor, "overlaid with humility", incapable of managing the state and appointed a government commission to help him, how to say, a regency of several of the closest nobles. At first, after the death of Grozny, the greatest power among the regents was enjoyed by the tsar's maternal uncle Nikita Romanovich Yuriev; but soon his illness and death cleared the way to power for another guardian, the king's brother-in-law Boris Godunov.

Using the character of the tsar and the support of his sister-queen, he gradually pushed other regents out of the affairs and himself began to rule the state in the name of his son-in-law. It is not enough to call him a prime minister; he was a kind of dictator, or, how to say, a co-ruler. The tsar, in the words of Kotoshikhin, made him a ruler over the state in all affairs, having himself indulged in "humility and prayer." So enormous was Boris' influence on the tsar and on affairs. According to Prince Katyrev-Rostovsky, he seized such power, "as if the tsar himself would obey him in everything." He was surrounded by royal honor, received foreign ambassadors in his chambers with the majesty and splendor of a real potentate, "with no less honor from the people before the king."

He ruled wisely and carefully, and the fourteen-year reign of Fedor was for the state a time of rest from the pogroms and fears of the oprichnina. “The Lord took pity on His people,” writes the same contemporary, “and gave them a prosperous time, allowed the tsar to reign quietly and serenely, and all Orthodox Christianity began to console itself and live quietly and serenely.” The successful war with Sweden did not disturb this general mood.

But in Moscow, the most disturbing rumors began to circulate. After Tsar Ivan, the youngest son Dimitri remained, to whom his father, according to the old custom of the Moscow sovereigns, gave a small inheritance, the city of Uglich with the district. At the very beginning of Fyodor's reign, to prevent court intrigues and unrest, this prince with his maternal relatives Nagimi was removed from Moscow. In Moscow, they said that this seven-year-old Demetrius, the son of the fifth married wife of Tsar Ivan (not counting the unmarried), therefore, the prince of dubious legality from the canonical point of view, would come out all as a priest of the times of the oprichnina, and that this prince was in great danger from those close to the throne of people who themselves mark the throne in a very likely case of the childless death of Tsar Fedor. And now, as if to justify these rumors, in 1591 the news spread throughout Moscow that the appanage prince Dimitri was stabbed to death in broad daylight in Uglich, and that the murderers were immediately killed by the ascended townspeople, so that there was no one to take testimony from during the investigation. ...

P. Svinin. Terem of Tsarevich Dimitri in Uglich

The commission of inquiry, sent to Uglich, headed by Prince V.I.Shuisky, Godunov's secret enemy and rival, conducted the case stupidly or in bad faith, carefully inquired about side trifles and forgot to investigate the most important circumstances, did not find out the contradictions in the testimony, and generally confused the case terribly. She tried, first of all, to assure herself and others that the prince was not stabbed, but stabbed himself in a fit of epilepsy, falling on a knife with which he was playing with children. Therefore, the Uglichs were severely punished for unauthorized reprisals against the alleged murderers. Having received such a report from the commission, Patriarch Job, a friend of Godunov, with his assistance and elevated to the patriarchal dignity two years ago, announced to the council that the death of the tsarevich had happened by the judgment of God. That was the end of the matter.

In January 1598, Tsar Fedor died. After him, there was no one left from the Kalitina dynasty who could take the empty throne. They swore allegiance to the widow of the deceased, Queen Irina; but she cut her hair. So, the dynasty died out not purely, not by its own death. The Zemsky Sobor, chaired by the same Patriarch Job, elected the ruler Boris Godunov to the throne.

On the throne. Boris ruled on the throne just as cleverly and cautiously as before, standing at the throne under Tsar Fyodor. By origin, he belonged to the great, although not paramount boyars. The Godunovs are a junior branch of an ancient and important Moscow boyar family, descended from the Murza Chet who left the Horde for Moscow under Kalita. An older branch of the same clan, the Saburovs, occupied a prominent place in the Moscow boyars. But the Godunovs rose only recently, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and the oprichnina, it seems, helped a lot to their rise.

Boris was a planted father at one of the many weddings of Tsar Ivan during the oprichnina, moreover, he became the son-in-law of Malyuta Skuratov-Belsky, the chief of the oprichniki. The marriage of Tsarevich Fyodor to Boris's sister further strengthened his position at court. Until the establishment of the oprichnina in the Boyar Duma, we do not meet the Godunovs; they appear in it only since 1573; but since the death of Grozny, they have poured there, and all in the important ranks of boyars and okolnichy. But Boris himself was not included in the lists of guardsmen and thus did not drop himself in the eyes of society, which looked at them as outcast people, "outcasts" - so contemporaries joked at them, playing with synonyms "oprich" and "except."

V. Medvedev. Patriarch Job and the people of Moscow ask Boris Godunov to reign

Boris began his reign with great success, even with brilliance, and his first actions on the throne caused general approval. Modern twists wrote curiously about him that with his policy of internal and external, he was "extremely judicious of the peoples of the wisdom of showing." They found in him "a wise and far-reaching mind," they called him a very wonderful and sweet-tongued husband and a building velma, a lot of caring about his state. They spoke with enthusiasm about the appearance and personal qualities of the tsar, wrote that "no one from the royal synclites is like him in the beauty of his face and in the reasoning of his mind." Although they noticed with surprise that this was the first "bookless sovereign" in Russia, "he was not familiar with literate teaching from his youth, as if he was not accustomed to simple letters." But, recognizing that he surpassed all people in appearance and mind and did much praiseworthy in the state, he was light-hearted, merciful and loving of poverty, although inexperienced in military affairs, they found some shortcomings in him: he bloomed with virtues and could become like the ancient kings, if jealousy and malice had not darkened these virtues. He was reproached with an insatiable lust for power and a tendency to trustingly listen to headphones and persecute slandered people indiscriminately, for which he perceived retribution. Considering himself incapable of military affairs and not trusting his governors, Tsar Boris pursued an indecisive, ambiguous foreign policy, did not take advantage of the fierce enmity of Poland with Sweden, which gave him the opportunity to acquire Livonia from Poland by an alliance with the King of Sweden.

His main attention was paid to the internal order in the state, "the correction of all things necessary for the kingdom," as the cellarer A. Palitsyn put it, and in the first two years of his reign, the cellarer notes, "Russia flourished with all the blessings." The tsar cared deeply for the poor and the poor, wasted mercy on them, but he cruelly persecuted evil people and by such measures gained immense popularity, "was kind to everyone." In organizing the internal state order, he even showed unusual courage. Boris was ready for the measure that had to strengthen the freedom and well-being of the peasants: he, apparently, was preparing a decree that would precisely define the duties and dues of the peasants in favor of the landowners. This is a law that the Russian government did not dare to adopt until the liberation of the serfs.

Rumors and rumors about Boris. So Boris began to reign. However, despite many years of government experience, the favors that he generously lavished on the accession of all classes, the government abilities that were surprised in him, his popularity was fragile. Boris was one of those ill-fated people who both attracted and repelled from themselves - attracted by the visible qualities of mind and talent, repelled by invisible but sensed defects of heart and conscience. He knew how to evoke surprise and gratitude, but did not inspire confidence in anyone; he was always suspected of duplicity and deceit and was considered capable of anything. Undoubtedly, the terrible school of Grozny, which Godunov went through, left an indelible sad imprint on him.

Even during the reign of Tsar Fyodor, many had a view of Boris as an intelligent and businesslike man, but capable of everything, not stopping at any moral difficulty. Attentive and impartial observers, like the clerk Ivan Timofeev, the author of curious notes about the Time of Troubles, characterizing Boris, goes straight from harsh reproaches to enthusiastic praises. And he only wonders where he got everything that he did good, whether it was a gift of nature or the work of a strong will, which until time was able to skillfully wear any disguise. This "worker", the king of slaves, seemed like a mysterious mixture of good and evil, a gambler whose conscience was constantly fluctuating in the scales. With such a look, there was no suspicion and criticism, which popular rumor would not be ready to hang on his name. He also let the Khan of Crimea near Moscow, and killed the good Tsar Fyodor with his daughter, child Fedosya, his own niece, and even poisoned his own sister, Tsarina Alexandra; and the former zemstvo tsar, the half-forgotten protege of Grozny, Semyon Bekbulatovich, blinded by old age, is blinded by the same B. Godunov. By the way, he also burned Moscow, immediately after the murder of Tsarevich Dimitri, in order to divert the attention of the tsar and the capital's society from the Uglitsk atrocity. B. Godunov became a favorite victim of all kinds of political slander. Who, if not him, should kill Tsarevich Dimitri? So the rumor decided, and this time for a reason.

Invisible lips carried this rumor, fatal for Boris, all over the world. They said that he was not without sin in this dark affair, that he had sent assassins to the prince in order to pave his way to the throne. Modern chroniclers talked about Boris's participation in the case, of course, according to rumors and guesses. Of course, they did not have direct evidence and could not have it: powerful people in such cases can and are able to hide their ends in the water. But in the chronicle stories there is no confusion and contradictions, which the report of the Uglitsky investigative commission is full of. The chroniclers correctly understood the predicament of Boris and his supporters under Tsar Fyodor: it encouraged to beat so as not to be beaten. After all, the Naked would not have spared the Godunovs if the Uglitsky prince had reigned. Boris knew very well from himself that people who crawl to the steps of the throne do not like and do not know how to be generous. Only the chroniclers raise some doubt: this is the careless frankness with which Boris behaves among them. They charge the ruler not only with direct and active participation, but, as it were, even an initiative in business.

Unsuccessful attempts to poison the prince, meetings with relatives and friends about other means of lime Dimitri, an unsuccessful first choice of performers, Boris's sadness about failure, his consolation with Kleshnin, promising to fulfill his desire - all these details, without which, it would seem, people could do without, so accustomed to intrigue. With such a master of his craft as Kleshnin, who owes everything to Boris and is the leader of the Uglitsk crime, there was no need to be so frank: a transparent hint, a silent impressive gesture was enough to be understood. In any case, it is difficult to suppose that this deed would have taken place without Boris's knowledge. It was rigged by some overly helpful hand, which wanted to do what Boris liked, guessing his secret intentions, and even more - to secure the position of his party, held by Boris.

Seven years have passed - seven serene years of Boris's rule. Time was beginning to erase the Uglitsky stain from Borisov's face. But with the death of Tsar Fyodor, suspicious popular rumor revived. There were rumors that the election of Boris to the kingdom was unclean, that, having poisoned Tsar Fyodor, Godunov reached the throne with police tricks, which the rumor raised into an entire organization. Agents, even monks from different monasteries, were dispatched to all parts of Moscow and to all cities, inciting the people to ask Boris for the kingdom "with the whole world"; even the widow-queen assiduously helped her brother, secretly with money and flattering promises, seducing the rifle officers to act in favor of Boris. Under the threat of a heavy fine for resistance, the police in Moscow drove the people to the Novodevichy Convent to beat them with their brows and ask the queen who had tonsured her brother to reign. Numerous bailiffs watched that this popular petition was brought with great shrieks and tears, and many, having no tears at the ready, smeared their eyes with saliva in order to deflect the bailiffs' sticks away from them. When the queen approached the window of the cell to make sure of the nationwide prayer and weeping, according to the sign given from the cell, the whole people had to prostrate themselves to the ground. Those who did not have time or did not want to do this, the bailiffs were forced to bow to the ground with kicks in the necks from behind, and everyone, rising, howled like wolves. From a frantic scream, the wombs of those who screamed disintegrated, their faces turned purple from exertion, they had to plug their ears from the general scream. This was repeated many times. Touched by the spectacle of such devotion of the people, the queen finally blessed her brother for the kingdom. The bitterness of these stories, perhaps exaggerated, sharply expresses the degree of bitterness that Godunov and his supporters tried to settle in society.

Tsar Boris legally ascended to the throne by the legal means of the Zemsky council election and could become the founder of a new dynasty, both in his personal qualities and in his political merits. But the boyars, who had endured a lot under Grozny, now, under an elected tsar from among their brethren, did not want to be content with a simple custom on which their political significance under the previous dynasty was kept. They expected from Boris more firm assurance of this value, that is, the limitation of his power by a formal act, "so that he kisses the cross to the state in accordance with the prescribed charter," as the news that came from that time in the papers of a historian of the 18th century says. Tatishchev. Boris acted with his usual double-mindedness: he well understood the tacit expectation of the boyars, but he did not want to yield or refuse outright, and the whole comedy of stubborn refusal of the proposed power that he started was only a trick with the aim of evading the conditions on which this power was offered. The boyars were silent, expecting that Godunov himself would talk to them about these conditions, the kissing of the cross, and Boris was silent and refused power, hoping that the Zemsky Sobor would elect him without any conditions. Boris kept silent for the boyars and was chosen without any conditions.

N. Nekrasov. Boris Godunov examines the map on which his son studies

It was Godunov's mistake, for which he and his family paid dearly. He immediately gave this extremely false statement of his power. He should have held on more tightly to his role as a zemstvo elect, and he tried to join the old dynasty according to fictitious bequest orders. The conciliar definition boldly assures that the Terrible, entrusting Boris with his son Fyodor, said: "By his repose I command you this kingdom as well." As if the Terrible foresaw both the death of Tsarevich Dimitri and the childless death of Fyodor. And Tsar Fyodor, dying, as if “entrusted his kingdom” to the same Boris. All these inventions are the fruit of the friendly zeal of Patriarch Job, who edited the conciliar definition. Boris was not a hereditary patrimony of the Moscow state, but a people's choice, he began a special series of tsars with a new state significance. In order not to be funny or hateful, he should have behaved differently, and not parody the lost dynasty with its specific habits and prejudices.

The big boyars with the princes Shuisky at the head were against the election of Boris, fearing, in the words of the chronicler, that "there would be persecution from him and people." It was necessary to dispel this fear, and for some time the great boyars seemed to have been expecting this. One supporter of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, who wrote on his inspiration, notes that the great boyars, the princes of Rurikovich, relatives in the genealogy of the former tsars of Moscow and their worthy successors, did not want to elect a tsar from among their midst, but gave this matter to the will of the people, as well as without that they were great and glorious under the previous tsars not only in Russia, but also in distant countries. But this greatness and glory had to be secured from arbitrariness, which did not recognize either the great or the glorious, and the provision could only consist in limiting the power of the elected king, which was what the boyars expected. Boris should have taken the initiative in business, while transforming the Zemsky Sobor from a random official meeting into a permanent popular representation, the idea of ​​which was already wandering in Moscow's minds under Grozny, and the convocation of which Boris himself demanded in order to be popularly elected. This would reconcile the opposition boyars with him and - who knows? - would avert the troubles that befell him with his family and Russia, making him the founder of a new dynasty. But the "crafty sly", with a lack of political consciousness, outsmarted himself.

When the boyars saw that their hopes were deceived, that the new tsar was disposed to rule as arbitrarily as Ivan the Terrible ruled, they decided to secretly act against him. Russian contemporaries directly explain Boris's misfortunes with the indignation of the officials of the entire Russian land, from which many mischievous anger rebelled against him. Sensing the muffled murmur of the boyars, Boris took measures to protect himself from their intrigues. A complex network of secret police surveillance was woven, in which the main role was played by boyar slaves who denounced their masters, and thieves released from prisons, who, prowling through Moscow streets, overheard what was said about the tsar, and seized everyone who said an incautious word.

Denunciation and slander quickly became terrible social ulcers: people of all classes, even spiritual ones, denounced each other; family members were afraid to talk to each other; it was scary to pronounce the name of the tsar - the detective grabbed and delivered to the dungeon. Denunciations were accompanied by disgrace, torture, executions and the destruction of houses. “There have never been such troubles under any sovereign,” as contemporaries remarked. Boris pounced on a significant boyar circle with the Romanovs at the head, in which, as in the cousins ​​of Tsar Fyodor, he saw his ill-wishers and rivals with particular bitterness. Five Nikitichs, their relatives and friends with their wives, children, sisters, nephews were scattered in the distant corners of the state, and the elder Nikitich, the future Patriarch Filaret, was also tonsured, like his wife.

Finally, Boris was completely distraught, he wanted to know his domestic thoughts, read in his hearts and manage in someone else's conscience. He sent out everywhere a special prayer, which in all houses at a meal had to be said with a cup of health for the king and his family. Reading this hypocritical and boastful prayer, one is imbued with regret, to which a person can get lost, even a king. By all these measures Boris created a hated position for himself. The boyar nobility, with age-old legends, hid in farmsteads, estates and distant prisons. In its place, the unknown "Godunovs and Comrades" climbed out of the cracks and surrounded the throne with an envious gang and filled the courtyard. The dynasty was replaced by relatives, the head of which was the zemstvo elect, who turned into a petty police coward. He hid in the palace, rarely went out to the people and did not accept petitions himself, as the previous tsars did. Suspecting everyone, tormented by memories and fears, he showed that he was afraid of everyone, like a thief, every minute afraid of being caught, according to the apt expression of a foreigner who was then living in Moscow.

Finally, in 1604, the worst rumor spread. For three years already in Moscow they whispered about an unknown person who called himself Tsarevich Dimitri. Now the loud news spread that Godunov's agents missed in Uglich, stabbed a dummy child, and the real prince is alive and is coming from Lithuania to get the ancestral throne. The minds of the Russian people got confused by these rumors, and Troubles began. Tsar Boris died in the spring of 1605, shaken by the successes of the Pretender, who, having reigned in Moscow, was soon killed.

N. Shakhovsky. The Godunov family

  • Boris Godunov
  • KREMLIN CHAMBER (1598, February 20) Princes Shuisky and Vorotynsky. Vorotynsky We are dressed together to be in charge of the city, But, it seems, we have no one to look after: Moscow is empty; following the patriarch, all the people went to the monastery. How do you think the anxiety will end? Shuisky How will it end? It is not surprising to find out: The people will still howl and cry, Boris will frown a little, That a drunkard is before a glass of wine, And finally, by his mercy, he will humbly accept the crown; And there - and there he will rule over us as before. Vorotynsky But a month has already passed, How, shutting himself up in a monastery with his sister, He seems to have abandoned everything worldly. Neither the patriarch, nor the Duma boyars Hitherto could not bend him; He does not heed any tearful admonitions, Neither their entreaties, nor the cry of all Moscow, Nor the voice of the Great Council. His sister begged in vain to Bless Boris on the state; The sad nun-queen How firm he is, how unforgiving he is. Know, Boris himself instilled this spirit into her; What if the ruler is really bored with Sovereign concerns And the powerless will not ascend to the throne? What do you say? Shuisky I will say that the blood of the baby prince was pouring in vain; What if so, Demetrius could live. Vorotynsky Horrible villainy! Completely, as if Boris ruined the Tsarevich? SHUISKY And who is it? Who bribed Chepchugov in vain? Who sent both Bityagovskys with Katchalov? I was sent to Uglich To investigate this case on the spot: I ran into fresh tracks; The whole city was witness to the atrocity; All citizens showed in agreement; And, returning, I could, with a single word, expose the hidden villain. Vorotynsky Why didn't you destroy him? Shuisky He, I confess, then embarrassed me With calmness, unexpected shamelessness, He looked into my eyes, as if right: He asked, entered the details - And in front of him I repeated the absurdity, Which he himself whispered to me. Vorotynsky Unclean, prince. SHUISKY What was I supposed to do? To declare everything to Theodore? But the tsar looked at everything with the eyes of Godunov, listened to everything with the ears of Godunov: Let me assure him of everything, Boris would immediately disbelieve him, crushed. I'm not bragging, but in case, of course, Nikaya execution won't frighten me. I myself am not a coward, but also not a fool And I will not agree to climb into a noose for nothing. Vorotynsky Horrible villainy! Listen, truly, the Slayer is disturbed by repentance: Of course, the blood of an innocent baby prevents Him from entering the throne. Shuisky Step over; Boris is not so timid! What an honor for us, for all of Russia! Yesterday's slave, a Tatar, Malyuta's son-in-law, The executioner's son-in-law and the executioner himself in his soul, Will take the crown and the barma of Monomakh. .. Vorotynsky So, by birth he is ignorant; we are more famous. SHUISKY Yes, it seems. Vorotynsky After all, Shuisky, Vorotynsky ... It's easy to say, natural princes. Shuisky Natural, and Rurik blood. Vorotynsky And listen, prince, we would have had the right to Inherit Theodora. Shuisky Yes, more than Godunov. Vorotynsky Indeed, indeed! SHUISKY Well? When Boris does not cease to be cunning, Let the people skillfully excite, Let them leave Godunov, They have enough of their princes, let them elect anyone as their tsar. Vorotynsky Not a few of us, the heirs of the Varangian, Yes, it is difficult for us to compete with Godunov: The people have lost the habit of seeing in us the ancient branch of their Warlike rulers. For a long time we lost our inheritance to the ear, For a long time we serve as assistants to the kings, And he knew how with fear and love, And with glory to enchant the people. SHUISKY (looks out the window) He dared, that's all - and we ... But complete. You see, the People are walking, scattered, back - Let's go quickly, we'll find out if it's decided. RED SQUARE People. One is Relentless! He drove away the saints, boyars and patriarch from himself. They prostrated themselves in vain before him; He is frightened by the radiance of the throne. Other Oh my God, who will rule us? Oh woe to us! Third Yes, here is the supreme clerk. It turns out to tell us the decision of the Duma. People Silence! be silent! the clerk dumny says; Shh - listen! Shchelkalov (from the Red Porch) The Cathedral was appointed for the last time to taste the power of a request Above the mournful ruler's soul. In the morning again the most holy patriarch, In the Kremlin the funeral service is solemnly moleben, We precede the saints with banners, With icons of Vladimir, Donskoy, Exalted; and with him synclite, boyars, Yes host of nobles, yes elected people And all the people of Moscow Orthodox, We will all go to pray to the queen again, May take pity on Syroi Moscow And bless Boris on the crown. Go home with God, Pray - let the earnest prayer of the Orthodox ascend to heaven. The people disperse. GIRL FIELD NOVODEVICH MONASTERY People. Alone Now they went to the queen's cell, Boris and the patriarch entered there With a crowd of boyars. Other What is heard? The Third Is Still Obstinate; however, there is hope. Baba (with a child) Aha! don't cry, don't cry; beech, beech will take you! aha, aha! .. don't cry! Alone Can't we get through the fence? The other is not allowed. Where! and the field is even cramped, Not only there. Is it easy? All Moscow is stuck here; look: the fence, the roofs, All the tiers of the cathedral bell tower, The heads of churches and the crosses themselves Are decorated with the people. First Right, love! Alone What's that noise? Other Listen! what's that noise? The people howled, there are falling waves, Behind a row ... more ... more ... Well, brother, It came to us; quicker! on knees! People (on their knees. Howling and crying) Ah, have mercy, our father! rule us! Be our father, our king! Alone (quietly) What are they crying about? Other How do we know? that know the boyars, We are not a match. Baba (with a child) Well, what then? how to cry, So it was quiet! here I am! here is a beech! Cry, darling! (Throws it on the ground. The child beeps.) Well, that's the same. One Everyone is crying, Let's cry, brother, and we. Another I am strong, brother, but I cannot. First I also. Is there a bow? Let's rub our eyes. Second No, I'll anoint it with saliva. What else is there? FIRST Who can take them apart? The people of the Crown follow him! he is the king! he agreed! Boris is our tsar! Long live Boris! KREMLIN CHAMBER Boris, patriarch, boyars. Boris You, father patriarch, all of you, boyars, My soul is bared before you: You saw that I accept the Great power with fear and humility. How heavy is my duty! I will inherit the mighty John - I will also inherit the angel-king! .. O righteous man! oh my sovereign father! Look from heaven to the tears of faithful servants And send down to the one whom you loved, Whom you have so marvelously exalted here, Sacred blessing for power: May I rule my people in glory, May I be good and righteous like you. I expect assistance from you, boyars, Serve me as you served him, When I shared your labors, Not yet chosen by the will of the people. Boyars Let's not change the oath we have given. Boris Now let's go, bow to the graves of the Reposed rulers of Russia, And there - to summon all our people to a feast, Everyone, from nobles to a blind beggar; All free entrance, all guests are dear. (Leaves, followed by the boyars.) VOROTYNSKY (stopping Shuisky). You guessed. SHUISKY What? Vorotynsky Yes, here the other day, Do you remember? SHUISKY No, I don't remember anything. Vorotynsky When people went to the Maiden Field, You said ... Shuisky Now is not the time to remember, I advise you to forget sometimes. And yet, I feigned slander Then I only wanted to test you, Or rather to know your secret way of thinking; But here - the people greet the king - They may notice my absence - I follow him. Vorotynsky Crafty courtier! NIGHT. CELLS IN THE WONDERFUL MONASTERY (1603) Father Pimen, sleeping Gregory. Pimen (writes in front of the lamp) One more, the last saying - And my chronicle is finished, The duty bequeathed from God to Me, a sinner, has been fulfilled. It was not without reason that the Lord made me a Witness for many years, And made me understand the art of books; Someday a hardworking monk Will find my diligent work, nameless, He will shine, like me, his lamp - And, shaking off the dust of centuries from the charters, He will rewrite the truthful sayings, May the descendants of the Orthodox of the Earth know their native past fate, They commemorate their great kings For their labors, for glory, for good - And for the sins, for the dark deeds of the Savior they humbly beg. In old age I live anew, The past passes before me - How long has it rushed, full of events, Worrying like a sea-okyan? Now it is silent and calm, I have retained not many faces, Not many words reach me, And the rest has died irrevocably ... But the day is near, the lamp is burning out - One more, last saying. (He writes.) Gregory (wakes up) It's the same dream! is it possible? the third time! Damned dream! .. And everything in front of the lamp the Old Man sits and writes - and dozing, Know, all night, he did not close his eyes. How I love his calm appearance, When, with his soul immersed in the past, He leads his chronicle; and often I wanted to guess what he writes about? Is it about the dark rule of the Tatars? About the executions of the fierce John? Is it about a stormy Novgorod veche? Is it about the glory of the fatherland? in vain. Neither on the lofty forehead, nor in the eyes It is impossible to read his hidden thoughts; All the same kind, humble, dignified. So exactly the clerk, gray in the orders, Calmly looks at the right and the guilty, Heeding good and evil indifferently, Knowing neither pity nor anger. Pimen Woke up, brother. Gregory Bless me, Honest father. Pimen God bless you, this day, and ever, and forever. Gregory You wrote everything and did not forget to sleep, And my peace devilish dreaming Alarmed, and the enemy nagged me. I dreamed that a steep staircase led me to the tower; from a height I saw Moscow as an anthill; Below the people in the square were seething And pointing at me with laughter, And I felt ashamed and scared - And, falling headlong, I woke up ... And three times I had the same dream. Isn't it wonderful? Pimen Young Blood plays; Humble yourself with prayer and fasting, And your dreams of visions of the lungs will be Fulfilled. Until now - if I am, I am involuntarily drowsy, I am exhausted, I will not create a long prayer for the night - My old dream is not quiet, and not sinless, I imagine that noisy feasts, Now a military camp, then fighting fights, Crazy fun of young years! GREGORY How merrily you spent your youth! You fought under the towers of Kazan, You reflected the army of Lithuania at Shuisky, You saw the courtyard and luxury of John! Happy! And from my adolescence I have been wandering around the cells, poor monk! Why should I not amuse myself in battles, Do not feast at the royal meal? I would have had time, like you, in my old age From vanity, from the world, to make a vow of monasticism And shut myself into a quiet monastery. Pimen Do not lament, brother, that early the sinful light Thou didst leave, that the Almighty sent you few temptations. Believe me: We are captivated from afar by glory, luxury And female crafty love. I have lived for a long time and have enjoyed much; But since then I only know bliss, How the Lord brought me to the monastery. Think, son, you are about great kings. Who is higher than them? One God. Who dares Against them? No one. What then? Often the crown of gold became heavy for them: They exchanged it for a cowl. Tsar John sought solace In the likeness of monastic labors. His palace, pets proud, the monastery is a new look: Homeshnikov in the Tafia and Ownniks were obedient, and the Terrible King Iguumen was humble. I saw here - here in this very cell (In it then lived Cyril, the long-suffering, Righteous Man. Then God also vouchsafed me to comprehend the insignificance of worldly vanities), here I saw a Tsar Tired of angry thoughts and executions. Thoughtfully, Grozny sat quietly between us, We stood motionless in front of him, And quietly he conducted a conversation with us. He said to the abbot and brothers: "My fathers, the desired day will come, I will appear here hungry for salvation. You, Nicodemus, you, Sergius, you, Cyril, all of you - take my spiritual vow: A cursed criminal will come to you And I will accept an honest schema here, Have fallen at your feet, holy father. " So spoke the sovereign sovereign, And sweet speech flowed from his lips. And he cried. And we prayed in tears, May God send love and peace to His suffering and stormy soul. And his son Theodore? On the throne, He groaned for the peaceful life of the Silent. He transformed the royal palaces into a prayer cell; There, the heavy, sovereign sorrows of the Holy Soul did not revolt him. God loved the tsar's humility, And Russia with him in serene glory Was comforted - and at the hour of his death An unheard-of miracle happened: To his bed, the only visible tsar, A man appeared unusually bright, And Theodore began to converse with him And call him the great patriarch. And all around were embraced by fear, Comprehending the heavenly vision, Zane the holy lord before the king In the temple then was not. When he passed away, the chambers were filled with a holy fragrance, And his face shone like the sun - We will never see such a king. O terrible, unprecedented grief! We have angered God, we have sinned: We have named the regicide our master. Gregory For a long time, honest father, I wanted to ask about the death of Dimitri the Tsarevich; at that time, they say, you were in Uglich. Pimen Oh, I remember! God brought me to see an evil deed, Bloody sin. Then I went to distant Uglich For a certain obedience was sent; I came into the night. The next morning at the hour of mass. Suddenly I hear a ringing, the alarm sounded, a cry, a noise. They run to the courtyard of the queen. I hurry there - and there is already the whole city. I looked: the stabbed prince was lying; The queen's mother is unconscious over him, the Nurse sobs in despair, And then the people, furiously, drags the Godless traitor-mother ... Suddenly, between them, fierce, pale with anger, Judas Bityagovsky appears. "Here, here is the villain!" - there was a general cry, And instantly he was gone. Then the people rushed after the fleeing three murderers; The villains who took refuge were captured And brought before the warm corpse of a baby, And a miracle - suddenly the dead man trembled - "Repent!" - the people yelled at them: And in horror under the ax the villains Repented - and named Boris. GREGORY What years was the murdered prince? Pimen Yes, seven years old; he would have been now (Tom has already passed ten years ... no, more: Twelve years) - he would have been your age and reigned; but God judged otherwise. I will conclude this lamentable story in my chronicle; since then I have little attention to the affairs of the world. Brother Gregory, You have enlightened your mind with a letter, I transfer my work to You. In hours, Free from spiritual exploits, Describe, without further ado, All that which you will witness in life: War and peace, rule of sovereigns, Holy miracles, Prophecies and signs of heaven - And it's time for me, it's time to rest And extinguish the lamp. .. But they are calling for Matins ... God bless Your slaves! .. Give me a crutch, Gregory. (Exit.) Grigory Boris, Boris! everything trembles before you, No one dares to remind you of the fate of the unfortunate baby, - And meanwhile the hermit in a dark cell Here a terrible denunciation writes to you: And you will not escape the worldly judgment, How you will not escape from God's judgment.

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