Home Useful Tips Masculine singular ending a. Spelling of case endings of nouns. How to distinguish cases in words with the same endings, forms, or prepositions

Masculine singular ending a. Spelling of case endings of nouns. How to distinguish cases in words with the same endings, forms, or prepositions

The purpose of the lesson:

  • reinforce students' knowledge of density
  • show how to determine the mass and volume of a body by its density
  • solve computational problems

Lesson structure:

  1. Org. moment
  2. Repetition of material
  3. Learning new material
  4. Securing the material
  5. Homework

During the classes
  1. Org. moment
  2. Repetition of material

The lesson uses a presentation (Appendix 1)

  • Do all bodies have the same volume, have the same mass? (slide 2)
  • why?
  • Do all bodies of the same mass have the same volume? (slide 2)
  • why?
  • what does it depend on?
  • What is called the density of a substance? (slide 3)
  • density is a physical quantity equal to the ratio of body mass to its volume.
  • write down the density formula. (slide 4)
  • get the density name in SI (slide 4)

Today in the lesson we will calculate the mass and volume of bodies by density, write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

Lesson topic: determination of body mass and volume by substance density. (slide 8)

Write the formula for calculating the density in a notebook

what will be the mass of the body if we know the density of the body and its volume ?, who will write it down?

- to calculate the mass by its density and volume, you need to multiply the density by its volume. (slide 9)

No. 1 - everyone solves the problem for himself

We check:
Answer: m = 2825g. (slide 12)

Attention! What will be the volume of a body if we know the mass and density of the substance?

; - to calculate the volume of a body by its density, it is necessary to divide the body mass by its density (slide 13)

The problem is solved on the board and remains as a sample solution.

No. 2 - everyone solves the problem for himself

1. The steel part of the machine has a mass of 7890 g. Determine its volume if the density of steel is 7.8. (Appendix 3)

We check:
Answer: V = 1023.077cm 3 (slide 16)

  • Homework §22 exercise. No. 8 (slide 17)
  • Open task 3 (slide 18)

No. 3 - everyone solves the problem for himself

Task report form No. 3 (slide 19)- pay attention to the fact that it is imperative to fill in the deadline with the last name

Surname, name of student _____________________________________________

fill in the calculated physical quantity with its units of measurement in the appropriate cells (slide 19)

V m How many buckets of water do you need to put in the aquarium?
Problem number 1
Problem number 2
Problem number 3
Problem number 4
Problem number 5
Problem number 6

Date of completion______________________________________

  • Everyone has a form on their desk, you fill in the appropriate cells in which you write only numerical values.
  • Close Excel. Save the change to the document. (slide 21)

The lesson is over thanks! (slide 22)

Used Books:

  1. Physics textbook 7, author - A.V. Peryshkin - Moscow - "Prsveshenie"
  2. Methodological materials 7, - L.A. Kirik - Moscow - "ILEKSA"
  3. Multilevel independent and control work 7, - L.A. Kirik - Moscow - "ILEKSA"
  4. Collection of problems in physics - V. I. Lukashik - Moscow - "Prsveshenie"

As stated in many sources, we need cases for the correct formulation of a sentence, so that people can understand each other, can correctly and competently express their desires. In Russian, there are the following case names: prepositional, instrumental, nominative, dative and accusative. Oh yes, also genitive. It is about him that will be discussed below. The genitive is an indirect case. It expresses, in a way, an attitude of belonging. The case has almost any part of speech, but the case is assigned by the noun.

Genitive case questions.

The genitive case answers the questions "who?", "What?"... In addition to these questions, the word “no” is added. “(No) Who? What?". For example, let's take the word "shirt", in the genitive case it will look like "shirt and ».

Endings and examples of words in the genitive case.

The word answering the questions "Whom?" NS ); in the singular of the second declension - "a", "i" (no shore a ), and in the third declension - "and" (no dirt and ). In the plural, words declined in the genitive case will have endings: in the first declension, the ending of the word will be zero, in the second - "ov" (doctor ov ), and in the third declension "ev", "her" (maz her ). Most often, the genitive case goes in conjunction with the prepositions: "from", "s", "from". I would also like to note that the genitive case performs a number of functions:

  • dividing - "part of on with";
  • possessive - "lane district »;
  • deferred - "get out of at home ».

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