Home Useful tips Crochet doll dress MK. Well, the crocheted dress and hat for the doll are ready! Video: Pants with arrows for Barbie

Crochet doll dress MK. Well, the crocheted dress and hat for the doll are ready! Video: Pants with arrows for Barbie

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Olive booties
remnants of green and orange threads, hook number 3.5.
Knitted in single crochets. To rise, do not forget to dial one air. loop.
We start knitting from the heel.
Dial 20 air. loops + 1 loop for ascent.
Rows 1-11: single crochet, and in even rows the stitches are knitted behind the first wall of the loop, and in odd rows behind the two walls of the loop.
After 11 rows, pick up 6 more chain stitches and close them into a circle. (further knitted in the round)
1st row: single crochet, knit behind the back walls of the loops (total 26 double crochets)
Rows 2-6: in even rows the stitches are knitted behind the two walls of the loop, and in odd rows behind the back walls of the loops. (total 26 st.b.n.)
Row 7: knit 2 stitches together 13 times. (total 13 columns)
8 row: 13 st.b.n.
Row 9: knit 2 sts. together until only 7 tbsp remain. The remaining st. we pull them together with a working thread and fasten the thread from the wrong side.
Completion of work: Sew up the heel seam, attach the orange thread, and knit 3 rows of stitches. b.n. Moreover, in the last row, knit st. Behind the back walls of the loops. Can be decorated with ribbons, buttons, etc.

We continue our knitting video lessons:) Today we are already starting to knit a dress for. It is very simple, but we will practice many knitting techniques on it. The dress is knitted with raglan at the top.

✔ Knitting density: 16 loops * 23 - 24 rows = 5 * 5 cm

✔ Abbreviations:

cr. – edge loop

persons – front loop

purl – purl loop

nak. – yarn over

2 vm.p. – knit 2 stitches together with a knit stitch slanting to the right

raglan = yarn over, knit 1, yarn over

increase = yarn over to yourself, in the purl row we knit it with a crossed loop.

For the convenience of knitting, print out the description for yourself and knit according to the video lesson with me, pressing pause when necessary.

Row 0: dial 38 p., cr., 36 knit., cr. (38 p.)

Row 1 – 2: cr., 36 persons., cr. (38 p.)

Row 3: kr., *6 knits., raglan* – repeat between * 2 times, 8 knits., *raglan, 6 knits.* – 2 times, kr. (46 p.)

Row 4: kr., knit 3, purl 38, knit 3, kr. (46 p.)

Row 5: cr., 2 vm.p., yarn over (button loop), 5 persons., raglan, 8 persons., raglan, 10 persons., raglan, 8 persons., raglan, 7 persons., cr. (54 p.)

Row 6: kr., knit 3, purl 46, knit 3, kr. (54 p.)

Row 7: kr., 8 knits., raglan, 10 knits., raglan, 12 knits., raglan, 10 knits., raglan, 8 knits., kr. (62 p.)

Row 8: kr., knit 3, purl 54, knit 3, kr. (62 p.)

Row 9: cr., 9 faces., raglan, 12 faces., raglan, 14 faces., raglan, 12 faces., raglan, 9 faces., cr. (70 p.)

Row 10:

Row 11: cr., 10 faces., raglan, 14 faces., raglan, 16 faces., raglan, 14 faces., raglan, 10 faces., cr. (78 p.)

Row 12: kr., knit 3, purl 70, knit 3, kr. (78 p.)

Row 13: cr., 11 faces., raglan, 16 faces., raglan, 18 faces., raglan, 16 faces., raglan, 11 faces., cr. (86 p.)

Row 14: kr., knit 3, purl 78, knit 3, kr. (86 p.)

Row 15: cr., 12 faces., raglan, 18 faces., raglan, 20 faces., raglan, 18 faces., raglan, 12 faces., cr. (94 p.)

Row 16: kr., knit 3, purl 86, knit 3, kr. (94 p.)

Row 17: kr., knit 13, close 22 p., knit 22, knit 22, knit 13, kr. (50 p.)

After closing 22 loops, 1 front loop goes to the right knitting needle, so in fact, after closing, we knit not 22, but 21 knit stitches. Also after closing the loops of the 2nd sleeve. I showed this moment in the video.

Row 18: cr., k3, p8, p2, p2, cast on 2 sts, purl 22, p2, p2, p8, k3, cr. (52 p.)

Row 19: cr., 2 vm.p., yarn over (a loop), 48 persons, cr. (52 p.)

Row 20:

Row 21: cr., 50 persons., cr. (52 p.)

Row 22: kr., knit 3, purl 44, knit 3, kr. (52 p.)

Rows 23 – 30: knit as rows 21 – 22.

Knitted 30 rows:

Row 31: cr., *7 persons, increase* – 3 times, 8 persons, *increase, 7 persons* – 3 times, cr. (58 p.)

I showed how to make increases with a crossed yarn over at an online meeting, and from the video you will also learn what to do if several stitches are knitted incorrectly or if a stitch falls off your needle.

Row 32:

Row 33: cr., 2 vm.p., yarn over (a loop), 54 persons, cr. (58 p.)

Row 34: kr., 3 knits., 50 purl., 3 knits., kr. (58 p.)

Row 35: cr., 56 persons., cr. (58 p.)

Row 36: kr., 3 knits., 50 purl., 3 knits., kr. (58 p.)

Row 37: cr., 7 persons., increase, *8 persons., increase* – 2 times, 10 persons., *increase, 8 persons.* – 2 times, increase, 7 persons., cr. (64 p.)

Row 38:

Row 39: cr., 62 persons., cr. (64 p.)

Row 40: kr., knit 3, purl 56, knit 3, kr. (64 p.)

Rows 41 – 42: knit as rows 39 – 40.

Row 43: cr., 7 persons., increase, *9 persons., increase* – 2 times, 12 persons., *increase, 9 persons.* – 2 times, increase, 7 persons., cr. (70 p.)

Row 44: kr., knit 3, purl 62, knit 3, kr. (70 p.)

Row 45: cr., 68 persons., cr. (70 p.)

Row 46: kr., knit 3, purl 62, knit 3, kr. (70 p.)

Row 47: cr., 2 vm.p., yarn over (a loop), 66 persons, cr. (70 p.)

Row 48: knit as row 46.

Row 49: cr., 7 persons., increase, *10 persons., increase* – 2 times, 14 persons., *increase, 10 persons.* – 2 times, increase, 7 persons., cr. (76 p.)

Row 50:

Row 51: cr., 74 persons., cr. (76 p.)

Row 52: kr., knit 3, purl 68, knit 3, kr. (76 p.)

Rows 53 – 54: knit as rows 51 – 52.

Row 55: cr., 7 persons., increase, *11 persons., increase* – 2 times, 16 persons., *increase, 11 persons.* – 2 times, increase, 7 persons., cr. (82 p.)

Row 56: kr., knit 3, purl 74, knit 3, kr. (82 p.)

Row 57: cr., 80 persons., cr. (82 p.)

Rows 58 – 59: knit as rows 56 – 57.

Rows 60 – 63: knit all stitches (except for edges). Knit all stitches off.

Hide the remaining threads and sew on the buttons.

Add your processes and finished dresses to the album in our VKontakte group.

Good afternoon

It's no secret that girls love to play with dolls.

Dolls are different. Now small dolls have appeared on the market, the size of which is only 10.5 cm. And clothes for dolls are not of very good quality. Therefore, they have to come up with a wardrobe for them on their own. One option is to crochet the doll’s dress yourself.

To knit a dress for a doll, we need:

  1. White and yellow cotton threads.
  2. Hook 1.5 mm thick.
  3. Thread and needle.
  4. Decorative button.

Explanation of abbreviations:

VP - air loops.

СС – connecting column.

Dc - double crochet.

RLS - single crochet.

We begin to knit a dress for the doll.

First we knit the top of the dress for the doll

1. We collect a chain that will consist of 16 air loops (VP).

2. We make a ring from VP. Let's do 2 VPs for lifting.

3. We make a set of 31 double crochets (DC) under a chain of VP.

4. We make a lift from 4 VP.

5. From each top of the columns of the previously knitted row, we collect 1 DC + VP one by one.

6. We connect the row with a connecting post (CC).

7. Cut the thread and thread it to the wrong side. The top of the dress is ready.

We knit the bottom of a dress for a doll

8. To do this, attach a yellow thread.

9. We collect 3 VPs and make a DC under the same arch. Then we make a set of 4 more dcs (we grab the tops of each dc of the previously connected row and under each VP).

10. To make cutouts for the arms, you need to skip 9 dcs. Insert the hook into the 10th column.

11. Starting from this column, we dial 16 dcs.

12. We skip 9 more dcs. Starting from the 10th column, we dial 10 dc. We close the series SS.

13. Let's perform a set of 3 VPs to start the next row.

14. We type single crochets (RS). In this case, it is necessary to skip 1 DC in the previously knitted row. This is how we get arches from three VPs.

15. At the end of the row, we will perform 1 VP and together we will make a DC at the beginning of the row.

16. We do the lift from 3 VP again.

17. We knit a row of arches along the wrong side. We knit sc under the arches of the previous row.

18. We finish the row the same way as the previous one.

19. We knit a row of arches along the front side. We finish the row in the same way as the two rows previously connected.

20. We collect 3 VP for the next row.

21. We knit a DC in the first arch.

22. In the next arch and in all the others we knit 3 DCs.

23. We close the row with the help of SS in the third VP of the beginning of the row.

24. Knit the next row. We are picking up the climb.

25. We knit a dc into the top of the column of the previously knitted row.

26. We carry out similar work to the end of the row.

27. We collect VP, and then 3 SSN under the first arch.

28. Until the end of the row, we make a set of 4 SSN and VP under each of the arches.

29. Connect the beginning and end of the row.

30. We get a dress 5.5 cm long.We decorate the dress with a decorative button.

And we try on the dress we knitted on the doll.

Crochet doll dress

Crochet doll dress

This is how you can crochet a dress for a doll. The knitting process itself did not take very much time. So why buy clothes for dolls if you can knit them yourself?

P.S. And of course, a dress for a doll can not only be knitted, but also sewn. You can watch the master class “Sew a dress for a Barbie doll”

Friends, if you found my master class useful, share it with your friends!

Our daughters are little women who, like all of us, have an inherent desire to dress up. And, of course, it is important to dress your best friends – dolls – beautifully. Selecting clothes and accessories for a doll is not just an exciting game, but also a way to instill taste, teach a girl to dress stylishly from an early age, and combine clothing items and colors. In order to diversify your doll's wardrobe, you can make outfits yourself, in particular, crochet clothes for dolls. In addition, this is a great reason to teach your child to knit.

Of course, crocheting, even just clothes for dolls, is an extremely painstaking process that requires certain skills. Therefore, at first, a small fashion designer cannot do without your help. Start simple - show your daughter how to knit a chain, loops, simple patterns. Explain how to navigate the diagrams. The first self-knitted products should be extremely simple - let it be a doll scarf, flower or other decorative element that can be adapted to crocheted clothes for dolls.

In addition, crocheted clothes for a doll can be an excellent gift. Buying a doll and the necessary paraphernalia is, by and large, not difficult. But it will be much more pleasant for a girl to dress her toy in clothes knitted by caring motherly hands.

Clothes for dolls - dress: photos and diagrams

We bring to your attention simple step-by-step instructions on how to knit a dress for a doll with raglan sleeves.

We will need cotton threads of two colors, a 1.75 hook. The length of the dress is approximately 10 cm.

We start knitting from the top. To do this, we cast on loops so that we get three identical parts - in our case, three times four loops (for the front, sleeves and two parts of the back). Here we will add three air loops for each raglan line, three for lifting the first row and two for the fastener. We knit with double crochets and raglan lines according to the following pattern.

We knit rows so as to close the armholes next.

Having reached the row of closing the armhole, we do the following: after knitting to the middle of the first line, we immediately move to the next raglan line. We do the same with the other two lines. In the next row, in order to narrow the dress a little at the waist, remove one stitch by knitting two double crochets together.

We knit the required number of rows from the waist to the hips. After knitting the waist, you can add columns from the sides in order to widen the dress towards the bottom and get the required number of loops for knitting a flounce.

We begin to knit the first shuttlecock according to the napkin knitting pattern.

To do this, we calculate the number of loops to obtain the required number of rappoports. The pattern is repeated every 5 loops, therefore, the number of loops should be a multiple of five plus one border stitch. We start knitting from the red arrow. The difference with the diagram is that we do not close the ring.

We were all once children and played with dolls. Sometimes the whole day passed in the wonderful world of a favorite doll and her friends. They combed her hair, dressed her, gave her tea, and sent her on adventures. Modern children, unfortunately, are less interested in dolls. In the age of modern technology, children grow up earlier, and dolls increasingly gather dust on shelves. How to attract a child's attention to dolls? The answer is very simple. Outfits! Dressing up, creating new images, choosing hairstyles to match them - this is what can keep a child busy for a long time, and the more different clothes the doll has, the more interesting it will be to play. In addition, the psychological aspect will also work here. Children repeat everything after their parents, and if the mother “plays” with the doll, trying on outfits during the making process, then the child will also become interested in this toy.

Outfits can be sewn, crocheted or knitted, and children can also be involved in this process, thus not only involving them in the game, but also instilling primary skills and a love of needlework.


One of the most convenient ways to create an outfit is to knit dresses for dolls. Such products are quite easy to create, and the ability of the knitted fabric to stretch a little will not only hide the inaccuracies of the pattern, but will also simplify the putting on process. In addition, to make new outfits, no additional equipment is required - an overlocker or a sewing machine, and failed elements can always be unraveled and re-knitted. And depending on the yarn you choose, you can knit not only warm dresses, but also airy sundresses or a fluffy fur coat.


To prevent the dress from looking rough, the yarn must be chosen thin enough. Moreover, the smaller the size of the doll, the thinner the yarn should be, and, accordingly, the smaller the number of knitting needles. For example, for baby dolls and dolls approximately 40-45 cm tall, yarn with a cross-section of 3-4 mm is suitable, but for dolls such as BJD, Barbie or Evi, such yarn will not work. Here you need to give preference to thin threads, for example, “Iris”. However, these threads have a significant drawback. They do not stretch, therefore knitted dresses for dolls will be stiff and difficult to put on. Therefore, it is better to choose those threads that contain acrylic or wool, but they must be quite thin. Such threads glide better, and the fabric stretches a little if necessary.

Selection of dress models for dolls

Before knitting a dress for a doll, you need to decide on the style. When choosing a model, you should take into account not only the availability of yarn and your own desires, but also the features of the doll.

Baby dolls usually have a protruding tummy, so preference should be given to dresses with a high waist, but for dolls with a pronounced waist - tight-fitting or belted models.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the dolls. If the doll is a girl, then an evening dress will look stupid on her, just like an adult doll in a children's dress.

Also, using different dress models, you can adjust your figure features. On a shapeless body, for example, like dolls from the Vesna factory, A-line models or models with a yoke look good. If the doll has narrow shoulders (often found in Chinese dolls), then puffed sleeves will hide this defect. A tulip dress will suit funny dolls with a big belly, and to hide the hinge joints, which often look unaesthetic, you can pay attention to models with long sleeves and a year-over skirt.

Dress with raglan sleeves

This dress is designed for a girl doll approximately 35-38 cm. Thanks to the fairly simple cut, knitting a dress for a doll will not be difficult for beginner needlewomen. It's also a great way to practice raglan sleeve knitting skills, as well as creating placket and yarnovers.

Materials and tools

In order to get started, you need to prepare:

  • Yarn "Children's novelty" in two shades of green.
  • Circular knitting needles No. 3.
  • Gypsy igloo.
  • 4 buttons with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm.
  • Buttons for decoration - optional.

The knitting density should be quite high, 1 cm 3 loops or 4 rows.


You need to knit a dress for a doll of this style from top to bottom. You need to cast on 46 loops to start. Knit 6 rows of knits. etc., regardless of the side of the work, to create a decorative edging. Already at the beginning of work, you need to carefully monitor the edge so that it turns out neat. To do this, the outer loop must be knitted throughout the entire work, and when turning, the edge must be removed. loop behind the working thread, after which the working thread is transferred to the work between the first and second loop. Thus, the edge will be a uniform braid without bumps.

After the collar of the dress is knitted, you need to make markings with a contrasting thread according to the following pattern:

  • 1 edge + 4 p - strip,
  • 3 p - half back,
  • 1 p - track for forming raglan,
  • 8 p - sleeve,
  • 1 p - track,
  • 10 p - in front of the dress,
  • 1 p - track,
  • 8 p - sleeve,
  • 1 p - track,
  • 3 p - second half of the back,
  • 1 cr + 4 p - plank,

Total: 46 loops.

Raglan sleeve

Row Edge Plank Back Yarn over Track Yarn over Sleeve Yarn over Track Yarn over Before Yarn over Track Yarn over Sleeve Yarn over Track Yarn over Back Plank
7 1 4 3 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 3 5
8 1 4 Purl (all even rows are the same) 5
9 1 4 4 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 4 5
11 1 4 5 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 5 5
13 1 4 6 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 6 5
31 1 4 15 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 15 5

Belt line

33rd row: 1 edge, 19 faces. p., 34, remove by threading a needle, then k34. n., remove 34, knit 20. P.

From rows 35 to 38, knit in garter stitch.

Row 39: here you need to make increases for the hem of the dress. Remove the edge, knit 4. p. (plank), then 1 yarn over over yourself every 2 loops. Knit the last 5 stitches.


The bottom of the product is knitted in simple garter stitch to the required length, depending on the desire and growth of the doll. The presented model is knitted with 48 garter stitches and 6 rows of stockinette stitch in a contrasting color. In the 43rd and 59th rows from the top, you need to make two more loops on the bar.

To form a sleeve, you need to put the removed 32 loops on the knitting needles and knit 6 rows, alternating the front and back rows.

The dress is ready. All that remains is to sew on the buttons, hide the ends of the threads and decorate the dress with decor.

Fluffy dress

Children often prefer bright and fluffy outfits. Knitting such dresses for dolls is also quite easy. The presented dress is designed for a doll with a height of 28-30 cm. Unlike the previous version, this product must be knitted from the bottom up, and sleeves can be omitted at all if desired.

The materials and tools are the same as for a knitted dress for a doll, the description of which can be found above. Knitting density: 2 cm 5 loops or 6 rows.

Beginning of work

In order for the dress to be quite fluffy, you need to cast on 160 loops. Knit 6 rows only for faces. p. - this will create a decorative edging, then knit the next 14 rows (from 7 to 20) according to the following pattern:

  • Odd rows: chrome. remove, knit 159 knits. P.
  • Even rows: chrome. remove, 4 persons. p., 150 purl. p., 5 persons.p.

In rows 15, 23, 31, 39 you need to make buttonholes.

Top part

In the 21st row it is necessary to make decreases. To do this, knit the strips as usual (edge ​​loops, 4 knit stitches and the last 5 knit stitches), and knit the remaining 150 loops in 5 stitches together. This leaves 30 knit stitches + 10 stitches for 2 straps = 40 stitches.

From rows 22 to 30, knit in stockinette stitch, not forgetting about the stripes.

31 row: remove the edge, 4 front panels, 5 front front fronts, 4 close for the armhole, 12 front front, 4 close (second armhole), 5 front (second back front, 5 front - front panel. Next, each part must be knitted separately.

Rear shelf. Knit 9 rows (from 31 to 40) in stockinette stitch with stripes.

Row 41: Cast off 5 stitches, knit the remaining 5 in stockinette stitch. Of these, there will be 2 edges and 3 - the main fabric. Knit 3 more rows and bind off the remaining loops in the 45th row.

Front end. From rows 31 to 40, knit in stockinette stitch, then in row 41 remove the edge stitch, knit 2 stitches, bind off 4, knit 3 stitches. Knit each part separately from 42 to 44, and bind off the loops at 45. Connect the top of the front and back panels. With this, the base of the knitted dress for the doll is ready.


Cast on 28 loops on 4 knitting needles along the armhole, knit 1 row, and in the second row add 7 loops (every 4 loops - yarn over). In total you will get 35 loops. Knit 10 rows like this, then decrease: knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 3 together and so on. There will be a total of 20 loops left. Try on a dress. If necessary, decrease 4 more loops (depending on the thickness of your hand). Knit 6 rows, alternating a knit row and a purl row. Close.

All that remains is to crochet the collar, hide the threads, sew on buttons and, if desired, decorate the dress with decor.

Using the presented patterns for knitting dresses for a doll, as well as useful tips, you can create many unique outfits for your favorite toy, which will help return the child’s interest in it and allow you to improve your knitting skills, without taking up a lot of the needlewoman’s time.

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