Home Helpful Hints Checkable morphological spellings of prefixes and roots. Morphological principle of Russian spelling. The problem of following the morphological principle in Russian writing

Checkable morphological spellings of prefixes and roots. Morphological principle of Russian spelling. The problem of following the morphological principle in Russian writing

§four. The use of letters e and e. Spelling.

At the beginning of words, the letters e and e are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: export (cf.: huntsman), ellipse (cf.: heresy), echo (cf.: Eve), this (cf.: eats).

After and, and also after consonants, the letter e is written, for example: hygiene, diet, muffler, stand.

Exceptions: foreign words mayor, sir, peer and some proper names (Ulan-Ude).

After the remaining vowels, e is more often written, for example: poetry, silhouette, maestro. In some words, the letter e is used, for example: project, register.
1 Rewrite. Read these words correctly.

Make a sketch..mu, sp..ctra colors, ..gerian costume, ancient..pos, great..pokha, wide…screen movie, funny..pisode, di…tic dining room, personal gigi..na, lie under t..ntom, latest mod..l, long tunnel..l, enemy..squadron, beautiful highway.., mashed potatoes.., hot coffee.., new t..ma, dangerous incident...nt, slow. .evolution, experienced tr..n..r, swimming pool..yn, local history music..y, replace piece..ps..l, dark force..t, sew a coat in at..lea, st.. nd with books.
2 Read the examples and indicate: a) morphological spellings of prefixes and roots that can be checked; b) unverifiable morphological (traditional) spellings of roots; c) writing prefixes and roots that deviate from the morphological principle.

Planted, ran, low, river, steppe, confess, gatehouse, dog, ram, asbestos, apparatus, station, paste, smash, exclaim, painting, receipt, tan, tanned, tangent, touch, request.

Talentless, helpless, smell, clayey, patronage, cabin, crimson, jump, bend, slippery, asphalt, grow, overgrowth, collect, collect, corridor, gallery, team.
3 Rewrite. Explain the basis for separate or continuous spelling of words.

Shelter from the rain under (by) weight, appreciate (by) the weight of gold; rush (in) the distance, peer (in) the distance of the steppe; move (into) the depths of the desert, retreat (into) the depths; return home (during) time, get sick (during) holidays; enter (into) a dense mass of clouds, approach (in) dense to the shore; pour coffee (in) a manual mill, process parts (in) manually.
4 Rewrite. Explain the basis for the use of capital letters.

Watch (C, c) northern night on the coast (C, c) of the northern sea; cross

(K, k) Caucasian mountains, lush (K, k) Caucasian vegetation; send a spaceship from (3, s) earth to its satellite - (L, l) una, admire the light of (L, l) una; fight for the world

(3, h) earth; go down the marble (D, d) palace stairs, visit St. Petersburg on (D, d) starling square; sell (K, k) fire goods, live in (K, k) fire lane.

The exploits of (I, m) lyi (M, f) uromets, the fearlessness of the Gorky (S, s) round, aphorisms

(K, k) ozmas (P, p) rutkov, nobility of (Ch, h) acks, fine souls of (M, m) anilovs, high-society (L, l) ovelases, take on the role of (M, m) entor, whims ( M, m) cenats.
§ 5. Use of capital letters

It is written in capital letters:

a) names, patronymics, surnames of people, their nicknames, pseudonyms, for example: Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Dmitry Donskoy, Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, Ilya Ilf (pseudonym), as well as animal nicknames: horse Kholstomer, cat Murka;

b) geographical and administrative names, for example: the Pacific Ocean, Lake Baikal, the Danube River, the Himalayan Mountains, Ukraine, the United States of America, the city of Kyiv, Matrosova Street;

c) the names of periodicals, literary works, factories, etc. (and these names are enclosed in quotation marks), for example: the newspaper "Priazovsky Rabochiy", the magazine "Focus", the poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus", the plant "Azovstal", the publishing house "Enlightenment" .

The use of capital letters in the names of institutions and organizations, in the names of holidays and significant dates, in the names of orders and honorary titles is based on the following rules.

It is written in capital letters:

a) all words, except service words, in the names of the highest state legislative and governmental institutions, for example: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society; See also: Constitution (Basic Law) of Ukraine;

b) all words, except for the words order and degree, in the full names of the orders, for example: Order of Kutuzov, Order of Glory III degree (but: Order of the Patriotic War I degree)",

Note. If the name of the insignia is enclosed in quotation marks, then only the first word and the proper names included in the name are capitalized, for example: medal "For military service to Ukraine", order "For Merit";

c) all words in the titles of higher positions and honorary titles in Ukraine, for example: President of Ukraine, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine;

Note. The names of other positions and honorary titles are written with a lowercase letter, for example: minister, honored worker of science, people's artist of Ukraine, winner of the Shevchenko Prize, etc.

d) the first two words in the names of two historical events: the Great Patriotic War.

The first word is capitalized:

a) in the names of holidays and significant dates, major historical events, for example: Knowledge Day, International Women's Day, Paris Commune, Civil War, World War II;

b) in the names of institutions (other than those mentioned in paragraph 1 "a"), educational institutions, industrial and other enterprises and organizations, for example: the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, the Tretyakov Gallery, the House of Journalists.
§ 6. The use of ь to indicate the softness of consonants in writing

At the end of a word, the letter ь is written after any soft consonant, except for hissing ones, for example: horse (cf.: horse), frost (cf.: frost), lantern (cf.: blow).

In the middle of the word, the letter z is written:

a) after a soft l, standing before any vowel (hard or soft), for example: sick, herring, flatter, boy, sawyer;

b) after a soft consonant before a hard consonant, for example: Kuzma, less, struggle;

c) between two soft consonants only if, when the word changes, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first remains soft (compare with paragraph “b”), for example: in a request (request), Kuzmich (Kuzma), and struggle (struggle).

The letter ь is not written inside the combinations chk, ch, nch, nsch, rshch, rch: river, river, nurse, bricklayer, lamplighter, spoiled.

The letter ь is not written between two soft l: an illusion.
5 Rewrite. Explain why you put or didn't put b in place of dots.

Satisfied .. but a boring time was approaching; it was November .. already at the yard. Nyan..ka Var..ka, girl..ka thirteen years old, rocking the cradle.. . He has been babysitting for a lifetime with little guys. I have a request for you .. ba: repeat your story to this young man, whom you can simply call Sanya. Rain .. went in gusts, turning into a downpour .., then into a frost ... Frost .. - a snow-like sediment similar to hoarfrost. Laughing gos..ti, and brand.chat glasses. As a reward for any voz..mёsh you horse. On the table lay a map of the Volga, all streaked with blue and red icons. Here, the smallest shack is decorated with the most cunning cut ... battle. Do not refuse me my request..be. She sat down at the writing table. The next day .. I saw Zinaida only small .. com. Racers..shiki took start early..nim in the morning. I can't stand servility, don't lie, don't humiliate yourself!
§ 7. The use of ь to denote grammatical forms

In some cases, the letter ь serves to indicate the grammatical form of words.

Use after sizzling

After hissing b is used:

a) in singular feminine nouns, for example: speech, silence, rye (cf. masculine noun: ball, hut, watchman)",

b) in the imperative mood of verbs: appoint, cut off, eat, appoint, cut off,

c) in the indefinite form of verbs: protect, cut, take care, cut your hair;

d) in the 2nd person singular of present and future tense verbs, for example: you carry, you carry, you throw, you rush, you rush, you tinker;

e) in adverbs (except unbearable, already, married), for example: unbearable, entirely;

e) in particles you see, I mean, only, you see.

Note. In the middle of a word, ь is sometimes used as a separating sign, for example: rye.

The use of ь in some case and verb forms

The letter ь is used: a) in the instrumental case of the plural of some nouns and numerals (for example: children, people, four), as well as in other cases of the numeral eight: eight (genus, dat., prepositional case), eight and eight (creative pad.);

b) in an indefinite form: carry - mess around, shave - shave;

c) in the imperative mood: prepare, prepare, prepare.

6 Change the given words according to the patterns. Rewrite. Put it where you need it.

Nights - night, breams, wastelands, alkalis, bricks, trumpeters, trifles, drawings, dugouts, things, reeds, swords, speeches.

They glue - you glue, they saw, they blow, they burn, they lay, they melt; fighting, whispering, hoping, building, splashing, worrying, busying themselves.
7 In these phrases, imperfective verbs in the form of the imperative mood should be replaced with perfective verbs in the form of the same mood.

Get ready to hike - get ready to hike; appoint a collection, throw a ball, meet at the station, get up on time, correct mistakes, notify of arrival, console yourself as soon as possible, do not be offended by a remark, take textbooks, do not forget about consultation, sit down at the table, cut bread, lie down to rest.
§ 8. Spelling of unstressed vowels of the word root

In accordance with the morphological principle of Russian spelling, unstressed root vowels are written as they are pronounced under stress. Therefore, to check the spelling of unstressed vowels, you need to change the word or choose a related word where the root vowel being checked would be stressed, for example: reduce - reduces, reconciliation - peace, measurement - measure, union - united.

However, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked using imperfective verbs with the suffixes -yvat, -yvat, since these verbs often have a instead of the root o. For example, the word throw should be tested with the word throw, not throw away.

The spelling of many words with unstressed vowels cannot be checked with stress: dog, ham, vinaigrette, wagon, etc. The spelling of such words should be remembered, and it is enough to know the spelling of one word in order to correctly write the roots in related words: wagon, wagon, trolley, wagon driver; boot, shoemaker, shoemaker, cobbler, shoemaker.

In some cases, there is an alternation of vowels in the roots, the replacement of one vowel with another: I will collect - I collect, sunbathe - tan, etc.

The spelling of roots with alternating vowels will be discussed below.
8 Make up sentences with these words. Specify how you can check the spelling of highlighted vowels.

Develop - flutter, caress - rinse, enlightenment - dedication, valley - distant, belittle - beg, fade - see, reconciliation - measurement, chop - glow.
9 Read. Rewrite, indicating next to each word in which letters are missing, a test; mark the accent.

Measure ... cut the area, take into account .. cut the quarreled guys, predict .. cut carrots in the garden, load a gun, load .. a lot of firewood, load .. pour iron, p .. a lot of ridges, op .. pour a goose, devote ..tit with a lantern, dedicate ..tit your poem to a friend, go down to the d..line, be in the d..leke, mind ..ly about help, mind ..lyat someone’s virtues, close ... drink successes, close. .sing with your teeth in pain, pay off a debt, unite in the name of a common cause. To be a steward ... of a mother (i.e., to live in a locality for a long time), st .. to give birth to a garden, to wear attached collars, attached .. horses, to pay .. to pay mowing terms, to pay ... to pay money on the account , d..it cows, zat..it resentment.
10 For each phrase with an imperfective verb, choose the same phrase with a perfective verb and rewrite it.

Ask (what to do?) a question - ask (what to do?) a question. Realize .. to blame - ... . Od..vat younger brother - ... . Over .. the suit - ... . Loudly record ditties - ... . Zap..vat medicine with water - ... . Save the kettle - ... . Overcome the enemy - ... . Publish books - ... . Create an abundance of products - ... . Recognize merits - .... Get up early ..wat - ... . Parting with friends - ... .
§ 9. Vowel alternation in word roots

The spelling of words with alternating unstressed vowels in the roots of words (e - and, o -a) is based on a number of special rules.

Alternation i - e

The letters and it is written only when the suffix -a- follows the root, for example: choose - choose, lock - lock, die - die, spread - spread, tear - tear, shine - shine.

The spelling of the roots is based on the same rule, in which -a- (-i-) alternates with -im- or -in-, for example: compress - compress, crush - crush, start - start, remove - shoot; -im- or -in- are written in these roots when they are followed by the suffix -a-. But: combine, combination.

Alternation a - o

In the roots lag - lodges and cas - braid letter a it is written if the root is followed by the suffix -a-: to believe - to put (exception: canopy), to touch - to touch.

In the roots of plav - plov letter a it is written in all cases, except for the words swimmer, swimmer, for example: fin, floating. The word quicksand is spelled with the letter y.

The root poppy is written when they talk about immersing something in a liquid: dip (bread in milk), dip (pen in an inkwell); the root is wet - it is written in words with the meaning “to pass liquid”, “to become wet”: boots get wet, waterproof raincoat, blotting paper.
11 Rewrite, insert the missing letters.

Expose ... expound, expound ... live, suppose ... suppose, suppose ... live, apply ... apply, apply ... sleep, assume ... zhenie, suppose ... guesed, collide ... settle, impose ... gait, st..zhenie, adjective, decomp ... stinging, decomposing; pl..vtsy, pl..wok, melt ... pour, pay out. shoes prom..kaet, obm..throw a brush into the paint, good prom..porridge, impermeable ... coat, wash ..throw in the rain.

Our affairs were ... going brilliantly. This book is given as an appendix. For violation of traffic rules, a fine is imposed. Her st.. lived, and she fell into lull. The horse barely touched the ground. The stove is so heated that it is impossible to touch ... sleep. Cast iron is being cast continuously. Both the feeder and the swimmer died. The pouring rain washed me ... silt me ​​to the last thread. Oblomov took a pen, swung it into the inkwell, but there was no ink. The floor is covered with colored tiles. The theatrical season is expected to end by June 15th. I can live on you.. live. The early winter night covered the village with a dark floor..gom.
^ CONTINUED “Vowel Alternation in Roots”

The roots of the clan-clone: ​​bow, bow, inclination, creature, creativity, creation.

Exception: utensils.

In the root of gar-gor in an unstressed position, it is also usually o (under stress - a), for example: tan - tan, tanned, tan.

Exception: burnouts.

At the root of the dawn - the dawn in an unstressed position is written a (it happens both a and o under stress), for example: dawn, lightning, illuminated, but: dawn, glow.

At the root, jump-jump in an unstressed position, the letter a is usually written before k, and the letter o is written before h, for example: jump - jump, jump - jump, upstart. But: jump, jump (1st l. singular), jump (imperative mood).

The root equal is predominantly written in words that are related in meaning to “equal” (“same”), for example: uniform, equivalent, compare, anyway, also in words equal, equal, equal, equal, plain; the root is even - it is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even” (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: level (paths), level (pit), level (flower beds), level, level.

At the root, growth-growing, the vowel a without stress is written only before the consonants st and u; before with without a subsequent t, it is written about, for example: age, growth, but: grew.

Exceptions: industry, sprout, usurer, Rostov, Rostislav, as well as derivatives from them, for example: industry, sprout, usurious, etc.
13 Rewrite, explain the spelling.

Keep r.. attention in the ranks, make r ... dimensional movement, raz .. take into account the beds, compare ... take into account two numbers, not compare ... visible values, dr.. take into account the lilac bushes, raise the level .. production level, r ... take in six hundred meters , solve ur ... observation, successful comparison ... observation, zar .. heed the ditch, magnificent river .. vnina; violent time .. sl, r ... go in breadth and depth, wrong r.. bone cutting, zar .. become grass, swamp pore ... covered with moss, a new branch of industry, increase ... strength, disgusting r ... lender.

Rewrite with missing punctuation marks. Make syntactic analysis of five sentences.

When he [Pushkin] entered the auditorium with Uvarov, it was like the sun illuminating the auditorium for me at that time I was in a h..du ob..yaniya from his poetry; I drank it like mother's milk; his verse made me shudder in .. storga. The stanzas of his creatures fell on me like a beneficent rain. To his genius, I and all the young men of that time who were fond of poetry owe a direct influence on our aesthetic education.

Ch..tal lecture Davydov professor of the history of Russian literature. "Here's the theory of art," said Uvarov, turning to our students and pointing to Davydov, "and here's the art itself," he added, pointing to Pushkin. He effectively responded .. he said this phrase, obviously pre-prepared. We all greedily fixed our eyes on Pushkin. Immediately, Kachenovsky was also waiting for his turn..di h..to give a lecture. Unintentionally, between them, a conversation began ... about the Word about Igor's regiment, which little by little turned into a heated argument. Come closer, gentlemen, it is interesting for you that Uvarov invited us, and we, like a wall, surrounded Pushkin Uvarov and both professors in a tight crowd. I can’t express how great it was our pleasure to see and hear our idol.

I do not remember all the details of the competition, I only remember that Pushkin, Mr.. ardently defended the falsity ... of the ancient Russian epic. (I. A. Goncharov "Memories")

The spelling of the roots is included in the Unified State Exam in Russian for grade 11 (task 8).

Algorithm for Checking the Spelling of Roots

  1. Check if the root is alternating. If it is, check according to the rule.
  2. If the root is not alternating, try to pick up a test word. If the check word is found, the letter is checked.
  3. If the check word was not found, the letter is unchecked.

Spelling of alternating roots

The spelling of alternating roots can depend on many factors: stress, the presence of a suffix, the meaning of the word, etc.

Alternating vowels O and A in the root

alternating roots rule Examples Exceptions
-HOR-/-HAR- Without stress always -GOR- G about tret Vyg a rky
Prig a p
-ZOR-/-ZAR- Without stress always -ZAR- W a rya W about roar
-CLONE-/-CLAN- No accent always -CLONE- Knuckle about a thread -
-TVOR-/-TVAR- Without stress always -TVOR- TV about rhenium approved a p
-PLAV-/-PLAV- Without stress always -PLAV- popl a wok Pl about vets
Pl about sneeze
Pl about vtsy
-KOS-/-KAS- If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then -KAS- To about sleep
To a With a nie
-EVN-/-EQUAL- If the word in the meaning of "smooth, smooth", then -ROVN-
If the word in the meaning of "equal, the same", then -EQUAL-
Ur a opinion
Subr about heed
R a vnina
Por about inside
Ur about vein
R a get in line
-IOC-/-MAC- If the word in the meaning of "wet, absorbed liquid", then -MOK-
If the word means “still dry, immerse in liquid”, then -MAK-
Exchange a whip
You m about whip
Prom about rolling paper
-ROS-/-RAST-/-PRASH- At the root -ROS- the letter O
In the roots -RAST-, -RASH- the letter A
R a moaning
vyr a whelping
vyr about if
R about stock
R about stov
R about stislav
R about lender
P about drostkovy
Neg a sl
On ex about st
-LOZH-/-LAG- At the root -LOZH- the letter O
At the root -LAG - the letter A
Floor a walk
Floor about live
Floor about G
-SKOCCH-/-SKAK- At the root -SKOCH- letter O
At the root -SKAK- letter A
Sk a kat
Sun about read
Sk a choke
Sk a chu
Sk a chi

Alternating vowels E and I in the root

The alternation of vowels E and I in the roots depends on the presence of the suffix -A- after the root: if there is a suffix, then it is written I, otherwise it is written E.

alternating roots rule Examples Exceptions
-BER-/-BIR- Ub e RU
Ub and R a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

Zap e R
Zap and R a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

vyd e rnul
vyd and R a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

You are t e R
You are t and R a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

Not to be confused with the word put up, the vowel in which is checked (peace).

Deputy e R
Deputy and R a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

St e pour
Dist and l a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

Bl e stet
Bl and st a be

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

Calc e t
Calc and t a be
Op e thief
Op e dancing

If after the root there is a suffix -А-, then in the root AND

Vyzh e G
Vyzh and G a be

Spelling of checked vowels/consonants in the root

If a vowel or consonant letter is checked at the root, then there is such a single-root word in which the vowel is under stress, and the consonant is before the vowel.

  • Schematic ... schema - check word schema => schematic
  • B ... to fight - the test word is cheerfulness \u003d\u003e cheerful
  • Happy ... stylish - test word happiness => happy
  • Fragile ... cue - the test word is fragile => fragile
  • Proru ... b - the test word to cut through => hole
  • Dangerous - the test word is dangerous => dangerous

Spelling of unchecked vowels/consonants in the root

Unchecked vowels and consonants in the root should be checked in a dictionary and remember the correct spelling.

Modern Russian spelling is based on certain principles. To understand the principle of spelling means to see its system and perceive each of its individual rules as part of the system, to understand the spelling rule and each spelling in the relationships of grammar, etymology, and the history of the language. In the theory of Russian spelling, morphological, phonetic, traditional principles, as well as differentiating spellings are indicated.

The morphological principle of spelling implies a uniform, identical spelling of morphemes - root, prefix, suffix, ending, regardless of phonetic changes in the sounding word that occur during the formation of related words or word forms, that is, regardless of positional alternations, other traditional inconsistencies of writing and pronunciation. These inconsistencies include: all cases of unstressed vowels in different morphemes - root, prefix, suffix, ending, stunning of voiced consonants and voicing of voiceless before paired voiceless and voiced consonants, stunning at the absolute end of a word; orthoepic, traditional pronunciation of many words and combinations.

Checking spellings written on a morphological basis includes: firstly: meaning understanding a word or phrase to be checked, without which it is impossible to select a related check word, determine the case form, proper name, etc.; Secondly: analysis morphological word composition, the ability to determine the place of the spelling, which is important for the selection and application of the rule; third: phonetic analysis, definitions syllabic composition, stressed and unstressed syllables, highlighting vowels and consonants, understanding the weak and strong positions of phonemes, positional alternations and their causes; fourth, grammar analysis words (phrases) - definition of a part of speech, word form, for example: a noun, first declension, is in dp, singular, etc.

The leading position of the morphological principle of Russian spelling also determines the methodology for teaching spelling: the latter is based on a conscious, analytical approach to the language, on understanding the meanings of words and their combinations, text, grammatical categories and forms, and the phonemic composition of the word.

The following spelling topics studied in primary grades correspond to the morphological principle: spelling of unstressed vowels, voiced and deaf consonants, unpronounceable consonants, except for unverifiable words that are written according to a different principle; spelling of unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants in prefixes and suffixes, at the junctions of morphemes (except for some cases, for example, prefixes on “-z”, which are written according to a different principle, this case is not studied in primary grades); spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of word forms: in the case endings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions of nouns, in the case endings of adjectives, in the personal endings of verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations of the present and future tense; transfer of words from line to line, since during transfer not only syllabic, but also morphemic division of words is observed; to a certain extent, the morphological principle also operates in the continuous-separate spellings of words, in particular, in distinguishing between prefixes and prepositions, as well as in the use of "b" after prefixes, since the application of the relevant rules requires a morphemic analysis of words and the definition of their morphological features.

Even such orthographic topics as the designation of the softness of consonants in writing, the use of a capital letter in names, double consonants also rely on the morphological knowledge and skills of children.

So, the morphological principle is the basic principle of Russian orthography. As mentioned above, its essence lies in the fact that all significant parts of the word (roots, prefixes, suffixes, inflections), repeated in different words and forms, are always written the same way, regardless of how they are pronounced in one position or another.

Thus, based on the morphological principle:

  • 1) writing checked unstressed vowels and voiced final consonants in the roots of words: sa d[ca t], gardens [from dy], s a dove one, move [ho t];
  • 2) spelling of prefixes, excluding prefixes on s-: p about play [pygrat], prop at style [missed], entry [s hot].
  • 3) spelling of unstressed endings of nouns: in the city [v - proud], above the table [nt - table scrap];
  • 4) spelling of the suffix -ok: wide [shy], low [low];
  • 5) spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants: sad [sad], local [m esnyj];
  • 6) spelling of assimilated consonants: carry [n and with t and], weed [trafk].
  • 7) writing And after prefixes on a solid consonant and the first root, starting with -I- in a complex abbreviated word: pedagogical institute [p dyns t and tu t], disinformation [dzynf rmatsyj].

The unity of the spelling appearance of morphemes is achieved by the fact that the letter indicates not the pronunciation in one case or another, but the phonemic composition of the morpheme, formed by strong phonemes. Therefore, the basic principle of Russian spelling can also be called phonetic, meaning by this the principle of transmitting the phonemic composition of a morpheme in writing.

Deviations from the basic principle of Russian spelling are phonetic and traditional-historical principles.

Consider further the phonetic principle. It is assumed that the sound-alphabetic writing that originally arose among different peoples was always phonetic: each sound of speech was recorded the way it sounds, the way the writer hears it. And in modern Russian writing there are many such spellings where there are no discrepancies between sound and writing: “moon”; "chair", "we", "cancer" and many others. In most words, along with checked or unchecked spellings, other sounds are denoted by letters, in essence, according to the phonetic principle. So, in the word "car" the sound [a] is unstressed, it is considered unverifiable, the letter -a- is written according to tradition, but the rest of the letters of this word are written in accordance with the sound. In essence, all these spellings should not be called phonetic, but phonetic-graphic.

Phonetic-graphic spellings do not cause writing difficulties, so usually they are simply not noticed; but in primary school their role is very great. Phonetic-graphic spellings do not contradict the morphological principle of Russian spelling, since they do not lead to unequal spelling of morphemes. But their danger is that they still create the illusion of well-being in students, the illusion that the letter corresponds to the sound, which actually happens far from always.

Cases like "table", "hand", "lamp" (phonetic spellings) reflect the phonemic composition of these words and do not oppose the morphological principle of orthography. So, the phonetic principle of Russian spelling is that sounds are written in words as they are heard, i.e. writing conveys the sound of the word.

Based on the phonetic principle:

  • 1) writing prefixes on s-: without-, who-, them-, from-, times-, through-, through-. So, before the root, which begins with a deaf consonant, the letter c is written, and in other cases, z is preserved: classless, harmless, notify, drink, fall;
  • 2) spelling of stressed vowels: house, forest, garden;
  • 3) the spelling of vowels in the prefixes raz-, ras-, ros-, ros-: O is heard under stress and O is written; in an unstressed position, A is heard and A is written: search - search, painting - receipt;
  • 4) writing Y instead of the initial AND in the root after prefixes on a solid consonant: play, but play, search, but find, history, but background;
  • 5) writing under stress O and in an unstressed position E at the endings of nouns, adjectives and adverbs after hissing: soul, but porridge, big, but red, hot, fresh, but melodious, more lively;
  • 6) writing under stress -OY, in an unstressed position -YY in the endings of adjectives, participles and ordinal numbers: large, but new, eighth, but fifth;
  • 7) spelling Y after C: lisitsyn, sinitsyn, sistersin;
  • 8) spelling b after soft L: salt, coal, strong.

In the system of spelling rules, there are also those that are based on the phonetic principle and are in sharp contradiction with the leading, morphological principle. The contradiction lies in the fact that morphemes (in this case, the prefixes na- -з) are not written uniformly, but depending on the pronunciation, reflecting positional alternation. Prefixes from-, is-, times-, race-, vz-, sun-, through-, through- and others do not obey the morphological principle. According to the rule, these prefixes are written with the letter Z before vowels or voiced consonants, and in other cases - with the letter C: "nameless, but" endless ". It is easy to see that the spelling З- (С- in this example corresponds to the pronunciation, that is, it is subject to the phonetic principle.

Rules based on the phonetic principle and contradicting the morphological one cause difficulties for students, destroy their ideas about the spelling system that have just begun to form, and contradict the general principle of checking vowels and consonants in weak positions.

Since the rules based on the phonetic principle contradict the understanding of the Russian spelling system that is being formed in children and, in general, are difficult to learn, they are not studied in the elementary school course. But the words containing such orthograms, younger students meet in written speech and write them, assimilating them on a practical basis by memorizing.

It can be emphasized that cases similar to the spelling of prefixes on -з- are not numerous: other principles of orthography, in general, do not contradict, but, on the contrary, support the morphological principle of Prussian orthography. This is the third principle traditional(historical). According to this principle, many words are written according to tradition, without checking the rules.

Words that are not checked by the rules are very numerous: in a text typical for the written speech of younger students, their number reaches 20% (many of these words later, in high school, will become checkable for students). For the most part, these are words borrowed from other languages. Many of them entered the Russian language relatively recently: “bath” - German, “suitcase” - Persian, others in ancient times: “watermelon”, “balyk”, “sheepskin coat” - Turkic. and etc.

Many of the spellings considered traditional can in fact be checked on the basis of the source language: "cardboard" is from Latin; "suit" - from French, etc.

Sometimes a spelling that is considered traditional can be verified on the basis of knowledge of the history of the etymology of words and historical changes in the phonetics of the Russian language: "rooster" - from the old Russian "peti", "peas" - contains a full vowel -oro-, in which there is no -a- .

Based on the traditional-historical principle:

  • 1) spelling G in rod.p., singular adjectives, participles, non-personal pronouns, masculine and neuter ordinal numbers: young (pronounced - in), fifth (pronounced - in). The spelling G has been preserved from those distant eras when these forms were pronounced with [g] .;
  • 2) according to tradition, the letter I is written after the hissing Zh and Sh. These consonants were soft in the Old Russian language, so after them it was natural to write I, E, E, Yu, I, as you hear, but by the 13th century. these consonants have hardened, but the writing of And continues according to tradition, although the consonants are pronounced firmly and it is heard Y, and not Y: live, sew;
  • 3) according to tradition, b is written in the endings of the verbs of the present and future tense in 2 l. singular: reading, playing;
  • 4) according to tradition, it is written, but the spelling is not explained in any way with unverifiable unstressed vowels: potter, blockhead, ship, dog, station;
  • 5) suffixes -enk, -tel, -ochk, -echk, -enn, -ovat, -evat.

So, traditional-historical spellings are spellings that do not depend on either morphemes or pronunciations, but the writing is preserved according to tradition.

Within the framework of the traditional principle, which on the whole does not contradict the general rules of Russian writing and the leading principle of Russian orthography - morphological, there are several cases that contradict the general system.

The traditional spelling of the combinations ZhI, SHI, with the letter “i”, CHA, SCHA, with the letter “a”, CHU, SCHU with the letter “u” contradicts the general rule of Russian spelling, according to which after solid consonants one should write not “i”, but “s”, after soft ones - not “y”, “a”, but “yu”, “I”.

In the primary grades, the spelling of these combinations is memorized without any explanation, and, of course, cannot but damage the formation of the concept of the spelling system in the minds of students.

The morphological principle contradicts the traditional spelling of individual words: “kalach” (according to the morphological principle, one should write “kolach”).

If morphological spellings are checked and assimilated on the basis of phonetic, word-formation and grammatical analysis of words and their combinations, then traditional spellings are mainly based on memorization, in the order of the so-called vocabulary and spelling work. Memorization in the primary grades plays an important role, it should not be neglected, on the contrary, it is necessary to develop a deep system of motivations, game methods that make it easier for children to memorize words with difficult spellings.

With the development of phonology, with the introduction of the concept of phoneme into scientific use, a new, phonemic principle was proposed, which some linguists define as the basic principle of Russian orthography. But, as mentioned above, the leading role in spell checking belongs to the morphological approach: you need to know whether the spelling is in the root, suffix, prefix or ending. And without a morphological approach, the phonemic method of verification is blind and applicable only in the simplest, most obvious cases such as “water” - “waters” or “meadow” - “meadows”.

It is impossible to check the spelling of the words [r shot], [long], [shit] and many other spellings, if you do not resort to morphological analysis. The morphological principle explains all these cases; in other words, the morphological principle is wider than the phonemic one, it covers a much larger number of orthograms than the phonetic one. The authors of most teaching aids for universities consider the morphological and phonemic principles in close connection, but, however, they are not equal, since the phonetic principle is part of the morphological one.

Morphological principle .

Spelling principles are the guiding ideas for the choice of letters by a native speaker where the sound can be designated variably. The nature and system of Russian spelling is revealed using its principles: morphological, phonemic, traditional-historical, phonetic and the principle of differentiation of meanings.

The morphological principle requires that the spelling check be focused on the morphemic composition of the word, it assumes uniformity, the same spelling of morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending, regardless of positional alternations (phonetic changes) in the sounding word that occur during the formation of related words or word forms. These inconsistencies in writing and pronunciation include: unstressed vowels in different morphemes - in the root, prefix, suffix, ending; stunning voiced and voicing deaf consonants in weak positions; unpronounceable consonants; orthoepic, traditional pronunciation of many words and combinations: [siniev] - blue, [kan`eshn] - of course and many others. etc. Spelling, based on the morphological principle, outwardly diverges from pronunciation, but not sharply and only in certain parts of speech. At the same time, the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation is carried out with morphological writing on the basis of strictly defined relationships with pronunciation. Morphological writing is a consequence of the understanding by the seeker of the structural division of the word into its significant parts (morphemes) and results in the most uniform transmission of these parts in writing. The way of writing with a uniform graphic transmission of significant parts of words makes it easier to “grasp” the meaning when reading. The preservation of the graphic unity of the same morphemes in writing, where possible, is a characteristic feature of Russian orthography. The uniformity of the spellings of significant parts of words is achieved by the fact that positional alternations of vowels and consonants are not reflected in Russian writing.

Checking spelling, written according to the morphological principle, includes:

a) understanding the meaning of the word or combination of words being checked, without which it is impossible to select a related test word, determine the grammatical form of the word, etc.;

b) analysis of the morphemic composition of the word, the ability to determine the place of the spelling - in the root, in the prefix, in the suffix, in the ending, which is necessary for choosing and applying the rule;

c) phonetic analysis, determination of stressed and unstressed syllables, selection of vowels and consonants, understanding of strong and weak phonemes, positional alternations and their causes. Next - the solution of the spelling problem according to the algorithm.

It should be noted that the assimilation of spellings corresponding to the morphological principle cannot be effective without strong speech skills of students: the choice of words, the formation of their forms, the construction of phrases, sentences.

Since ancient times, the morphological principle in spelling has been considered the main, leading one, because it ensures the leading role of semantics in language teaching. But in recent decades, a new, phonemic principle claims to be the leading principle.

phonemic principle.

In modern phonology, it is generally accepted that if two or more sounds alternate positionally, then in the language system they are an identity. This is a phoneme - a linguistic unit, represented by a number of positionally alternating sounds. So, the phoneme [o] can be represented by the following sounds, regularly reproduced in the speech of native speakers of the Russian language: strong position - under stress [house]; weak position - unstressed [lady]; weak position - reduced [málako], [cloud].

The phonemic principle of spelling says: the same letter denotes a phoneme (not a sound!) In strong and weak positions. Russian graphics are phonemic: the letter denotes in its strong version and in a weak position also in the same morpheme, of course. The phoneme is a semantic distinction. The letter, fixing the phoneme, provides a common understanding of the meaning of the morpheme (for example, the root) regardless of its sound options.

The phonemic principle explains basically the same orthograms as the morphological principle, but from a different point of view, and this allows a deeper understanding of the nature of orthography. He more specifically explains why, when checking an unstressed vowel, one should focus on the stressed variant, on the strong position of the morpheme.

The phonemic principle allows you to combine many disparate rules: checking unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants, unpronounceable consonants; contributes to the understanding of consistency in spelling; introduces teachers and students to a new linguistic doctrine - phonology.

Morphological and phonemic principles do not contradict each other, but deepen each other. Checking vowels and consonants in a weak position through a strong one - from phonemic; reliance on the morphemic composition of the word, on parts of speech and their forms - from the morphological (morphematic) principle.

Some modern programs and textbooks of the Russian language (for example, the school of V.V. Repkin) provide elementary information on phonology, and in those schools where the textbook by V.V. Repkin is used, the interaction of the two considered principles and practical methods is already being implemented.

There is also a phonetic principle, that is, one in which successive chains of sounds in words are indicated on the basis of a direct connection “sound - letter”, without taking into account any other criteria. Briefly, this principle is defined by the motto "write as you hear." But a very important question is what sounds should be designated with the phonetic principle, with what detail. In practical writing, which is any letter-sound writing, and with the phonetic principle of spelling, only phonemes can and should be designated.

The phonetic principle of spelling with the advent of the concept and the term "phoneme" could be called the phonemic principle of spelling, but since the latter term is used in modern linguistic literature in a different sense, it is more convenient to leave the former name for it.

The phonetic principle as a certain orthographic beginning is proclaimed when positional alternations of phonemes (if they occur) are specifically reflected in the letter. The phonetic principle is such a principle of designating phonemes when the phonemes of weak positions, with which the phonemes of strong positions alternate, are denoted by letters that are adequate to the phonemes of weak positions on the basis of a direct connection “a phoneme is an adequate letter to it.

In addition, there are many words in Russian that are impossible (or difficult) to check with the rules, and they are written in the usual way, as usual, i.e. traditionally.

Traditional principle - this is such a principle in which phonemes that are in weak positions are indicated by one of a number of letters that are phonologically possible to designate a given phoneme. Phonologically, letters are possible that are adequate to the phonemes that head the phonemic series of the morphological system of the language, which could include one or another phoneme of a weak position subject to designation. The traditional principle is, as it were, a morphological principle intended for implementation, but not having the opportunity to pass into it. Since phonemic oppositions in word forms are not violated when designating phonemes of weak positions on the basis of the traditional principle, this principle could be called phonemic-traditional.

In this principle, the final choice of a letter is based on tradition (based on etymology, transliteration, transcription, or simply convention). But the set of letters to choose from is also limited and quite specific. Only phonemic sequences that can be called potential are presented here.

Unverifiable words are acquired on the basis of memorizing the literal composition, the whole "image" of the word, comparison and opposition, i.e. visually, by pronunciation, based on kinesthesia, speech-motor memory, through use in speech in writing and orally, etc.

So, knowledge of the basic principles of Russian spelling allows us to generalize the studied rules, to find a single pattern in them. Spelling is necessary to ensure full-fledged communication, and it is natural that each of its principles is communicatively expedient.

differentiating principle is used where two words or two forms that have the same phonemic structure are conditionally distinguished using spelling (burn - burn, ink - ink). Consolidated, separate and hyphenated spellings using three graphic characters (continuous spelling, space and hyphen) include different grammatical categories of words: compound nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, adverbs, as well as writing a particle with different parts of speech. The principles on which the spelling rules of this section are built are called: - lexical-syntactic - to distinguish between a word and a phrase (long-playing record - a child playing in the yard for a long time; finally, I did all the work - we are planning a trip for the end of summer);

Word-building and grammatical - for writing complex adjectives and nouns: automobile-road and road, gas-oil and gas-oil; forest park and diesel engine.

The separate spelling of words is based on the principle: to write all the words of the Russian language, independent and official, separately, for example: “A month looks from the middle of the sky.” In the course of the life of a language, prepositions and particles sometimes merge with the words they refer to, forming new words, for example: on the right, for the first time, not bad. In this case, there are transitional cases, for example: on the go, for memory. A capital letter is used to highlight the beginning of a sentence and to highlight proper names, for example: “Our great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin lived at that time in the Pskov province.”

Transfer rules are based on the division of words into syllables, taking into account the composition of words: smell, swim.

Spelling, reflecting a complex and lively language process, is constantly being improved on the basis of spelling practice and theoretical linguistic research.

Purpose: to generalize and systematize the spelling skills and abilities of students; improve teaching and language skills; expand and deepen the subject competence of students; to cultivate a conscious attitude to language as a cultural phenomenon, the main means of communication and knowledge acquisition in various spheres of human activity. Equipment: textbook, educational texts.

Write out the words, inserting the missing letters, in three columns: a) words with checked unstressed vowels (indicate the test words); b) words with alternating vowels (underline them); c) words with unchecked vowels (give one related word in brackets).

Proclaim, bl..steal, bl..sleep, obligatory, pleasurable, suppose, suppose, live, tr. prik..sleep, bless..vlyat, tv..retz, rep..-rith, approve..r, enlighten..shchat, inc..thread, b..dirty, pl..thread, incompressible..breakable , to .. conflict, och .. roving, oz.. riveted, izhd .. crown, impress .. smoldering, pay .. vka, pl. , r..growth, vyr..sshiy, vy..chka, on sk..ku, sk..chok, ar..mat, b..chevat, vym..kshiy, av..ngard, absorb .. tit, uv..given, r..uniform, lvl..introduced, r..vesnik, int..ll..gentny, eg..femininity.

3. work with the exercises of the textbook (at the choice of the teacher)

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