Home Vegetables Where are tigers found in the world? Amur tiger, description, interesting facts, numbers, photos, videos, where it lives. All about tigers

Where are tigers found in the world? Amur tiger, description, interesting facts, numbers, photos, videos, where it lives. All about tigers

A message about a tiger for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. A story about a tiger for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about the tiger

The tiger is a predatory mammal from the cat family.
It is the third largest land predator, after polar and brown bears. Its body length can reach more than three meters, and its weight can reach more than 300 kg. The tail length is about 90 cm. Females, as a rule, are much smaller than males.

Scientists distinguish 9 subspecies of the tiger. The largest of them are the Indian (Bengal) and Amur (Ussuri, Siberian) subspecies. The Chinese tiger is the smallest subspecies.

Description of the tiger

The tiger has a long and flexible body, a rounded head, relatively short legs and a long tail. Despite its large size, the tiger's movements are light and graceful.

The tiger's coloring is unique: there are black transverse stripes on the main orange background. This coloring helps the tiger to remain unnoticed among the tall grass and bushes in which it hides while hunting. By the way, it is impossible to determine the tiger in front of you or the tigress by color, and the striped pattern of each individual is unique.

Where do tigers live?

The tiger's habitat is very wide and includes areas of tropical, subtropical and, to a lesser extent, temperate latitudes of the Asian continent. The tiger is found in the south and northeast of China, Nepal, Thailand, Burma, Hindustan, Indochina, Afghanistan, the islands of Bali and Java, the Malay and Korean peninsulas, and the Far East.

How do tigers live?

The tiger leads a solitary lifestyle. He marks his hunting grounds with peculiar marks, making marks on tree trunks with his claws. The tiger hunts its prey, hiding in dense thickets.

It is worth noting that the tiger, unlike other cats, loves to swim and does it for pleasure. Often in hot weather they can remain in cool water for hours.

What does a tiger eat?

The tiger hunts roe deer, deer, wild boar, musk deer and wapiti, and also does not miss any other large and small living creatures, from bear, wolf, monkey to hares, birds, turtles and fish. And even a formidable crocodile often becomes prey for this ferocious predator. The tiger is not averse to eating plant foods; he happily eats berries, fruits, and nuts.

Tiger breeding

Tigers reach sexual maturity at the age of four. The female carries the cubs for 3.5 months. Typically, 2 to 4 blind tiger cubs are born, which gain their sight within a week. They grow quickly, but continue to live with their mother for up to 2-3, and sometimes 5 years. Only the tigress cares for the offspring. She is a very good mother, constantly takes care of her cubs, feeds and protects them, and teaches them various wisdoms of life.

The greatest known body length for the largest subspecies of the tiger, the Amur tiger, is 317 cm, and with the tail, slightly less than 420 cm.

The record in captivity is 423 kg for the Amur tiger.

The tiger has 30 teeth, the fangs grow up to 8 cm long. On the sides of the tongue there are special tubercles made of keratinized epithelium, which help the predator separate the meat of prey from the bones. This animal is very clean: after a meal, it always licks its fur and cleans its claws on the bark of trees.

According to recent estimates, the number of these animals has decreased by 95% since the 19th century! It is not surprising that the tiger is listed in the Red Book and hunting it is prohibited throughout the world.

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The tiger (Panthera tigris) is one of the most beautiful animals on Earth, the largest representative of the cat. The royal hunter, the most powerful of all predators, he is a symbol of strength and dignity. The tiger is a solitary predator, adapted to any climatic conditions, and in any weather it will get water and food. But, to our greatest regret, these animals are becoming less and less numerous, and some subspecies of tigers have completely disappeared.

Subspecies of tigers

At the beginning of the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of striped predators lived in forests throughout Asia. The loss of habitat, in particular intensive deforestation, poaching and a reduction in the food supply, has led to the fact that today the tiger population has decreased by 95%, and of the eight subspecies of tigers, only five have survived to this day: Bengal, Malayan, Amur, Indochinese and Sumatran tigers. Three species of tigers were completely exterminated in the 20th century: the last Bali tiger was killed in 1937, the Caspian tiger in 1970, and a little later the Javan tiger shared their fate.

Bengal tiger(Panthera tigris tigris), also sometimes called the Royal Tiger, is the most numerous subspecies in modern times. It is the national animal of India and is home to the largest number of Bengal tigers. It is also found in Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Iran and Pakistan. It lives in all types of forests, including alpine and mangrove forests, and is found in savannas and swamps.

Males weigh from 160 to 250 kg, females - from 100 to 160 kg, body length from 1.4 to 2.8 meters. The color of the sides and back is from red-orange to brown-yellow with dark stripes, the belly is bright white.

Like all tigers, the Bengal is very fond of bodies of water where you can swim in silence.

(Panthera corbetti) found shelter in the forests, savannas and low swamps of Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and the southeastern provinces of China. Its exact number is unknown - according to some sources, the population of Indochinese tigers is less than a thousand, according to others - from 1200-1800 individuals.

The coloring of the Indochinese tiger is more contrasting than that of its Bengal counterpart.

In one sitting, a tiger can eat up to 40 kg of meat. However, this does not mean that he eats an entire herd in a month, because he does not have lunch every day and 30-40 large mammals a year are quite enough for him.

Amur tiger(Panthera tiger altaica) or Ussuri tiger is the beauty and pride of the Far Eastern taiga, a symbol of the Far East, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

By the end of the 1940s of the last century, Ussuri tigers were practically destroyed - then there were no more than 40 individuals living in the wild. Fortunately, today, thanks to environmental measures, the situation has improved significantly - as of 2016, more than 500 of these large cats live throughout their habitat.

95% of the entire northern tiger population lives in the southern, most developed part of the Far East, and 5% in China.

The Amur tiger is the largest of all representatives, it weighs from 250 to 320 kg with a body length of 2 to 3.8 meters.

The long, thick fur is yellow-orange in summer and becomes lighter in winter. The Amur tiger is accustomed to cold weather, and thanks to a layer of subcutaneous fat, even in severe frosts it can sleep in the snow.

(Panthera sumatrae) is an inhabitant of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where about 300-400 of these animals live in remote areas. Found in dense tropical forests and mangar thickets.

Compared to other species, this tiger is small: its body length is no more than 2.5 meters, weight is about 140 kg. This tiger is the most brightly colored.

(Panthera tigris jacksoni) is found only in the south of the Malay Peninsula (Southeast Asia). This tiger was identified as a separate subspecies in 2004, before which the population was considered to belong to its Indochinese relative.

This is the smallest of all tiger species, its body length is no more than 2.1 m, and its weight rarely exceeds 120 kg.

Lifestyle of a Lone Hunter

Depending on its habitat, the color of tiger fur varies from bright orange to straw yellow with the inevitable black stripes. The tiger looks great in its luxurious striped skin! This seemingly flashy outfit perfectly hides the tiger in bamboo thickets and tall grass. Each tiger wears a one-of-a-kind fur coat: the pattern on the tiger skin, like human fingerprints, is never repeated.

Tigers are very strong and powerful animals, capable of killing large prey with one blow. Nature arranges it in such a way that everything about tigers is adapted for hunting:

  • The tiger finds its prey thanks to its exceptionally fine hearing. When attacking, he straightens his ears and points them forward, and when defending, he pulls them back. Vibrissae help to navigate the terrain;
  • tiger eyes see well in the dark, their night vision is six times better than that of humans;
  • powerful jaws and huge fangs, which can grow up to 7 cm in length, help the tiger deal with prey, which is sometimes larger than itself; the large skull increases the bite force of the upper jaw;
  • the long flexible body and muscular pelvic limbs give the tiger speed, mobility and power, and the long tail helps maintain balance during long jumps;
  • Like almost all cats, tigers can retract their sickle-shaped claws into their pads. When hunting, claws are formidable weapons.

Tigers live as hermits, occupying a certain area of ​​the forest. The animals mark their hunting grounds, the area of ​​which sometimes exceeds 1 thousand km2, with deep scratches on tree trunks, and leave odorous marks on stones and bushes. Walking around his property, the owner regularly checks his own and others’ marks and mercilessly drives away competitors - other males.

The favorite habitats of tigers are impassable thickets along the banks of reservoirs, because these mighty animals, unlike most representatives of the cat kingdom, are excellent swimmers, and swimming gives them real pleasure. Tigers living in the tropics, in hot weather after swimming, look for a shady place under the trees or hide in a cool cave. Tigers avoid open spaces.

The tiger prefers to hunt alone. Its activity peaks at dawn and dusk. Tireless on long journeys, and in search of prey it can travel up to 20 kilometers in a day. Like all cats, it locates its prey using hearing. Having noticed an animal, he bends down and silently sneaks in the tall grass until he overtakes the victim with one powerful jump, and he can jump forward up to 10 meters and 5 meters up. Sharp claws dig into the victim's back, fangs bite through her throat. It knocks large prey to the ground with a blow of its paw and crushes the vertebrae with its fangs.The main objects of tiger hunting are ungulates: buffalos, deer, wild pigs.

While protecting its territory, the Amur tiger can also attack a bear, although such a fight does not always end in victory for the tiger, and Bengal tigers sometimes attack even adult elephants and rhinoceroses.

The tiger usually drags the prey, no matter how large, to its hiding place, often several hundred meters away, so that it can dine there quietly to its own pleasure. Each tiger consumes about three tons of food per year, but it never kills more than it can eat, unlike, for example, wolves.

Tiger breeding

Tigers do not have a specific mating season. When the female is ready for fertilization, the male spends several days with her. After mating, he leaves his girlfriend and sets out in search of new partners, while the tigress looks for a secluded place for a den. Pregnancy lasts from 93 to 117 days. In a well-protected cave or in dense thickets of bushes, the female usually gives birth to 2-3 cubs, sometimes their number can reach up to 6. Helpless newborns, already dressed in striped coats in the manner of their parents, weigh about 1 kilogram. They open their eyes on the tenth day. The tigress raises her children alone, the male does not bear any paternal responsibilities and lives on his own.

The tigress is a very caring mother, she diligently licks her babies with her rough tongue, like that of all cats, jealously guards them and is ready to kill anyone who dares to be near her lair. Panthers, jackals, bears, pythons - all these animals pose a threat to little tiger cubs. She leaves the den only during the hunt.

For the first eight weeks of their lives, tiger cubs feed only on their mother's milk. Then the tigress begins to bring them small prey, so the babies gradually get used to their future daily food - meat. True, up to six months, and sometimes longer, the mother continues to feed the younger generation with milk. At two months, tiger cubs first emerge from their shelter into the world. They begin to master the wisdom of hunting at the age of 6 months, which takes about a year. Games with brothers and sisters, chasing and catching up prepare the animals for independent life. Young predators switch completely to their own bread only at the age of 1.5 years, but sometimes even up to the age of three they stay with their mother, and only when they have finally matured do they go in search of an individual plot. Tigers reach sexual maturity at 5-6 years of age.

The tiger is the only four-legged predator that enjoys the grim reputation of a cannibal. Although, as a rule, tigers do not consider people as prey, but if they feel threatened, the tiger will attack. In most cases, attacks by huge cats on people occur due to the lack of food supply in the habitat.

A tiger can knock out its prey or even kill it with one single blow of its front paw. The springy power of the muscular hind legs comes in handy at the moment when the tiger suddenly collapses from cover on its prey with several giant leaps.

Among tigers, albinos are very rarely born, with fur devoid of pigment, which gives the animal a red color. Albinos have blue eyes and white fur with brown stripes. The Maharajah of Rewa, a princely state in India, managed to preserve a rare deviation from the norm. The offspring of this tiger are now able to pass on their unique coloring to generations. White tigers are considered a national treasure of India.

Tigers cannot purr like cats. When experiencing a state of bliss, they squint or close their eyes. And a tiger can only afford to cover its eyes when it is confident in its absolute safety.

The stripes on a tiger’s skin are its trademark; their number can reach up to a hundred, but what’s interesting is that not only its fur is striped, but also its skin itself.

Tigresses are capable of conceiving only 4–5 days a year.

Tigers have round pupils, not slit-shaped pupils like cats'.

In nature, tigers rarely live longer than 15 years, only in ideal zoo conditions their life spans are longer - 25-year-old individuals are not uncommon.

In contact with

The tiger is the largest animal from the cat family. This family also includes the panther, lynx, and cheetah, but the tiger surpasses them in size.

Species: Tiger

Genus: Panthers

Family: Felines

Class: Mammals

Squad: Carnivores

Type: Chordata

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Tiger anatomy

The size and weight of a tiger animal depends on its species. There are 6 types of tiger in total. The largest species of tigers can reach up to 2.5 meters in length without a tail. The tiger is approximately 115 cm in height. The weight of the largest individuals can vary up to 200-300 kg. The coloring of a tiger also depends on its species, the color of the coat is from rusty red to rusty brown, while the inside of the ears, paws, belly and chest are light. The iris of the eyes is yellow. The whole body is covered in black stripes. Each animal has a unique arrangement of stripes, which helps to recognize different individuals. The tail is long, even, also with black stripes, the tip of the tail is always black. The tiger's spine is flexible, the body is muscular, and the pelvic bones have such a structure that the animal can develop great speed and also have good jumping power.

It is extremely difficult to detect the appearance of a tiger in advance, because its feet have soft, fleshy pads, thanks to which its steps become silent. The tiger's skull is short, rounded, and powerful. Has a massively developed jaw. With its help, the tiger can inflict a crushing bite on the enemy. The predator's mouth opens wide, the jaws have a strong bone structure, and powerful muscles provide great compression force when biting. When attacking, the tiger sinks its teeth into the prey in such a way that the prey cannot escape during any of its maneuvers. The length of the fangs is 8 cm without root.

Where does the tiger live?

Tigers were originally common in Asia. To date, they have survived in only 16 countries: Laos, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Russia, India, Iran, Indonesia, China, North Korea (not confirmed), Malaysia, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand. At the same time, they choose completely different places for their habitat - this is the taiga in the north, and semi-deserts, and forests, and dry savannas, and the humid tropics.

What does a tiger eat?

Tigers can eat all kinds of animals, which they can knock down in one jump. These are deer, wild boars, roe deer, rhinoceroses. Living in captivity, they do not disdain smaller animals, such as hares, cows, donkeys, and horses. The desire to consume the plant gifts of nature appears in tigers only in the summer. Nuts, grass, fruits are used.

Tiger Lifestyle

Tigers are territorial animals. All adult individuals live alone and have their own area, where they hunt and which they protect from other representatives of their kind. The territory of a male can reach from 60 to 100 km2, while that of females is usually smaller - 20 km2. The territories of males do not overlap, otherwise a fight will begin. But the territories of males and females can overlap.

Tiger breeding

Tigers are polygamous animals. Their mating season is in December-January. The male finds the female by the smell of her urine. Based on the behavior of the female and the smell of her urine, it becomes clear how ready she is for the reproduction of offspring. A female has only a few days a year when she is ready for fertilization. In cases where mating was not fruitful, the female’s estrus repeats the next month.

The tigress is capable of bearing offspring at the age of 3-4 years. She gives birth once every 2-3 years. Pregnancy lasts +/- 100 days. At the same time, the male does not take part in raising children at all. The female successfully does all this. Cubs are born in March-April in the amount of 2-4 cubs. Less often there is 1 tiger cub or more than 4 in a litter. They are born completely helpless. They feed on mother's milk for 1.5 months.

The female does not allow the male to approach the children, since strange males are capable of killing babies. At 2 months, tiger cubs already leave their den and follow their mother. At 1.5 years old they become independent, sometimes remaining with their mother for 2-3 years. Then they begin to look for their territory. Tigers live up to 20-26 years.

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The Ussuri (Amur, Far Eastern) tiger is a subspecies that just recently could have completely disappeared. Besides, Ussurian tiger- the only one living in cold conditions.

This animal was able to achieve the highest skill in hunting because, unlike those living in prides and practicing collective hunting, predator Ussuri tiger is always a pronounced loner.

Features and appearance of the Ussuri tiger

Animal Ussuri tiger strong and powerful, with considerable physical strength. Its weight reaches 300 kg. The maximum weight that was recorded was 384 kg. The body is 1.5 - 3 meters long, and the tail is approximately 1 meter. - a very fast animal, even in snowy terrain it is capable of running at a speed of about 80 km/h.

The body of the animal is flexible, the paws are not too high. The ears are short and small. Only this subspecies has a layer of fat 5 cm wide formed on its belly, which protects the predator from the icy wind and low temperatures.

In the photo there is a Ussuri tiger

The tiger has color vision. It has thicker fur than tigers that live in warmer climates. The coat is orange, with black stripes on the back and sides, and the belly is white. The pattern on the skin is individual for each animal. The coloring helps the tiger blend in with the trees of the winter taiga.

Habitat of the Ussuri tiger

The largest number of tigers live in southeastern Russia. This is a protected area. The Ussuri tiger lives along the banks of the Amur River, as well as the Ussuri River, which is how it got its name.

Much fewer tigers live in Manchuria (China), approximately 40 - 50 individuals, i.e. 10% of the total number of tigers in the world. Another distribution area for this subspecies of tigers is Sikhote-Alin, where the only viable population of this species lives.

Character and lifestyle

The Far Eastern tiger lives in a harsh climate: air temperatures range from -47 degrees in winter to +37 degrees in summer. When very tired, a tiger can lie down directly on the snow.

Resting in the snow can last up to several hours, and the predator will not feel the cold. This species is uniquely adapted to cold and frost. But for a long rest, he prefers to find shelter among rocks, between ledges, and also under fallen trees.

The female makes a den for the cubs; for this she looks for the most inaccessible place, for example, in an inaccessible rock, in thickets or a cave. Adult males do not need a den.

They prefer to relax just next to their prey. Young tigresses separate from their mother at 1.5–2 years, everything depends on the appearance of the next litter in the female. But they do not go far from their mother’s den, unlike males.

Each tiger lives in an individual area, its area is determined by the number of ungulates. Every day tigers walk around their property. The female and male live in territories of varying sizes.

The male's territory ranges from 600 to 800 square meters. km, and females from about 300 to 500 sq. km. The smallest territory belongs to the female with her cubs. It is up to 30 sq. km. As a rule, several females live in the territory of one male.

On average, a tiger travels a distance of about 20 km per day, but the course can be 40 km. Tigers are animals that love consistency. They use the same trails and regularly mark their territory.

Amur tigers love solitude and never live in packs. During the day, they like to lie on rocks where they have a good view. Far Eastern tigers like water; they can lie in or near any body of water for hours. Tigers are excellent swimmers and can even swim across the river.

Diet of the Ussuri tiger

The Far Eastern tiger is a predator; it has large fangs (about 7 cm) with which they catch, kill and dismember prey. It does not chew, but cuts the meat with its molars and then swallows it.

Thanks to the presence of soft pads on its paws, the tiger moves almost silently. Tigers can hunt at any time. Their favorite food is: wapiti, small mammals.

However, sometimes they eat with pleasure and can eat the fruits of some plants. The average individual should eat 9–10 kg of meat per day. With adequate nutrition, the animal quickly becomes fat and can then go a week without food.

The predator usually drags its prey to the water, and hides the remaining food in a safe place before going to bed. Eats lying down, holding prey with its paws. The Amur tiger rarely attacks humans. Since 1950, there have only been about 10 recorded cases of this tiger species attacking humans. Even if hunters chase a tiger, it does not attack them.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season for tigers does not occur at a specific time of the year, but it still occurs more often towards the end of winter. For childbirth, the female chooses the most impassable and safe place.

Usually the female gives birth to two or three cubs, less often one or four. There are cases of the birth of five tiger cubs. Babies just born are absolutely helpless and weigh up to 1 kg.

However, future predators grow quickly. By two weeks they begin to see and hear. By one month, the tiger cubs have doubled their weight and begin to emerge from the den. From two months they try meat.

But they feed on mother's milk for up to 6 months. First, the tigress brings them food, and then begins to lead them to the prey. At the age of two, tiger cubs begin to hunt with their mother, their weight at this time is about 100 kg.

The male does not help in raising children, although he often lives not far from them. The tiger family breaks up when the cubs reach 2.5 - 3 years old. Tigers grow throughout their lives. Amur tigers live on average about 15 years. They could live up to 50 years, but, as a rule, due to the harsh living conditions, they die early.

In the photo there are cubs of the Ussuri tiger

Conservation of the Ussuri tiger

In the mid-nineteenth century, this type of tiger was quite common. However number of Ussuri tigers declined sharply at the beginning of the twentieth century. This is due to the uncontrolled capture of tiger cubs and the shooting of animals, which at that time was not regulated in any way. The harsh climatic conditions of the tiger's habitat were also of considerable importance.

In 1935, a reserve was organized on Sikhote-Alin. From that moment on, hunting for the Far Eastern tiger was banned, and even for zoos, tiger cubs were caught only as an exception.

It is currently unknown How many Ussuri tigers are left?, according to 2015 data, the number of individuals in the Far East was 540. Since 2007, experts have declared that the species is no longer endangered. However, Ussuri tiger in the Red Book Russia is still listed.

Powerful predators, tigers, the largest cats on Earth, are very vulnerable to the onset of civilization. There are very few habitats of these forest hunters left in the world. Interesting facts about tigers - appearance, strength, speed, habits.


There are six species of cats - Amur, Indochinese, South Chinese, Sumatran, Malayan, Bengal. Over the past centuries, three species of tigers have disappeared - in Transcaucasia (this Caspian species was exterminated by hunters), on the island of Bali (purposefully destroyed by people due to superstitions) and on the island of Java (the spread of coffee plantations led to the disappearance of hunting grounds). On the island of Tasmania lived a marsupial wolf, very similar in color to a tiger. This species also disappeared in the 1930s.

Tigers are the largest cats. Siberian or Amur tigers reach a length of up to 3.5 meters and weigh three hundred kilograms. Tigers from the island of Sumatra are up to two meters long, and an adult weighs about one hundred kilograms.

The colors of tigers are very different - golden, white, black, perhaps there are blue tigers called Maltese (probably a subspecies of South China tigers).

The stripes on a tiger's fur are arranged in a special order; they are unique; no two tigers can have the same coloring. Also, the stripes do not change with age; a tiger can be identified by them, as if by fingerprints.

If you shave part of the fur, it will have the same stripes - the skin is colored the same way as the wool.

Golden tigers have yellow eyes, while light-colored tigers have blue eyes.


Interesting facts about tigers, hunting. Tigers have round pupils, not oblong like domestic cats. Wild striped predators go hunting in the early morning and evening. Domestic cats go hunting at night; vertical pupils help them navigate in the dark. Despite the fact that tigers are not adapted to hunting in the dark, they see at night several times better than people.

Tigers almost always attack their prey from behind. If a predator is in front of a person, most likely he did not plan to attack, and the likelihood of an attack decreases. Therefore, in the Indian jungle, residents walk with a mask on the back of their heads.

It is impossible to escape from the predator - it attacks at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It is believed that it is impossible to escape from the Amur tiger alive if you do not have a firearm in your hands. It is difficult for these tigers, which are also called Ussuri tigers, to climb a tree, but they can still climb to a height if they consider it necessary.

Tigers jump far, even despite their considerable weight. These big cats can jump 6 meters in length and 5 meters in height.

Hunting is not always successful - only 10 percent of hunting attacks are successful. Therefore, the tiger often goes hungry - it can go without food for up to a week. But in one go, this cat can eat several tens of kilograms of meat. But in terms of starvation, tigers are very vulnerable - they can go without food for up to three weeks, after which there is a threat of starvation.

A tiger can imitate the voices of other animals, a skill it uses when hunting, thus attracting prey. For example, they do not growl like bears to lure these animals, and then attack - even such a strong animal as a bear is included in the tiger's diet. With a blow from a front paw, the largest felines are capable of breaking a bear's head or breaking its back.

In addition to sharp fangs 10 centimeters long, the tiger also has a very strong paw, which can even break the skull.

Tigers carefully guard their hunting grounds, marking trees with strong-smelling urine. By smell, a tiger can determine the sex and age of a competitor. The territory of males is much larger than that of females, and the latter choose their lands so as not to intersect with other girls, apparently in order to avoid conflicts and calmly raise tiger cubs.


Interesting facts from the life of tigers. Unlike domestic cats, tigers not only love water and swim with pleasure, they can swim several tens of kilometers in a day.

Tigresses carry their babies for three months, after which two or three tabby cats are born. Cats are born blind and tigresses take tender care of them. The life expectancy of tigers is 25 years.

All mammals have antiseptic substances in their saliva. Therefore, when they lick their wounds, they heal quickly. Tigers are no exception - they are able to quickly heal cuts and punctures that may occur in the taiga forest.

Striped predators drink water in a special way - they do not lick it like domestic cats, they do not scoop it up with a ladle, like other animals, for example, dogs, but throw it up with their tongues, after which they close their mouths, preventing the liquid from falling down.

Tigers have a very good memory, it is several times better than that of dogs, and dogs have good memory. There is evidence that tigers chased the person who hunted them, which means that perhaps not all people are the same for these felines.

Big cats need special living conditions in the wild - large spaces and a lot of food. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer striped predators. There are more tigers in captivity than there are in the wild.

The tiger's growl is a way of communicating with its fellow tribesmen, and when aggressive, this cat hisses and snorts, rather than growls. Tiger voices are so distinctive that they are considered unique to each tiger. And by this voice, animals determine from afar who exactly the sounds are coming from.

Unlike lions, males are the first to let tigresses and cubs come to dinner; they themselves do not argue over the prey, but wait for their turn to eat.

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