Home Vegetables How to get magical powers for real. Rituals for the acquisition and development of magical power. Clairvoyance the power of magic

How to get magical powers for real. Rituals for the acquisition and development of magical power. Clairvoyance the power of magic

A real magician must feel the power of the four elements (Water, Air, Fire and Earth) well, and also use their energy in his rituals. Consider how to get the energy and magical power of the element of Water.

Without a doubt, Water is synonymous with life itself: all life on our planet came out of the water. In addition, water is a rather important component of the astral world. Water patronizes such human qualities as fidelity, devotion, faith and spirituality. It is very useful to enlist the energy of this element when it comes to strengthening friendly relations, maintaining alliances. The water element gives us intelligence, flexibility of mind, the ability to compromise with others. The energy of Water will give you the opportunity to succeed where strength and power are useless.

How to master the energy of water?

The path to mastering the energy of water is thorny and long, but first, master the first exercise (you need to do it every day): learn to drink water in small sips, imagining that with each new sip your body receives another portion of life-giving energy. Depending on where you live, take a walk to the ocean, sea, river or spring, watch their rapid flow, ebbs and flows. Imagine that you are part of this movement. Analyze yourself, find in yourself those qualities that are inherent in water.

When you are in the water or near the water, say (out loud): “The boundless expanse of the transparent sea, the Holy Mother of all living things, help me. Grant me strength and power to fulfill the unfulfilled, to subdue the rebellious, to heal the incurable.

Feel how you absorb the energy of water with every cell of your body. It is very good if you have a feeling of complete unity with the element of water. Say this simple conspiracy several times: "AGATAGUL KHAR MAROB, EL KATASAR NAR".

If desired, you can combine the introduction to the energy of Water and the energy of the Moon. To this end, you can take a bath using the “moon elixir” and imagine that the combined energy of the planet and the elements becomes your personal advantage.

Experience with water energy

Here is one experience for you, showing how the energy of the human body can interact with the energy of water. Take the most ordinary glass, fill it with water and place it right in front of you. Dip any finger into the water - for example, the middle or index finger. Take your finger out of the water. Notice how quickly the water flows down.

Next, close your palms together and sit like this for a minute or two. Open your arms and grasp the glass on both sides. Try to physically feel the energy of the most important liquid on Earth. Put your finger back into the water. Now pay attention - the water should flow down the finger much more slowly than the first time. It is not difficult to explain the result of this experience: your own energy entered into interaction with the energy of water and changed its structure.

How to summon a merman

Studying the power and energy of water, the novice magician will have to face her guide - the water one. The owner of the water looks like this: from head to toe he is covered with green mud, smelling of rotten grass. A person who has the ability to magic and is not afraid of the supernatural will be able to see the merman.

The eyes of the merman blink very often - from the side it may seem that they are constantly open. God forbid you meet the eyes of the Master of the water: he has remarkable hypnotic abilities! If this happens, look away immediately!

You can try to make contact with the water one. Here's how it's done. Put on green clothes and leave the house at 4 in the morning to the nearest body of water, taking with you a jar filled with water.

Go to the water line, raise the jar above you and say the words of such a conspiracy:

"Open one third, appear before me!"

If at this moment ripples began to flow through the water, you can be congratulated - the Waterman heard you. Ask your question, and pour the remaining water in the jar into the pond. You may not see the water one, but only hear his voice. If your magical abilities are not yet so strong, then the answer to the question asked will come in a dream, over the next 3 nights. If there was no answer, the rite, after some time has passed, is allowed to be repeated.

A person does not use his astral body, which is at a quite high level of development due to gradual improvement over many centuries due to world evolution, without realizing and not feeling the possibilities that are in his hands.

Physical abilities close our eyes to unusual abilities, and for this reason we need to go through two stages on the way to self-improvement. The first is the temporary suppression of our so pronounced physical abilities for the implementation of the second stage. And the essence of the second lies in self-learning to apply new opportunities unknown to us before.

The exercises suggested here are extremely important. They must be executed exactly. By means of these exercises you will be able in a short time to assimilate a view which seldom can be resisted and endured. It is very interesting when you see an increase in the influence of the power of your gaze on the people that you will have to face along the way of life.

Clairvoyance the power of magic

As for the methods of liberation from physical feelings, they are generally divided into two: the method of suppression through violent influence and the method of gaining constant control over the senses. In the first case, the main part of the methods of violent influence has a negative impact on the physical body and often has consequences that are detrimental to health. According to Eastern teachings, this method is called Laukika - a method in which abilities are manifested only during a particular life. This type needs only a slight training in the necessary vehicles, the set of which is updated with a new incarnation and it is required to start everything from the very beginning. The second method, called Lokotha in the East, which allows you to master the abilities that will be reflected in the higher "I" and will pass from one earthly life to another along with a person, is slower, but true. In this case, the soul itself and everything that is reflected in it, namely, the ability to control the conductors, will be transferred as eternal knowledge in the next life.

The first prediction of Nostradamus (Michelde Nostredame) came true during his lifetime and glorified him throughout Europe. In the first edition of his prophecies (Century 1.35), he wrote that "the young Lion will defeat the old one on the battlefield, during a single duel ... his eyes will be gouged out ... then he will die a terrible death." At the tournament on July 1, 1559, King Henry II, after a blow received from the broken spear of his opponent, the young Comte de Montgomery, died in great agony.

The negative ways of developing clairvoyance include narcotic effects, so popular among the non-Aryan tribes of India. The use of hashish and other intoxicants brings a person into a state similar to sleep, and thus it becomes possible to feel the freedom of his astral body. Before using the drug, the mind is concentrated on the activation of the astral state, and as soon as physical sensations are released under the influence of hallucinogens, the person continues his concentration, the result of which is achieved as the training progresses. After awakening, he can to some extent reproduce his visions, which can be interpreted as predictive. But mostly it will be hallucinations. According to some statements, sometimes during such a trance, the soul of the deceased can speak through a person who is in a detached state, as through a medium. This once again confirms the negativity of this approach and its uselessness when used in self-development.

Another method, such as self-hypnosis, is also not recommended for developing clairvoyant abilities in oneself due to the lack of the ability to regulate and control information from the astral level. It consists in focusing attention on a bright spot or a rotating disk until certain brain centers are “paralyzed” and a state of complete passivity sets in.

Clairvoyance is understood as the ability to perceive information that is not tied to a specific space and time, but related either to the past or future, or to a distant country or another city. In other words, it is an opportunity to penetrate through time and space through communication with other worlds for which these concepts do not exist or they simply differ from earthly ones.
Many who are interested in clairvoyance and believe in its possibility are often worried about the same question: “How to develop these hidden abilities in yourself? After all, if they are in almost every person, then they can be extracted. But how?" There is an answer, and there are enough ways to discover your clairvoyance, but most of them are far from safe. To delve deeper into this issue, consider the most common methods.

The ability of clairvoyance, according to the Vedic teachings, can be developed through breathing exercises, widely used by yogis in India. The regulation of breathing and the possibilities that can be achieved with the help of this will be discussed a little later in the section "The Science of Breathing".

Osho Rajneesh is a professor of philosophy, an enlightened Master who did not belong to any of the traditional religions. Osho Rajneesh was born on December 11, 1931 in Kushadwa, Madiya Pradesh, India, the son of a modest Jain cloth merchant. Osho experienced his first satori (feeling of nothingness) at the age of 14.

Western medicine has established that the human brain contains nerve centers that are not used by people of average development. Only the appointment of these centers has not yet been established by medicine. But they are well known to Indian yogis. For millennia, yogis have been able to activate and apply them. Most yoga exercises, and especially the three asanas (candle, bent candle and stand) activate these centers and give a person those opportunities that he did not even know about. An example is the ability to telepathy, to clairvoyance, which is discussed in this section. And as a means of achieving it are enhanced training and hatha yoga classes.

Of the most acceptable methods, according to Charles Lethbeater, are those that do not contribute to the violent suppression of physical sensations, but teach the soul to control the body. The best way is, of course, to study under the guidance of an experienced Teacher who will see and give you what is right for you. The question naturally arises - where to find such a person who is really versed in the occult teachings and supernatural abilities, who is not a charlatan who sells his superficial knowledge in order to satisfy selfish motives? Unfortunately, few people can answer this question, and in such a situation, in order not to be disappointed in people once again, you need to trust yourself and realize your aspirations on your own. After all, on the way to progress and self-improvement, goals are achieved much faster if the student wants to get the result with all his being, not knowing the difficulties and obstacles, goes to this.

But striving alone is not enough to obtain a true result, and it is a categorical condition for a person to lead a pure and spiritual life. There is no special secret in the methodology and rules. It is necessary to observe the commandments that are written in all world religions, and to know the measure in everything, exposing your feelings and desires to full control.

According to the same Charles Leadbeater, before even trying to acquire a higher vision, it is necessary to evaluate your mental and moral development. After all, aimlessly abusing your new abilities (in the event that you get them, which is unlikely with low rates), the result will be, first of all, negative for you. If you have self-confidence, and you are able to trust your desires or at least control them and go against your own earthly interests, you can act disinterestedly and selflessly in love for the world, then it makes sense to try to apply one of the two safest and most proven methods of acquiring clairvoyant abilities. Let's dwell on them in a little more detail.

The first way can be called intellectual, and it consists in the study of the fourth dimension of space. The brain of an ordinary person has not faced such a task and therefore it will be unbearable for him. But, like any part of the physical body, our brain, under the influence of increased, persistent and regular training, can acquire abilities that previously seemed beyond the reach and possibilities. Based on this, the result can be a clear understanding and representation of the existing world, which is different from the surrounding physical one. By gradually increasing the capacity of the brain, grasping of the astral form can be achieved, thereby opening the hidden possibility within oneself. Progress can be observed in people with a mathematical mindset. And even if the final result is not achieved and it is not possible to acquire expanded vision, this method will contribute to a special idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe astral life, a clear understanding of the appearance of this unusual world, which can also be attributed to a good result.

This is how Arkady Petrov describes the other world in his book “The Key to the Superconsciousness”: “An unusual space in which a structured, extremely mobile Environment was constantly forming into clear geometric shapes. Countless transformations of the environment gave rise to rhombuses, balls, cones, cylinders, cubes, trapezoids, hemispheres, complex structures - tetrahedra, pyramids, icosahedrons, dodecahedrons. The figures instantly shone, now with a gentle solar ocher, now with a harsh mercury metallic, now with a piercing blue, and were carried away, obeying a complex, but quite definite rhythm. Everything is very beautiful, clear, energetically changing in the infinite space. Everything is permeated with a powerful, mathematically precise impulse of life. I do not want to say that this is better than our world. It's just that it's completely different - mathematics, precise forms in a series of endless geometric transformations, impulses, vibrations. In this space, where there is no earth and sky, I seemed to be standing, leaning on emptiness. ” It looks like an excerpt from a fantastic story. But according to the author, he had to go there twice, and after all, no one knows what the other world should be like. So why doesn't he look like that?

Way to get power #2

The second way, to which we approached, is more universal. Without having clear boundaries in time for which one can become a clairvoyant, without having an iron guarantee of an obligatory result, nevertheless, according to this method, a person with each step taken can improve his mental, moral and even physical abilities. It is used in various religions, and is called meditation, which can be divided into three successive stages - concentration, meditation itself and the so-called contemplation.

Concentration is not understood as a fading gaze on an object, as in self-hypnosis until the brain activity is completely dulled, but the ability to control your will and focus on an object when you need it, and for as long as you see fit. And this task is one of the most difficult for a person, but it is quite feasible, as many people who have gone through it say. But most of us have never even thought about how chaotic the thoughts in our head. It seems that the brain lives on its own, and only occasionally do we turn to it for help. But you can imagine how we would feel if our hands or feet lived their own lives and only served us for some periods. Probably, we would get the feeling of an outside observer, the lack of control of our own body. But the brain is as much a part of the human body as the rest of the organs. Before you take the first step towards discovering clairvoyance in yourself, you need to turn your own brain from a master that is not subject to control and concentration into an instrument that is completely subordinate to our will and used only at our order.

The positive is the fact that you can develop these skills in yourself during the day in any convenient situation. Whether you are doing some work, writing a letter or reading this book, you can try to concentrate only on a specific thing, trying not to think about anything else and fixing all your attention only on this. When your mind is absorbed in a particular activity, and you are not distracted by anything else, you do not even pay attention or react with difficulty if someone asks you about something, then your ability to concentrate improves. And if you practice this quite often, always know what you are thinking about and why, then your mind, which is under constant control, will gradually become subject to your will.

There is a legend in the East about unbelieving courtiers who doubted such a deep concentration during meditation that if a huge army passes by, they might not be noticed. Having found out about these doubts, the king promised to prove it to them by example. By his order, large jugs were brought, filled to the brim with water. The king ordered each courtier to take one jug and carry it through the streets of the city, but on such a condition that not a single drop was spilled, otherwise the guards accompanying them would immediately cut off their heads on the spot. The courtiers, with trepidation and horror, took up the execution of the order and returned safe and sound at the end. The king, who greeted them with a smile on his face, asked them to describe the people they met, who witnessed such an amazing ceremony. But the courtiers could not remember a single person, for their thoughts were absorbed and concentrated on only one task - not to spill water from a jug. Then the king emphasized that concentration is possible if there is sufficient interest.

When your mind, of course, not under fear of death, but on its own will, can achieve deep concentration, then you can proceed to the next stage, which is called meditation.

For this process, it is recommended to choose a regular time when no one will disturb you and when you can relax and concentrate in a secluded environment. Now you need to use your newfound ability and focus on a subject or issue that requires deep reflection. An example would be some moral quality recommended by the Catholic Church when conducting meditation sessions. Here you can analyze its manifestations in your life, emphasize the attitude of society and great thinkers of the past and present towards it, try to understand its essence. The benefit of this approach is not only to train your own mind, but also to set yourself up for positive thoughts.

As soon as you can easily control your thoughts, perform meditation without much effort and difficulty, get rid of the wandering of the mind, then you can safely move on to the third stage - contemplation.

In this case, instead of any quality for concentration, it is necessary to take the spiritual ideal. Names and meaning do not matter. What is needed is an image or feeling that will evoke in you the boundless feeling of love and reverence that you can only experience. Trying to ascend to this image, directing all your feelings to it, trying to merge with it together, use all your natural forces. Time after time you will come closer and closer to the great and inexplicable more and more, and one fine moment, perhaps, the light of truth will shine for you and you will know that the world around has changed, and that the meaning of the word "life" has also changed and everything that was in the past, it will seem like pitch darkness.

But soon everything will return to its place, but it is necessary to continue contemplation, and you will repeat the feeling again and again, each time increasing the time spent in astral life, until you become one with it, you do not realize the general unity of life and happiness in helping others . Looking at the surrounding reality with new eyes, you will understand much that has become so obvious, but to which you have not attached importance until now.

There is an opportunity to rise even higher, continuing your efforts, and then you will already be able to realize how true life was still unknown to you and what real truth and beauty are.

Thus, the acquired abilities will be immortal, because they will find their reflection in your soul. But do not forget that this is not the limit of human capabilities and that self-improvement does not end there. And you should also understand for yourself forever that such opportunities can never be used for selfish and personal purposes, but it is necessary to act for the benefit of others, helping others to throw off the shackles of ignorance and selfishness, and to know the essence of man and the divine world.

Getting ordinary water is quite simple: just open a faucet or pour water from. However, what if we need water that is not simple, but special?

How to get melt water

Melt water has long been used as an elixir of health and youth. How is melt water different from ordinary water? It turns out that the structure of water formed after the melting of ice or snow is very similar to the structure of the protoplasm of human cells. Perhaps that is why nature itself tells us to drink.

If you live in the mountains, you can get melt water by bringing home a bucket of snow or ice and waiting for it to melt. However, in urban conditions, this method is not suitable - you have to work a little so that melt water benefits your health.

To do this, you need to collect clean water in a glass dish, cover with a lid and place in the freezer on a wooden stand (for thermal insulation of the bottom). Make sure there are no other foods in the freezer. As soon as you see a crust of ice on the surface, immediately remove it. Then leave the water to freeze further. Make sure that the water does not freeze completely, but about half of it or a little more. At this point, unfrozen water must be drained, because. it contains all the impurities that our body does not need. And, finally, here it is - the long-awaited moment of obtaining melt water! Take ice and defrost. Remember that melt water can be stored for no more than one week.

How to get distilled water

Distilled water differs from ordinary water in that it contains absolutely no impurities in the form of iron, chlorine, etc. Such water is not used for cooking, but it has found its use for domestic purposes. For example, it is good to pour distilled water into steam irons and steamers, as a result of which scale does not form in them.

At industrial enterprises there are special filters, after passing through which the water is completely purified and thus becomes distilled. And how to prepare such water at home?

For you you will need three containers: one for settling water, the second for boiling, the third for draining. So, first we pour ordinary water into the first container and, without covering anything, leave it to settle for a day. It is necessary to exclude shaking of this container and, even more so, the ingress of dust and dirt from above. After a day, you need to take a hose and, lowering one end to the very bottom, pour one-third of the water into a container or sink with it. This is done in order to remove all the harmful components that have settled to the bottom, while the lighter harmful substances have evaporated. Pour the remaining water into the second container and, having covered with a lid, put on fire, bringing to a boil. As soon as the water boils, lift the lid and drain the drops from it into the third container - this must be repeated until all the water has boiled away. Drops of water formed on the lid - and there is distilled water obtained at home.

How to get the power of water

Water is an element whose power is as strong and destructive as nature itself endowed it with these properties. A person, having merged with this element, can receive a part of this power. How can this happen?

Firstly, every day on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water, slightly not brought to a boil (to the state of the “white key” - when the water is about to boil). Secondly, only purified water should be used for cooking. Once every six months, cleanse the body with a water diet.

Every morning, wipe your face and body with ice cubes - this improves blood circulation. Do wet cleaning more often in the room where you spend most of your time. If possible, spend more time near open water sources - near a lake, river, pond.

How to get the powers of water? Almost all beginner magicians ask this question to their teachers. And this is no accident, because such people should quite well feel the effects of the four elements - fire, water, air and earth - and also correctly apply their energy during their rituals.

So, let's consider in more detail the question of how to get the magical powers of water.

General information about the elements

There is no doubt that water is life. After all, all life that is on our planet was born only thanks to it. Moreover, water is the most important component of the astral world. She patronizes such human qualities as devotion, spirituality, faith and fidelity.

It should be especially noted that it is not in vain that many people are interested in how to get the powers of water. After all, it is useful to enlist the energy of this element when it comes to maintaining alliances and strengthening friendships, as well as love relationships. Water (its power) gives us intelligence and the ability to compromise. The energy of such an element will give you the opportunity to succeed in those matters where power is completely useless.

Ways to get the power of water by drinking it

The path to mastering the power of water is thorny and long. And for starters, experienced magicians recommend mastering a simple exercise that needs to be performed daily. It is as follows: you need to learn how to drink water in small sips, imagining that with each new portion your body receives incredible life-giving energy. After a few weeks of this practice, you will feel a noticeable lightness and peace.

Consider the second way of how to get the power of water.

Contact with the elements

This practice is much easier to do if you live near a body of water. After all, it is extremely important for a novice magician to be in constant contact with water. What does it mean? Being next to a rapidly flowing river, sea or ocean beating against the shore, absolutely any person is saturated with life-giving energy. That is why novice magicians are advised to regularly stay near a body of water. For starters, you can take a walk along the coast, freeing your head from any thoughts. Next, you need to sit facing the river, sea or ocean and watch the rapid flow, ebb and flow. Imagine that your body and soul are some part of this turbulent flow. After that, you need to analyze yourself and find in yourself the qualities inherent in water.

Affirmations and mantras

How to get the power of water, mermaid, moon and become more resilient? As you know, a mermaid is one that has the upper body of a person, and the lower part of a fish. Despite the fact that many people consider such a creature to be fictional, most magicians are sure that mermaids really existed in the time of the Atlanteans. That is why, along with the energy of water, you can get the power of these mythical characters. To do this, you need to fill the bath with warm water, plunge into it up to the neck, close your eyes and say any mantras. It is also recommended to thank the water aloud for giving you strength and power, helping to conquer the unconquerable, fulfilling the impossible and curing the incurable.

Lying in a warm bath, you should feel how every cell of your body literally absorbs the energy of water. The result will be achieved if you have a feeling of complete unity with the elements.

If you want to combine the energy of water and the energy of the moon, then before taking a bath, you should add a few drops of the "lunar elixir" to it. To prepare it, you will need a pure spring or holy one. By the way, the latter absorbs lunar vibes much better.

Taking a small amount of liquid, it should be poured into a glass transparent vessel, and then, without closing, left for the night in a place where moonlight hits well (for example, on a windowsill, in a yard, on a balcony, etc.).

With the onset of morning (at dawn), the container with life-giving moisture should be tightly closed, wrapped in an opaque cloth and put away in a dark place.

When taking a bath, the elixir should be added in the amount of a few drops and at the same time imagine that the combined energy of water and the satellite of the earth becomes your personal strength and energy.

Interaction with the energy of water

We talked about how to get the powers of water. But to make sure that these practices are effective, let's consider one experience that shows how the energy of the body can interact with the energy of life-giving moisture. To do this, take an ordinary glass, fill it with water and put it right in front of you. Next, you need to lower your finger into the bowl. After removing it after a few seconds, you should pay attention to how quickly the liquid flows down. Next, you need to close your palms together and sit like that for a couple of minutes. At the end, you need to open your hands and clasp the filled glass with them on both sides. At the same time, you should physically try to feel the energy of the water, and then put your finger into it again. After the practice done, the liquid should drain much more slowly than the first time. This result of the experiment is easy to explain. The fact is that your energy entered into interaction with the energy of water, which changed its structure.


In the process of studying the energy and power of water, a novice magician will definitely encounter her guide, who is popularly called Vodyany. It is generally accepted that such a creature looks like this: its entire body is covered with a greenish-brown mud, which smells rather strongly of rotten grass.

Every magician knows how to get the power of water control. However, not everyone was able to see the owner of the seas and oceans. Although there are still those who have already met with the Vodyanoy face to face more than once. According to them, there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to establish contact with him. This is done in different ways. Someone makes a sacrifice to the water, someone thanks for the donated strength and energy, and someone performs their own rituals. But one way or another, it is not recommended to quarrel with the owner of the seas and oceans.

How to get only the power of a mermaid? Beautiful and charming sirens have been known to people since ancient times. They were beautiful girls with beautiful appearance, alluring voices and magical abilities, but is it possible to become a mermaid without changing your appearance?

But most of these rituals involve a change in human appearance. However, there are rituals that will allow you to get only the power of a magical creature. You can do this in several ways:

  • call on the spirit of water and ask him to give you a magical gift;
  • perform a complex ritual;
  • rob a magical creature of its abilities.

It is worth noting that not a single living being will give away its abilities to a person just like that. That is why it is really difficult to negotiate with a mermaid and persuade her to endow you with amazing abilities.

A very experienced and powerful magician can really take away the power of evil spirits, but he is unlikely to need it. Therefore, the best option is to conduct a ritual. It is important to remember that when performing a ritual, you need to clearly understand what you want and take it seriously.

After all, if witchcraft turns into pampering, then the spirits of the water will definitely get angry and nothing will come of it. To get only the abilities of magical evil spirits, but not to change the appearance, it is necessary to appease her.

In the event that she likes your gift, she will have to fulfill one of your wishes, while you can insist on receiving magical powers. There is one more option. You can also ask him to grant you the powers of a mermaid without changing your appearance.

This option is one of the most effective, since this entity can never resist the one who called it. Unfortunately, if a higher power decides that you should not have a magical gift, then not a single genie will be able to help you.

Before starting any ritual, it is important to remember that when you receive a unique talent, you are obligated to use it only for the sake of doing good deeds, you should be aware that you really want to turn into a mermaid. If you are in doubt, then you should not take it on, as the results can be very deplorable.

The power of the spirit of water - how to master it?

In some cases, in order to receive a magical gift, you need the consent of the main mermaid. To do this, use the simple method of summoning, but, unfortunately, no magician can guarantee that it is the mermaid queen who will come to meet you.

In order not to be mistaken, opt for such a ritual. You will need shell beads and 3 wax candles (not consecrated in the church). Exactly 2 o'clock in the morning, come to the shore of any natural reservoir, put three candles in a row on the sand and light them with your left hand from left to right.

Change into a spacious white dress, take a gift in your hands and go knee-deep into the water. Tell:

Mermaid queen, hear my call, your daughter is languishing in a human body, hear her.

Now go up to the waist by saying:

A mother cannot leave her child, give me my strength, which I will use only for good.

Then go to the chest:

Mermaid Queen, give me a new name, endow me with your power, because I swear to use it correctly, use it only to do good deeds. But do not take away, mistress of the waters, my human form.

Now put the necklace on the water and slowly return to dry land. If the queen is ready to fulfill your dream, then the jewelry will sink. If not, then the wave will push him ashore.

How to get the powers of a mermaid without a tail?

It is advisable to perform such a rite for magicians who already have some experience in communicating with otherworldly entities, since the ritual may seem rather complicated to beginners. Prepare in advance:

  • several shells;
  • sand;
  • spring water;
  • 5 candles;
  • big bowl.

Important: the ritual will only work if it is carried out for 50-55 days, counting from Easter. This is Rusal Week. Exactly at midnight, come to the reservoir, put a bowl in front of you, pour sand and shells into it, pour water into it.

Position the bowl so that the light of the moon hits it directly. Arrange the candles in a circle and light them. Now you should cast the spell:

As mermaids have unknown powers, wisdom and beauty, so I (name) wish to find them. Spirits of water, help me, do not change my human appearance, but endow me with inhuman strength.

Now carefully place the bowl on the sand, exit the circle, go to the pond and plunge into the water completely. Approach the magic circle, bend over the container, scoop up some water, wash yourself with it and say:

From now on, I am a mermaid, but without a tail.

Put out all the candles, take the container and go home. Important: do not pour out the water, sand and shells that are in the bowl. As long as no one touches her, until then the magical power will be with you.

How to take a gift?

In fact, such a ritual is used extremely rarely, but it is still worth mentioning. Only a really strong witch can perform the rite.

You will need to meet the mermaid first. This can be done using the usual summoning rite. After that, you will need to lure the entity into a trap. It is important that not an energy bunch come to you, but a real being.

You will need to mix your blood with the blood of a magical assistant (you can do this by cutting your hands and connecting the cuts). Thanks to this, you will receive part of the magical power. The ritual is accompanied by the utterance of such a spell (both should say):

From now on, your blood is my blood. One power gives, the other takes away. Let it be so.

What powers do mermaids have?

Before proceeding with any manipulations, you need to realize what gift you can receive by performing the ceremony. The main strength of the mermaid is that she can control the elements of water and the phases of the moon.

In fact, one who has the power of a given magical being can be truly powerful. You can use the power of the spirit of water as an additional resource when performing particularly difficult rituals that can be very exhausting for the magician.

In addition, mermaids grant the wishes of others. But remember, if you get this ability, then you will not be able to fulfill your dreams, only the requests of other people. If you want to get magical abilities in order to fulfill your dreams, it is better to use the rite of obtaining the power of a fairy.

It is realistic to receive a magical gift from almost any magical creature, but before conducting such rites, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. After all, if you do not need another magical resource and are not ready to help others, then you may never use such abilities.

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