Home Vegetables Abstract of the art lesson on the theme of spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring in monotype technique. Teacher equipment

Abstract of the art lesson on the theme of spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring in monotype technique. Teacher equipment


1 class

Spring is Coming Theme

Fine art teacher,

Sleddenko Natalia Mikhailovna


Open lesson in fine arts

1 class

Spring is Coming Theme

Study topic: Thematic drawing.

Lesson topic: Spring is coming

Lesson type: drawing from imagination.

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the changes in wildlife with the arrival of spring.

Draw a plot on a spring theme. Show the beauty of your native land.


Educational: teach harmonious fullness of the plane of a sheet of paper.

Developing: develop visual skills, a sense of composition, shape, color, creativity.

Educating: artistic taste, aesthetic responsiveness, environmental qualities, love for the native land.

Lead time: 40 minutes.

Lesson type: combined



    visual demonstration;


Equipment for the teacher: TSO - multimedia.: Tables, reproductions of great Russian artists. Reproductions of paintings by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big Water "," March ", V.N. Baksheeva "Blue Spring"

Equipment for students : a sheet of paper (A3 format), watercolors, white gouache, brushes, a jar of water.

Lesson plan:

1. Greetings. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson
2. Viewing images of spring landscapes, repeating the main signs of spring.
3. Didactic game "Palette"
Explanation of the sequence of performing the composition "Spring Land". Pedagogical drawing
Independent work of students

6. Practical work.
7. Summing up. Exhibition of works

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Let's smile at the sun

Let's give each other a hand

Cheer up

yourself and a friend.

2. Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson

Check your workplaces, if everything is ready for you for the lesson. Have you forgotten to take a good mood and fantasy with you? Smile and wish each other good luck

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps.

And the drifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Are visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Feet by the spring

Today we will continue our conversation about spring. Remember how you got up in the morning in the middle of winter. At eight o'clock it was still dark, the lights had to be turned on. Now the sun rises earlier and sets later. Starting from March 22, the day is equal to the night in longitude, this is the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. Then he will continue to arrive, and the night will decrease.

How many months is spring?

What are they called?

You already know that spring, like other seasons, consists of 3 months.

There are three springs in nature:

spring of light - March, spring of water - April, spring of green grass - May .

Let's talk about signs.

About March.

March - spring morning

    The sun warms everything warmer

    Drops begin.

    The day is coming.

About April.

April - snowman, Aquarius.

April is the month of the great migration of birds to their homeland.

    Snow from the fields runs in streams

    There are puddles on the roads.

    The snowdrop has blossomed.

    The willow is blooming

About May.

May is rich in flowers.

Cold May is a grain-growing year.

    The forest seems to be reborn in May.

    Bird cherry, apple tree, plum blossom.

    Insects wake up.

    Flowers bloom in the glades

How does the awakening of spring feel?

Why talking about spring "Spring is red"?

What are the colors of spring?

Acquaintance with works of art

Let's see how the artists portrayed spring.

A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived."

The painting by AK Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" was created over a hundred years ago. The artist depicted the arrival of spring. There are only gray and dark colors on the canvas.

What are the main colors used by the artist? (Blue, white, brown, green)

What shades of these colors are present in the picture? (Blue, gray, light brown, greenish ...)

Painting by I.I. Levitan "March".

The talented Russian artist I.I. Levitan devoted all his paintings to Russian nature. One of his paintings is called "March". It is permeated with a quivering breath of life, a feeling of anxious expectation of spring. The picture conveys the spring brightness of the sky, yellow sunlight. The invisible human presence brings a warm note to the landscape.

Painting by II Levitan “Spring. Big water ".

The painting depicts a flood, when the "big water" overflowing the banks covered the coastal lands, flooding everything in the area. The water in the picture is still and quiet, it displays a high sky with light clouds running along it and bare tree branches. The color palette of the painting is formed from various shades of yellow, blue and green. The blue scale predominates on the canvas, it is with it that the yellowness of the tree trunks is combined, and the banks, on which spruces are depicted in a thick green spot. Shades of green can also be traced in the oak tree next to her and the sheds visible in the distance. The blue color is more diverse, its shades are present in the picture in a full gamut from almost white to dark blue.

Painting by V.N.Baksheev "Blue water"

Guys, a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image is nature,called - landscape

Sequence of work:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

    We draw a horizon line.

    We outline the streams.

    We paint the sky with blue shades.

    We write earth (blue, green, brown, color)

    Physical minute.

Imagine that you are birches and mighty oaks. Your bodies are trunks, your arms are branches, your fingers are thin twigs, mighty roots, going into the ground. Put your legs wider.

V eter blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher, higher.

6 We depict the trunks of birches with white gouache (with a thick brush)A curly birch also wakes up. Birch roots drink moisture from the ground. The juice runs along the trunk, along the branches, and reaches the buds. The kidneys begin to swell. Soon young sticky leaves will appear from them. They reach out for the spring sun. Then the birch will release green earrings. A warm breeze will play with its curly branches.

7 Draw the branches (with a medium brush).

8 Thin twigs (with a thin brush).

And so we got a birch grove. In the next lesson, we will draw birds and send them into a birch grove.

The results of the lesson.

Summary of the lesson of fine arts on the topic: "A unique spring."

A summary of a fine arts lesson for students in grades 2-3.

Safronova Kristina Viktorovna, teacher of additional education, teacher of fine arts MBOU Irkutsk secondary school №7.
Material description: This lesson outline is suitable for children 8-9 years old, both for art lessons and for extracurricular activities. As they study new material, students will learn that a specific color palette can be used to paint the landscape of any spring month. Together with the traditional depiction of a picturesque background, students use an unconventional drawing technique - blowing pictures to draw trees. And at the end of the drawing, the students again take the brushes to complete and decorate the drawing. Changing the types of activities arouses students' interest in artistic creativity, increases efficiency and achieves interesting results.
Target: Perform a pictorial image of a spring landscape using an unconventional art technique - blowing drawings.Educational:
- Learn to find the most important features of the March, April and May landscapes using the example of the landscapes of Russian artists.
- Consolidate knowledge of working with watercolors, mix colors to get new shades.
- Repeat the rules of drawing with the use of non-traditional art techniques - blowing pictures.
- To develop creativity, imagination, emotional aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, nature.
- To develop basic skills of work culture.
- To foster a love of nature, creativity, a communicative culture of communication.

Universal learning activities

- Have a positive attitude towards learning.
- Improve existing skills in working with watercolors.
- To consolidate drawing skills in an unconventional technique of visual activity - blowing drawings.
- Understand and save the learning task.
- Control the process and results of activities.
- Adequately assess the achievements of your own and your classmates.
- Choose the grounds and criteria for comparing paintings with literary works.
- Independently choose the location of the sheet and create compositions in it.
- Independently find ways to solve a creative problem.
- Adequately listen to the teacher, classmates.
- Participate in a general conversation: listen, answer the questions posed, analyze the answers of classmates.
Logistics support
Visual material: presentation on the topic of the lesson, sample work.
Teacher equipment: 3 templates of palettes from Whatman paper, gouache, A3 format, brush No. 12, brush No. 2, a jar of water, black ink, red ink, palette, cocktail tubes.
Equipment for the student: gouache, A4 format, brush: 5, No. 1, a jar of water, palette.
Lesson type: combined.

1. Org. moment: greeting, checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Motivational stage
Awakened from sleep
Brush soft spring
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - chains of rooks,
Over the revived foliage -
The first stroke is thunderous
And in the shade of a transparent garden -
Lilac bush by the fence.

This is a poem by the children's poet Viktor Lunin
- Guys, tell me what this poem is about?
About spring.
- How does the author of the poem compare spring?
With the artist who woke up from a dream.
-And today you want to become an artist like spring?
To do this, listen carefully and do everything diligently.

3. Knowledge update.
Spring is the most amazing, wonderful time of the year, this is the time when nature wakes up. It becomes calm in my soul, I want to rejoice, to be more on the street, while there is a lot of strength and energy.
- Based on the poem and a small conversation at the beginning of the lesson, can we name the topic of the lesson?
Of course, spring, spring landscape.
Look at the work done by the guys.
- Do they look alike?
All drawings are different
- And what do they have in common?
The trees are painted with a cocktail straw by blowing drawings out of a drop of paint.
So, the topic of the lesson is "Unique spring". Performing a picturesque image of a spring landscape using an unconventional technique of visual activity - blowing drawings.

4. Learning new material.
Many artists and poets admire this amazing time of the year. And thanks to their works, we can see and feel completely different spring.
Please listen to the poem called "March".
We got up early today.
We have no time for sleep today!
They say the starlings are back!
They say spring has come!
And it's frosty outside.
The snow flies prickly
And crawl through the clouds
There are clouds in the white fur coats.
We are waiting for spring. A long time ago,
And you wander somewhere!
It won't come without you
Sunny summer!

Gaida Lagzdyn
- What month is described in this poem?
- What are the features of the first spring month?
It's frosty, the sky is gloomy, birds fly in, there is still snow.
Thus, the poet describes the very first spring month.
Artists love to depict this amazing spring month too.
Before you is a painting by Isaac Levitan "March"
- What fragments in the picture indicate that this is the beginning of spring?
The warm sun is drowning loose snow. Since the trees are covered with snow, there are no leaves yet, you can see the presence of a birdhouse on the tree. The snow has already melted on the lanes of the road. The horse languishes in the sun.
OK! Now listen to the next poem by Samuel Marshak April! April!
April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter chill.
The bear is sneaking
Through dense deadwood.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

- What changes in nature does the author of the poem describe?
And now let's look at the deeply emotional painting by Vasily Baksheev "Blue Spring"
- What can you tell us about the spring presented in this picture?
With incomparable skill, the artist combines the yellowness of last year's foliage, a pinkish haze that enveloped a distant forest, the sonorous blue of the sky and the pure whiteness of trees.

And one more poem, of course, about the month of May.
I. Avenberg
Greenery on trees
The first leaves.
And on all lawns -
Yellow flowers.
Street gray
Warmed by the sun
Flooded with freshness.
Bright May color.
In the blue expanse
The twitter never stops
A merry speck
The butterfly flutters.

- What nature does the author of the poem describe?
And here is what picture Stanislav Zhukovsky wrote under the title “The Old Manor. May"
This artist was very fond of depicting old Russian estates in combination with the splendor of landscapes of different seasons.
- Guys, did you feel the difference between the three months of spring?
Yes. Then let's do the next exercise.

5. Performing the exercise "Palette".
Hanging out on the board are three palettes cut from A4 format, on the slide there are three pictures discussed earlier.
Here are reproductions of paintings.
- What genre of fine art can you call these paintings?
Quite right. And in order to show different months of spring on landscapes, we will define the palette of the necessary shades and colors.
The student goes to the blackboard and draws the main shades and colors typical for the March, April and May landscapes. The rest are working on the album.

6. Physical education
One - rise, pull up,
Two - to bend to unbend,
Three - three claps in your hands,
Head three nods.
H four - arms are wider,
Five - wave your hands,
Six - let's keep drawing!

7.Practical work.
Now, with the help of the knowledge gained, we will make a picturesque image of a landscape, but first we will divide into three teams.
1 row - performs the March landscape
2nd row - April
3rd row May.
We start painting from the background.
Divide the sheet into two parts, defining the sky and the earth.

We carry out a color solution, we use the rules of aerial perspective - the sky and earth become lighter towards the horizon line.

We create a composition of trees. Using a cocktail tube from a drop of brown ink (hurry up the black and red ink on the palette), blow out the trees.

We decorate the drawing taking into account the spring month

Purpose: to acquaint with the work of artists K. Yuon, F. Vasiliev, I.
Levitan; continue the formation of graphic skills; develop
compositional drawing skills; give an idea of ​​the colors of spring;
contribute to the development of children's imagination and aesthetic perception.
About e r d about in and e: watercolors, brushes, palette, water, pencil,
Image: reproductions of paintings by K. Yuon “March
sun ", F. Vasiliev" Thaw ", I. Levitan" Blooming apple trees ", sample
pedagogical drawing.
References: poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Spring Song",
riddle, poem by N. Nikitin.
piano piece "Snowdrop" from the cycle
"The Seasons" by PI Tchaikovsky.
H o d u ro k o in
I. Organization of students.
1. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.
2.Smarting paints.
II. Lesson topic message.
Teacher. Today in the lesson we will draw a landscape.
Guess what time of year we will draw.
The snow is melting
The meadow came to life,
The day is coming.
When does this happen? (In the spring.)
V. Stepanov
III. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Analysis of reproductions of paintings by K. Yuon, F. Vasiliev, I. Levitan.
Teacher. Let's see how nature changes in spring, what
portrayed in the paintings by landscape painters.
Look at the painting by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon. How do you think
it is called? What month of spring is it depicting? (Student responses.)
The landscape of KF Yuon is called "The March Sun". We got to know each other
with the painting by this artist "Russian Winter" and said that this artist

loved to paint winter landscapes. In this picture, he also depicted how
like winter. But no, piercing, some kind of ringing blue of the sky tells
to us that soon everything will change. Trees pull their branches to the spring
the sky; delicate birch twigs are quivering. Boys riding horses, dog
runs after the bright red in white spots a horse. In the snow covered
crust of infusion and slightly pink in the morning sun, lie long blue
lilac shadows.
This is how the poet speaks of this time of year:
The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field.
Ice cracked on the lakes, -
As if split.
The clouds are running faster, the sky is higher.
The sparrow chirped more merrily on the roof.
The stitches and stitches are getting blacker every day.
And earrings shine with silver on the willows.
S. Marshak
Spring is coming more and more decisively into winter. The snow is melting, the paths are no longer
pass the.
It is this time that is depicted in the landscape of Fyodor Alexandrovich
Vasilyeva "The Thaw".
The frosty forest looks gloomy and austere; the snow has lost its whiteness, and
bluish shadows fell on the far fields. And a cold ray of sun breaking through
through heavy clouds, sparingly illuminating the landscape, unable to change its overall
dreary appearance. It seems abandoned and lonely standing near the road
lonely peasant hut. The figure of a traveler with a child introduced into the landscape, with
laboring his way along a broken thawed road with a spilled
in the middle of the stream, further reinforces the oppressive sense of hopelessness.
The agitated, anxious mood of this picture is easily conveyed
But soon everything will change.
Admire the spring is coming
Cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams rustle along the ravines ...
Soon guests will gather to you,
How many nests they will understand, look!
What sounds, songs will flow
Day of the day from dawn to dawn!
I. Nikitin

And, finally, the last landscape - the long-awaited May in the painting by Isaac Ilyich
Levitan "Blooming Apple Trees".
It seems as if it is all filled with sunlight and air: artist
perfectly conveyed all the beauty of the gentle flowering of young trees. Here
apple tree in the foreground on the right, on the left a space free from trees,
and then trees again. There is a small house in the back of the garden. Unpretentious landscape.
But how light it becomes in the soul from him! You forget about the bad weather outside the window, oh
their adversity.
What can you name the main signs of spring in March, April, May?
(Student responses.)
What mood does K. Yuon's painting convey? Joyful, cheerful, cheerful,
pensive, sad, dull? (Student responses.)
How did F. Vasiliev show the spring bad weather? What paints did I use
painter? (Student responses.)
On what grounds do we see that the painting by I. Levitan depicts a bright
sunny day? (Student responses.)
2. Music of spring.
Teacher. Now let's listen to music and try to find out what month
she describes the spring.
The music of P. Tchaikovsky sounds - the play "Snowdrop" from the cycle
What landscape did you imagine while listening to the music?
Why do you think the composer named his work
"Snowdrop"? (Student responses.)
P a r e n g n e "In the sun".
Children perform arbitrary movements.
In the sun, in the sun
Meadow path
I walk on soft grass
I fly sometimes. (Walking in place.)
And love me, and fun,
I look around
Little blue and little white

I enjoy flowers. (Turns to the right,
to the left, admire the flowers.)
And from a distant forest,
Where do I go
You hear cheerfully:
Kuku, kuku, kuku! (They represent a cuckoo.)
IV. Updating students' knowledge.
Teacher. Today you will try your hand at depicting a spring
landscape. Which landscape will you paint - early spring, April or
blooming May, you choose yourself. Make a verbal description of how it will be
look like a landscape depicting spring slush, puddles, gray, without
leaves trees in sunny weather and on a rainy day. (Student responses.)
In sunny weather, even the spring slush looks a little fabulous:
glitters, sparkles with multi-colored highlights. And in bad weather everything is gray: both the sky and
land, and trees.
So one and the same landscape can look completely different.
Tell me, where do we start working on the drawing. (Student responses.)
The artist begins his work by mentally seeing his future
the whole picture. At this stage, he distinguishes between the main and the secondary.
A skillfully highlighted main thing means that the artist was able to build a composition.
your picture so that it will be expressive.
V. Stages of drawing in the 1st lesson.
1. Composition
We draw the horizon line so that the distance from above is greater than
from below. Then we determine the position of the trees, their height, we outline the path,
hillocks. (Appendix, Fig. 1.)
2. Making a pencil sketch.
With light pencil lines, draw the details of all objects: trunks,
large branches, hillocks. (Appendix, Fig. 2.)
Vi. Practical work.
Task: to make a drawing on the theme "Spring" in pencil.
At the end of the work, the students, under the guidance of the teacher, control
the correctness of the compositional solution of the drawing, the observance of proportions and
correct the identified shortcomings.
Vii. Stages of drawing in the 2nd lesson.
1. Work

To fill the picture with color, start by painting over the sky. At the same time, remember
that closer to the earth the sky will be brighter. To depict the clouds, we will use
using the following technique: while the blue paint has not dried, draw with a dry brush
the contours of the clouds. Next, paint over the ground using brown paint and
mixture with yellow. Then we paint over tree trunks and draw large branches.
(Appendix, Fig. 3.)
2. Investigation of the children of the picture.
Draw small details with a thin brush: thin branches, separate
leaves, blades of grass. (Appendix, Fig. 4.)
F i z k u l t m and n u t k a
The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher, higher.
Children imitate the breath of the wind, swinging the torso into one or the other
side. On the words "quieter, quieter" children squat, on the words "higher, higher" -
straighten up.
VIII. Practical work.
Task: to make a drawing on the theme "Spring" in color.
IX. Summary of lessons.
1. Graduation of work of students.
2. The key word of the teacher.
Your best work made me very happy. They are correctly built
composition, shades of colors are precisely matched. All this helped you to show
the mystery of the awakening of nature in spring. Well done!

Software content:
1). To develop children's observation, to bring up an aesthetic perception of the world around them.
2). Learn to convey on paper the characteristic features of spring (high, blue sky, the earth is freed from snow, buds, streams, primroses swell on the trees, birds fly in).
3). Learn to harmoniously arrange the plot on a piece of paper, develop a sense of composition.
4). Learn to convey in the drawing the joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring.
5). To cultivate a humane attitude towards all living things.

pictures of spring landscapes (A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" I. Levitan "Big Water"), sheets of tinted thick paper, bouquets of spring flowers, a birch branch with the first blossoming leaves, gouache, brushes, water jars, napkins, oilcloths.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and each time is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature seems to wake up and everything lives in anticipation of heat and sun. When do you think this happens?

Children: It happens in the spring.

Educator: Indeed, in the spring. What an affectionate and tender word - spring! Something joyful, restless resounds in this name. Spring gives everyone the joy of a new life, the expectation of a miracle. Fresh aromas of spring surround us everywhere! Joy inspires us and makes us act and create. This feeling covers all people: artists paint pictures, look at the pictures of artists - A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" and I. Levitan "Big Water". Guys, what is the difference between these spring landscapes.

Children: Early and late spring ...

Educator: Right. Now let's listen to the music of PI Tchaikovsky from the album “The Four Seasons. Spring ”and try to guess which picture the melody belongs to.

Children: answer.

Educator: Artists express their emotions with paints, composers write music with notes, and what helps a poet

Children: Rhymes, words ..

Educator: Well done! Now I will read poems about spring, and you close your eyes and imagine what I will read about ...
The days are fine
Like holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers flood
All the kidneys open up
Winter is gone with cold
The drifts became puddles.
Leaving the southern countries,
The friendly birds returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean the feathers.
It's spring time
It's time for flowering.
And, therefore, the mood
All people have springtime!

Educator: Did you like the poem? Have you imagined what was said in the work? Guys, let's play a quiz? I ask you questions, and you answer them. Thus, we will consolidate your knowledge of spring and get down to work.

Educator: Guys, please remember the name of the very first spring month? (March). How do we know that spring has come? Who can name spring signs?

Children: The sun is high, it is shining brighter, the day is getting longer, the drops are ringing, the snow is turning black, melting, thawed patches, buds swell, migratory birds are returning, the first grass and primroses are breaking through.

Educator: Let's listen to the birdsong and feel the coming of spring.

Educator: Liked. And now let's try to display our spring mood in our drawings. But first, let's repeat the drawing plan.

Drawing plan: The drawing is located throughout the sheet. Those objects that are depicted far away are drawn in the background and are smaller than those that are closer - they are larger.
The tree trunk is drawn from top to bottom with a thin brush. Towards the middle of the tree, the trunk expands and the brush is applied to the paper.
The buds are drawn with a poke of a brush, twigs with a thin brush.
Stream: thin wavy line, maybe several.
We direct gentle, spring shades on the palette.

Educator: Now let's get to work, and the music will help you feel how nature wakes up after the winter cold. Listen to how the music conveys the spring mood, and try to reflect it on paper. Think about what kind of plot you want to draw.

Children get to work, the teacher monitors the posture of the children so that they can hold the brush correctly and freely, without tension.

Educator: Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, looked at landscapes, remembered and repeated the signs of spring. Each of you tried, and in your drawings it is clear that nature has woken up, revived. Guys, what mood do you have left, share your mood.

Children: talk about their emotions from the class.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of works is organized. Children are invited to exchange their impressions - which drawing they liked and why. The teacher notes successful work, encourages all children.

    Topic: "If everything is green and a stream sounds in the fields."
    Purpose: to develop children's creative activity and cognitive interest in nature through application.
    to clarify and consolidate ideas about changes in nature in spring and signs of the onset of spring.
    to form the grammatical structure of speech and to activate the vocabulary of children.
    activate creative imagination, creative manifestations; contribute to the formation of skills in application (with colored paper, paper napkins); use symmetrical cutting in work, work with stencils (cut), use the technique of rolling napkins between palms, fingers.
    to form the ability to convey the beauty of nature in applications, to develop aesthetic perception.
    develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
    develop the ability to bring the work started to the end, observing accuracy in work.
    Integration of areas: speech development, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.
    Preliminary work: observing children in nature, talking about spring, reading fiction, reading poetry, riddles, examining illustrations on the theme of "Spring".
    Handouts: colored cardboard, colored paper, white napkin, previously prepared vase stencils and leaves, scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, brown felt-tip pen.
    Demonstration material and equipment: illustrations, plot pictures about the spring, a sample, a laptop for showing the sign of spring, a multimedia projector.
    Time: first half of the day, duration 25 minutes.
    Venue: group room.
    GCD move:
    Children sit at the tables and see the letter, the teacher says:
    - Hello children! It was not by chance that our conversation began with this word. Saying “hello” according to the custom, we wish each other health, kindness and prosperity.
    - I see you are smiling today, you are in a good mood. And this is correct, because if you tune in to good things in the morning, then the whole day will go well and will bring us only positive emotions. And if someone else has a sadness inside, then we will quickly fix it now. Let's straighten our backs, take a deep breath - inhale the air of a new day, and then exhale, exhale all the troubles and sorrows. (The exercise is performed 3 times).
    Someone threw me at the window
    Look, letter.
    Maybe it's a ray of sunshine
    What tickles my face?
    Maybe it's a sparrow
    Flying, dropped it?
    Maybe someone is a letter, like a mouse,
    Have you lured you into the window?
    From whom the letter came,
    Do you want to know?
    Then you have to try
    You have to guess the riddle.

    Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group "Summer"
    Lesson 1. Drawing "Summer"
    Software content.
    Educational: to form the ability of children to reflect their impressions of the summer (convey the content of the song) in a drawing, placing images on a wide strip: higher, lower along the sheet (closer, further). To consolidate the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the desired shades of color on the palette, using white and watercolor for mixing. Learn to talk about what you have drawn.
    Developmental: develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition
    Educational: foster a love of nature
    Mediums: watercolor, gouache, whitewash, sheets of paper, brushes.
    I. Organizational moment.

    Integration of educational areas: cognition, music, communication, socialization, health.
    Types of children's activities: play, productive, communicative.
    Objectives: to acquaint with the names of animals, their habitat, develop thinking, teach to convey the characteristic features of an animal in a drawing, make a composition.
    Material and equipment: ball, interactive whiteboard, music "Bear and the Hare" for a physical minute, pictures depicting forest animals, food that animals eat, a hedgehog toy, A4 sheets of paper, colored pencils, paints, brushes, water jars, napkins.

    Targets and goals:
    develop the ability of imagination: to identify the main, essential signs of winter and spring by creating a literary image;
    to create a literary image of winter and spring in the form of a magical story;
    3-5 years:
    reinforce the ability to understand a question and answer it (understandable, detailed);
    enrich the vocabulary with various definitions - descriptions of nature, man;
    to form interest in works of painting: the subjects of the picture, details;
    to consolidate the skills of expression in the movements of a certain image;
    5-7 years old:
    to consolidate the ability to express and explain your point of view, to understand others;
    exercise in the selection of definitions, comparisons, synonyms and antonyms;
    learn to write a magical story based on your own understanding of the essence of winter and spring;
    to form the ability to see the content of the picture (the artist's idea of ​​what is depicted);
    to form an interest in figurative plastic movements.
    Material: reproduction of Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" (on an easel); story by Sokolov-Mikitov "Forest Pictures".

  • Synopsis of the lesson on visual activity in the senior group
    Topic of the lesson: All fragrant willow
    Software content:
    1. Expand children's ideas about changes in wildlife with the arrival of spring. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the willow.
    2.To teach children to draw pussy willow branches in a vase, convey the shape, size, arrangement of parts, observing proportions, using the entire area of ​​a sheet of paper.
    3. To develop the imagination of children, independence in the choice of visual material.
    4. To teach to work at the same pace, in coordination with peers, to foster interest in drawing and folk holidays.
    Vocabulary work: Enter nouns (branch, vase, willow, "sheep"), adjectives (beautiful, fluffy, soft, gray, oval) into the active vocabulary of children.

  • Programming tasks.
    1. Visual tasks
    To develop artistic perception of landscape paintings, vision of the content and means of expressiveness of painting; color combination of winter nature, evoking moods corresponding to them, compositional constructions of paintings.
    depict different trees (old young slender curved)
    2. Technical challenges
    Strengthen your gouache painting skills
    To reinforce the ability of children to use a brush to draw thin lines with a brush.
    3. Educational tasks
    To develop in children an aesthetic perception, the ability, to come up with a theme for drawing a winter forest, the color of snow, (winter day, evening, night)
    Continue to nurture an interest in nature in children.
    To foster a respect for nature.
    Materials and equipment
    Reproductions of photographs, Paper, tinted (landscape format, paint brushes, different sizes)., Jars of water (according to the number of children) Sheets of white paper (for the teacher - for showing the drawing to children)
    Preliminary work
    Observation of nature in winter.

Larisa Vyacheslavovna Parfenova
Abstract of a lesson in fine arts "Spring is coming - the road to spring" (subject landscape)

Target: To acquaint children with the signs of early spring, teach to create landscape.

Tasks: learn to draw spring landscape using different art materials; learn to dilute watercolors to obtain lighter colors, develop the ability to use a palette; develop an aesthetic perception of nature; foster love and respect for nature.

Methodological support: reproductions of paintings by E. Zverkov "Last Snow", "North Spring» , I. Grabar "March snow", A. Gerasimova "After the rain"; watercolor on paper, gouache, a glass of water, brushes, palette, napkins; salt or semolina (for the image of falling snow).

Conversation on the topic.

The teacher invites children to consider reproductions of paintings by famous artists

and reads a poem by F. Tyutchev "Spring waters"

The snow is still white in the fields

And the water already in the spring they make noise -

They run and wake up the sleepy shores,

They run and shine and say ...

They say to all ends:

"Spring is coming, Spring is coming,

We are young spring messengers,

She sent us ahead! "

What mood does the poet convey in his poem? (Excitement, joy)... Why do you think poetry about spring is always happy? (Because the cold and frost leaves, the sun shines brighter, the first snowdrops appear, the birds return from the south and sing their merry songs.)

- Spring the most anticipated time of the year. The winter went on for so long, and, finally, the first rays of the gentle sun wake nature up from winter sleep. With the first barely warm spring rays, the spring sun warms up, the timid first streams murmur, the snow reluctantly melts - Spring! The main symbol appears here and there on the forest edges. spring - snowdrop, fresh, defenseless first spring flower. Opening delicate petals among the snow, it symbolizes the awakening of nature, an imminent arrival spring and even the fiercest last snowstorms will not be able to spoil the joyful mood.


In the forest, where birches crowded in a crowd,

Snowdrop looked blue peephole.

Little by little at first

I put out a green leg,

Then I reached out with all my little powers

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather is warm and clear,

Tell me, is it really true that it is Spring?"

P. Solovyova

Our land is beautiful at all seasons. What an affectionate and gentle word - Spring! There is something joyful and restless in this word. Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling covers everyone of people: poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write paintings. Remember what Russian poets call spring? (Beauty, ruddy, lovely, young, etc.). Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What do you think they are? (Delicate blue, light green, turquoise, yellow.)

Physical education

Spring, Spring! Came Spring! (Hands to the side.)

It brought warmth on the wings, (They wave their hands.)

And now in the very sun (Hands behind your back.)

With your head held high

The blue snowdrop has blossomed. (Hands up.)

He's all fluffy, silvery, (Whirling.)

The little one stands in the sun.

He is a messenger spring reliable,

He is not afraid of cold weather. (They squat down.)

Other flowers will come for him, (Walk in place.)

From the firstborn among flowers.

The practical part.

Early in the spring we see clear blue skies, thawed patches, green grass, melted snow, blue streams. Guys, I suggest you draw your spring landscape... Think what you want to draw

Organization of a creative exhibition of finished works.

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