Home Vegetables Cheerful snowman drawing. We draw a snowman. How to draw a snowman

Cheerful snowman drawing. We draw a snowman. How to draw a snowman

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Thanks to our step-by-step lessons, in 10-20 minutes you will have a snowman drawn for the New Year. We are sure that with the help of our lessons you will 100% draw a snowman with a pencil in stages.

Draw a snowman step by step

Video: how to draw a snowman for children from 3 years old

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for beginners

Video: how easy it is to draw a snowman for a child

How to draw a snowman for the New Year

How to draw a beautiful snowman for the New Year

Video: how to draw three snowmen for children

How easy it is to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for children

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and a bucket on his head in stages

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and with a red bucket on his head! For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a small New Year's snowman with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a little New Year's snowman! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw and color a Christmas snowman (detailed lesson)

We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Violet
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Blue.

How to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step. Only 6 stages! We will need:

  • hard and soft pencils
  • eraser
  • compass
  • black pen
  • colour pencils

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird in pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, glitter, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a New Year's pair of snowmen in love with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman couple in love! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a snowman in a hat in a green scarf and skiing step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a hat in a green scarf and on skis with pencils in stages!

Draw a happy snowman

Surely everyone knows who a snowman is. This is a very popular winter sculpture made of snow, which even a five-year-old child can make. As well as a fabulous and cartoon character, Therefore, the first to come up with how exactly illustrators. Snowman or Snowman - fashioned in winter

The tradition of sculpting this character came to us from ancient times. Due to the lack of electricity and the Internet, people had fun as best they could, and this fun was very popular. However, in our age of high technology, this seemingly simple game finds its fans, and when enough snow falls, the kids pour out into the yards and start sculpting. Probably, it was with this, apart from sand cakes, that the career of many famous sculptors began.

However, modern winters do not always make it possible to create ice figures. At first there is no snow, then when it falls it becomes too cold, and then it is already too dirty and melts quickly. Therefore, many children, as well as their parents, replace modeling with an image. Before drawing a snowman, let's figure out what details it consists of.


It is made from two or more snowballs, which are obtained by painstaking and diligent rolling. To do this, first they sculpt a small dense lump, then put it on the crust and begin layer by layer, as it were, winding such strips on it. To make the ball smooth, when rolling it is periodically deployed at different angles.

Usually a snowman consists of three lumps. The largest of them is the belly, a little smaller is the chest, and, finally, the smallest is the head. Therefore, when asked how to draw a snowman, feel free to answer: "Simple", because it consists of three not very even circles. The remaining parts of our character are usually created from what can be found in every yard.

Our snowman's arms can be made from two simple branches or small clumps. Often he is honorably awarded with a broom or a shovel, and then he is a guardian of order. Sometimes two small clods of snow on the ground are used to make something like boots. According to tradition, the nose of our hero is a carrot. It was used because it is very well preserved and could be found in every cellar. However, modern snowmen are increasingly making it from simple pebbles or sticks. Also, with their help, other parts of the face are indicated. If there is an unnecessary leaky bucket, then you can make it a hat.

We draw

Now let's figure out how to draw a snowman in stages.

We need: paper, a simple pencil, an eraser. If you want to make it colored - paints, a brush and a jar of water.

So let's get started:

  1. To begin with, we outline its general outline.
  2. Draw a small oval above the middle. This is the head of our character.
  3. To it we add gradually increasing middle and lower parts.
  4. Next, we move on to the upper limbs.
  5. How to draw a snowman without a face? This is impossible. Therefore, we depict our carrot, as well as charcoal dots in place of the mouth and eyes. Our character takes on its own features. And basically, it depends on this stage what character it will have.
  6. Next comes the hat. A simple pom-pom hat.
  7. In the left hand of our hero we draw a broom. We have it made in the old fashioned way, from rods, and not from polymer strips, as in modern times.
  8. Let's warm our snowman with a scarf with a beautiful knot around his neck.
  9. Finishing the image, we erase unnecessary dashes and lines.
  10. Bold outline the contours, draw the buttons.
  11. We outline light spots and shadows. Shade them lightly.
  12. Paint over the scarf with a hat in dark color.
  13. And finally, the very last step: decorate his headdress and scarf with snowflakes. It's winter. Here's how to draw a snowman with a pencil.

Finishing touch

If desired, a scarf with a hat and a broom can be made multi-colored using paints.

Winter children's fun is impossible to imagine without a snowman. The fairy-tale character is simple, but without him there will be no New Year's carnival and winter fun. You can make a unique sketch of a fabulous snowman not only from real snow, but also draw it on paper. We draw a snowman in stages - this phrase begins a fascinating personification of a fantastic snow hero. You can use different methods to create an image.

How to draw a snowman step by step

Beginners do not know exactly how to draw a snowman, so you should follow the recommendations:

  • a center is applied on a clean sheet, from which a circle is created (in its place there will be a head);

  • the next ball is drawn slightly larger than the first and placed under the head; drawing

  • as a result, two circles are obtained for the body, located along the same line;
  • the base of the character ends with a large third circle; drawing

  • we warm the snowman with a scarf, which is considered as an element of style (the tips are hidden so as not to hang around); drawing

  • the draft lines of the pencil are erased;
  • the drawing is outlined along the contour; drawing

  • curved lines are added, which are converted into a hat;

  • the shape of the headdress is fully formed;

  • arms are branches that are attached to the body at the appropriate level

  • the nose is a bright carrot (it is placed in the center of the upper circle);

  • a mouth is formed from pebbles or buttons;
  • a smile is depicted as an arc;

  • eyes are drawn large with black dots inside to enliven the look;

  • clothes are displayed with buttons in a row (even small circles);

  • wavy lines are scattered on the main background, which will positively play on naturalness and earthiness;
  • chaotic snowballs are added on the snowdrifts;
  • the final adjustment of the contours takes place after the study of the background

How to draw a snowman using paints.

After getting acquainted with how to draw a snowman with a pencil, you can move on to another stage of drawing using paints. Drawing a snow hero will be more difficult,

so first you need to prepare and take:

  • sheet of convenient format;
  • pencils B or B2;
  • eraser;
  • paints of different colors;
  • brushes;
  • container with water;
  • clean sponge.

Starting the first stage of drawing, lay the worksheet vertically and sketch on it several lines located in different places (there will be snowdrifts in their place). Leaving space from the edges of the sheet,

  • three lumps of snow are depicted with a simple pencil (first a larger one, and then a smaller one);

  • contours can be applied using caps;
  • you can add a Christmas tree to the background, which will add contrast to the picture;
  • everything behind the central character should be smaller;
  • you can add a moon or a small circle of the sun to the sky;

  • snowdrifts are neatly painted;
  • the transition from one color of paint to another is smooth (the lower and upper parts of the sheet merge using a palette of blue, blue, purple);
  • the drawing is periodically dried so that the background does not spread;
  • we decorate the night sky by mixing bright yellow with white for the main luminary;

  • with sweeping strokes we decorate the Christmas tree using turquoise, cherry and blue;
  • we leave the main drawing for the final stage, for which a thick mixture of paints is used;
  • the snowman is completely shaded in one breath, choosing a certain shade as a basis, gradually saturating it with paint;
  • volume is created by applying a thicker mixture on the left side;
  • the tree is a little wrapped in snow using white strokes;
  • a thin brush will help draw hands, a mouth and funny eyes;
  • you can tint white dried paint with blue strokes;
  • looseness and volume of the picture will be given by pale blue paint (it is applied with sliding movements).

Video for beginners and children how to draw a snowman

Simple drawing of a snow hero by cells

It's faster to draw a snowman using a checkered sheet. A schematic drawing is beautiful if each cell is transferred from the sample. Initially, you need to count the distances to each cell and transfer it to the sheet where you plan to create a new drawing. It is better to be creative on printed paper, copying strokes, and then adding new ones. The overall look changes, experimenting with colors.

Video how to draw a snowman in a simple way

How to make a snowman from Frozen

A playful snowman is a pleasure to depict on paper for children. It is not difficult to depict him, following the points: Figure 7.23

  • next to it are two ovals (eye contour);
  • a thick carrot nose is added;
  • mouth wide open; figure 7.24
  • the snowman has an irregular ovoid head, on which three hairs are visible upright;
  • a tooth peeps out of the mouth funny;
  • the body and arms are outlined last, adding a few buttons for beauty (Figure 7.16),
  • add a flower. figure 7.25

Drawing will be useful if a special lesson is assigned for it, for which the child can draw a New Year's character, following his imagination. Starting with a few circles, you can then follow your intuitive hand movements, creating an original image of a snowman.

Snowman pictures drawn - this is an idea for a competition or for evening leisure. Once a year, special attention is paid to the snowy fairy-tale character - he is drawn on different paper using simple pencils or paints.

How to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil will more accurately tell your imagination, which step by step will create a new image of the character

You can decorate it with a hat or a bucket on your head, a scarf or a jacket, but the carrot nose, button eyes and a mouth made of pebbles remain unchanged. You need to start drawing in a good mood, leaving unnecessary thoughts in the background.

One of the most popular New Year and Christmas symbols is the snowman. It is this charming character that is usually depicted on greeting cards. Drawing a snowman is a very exciting and fun activity that will surely appeal to not only young children, but also their parents.

  • Cheerful snowman in pencil

How to draw a snowman on skates with a pencil step by step

(picture above)

Colorful illustrations for the New Year can be created not only with watercolors, but also with ordinary colored pencils. We also use liners that give contour and volume due to thin lines.

Necessary materials:

Liners 0.7 and 0.1 mm;

Eraser and sheet of paper.

Steps to draw a funny ice skating snowman:

1. The torso of a snow creature is depicted as an oval. To the bottom, draw the lines of the legs that are in motion. We also draw the hands of a snowman, which will be made from tree branches. But at the first stage, we create only a sketch of the future drawing without detailing.

2. We put skates on the snowman's feet. We draw them in the form of winter boots with a beautiful thin blade at the bottom. We determine the place of the neck and wrap it with a scarf. We put on a hat on the head, which flutters under the influence of the wind. We draw a headdress in the form of a cap outline with a small bubo. We will also draw a nose on the snowman's face, which will be in the form of a small carrot.

3. We draw the arms and legs of the character, which are made from branches of fruit trees. Therefore, we thicken them and give the desired shape.

4. Let's complete the snowman drawing for the New Year 2018 with small details. Let's draw stripes on the scarf, hat and upper part of the skates. Let's add fasteners on skates, and on the torso we will draw buttons in the form of coals. We will also devote most of the time to the character's face, where we will draw an eye, eyebrows and a mouth in the form of pebbles. Finally, draw an oval at the bottom of the picture under the blade of the skate.

5. Now let's move on to coloring the picture. We use a yellow pencil, with which we paint over the branches and the nose in the form of a carrot. Next, take a light green pencil, which is useful for painting over fragments of clothing. This is a hat, and a scarf, and the upper part of the skates.

6. Red pencils will help paint over the remaining areas of the striped fragments of the hat, skates and scarf, including fasteners.

7. We create skates in burgundy color and give a shade to the twigs from which the arms and legs of the snow character are made. We also take an orange pencil, with which we create volume and bright color on the carrot.

8. With blue and purple shades of pencils, paint over the white parts of the torso and head of the snowman, the white bubo at the tip of the cap and a small area of ​​ice.

9. To create a contour and volume in the form of hatching, use black liners that create even, neat lines. We use two at once with different thicknesses. For example, a thin liner of 0.1 mm is suitable for hatching, which will create volume in the drawing. But we create thicker lines with another tool with 0.7 mm. They work out the general contour of the picture and paint over the embers and eyes.

So we get a drawing for the New Year with a snowman.

Cheerful snowman in pencil

For drawing you will need:

- colored pencils;
- eraser;
- black gel pen;
- paper;
- a simple pencil.

Drawing steps:

1. Using a pencil, draw the outline of a snowdrift and a straight vertical line. Try not to press hard with a pencil, since some of the lines are auxiliary, and then they will need to be carefully wiped with an eraser, and ugly marks may remain on the paper from strong pressure.

Continuing this New Year's theme, we want to offer you another workshop on making felt.

2. Draw three circles so that they intersect each other a little. It is advisable to draw the circles by hand, so that they are a little uneven, like a real snowman.

3. How to draw a snowman with a pencil, consider what he will be wearing. We suggest you draw a snowman in a hat, mittens and a scarf. Instead of a hat, you can depict a bucket. But if you want to use our option, draw a hat on the snowman's head, instead of a nose, add a carrot to his head, and then draw his mouth and eyes. Draw the legs in the form of small snow balls.

4. Draw a scarf, as well as hands in the form of branches in mittens. On the second and third circle draw small buttons.

5. Carefully and clearly circle the snowman with a black gel pen or felt-tip pen (the felt-tip pen will make thicker lines), and then carefully erase all pencil lines with an eraser.

6. Color the snowman with colored pencils, making his outfit as bright and colorful as possible. Choose the colors of the scarf, hat and mittens at your discretion, but try to make them festive.

That's all, now you know how to draw a cheerful snowman beautifully with colored pencils, and you can even teach others how to do it. Such a charming and bright character will be an excellent basis for. You can draw a snowman with your child, helping the little artist a little.

Let's learn together how to draw a snowman in an unusual way - a hat, vest, boots and a cane in the New Year's style. All these details create a festive atmosphere. Therefore, such a drawing should certainly be used to congratulate relatives.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of white paper;

Medium hard pencil;


Drawing steps:

1. Drawing a snowman is very easy! To do this, at the first stage, we will depict the torso in the form of a medium-sized circle. Place the head on top, which will have the shape of an oval. Then we draw the contour of the hands, resembling an oval. We finish drawing a couple of lines to the hands.

2. Draw two ovals below, which will become the legs of the snowman. We will also add the contour of a hat on the head and a vest to the winter drawing. We remove unnecessary details with an eraser and draw others that are very significant. For example, a decoration for a hat.

3. We draw the outline of the legs, which are shod in winter boots. In the hands of the snowman we give a New Year's striped stick, which will then acquire colors.

4. Finally, let's draw a cute face of a snowman, where we will draw small embers to create eyes, a rounded nose and a mouth line.

5. We will also finish the decoration on the hat in the form of berries and small leaves. We refine the outline of the entire drawing and proceed to the next stage, where colored pencils are waiting for the snowman.

6. First of all, we use a yellow pencil, which we paint over the sections of the hat, vest and boots.

7. Then we take brown pencils of different tones, which will help to add volume and the right colors to all the yellow areas of the picture. We also paint over a small object with a light brown pencil to decorate the hat.

8. New Year's staff will have a red and white color. Therefore, we take any red pencil for coloring it. It will also be needed for the berries on the hat. But for coloring the leaves near the berries, we use a dark green pencil.

9. You can’t do without blue and blue pencils in this drawing, which will help give the snowman winter shades.

10. At the end of drawing a winter character, you should take a black charcoal pencil, with which we create a shadow and outline. We also completely paint over the nose, eyes and ribbon on the hat.

So we get such a winter drawing of a snowman with a New Year's note of the holiday.

A kind and beautiful snowman is a real symbol of merry New Year holidays and wonderful winter entertainment. That is why snowmen can often be seen on greeting cards dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. To understand how to draw a snowman in stages, not only an adult, but even a child is capable of. After all, a snowman has a very simple structure - as a rule, it is made of several snowballs.
Before you draw a snowman, be sure to prepare all those accessories that will inevitably be needed in the creative process:
1). A pen with black gel ink;
2). Pencil. You can use a mechanical one - it does not need to be sharpened. And you can use a simple pencil, only before use it must be well sharpened;
3). Eraser;
4). A piece of paper;
5). A set of multi-colored pencils.

If everything that is listed a little higher is already prepared, then you can proceed to learning how to draw a snowman:
1. To draw a snowman with a pencil, you need to start with markings. Draw a snowdrift. Then draw a vertical line indicating the place where the snowman will stand;
2. Draw three snowballs in sequence. First, the smallest one, which will be the snowman's head, and then two larger ones - they will be his body;
3. Draw legs for the snowman;
4. Draw a carrot nose to the snowman's head. Then draw two eyes and a smiling mouth;
5. Draw a striped scarf and three buttons on the middle wad;
6. Draw a hat with a pom-pom on the snowman's head;
7. Draw handles in the form of twigs;
8. Having learned how to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil, you can move on to coloring it. Circle the image with a pen, and then erase all the pencil lines with an eraser;
9. Color the carrot with an orange pencil, and a cap with yellow and green;
10. Color a striped scarf with pink, green and yellow colors;
11. Paint over the branches with a brown tint;
12. Color the buttons in blue, lilac and pink tones;
13. With a blue pencil, shade the snowman and the snowdrift in which he stands.
The snowman drawing is ready! Now you know perfectly well how to draw a snowman! In order to color the finished image of a charming snowman, you can use not only a set of multi-colored pencils, but also paints, such as gouache or watercolor.

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