Home Grape DIY floss baubles with diagrams for beginners, photos and videos. Do-it-yourself rope of fate Fenechka from insomnia

DIY floss baubles with diagrams for beginners, photos and videos. Do-it-yourself rope of fate Fenechka from insomnia


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The site already has several articles about baubles, but in the comments the phrases constantly slip through: “I don’t understand anything”, “so how to weave baubles from floss”. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article about weaving floss baubles, types of knots and tell you that in reality everything is very simple.

In the oblique weaving of baubles, 4 different knots are used, they are designated differently and woven differently. These should be weaved in rows from left to right, or from right to left, and not in some other way, and not as the arrows show. The arrows in this case only show which knot to tie. You can learn how to weave baubles with oblique weaving in our master class:.

You can also see how to weave baubles with oblique weaving in our video:

3. How to weave baubles with a straight weave with two colors (including baubles with names)

There are already articles on this topic on our website that tell how baubles are woven with direct weaving. This is a master class and. On the generator page, you can create your individual baubles scheme with any name or text.

You can see how to weave baubles with a direct weave of two colors on our video:

4. How to weave baubles with a straight weave with a lot of colors

Straight weave baubles with two colors are woven differently than baubles with a lot of colors. In this article, we will not describe this technique, it should be given special attention. We dismantled this weaving in the master class. You can create a baubles scheme yourself thanks to ours.

Also watch the video on how to weave multi-color baubles with direct weaving (more than 2 colors):

5. How to weave baubles with sharp arrows (braid)

To weave this baubles, take floss threads a little over a meter long. 6 colors, 2 pieces of each color. Lay out the threads symmetrically, connect them into a bundle and tie them into a knot at a distance of 7 centimeters from the edge. Thread a pin through the knot and attach to the pillow, or glue the beginning of the baubles to the table with tape. Divide the threads in half.

Start on the left side with the outer color, ours is red. With this thread, make a quad shape above the second thread, then pass the first thread under it and thread it through the hole as shown in the photo.

Tighten the knot by pulling the first thread to the right up. Repeat this knot again, you get a double knot, it is they who will weave the whole bauble. Thus, the first thread we have moved from the left side to one position to the right and became the second. In exactly the same knot we tie the second thread around the third and so on until the second thread reaches the center. This is one half of the bauble.

Now take the thread from the other side, we also have it red. We will make knots from right to left. To do this, we do everything symmetrically: we bend the red thread over the orange one in the form of a mirror four. Then we also pass it inward and tighten it to the left up. The main thing do not forget that this knot must be done twice on each thread.

We continue to knit knots with this thread from left to right until it reaches the middle. Tie a knot with two middle threads of the same color in order to tie the halves together. So we finished the first line of our baubles. The remaining rows are knitted in the same way with two outer threads of the same color.

When you have finished the bauble (this can be found out by simply trying it on by your hand, just allow for a little free space in order to tie the bauble), tie a regular knot with all the threads, and then braid the pigtail.

This bauble can also be made asymmetrical, for this, first lay out the threads without symmetry. If you do not stop in the middle, then you will get a classic baubles with oblique weaving. Remember to tie knots twice. And don't skip the middle when knitting.

6. How to make a bauble with rhinestones

There are many ways to weave baubles, and we will also look at how to make any baubles more unique and shiny.

We make a bauble with rhinestones. To do this, we need a ready-made bauble (we will take a woven bauble with arrows), a chain with rhinestones, a floss thread, a needle and scissors.

Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end. Thread the bauble with a needle from the bottom up at the very beginning of the bauble. Or, to better hide the knot, you can thread the thread through the knot at the very beginning of the baubles. Attach a chain with rhinestones in the center of the baubles.

Make a stitch between the first two rhinestones. Then again thread the needle from the bottom up, trying this time to hit in the middle between the second and third stone.

Continue like this until the end of the bauble. After the last stitch, tie a knot at the back. Or again, thread through the knot at the end of the baubles. Then cut off the end of the thread.

Our bauble with rhinestones is ready.

7. How to make a spiked bauble

To create a baubles with spikes, we need: any baubles, 5 chrome spikes with fasteners, a screwdriver and scissors.

Make marks with a marker to evenly place the spikes. Use a ruler, or count by thread. In the marked places, pierce with scissors so that the screw crawls through.

Pass the screw through the hole and screw it into the spike with a screwdriver.

Repeat with the rest of the spikes in the same way. That's all! Our bauble with spikes is ready.

8. How to make a bauble with a chain

In order to make a bauble with a chain, we need: any ready-made bauble, a short chain with large links, a floss thread, a needle and scissors.

Thread the floss through the needle. Then untie one knot at the end of the baubles and tie it together with the end of our thread. On the reverse side, thread the needle first from the very edge of the baubles.

Place the chain near the baubles and thread the needle through the first link. Thread the needle again from the back of the baubles, so that the needle is near the second link of our chain.

Continue like this until the end of the bauble. The chain will need to be adjusted to the length of the baubles. To do this, unbend the link that goes beyond the length of the baubles and remove the rest of the chain. On the last link, make two stitches. After that, untie the knot of the baubles and tie it together with our thread.

Cut off the rest of the thread. Your updated shiny bauble is ready. Does she look brighter now?

9. How to weave baubles with nuts

Using ordinary hex nuts, you can weave a very original bauble. It is somewhat reminiscent of the spine. This bauble will look great on a guy's hand. And nuts can be bought at any hardware store in different colors and sizes.

For this baubles, we will need a skein of cotton rope, hex nuts (the quantity is up to you) and scissors.

Take three ropes, tie them into a knot, leaving free ends 5-10 centimeters long. After the knot, start weaving with a regular pigtail 3-5 centimeters.

Next, before making a strand with the left thread, put a nut on it, press the nut tightly against the pigtail and make a strand with the left thread. If you have a not very thick thread, or rope, then you can make a ring inside the nut (wrapping the nut with thread), and then weave further. Thus, not very thick rope will not wear out very quickly.

Hold the left nut with your finger. Before you make a strand now with the right thread, put a nut on it and make a strand. In the same way, hold the nut with your finger so that it is firmly pressed against the pigtail.

Then a new thread will appear on the left, we thread the nut and knit a bauble in the same way. We try to knit tightly so that the nuts do not hang out, or do not come loose after a couple of days of socks.

We repeat the steps and weave a bauble. We calculate the required length according to our wrist, taking into account the free space before and after the nuts.

After we have finished braiding the nuts, we again make 3-5 centimeters of an ordinary pigtail, tie a knot and leave another 5-10 centimeters of the free end of the ropes.

We wrap the bauble 2-3 times around the wrist and tie it. Our bauble with nuts is ready!

10. How to weave baubles tied with chains

Shiny chains tied with multi-colored floss threads look spectacular, right? And they are made very simply. Let's learn how to weave them. We will need: a chain with large links, floss threads of different colors, two hair clips and scissors.

We cut 2 sets of 15 threads each. The length of one thread should be 4 times the length of our bracelet. Tie both sets of threads into one knot, leaving 5 centimeters free. Put on a hairpin for each set of threads, they will help you easily thread the threads into the links of the chain and weave a bauble.

Place the threads to the left of the chain. Pull the first set of threads with a hair clip into the first link of the chain, as shown in the photo.

Lay the second set of threads on top of the first. Pass the second set of threads into the same link of the chain from the bottom up.

We pass to the second link, again we put the first color on top of the second and thread it into the second link from the bottom up. Do the same with the second color. We have a chain with fairly large links, so in each link we make a pigtail with each set of threads. If you have a bracelet with smaller links, then you can weave one pass into each link.

Repeat steps until you reach the end of the chain, then tie a knot and cut off the ends. So our bauble is ready. You can tie the chain on both sides, it will also be interesting. To do this, simply turn the chain over to the other side and weave according to the same instructions.

11. How to weave a friendship necklace

Let's learn how to weave a wonderful necklace. It looks interesting. It can also be given as a friendship bracelet. And weaving them is easy enough.

Well, we need: cotton rope, floss threads, nuts and washers, spools for skeins of thread and scissors.

In order to make a necklace of two colors, we take two skeins of floss and wind them on spools so that it is convenient to weave. Then we take the rope of the required length and tie it together with the threads with one large knot. We fasten the end with tape to the table, or with a pin to the sofa. Let's start weaving in red, which means we hold the purple color in our left hand so that it is stretched along with the rope. We take the red color in our right hand, make a loop in the form of a four with a thread over the rope, then we thread the coil into the loop formed from the bottom up (see photo) and tighten the knot by pulling the coil to the right up. Repeat this knot many times until you decide to change the color.

Changing the color is very easy. To do this, simply shift the red coil to the left hand and pull it, and with a purple thread we begin to knit knots, as described above.

You can change colors as you wish. In the middle of the friendship necklace, you can add washers, or nuts, and then knit knots again. When finished knitting, untie the first knot and tie both ends of the necklace into one knot. In addition, the necklace will look much more interesting if there are more flowers. You can weave a large number of colors of thread in the same way, just hold all the currently unused spools of thread in your left hand. It turns out such a beauty!

12. How to weave a wrapped chain with rhinestones

For this baubles we need: 110-140 centimeters of a leather cord one and a half millimeters thick, 30-40 centimeters of a chain of balls or crystals, 150-180 centimeters of thread, a brass nut and scissors. The length varies depending on the size of your wrist. It is designed to wrap twice around the wrist and tie.

Fold the leather cord in half to form a loop. The size of the loop must be chosen in such a way that the nut fits tightly into it, which will act as a fastener. Run the thread along a leather cord a couple of centimeters long. Then we begin to wrap the rest of the thread around the cord in the opposite direction from the loop. Pull the thread tight so that the end does not pop out and unravel.

Place a ball chain between the two halves of the leather cord. Wrap the thread tightly between each individual ball.

Continue winding the chain until the bauble reaches the desired length.

When you have finished braiding to the required length, tie a knot with three threads (a thread and two halves of a leather cord).

Then thread the nut and tie another knot. Trim off excess ends.

The bauble with wrapped rhinestones is ready. Please note that the size is designed for two rings around the wrist. If you want to make one turn, or vice versa more, count on these dimensions.

13. How to weave macrame baubles

In baubles, square knots that are used in macrame also look very impressive. We will only take brighter materials. Instead of threads, we will use nylon cord of different colors. Add shiny metal and stones and get shiny macrame baubles.

So, we need: four meters of nylon cord half a millimeter thick, metal jewelry, or stones, a needle and scissors.

Cut the nylon cord like this: 2 pieces of 75 centimeters, 2 pieces of 50 centimeters and 1 piece of 25 centimeters. Fold one half-meter piece of nylon cord in half, thread the resulting loop into the ring, and thread the end of the thread into this loop and tighten. With the second half-meter end, repeat on the other side. So we fix the ring. These threads will be motionless with us.

Take one piece of 75 cm long nylon cord, bend it in half and place the center under the cord tied to the ring. Turn the right part of the cord to the left, put the left part of the cord over the right one and thread it into the loop formed on the right from the bottom up as shown in the photo.

Tighten the knot tightly and slide it up until it stops.

Next, turn the left side of the cord to the right, lift the right side above it, and then thread it into the loop on the left, also from the bottom up and tighten the knot. It is obtained as a mirror image of the previous node.

Repeat the knots left and right until the required length of the baubles is reached. Please note that the clasp will take about one and a half centimeters.

When you're done, take the left side of the cord first and thread it along the center section 4-5 knots from the back of the bauble.

Repeat the same steps with the right half of the cord.

When you thread the cords, cut off the excess, and the small pieces that remain sticking out can be additionally melted and sealed with a lighter for better fixation. In the same way, we weave on the other side of the ring with a second piece of cord 75 centimeters long.

Next, we will make the bauble can be moved apart and tightened. It will turn out solid and without knots. Take the piece of cord that we cut off as extra and temporarily tie the cords of the ends of the baubles together.

Next, take the last piece of nylon cord 25 centimeters long, fold it in half, and start knitting the same left and right knots as we knitted earlier on the bracelet itself.

Make knots about one and a half centimeters long. Thread the ends of the cord with which we knitted back and solder with a lighter. Remove the temporary knots that tied the two ends of the baubles.

Thus, with the help of the central cords, we can now adjust the size of the baubles. Choose the length you need and tie knots at the ends, and then cut off the excess.

All. Adjustable macrame bauble is ready! As a decoration in the center, you can take whatever your imagination comes up with.

14. How to weave beaded baubles

Let's make another unusual bauble - threads plus beads. For this baubles we need 1.2 meters of thread, beads, buttons, scissors.

Cut the thread into two pieces, one 70 cm, the other 50 cm. Fold the long thread in half. Then attach one end of the short thread to the ends of the long thread and make a bend on half of the long thread. Look at the photo how it looks. You get a loop and three ends of a thread 35 centimeters long and one tip is short.

We tie a knot, leaving a loop of such a size that the selected button passes tightly. The fourth short tip is then cut off.

With three threads, we begin to weave an ordinary pigtail. After three centimeters of the pigtail, we thread the beads on the left thread.

Press the beads to the pigtail and cross the center thread with the left thread. Now put the beads on the right thread and cross the center thread with the right thread.

Hold the beads with your finger when weaving to make the bauble tight. Continue to weave a pigtail alternately threading beads on the left, then on the right.

When the size of the baubles is enough for your hand, weave again a braid free from beads of the same length as at the beginning. Tie a knot at the end.

After the knot, we put a button on the threads and tie a double knot.

Cut off the excess. So our bauble with beads is ready.

You can take threads and beads of any colors, try, experiment, you will like it!

15. How to weave a bauble with hooks

Let's look at another option how to weave baubles. This will be a bauble with hooks. It is not difficult to make it, in addition, it has one interesting plus, which I will talk about at the end of the master class.

Well, let's get started. For this bauble we need:
- a cord 2 mm thick, about 60 cm long, instead of it you can use a flexible wire, twine, or something else similar;
- copper hook;
- ruler;
- pliers;
- lighter.

Before you begin, solder the ends of the cord with a lighter so that it does not unravel when worn. Take the pliers and bend the hook on one side until it stops so that the cord cannot come out. On the other hand, also bend, but so that the cord can pass.

Now we will make an adjustable knot. Pass one end of the 15 cm cord through the fully folded side of the hook. Bend 8 centimeters of the cord back towards the hook, of which 5 centimeters turn towards you. With this end we will knit a knot.

Wrap it around all the threads, making two circles towards the left loop. Pass the end through the left loop.

Hold it with your left hand, and press the skeins to the left side with your right until the knot is tied tightly. You can check if you tied the knot correctly by holding the hook in your right hand and pulling the cord with your left. The knot should move close to the hook.

At the other end of the cord, you need to make the same knot. You don't need to hook it up. In this case, the turns with the end of the cord must be wound with the direction to the right.

Pass the end of the cord through the right loop and tighten the knot by moving the turns also to the right.

Trim the ends of the cord and re-solder with a lighter if necessary. Here is our bracelet. It must be wrapped around the arm 2-3 times and adjusted with a second sliding knot.

And now an interesting moment. Anything can be used instead of a hook. You just need a hook on one side, and on the other, you can drill a hole if that. This is how you can make this bauble for a guy. Especially if he is a fisherman will be very relevant. Here, a designer version of the fishing hook is used.

If you show imagination, then you can use any item that can emphasize and convey the owner's hobbies. For musicians, for example, you can take a keychain in the form of a note, on one side you can fasten the cord by its tail, and on the other, drill a hole in its base. It will also look stylish and interesting. Show your imagination and surprise your friends!

Write in the comments what you liked, what other baubles you want to learn how to weave, what baubles you like, is it worth writing more articles and master classes of this kind. The team of the site 3 children tried for you. Subscribe to news on social networks, stay tuned.

Putting the fingers of one hand to the wrist of the other, you will feel your pulse - this is the beating of life. The wrist is the zone of energy flow. If the enemy squeezes this place and presses hard with his thumbs on the pulsating vein, he will steal your strength. But you can easily protect yourself from this by covering your wrist with baubles - bracelets woven from beads, leather, ribbons, braid or multi-colored threads. You can buy them, or you can weave them yourself. After all, handmade bracelets are the most reliable amulets.


It is generally accepted that beaded bracelets, which are now fashionable, were the first to be worn by hippies in the 70s of the last century. However, this is absolutely false. They just came up with a new name for jewelry baubles. The very same bracelets-amulets appeared a long time ago.

Let's look for a moment at the tribe of primitive people, because it is from there that the tradition of wearing protective totems originates. The warrior put on a necklace of fangs of a tiger, which was the patron of his tribe, and firmly believed that he himself becomes a little bit of a tiger - just as strong and fearless. With this belief in his invulnerability, he went hunting or into battle, fearing neither pain nor death.

Necklaces made of fangs and animal bones could only be worn by dedicated warriors, shamans and leaders. Women, the keepers of the hearth, made amulets from shells, stones, twigs and feathers to protect the house. Young girls wore beads made of white stone, and they helped them get married successfully.

Primitive people believed that through some points on the face, evil spirits could penetrate into the soul of a person, and therefore these points were pierced with a sharp bone and fixed at the end of the shell.

Punctures were made in the nose, between the eyebrows, above the upper lip, in the ears. Today, few people realize that they were protection. Modern man, inserting earrings into his ears, piercing his tongue, eyebrow or navel, does not even suspect the original, magical meaning of this ritual. So keep in mind: the earring in the nose is just a tribute to fashion.

But back to making necklaces and bracelets. Bugles, which appeared in the 4th century BC, supplanted cult objects made from natural material. Beads served as an indicator of the hierarchical position: according to it, as in a book, a person's life was read. In eastern countries, it was a monetary equivalent, and therefore - an amulet that brings wealth.


In order for an ordinary bracelet to turn into a magical amulet, you need to correctly select the material. It is easiest to weave baubles from large beads. To work, you will also need a dense thread or a narrow rubber band. One bauble takes about 20 large beads or two bags of glass beads.

The process of creating a beaded bracelet requires solitude and complete detachment from the busy world. So don't forget to turn off your TV and phone.

The thread on which the beads are strung turns into a thread of fate in the process of work. If you want the person to whom you are weaving a bauble to be lucky in everything, think about the good. Your positive mood and good wishes will certainly be woven into the product.

When stringing beads, you need to imagine the future owner of the baubles, say a mantra or read a prayer, depending on what religion you profess. Buddhists can say: "Om mani padme hum", which roughly translates as: "May there be peace in your home." We advise the Orthodox to begin work with the prayer “Our Father”.

Giving a baubles is also a kind of ritual, and it must be approached with all seriousness. You yourself must put the bracelet on the hand of the person to whom you give it. The recipient at this moment must make his most cherished desire, and it will certainly come true.

If a bauble was presented to you, in no case should you throw it away and sell it, otherwise you will certainly quarrel with the person who made it. If the bauble has crumbled, bury the beads in the ground, otherwise you will not end up in trouble. And remember: home-made baubles are worn on the right hand, and only donated ones on the left.


You can predict the future from a bracelet that you made with your own hands if it dangles freely on your hand and consists of beads of various colors.

If, going on an important matter, you want to know how well it will go, take a look at the bauble, or rather, at that part of it that falls on the place where the pulse beats.

Attention should be paid to the color of the beads.

Yellow and brown portend bad luck.

Black for people who believe in mysticism is a good sign. If your question was about work, for example, it sounded like this: “What awaits me in a new place?” - then a black bead indicates that you will become dependent on someone or something, for example, on circumstances.

Pink is the color of illusion. In divination, it means the unfulfillment of hopes.

Blue portends success in work.

Green predicts a quick meeting with a good person.

White speaks of vain efforts.

Red portends good luck and money.

Transparent hints that happiness and success will come when you stop waiting for them.

The color of ivory means that the case will never be resolved or brought to an end.


You can successfully weave affirmations into baubles. Such a bracelet immediately forms an information field that starts working. A person's condition and mood improve, a lot of good things appear in his life.

It works on the principle of an “automatic reminder”, which destroys old associative connections such as: “I am lonely” and replaces them with new ones: “I attract love into my life. I love and I am loved". You can
come up with your own affirmations, depending on your needs. After all, some of us lack love, some money, and some health.

You need to repeat each affirmation when weaving into a bracelet until you learn how to pronounce it easily - so that the words themselves bounce off the tongue. The fact is that affirmations are usually the exact opposite of what really surrounds a person. And when creating an alternative information field, a conflict is felt. It’s hard for you to speak, you forget a phrase, your tongue doesn’t move, and so on. So, you need to pronounce the affirmation until it is pronounced easily and with pleasure - then this will mean that the conflict has been settled.

You should wear such a bracelet until it frays or breaks on its own. After that, it can be replaced with a new one.


The more baubles you make and give away, the more chances you have for a prosperous life. But, starting to weave, do not forget that in the manufacture of bracelets, the color of the beads is important.

WHITE is a symbol of the life path and the search for freedom.

PINK is a symbol of innocence and freshness of being. YELLOW - a symbol of rock and jealousy.

GREEN is a symbol of hope for a bright future, the closeness of man to nature.

RED and ORANGE - a symbol of love and passion.

BLUE and BLUE are a symbol of true friendship.

PURPLE - a symbol of originality, rich imagination and extravagance.

BLACK is a symbol of magic and the occult. It has remarkable strength and thus makes a person wearing a bauble of this color more powerful.

And here is how color combinations are interpreted:

RED-WHITE - a symbol of free love.

BLACK-RED - a symbol of anarchy.

BLACK-YELLOW is a symbol of eternity and infinity.

Each person wants to protect himself and his loved ones from life's failures and the negative influence of other people - the evil eye and damage. A thread amulet can help with this: it concentrates positive energy in itself, protects from the evil eye, attracts good luck and prosperity. Such amulets were widespread among our ancestors: Slavic amulets were created with their own hands, absorbing the good thoughts and wishes of the creator. They were widely used in everyday life, were used to decorate the house, as well as an element of clothing or decoration.

Charm bracelet made of threads

In the modern world, the bracelet is one of the most common jewelry, the main task of which is decorative. However, you can turn this thing into a powerful amulet that will protect you from evil forces.

First of all, it must be remembered that the amulet must be made of natural materials. In ancient times, people used bone, glass, metals, woolen or linen fabrics for this purpose. The amulet of threads was the most powerful, because it contained a special weaving magic: tying knots was accompanied by conspiracies, and each knot had its own meaning. Such an amulet was most often worn on the wrist. It was believed that the wrist is the most vulnerable place on the body, and therefore through it contact with hostile forces can most likely occur. Everyone could afford a charm bracelet made of threads, because its creation did not require serious material costs and jewelry talents.

How to make a thread amulet with your own hands

Slavic bracelet-amulet can easily be woven by yourself. For this purpose, woolen, cotton or linen threads are best suited. Before starting work, concentrate on the goal of creating a talisman: think about well-being, personal happiness, health and material wealth. Avoid negative thoughts, because the amulet absorbs exactly what you experience while working.

Decide on the color of the threads, focusing on the primary function of the amulet. Each color has a special meaning and several times enhances one of its magical properties.

A red thread amulet is the strongest protection against the evil eye. In addition, it nourishes a person with the energy of the fiery element, helps to develop such qualities as determination, efficiency, courage and the ability to quickly find a way out of confusing situations. The red amulet helps in love relationships and brings financial well-being.

White color combines all the colors of the spectrum. Therefore, in the soul of one who wears such a talisman, harmony reigns. Such a person can easily build relationships with people around him, while conflicts and quarrels bypass him. An amulet made of a white thread does not allow evil thoughts into the soul of a person and protects him from the negative impact of other people.

A blue thread amulet is ideal for creative individuals. It attracts new ideas, helps to avoid a crisis, transfers the creative energy of the water element. A person associated with creativity is often the most vulnerable to unreal forces. A blue thread on the wrist protects against hostile intrusion, will share calmness and clarity of thought.

A yellow amulet - for those who put family well-being above all else. Sunny color brings peace and harmony to family relationships, protects the health of family members. It is good to tie such a charm to small children - they will be protected from damage and the evil eye.

When you have decided on the color of the amulet, start weaving. If you are limited to a single color, it makes sense to tie one thick thread around your wrist, tying knots on it. Do not forget that each node has its own purpose. While tying the knot, silently say to yourself what it is dedicated to, what power it should have.

In the event that you decide to combine several colors, it is better to braid the threads into a braid. Keep in mind that when combining different colors, and, accordingly, different properties of the amulet, some of the forces associated with a particular color may weaken, while some, on the contrary, increase. Try to combine the colors of the same spectrum in the amulet - so they will not conflict.

You need to tie a charm on your hand with the words: “Within me is the Power of the Cross!
Around me - God's Grace!
. This must be done on your own. If you are presenting an amulet as a gift, then it is you who should tie it on a person’s wrist, saying: “As strength is from heaven, so is help from God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

As you can see, it is very easy to create a charm with your own hands. The main thing is to set yourself up correctly. Get rid of bad thoughts, focus on what you want - and the charm bracelet will bring you the desired well-being. And it's best to order a real red thread from Israel, for example on this site. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fenechka. This modest handmade bracelet made of threads, beads, leather, laces, ribbons or threads is worn by literally every second young man. What is it about fennec that she won great love from guys and girls?

well forgotten old

Baubles did not appear yesterday - even the North American Indians wove them in memorable times. After the ritual exchange of thread talismans, the local Chingachguks, St. John's Wort and Hawkeyes became named brothers, and not a single living soul could destroy this "kinship". Also, something resembling modern fashionable bracelets was made by our ancestors, the Slavs, who believed that these crafts protect them from evil spirits. Then the fashion for a thread bracelet seemed to disappear forever. But no, flower children - hippies - were the first to remember modest decoration. The American hippies were so fascinated by this little thing that they all began to wear multi-colored threads - the personification of friendship and love. Soon, baubles fell in love with, as they would say now, advanced youth. Flared jeans with a leather belt, wide-knit sweaters or ethnic-style shirts, low-soled sandals, a canvas bag, beads and baubles on the hands - this is a fashionable outfit for many girls of the hippie era.

Nowadays, the fashion for a bauble is on the rise. If today young people or just friends want to seal their love or friendship ties, the bauble is right there. True, friends should wear baubles on different hands, but lovers - on one hand, left or right, more often on the left.

How to tame a bauble

In order for a simple bracelet made of threads to “earn”, several conditions must be met. First: the bauble must be woven by hand. The store version "does not work."

Second: when giving a bauble, they tie it into three knots, and on the third knot they make a wish to the person to whom it is given. This bauble is worn without removing it until it falls off or breaks by itself. It is considered as follows: if the bauble is torn or worn, it cannot be woven again. There are reasons for that. The bauble is torn when the desire is fulfilled. If it didn’t come true, then it’s not destiny. But the old bauble has fulfilled its mission. If you want to make a wish again - weave a new bauble.

The third condition is the most important: the person who weaves a bauble must put a piece of his soul, warmth and love into it, and the one who receives the bauble must be grateful for the work of a friend or loved one. If you remove the bauble before it breaks itself, this will mean that friendship or love has ceased.

There are many different patterns and weaving styles. In general, weaving baubles is a special kind of macrame. But no matter how complex the pattern is, both men and women can wear fenka. Some people even wear baubles as wedding rings. For this purpose, similar or identical "rings" are woven. In this case, threads of specially selected colors are used.

Among the ardent fans of baubles there are also “tramps” baubles. They move from one representative of the subculture to another, and sometimes "travel" throughout the country and even the world.

Choose any

The color of the threads from which the baubles are woven has a special meaning. Therefore, a connoisseur, having only once looked at a bauble, can tell a lot about its owner.

White is spiritual purity, freedom, goodness and light, innocence.

Blue is hope, peace, infinity, strong friendship, clarity of mind.

Blue - a peaceful state, friendliness, openness to everything new, infinity.

Green - the power of nature life, youth, development, spiritual growth. But pale green - the end of dreams, despair, longing, depression.

Red - passionate love, strong affection, happiness, passion.

Pink - love, dreaminess, sentimentality.

Orange - energy, "peace in the world."

Brown - home comfort, a kind of laziness.

Yellow - sunlight, attractiveness, summer, and also jealousy.

Purple - mysticism, friendships, wisdom, dreams.

Black is a rather complex and controversial color. Denotes purification and fearlessness, mourning and detachment, loneliness and sadness.

Gray - melancholy, sadness, modesty, insensitivity, old age.

The combination of different colors in baubles-bracelets:

Red and white - a sign of love.

Red with blue is a sign of pacifism.

Black with purple is a symbol of black magic.

Red with white and black is a symbol of anarchy.

Red with black has many meanings: from anarchy to unrequited love.

Black and white - suicide, loneliness.

Yellow and blue represent the sun in heaven.

The red and green colors represent love for nature.

White and black combined with blue - hopes, expectations.

The white-pink bauble symbolizes a changeable person, an addicted nature.

Silver-black bauble - a symbol of magical abilities.

Turquoise combined with emerald and gold means morning in a clear forest.

Red thread

Another popular youth talisman is the usual red thread. And it's not as simple as it might seem. A red woolen thread is a Jewish Kabbalistic attribute, it is tied around the wrist of the left hand. It is believed that it protects from various negative things, but only the one that is tied on the left hand (the left side in a person is more vulnerable, so it needs to be protected).

It is recommended that the red thread be “put on” by a close person who loves you and whom you completely trust. Then the thread will also protect from the evil eye and envy. It is important that he make seven knots, each of which means one of the spiritual dimensions. It is also important that the thread is bought or donated, and not woven with one's own hands.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the red thread gained particular popularity among American stars. Britney Spears and Madonna were among the first to put it on. The latter did not hide the fact that her red thread symbolizes her passion for Kabbalah. And since foreign celebrities set the tone for fashion around the world, soon a fashion accessory appeared on the hands of many famous people. Our stars began to imitate Demi Moore, Madonna and David Beckham - Vera Brezhneva, Andrey Makarevich, Ksenia Sobchak, Philip Kirkorov and others put on the red thread. And after them, red threads were tied by their fans - young people all over Russia, alas, not always understanding what it means. But if you follow the tradition of Kabbalah, the red thread must be worn for twelve or forty days. After that, it must be burned, otherwise the negative energy that it has absorbed into itself will begin to act against its owner.


A handmade gift will invariably touch the heart of everyone. Hand made products have nothing to do with serial factory production and there is an opinion that they have their own soul. In Soviet times, creativity was given a not very honorable place as a cute hobby. The heyday of industry, the factory similarity of goods were considered the norm, which dulled the imagination, the desire of a person to create things, household items and jewelry by hand. Over time, excellent taste, the desire to express themselves, the desire to own exclusive gizmos won. So the art of hand made came into fashion again, breathing new life into many forgotten types of applied art. Weaving is considered one of the oldest creative movements. It is easy to create original accessories, jewelry, household items and even clothes using the applied method. Therefore, the question of how to weave baubles is invariably relevant for modern followers.

The origins of ancient art

In most countries of the world, baubles are known under the name "friendship-bracelets", in translation the name means "friendship bracelets". The traditional weaving of baubles goes back centuries. The birth of an unusual accessory was given by the North American Indians, their life activity was invariably accompanied by mysticism, magical rites.

Native American wearing a traditional headdress

Initially, bracelets, belts woven from plant fibers, leather cords, straw, and other materials had a sacred meaning. Jewelry protected the owners from evil spirits, hatred, envy of enemies. In addition to the cult significance, the gizmos could wordlessly tell about a person's belonging to a certain class, the main purpose in the tribe.

Information was given by everything, from colors, patterns to weaving material. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of giving handmade baubles as a sign of deep affection and friendship. With the help of simple accessories, peace was established between two people, family clans, entire tribes.

The bauble was worn until she herself was torn. If a person dared to withdraw a gift, it was considered a bad sign, a signal of the end of a friendly alliance.

Later, the tradition of exchanging friendship bracelets from North American tribes was adopted by followers of the hippie culture. Ardent opponents of any manifestations of wealth, deliberate luxury, they appreciated the generous gifts of nature to mankind.

Hippies revive the tradition of weaving baubles

Hippies were the first to revive the tradition of expressing secret feelings with hand-woven baubles. At the wedding ceremony, “flower children” exchanged, as a sign of eternal love, not rings made of precious metals, but simple baubles.

The same pattern shows that young people are a couple

As a rule, weaving was done in red and white colors as evidence of free views on love. The same pattern showed that young people were a couple. Gradually, the deep sacred meaning of jewelry was lost, but the momentum of the popularity of baubles all over the world does not slow down.

Baubles will complement any modern look.

Thanks to the free Internet space, and our website in particular, it is easy to learn at any time how to weave baubles from various types of threads, beads, satin ribbons.

Weaving bracelets from thin threads is painstaking work. But even a child can cope with the task successfully and fall in love with an interesting activity, having learned the secrets of how to weave baubles. In the modern world, art is popular for any age group. Fans of creating hand made jewelry are not only girls, but also guys of any age. A few tips from experienced weaving masters:

  • When embarking on a laborious but exciting activity, you should choose a comfortable place, take a comfortable position to work on your first masterpiece.
  • Novice craftsmen should take care of the working surface for weaving. It can be a planchette from a stationery store with a clip, a pillow, a board upholstered in fabric.

A stationery tablet is ideal for weaving fenechsec
  • The choice of material is an important factor in the quality, aesthetics and neatness of the product. We choose threads that are strong, with a smooth surface, evenly colored along the entire length. If the thread is “naughty”, fluffs up during the weaving process, this violates the aesthetics of the accessories and can “hide” a beautiful textured pattern. It is worth paying attention to the reputation of manufacturers, giving preference to the most conscientious of them. Experienced masters in the art of weaving advise choosing floss threads for baubles that meet the necessary standards, surprising with bright colors.

Muline is the perfect choice
  • So that the baubles do not lose their original shape, it is necessary to tie knots in the elements of the pattern more tightly. It is important to clearly follow the schemes that will become faithful assistants in the work.
  • Color spectrum. The sacred meaning of baubles is forgotten, but not completely lost. If you are creating a bracelet that has a deeper meaning than a simple piece of jewelry, you should choose the theme of the pattern, color combination wisely. For example, blue is the color of friendship, pale green tells about dashed hopes, white is a shade of purity, faith in ideals, and pink is a dream, energy, love.

Baubles in ethnic style


If you decide to become a real fenkoplet, you should get a "magic chest". Organization of work and preparation is the most important stage in any needlework. Materials, tools, sketches of future masterpieces should be stored in one place.

You can adapt an empty shoe box for this. Mouline thread is a delicate material, it requires a reverent attitude. For storage, you can make or buy a special container, this prevents tangling and fading of the color of the threads.

Homemade machine from the box for weaving baubles

Ways of weaving baubles

It is impossible to answer unequivocally how to weave baubles from threads, beads or ribbons. The first thing that beginners need to do is to learn how to knit the simplest knots, learn to understand patterns. The main classification distinguishes two main ways: weave baubles in an oblique or direct way. Thanks to detailed master classes, beginners in a short period of time will learn how to weave original jewelry, feeling like fish in water in the ancient art.

The process of weaving baubles on a tablet

The simplest pattern for a beginner

Experienced fennec weavers skillfully weave entire collections of original jewelry, turning their favorite hobby into a profitable business. Beginners should not rush, you need to start small. Comprehending science gradually, it is possible to reach the highest level of mastery. The most familiar and simple way to weave a friendship bauble is a “pigtail” pattern, from three classic parts. For this, any number of threads is used, but always a multiple of three.

Pigtail pattern, three-piece classic

You can complicate the work by adding a fourth thread. The algorithm is the following:

  • We fix the threads on the working surface, you can tie them together with a simple knot.
  • Let's start weaving. Of the two central parts, the left component is superimposed on the right. She, in turn, is superimposed on the left side.
  • In the center are two extreme parts. We repeat the algorithm until we get the weaving of the desired length.

Baubles of four strands

For the simplest method, an even number of components must be used. A little practice, and the “pigtail” will instantly appear in the hands of the master. Having learned to braid a braid in four threads, you can complicate the work, using more and more parts, confident masters reach fourteen.

Fenechka pigtail of four strands

Such weaving can be used not only to create bracelets. An original memorable gift to a friend, relative or loved one will be a bookmark for a book or notebook, a keychain for a phone, a handbag or keys.

Oblique weaving method

One of the simplest, understandable to a beginner, techniques is considered oblique weaving.

Baubles made of oblique weaving

Work algorithm:

  1. We select the threads in the amount of twelve segments, sort them by color. To get a harmonious combination of shades, we lay out the threads of the same shades in a mirror way: red on the sides, then two orange and so on. We continue to lay out in a mirror, sorting by color, striving for the center.


For the oblique weaving method, the length of each of the threads is at least 1 meter. It should be noted that the desired length of the baubles will be reduced by a factor of four.

  1. We connect the bundle with a strong knot located eight centimeters from the edge of the threads.
  2. We proceed to the process, starting from the extreme left side. We add it to the neighboring component so that a "four" is formed. We pass the first thread into the resulting window, tighten the knot. Let's repeat the maneuver. We do similar actions with extreme threads, but on the other hand.
  3. It is necessary to braid the pattern in such a way that the colors inside are located on the outside. We complete the first row by tying the extreme components of weaving together in two knots.
  4. We repeat the rows as many times until we get the weaving of the desired length.

Baubles with oblique weaving, master class

At the end of the work, we tie the threads together into a tight knot, so the weaving will not fall apart during the wearing of the accessory. It is important to follow the order of execution of the elements on the first few rows, then they themselves fit into the correct sequence.

Baubles - oblique weaving

As a result, we get a textured pattern. By the way, if you made a mistake with the order of the thread and tied a knot where it does not belong, you can carefully unravel it with a sewing needle or tailor's pin, tying it correctly.

It is believed that this method is more complicated than the previous one. The ability to create bracelets from threads with direct weaving speaks of a high level of skill. All sorts of patterns, phrases or names can be braided into such an ornament. Before you learn how to weave baubles with a direct method, it is important to master simpler techniques, learn how to work with several colors at the same time.

Baubles straight weave

To create an original patterned bracelet, you must follow a step-by-step master class:

  • We choose strands of threads of different colors. It is important to conditionally separate the parts to create the background of the product, as well as separately for the pattern or inscription. If the pattern is planned to be made large, we choose a strand for it longer than the others, because the picture is formed only from it.
  • We conditionally designate the extreme thread on the left, we will call it the leading one. We tie it with all the remaining thread strands.
  • At the moment when the main part reaches the opposite edge, we will continue to work in the same way, but in the mirror direction. It turns out that the thread moves in a zigzag pattern, changing direction.
  • The creation of a pattern or an inscription on a bracelet begins with the interlacing of the main thread and the one that is supposed for the pattern.

The work of creating baubles in a direct way is complex, it requires care. Hard work will be more than rewarded to the master with an author's bauble with a beautiful pattern or an exclusive inscription.

Baubles with a name

Name bracelets are a classic gift for a friend. Such a present is symbolic, without words it can express the depth and sincerity of feelings for a loved one. To make such a bauble, you can use threads of several shades, but even from two colors you can weave a beautiful commemorative product.

Baubles with various inscriptions

A few tips to help you get started:

  1. A bracelet with a name can be woven both from threads and from beads strung on a fishing line.
  2. The scheme of the direct method is taken as a basis; for a harmonious and uniform arrangement of letters, a stencil can be used.
  3. Correctly calculate the width of the bracelet. The size of the letters should be slightly smaller than the width of the product.

Baubles with a name

You can make a stencil for the inscription with your own hands. The weaving scheme of the future bracelet is applied to the paper, the optimal distance between the letters is calculated in order to beautifully, evenly place the inscription completely.

When the thread ended

Making bracelets from threads, ribbons, cords, beads is an ancient art. Success depends on many things, including the desire, imagination and talent of the master. In order for the product to meet the highest requirements of quality, strength, aesthetics, you need to know a few secrets. One of the main ones is the ability to imperceptibly tie the thread. There are frequent cases when the master fails to correctly calculate the length of the thread, and sometimes it can break during the knitting process. Do not despair, everything is fixable. We do this:

  1. We drive the thread that ended or broke under the wrong side of the product, while leaving enough length for the fastening knot.
  2. We substitute a component of the same color to the place where the gap occurred, but from the wrong side.
  3. We tie it with two classic knots. From the inside, we will knit the thread that was re-introduced into work with the one that ended.

What to do if the thread runs out

Such a simple maneuver will help to continue working, the place of fastening of two threads will hide from the wrong side, without violating the external aesthetics of weaving.

Master classes of original bracelets

The synthesis of textures, materials and combinations of patterns creates an extraordinary effect, which is important in the manufacture of original gizmos. Hand made is appreciated because each craft is unique in nature.

Each piece is unique

Possessing an author's sample, you can be sure of its exclusivity. Even if the methods and methods of creation are similar, doing your favorite hobby encourages imagination, bold experiments. Needlewomen and fans of applied arts have creative thinking, are in a relentless search for new forms, ideas and design solutions.

Baubles in ethnic style

Combining the incompatible, techniques, materials, they give rise to style and beauty. Only in this way does the evolution of creativity take place, generously endowing us with the luxurious results of the work of talented craftsmen. We offer several ideas for stylish crafts that you can create with your own hands.

Elegant bauble with rhinestones

Baubles decorated with rhinestones

For the lesson you will need rhinestones, nylon threads, a sharp sewing needle. We do everything step by step:

  1. We knit a bracelet in any convenient technique - in an oblique or direct way.
  2. We sew the base with stitches in the middle or on the sides. Making a stitch, we string a rhinestone, beads or a bead so that they are located on the front side.


Weaving decor, sparkling rhinestones, colored beads, beads or spikes into the pattern, we do not break through the threads, but push them apart with an awl or a needle so as not to tear or disturb the delicate structure.

  1. If the level of skill allows, we string the decor on a fishing line or thread directly during manufacture.

embellished bracelets

It is important to ensure that the arrangement of the decor is uniform. To do this, you can prepare a visual diagram on paper in advance.

Chains are a constant trend, a stylish accessory for a casual look. With the help of a chain, you can create luxurious collections or simply update a thread bauble.

Bright bauble on a chain
  • Take the finished base, woven by any method. We measure the chain of the same length.
  • Let's thread the needle at the beginning of the warp, tying its end to the thread entered.
  • Gently pushing the knots apart with a needle, we sew a chain tightly along the edge.
  • We make stitches in the same way as the distance between the links.
  • Sew to the end of the base, fasten tightly, tying with a double knot.

Finishing the lesson, we will cut off the rest of the threads and enjoy the beauty of the new elegant jewelry in our author's collection. How to decorate this or that result of painstaking work, fantasy will tell, as well as ready-made ideas.

Using the macrame technique

Creativity is an unknown world full of fantasy, experiments and new ideas. Mastery in needlework is determined by the extent to which the master can combine several techniques, creating an author's masterpiece.

Baubles in macrame technique

Macrame is an ancient technique known since ancient times. In addition to useful planters, textured panels, tablecloths or curtains, you can create elegant decorations using an unusual technique.

Necklace made in macrame technique

For a special chic, you can take as a basis any metal pendant, beads, beads and any other decor. Before you start knitting, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with the known methods of knitting macrame knots. The main assistants in creating a masterpiece will be a square, flat or double-sided knot. Experienced macrame masters recommend practicing tying knots, bringing movements to automatism, and only after that proceed with the implementation of a creative project. We will need a skein of nylon cord, a metal pendant in the form of a ring or an infinity sign, scissors and a thin needle. Let's do it step by step:

  • We cut the nylon cord into several components: two cuts of 17 centimeters, two more of 50, one - 25 centimeters.
  • We bend a half-meter segment, stretch the resulting loop into the suspension, tightening it with the other end. We do the same with the second segment.
  • Take a piece 75 cm long, fold it in half, placing its center to the cord, which is already tied to the pendant.
  • We turn the right component to the left, and the left one, in turn, starts from above the right one, “diving” into the loop from top to bottom.
  • We tighten the tight knot, repeating the same maneuver, but in a mirror image. Weave the combination alternately, in the left and right directions, to the desired size of the bracelet.

How to weave macrame baubles

Baubles with macrame knot

You can finish the lesson here by tightly tying the ends of the cord. For the convenience of putting on the product, we will separately knit the clasp. We tie a cut with a length of 25 centimeters, bend it in half, again we knit knots left and right. With the cords in the center, we can adjust the girth on the wrist, easily removing it.

Extravagant motives

Style is in the details. Fashion accessories, original details - all this forms a unique image. Exclusive “things” add to fashionistas not only luxury, original elegance, but also self-confidence. Skillful use of the most common materials in the hands of a talented needlewoman can turn into an extravagant decoration.

Various baubles

We offer a master class on creating a fancy accessory from ordinary hex nuts and cotton rope. Manufacturing algorithm:

  • We measure three segments of the same length from the skein, stepping back five centimeters, we tie the ends together into a tight knot.
  • We start weaving in the form of an ordinary pigtail. Having done a few simple elements, we begin to alternately thread the cords into the hexagons.
  • Before braiding the left strand, we thread the nut, press it tightly, wrap the strand. Repeat the same with the right side.


No matter how thick the threads or cords are, the weaving should be tight. So the bauble will keep its shape, and the decorative element braided into the pattern will not hang freely, thereby wearing out the base.

  • We repeat the steps, accurately calculating the distance between the elements, distributing the hexagons evenly.
  • We finish weaving again with a pigtail, tie knots at the ends and attach a metal fastener.

How to make a spiked bracelet

An extravagant bauble with hexagon nuts will decorate not only a woman's look, but will also become a stylish accessory for a man.

Baubles - a symbol of friendship

Having learned the art, you can create not only bracelets, but also belts, beautiful necklaces or necklaces.

We offer an interesting master class "necklaces of friendship". To work, you will need a skein of light cotton rope, scissors, several shades of floss. For decor, we will use metal nuts and washers. To facilitate the weaving process, you will need empty spools for winding. We begin to weave a two-color necklace, choosing a red and lilac shade. Get used to the work, you can use more shades. Let's start the process:

  • We choose two colors of floss, wind the threads on the spools. We tie the ends of the threads and the main rope with a strong knot. The length of the working components is impressive, so the end of the future product can be fixed with a pin on the sofa or with tape on the table surface.
  • We begin to braid the main thread in red, the lilac component remains in the left hand. We make sure that the rope that will become the base is tight all the time.
  • We start a red strand by folding the loop directly above the base rope, while the coil “dives” into the loop in the “bottom-up” direction. We pull the coil exactly to the right, then up, carefully tightening the element into a knot. We repeat the algorithm until we decide to change the color of the weave.
  • Next, we shift the spool with red threads to the left hand, and take the spool with the new color to the right. We continue a similar repetition of elements, but with a different shade.

Thread necklaces

The decor, as a rule, is woven in the process of work, but after the end of the process it can be hung or sewn onto the finished product. A necklace or belt looks thin, stylish, original. The more colors and tiers you weave, the more interesting the effect will be.

Simple beaded bauble

Beads are one of the oldest types of decorative jewelry. Antique togas, outfits of Egyptian pharaohs and medieval kings were decorated with a scattering of small beads. Truly masterpiece products are born from a simple-looking material in the skillful hands of a master fennec weaver, decorating any look.

Beaded bauble with floral motif

Small beads with a hole are malleable in work, which is why beading is most often used in the creation of baubles. Before you weave, you should learn how to draw patterns. They are very different, from the simplest variations to complex intricate patterns. We present the easiest way to weave a bauble and pattern patterns:

  • we collect a few beads on the fishing line;
  • we fix the element by threading the end of the fishing line into the previous bead;
  • we string the next bead, again threading the fishing line into the bead of the previous row.

How to weave beaded baubles - a simple lesson

This is the simplest way to weave and fix beads. It remains only to choose a suitable drawing scheme and turn the drawing into a beautiful reality. Another master class of weaving a bracelet from threads and beads:

  1. We choose a strong and bright thread 1.2 meters long, a set of beads, prepare scissors, a sewing needle and a small button for fastening.
  2. We divide the thread into two components 50 and 70 centimeters long. We fold the longer cut in half, apply a shorter cut to it, folding together the ends of all the components. We tie it so that we get a loop, two cuts of 35 centimeters come out of it, and one tip is shorter.
  3. The loop should remain such that the button-fastener “sits down” on it tightly, as if poured, and after that we cut off the remaining tip.
  4. From the three components, we will begin to weave the classic “braid”, continuing the pattern about three centimeters long.
  5. We begin to string alternately on the left, then on the right strand of beads, continuing to braid the “braid”.


It is important to braid the pattern tightly, adjusting the position of the beads so that they “look” in one direction. Then the work looks symmetrical and neat.

  1. Having finished weaving with beads, we finish the bracelet with a standard braid. We fix the weaving with a strong knot.
  2. We make a button fastener. We put it on the ends of the threads, tie a knot, cut off all the excess. Putting the bracelet on your hand, we will fasten the button into a loop.

How to weave a beaded bauble

When the work reaches automatism, the patterns will begin to be born by themselves, because creativity exists undividedly with imagination. Beaded baubles sparkling with a noble sheen will become a luxurious addition to a business woman's outfit, a light romantic sundress or an elegant evening dress for a social event.

Exclusive handmade bracelets

Bright, touchingly delicate, original and stylish baubles are not just decoration, but a real symbol of friendship, a way to wordlessly express sincerity and depth of feelings. Bold experiments, the desire to create an exclusive author's masterpiece will help the beginner decide on the choice of materials, draw up a weaving pattern, and surprise the creative world with a new design solution.

Bright bracelets will perfectly complement the look in boho style.

There is a belief that such bracelets are not for sale, but only given to people dear to the heart. Many fennec weavers believe that such an ornament can fulfill any cherished desire, you just need to think about it properly in the process of work. There are many ways to weave baubles. Feel free to use ready-made master classes to learn a new art, because in the future your ideas will help beginners.

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