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Is mother cuckoo a good research paper. Research work on the topic "Is the cuckoo a good mother?". List of information sources

They don't know what a car, electricity, a hamburger and the United Nations are. They get their food by hunting and fishing, they believe that the gods send rain, they do not know how to write and read. They may die from catching a cold or the flu. They are a godsend for anthropologists and evolutionists, but they are dying out. They are wild tribes that have preserved the way of life of their ancestors and avoid contact with the modern world.

Sometimes the meeting happens by chance, and sometimes scientists are specifically looking for them. For example, on Thursday, May 29, in the Amazon jungle near the Brazilian-Peruvian border, several huts were found surrounded by people with bows who tried to shoot at the plane with the expedition. In this case, specialists from the Peruvian Center for Indian Tribes flew around the jungle in search of savage settlements.

Although recently, scientists rarely describe new tribes: most of them have already been discovered, and there are almost no unexplored places on Earth where they could exist.

Wild tribes live in South America, Africa, Australia and Asia. According to rough estimates, there are about a hundred tribes on Earth that do not or rarely come into contact with the outside world. Many of them prefer to avoid interaction with civilization by any means, so it is quite difficult to keep an accurate record of the number of such tribes. On the other hand, tribes that willingly communicate with modern people gradually disappear or lose their identity. Their representatives gradually assimilate our way of life or even go to live "in the big world."

Another obstacle that prevents the full study of tribes is their immune system. "Modern savages" have long developed in isolation from the rest of the world. The most common diseases for most people, such as a runny nose or flu, can be fatal for them. In the body of savages there are no antibodies against many common infections. When the flu virus strikes a person from Paris or Mexico City, his immune system immediately recognizes the "attacker" because it has already met him before. Even if a person has never had the flu, immune cells "trained" for this virus enter his body from his mother. The savage is practically defenseless against the virus. As long as his body can develop an adequate "response", the virus may well kill him.

But recently the tribes have been forced to change their habitual habitats. The development of new territories by modern man and the deforestation where savages live, force them to found new settlements. In the event that they are close to the settlements of other tribes, conflicts may arise between their representatives. And again, cross-contamination with diseases typical of each tribe cannot be ruled out. Not all tribes were able to survive when faced with civilization. But some manage to maintain their numbers at a constant level and not succumb to the temptations of the "big world".

Be that as it may, anthropologists have managed to study the way of life of some tribes. Knowledge about their social structure, language, tools, creativity and beliefs helps scientists to better understand how human development went. In fact, each such tribe is a model of the ancient world, representing possible options for the evolution of culture and thinking of people.


In the Brazilian jungle, in the valley of the Meiki River, a tribe of firah lives. There are about two hundred people in the tribe, they exist thanks to hunting and gathering and actively resist the introduction into the "society". Pirahã is distinguished by unique features of the language. First, there are no words for color shades. Secondly, the Pirahã language lacks the grammatical constructions necessary for the formation of indirect speech. Thirdly, Pirahã people do not know the numerals and the words "more", "several", "all" and "each".

One word, but pronounced with different intonation, serves to denote the numbers "one" and "two". It can also mean "about one" and "not very many". Due to the lack of words for numbers, Pirahãs cannot count and cannot solve simple mathematical problems. They are unable to estimate the number of objects if there are more than three. At the same time, there are no signs of a decrease in intelligence in the Piraha. According to linguists and psychologists, their thinking is artificially limited by the peculiarities of the language.

Pirahãs have no creation myths, and a strict taboo forbids them from talking about things that are not part of their own experience. Despite this, Pirahas are quite sociable and capable of organized activities in small groups.

Sinta larga

The Sinta Larga tribe also lives in Brazil. Once the number of the tribe exceeded five thousand people, but now it has decreased to one and a half thousand. The minimum social unit of the Sinta Larga is the family: a man, several of his wives and their children. They can move freely from one settlement to another, but more often establish their own home. Sinta larga are engaged in hunting, fishing and farming. When the land where their house stands becomes less fertile or game leaves the forests, the Sinta spotted seals move out and look for a new site for the house.

Each Sinta Larga has several names. One - "real name" - each member of the tribe keeps a secret, only the closest relatives know it. During the life of the Sinta Larga, they receive several more names, depending on their individual characteristics or important events that happened to them. The Sinta Larga society is patriarchal, male polygamy is widespread in it.

Sinta larga have suffered greatly due to contact with the outside world. In the jungle where the tribe lives, many rubber trees grow. Rubber collectors systematically exterminated the Indians, claiming that they interfere with their work. Later, diamond deposits were discovered in the territory where the tribe lived, and several thousand miners from all over the world rushed to develop the land of Sinta Larga, which is illegal. The members of the tribe themselves also tried to mine diamonds. Conflicts often arose between savages and diamond lovers. In 2004, 29 miners were killed by Sinta Larga people. After that, the government allocated $810,000 to the tribe in exchange for a promise to close the mines, allow police cordons to be set up near them and not to mine stones on their own.

Tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands

The group of Nicobar and Andaman Islands is located 1400 kilometers from the coast of India. Six primitive tribes lived in complete isolation on the outlying islands: the great Andamanese, the Onge, the Jarawa, the Shompens, the Sentinelese, and the Negrito. After the devastating 2004 tsunami, many feared that the tribes had disappeared forever. However, later it turned out that most of them, to the great joy of anthropologists, escaped.

The tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands are in the Stone Age in their development. Representatives of one of them - Negrito - are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, preserved to this day. The average height of a Negrito is about 150 centimeters, and even Marco Polo wrote about them as "cannibals with dog muzzles."


Cannibalism is a fairly common practice among primitive tribes. And although most of them prefer to find other sources of food, some have retained this tradition. For example, Korubo living in the western part of the Amazon Valley. The Korubo are an extremely aggressive tribe. Hunting and raiding neighboring settlements are their main means of subsistence. The korubo's weapons are heavy clubs and poison darts. Korubo do not practice religious rites, but they have a widespread practice of killing their own children. Korubo women have equal rights with men.

Cannibals from Papua New Guinea

The most famous cannibals are perhaps the tribes of Papua New Guinea and Borneo. Cannibals of Borneo are cruel and promiscuous: they eat both their enemies and tourists or old people from their tribe. The last surge of cannibalism was noted in Borneo at the end of the past - the beginning of this century. This happened when the Indonesian government tried to colonize some areas of the island.

In New Guinea, especially in its eastern part, cases of cannibalism are observed much less frequently. Of the primitive tribes living there, only three - the Yali, the Vanuatu and the Carafai - still practice cannibalism. The most cruel is the Carafai tribe, while the Yali and Vanuatu eat someone on rare solemn occasions or out of necessity. The Yalis are also famous for their festival of death, when the men and women of the tribe paint themselves in the form of skeletons and try to appease Death. Previously, for fidelity, they killed the shaman, whose brain was eaten by the leader of the tribe.

Emergency ration

The dilemma of primitive tribes is that attempts to study them often lead to their destruction. Anthropologists and travelers alike find it hard to give up the prospect of going back to the Stone Age. In addition, the habitat of modern people is constantly expanding. Primitive tribes managed to carry their way of life through many millennia, however, it seems that in the end, savages will join the list of those who could not stand the meeting with modern man.

Africa, as always, pleases (everyone decides for himself whether to quote this word) with the most amazing traditions. But what is commonplace for us, for members of the tribes of the “black” continent is a real reason for performing bloody rituals. Today we will "walk" through the virgins.

And Serezha too!

Remember we wrote about boy initiation traditions in Papua New Guinea? Don't think that the girls are treated more condescendingly by the members of the tribe. Although, of course, everything is known in comparison: the rite of defloration of girls takes place here much more humanely. In this "procedure" the participation of the high priest is also integral (it does not bother anyone that he is a walker for both girls and boys?). During the wedding, his main duty is to break through the hymen with a specially prepared ritual wooden knife. After these manipulations, the suffering does not end: the future husband of the newly-made woman must offer to "test" his bride to other members of the tribe. The marriage ceremony takes place only after all the bullying traditional for the tribe. In marriage, the wife is obliged to remain exclusively faithful, and adultery is punishable by death. Similar traditions are followed by the natives of the Zakai tribe on the island of Sumatra. There, too, the bride is first given to be torn apart by all the men of the family, after which a wedding can finally take place. Sometimes near the bed of the unfortunate one can count about thirty men aged from eighty to ten years. And, of course, having become a wife, she is also obliged to remain faithful, otherwise she will pay for treason with her life. Such logical African logic.

King Kong is no longer the same

How do you feel about monkeys? So funny to watch them at the zoo, right? But the virgins of equatorial Africa are not so pleased with these cute animals. Moreover, the mere mention of monkeys can drive women into a state of horror close to insanity. Would you be pleased if your first man was ... a male gorilla? Yes, the girls of the tribes of central Africa are sent to the jungle with a very specific purpose. By the way, it is believed that if she could not attract a gorilla, then she is subject to exile and censure - they say, even the monkey did not look in her direction! Naturally, such barbarity ends with the inevitable attack of a wild animal on a would-be virgin. But there are also kind people who, taking pity, decide to "help" the girl - hiding in the wilds of the jungle, they attack her instead of the gorilla. And then they literally try all their dreams, desires and fetishes on it. Is it necessary to say that after the execution not a single living place remains on the body of the poor thing, and she herself does not want to hear anything more during her life about sexual relations? The most surprising (although, it would seem, there is nowhere else to be surprised) is that the natives believe that the more mutilations can be counted on the body of a now woman, the higher position she will take in the tribal hierarchy. A kind of compensation for moral disability.

Fort Knox in African style

But do not think that the best way to avoid all this bullying is to remain a perpetual virgin. All in the same Africa, there are tribes that, on the contrary, are fighting in every possible way for the purity and safety of a marriageable girl. True, of course, with the flavor characteristic of this continent. If you do not want relationships before the wedding - please! Just do not be surprised that your vagina will simply be sewn up, and they will do it in early childhood. And only before the wedding, a specially convened council of tribal elders will “reveal” it for your future husband. That very moment when, before the wedding, no, no, and after the wedding, you somehow hardly want to.

Here we have recently some kind of general fashion to scold the place where you were born. And we think that our homeland is great. Especially when dissatisfied elders and fetish gorillas roam ten thousand kilometers away.

Read about boy initiation here:

The article tells about the life of various indigenous peoples of Africa. Contains information about their customs and traditions. Gives an understanding that Aboriginal people live not only in Australia.

Tribes of Africa

The indigenous peoples of Africa are as diverse as the lands over which they have roamed for many millennia. Despite the fact that the culture on the "Black Continent" is actively progressing, the wild tribes still have a huge influence. Today there is a tendency to blur the lines and contradictions between different African peoples. However, the belonging of any African to any of the tribes is regarded as a sign of great honor and pride. Indigenous people sacredly honor the traditions and customs of their ancestors.

Only in Kenya and Tanzania there are up to 160 different tribes. Many of them converted to Christianity. But faith in ancestors and spirits has not lost its relevance. People remain faithful to traditions, but they bring in borrowings from other religious traditions.

The most famous and numerous tribes can be considered:

  • Masai;
  • Bantu;
  • Zulus;
  • samburu;
  • Bushmen.

Rice. 1. Masai.

African wild tribes

Africa is a unique place in the vast territories of which, to this day, more than 5 million people live. It is this number of the population that refers to the representatives of wild African tribes.

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Members of these tribes categorically refuse to recognize the achievements of the modern world. Their needs are fully satisfied by the modest benefits that they have inherited from their ancestors. Poor huts, simple food and a minimum of clothing suit them just fine. But, no matter how strange it may look, the tribes have a huge political and economic influence in their regions.

Scarification, which has become popular today among fans of modifying their own bodies, has its roots in the traditions of African tribes. There, scarring is ritual in nature. Drawings are somewhat similar to tattoos, but no ink is used to create them.

They are created using scratches or incisions in such a way that visible scars remain on the body after the healing of open wounds.

Rice. 2. Scarification.

The correct number of African natives has not been established to this day, it ranges from 500 to 3000 thousand.

Some Aboriginal traditions seem extremely cruel and often unthinkable to modern man.

The original inhabitants of the continent are ethnically positioned as wild tribes, but there are not many of them in Africa. If we compare the total population with the number of Aborigines, then the proportion of Aborigines is only 10%.

Each tribe can be inhabited by hundreds to thousands of people.

Different tribes may have common roots of traditions and customs. The hallmark of most rites is the brutality that accompanies most of the rituals.

However, civilization does not stand still and is in close contact with the traditional way of life of many African tribes. Today, many of them use their traditions as a source of income and financial stability. Many national parks keep representatives of various nationalities in their state to attract tourists.

Rice. 3. Aborigines in modern clothes.

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