Home fertilizers The last line from the movie Pride and Prejudice. Famous quotes from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

The last line from the movie Pride and Prejudice. Famous quotes from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

El Husky siberiano es una raza de perro cuyo origen se encuentra en Rusia, concretamente en Siberia. Es una de las razas de perro más antiguas que se conocen.

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Historia and origen del perro Husky Siberiano

Sus origins e historia se remontan al ano 1905 en Siberia, donde se encontraron los primeros Husky Siberiano, los cuales eran criados por una tribu denominada chukchi, quienes los usaban para tirar de sus trineos y pastorear ciervos. Esta tribu era muy estricta en el cuidado de los Huskys, hasta el punto de sacrificarlos si no eran aptos para las distintas labores.

Esta raza de perros se hizo famosa en la década de los años treinta del siglo XX en Alaska despues de una epidemia de difteria. Durante dicha epidemia no se contaba con el suero para tratar la enfermedad y debido a una gran tormenta de nieve no se podía transportar el suero por avión, así que se usó un grupo de Huskys siberianos para transportar la medicina. El viaje duro 5 dias. Esta gran hazaña fue realizada por un Husky Siberiano llamado Balto, conjuntamente con sus compañeros, quienes inspiraron posteriormente, las peliculas infantiles con el mismo nombre.

Caracteristicas fisicas de la raza

La raza tiene una serie de caracteristicas fisicas que la diferencian de otras razas de perros. Es un perro de tamaño medio que tiende a medir entre 50 y 60 cm de altura. Tiene un peso promedio que puede ir desde los 17 a los 28 kilogramos y su esperanza de vida suele ir desde los 10 años hasta los 14 años. Sin embargo, existen casos de huskys que pueden llegar hasta los 16 años. Su cuerpo es compacto y se encuentra cubierto de un denso pelaje, tiene unas orejas erguidas y una cola que asemeja un cepillo gracias a la gran cantidad de pelo que tiene. Se cree que su cola de gran pelaje se debe a sus orígenes rusos.

Su pelaje se modifica con el ambiente en el que se encuentra el perro, pudiendo variar desde un pelaje espeso y largo en lugares de bajas temperaturas, a uno menos denso y más corto en temperaturas más cálidas. También puede variar en cuanto a su color, ya que podemos encontrar pelaje completamente blanco, blanco y negro, blanco con gris, y también ejemplares con un color plateado o sable. Sus ojos varían de color desde tonos pardos hasta azules, también es muy común observar heterocromía en esta raza de perros.

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Las extremidades del Husky Siberiano, son paralelas y bien separadas. Sus extremidades son musculosas y anguladas y sus pies ovalados y cortos. Es necesario estas características en las extremidades del perro para realizar el movimiento característico de esta raza de perros, que consiste en un andar suave y sin mucho esfuerzo. Debido a la fuerza en sus extremidades pueden soportar grandes cargas sin mucho esfuerzo realizando movimientos de forma natural.

Caracter y personalidad del Husky Siberiano

El comportamiento,la personalidad y el caracter del perro dependen de su entrenamiento, sin embargo de manera general el Husky Siberiano es un perro muy amigable y gentil. En algunos casos puede evidenciar comportamientos de alerta. Esta raza de perro se caracteriza por mostrar, en muy pocas ocasiones, rasgos de perro guardián. En muy pocas ocasiones se torna en un perro agresivo con los extraños o con otras razas de perros, sin embargo todo depende del adiestramiento del animal desde su etapa de cachorro. Si se adiestra para ser un perro agresivo, mostrará comportamientos erráticos desde temprana edad, sin embargo si se le educa o entrena para ser un perro de compañía, será un perro gentil y amigable.

Asimismo, esta raza de perros se caracteriza por aullar en vez de ladrar, esto se debe a sus orígenes cercanos al lobo. De la misma forma, el Husky Siberiano se caracteriza por ser un perro acostumbrado a andar en jaurías o manadas, y al juntarse con otros perros de la misma raza, alguno de ellos mostrará un comportamiento de macho alfa.

En cuanto a su inteligencia, según la escala de “Inteligencia Canina” publicada por Stanley Coren, el Husky Siberiano se caracteriza por tener una inteligencia media, es decir que obedecen en el 50% de los casos las ordenes descritas. En esta escala de inteligencia, esta raza de perro se ubica en la posición 45, clasificandolo como un perro de inteligencia media.

Cachorros de Husky Siberiano Revista – Grandes De Juguete Mejor Visor Camiones UVzMGSpq

Los cachorros de Husky Siberiano demuestran desde temprana edad las características físicas de los adultos, la única diferencia es que tienden a tener una mayor cantidad de pelaje a diferencia de los adultos. Sin embargo, este pelaje de cachorro lo pierden en los primeros 3 meses de vida y cambian a un pelaje más denso y duro. También desde temprana edad demuestran las características representativas de la raza en cuanto a comportamiento e inteligencia.

Los cachorros de esta raza de perros tienden a venderse a altos precios con todas sus vacunas incluidas. Si deseas adquirir una mascota, puedes optar por comprar un cachorro de Husky Siberiano gracias a ser amigables y dóciles con los niños, con los adultos, con otras razas de perros e inclusive, con otras mascotas como gatos.

Alimentacion y salud del Husky

en cuanto a la alimentacion, podemos afirmar que este perro puede consumir cualquier tipo de alimento desde carnes hasta pescados. Sin embargo, es aconsejable una alimentación equilibrada que solo los piensos Premium pueden garantizar. Según los veterinarios, a un Husky Siberiano se le debe proporcionar diariamente entre 1250 a 1500 calorías para un macho, y para una hembra, desde 1100 calorías hasta 1400 calorías. Si la hembra se encuentra en periodo de embarazo o lactancia se debe alimentar para entre 1300 hasta 1600 calorías diarias.

De la misma forma estos regímenes alimenticios son solo en perros que se encuentran en climas cálidos, si se encuentra en climas fríos se debe elevar el gasto calórico del animal. Asimismo, si el animal se usa para competición de tiro de trineos se debe incrementar su gasto calórico en unas 500 calorías diarias para evitar la desnutrición.

Los veterinarios recomiendan administrar suplementos que contengan vitaminas y minerales para mantener el correcto desarrollo físico e intelectual de esta raza de perro. Se debe tener sumo cuidado de no administrar estos suplementos o complementos alimenticios en exceso para evitar dañar la salud del animal.

En cuanto a la salud del Husky Siberiano, se debe mantener una correcta alimentación para mantener la salud del animal. Asimismo los principales problemas de salud de esta raza de perros consisten en problemas visuales. Debido a las alteraciones de la visión que presentan como la heterocromía, tienden a ser una de las razas de perro con mayor incidencia de enfermedades oculares, tales como cataratas y glaucoma, los cuales se presentan hasta en 15 y 20% en los perros de esta raza. Asimismo otro gran problema de salud que pueden presentar estos animales es la obesidad, debido a malos regímenes alimenticios que tienden a sobrealimentar al animal.

"Pride and Prejudice" (2005)

"Pride and Prejudice"

“There is nothing more deceptive,” said Darcy, “than ostentatious modesty. It often hides indifference to outside opinions, and sometimes disguised boasting.

“If a woman hides her passion from her chosen one, she runs the risk of not keeping it for herself. And then it will be a small consolation for her to realize that the world has remained in the same ignorance.

“Young ladies love to break their hearts from time to time, almost the same as getting married. This gives food for thought and somehow distinguishes them among their friends.

“... How little true happiness awaits a married couple, united under the influence of passions that turned out to be stronger than a sense of responsibility and duty.”

“A bachelor, if he has a solid fortune, should urgently need a wife, such is a generally recognized truth.”

"Pride and Prejudice" (mini-series, 1995)

"They are still too young to see the ruthless truth that the most attractive young people should have the same means of subsistence as the most ordinary."

“Do you know him well?

Exactly enough to not want to get to know each other better!

“How swift is the feminine imagination! It jumps from mere approval to love and from love to marriage in one minute.”

“That would be the biggest misfortune. Find a pleasant person whom you decided to hate!

“The expression “head over heels in love” is so hackneyed, deceptive and vague that it means almost nothing. It is equally often used, describing the feeling that arose as a result of a half-hour acquaintance, and truly deep affection.

"Mansfield Park"

"Mansfield Park" (1999)

“But, really, there are far fewer men with a large fortune in the world than pretty women who deserve them.”

“An engaged woman is always prettier than an unengaged woman. She is pleased with herself. Her worries are over, and she can test her charms on everyone in a row.

"It's harder to say well than to compose well."

“Lacquer and gilding do not hide any stains!”

“When I look at such a night, it seems to me that there is neither evil nor grief in the world; for, of course, there will be less of both if one more often listens to the greatness of nature and, contemplating such a view, people will more often worry not about themselves.

“Be honest and poor, do me a favor, but I will not envy you. I'm not even sure I'll respect you. I have much more respect for those who are honest and rich.”

“The delight of a loving woman surpasses even that of a biographer. The handwriting itself, regardless of the content, already gives her bliss.

"If a woman is in white, she can never be too dressy."

"Vanity they had such an excellent property that it seemed they were completely deprived of it."


"Emma" (1996)

"The ultimate dream for any man is a woman who will delight the senses without too burdening the mind."

"There are people to whom it is harmful to help: the more they do for them, the less they are inclined to do for themselves."

“One half of humanity is always incomprehensible why the other likes something.”

“She was right, of course, and although he was wrong, he would never admit it.”

"Northanger Abbey"

"Northanger Abbey" (2007)

"Friendship is a healing balm for wounds from disappointments in love."

"The joy of both ladies at this meeting was, as one would expect, extraordinary, considering that over the past fifteen years they were quite satisfied with the complete absence of information about each other."

"In nothing do people so often err as in the estimation of their own attachments."

“To seem almost pretty for a girl who for the first fifteen years of her life was known as an ugly woman is a joy much more tangible than all the joys that a beauty gets from the cradle.”

"If a young lady does not have any adventures in her native area, then she should look for them on the side."

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was published on January 28, 1813. This love story to this day does not leave indifferent any reader. Several films have been made based on the novel, and many phrases from it have become winged

About morality.

Every censure of oneself is boasting in disguise.

Women attach too much importance to a single admiring glance.

And men try to support them in this delusion.

Condescension to one's own person is characteristic of human nature.

And I would willingly forgive him his pride, if he did not hurt mine.

For the sake of one person, one cannot change views on decency and virtue. And you cannot convince me or yourself that greed is prudence, and the neglect of common sense is the right path to happiness.

People, however, change themselves so much that every now and then something new can be noticed in each person.

Think about the past only when it brings up only pleasant memories.

We all love to teach others, although we can only convey to them what, perhaps, it is not worth knowing.

We are often deceived by our own vanity.

The more I watch the world, the less I like it.

Disregarding common sense is a sure way to happiness.

A person can be proud without being vain. Pride has more to do with our own opinion of ourselves, while vanity has to do with what other people think we would like them to think of us.

But where it is impossible to rejoice otherwise, the true philosopher knows how to make use of what he can have.

Self-love… When there really is a flight of the mind, it should always be present.

The most boring and hackneyed topic can become significant with the proper art of the interlocutor.

I cannot vouch for my character ... I can be called touchy: if I change my mind about someone, it's forever.

About women.

How fast is the female imagination! It jumps from simple approval to love and from love to marriage in one minute.

Low is any method used by women to attract men. Everything that is born of cunning is disgusting.

About love.

I often think that there is nothing worse than parting with those you love. You feel so alone without them!

Isn't inattention to others the best proof of love?

When his heart is won, she will have as much time as she wants to fall in love with him herself.

Who is interested in dancing, it costs nothing to fall in love.

There are very few people I really love and even fewer people I think well of.

Only a deep feeling can push me down the aisle, so be me an old maid.

Sometimes you have to fight for happiness even with yourself.

About marriage.

A bachelor, if he has a solid fortune, must urgently need a wife, such is a generally recognized truth.

... How little true happiness awaits a married couple, united under the influence of passions, which turned out to be stronger than a sense of responsibility and duty.

Success in marriage depends entirely on the game of chance. No matter how well the mutual inclinations are known to the parties and no matter how well they, at first glance, combine with each other, this does not affect the happiness of the spouses. Over time, inevitable discord will arise between them, and all the chagrins laid on their lot will fall to them. And wouldn't it be better in such a case to know as little as possible the shortcomings of the person with whom one has to spend one's life?

(1775 - 1817) are recognized as masterpieces of British prose. They captivate readers with their simplicity and sincerity, subtle psychologism and soft, ironic, truly English humor.

Austen was the author of such works as " Sense and Sensibility », « Emma" and " Northanger Abbey". But her most famous book is " Pride and Prejudice”- this novel was repeatedly filmed and became a classic of European literature of the 19th century.

We selected 15 quotes from it:

There are very few people I really love and even fewer people I think well of.

I would forgive him his pride if he didn't hurt mine...

The more I watch the world, the less I like it. Every day confirms to me the imperfection of human nature and the impossibility of relying on seeming decency and common sense.

We are deceived by our own vanity. Women attach too much importance to a single admiring glance. And men try to support them in this delusion.

Young ladies love to break their hearts from time to time - almost the same as getting married. This gives food for thought and somehow distinguishes them among their friends.

Only a deep feeling can push me down the aisle, so be me an old maid.

Disregarding common sense is a sure way to happiness.

For the sake of one person, one cannot change views on decency and virtue.

That would be the biggest misfortune. Find a pleasant person whom you decided to hate.

A person can be proud without being vain. Pride has more to do with our own opinion of ourselves, while vanity has to do with what other people think we would like them to think of us.

Think about the past only when it brings up only pleasant memories.

When his heart is won, she will have as much time as she wants to fall in love with him herself.

You do not notice the distance if you have a specific goal in front of you.

The expression "head over heels in love" is so hackneyed, deceptive and vague that it means almost nothing. It is equally often used, describing the feeling that arose as a result of a half-hour acquaintance, and truly deep affection.

But even without striving for evil and without trying to make someone unhappy, you can make a mistake and inflict a spiritual wound.

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